mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 10:11:41 -05:00
3987 lines
120 KiB
3987 lines
120 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "localstorage.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "lang.h"
namespace {
enum StickerSetType {
StickerSetTypeEmpty = 0,
StickerSetTypeID = 1,
StickerSetTypeShortName = 2,
typedef quint64 FileKey;
static const char tdfMagic[] = { 'T', 'D', 'F', '$' };
static const int32 tdfMagicLen = sizeof(tdfMagic);
QString toFilePart(FileKey val) {
QString result;
for (int32 i = 0; i < 0x10; ++i) {
uchar v = (val & 0x0F);
result.push_back((v < 0x0A) ? ('0' + v) : ('A' + (v - 0x0A)));
val >>= 4;
return result;
FileKey fromFilePart(const QString &val) {
FileKey result = 0;
int32 i = val.size();
if (i != 0x10) return 0;
while (i > 0) {
result <<= 4;
uint16 ch = val.at(i).unicode();
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') {
result |= (ch - 'A') + 0x0A;
} else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
result |= (ch - '0');
} else {
return 0;
return result;
QString _basePath, _userBasePath;
bool _started = false;
_local_inner::Manager *_manager = 0;
TaskQueue *_localLoader = 0;
bool _working() {
return _manager && !_basePath.isEmpty();
bool _userWorking() {
return _manager && !_basePath.isEmpty() && !_userBasePath.isEmpty();
enum FileOptions {
UserPath = 0x01,
SafePath = 0x02,
bool keyAlreadyUsed(QString &name, int options = UserPath | SafePath) {
name += '0';
if (QFileInfo(name).exists()) return true;
if (options & SafePath) {
name[name.size() - 1] = '1';
return QFileInfo(name).exists();
return false;
FileKey genKey(int options = UserPath | SafePath) {
if (options & UserPath) {
if (!_userWorking()) return 0;
} else {
if (!_working()) return 0;
FileKey result;
QString base = (options & UserPath) ? _userBasePath : _basePath, path;
path.reserve(base.size() + 0x11);
path += base;
do {
result = MTP::nonce<FileKey>();
path += toFilePart(result);
} while (!result || keyAlreadyUsed(path, options));
return result;
void clearKey(const FileKey &key, int options = UserPath | SafePath) {
if (options & UserPath) {
if (!_userWorking()) return;
} else {
if (!_working()) return;
QString base = (options & UserPath) ? _userBasePath : _basePath, name;
name.reserve(base.size() + 0x11);
if (options & SafePath) {
name[name.size() - 1] = '1';
bool _checkStreamStatus(QDataStream &stream) {
if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) {
LOG(("Bad data stream status: %1").arg(stream.status()));
return false;
return true;
uint32 _dateTimeSize() {
return (sizeof(qint64) + sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(qint8));
uint32 _stringSize(const QString &str) {
return sizeof(quint32) + str.size() * sizeof(ushort);
uint32 _bytearraySize(const QByteArray &arr) {
return sizeof(quint32) + arr.size();
QByteArray _settingsSalt, _passKeySalt, _passKeyEncrypted;
mtpAuthKey _oldKey, _settingsKey, _passKey, _localKey;
void createLocalKey(const QByteArray &pass, QByteArray *salt, mtpAuthKey *result) {
uchar key[LocalEncryptKeySize] = { 0 };
int32 iterCount = pass.size() ? LocalEncryptIterCount : LocalEncryptNoPwdIterCount; // dont slow down for no password
QByteArray newSalt;
if (!salt) {
memset_rand(newSalt.data(), newSalt.size());
salt = &newSalt;
PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1(pass.constData(), pass.size(), (uchar*)salt->data(), salt->size(), iterCount, LocalEncryptKeySize, key);
struct FileReadDescriptor {
FileReadDescriptor() : version(0) {
int32 version;
QByteArray data;
QBuffer buffer;
QDataStream stream;
~FileReadDescriptor() {
if (version) {
if (buffer.isOpen()) buffer.close();
struct EncryptedDescriptor {
EncryptedDescriptor() {
EncryptedDescriptor(uint32 size) {
uint32 fullSize = sizeof(uint32) + size;
if (fullSize & 0x0F) fullSize += 0x10 - (fullSize & 0x0F);
QByteArray data;
QBuffer buffer;
QDataStream stream;
void finish() {
if (stream.device()) stream.setDevice(0);
if (buffer.isOpen()) buffer.close();
~EncryptedDescriptor() {
struct FileWriteDescriptor {
FileWriteDescriptor(const FileKey &key, int options = UserPath | SafePath) : dataSize(0) {
init(toFilePart(key), options);
FileWriteDescriptor(const QString &name, int options = UserPath | SafePath) : dataSize(0) {
init(name, options);
void init(const QString &name, int options) {
if (options & UserPath) {
if (!_userWorking()) return;
} else {
if (!_working()) return;
// detect order of read attempts and file version
QString toTry[2];
toTry[0] = ((options & UserPath) ? _userBasePath : _basePath) + name + '0';
if (options & SafePath) {
toTry[1] = ((options & UserPath) ? _userBasePath : _basePath) + name + '1';
QFileInfo toTry0(toTry[0]);
QFileInfo toTry1(toTry[1]);
if (toTry0.exists()) {
if (toTry1.exists()) {
QDateTime mod0 = toTry0.lastModified(), mod1 = toTry1.lastModified();
if (mod0 > mod1) {
qSwap(toTry[0], toTry[1]);
} else {
qSwap(toTry[0], toTry[1]);
toDelete = toTry[1];
} else if (toTry1.exists()) {
toDelete = toTry[1];
if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
file.write(tdfMagic, tdfMagicLen);
qint32 version = AppVersion;
file.write((const char*)&version, sizeof(version));
bool writeData(const QByteArray &data) {
if (!file.isOpen()) return false;
stream << data;
quint32 len = data.isNull() ? 0xffffffff : data.size();
if (QSysInfo::ByteOrder != QSysInfo::BigEndian) {
len = qbswap(len);
md5.feed(&len, sizeof(len));
md5.feed(data.constData(), data.size());
dataSize += sizeof(len) + data.size();
return true;
static QByteArray prepareEncrypted(EncryptedDescriptor &data, const mtpAuthKey &key = _localKey) {
QByteArray &toEncrypt(data.data);
// prepare for encryption
uint32 size = toEncrypt.size(), fullSize = size;
if (fullSize & 0x0F) {
fullSize += 0x10 - (fullSize & 0x0F);
memset_rand(toEncrypt.data() + size, fullSize - size);
*(uint32*)toEncrypt.data() = size;
QByteArray encrypted(0x10 + fullSize, Qt::Uninitialized); // 128bit of sha1 - key128, sizeof(data), data
hashSha1(toEncrypt.constData(), toEncrypt.size(), encrypted.data());
aesEncryptLocal(toEncrypt.constData(), encrypted.data() + 0x10, fullSize, &key, encrypted.constData());
return encrypted;
bool writeEncrypted(EncryptedDescriptor &data, const mtpAuthKey &key = _localKey) {
return writeData(prepareEncrypted(data, key));
void finish() {
if (!file.isOpen()) return;
md5.feed(&dataSize, sizeof(dataSize));
qint32 version = AppVersion;
md5.feed(&version, sizeof(version));
md5.feed(tdfMagic, tdfMagicLen);
file.write((const char*)md5.result(), 0x10);
if (!toDelete.isEmpty()) {
QFile file;
QDataStream stream;
QString toDelete;
HashMd5 md5;
int32 dataSize;
~FileWriteDescriptor() {
bool fileExists(const QString &name, int options = UserPath | SafePath) {
if (options & UserPath) {
if (!_userWorking()) return false;
} else {
if (!_working()) return false;
// detect order of read attempts
QString toTry[2];
toTry[0] = ((options & UserPath) ? _userBasePath : _basePath) + name + '0';
if (options & SafePath) {
QFileInfo toTry0(toTry[0]);
if (toTry0.exists()) {
toTry[1] = ((options & UserPath) ? _userBasePath : _basePath) + name + '1';
QFileInfo toTry1(toTry[1]);
if (toTry1.exists()) {
QDateTime mod0 = toTry0.lastModified(), mod1 = toTry1.lastModified();
if (mod0 < mod1) {
qSwap(toTry[0], toTry[1]);
} else {
toTry[1] = QString();
} else {
toTry[0][toTry[0].size() - 1] = '1';
for (int32 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
QString fname(toTry[i]);
if (fname.isEmpty()) break;
if (QFileInfo(fname).exists()) return true;
return false;
bool fileExists(const FileKey &fkey, int options = UserPath | SafePath) {
return fileExists(toFilePart(fkey), options);
bool readFile(FileReadDescriptor &result, const QString &name, int options = UserPath | SafePath) {
if (options & UserPath) {
if (!_userWorking()) return false;
} else {
if (!_working()) return false;
// detect order of read attempts
QString toTry[2];
toTry[0] = ((options & UserPath) ? _userBasePath : _basePath) + name + '0';
if (options & SafePath) {
QFileInfo toTry0(toTry[0]);
if (toTry0.exists()) {
toTry[1] = ((options & UserPath) ? _userBasePath : _basePath) + name + '1';
QFileInfo toTry1(toTry[1]);
if (toTry1.exists()) {
QDateTime mod0 = toTry0.lastModified(), mod1 = toTry1.lastModified();
if (mod0 < mod1) {
qSwap(toTry[0], toTry[1]);
} else {
toTry[1] = QString();
} else {
toTry[0][toTry[0].size() - 1] = '1';
for (int32 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
QString fname(toTry[i]);
if (fname.isEmpty()) break;
QFile f(fname);
if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: failed to open '%1' for reading").arg(name));
// check magic
char magic[tdfMagicLen];
if (f.read(magic, tdfMagicLen) != tdfMagicLen) {
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: failed to read magic from '%1'").arg(name));
if (memcmp(magic, tdfMagic, tdfMagicLen)) {
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: bad magic %1 in '%2'").arg(Logs::mb(magic, tdfMagicLen).str()).arg(name));
// read app version
qint32 version;
if (f.read((char*)&version, sizeof(version)) != sizeof(version)) {
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: failed to read version from '%1'").arg(name));
if (version > AppVersion) {
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: version too big %1 for '%2', my version %3").arg(version).arg(name).arg(AppVersion));
// read data
QByteArray bytes = f.read(f.size());
int32 dataSize = bytes.size() - 16;
if (dataSize < 0) {
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: bad file '%1', could not read sign part").arg(name));
// check signature
HashMd5 md5;
md5.feed(bytes.constData(), dataSize);
md5.feed(&dataSize, sizeof(dataSize));
md5.feed(&version, sizeof(version));
md5.feed(magic, tdfMagicLen);
if (memcmp(md5.result(), bytes.constData() + dataSize, 16)) {
DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: bad file '%1', signature did not match").arg(name));
result.data = bytes;
bytes = QByteArray();
result.version = version;
if ((i == 0 && !toTry[1].isEmpty()) || i == 1) {
QFile::remove(toTry[1 - i]);
return true;
return false;
bool decryptLocal(EncryptedDescriptor &result, const QByteArray &encrypted, const mtpAuthKey &key = _localKey) {
if (encrypted.size() <= 16 || (encrypted.size() & 0x0F)) {
LOG(("App Error: bad encrypted part size: %1").arg(encrypted.size()));
return false;
uint32 fullLen = encrypted.size() - 16;
QByteArray decrypted;
const char *encryptedKey = encrypted.constData(), *encryptedData = encrypted.constData() + 16;
aesDecryptLocal(encryptedData, decrypted.data(), fullLen, &key, encryptedKey);
uchar sha1Buffer[20];
if (memcmp(hashSha1(decrypted.constData(), decrypted.size(), sha1Buffer), encryptedKey, 16)) {
LOG(("App Info: bad decrypt key, data not decrypted - incorrect password?"));
return false;
uint32 dataLen = *(const uint32*)decrypted.constData();
if (dataLen > uint32(decrypted.size()) || dataLen <= fullLen - 16 || dataLen < sizeof(uint32)) {
LOG(("App Error: bad decrypted part size: %1, fullLen: %2, decrypted size: %3").arg(dataLen).arg(fullLen).arg(decrypted.size()));
return false;
result.data = decrypted;
decrypted = QByteArray();
result.buffer.seek(sizeof(uint32)); // skip len
return true;
bool readEncryptedFile(FileReadDescriptor &result, const QString &name, int options = UserPath | SafePath, const mtpAuthKey &key = _localKey) {
if (!readFile(result, name, options)) {
return false;
QByteArray encrypted;
result.stream >> encrypted;
EncryptedDescriptor data;
if (!decryptLocal(data, encrypted, key)) {
if (result.buffer.isOpen()) result.buffer.close();
result.data = QByteArray();
result.version = 0;
return false;
if (result.buffer.isOpen()) result.buffer.close();
result.data = data.data;
return true;
bool readEncryptedFile(FileReadDescriptor &result, const FileKey &fkey, int options = UserPath | SafePath, const mtpAuthKey &key = _localKey) {
return readEncryptedFile(result, toFilePart(fkey), options, key);
FileKey _dataNameKey = 0;
enum { // Local Storage Keys
lskUserMap = 0x00,
lskDraft = 0x01, // data: PeerId peer
lskDraftPosition = 0x02, // data: PeerId peer
lskImages = 0x03, // data: StorageKey location
lskLocations = 0x04, // no data
lskStickerImages = 0x05, // data: StorageKey location
lskAudios = 0x06, // data: StorageKey location
lskRecentStickersOld = 0x07, // no data
lskBackground = 0x08, // no data
lskUserSettings = 0x09, // no data
lskRecentHashtagsAndBots = 0x0a, // no data
lskStickers = 0x0b, // no data
lskSavedPeers = 0x0c, // no data
lskReportSpamStatuses = 0x0d, // no data
lskSavedGifsOld = 0x0e, // no data
lskSavedGifs = 0x0f, // no data
typedef QMap<PeerId, FileKey> DraftsMap;
DraftsMap _draftsMap, _draftsPositionsMap;
typedef QMap<PeerId, bool> DraftsNotReadMap;
DraftsNotReadMap _draftsNotReadMap;
typedef QPair<FileKey, qint32> FileDesc; // file, size
typedef QMultiMap<MediaKey, FileLocation> FileLocations;
FileLocations _fileLocations;
typedef QPair<MediaKey, FileLocation> FileLocationPair;
typedef QMap<QString, FileLocationPair> FileLocationPairs;
FileLocationPairs _fileLocationPairs;
typedef QMap<MediaKey, MediaKey> FileLocationAliases;
FileLocationAliases _fileLocationAliases;
