mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 05:56:42 -04:00

Currently the build without implicitly included precompiled header is not supported anyway (because Qt MOC source files do not include stdafx.h, they include plain headers). So when we decide to support building without implicitly included precompiled headers we'll have to fix all the headers anyway.
372 lines
13 KiB
372 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "inline_bots/inline_bot_result.h"
#include "inline_bots/inline_bot_layout_item.h"
#include "inline_bots/inline_bot_send_data.h"
#include "mtproto/file_download.h"
#include "core/file_utilities.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
namespace InlineBots {
Result::Result(const Creator &creator) : _queryId(creator.queryId), _type(creator.type) {
std::unique_ptr<Result> Result::create(uint64 queryId, const MTPBotInlineResult &mtpData) {
using StringToTypeMap = QMap<QString, Result::Type>;
static StaticNeverFreedPointer<StringToTypeMap> stringToTypeMap{ ([]() -> StringToTypeMap* {
auto result = std::make_unique<StringToTypeMap>();
result->insert(qsl("photo"), Result::Type::Photo);
result->insert(qsl("video"), Result::Type::Video);
result->insert(qsl("audio"), Result::Type::Audio);
result->insert(qsl("voice"), Result::Type::Audio);
result->insert(qsl("sticker"), Result::Type::Sticker);
result->insert(qsl("file"), Result::Type::File);
result->insert(qsl("gif"), Result::Type::Gif);
result->insert(qsl("article"), Result::Type::Article);
result->insert(qsl("contact"), Result::Type::Contact);
result->insert(qsl("venue"), Result::Type::Venue);
result->insert(qsl("geo"), Result::Type::Geo);
result->insert(qsl("game"), Result::Type::Game);
return result.release();
})() };
auto getInlineResultType = [](const MTPBotInlineResult &inlineResult) -> Type {
QString type;
switch (inlineResult.type()) {
case mtpc_botInlineResult: type = qs(inlineResult.c_botInlineResult().vtype); break;
case mtpc_botInlineMediaResult: type = qs(inlineResult.c_botInlineMediaResult().vtype); break;
return stringToTypeMap->value(type, Type::Unknown);
Type type = getInlineResultType(mtpData);
if (type == Type::Unknown) {
return std::unique_ptr<Result>();
auto result = std::make_unique<Result>(Creator{ queryId, type });
const MTPBotInlineMessage *message = nullptr;
switch (mtpData.type()) {
case mtpc_botInlineResult: {
const auto &r(mtpData.c_botInlineResult());
result->_id = qs(r.vid);
if (r.has_title()) result->_title = qs(r.vtitle);
if (r.has_description()) result->_description = qs(r.vdescription);
if (r.has_url()) result->_url = qs(r.vurl);
if (r.has_thumb_url()) result->_thumb_url = qs(r.vthumb_url);
if (r.has_content_type()) result->_content_type = qs(r.vcontent_type);
if (r.has_content_url()) result->_content_url = qs(r.vcontent_url);
if (r.has_w()) result->_width = r.vw.v;
if (r.has_h()) result->_height = r.vh.v;
if (r.has_duration()) result->_duration = r.vduration.v;
if (!result->_thumb_url.startsWith(qstr("http://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) && !result->_thumb_url.startsWith(qstr("https://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
result->_thumb_url = QString();
message = &r.vsend_message;