typedef QMap<QString, FileDesc> WebFilesMap;
WebFilesMap _webFilesMap;
uint64 _storageWebFilesSize = 0;
FileKey _locationsKey = 0, _reportSpamStatusesKey = 0;
FileKey _recentStickersKeyOld = 0, _stickersKey = 0, _savedGifsKey = 0;
FileKey _backgroundKey = 0;
bool _backgroundWasRead = false;
FileKey _userSettingsKey = 0;
FileKey _recentHashtagsAndBotsKey = 0;
bool _recentHashtagsAndBotsWereRead = false;
FileKey _savedPeersKey = 0;
typedef QMap<StorageKey, FileDesc> StorageMap;
StorageMap _imagesMap, _stickerImagesMap, _audiosMap;
int32 _storageImagesSize = 0, _storageStickersSize = 0, _storageAudiosSize = 0;
bool _mapChanged = false;
int32 _oldMapVersion = 0, _oldSettingsVersion = 0;
enum WriteMapWhen {
void _writeMap(WriteMapWhen when = WriteMapSoon);
void _writeLocations(WriteMapWhen when = WriteMapSoon) {
if (when != WriteMapNow) {
_manager->writeLocations(when == WriteMapFast);
if (!_working()) return;
if (_fileLocations.isEmpty() && _webFilesMap.isEmpty()) {
if (_locationsKey) {
_locationsKey = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
} else {
if (!_locationsKey) {
_locationsKey = genKey();
_mapChanged = true;
quint32 size = 0;
for (FileLocations::const_iterator i = _fileLocations.cbegin(), e = _fileLocations.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
// location + type + namelen + name
size += sizeof(quint64) * 2 + sizeof(quint32) + _stringSize(i.value().name());
if (AppVersion > 9013) {
// bookmark
size += _bytearraySize(i.value().bookmark());
// date + size
size += _dateTimeSize() + sizeof(quint32);
//end mark
size += sizeof(quint64) * 2 + sizeof(quint32) + _stringSize(QString());
if (AppVersion > 9013) {
size += _bytearraySize(QByteArray());
size += _dateTimeSize() + sizeof(quint32);
size += sizeof(quint32); // aliases count
for (FileLocationAliases::const_iterator i = _fileLocationAliases.cbegin(), e = _fileLocationAliases.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
// alias + location
size += sizeof(quint64) * 2 + sizeof(quint64) * 2;
size += sizeof(quint32); // web files count
for (WebFilesMap::const_iterator i = _webFilesMap.cbegin(), e = _webFilesMap.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
// url + filekey + size
size += _stringSize(i.key()) + sizeof(quint64) + sizeof(qint32);
EncryptedDescriptor data(size);
for (FileLocations::const_iterator i = _fileLocations.cbegin(); i != _fileLocations.cend(); ++i) {
data.stream << quint64(i.key().first) << quint64(i.key().second) << quint32(i.value().type) << i.value().name();
if (AppVersion > 9013) {
data.stream << i.value().bookmark();
data.stream << i.value().modified << quint32(i.value().size);
data.stream << quint64(0) << quint64(0) << quint32(0) << QString();
if (AppVersion > 9013) {
data.stream << QByteArray();
data.stream << QDateTime::currentDateTime() << quint32(0);
data.stream << quint32(_fileLocationAliases.size());
for (FileLocationAliases::const_iterator i = _fileLocationAliases.cbegin(), e = _fileLocationAliases.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
data.stream << quint64(i.key().first) << quint64(i.key().second) << quint64(i.value().first) << quint64(i.value().second);
data.stream << quint32(_webFilesMap.size());
for (WebFilesMap::const_iterator i = _webFilesMap.cbegin(), e = _webFilesMap.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
data.stream << i.key() << quint64(i.value().first) << qint32(i.value().second);
FileWriteDescriptor file(_locationsKey);
void _readLocations() {
FileReadDescriptor locations;
if (!readEncryptedFile(locations, _locationsKey)) {
_locationsKey = 0;
bool endMarkFound = false;
while (!locations.stream.atEnd()) {
quint64 first, second;
QByteArray bookmark;
FileLocation loc;
quint32 type;
locations.stream >> first >> second >> type >> loc.fname;
if (locations.version > 9013) {
locations.stream >> bookmark;
locations.stream >> loc.modified >> loc.size;
if (!first && !second && !type && loc.fname.isEmpty() && !loc.size) { // end mark
endMarkFound = true;
MediaKey key(first, second);
loc.type = StorageFileType(type);
_fileLocations.insert(key, loc);
_fileLocationPairs.insert(loc.fname, FileLocationPair(key, loc));
if (endMarkFound) {
quint32 cnt;
locations.stream >> cnt;
for (quint32 i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
quint64 kfirst, ksecond, vfirst, vsecond;
locations.stream >> kfirst >> ksecond >> vfirst >> vsecond;
_fileLocationAliases.insert(MediaKey(kfirst, ksecond), MediaKey(vfirst, vsecond));
if (!locations.stream.atEnd()) {
_storageWebFilesSize = 0;
quint32 webLocationsCount;
locations.stream >> webLocationsCount;
for (quint32 i = 0; i < webLocationsCount; ++i) {
QString url;
quint64 key;
qint32 size;
locations.stream >> url >> key >> size;
_webFilesMap.insert(url, FileDesc(key, size));
_storageWebFilesSize += size;
void _writeReportSpamStatuses() {
if (!_working()) return;
if (cReportSpamStatuses().isEmpty()) {
if (_reportSpamStatusesKey) {
_reportSpamStatusesKey = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
} else {
if (!_reportSpamStatusesKey) {
_reportSpamStatusesKey = genKey();
_mapChanged = true;
const ReportSpamStatuses &statuses(cReportSpamStatuses());
quint32 size = sizeof(qint32);
for (ReportSpamStatuses::const_iterator i = statuses.cbegin(), e = statuses.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
// peer + status
size += sizeof(quint64) + sizeof(qint32);
EncryptedDescriptor data(size);
data.stream << qint32(statuses.size());
for (ReportSpamStatuses::const_iterator i = statuses.cbegin(), e = statuses.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
data.stream << quint64(i.key()) << qint32(i.value());
FileWriteDescriptor file(_reportSpamStatusesKey);
void _readReportSpamStatuses() {
FileReadDescriptor statuses;
if (!readEncryptedFile(statuses, _reportSpamStatusesKey)) {
_reportSpamStatusesKey = 0;
ReportSpamStatuses &map(cRefReportSpamStatuses());
qint32 size = 0;
statuses.stream >> size;
for (int32 i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
quint64 peer = 0;
qint32 status = 0;
statuses.stream >> peer >> status;
map.insert(peer, DBIPeerReportSpamStatus(status));
mtpDcOptions *_dcOpts = 0;
bool _readSetting(quint32 blockId, QDataStream &stream, int version) {
switch (blockId) {
case dbiDcOptionOld: {
quint32 dcId, port;
QString host, ip;
stream >> dcId >> host >> ip >> port;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
if (_dcOpts) _dcOpts->insert(dcId, mtpDcOption(dcId, 0, ip.toUtf8().constData(), port));
} break;
case dbiDcOption: {
quint32 dcIdWithShift, flags, port;
QString ip;
stream >> dcIdWithShift >> flags >> ip >> port;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
if (_dcOpts) _dcOpts->insert(dcIdWithShift, mtpDcOption(dcIdWithShift % _mtp_internal::dcShift, flags, ip.toUtf8().constData(), port));
} break;
case dbiMaxGroupCount: {
qint32 maxSize;
stream >> maxSize;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiSavedGifsLimit: {
qint32 limit;
stream >> limit;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiMaxMegaGroupCount: {
qint32 maxSize;
stream >> maxSize;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiUser: {
quint32 dcId;
qint32 uid;
stream >> uid >> dcId;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: user found, dc %1, uid %2").arg(dcId).arg(uid));
MTP::configure(dcId, uid);
} break;
case dbiKey: {
qint32 dcId;
quint32 key[64];
stream >> dcId;
stream.readRawData((char*)key, 256);
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: key found, dc %1, key: %2").arg(dcId).arg(Logs::mb(key, 256).str()));
dcId = dcId % _mtp_internal::dcShift;
mtpAuthKeyPtr keyPtr(new mtpAuthKey());
MTP::setKey(dcId, keyPtr);
} break;
case dbiAutoStart: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetAutoStart(v == 1);
} break;
case dbiStartMinimized: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetStartMinimized(v == 1);
} break;
case dbiSendToMenu: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetSendToMenu(v == 1);
} break;
case dbiSoundNotify: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetSoundNotify(v == 1);
} break;
case dbiAutoDownload: {
qint32 photo, audio, gif;
stream >> photo >> audio >> gif;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiAutoPlay: {
qint32 gif;
stream >> gif;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetAutoPlayGif(gif == 1);
} break;
case dbiIncludeMuted: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetIncludeMuted(v == 1);
} break;
case dbiShowingSavedGifs: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetShowingSavedGifs(v == 1);
} break;
case dbiDesktopNotify: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetDesktopNotify(v == 1);
if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->updateTrayMenu();
} break;
case dbiWindowsNotifications: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetWindowsNotifications(v == 1);
if (cPlatform() == dbipWindows) {
cSetCustomNotifies((App::wnd() ? !App::wnd()->psHasNativeNotifications() : true) || !cWindowsNotifications());
} break;
case dbiWorkMode: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
switch (v) {
case dbiwmTrayOnly: cSetWorkMode(dbiwmTrayOnly); break;
case dbiwmWindowOnly: cSetWorkMode(dbiwmWindowOnly); break;
default: cSetWorkMode(dbiwmWindowAndTray); break;
} break;
case dbiConnectionType: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
switch (v) {
case dbictHttpProxy:
case dbictTcpProxy: {
ConnectionProxy p;
qint32 port;
stream >> p.host >> port >> p.user >> p.password;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
p.port = uint32(port);
case dbictHttpAuto:
default: cSetConnectionType(dbictAuto); break;
} break;
case dbiTryIPv6: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetTryIPv6(v == 1);
} break;
case dbiSeenTrayTooltip: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetSeenTrayTooltip(v == 1);
} break;
case dbiAutoUpdate: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetAutoUpdate(v == 1);
} break;
case dbiLastUpdateCheck: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiScale: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
DBIScale s = cRealScale();
switch (v) {
case dbisAuto: s = dbisAuto; break;
case dbisOne: s = dbisOne; break;
case dbisOneAndQuarter: s = dbisOneAndQuarter; break;
case dbisOneAndHalf: s = dbisOneAndHalf; break;
case dbisTwo: s = dbisTwo; break;
if (cRetina()) s = dbisOne;
} break;
case dbiLang: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
if (v == languageTest || (v >= 0 && v < languageCount)) {
} break;
case dbiLangFile: {
QString v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiWindowPosition: {
TWindowPos pos;
stream >> pos.x >> pos.y >> pos.w >> pos.h >> pos.moncrc >> pos.maximized;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiLoggedPhoneNumber: {
QString v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiMutePeer: { // deprecated
quint64 peerId;
stream >> peerId;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiMutedPeers: { // deprecated
quint32 count;
stream >> count;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
quint64 peerId;
stream >> peerId;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiSendKey: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetCtrlEnter(v == dbiskCtrlEnter);
if (App::main()) App::main()->ctrlEnterSubmitUpdated();
} break;
case dbiCatsAndDogs: { // deprecated
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiTileBackground: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetTileBackground(v == 1);
if (version < 8005 && !_backgroundKey) {
} break;
case dbiAutoLock: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiReplaceEmojis: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetReplaceEmojis(v == 1);
} break;
case dbiDefaultAttach: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
switch (v) {
case dbidaPhoto: cSetDefaultAttach(dbidaPhoto); break;
default: cSetDefaultAttach(dbidaDocument); break;
} break;
case dbiNotifyView: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
switch (v) {
case dbinvShowNothing: cSetNotifyView(dbinvShowNothing); break;
case dbinvShowName: cSetNotifyView(dbinvShowName); break;
default: cSetNotifyView(dbinvShowPreview); break;
} break;
case dbiAskDownloadPath: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetAskDownloadPath(v == 1);
} break;
case dbiDownloadPathOld: {
QString v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
if (!v.isEmpty() && v != qstr("tmp") && !v.endsWith('/')) v += '/';
} break;
case dbiDownloadPath: {
QString v;
QByteArray bookmark;
stream >> v >> bookmark;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
if (!v.isEmpty() && v != qstr("tmp") && !v.endsWith('/')) v += '/';
} break;
case dbiCompressPastedImage: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetCompressPastedImage(v == 1);
} break;
case dbiEmojiTabOld: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
// deprecated
} break;
case dbiRecentEmojisOld: {
RecentEmojisPreloadOld v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
if (!v.isEmpty()) {
RecentEmojisPreload p;
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
uint64 e(v.at(i).first);
switch (e) {
case 0xD83CDDEFLLU: e = 0xD83CDDEFD83CDDF5LLU; break;
case 0xD83CDDF0LLU: e = 0xD83CDDF0D83CDDF7LLU; break;
case 0xD83CDDE9LLU: e = 0xD83CDDE9D83CDDEALLU; break;
case 0xD83CDDE8LLU: e = 0xD83CDDE8D83CDDF3LLU; break;
case 0xD83CDDFALLU: e = 0xD83CDDFAD83CDDF8LLU; break;
case 0xD83CDDEBLLU: e = 0xD83CDDEBD83CDDF7LLU; break;
case 0xD83CDDEALLU: e = 0xD83CDDEAD83CDDF8LLU; break;
case 0xD83CDDEELLU: e = 0xD83CDDEED83CDDF9LLU; break;
case 0xD83CDDF7LLU: e = 0xD83CDDF7D83CDDFALLU; break;
case 0xD83CDDECLLU: e = 0xD83CDDECD83CDDE7LLU; break;
p.push_back(qMakePair(e, v.at(i).second));
} break;
case dbiRecentEmojis: {
RecentEmojisPreload v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiRecentStickers: {
RecentStickerPreload v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiEmojiVariants: {
EmojiColorVariants v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiDialogLastPath: {
QString path;
stream >> path;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
} break;
case dbiSongVolume: {
qint32 v;
stream >> v;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) return false;
cSetSongVolume(snap(v / 1e6, 0., 1.));
} break;
LOG(("App Error: unknown blockId in _readSetting: %1").arg(blockId));
return false;
return true;
bool _readOldSettings(bool remove = true) {
bool result = false;
QFile file(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/config"));
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
LOG(("App Info: reading old config.."));
QDataStream stream(&file);
qint32 version = 0;
while (!stream.atEnd()) {
quint32 blockId;
stream >> blockId;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) break;
if (blockId == dbiVersion) {
stream >> version;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) break;
if (version > AppVersion) break;
} else if (!_readSetting(blockId, stream, version)) {
result = true;
if (remove) file.remove();
return result;
void _readOldUserSettingsFields(QIODevice *device, qint32 &version) {
QDataStream stream(device);
while (!stream.atEnd()) {
quint32 blockId;
stream >> blockId;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) {
if (blockId == dbiVersion) {
stream >> version;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) {
if (version > AppVersion) return;
} else if (blockId == dbiEncryptedWithSalt) {
QByteArray salt, data, decrypted;
stream >> salt >> data;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) {
if (salt.size() != 32) {
LOG(("App Error: bad salt in old user config encrypted part, size: %1").arg(salt.size()));
createLocalKey(QByteArray(), &salt, &_oldKey);
if (data.size() <= 16 || (data.size() & 0x0F)) {
LOG(("App Error: bad encrypted part size in old user config: %1").arg(data.size()));
uint32 fullDataLen = data.size() - 16;
const char *dataKey = data.constData(), *encrypted = data.constData() + 16;
aesDecryptLocal(encrypted, decrypted.data(), fullDataLen, &_oldKey, dataKey);
uchar sha1Buffer[20];
if (memcmp(hashSha1(decrypted.constData(), decrypted.size(), sha1Buffer), dataKey, 16)) {
LOG(("App Error: bad decrypt key, data from old user config not decrypted"));
uint32 dataLen = *(const uint32*)decrypted.constData();
if (dataLen > uint32(decrypted.size()) || dataLen <= fullDataLen - 16 || dataLen < 4) {
LOG(("App Error: bad decrypted part size in old user config: %1, fullDataLen: %2, decrypted size: %3").arg(dataLen).arg(fullDataLen).arg(decrypted.size()));
QBuffer decryptedStream(&decrypted);
decryptedStream.seek(4); // skip size
LOG(("App Info: reading encrypted old user config.."));
_readOldUserSettingsFields(&decryptedStream, version);
} else if (!_readSetting(blockId, stream, version)) {
bool _readOldUserSettings(bool remove = true) {
bool result = false;
QFile file(cWorkingDir() + cDataFile() + (cTestMode() ? qsl("_test") : QString()) + qsl("_config"));
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
LOG(("App Info: reading old user config.."));
qint32 version = 0;
mtpDcOptions dcOpts;
QReadLocker lock(MTP::dcOptionsMutex());
dcOpts = cDcOptions();
_dcOpts = &dcOpts;
_readOldUserSettingsFields(&file, version);
QWriteLocker lock(MTP::dcOptionsMutex());
result = true;
if (remove) file.remove();
return result;
void _readOldMtpDataFields(QIODevice *device, qint32 &version) {
QDataStream stream(device);
while (!stream.atEnd()) {
quint32 blockId;
stream >> blockId;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) {
if (blockId == dbiVersion) {
stream >> version;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) {
if (version > AppVersion) return;
} else if (blockId == dbiEncrypted) {
QByteArray data, decrypted;
stream >> data;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(stream)) {
if (!_oldKey.created()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: reading old encrypted keys without old key!"));
if (data.size() <= 16 || (data.size() & 0x0F)) {
LOG(("MTP Error: bad encrypted part size in old keys: %1").arg(data.size()));
uint32 fullDataLen = data.size() - 16;
const char *dataKey = data.constData(), *encrypted = data.constData() + 16;
aesDecryptLocal(encrypted, decrypted.data(), fullDataLen, &_oldKey, dataKey);
uchar sha1Buffer[20];
if (memcmp(hashSha1(decrypted.constData(), decrypted.size(), sha1Buffer), dataKey, 16)) {
LOG(("MTP Error: bad decrypt key, data from old keys not decrypted"));
uint32 dataLen = *(const uint32*)decrypted.constData();
if (dataLen > uint32(decrypted.size()) || dataLen <= fullDataLen - 16 || dataLen < 4) {
LOG(("MTP Error: bad decrypted part size in old keys: %1, fullDataLen: %2, decrypted size: %3").arg(dataLen).arg(fullDataLen).arg(decrypted.size()));
QBuffer decryptedStream(&decrypted);
decryptedStream.seek(4); // skip size
LOG(("App Info: reading encrypted old keys.."));
_readOldMtpDataFields(&decryptedStream, version);
} else if (!_readSetting(blockId, stream, version)) {
bool _readOldMtpData(bool remove = true) {
bool result = false;
QFile file(cWorkingDir() + cDataFile() + (cTestMode() ? qsl("_test") : QString()));
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
LOG(("App Info: reading old keys.."));
qint32 version = 0;
mtpDcOptions dcOpts;
QReadLocker lock(MTP::dcOptionsMutex());
dcOpts = cDcOptions();
_dcOpts = &dcOpts;
_readOldMtpDataFields(&file, version);
QWriteLocker lock(MTP::dcOptionsMutex());
result = true;
if (remove) file.remove();
return result;
void _writeUserSettings() {
if (!_userSettingsKey) {
_userSettingsKey = genKey();
_mapChanged = true;
uint32 size = 16 * (sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(qint32));
size += sizeof(quint32) + _stringSize(cAskDownloadPath() ? QString() : cDownloadPath()) + _bytearraySize(cAskDownloadPath() ? QByteArray() : cDownloadPathBookmark());
size += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(qint32) + (cRecentEmojisPreload().isEmpty() ? cGetRecentEmojis().size() : cRecentEmojisPreload().size()) * (sizeof(uint64) + sizeof(ushort));
size += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(qint32) + cEmojiVariants().size() * (sizeof(uint32) + sizeof(uint64));
size += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(qint32) + (cRecentStickersPreload().isEmpty() ? cGetRecentStickers().size() : cRecentStickersPreload().size()) * (sizeof(uint64) + sizeof(ushort));
size += sizeof(quint32) + _stringSize(cDialogLastPath());
size += sizeof(quint32) + 3 * sizeof(qint32);
EncryptedDescriptor data(size);
data.stream << quint32(dbiSendKey) << qint32(cCtrlEnter() ? dbiskCtrlEnter : dbiskEnter);
data.stream << quint32(dbiTileBackground) << qint32(cTileBackground() ? 1 : 0);
data.stream << quint32(dbiAutoLock) << qint32(cAutoLock());
data.stream << quint32(dbiReplaceEmojis) << qint32(cReplaceEmojis() ? 1 : 0);
data.stream << quint32(dbiDefaultAttach) << qint32(cDefaultAttach());
data.stream << quint32(dbiSoundNotify) << qint32(cSoundNotify());
data.stream << quint32(dbiIncludeMuted) << qint32(cIncludeMuted());
data.stream << quint32(dbiShowingSavedGifs) << qint32(cShowingSavedGifs());
data.stream << quint32(dbiDesktopNotify) << qint32(cDesktopNotify());
data.stream << quint32(dbiNotifyView) << qint32(cNotifyView());
data.stream << quint32(dbiWindowsNotifications) << qint32(cWindowsNotifications());
data.stream << quint32(dbiAskDownloadPath) << qint32(cAskDownloadPath());
data.stream << quint32(dbiDownloadPath) << (cAskDownloadPath() ? QString() : cDownloadPath()) << (cAskDownloadPath() ? QByteArray() : cDownloadPathBookmark());
data.stream << quint32(dbiCompressPastedImage) << qint32(cCompressPastedImage());
data.stream << quint32(dbiDialogLastPath) << cDialogLastPath();
data.stream << quint32(dbiSongVolume) << qint32(qRound(cSongVolume() * 1e6));
data.stream << quint32(dbiAutoDownload) << qint32(cAutoDownloadPhoto()) << qint32(cAutoDownloadAudio()) << qint32(cAutoDownloadGif());
data.stream << quint32(dbiAutoPlay) << qint32(cAutoPlayGif() ? 1 : 0);
RecentEmojisPreload v(cRecentEmojisPreload());
if (v.isEmpty()) {
for (RecentEmojiPack::const_iterator i = cGetRecentEmojis().cbegin(), e = cGetRecentEmojis().cend(); i != e; ++i) {
v.push_back(qMakePair(emojiKey(i->first), i->second));
data.stream << quint32(dbiRecentEmojis) << v;
data.stream << quint32(dbiEmojiVariants) << cEmojiVariants();
RecentStickerPreload v(cRecentStickersPreload());
if (v.isEmpty()) {
for (RecentStickerPack::const_iterator i = cGetRecentStickers().cbegin(), e = cGetRecentStickers().cend(); i != e; ++i) {
v.push_back(qMakePair(i->first->id, i->second));
data.stream << quint32(dbiRecentStickers) << v;
FileWriteDescriptor file(_userSettingsKey);
void _readUserSettings() {
FileReadDescriptor userSettings;
if (!readEncryptedFile(userSettings, _userSettingsKey)) {
return _writeUserSettings();
LOG(("App Info: reading encrypted user settings.."));
while (!userSettings.stream.atEnd()) {
quint32 blockId;
userSettings.stream >> blockId;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(userSettings.stream)) {
return _writeUserSettings();
if (!_readSetting(blockId, userSettings.stream, userSettings.version)) {
return _writeUserSettings();
void _writeMtpData() {
FileWriteDescriptor mtp(toFilePart(_dataNameKey), SafePath);
if (!_localKey.created()) {
LOG(("App Error: localkey not created in _writeMtpData()"));
mtpKeysMap keys = MTP::getKeys();
quint32 size = sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(quint32);
size += keys.size() * (sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint32) + 256);
EncryptedDescriptor data(size);
data.stream << quint32(dbiUser) << qint32(MTP::authedId()) << quint32(MTP::maindc());
for (mtpKeysMap::const_iterator i = keys.cbegin(), e = keys.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
data.stream << quint32(dbiKey) << quint32((*i)->getDC());
mtp.writeEncrypted(data, _localKey);
void _readMtpData() {
FileReadDescriptor mtp;
if (!readEncryptedFile(mtp, toFilePart(_dataNameKey), SafePath)) {
if (_localKey.created()) {
LOG(("App Info: reading encrypted mtp data.."));
while (!mtp.stream.atEnd()) {
quint32 blockId;
mtp.stream >> blockId;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(mtp.stream)) {
return _writeMtpData();
if (!_readSetting(blockId, mtp.stream, mtp.version)) {
return _writeMtpData();
Local::ReadMapState _readMap(const QByteArray &pass) {
uint64 ms = getms();
QByteArray dataNameUtf8 = (cDataFile() + (cTestMode() ? qsl(":/test/") : QString())).toUtf8();
FileKey dataNameHash[2];
hashMd5(dataNameUtf8.constData(), dataNameUtf8.size(), dataNameHash);
_dataNameKey = dataNameHash[0];
_userBasePath = _basePath + toFilePart(_dataNameKey) + QChar('/');
FileReadDescriptor mapData;
if (!readFile(mapData, qsl("map"))) {
return Local::ReadMapFailed;
LOG(("App Info: reading map.."));
QByteArray salt, keyEncrypted, mapEncrypted;
mapData.stream >> salt >> keyEncrypted >> mapEncrypted;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(mapData.stream)) {
return Local::ReadMapFailed;
if (salt.size() != LocalEncryptSaltSize) {
LOG(("App Error: bad salt in map file, size: %1").arg(salt.size()));
return Local::ReadMapFailed;
createLocalKey(pass, &salt, &_passKey);
EncryptedDescriptor keyData, map;
if (!decryptLocal(keyData, keyEncrypted, _passKey)) {
LOG(("App Info: could not decrypt pass-protected key from map file, maybe bad password.."));
return Local::ReadMapPassNeeded;
uchar key[LocalEncryptKeySize] = { 0 };
if (keyData.stream.readRawData((char*)key, LocalEncryptKeySize) != LocalEncryptKeySize || !keyData.stream.atEnd()) {
LOG(("App Error: could not read pass-protected key from map file"));
return Local::ReadMapFailed;
_passKeyEncrypted = keyEncrypted;
_passKeySalt = salt;
if (!decryptLocal(map, mapEncrypted)) {
LOG(("App Error: could not decrypt map."));
return Local::ReadMapFailed;
LOG(("App Info: reading encrypted map.."));
DraftsMap draftsMap, draftsPositionsMap;
DraftsNotReadMap draftsNotReadMap;
StorageMap imagesMap, stickerImagesMap, audiosMap;
qint64 storageImagesSize = 0, storageStickersSize = 0, storageAudiosSize = 0;
quint64 locationsKey = 0, reportSpamStatusesKey = 0;
quint64 recentStickersKeyOld = 0, stickersKey = 0, savedGifsKey = 0;
quint64 backgroundKey = 0, userSettingsKey = 0, recentHashtagsAndBotsKey = 0, savedPeersKey = 0;
while (!map.stream.atEnd()) {
quint32 keyType;
map.stream >> keyType;
switch (keyType) {
case lskDraft: {
quint32 count = 0;
map.stream >> count;
for (quint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
FileKey key;
quint64 p;
map.stream >> key >> p;
draftsMap.insert(p, key);
draftsNotReadMap.insert(p, true);
} break;
case lskDraftPosition: {
quint32 count = 0;
map.stream >> count;
for (quint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
FileKey key;
quint64 p;
map.stream >> key >> p;
draftsPositionsMap.insert(p, key);
} break;
case lskImages: {
quint32 count = 0;
map.stream >> count;
for (quint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
FileKey key;
quint64 first, second;
qint32 size;
map.stream >> key >> first >> second >> size;
imagesMap.insert(StorageKey(first, second), FileDesc(key, size));
storageImagesSize += size;
} break;
case lskStickerImages: {
quint32 count = 0;
map.stream >> count;
for (quint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
FileKey key;
quint64 first, second;
qint32 size;
map.stream >> key >> first >> second >> size;
stickerImagesMap.insert(StorageKey(first, second), FileDesc(key, size));
storageStickersSize += size;
} break;
case lskAudios: {
quint32 count = 0;
map.stream >> count;
for (quint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
FileKey key;
quint64 first, second;
qint32 size;
map.stream >> key >> first >> second >> size;
audiosMap.insert(StorageKey(first, second), FileDesc(key, size));
storageAudiosSize += size;
} break;
case lskLocations: {
map.stream >> locationsKey;
} break;
case lskReportSpamStatuses: {
map.stream >> reportSpamStatusesKey;
} break;
case lskRecentStickersOld: {
map.stream >> recentStickersKeyOld;
} break;
case lskBackground: {
map.stream >> backgroundKey;
} break;
case lskUserSettings: {
map.stream >> userSettingsKey;
} break;
case lskRecentHashtagsAndBots: {
map.stream >> recentHashtagsAndBotsKey;
} break;
case lskStickers: {
map.stream >> stickersKey;
} break;
case lskSavedGifsOld: {
quint64 key;
map.stream >> key;
} break;
case lskSavedGifs: {
map.stream >> savedGifsKey;
} break;
case lskSavedPeers: {
map.stream >> savedPeersKey;
} break;
LOG(("App Error: unknown key type in encrypted map: %1").arg(keyType));
return Local::ReadMapFailed;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(map.stream)) {
return Local::ReadMapFailed;
_draftsMap = draftsMap;
_draftsPositionsMap = draftsPositionsMap;
_draftsNotReadMap = draftsNotReadMap;
_imagesMap = imagesMap;
_storageImagesSize = storageImagesSize;
_stickerImagesMap = stickerImagesMap;
_storageStickersSize = storageStickersSize;
_audiosMap = audiosMap;
_storageAudiosSize = storageAudiosSize;
_locationsKey = locationsKey;
_reportSpamStatusesKey = reportSpamStatusesKey;
_recentStickersKeyOld = recentStickersKeyOld;
_stickersKey = stickersKey;
_savedGifsKey = savedGifsKey;
_savedPeersKey = savedPeersKey;
_backgroundKey = backgroundKey;
_userSettingsKey = userSettingsKey;
_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey = recentHashtagsAndBotsKey;
_oldMapVersion = mapData.version;
if (_oldMapVersion < AppVersion) {
_mapChanged = true;
} else {
_mapChanged = false;
if (_locationsKey) {
if (_reportSpamStatusesKey) {
LOG(("Map read time: %1").arg(getms() - ms));
if (_oldSettingsVersion < AppVersion) {
return Local::ReadMapDone;
void _writeMap(WriteMapWhen when) {
if (when != WriteMapNow) {
_manager->writeMap(when == WriteMapFast);
if (!_mapChanged) return;
if (_userBasePath.isEmpty()) {
LOG(("App Error: _userBasePath is empty in writeMap()"));
if (!QDir().exists(_userBasePath)) QDir().mkpath(_userBasePath);
FileWriteDescriptor map(qsl("map"));
if (_passKeySalt.isEmpty() || _passKeyEncrypted.isEmpty()) {
uchar local5Key[LocalEncryptKeySize] = { 0 };
QByteArray pass(LocalEncryptKeySize, Qt::Uninitialized), salt(LocalEncryptSaltSize, Qt::Uninitialized);
memset_rand(pass.data(), pass.size());
memset_rand(salt.data(), salt.size());
createLocalKey(pass, &salt, &_localKey);
memset_rand(_passKeySalt.data(), _passKeySalt.size());
createLocalKey(QByteArray(), &_passKeySalt, &_passKey);
EncryptedDescriptor passKeyData(LocalEncryptKeySize);
_passKeyEncrypted = FileWriteDescriptor::prepareEncrypted(passKeyData, _passKey);
uint32 mapSize = 0;
if (!_draftsMap.isEmpty()) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) * 2 + _draftsMap.size() * sizeof(quint64) * 2;
if (!_draftsPositionsMap.isEmpty()) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) * 2 + _draftsPositionsMap.size() * sizeof(quint64) * 2;
if (!_imagesMap.isEmpty()) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) * 2 + _imagesMap.size() * (sizeof(quint64) * 3 + sizeof(qint32));
if (!_stickerImagesMap.isEmpty()) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) * 2 + _stickerImagesMap.size() * (sizeof(quint64) * 3 + sizeof(qint32));
if (!_audiosMap.isEmpty()) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) * 2 + _audiosMap.size() * (sizeof(quint64) * 3 + sizeof(qint32));
if (_locationsKey) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint64);
if (_reportSpamStatusesKey) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint64);
if (_recentStickersKeyOld) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint64);
if (_stickersKey) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint64);
if (_savedGifsKey) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint64);
if (_savedPeersKey) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint64);
if (_backgroundKey) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint64);
if (_userSettingsKey) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint64);
if (_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey) mapSize += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint64);
EncryptedDescriptor mapData(mapSize);
if (!_draftsMap.isEmpty()) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskDraft) << quint32(_draftsMap.size());
for (DraftsMap::const_iterator i = _draftsMap.cbegin(), e = _draftsMap.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
mapData.stream << quint64(i.value()) << quint64(i.key());
if (!_draftsPositionsMap.isEmpty()) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskDraftPosition) << quint32(_draftsPositionsMap.size());
for (DraftsMap::const_iterator i = _draftsPositionsMap.cbegin(), e = _draftsPositionsMap.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
mapData.stream << quint64(i.value()) << quint64(i.key());
if (!_imagesMap.isEmpty()) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskImages) << quint32(_imagesMap.size());
for (StorageMap::const_iterator i = _imagesMap.cbegin(), e = _imagesMap.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
mapData.stream << quint64(i.value().first) << quint64(i.key().first) << quint64(i.key().second) << qint32(i.value().second);
if (!_stickerImagesMap.isEmpty()) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskStickerImages) << quint32(_stickerImagesMap.size());
for (StorageMap::const_iterator i = _stickerImagesMap.cbegin(), e = _stickerImagesMap.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
mapData.stream << quint64(i.value().first) << quint64(i.key().first) << quint64(i.key().second) << qint32(i.value().second);
if (!_audiosMap.isEmpty()) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskAudios) << quint32(_audiosMap.size());
for (StorageMap::const_iterator i = _audiosMap.cbegin(), e = _audiosMap.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
mapData.stream << quint64(i.value().first) << quint64(i.key().first) << quint64(i.key().second) << qint32(i.value().second);
if (_locationsKey) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskLocations) << quint64(_locationsKey);
if (_reportSpamStatusesKey) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskReportSpamStatuses) << quint64(_reportSpamStatusesKey);
if (_recentStickersKeyOld) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskRecentStickersOld) << quint64(_recentStickersKeyOld);
if (_stickersKey) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskStickers) << quint64(_stickersKey);
if (_savedGifsKey) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskSavedGifs) << quint64(_savedGifsKey);
if (_savedPeersKey) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskSavedPeers) << quint64(_savedPeersKey);
if (_backgroundKey) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskBackground) << quint64(_backgroundKey);
if (_userSettingsKey) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskUserSettings) << quint64(_userSettingsKey);
if (_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey) {
mapData.stream << quint32(lskRecentHashtagsAndBots) << quint64(_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey);
_mapChanged = false;
namespace _local_inner {
Manager::Manager() {
connect(&_mapWriteTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(mapWriteTimeout()));
connect(&_locationsWriteTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(locationsWriteTimeout()));
void Manager::writeMap(bool fast) {
if (!_mapWriteTimer.isActive() || fast) {
_mapWriteTimer.start(fast ? 1 : WriteMapTimeout);
} else if (_mapWriteTimer.remainingTime() <= 0) {
void Manager::writingMap() {
void Manager::writeLocations(bool fast) {
if (!_locationsWriteTimer.isActive() || fast) {
_locationsWriteTimer.start(fast ? 1 : WriteMapTimeout);
} else if (_locationsWriteTimer.remainingTime() <= 0) {
void Manager::writingLocations() {
void Manager::mapWriteTimeout() {
void Manager::locationsWriteTimeout() {
void Manager::finish() {
if (_mapWriteTimer.isActive()) {
if (_locationsWriteTimer.isActive()) {
namespace Local {
void finish() {
if (_manager) {
_manager = 0;
delete _localLoader;
_localLoader = 0;
void start() {
t_assert(_manager == 0);
_manager = new _local_inner::Manager();
_localLoader = new TaskQueue(0, FileLoaderQueueStopTimeout);
_basePath = cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/");
if (!QDir().exists(_basePath)) QDir().mkpath(_basePath);
FileReadDescriptor settingsData;
if (!readFile(settingsData, cTestMode() ? qsl("settings_test") : qsl("settings"), SafePath)) {
_readOldUserSettings(false); // needed further in _readUserSettings
_readOldMtpData(false); // needed further in _readMtpData
return writeSettings();
LOG(("App Info: reading settings.."));
QByteArray salt, settingsEncrypted;
settingsData.stream >> salt >> settingsEncrypted;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(settingsData.stream)) {
return writeSettings();
if (salt.size() != LocalEncryptSaltSize) {
LOG(("App Error: bad salt in settings file, size: %1").arg(salt.size()));
return writeSettings();
createLocalKey(QByteArray(), &salt, &_settingsKey);
EncryptedDescriptor settings;
if (!decryptLocal(settings, settingsEncrypted, _settingsKey)) {
LOG(("App Error: could not decrypt settings from settings file, maybe bad passcode.."));
return writeSettings();
mtpDcOptions dcOpts;
QReadLocker lock(MTP::dcOptionsMutex());
dcOpts = cDcOptions();
_dcOpts = &dcOpts;
LOG(("App Info: reading encrypted settings.."));
while (!settings.stream.atEnd()) {
quint32 blockId;
settings.stream >> blockId;
if (!_checkStreamStatus(settings.stream)) {
return writeSettings();
if (!_readSetting(blockId, settings.stream, settingsData.version)) {
return writeSettings();
if (dcOpts.isEmpty()) {
const BuiltInDc *bdcs = builtInDcs();
for (int i = 0, l = builtInDcsCount(); i < l; ++i) {
dcOpts.insert(bdcs[i].id, mtpDcOption(bdcs[i].id, 0, bdcs[i].ip, bdcs[i].port));
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: adding built in DC %1 connect option: %2:%3").arg(bdcs[i].id).arg(bdcs[i].ip).arg(bdcs[i].port));
const BuiltInDc *bdcsipv6 = builtInDcsIPv6();
for (int i = 0, l = builtInDcsCountIPv6(); i < l; ++i) {
int32 flags = MTPDdcOption::flag_ipv6, idWithShift = bdcsipv6[i].id + (flags * _mtp_internal::dcShift);
dcOpts.insert(idWithShift, mtpDcOption(bdcsipv6[i].id, flags, bdcsipv6[i].ip, bdcsipv6[i].port));
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: adding built in DC %1 IPv6 connect option: %2:%3").arg(bdcsipv6[i].id).arg(bdcsipv6[i].ip).arg(bdcsipv6[i].port));
QWriteLocker lock(MTP::dcOptionsMutex());
_oldSettingsVersion = settingsData.version;
_settingsSalt = salt;
void writeSettings() {
if (_basePath.isEmpty()) {
LOG(("App Error: _basePath is empty in writeSettings()"));
if (!QDir().exists(_basePath)) QDir().mkpath(_basePath);
FileWriteDescriptor settings(cTestMode() ? qsl("settings_test") : qsl("settings"), SafePath);
if (_settingsSalt.isEmpty() || !_settingsKey.created()) {
memset_rand(_settingsSalt.data(), _settingsSalt.size());
createLocalKey(QByteArray(), &_settingsSalt, &_settingsKey);
mtpDcOptions dcOpts;
QReadLocker lock(MTP::dcOptionsMutex());
dcOpts = cDcOptions();
if (dcOpts.isEmpty()) {
const BuiltInDc *bdcs = builtInDcs();
for (int i = 0, l = builtInDcsCount(); i < l; ++i) {
dcOpts.insert(bdcs[i].id, mtpDcOption(bdcs[i].id, 0, bdcs[i].ip, bdcs[i].port));
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: adding built in DC %1 connect option: %2:%3").arg(bdcs[i].id).arg(bdcs[i].ip).arg(bdcs[i].port));
const BuiltInDc *bdcsipv6 = builtInDcsIPv6();
for (int i = 0, l = builtInDcsCountIPv6(); i < l; ++i) {
dcOpts.insert(bdcsipv6[i].id + (MTPDdcOption::flag_ipv6 * _mtp_internal::dcShift), mtpDcOption(bdcsipv6[i].id, MTPDdcOption::flag_ipv6, bdcsipv6[i].ip, bdcsipv6[i].port));
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: adding built in DC %1 IPv6 connect option: %2:%3").arg(bdcsipv6[i].id).arg(bdcsipv6[i].ip).arg(bdcsipv6[i].port));
QWriteLocker lock(MTP::dcOptionsMutex());
quint32 size = 12 * (sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(qint32));
for (mtpDcOptions::const_iterator i = dcOpts.cbegin(), e = dcOpts.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
size += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint32);
size += sizeof(quint32) + _stringSize(QString::fromUtf8(i->ip.data(), i->ip.size()));
size += sizeof(quint32) + _stringSize(cLangFile());
size += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(qint32);
if (cConnectionType() == dbictHttpProxy || cConnectionType() == dbictTcpProxy) {
const ConnectionProxy &proxy(cConnectionProxy());
size += _stringSize(proxy.host) + sizeof(qint32) + _stringSize(proxy.user) + _stringSize(proxy.password);
size += sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(qint32) * 6;
EncryptedDescriptor data(size);
data.stream << quint32(dbiMaxGroupCount) << qint32(cMaxGroupCount());
data.stream << quint32(dbiMaxMegaGroupCount) << qint32(cMaxMegaGroupCount());
data.stream << quint32(dbiSavedGifsLimit) << qint32(cSavedGifsLimit());
data.stream << quint32(dbiAutoStart) << qint32(cAutoStart());
data.stream << quint32(dbiStartMinimized) << qint32(cStartMinimized());
data.stream << quint32(dbiSendToMenu) << qint32(cSendToMenu());
data.stream << quint32(dbiWorkMode) << qint32(cWorkMode());
data.stream << quint32(dbiSeenTrayTooltip) << qint32(cSeenTrayTooltip());
data.stream << quint32(dbiAutoUpdate) << qint32(cAutoUpdate());
data.stream << quint32(dbiLastUpdateCheck) << qint32(cLastUpdateCheck());
data.stream << quint32(dbiScale) << qint32(cConfigScale());
data.stream << quint32(dbiLang) << qint32(cLang());
for (mtpDcOptions::const_iterator i = dcOpts.cbegin(), e = dcOpts.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
data.stream << quint32(dbiDcOption) << quint32(i.key());
data.stream << quint32(i->flags) << QString::fromUtf8(i->ip.data(), i->ip.size());
data.stream << quint32(i->port);
data.stream << quint32(dbiLangFile) << cLangFile();
data.stream << quint32(dbiConnectionType) << qint32(cConnectionType());
if (cConnectionType() == dbictHttpProxy || cConnectionType() == dbictTcpProxy) {
const ConnectionProxy &proxy(cConnectionProxy());
data.stream << proxy.host << qint32(proxy.port) << proxy.user << proxy.password;
data.stream << quint32(dbiTryIPv6) << qint32(cTryIPv6());
TWindowPos pos(cWindowPos());
data.stream << quint32(dbiWindowPosition) << qint32(pos.x) << qint32(pos.y) << qint32(pos.w) << qint32(pos.h) << qint32(pos.moncrc) << qint32(pos.maximized);
settings.writeEncrypted(data, _settingsKey);
void writeUserSettings() {
void writeMtpData() {
void reset() {
if (_localLoader) {
_passKeySalt.clear(); // reset passcode, local key
_storageImagesSize = _storageStickersSize = _storageAudiosSize = 0;
_storageWebFilesSize = 0;
_locationsKey = _reportSpamStatusesKey = 0;
_recentStickersKeyOld = _stickersKey = _savedGifsKey = 0;
_backgroundKey = _userSettingsKey = _recentHashtagsAndBotsKey = _savedPeersKey = 0;
_oldMapVersion = _oldSettingsVersion = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
bool checkPasscode(const QByteArray &passcode) {
mtpAuthKey tmp;
createLocalKey(passcode, &_passKeySalt, &tmp);
return (tmp == _passKey);
void setPasscode(const QByteArray &passcode) {
createLocalKey(passcode, &_passKeySalt, &_passKey);
EncryptedDescriptor passKeyData(LocalEncryptKeySize);
_passKeyEncrypted = FileWriteDescriptor::prepareEncrypted(passKeyData, _passKey);
_mapChanged = true;
ReadMapState readMap(const QByteArray &pass) {
ReadMapState result = _readMap(pass);
if (result == ReadMapFailed) {
_mapChanged = true;
return result;
int32 oldMapVersion() {
return _oldMapVersion;
int32 oldSettingsVersion() {
return _oldSettingsVersion;
void writeDraft(const PeerId &peer, const MessageDraft &draft) {
if (!_working()) return;
if (draft.replyTo <= 0 && draft.text.isEmpty()) {
DraftsMap::iterator i = _draftsMap.find(peer);
if (i != _draftsMap.cend()) {
_mapChanged = true;
} else {
DraftsMap::const_iterator i = _draftsMap.constFind(peer);
if (i == _draftsMap.cend()) {
i = _draftsMap.insert(peer, genKey());
_mapChanged = true;
EncryptedDescriptor data(sizeof(quint64) + _stringSize(draft.text) + sizeof(qint32));
data.stream << quint64(peer) << draft.text << qint32(draft.replyTo) << qint32(draft.previewCancelled ? 1 : 0);
FileWriteDescriptor file(i.value());
MessageDraft readDraft(const PeerId &peer) {
if (!_draftsNotReadMap.remove(peer)) return MessageDraft();
DraftsMap::iterator j = _draftsMap.find(peer);
if (j == _draftsMap.cend()) {
return MessageDraft();
FileReadDescriptor draft;
if (!readEncryptedFile(draft, j.value())) {
return MessageDraft();
quint64 draftPeer;
QString draftText;
qint32 draftReplyTo = 0, draftPreviewCancelled = 0;
draft.stream >> draftPeer >> draftText;
if (draft.version >= 7021) draft.stream >> draftReplyTo;
if (draft.version >= 8001) draft.stream >> draftPreviewCancelled;
return (draftPeer == peer) ? MessageDraft(MsgId(draftReplyTo), draftText, (draftPreviewCancelled == 1)) : MessageDraft();
void writeDraftPositions(const PeerId &peer, const MessageCursor &cur) {
if (!_working()) return;
if (cur.position == 0 && cur.anchor == 0 && cur.scroll == QFIXED_MAX) {
DraftsMap::iterator i = _draftsPositionsMap.find(peer);
if (i != _draftsPositionsMap.cend()) {
_mapChanged = true;
} else {
DraftsMap::const_iterator i = _draftsPositionsMap.constFind(peer);
if (i == _draftsPositionsMap.cend()) {
i = _draftsPositionsMap.insert(peer, genKey());
_mapChanged = true;
EncryptedDescriptor data(sizeof(quint64) + sizeof(qint32) * 3);
data.stream << quint64(peer) << qint32(cur.position) << qint32(cur.anchor) << qint32(cur.scroll);
FileWriteDescriptor file(i.value());
MessageCursor readDraftPositions(const PeerId &peer) {
DraftsMap::iterator j = _draftsPositionsMap.find(peer);
if (j == _draftsPositionsMap.cend()) {
return MessageCursor();
FileReadDescriptor draft;
if (!readEncryptedFile(draft, j.value())) {
return MessageCursor();
quint64 draftPeer;
qint32 curPosition, curAnchor, curScroll;
draft.stream >> draftPeer >> curPosition >> curAnchor >> curScroll;
return (draftPeer == peer) ? MessageCursor(curPosition, curAnchor, curScroll) : MessageCursor();
bool hasDraftPositions(const PeerId &peer) {
return (_draftsPositionsMap.constFind(peer) != _draftsPositionsMap.cend());
void writeFileLocation(MediaKey location, const FileLocation &local) {
if (local.fname.isEmpty()) return;
FileLocationAliases::const_iterator aliasIt = _fileLocationAliases.constFind(location);
if (aliasIt != _fileLocationAliases.cend()) {
location = aliasIt.value();
FileLocationPairs::iterator i = _fileLocationPairs.find(local.fname);
if (i != _fileLocationPairs.cend()) {
if (i.value().second == local) {
if (i.value().first != location) {
_fileLocationAliases.insert(location, i.value().first);
if (i.value().first != location) {
for (FileLocations::iterator j = _fileLocations.find(i.value().first), e = _fileLocations.end(); (j != e) && (j.key() == i.value().first);) {
if (j.value() == i.value().second) {
_fileLocations.insert(location, local);
_fileLocationPairs.insert(local.fname, FileLocationPair(location, local));
FileLocation readFileLocation(MediaKey location, bool check) {
FileLocationAliases::const_iterator aliasIt = _fileLocationAliases.constFind(location);
if (aliasIt != _fileLocationAliases.cend()) {
location = aliasIt.value();
FileLocations::iterator i = _fileLocations.find(location);
for (FileLocations::iterator i = _fileLocations.find(location); (i != _fileLocations.end()) && (i.key() == location);) {
if (check) {
if (!i.value().check()) {
i = _fileLocations.erase(i);
return i.value();
return FileLocation();
qint32 _storageImageSize(qint32 rawlen) {
// fulllen + storagekey + type + len + data
qint32 result = sizeof(uint32) + sizeof(quint64) * 2 + sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint32) + rawlen;
if (result & 0x0F) result += 0x10 - (result & 0x0F);
result += tdfMagicLen + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(quint32) + 0x10 + 0x10; // magic + version + len of encrypted + part of sha1 + md5
return result;
qint32 _storageStickerSize(qint32 rawlen) {
// fulllen + storagekey + len + data
qint32 result = sizeof(uint32) + sizeof(quint64) * 2 + sizeof(quint32) + rawlen;
if (result & 0x0F) result += 0x10 - (result & 0x0F);
result += tdfMagicLen + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(quint32) + 0x10 + 0x10; // magic + version + len of encrypted + part of sha1 + md5
return result;
qint32 _storageAudioSize(qint32 rawlen) {
// fulllen + storagekey + len + data
qint32 result = sizeof(uint32) + sizeof(quint64) * 2 + sizeof(quint32) + rawlen;
if (result & 0x0F) result += 0x10 - (result & 0x0F);
result += tdfMagicLen + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(quint32) + 0x10 + 0x10; // magic + version + len of encrypted + part of sha1 + md5
return result;
void writeImage(const StorageKey &location, const ImagePtr &image) {
if (image->isNull() || !image->loaded()) return;
if (_imagesMap.constFind(location) != _imagesMap.cend()) return;
QByteArray fmt = image->savedFormat();
StorageFileType format = StorageFileUnknown;
if (fmt == "JPG") {
format = StorageFileJpeg;
} else if (fmt == "PNG") {
format = StorageFilePng;
} else if (fmt == "GIF") {
format = StorageFileGif;
if (format) {
writeImage(location, StorageImageSaved(format, image->savedData()), false);
void writeImage(const StorageKey &location, const StorageImageSaved &image, bool overwrite) {
if (!_working()) return;
qint32 size = _storageImageSize(image.data.size());
StorageMap::const_iterator i = _imagesMap.constFind(location);
if (i == _imagesMap.cend()) {
i = _imagesMap.insert(location, FileDesc(genKey(UserPath), size));
_storageImagesSize += size;
_mapChanged = true;
} else if (!overwrite) {
EncryptedDescriptor data(sizeof(quint64) * 2 + sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint32) + image.data.size());
data.stream << quint64(location.first) << quint64(location.second) << quint32(image.type) << image.data;
FileWriteDescriptor file(i.value().first, UserPath);
if (i.value().second != size) {
_storageImagesSize += size;
_storageImagesSize -= i.value().second;
_imagesMap[location].second = size;
class AbstractCachedLoadTask : public Task {
AbstractCachedLoadTask(const FileKey &key, const StorageKey &location, bool readImageFlag, mtpFileLoader *loader) :
_key(key), _location(location), _readImageFlag(readImageFlag), _loader(loader), _result(0) {
void process() {
FileReadDescriptor image;
if (!readEncryptedFile(image, _key, UserPath)) {
QByteArray imageData;
quint64 locFirst, locSecond;
quint32 imageType;
readFromStream(image.stream, locFirst, locSecond, imageType, imageData);
// we're saving files now before we have actual location
//if (locFirst != _location.first || locSecond != _location.second) {
// return;
_result = new Result(StorageFileType(imageType), imageData, _readImageFlag);
void finish() {
if (_result) {
_loader->localLoaded(_result->image, _result->format, _result->pixmap);
} else {
virtual void readFromStream(QDataStream &stream, quint64 &first, quint64 &second, quint32 &type, QByteArray &data) = 0;
virtual void clearInMap() = 0;
virtual ~AbstractCachedLoadTask() {
FileKey _key;
StorageKey _location;
bool _readImageFlag;
struct Result {
Result(StorageFileType type, const QByteArray &data, bool readImageFlag) : image(type, data) {
if (readImageFlag) {
QByteArray guessFormat;
switch (type) {
case StorageFileGif: guessFormat = "GIF"; break;
case StorageFileJpeg: guessFormat = "JPG"; break;
case StorageFilePng: guessFormat = "PNG"; break;
case StorageFileWebp: guessFormat = "WEBP"; break;
default: guessFormat = QByteArray(); break;
pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(App::readImage(data, &guessFormat, false), Qt::ColorOnly);
if (!pixmap.isNull()) {
format = guessFormat;
StorageImageSaved image;
QByteArray format;
QPixmap pixmap;
mtpFileLoader *_loader;
Result *_result;
class ImageLoadTask : public AbstractCachedLoadTask {
ImageLoadTask(const FileKey &key, const StorageKey &location, mtpFileLoader *loader) :
AbstractCachedLoadTask(key, location, true, loader) {
void readFromStream(QDataStream &stream, quint64 &first, quint64 &second, quint32 &type, QByteArray &data) {
stream >> first >> second >> type >> data;
void clearInMap() {
StorageMap::iterator j = _imagesMap.find(_location);
if (j != _imagesMap.cend() && j->first == _key) {
clearKey(_key, UserPath);
_storageImagesSize -= j->second;
TaskId startImageLoad(const StorageKey &location, mtpFileLoader *loader) {
StorageMap::const_iterator j = _imagesMap.constFind(location);
if (j == _imagesMap.cend() || !_localLoader) {
return 0;
return _localLoader->addTask(new ImageLoadTask(j->first, location, loader));
int32 hasImages() {
return _imagesMap.size();
qint64 storageImagesSize() {
return _storageImagesSize;
void writeStickerImage(const StorageKey &location, const QByteArray &sticker, bool overwrite) {
if (!_working()) return;
qint32 size = _storageStickerSize(sticker.size());
StorageMap::const_iterator i = _stickerImagesMap.constFind(location);
if (i == _stickerImagesMap.cend()) {
i = _stickerImagesMap.insert(location, FileDesc(genKey(UserPath), size));
_storageStickersSize += size;
_mapChanged = true;
} else if (!overwrite) {
EncryptedDescriptor data(sizeof(quint64) * 2 + sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint32) + sticker.size());
data.stream << quint64(location.first) << quint64(location.second) << sticker;
FileWriteDescriptor file(i.value().first, UserPath);
if (i.value().second != size) {
_storageStickersSize += size;
_storageStickersSize -= i.value().second;
_stickerImagesMap[location].second = size;
class StickerImageLoadTask : public AbstractCachedLoadTask {
StickerImageLoadTask(const FileKey &key, const StorageKey &location, mtpFileLoader *loader) :
AbstractCachedLoadTask(key, location, true, loader) {
void readFromStream(QDataStream &stream, quint64 &first, quint64 &second, quint32 &type, QByteArray &data) {
stream >> first >> second >> data;
type = StorageFilePartial;
void clearInMap() {
StorageMap::iterator j = _stickerImagesMap.find(_location);
if (j != _stickerImagesMap.cend() && j->first == _key) {
clearKey(j.value().first, UserPath);
_storageStickersSize -= j.value().second;
TaskId startStickerImageLoad(const StorageKey &location, mtpFileLoader *loader) {
StorageMap::const_iterator j = _stickerImagesMap.constFind(location);
if (j == _stickerImagesMap.cend() || !_localLoader) {
return 0;
return _localLoader->addTask(new StickerImageLoadTask(j->first, location, loader));
bool willStickerImageLoad(const StorageKey &location) {
return _stickerImagesMap.constFind(location) != _stickerImagesMap.cend();
void copyStickerImage(const StorageKey &oldLocation, const StorageKey &newLocation) {
StorageMap::const_iterator i = _stickerImagesMap.constFind(oldLocation);
if (i != _stickerImagesMap.cend()) {
_stickerImagesMap.insert(newLocation, i.value());
_mapChanged = true;
int32 hasStickers() {
return _stickerImagesMap.size();
qint64 storageStickersSize() {
return _storageStickersSize;
void writeAudio(const StorageKey &location, const QByteArray &audio, bool overwrite) {
if (!_working()) return;
qint32 size = _storageAudioSize(audio.size());
StorageMap::const_iterator i = _audiosMap.constFind(location);
if (i == _audiosMap.cend()) {
i = _audiosMap.insert(location, FileDesc(genKey(UserPath), size));
_storageAudiosSize += size;
_mapChanged = true;
} else if (!overwrite) {
EncryptedDescriptor data(sizeof(quint64) * 2 + sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint32) + audio.size());
data.stream << quint64(location.first) << quint64(location.second) << audio;
FileWriteDescriptor file(i.value().first, UserPath);
if (i.value().second != size) {
_storageAudiosSize += size;
_storageAudiosSize -= i.value().second;
_audiosMap[location].second = size;
class AudioLoadTask : public AbstractCachedLoadTask {
AudioLoadTask(const FileKey &key, const StorageKey &location, mtpFileLoader *loader) :
AbstractCachedLoadTask(key, location, false, loader) {
void readFromStream(QDataStream &stream, quint64 &first, quint64 &second, quint32 &type, QByteArray &data) {
stream >> first >> second >> data;
type = StorageFilePartial;
void clearInMap() {
StorageMap::iterator j = _audiosMap.find(_location);
if (j != _audiosMap.cend() && j->first == _key) {
clearKey(j.value().first, UserPath);
_storageAudiosSize -= j.value().second;
TaskId startAudioLoad(const StorageKey &location, mtpFileLoader *loader) {
StorageMap::const_iterator j = _audiosMap.constFind(location);
if (j == _audiosMap.cend() || !_localLoader) {
return 0;
return _localLoader->addTask(new AudioLoadTask(j->first, location, loader));
int32 hasAudios() {
return _audiosMap.size();
qint64 storageAudiosSize() {
return _storageAudiosSize;
qint32 _storageWebFileSize(const QString &url, qint32 rawlen) {
// fulllen + url + len + data
qint32 result = sizeof(uint32) + _stringSize(url) + sizeof(quint32) + rawlen;
if (result & 0x0F) result += 0x10 - (result & 0x0F);
result += tdfMagicLen + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(quint32) + 0x10 + 0x10; // magic + version + len of encrypted + part of sha1 + md5
return result;
void writeWebFile(const QString &url, const QByteArray &content, bool overwrite) {
if (!_working()) return;
qint32 size = _storageWebFileSize(url, content.size());
WebFilesMap::const_iterator i = _webFilesMap.constFind(url);
if (i == _webFilesMap.cend()) {
i = _webFilesMap.insert(url, FileDesc(genKey(UserPath), size));
_storageWebFilesSize += size;
} else if (!overwrite) {
EncryptedDescriptor data(_stringSize(url) + sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(quint32) + content.size());
data.stream << url << content;
FileWriteDescriptor file(i.value().first, UserPath);
if (i.value().second != size) {
_storageWebFilesSize += size;
_storageWebFilesSize -= i.value().second;
_webFilesMap[url].second = size;
class WebFileLoadTask : public Task {
WebFileLoadTask(const FileKey &key, const QString &url, webFileLoader *loader)
: _key(key)
, _url(url)
, _loader(loader)
, _result(0) {
void process() {
FileReadDescriptor image;
if (!readEncryptedFile(image, _key, UserPath)) {
QByteArray imageData;
QString url;
image.stream >> url >> imageData;
_result = new Result(StorageFilePartial, imageData);
void finish() {
if (_result) {
_loader->localLoaded(_result->image, _result->format, _result->pixmap);
} else {
WebFilesMap::iterator j = _webFilesMap.find(_url);
if (j != _webFilesMap.cend() && j->first == _key) {
clearKey(j.value().first, UserPath);
_storageWebFilesSize -= j.value().second;
virtual ~WebFileLoadTask() {
FileKey _key;
QString _url;
struct Result {
Result(StorageFileType type, const QByteArray &data) : image(type, data) {
QByteArray guessFormat;
pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(App::readImage(data, &guessFormat, false), Qt::ColorOnly);
if (!pixmap.isNull()) {
format = guessFormat;
StorageImageSaved image;
QByteArray format;
QPixmap pixmap;
webFileLoader *_loader;
Result *_result;
TaskId startWebFileLoad(const QString &url, webFileLoader *loader) {
WebFilesMap::const_iterator j = _webFilesMap.constFind(url);
if (j == _webFilesMap.cend() || !_localLoader) {
return 0;
return _localLoader->addTask(new WebFileLoadTask(j->first, url, loader));
int32 hasWebFiles() {
return _webFilesMap.size();
qint64 storageWebFilesSize() {
return _storageWebFilesSize;
class CountWaveformTask : public Task {
CountWaveformTask(DocumentData *doc)
: _doc(doc)
, _loc(doc->location(true))
, _data(doc->data())
, _wavemax(0) {
if (_data.isEmpty() && !_loc.accessEnable()) {
_doc = 0;
void process() {
if (!_doc) return;
_waveform = audioCountWaveform(_loc, _data);
uchar wavemax = 0;
for (int32 i = 0, l = _waveform.size(); i < l; ++i) {
uchar waveat = _waveform.at(i);
if (wavemax < waveat) wavemax = waveat;
_wavemax = wavemax;
void finish() {
if (VoiceData *voice = _doc ? _doc->voice() : 0) {
if (!_waveform.isEmpty()) {
voice->waveform = _waveform;
voice->wavemax = _wavemax;
if (voice->waveform.isEmpty()) {
voice->waveform[0] = -2;
voice->wavemax = 0;
} else if (voice->waveform[0] < 0) {
voice->waveform[0] = -2;
voice->wavemax = 0;
const DocumentItems &items(App::documentItems());
DocumentItems::const_iterator i = items.constFind(_doc);
if (i != items.cend()) {
for (HistoryItemsMap::const_iterator j = i->cbegin(), e = i->cend(); j != e; ++j) {
virtual ~CountWaveformTask() {
if (_data.isEmpty() && _doc) {
DocumentData *_doc;
FileLocation _loc;
QByteArray _data;
VoiceWaveform _waveform;
char _wavemax;
void countVoiceWaveform(DocumentData *document) {
if (VoiceData *voice = document->voice()) {
if (_localLoader) {
voice->waveform.resize(1 + sizeof(TaskId));
voice->waveform[0] = -1; // counting
TaskId taskId = _localLoader->addTask(new CountWaveformTask(document));
memcpy(voice->waveform.data() + 1, &taskId, sizeof(taskId));
void cancelTask(TaskId id) {
if (_localLoader) {
void _writeStorageImageLocation(QDataStream &stream, const StorageImageLocation &loc) {
stream << qint32(loc.width()) << qint32(loc.height());
stream << qint32(loc.dc()) << quint64(loc.volume()) << qint32(loc.local()) << quint64(loc.secret());
uint32 _storageImageLocationSize() {
// width + height + dc + volume + local + secret
return sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(quint64) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(quint64);
StorageImageLocation _readStorageImageLocation(FileReadDescriptor &from) {
qint32 thumbWidth, thumbHeight, thumbDc, thumbLocal;
quint64 thumbVolume, thumbSecret;
from.stream >> thumbWidth >> thumbHeight >> thumbDc >> thumbVolume >> thumbLocal >> thumbSecret;
return StorageImageLocation(thumbWidth, thumbHeight, thumbDc, thumbVolume, thumbLocal, thumbSecret);
void _writeStickerSet(QDataStream &stream, uint64 setId) {
StickerSets::const_iterator it = cStickerSets().constFind(setId);
if (it == cStickerSets().cend()) return;
bool notLoaded = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_flag_NOT_LOADED);
if (notLoaded) {
stream << quint64(it->id) << quint64(it->access) << it->title << it->shortName << qint32(-it->count) << qint32(it->hash) << qint32(it->flags);
} else {
if (it->stickers.isEmpty()) return;
stream << quint64(it->id) << quint64(it->access) << it->title << it->shortName << qint32(it->stickers.size()) << qint32(it->hash) << qint32(it->flags);
for (StickerPack::const_iterator j = it->stickers.cbegin(), e = it->stickers.cend(); j != e; ++j) {
DocumentData *doc = *j;
stream << quint64(doc->id) << quint64(doc->access) << qint32(doc->date) << doc->name << doc->mime << qint32(doc->dc) << qint32(doc->size) << qint32(doc->dimensions.width()) << qint32(doc->dimensions.height()) << qint32(doc->type) << doc->sticker()->alt;
switch (doc->sticker()->set.type()) {
case mtpc_inputStickerSetID: {
stream << qint32(StickerSetTypeID);
} break;
case mtpc_inputStickerSetShortName: {
stream << qint32(StickerSetTypeShortName);
} break;
case mtpc_inputStickerSetEmpty:
default: {
stream << qint32(StickerSetTypeEmpty);
} break;
_writeStorageImageLocation(stream, doc->sticker()->loc);
if (AppVersion > 9018) {
stream << qint32(it->emoji.size());
for (StickersByEmojiMap::const_iterator j = it->emoji.cbegin(), e = it->emoji.cend(); j != e; ++j) {
stream << emojiString(j.key()) << qint32(j->size());
for (int32 k = 0, l = j->size(); k < l; ++k) {
stream << quint64(j->at(k)->id);
void writeStickers() {
if (!_working()) return;
const StickerSets &sets(cStickerSets());
if (sets.isEmpty()) {
if (_stickersKey) {
_stickersKey = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
} else {
int32 setsCount = 0;
QByteArray hashToWrite;
quint32 size = sizeof(quint32) + _bytearraySize(hashToWrite);
for (StickerSets::const_iterator i = sets.cbegin(); i != sets.cend(); ++i) {
bool notLoaded = (i->flags & MTPDstickerSet_flag_NOT_LOADED);
if (notLoaded) {
if (!(i->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_disabled) || (i->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_official)) { // waiting to receive
} else {
if (i->stickers.isEmpty()) continue;
// id + access + title + shortName + stickersCount + hash + flags
size += sizeof(quint64) * 2 + _stringSize(i->title) + _stringSize(i->shortName) + sizeof(quint32) + sizeof(qint32) * 2;
for (StickerPack::const_iterator j = i->stickers.cbegin(), e = i->stickers.cend(); j != e; ++j) {
DocumentData *doc = *j;
// id + access + date + namelen + name + mimelen + mime + dc + size + width + height + type + alt + type-of-set
size += sizeof(quint64) + sizeof(quint64) + sizeof(qint32) + _stringSize(doc->name) + _stringSize(doc->mime) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + _stringSize(doc->sticker()->alt) + sizeof(qint32);
// loc
size += _storageImageLocationSize();
if (AppVersion > 9018) {
size += sizeof(qint32); // emojiCount
for (StickersByEmojiMap::const_iterator j = i->emoji.cbegin(), e = i->emoji.cend(); j != e; ++j) {
size += _stringSize(emojiString(j.key())) + sizeof(qint32) + (j->size() * sizeof(quint64));
if (!_stickersKey) {
_stickersKey = genKey();
_mapChanged = true;
EncryptedDescriptor data(size);
data.stream << quint32(setsCount) << hashToWrite;
_writeStickerSet(data.stream, CustomStickerSetId);
for (StickerSetsOrder::const_iterator i = cStickerSetsOrder().cbegin(), e = cStickerSetsOrder().cend(); i != e; ++i) {
_writeStickerSet(data.stream, *i);
FileWriteDescriptor file(_stickersKey);
void importOldRecentStickers() {
if (!_recentStickersKeyOld) return;
FileReadDescriptor stickers;
if (!readEncryptedFile(stickers, _recentStickersKeyOld)) {
_recentStickersKeyOld = 0;
StickerSets &sets(cRefStickerSets());
StickerSetsOrder &order(cRefStickerSetsOrder());
RecentStickerPack &recent(cRefRecentStickers());
StickerSet &def(sets.insert(DefaultStickerSetId, StickerSet(DefaultStickerSetId, 0, lang(lng_stickers_default_set), QString(), 0, 0, MTPDstickerSet::flag_official)).value());
StickerSet &custom(sets.insert(CustomStickerSetId, StickerSet(CustomStickerSetId, 0, lang(lng_custom_stickers), QString(), 0, 0, 0)).value());
QMap<uint64, bool> read;
while (!stickers.stream.atEnd()) {
quint64 id, access;
QString name, mime, alt;
qint32 date, dc, size, width, height, type;
qint16 value;
stickers.stream >> id >> value >> access >> date >> name >> mime >> dc >> size >> width >> height >> type;
if (stickers.version >= 7021) {
stickers.stream >> alt;
if (!value || read.contains(id)) continue;
read.insert(id, true);
QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> attributes;
if (!name.isEmpty()) attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeFilename(MTP_string(name)));
if (type == AnimatedDocument) {
} else if (type == StickerDocument) {
attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeSticker(MTP_string(alt), MTP_inputStickerSetEmpty()));
if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeImageSize(MTP_int(width), MTP_int(height)));
DocumentData *doc = App::documentSet(id, 0, access, date, attributes, mime, ImagePtr(), dc, size, StorageImageLocation());
if (!doc->sticker()) continue;
if (value > 0) {
} else {
if (recent.size() < StickerPanPerRow * StickerPanRowsPerPage && qAbs(value) > 1) recent.push_back(qMakePair(doc, qAbs(value)));
if (def.stickers.isEmpty()) {
} else {
if (custom.stickers.isEmpty()) sets.remove(CustomStickerSetId);
_recentStickersKeyOld = 0;
void readStickers() {
if (!_stickersKey) {
return importOldRecentStickers();
FileReadDescriptor stickers;
if (!readEncryptedFile(stickers, _stickersKey)) {
_stickersKey = 0;
StickerSets &sets(cRefStickerSets());
StickerSetsOrder &order(cRefStickerSetsOrder());
quint32 cnt;
QByteArray hash;
stickers.stream >> cnt >> hash; // ignore hash, it is counted
if (stickers.version < 8019) { // bad data in old caches
cnt += 2; // try to read at least something
for (uint32 i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
quint64 setId = 0, setAccess = 0;
QString setTitle, setShortName;
qint32 scnt = 0;
stickers.stream >> setId >> setAccess >> setTitle >> setShortName >> scnt;
qint32 setHash = 0, setFlags = 0;
if (stickers.version > 8033) {
stickers.stream >> setHash >> setFlags;
if (setId == DefaultStickerSetId) {
setTitle = lang(lng_stickers_default_set);
setFlags |= MTPDstickerSet::flag_official;
} else if (setId == CustomStickerSetId) {
setTitle = lang(lng_custom_stickers);
} else if (setId) {
} else {
StickerSet &set(sets.insert(setId, StickerSet(setId, setAccess, setTitle, setShortName, 0, setHash, setFlags)).value());
if (scnt < 0) { // disabled not loaded set
set.count = -scnt;
QMap<uint64, bool> read;
for (int32 j = 0; j < scnt; ++j) {
quint64 id, access;
QString name, mime, alt;
qint32 date, dc, size, width, height, type, typeOfSet;
stickers.stream >> id >> access >> date >> name >> mime >> dc >> size >> width >> height >> type >> alt >> typeOfSet;
StorageImageLocation thumb(_readStorageImageLocation(stickers));
if (read.contains(id)) continue;
read.insert(id, true);
if (setId == DefaultStickerSetId || setId == CustomStickerSetId) {
typeOfSet = StickerSetTypeEmpty;
QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> attributes;
if (!name.isEmpty()) attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeFilename(MTP_string(name)));
if (type == AnimatedDocument) {
} else if (type == StickerDocument) {
switch (typeOfSet) {
case StickerSetTypeID: {
attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeSticker(MTP_string(alt), MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(setId), MTP_long(setAccess))));
} break;
case StickerSetTypeShortName: {
attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeSticker(MTP_string(alt), MTP_inputStickerSetShortName(MTP_string(setShortName))));
} break;
case StickerSetTypeEmpty:
default: {
attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeSticker(MTP_string(alt), MTP_inputStickerSetEmpty()));
} break;
if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeImageSize(MTP_int(width), MTP_int(height)));
DocumentData *doc = App::documentSet(id, 0, access, date, attributes, mime, thumb.isNull() ? ImagePtr() : ImagePtr(thumb), dc, size, thumb);
if (!doc->sticker()) continue;
if (stickers.version > 9018) {
qint32 emojiCount;
stickers.stream >> emojiCount;
for (int32 j = 0; j < emojiCount; ++j) {
QString emojiString;
qint32 stickersCount;
stickers.stream >> emojiString >> stickersCount;
StickerPack pack;
for (int32 k = 0; k < stickersCount; ++k) {
quint64 id;
stickers.stream >> id;
DocumentData *doc = App::document(id);
if (!doc || !doc->sticker()) continue;
if (EmojiPtr e = emojiGetNoColor(emojiFromText(emojiString))) {
set.emoji.insert(e, pack);
int32 countStickersHash(bool checkOfficial) {
uint32 acc = 0;
bool foundOfficial = false, foundBad = false;;
const StickerSets &sets(cStickerSets());
const StickerSetsOrder &order(cStickerSetsOrder());
for (StickerSetsOrder::const_iterator i = order.cbegin(), e = order.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
StickerSets::const_iterator j = sets.constFind(*i);
if (j != sets.cend()) {
if (j->id == 0) {
foundBad = true;
} else if (j->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_official) {
foundOfficial = true;
if (!(j->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_disabled)) {
acc = (acc * 20261) + j->hash;
return (!checkOfficial || (!foundBad && foundOfficial)) ? int32(acc & 0x7FFFFFFF) : 0;
int32 countSavedGifsHash() {
uint32 acc = 0;
const SavedGifs &saved(cSavedGifs());
for (SavedGifs::const_iterator i = saved.cbegin(), e = saved.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
uint64 docId = (*i)->id;
acc = (acc * 20261) + uint32(docId >> 32);
acc = (acc * 20261) + uint32(docId & 0xFFFFFFFF);
return int32(acc & 0x7FFFFFFF);
void writeSavedGifs() {
if (!_working()) return;
const SavedGifs &saved(cSavedGifs());
if (saved.isEmpty()) {
if (_savedGifsKey) {
_savedGifsKey = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
} else {
quint32 size = sizeof(quint32); // count
for (SavedGifs::const_iterator i = saved.cbegin(), e = saved.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
DocumentData *doc = *i;
// id + access + date + namelen + name + mimelen + mime + dc + size + width + height + type + duration
size += sizeof(quint64) + sizeof(quint64) + sizeof(qint32) + _stringSize(doc->name) + _stringSize(doc->mime) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32);
// thumb
size += _storageImageLocationSize();
if (!_savedGifsKey) {
_savedGifsKey = genKey();
_mapChanged = true;
EncryptedDescriptor data(size);
data.stream << quint32(saved.size());
for (SavedGifs::const_iterator i = saved.cbegin(), e = saved.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
DocumentData *doc = *i;
data.stream << quint64(doc->id) << quint64(doc->access) << qint32(doc->date) << doc->name << doc->mime << qint32(doc->dc) << qint32(doc->size) << qint32(doc->dimensions.width()) << qint32(doc->dimensions.height()) << qint32(doc->type) << qint32(doc->duration());
_writeStorageImageLocation(data.stream, doc->thumb->location());
FileWriteDescriptor file(_savedGifsKey);
void readSavedGifs() {
if (!_savedGifsKey) return;
FileReadDescriptor gifs;
if (!readEncryptedFile(gifs, _savedGifsKey)) {
_savedGifsKey = 0;
SavedGifs &saved(cRefSavedGifs());
quint32 cnt;
gifs.stream >> cnt;
QMap<uint64, NullType> read;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
quint64 id, access;
QString name, mime;
qint32 date, dc, size, width, height, type, duration;
gifs.stream >> id >> access >> date >> name >> mime >> dc >> size >> width >> height >> type >> duration;
StorageImageLocation thumb(_readStorageImageLocation(gifs));
if (read.contains(id)) continue;
read.insert(id, NullType());
QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> attributes;
if (!name.isEmpty()) attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeFilename(MTP_string(name)));
if (type == AnimatedDocument) {
if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
if (duration >= 0) {
attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeVideo(MTP_int(duration), MTP_int(width), MTP_int(height)));
} else {
attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeImageSize(MTP_int(width), MTP_int(height)));
DocumentData *doc = App::documentSet(id, 0, access, date, attributes, mime, thumb.isNull() ? ImagePtr() : ImagePtr(thumb), dc, size, thumb);
if (!doc->isAnimation()) continue;
void writeBackground(int32 id, const QImage &img) {
if (!_working()) return;
QByteArray png;
if (!img.isNull()) {
QBuffer buf(&png);
if (!img.save(&buf, "BMP")) return;
if (!_backgroundKey) {
_backgroundKey = genKey();
_mapChanged = true;
quint32 size = sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(quint32) + (png.isEmpty() ? 0 : (sizeof(quint32) + png.size()));
EncryptedDescriptor data(size);
data.stream << qint32(id);
if (!png.isEmpty()) data.stream << png;
FileWriteDescriptor file(_backgroundKey);
bool readBackground() {
if (_backgroundWasRead) return false;
_backgroundWasRead = true;
FileReadDescriptor bg;
if (!readEncryptedFile(bg, _backgroundKey)) {
_backgroundKey = 0;
return false;
QByteArray pngData;
qint32 id;
bg.stream >> id;
if (!id || id == DefaultChatBackground) {
if (bg.version < 8005) {
if (!id) cSetTileBackground(!DefaultChatBackground);
App::initBackground(DefaultChatBackground, QImage(), true);
} else {
App::initBackground(id, QImage(), true);
return true;
bg.stream >> pngData;
QImage img;
QBuffer buf(&pngData);
QImageReader reader(&buf);
if (reader.read(&img)) {
App::initBackground(id, img, true);
return true;
return false;
uint32 _peerSize(PeerData *peer) {
uint32 result = sizeof(quint64) + sizeof(quint64) + _storageImageLocationSize();
if (peer->isUser()) {
UserData *user = peer->asUser();
// first + last + phone + username + access
result += _stringSize(user->firstName) + _stringSize(user->lastName) + _stringSize(user->phone) + _stringSize(user->username) + sizeof(quint64);
// flags
if (AppVersion >= 9012) {
result += sizeof(qint32);
// onlineTill + contact + botInfoVersion
result += sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32);
} else if (peer->isChat()) {
ChatData *chat = peer->asChat();
// name + count + date + version + admin + forbidden + left + invitationUrl
result += _stringSize(chat->name) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + _stringSize(chat->invitationUrl);
} else if (peer->isChannel()) {
ChannelData *channel = peer->asChannel();
// name + access + date + version + forbidden + flags + invitationUrl
result += _stringSize(channel->name) + sizeof(quint64) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + _stringSize(channel->invitationUrl);
return result;
void _writePeer(QDataStream &stream, PeerData *peer, int32 fileVersion = AppVersion) {
stream << quint64(peer->id) << quint64(peer->photoId);
_writeStorageImageLocation(stream, peer->photoLoc);
if (peer->isUser()) {
UserData *user = peer->asUser();
stream << user->firstName << user->lastName << user->phone << user->username << quint64(user->access);
if (AppVersion >= 9012) {
stream << qint32(user->flags);
if (AppVersion >= 9016 || fileVersion >= 9016) {
stream << (user->botInfo ? user->botInfo->inlinePlaceholder : QString());
stream << qint32(user->onlineTill) << qint32(user->contact) << qint32(user->botInfo ? user->botInfo->version : -1);
} else if (peer->isChat()) {
ChatData *chat = peer->asChat();
qint32 flagsData = (AppVersion >= 9012) ? chat->flags : (chat->haveLeft() ? 1 : 0);
stream << chat->name << qint32(chat->count) << qint32(chat->date) << qint32(chat->version) << qint32(chat->creator);
stream << qint32(chat->isForbidden ? 1 : 0) << qint32(flagsData) << chat->invitationUrl;
} else if (peer->isChannel()) {
ChannelData *channel = peer->asChannel();
stream << channel->name << quint64(channel->access) << qint32(channel->date) << qint32(channel->version);
stream << qint32(channel->isForbidden ? 1 : 0) << qint32(channel->flags) << channel->invitationUrl;
PeerData *_readPeer(FileReadDescriptor &from, int32 fileVersion = 0) {
PeerData *result = 0;
quint64 peerId = 0, photoId = 0;
from.stream >> peerId >> photoId;
StorageImageLocation photoLoc(_readStorageImageLocation(from));
result = App::peerLoaded(peerId);
bool wasLoaded = (result && result->loaded);
if (!wasLoaded) {
result = App::peer(peerId);
result->loaded = true;
if (result->isUser()) {
UserData *user = result->asUser();
QString first, last, phone, username, inlinePlaceholder;
quint64 access;
qint32 flags = 0, onlineTill, contact, botInfoVersion;
from.stream >> first >> last >> phone >> username >> access;
if (from.version >= 9012) {
from.stream >> flags;
if (from.version >= 9016 || fileVersion >= 9016) {
from.stream >> inlinePlaceholder;
from.stream >> onlineTill >> contact >> botInfoVersion;
bool showPhone = !isServiceUser(user->id) && (peerToUser(user->id) != MTP::authedId()) && (contact <= 0);
QString pname = (showPhone && !phone.isEmpty()) ? App::formatPhone(phone) : QString();
if (!wasLoaded) {
user->setName(first, last, pname, username);
user->access = access;
user->flags = flags;
user->onlineTill = onlineTill;
user->contact = contact;
if (!inlinePlaceholder.isEmpty() && user->botInfo) {
user->botInfo->inlinePlaceholder = inlinePlaceholder;
if (peerToUser(user->id) == MTP::authedId()) {
user->input = MTP_inputPeerSelf();
user->inputUser = MTP_inputUserSelf();
} else {
user->input = MTP_inputPeerUser(MTP_int(peerToUser(user->id)), MTP_long((user->access == UserNoAccess) ? 0 : user->access));
user->inputUser = MTP_inputUser(MTP_int(peerToUser(user->id)), MTP_long((user->access == UserNoAccess) ? 0 : user->access));
user->photo = photoLoc.isNull() ? ImagePtr(userDefPhoto(user->colorIndex)) : ImagePtr(photoLoc);
} else if (result->isChat()) {
ChatData *chat = result->asChat();
QString name, invitationUrl;
qint32 count, date, version, creator, forbidden, flagsData, flags;
from.stream >> name >> count >> date >> version >> creator >> forbidden >> flagsData >> invitationUrl;
if (from.version >= 9012) {
flags = flagsData;
} else {
// flagsData was haveLeft
flags = (flagsData == 1 ? MTPDchat::flag_left : 0);
if (!wasLoaded) {
chat->updateName(name, QString(), QString());
chat->count = count;
chat->date = date;
chat->version = version;
chat->creator = creator;
chat->isForbidden = (forbidden == 1);
chat->flags = flags;
chat->invitationUrl = invitationUrl;
chat->input = MTP_inputPeerChat(MTP_int(peerToChat(chat->id)));
chat->inputChat = MTP_int(peerToChat(chat->id));
chat->photo = photoLoc.isNull() ? ImagePtr(chatDefPhoto(chat->colorIndex)) : ImagePtr(photoLoc);
} else if (result->isChannel()) {
ChannelData *channel = result->asChannel();
QString name, invitationUrl;
quint64 access;
qint32 date, version, adminned, forbidden, flags;
from.stream >> name >> access >> date >> version >> forbidden >> flags >> invitationUrl;
if (!wasLoaded) {
channel->updateName(name, QString(), QString());
channel->access = access;
channel->date = date;
channel->version = version;
channel->isForbidden = (forbidden == 1);
channel->flags = flags;
channel->invitationUrl = invitationUrl;
channel->input = MTP_inputPeerChannel(MTP_int(peerToChannel(channel->id)), MTP_long(access));
channel->inputChannel = MTP_inputChannel(MTP_int(peerToChannel(channel->id)), MTP_long(access));
channel->photo = photoLoc.isNull() ? ImagePtr((channel->isMegagroup() ? chatDefPhoto(channel->colorIndex) : channelDefPhoto(channel->colorIndex))) : ImagePtr(photoLoc);
if (!wasLoaded) {
emit App::main()->peerPhotoChanged(result);
return result;
void writeRecentHashtagsAndBots() {
if (!_working()) return;
const RecentHashtagPack &write(cRecentWriteHashtags()), &search(cRecentSearchHashtags());
const RecentInlineBots &bots(cRecentInlineBots());
if (write.isEmpty() && search.isEmpty() && bots.isEmpty()) readRecentHashtagsAndBots();
if (write.isEmpty() && search.isEmpty() && bots.isEmpty()) {
if (_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey) {
_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
} else {
if (!_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey) {
_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey = genKey();
_mapChanged = true;
quint32 size = sizeof(quint32) * 3, writeCnt = 0, searchCnt = 0, botsCnt = cRecentInlineBots().size();
for (RecentHashtagPack::const_iterator i = write.cbegin(), e = write.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (!i->first.isEmpty()) {
size += _stringSize(i->first) + sizeof(quint16);
for (RecentHashtagPack::const_iterator i = search.cbegin(), e = search.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (!i->first.isEmpty()) {
size += _stringSize(i->first) + sizeof(quint16);
for (RecentInlineBots::const_iterator i = bots.cbegin(), e = bots.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
size += _peerSize(*i);
EncryptedDescriptor data(size);
data.stream << quint32(writeCnt) << quint32(searchCnt);
for (RecentHashtagPack::const_iterator i = write.cbegin(), e = write.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (!i->first.isEmpty()) data.stream << i->first << quint16(i->second);
for (RecentHashtagPack::const_iterator i = search.cbegin(), e = search.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (!i->first.isEmpty()) data.stream << i->first << quint16(i->second);
data.stream << quint32(botsCnt);
for (RecentInlineBots::const_iterator i = bots.cbegin(), e = bots.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
_writePeer(data.stream, *i, 9016);
FileWriteDescriptor file(_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey);
void readRecentHashtagsAndBots() {
if (_recentHashtagsAndBotsWereRead) return;
_recentHashtagsAndBotsWereRead = true;
if (!_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey) return;
FileReadDescriptor hashtags;
if (!readEncryptedFile(hashtags, _recentHashtagsAndBotsKey)) {
_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey = 0;
quint32 writeCount = 0, searchCount = 0, botsCount = 0;
hashtags.stream >> writeCount >> searchCount;
QString tag;
quint16 count;
RecentHashtagPack write, search;
RecentInlineBots bots;
if (writeCount) {
for (uint32 i = 0; i < writeCount; ++i) {
hashtags.stream >> tag >> count;
write.push_back(qMakePair(tag.trimmed(), count));
if (searchCount) {
for (uint32 i = 0; i < searchCount; ++i) {
hashtags.stream >> tag >> count;
search.push_back(qMakePair(tag.trimmed(), count));
if (!hashtags.stream.atEnd()) {
hashtags.stream >> botsCount;
if (botsCount) {
for (uint32 i = 0; i < botsCount; ++i) {
PeerData *peer = _readPeer(hashtags, 9016);
if (peer && peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo && !peer->asUser()->botInfo->inlinePlaceholder.isEmpty() && !peer->asUser()->username.isEmpty()) {
void writeSavedPeers() {
if (!_working()) return;
const SavedPeers &saved(cSavedPeers());
if (saved.isEmpty()) {
if (_savedPeersKey) {
_savedPeersKey = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
} else {
if (!_savedPeersKey) {
_savedPeersKey = genKey();
_mapChanged = true;
quint32 size = sizeof(quint32);
for (SavedPeers::const_iterator i = saved.cbegin(); i != saved.cend(); ++i) {
size += _peerSize(i.key()) + _dateTimeSize();
EncryptedDescriptor data(size);
data.stream << quint32(saved.size());
for (SavedPeers::const_iterator i = saved.cbegin(); i != saved.cend(); ++i) {
_writePeer(data.stream, i.key());
data.stream << i.value();
FileWriteDescriptor file(_savedPeersKey);
void readSavedPeers() {
if (!_savedPeersKey) return;
FileReadDescriptor saved;
if (!readEncryptedFile(saved, _savedPeersKey)) {
_savedPeersKey = 0;
if (saved.version == 9011) { // broken dev version
_savedPeersKey = 0;
quint32 count = 0;
saved.stream >> count;
QList<PeerData*> peers;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
PeerData *peer = _readPeer(saved);
if (!peer) break;
QDateTime t;
saved.stream >> t;
cRefSavedPeers().insert(peer, t);
cRefSavedPeersByTime().insert(t, peer);
if (App::api()) App::api()->requestPeers(peers);
void addSavedPeer(PeerData *peer, const QDateTime &position) {
SavedPeers &savedPeers(cRefSavedPeers());
SavedPeers::iterator i = savedPeers.find(peer);
if (i == savedPeers.cend()) {
savedPeers.insert(peer, position);
} else if (i.value() != position) {
cRefSavedPeersByTime().remove(i.value(), peer);
i.value() = position;
cRefSavedPeersByTime().insert(i.value(), peer);
void removeSavedPeer(PeerData *peer) {
SavedPeers &savedPeers(cRefSavedPeers());
if (savedPeers.isEmpty()) return;
SavedPeers::iterator i = savedPeers.find(peer);
if (i != savedPeers.cend()) {
cRefSavedPeersByTime().remove(i.value(), peer);
void writeReportSpamStatuses() {
struct ClearManagerData {
QThread *thread;
StorageMap images, stickers, audios;
WebFilesMap webFiles;
QMutex mutex;
QList<int> tasks;
bool working;
ClearManager::ClearManager() : data(new ClearManagerData()) {
data->thread = new QThread();
data->working = true;
bool ClearManager::addTask(int task) {
QMutexLocker lock(&data->mutex);
if (!data->working) return false;
if (!data->tasks.isEmpty() && (data->tasks.at(0) == ClearManagerAll)) return true;
if (task == ClearManagerAll) {
if (!_imagesMap.isEmpty()) {
_storageImagesSize = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
if (!_stickerImagesMap.isEmpty()) {
_storageStickersSize = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
if (!_audiosMap.isEmpty()) {
_storageAudiosSize = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
if (!_draftsMap.isEmpty()) {
_mapChanged = true;
if (!_draftsPositionsMap.isEmpty()) {
_mapChanged = true;
if (_locationsKey) {
_locationsKey = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
if (_reportSpamStatusesKey) {
_reportSpamStatusesKey = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
if (_recentStickersKeyOld) {
_recentStickersKeyOld = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
if (_stickersKey) {
_stickersKey = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
if (_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey) {
_recentHashtagsAndBotsKey = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
if (_savedPeersKey) {
_savedPeersKey = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
} else {
if (task & ClearManagerStorage) {
if (data->images.isEmpty()) {
data->images = _imagesMap;
} else {
for (StorageMap::const_iterator i = _imagesMap.cbegin(), e = _imagesMap.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
StorageKey k = i.key();
while (data->images.constFind(k) != data->images.cend()) {
data->images.insert(k, i.value());
if (!_imagesMap.isEmpty()) {
_storageImagesSize = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
if (data->stickers.isEmpty()) {
data->stickers = _stickerImagesMap;
} else {
for (StorageMap::const_iterator i = _stickerImagesMap.cbegin(), e = _stickerImagesMap.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
StorageKey k = i.key();
while (data->stickers.constFind(k) != data->stickers.cend()) {
data->stickers.insert(k, i.value());
if (!_stickerImagesMap.isEmpty()) {
_storageStickersSize = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
if (data->webFiles.isEmpty()) {
data->webFiles = _webFilesMap;
} else {
for (WebFilesMap::const_iterator i = _webFilesMap.cbegin(), e = _webFilesMap.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
QString k = i.key();
while (data->webFiles.constFind(k) != data->webFiles.cend()) {
k += '#';
data->webFiles.insert(k, i.value());
if (!_webFilesMap.isEmpty()) {
_storageWebFilesSize = 0;
if (data->audios.isEmpty()) {
data->audios = _audiosMap;
} else {
for (StorageMap::const_iterator i = _audiosMap.cbegin(), e = _audiosMap.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
StorageKey k = i.key();
while (data->audios.constFind(k) != data->audios.cend()) {
data->audios.insert(k, i.value());
if (!_audiosMap.isEmpty()) {
_storageAudiosSize = 0;
_mapChanged = true;
for (int32 i = 0, l = data->tasks.size(); i < l; ++i) {
if (data->tasks.at(i) == task) return true;
return true;
bool ClearManager::hasTask(ClearManagerTask task) {
QMutexLocker lock(&data->mutex);
if (data->tasks.isEmpty()) return false;
if (data->tasks.at(0) == ClearManagerAll) return true;
for (int32 i = 0, l = data->tasks.size(); i < l; ++i) {
if (data->tasks.at(i) == task) return true;
return false;
void ClearManager::start() {
connect(data->thread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(onStart()));
ClearManager::~ClearManager() {
delete data;
void ClearManager::onStart() {
while (true) {
int task = 0;
bool result = false;
StorageMap images, stickers, audios;
WebFilesMap webFiles;
QMutexLocker lock(&data->mutex);
if (data->tasks.isEmpty()) {
data->working = false;
task = data->tasks.at(0);
images = data->images;
stickers = data->stickers;
audios = data->audios;
webFiles = data->webFiles;
switch (task) {
case ClearManagerAll: {
result = QDir(cTempDir()).removeRecursively();
QDirIterator di(_userBasePath, QDir::AllEntries | QDir::Hidden | QDir::System | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
while (di.hasNext()) {
const QFileInfo& fi = di.fileInfo();
if (fi.isDir() && !fi.isSymLink()) {
if (!QDir(di.filePath()).removeRecursively()) result = false;
} else {
QString path = di.filePath();
if (!path.endsWith(qstr("map0")) && !path.endsWith(qstr("map1"))) {
if (!QFile::remove(di.filePath())) result = false;
} break;
case ClearManagerDownloads:
result = QDir(cTempDir()).removeRecursively();
case ClearManagerStorage:
for (StorageMap::const_iterator i = images.cbegin(), e = images.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
clearKey(i.value().first, UserPath);
for (StorageMap::const_iterator i = stickers.cbegin(), e = stickers.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
clearKey(i.value().first, UserPath);
for (StorageMap::const_iterator i = audios.cbegin(), e = audios.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
clearKey(i.value().first, UserPath);
for (WebFilesMap::const_iterator i = webFiles.cbegin(), e = webFiles.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
clearKey(i.value().first, UserPath);
result = true;
QMutexLocker lock(&data->mutex);
if (data->tasks.at(0) == task) {
if (data->tasks.isEmpty()) {
data->working = false;
if (result) {
emit succeed(task, data->working ? 0 : this);
} else {
emit failed(task, data->working ? 0 : this);
if (!data->working) break;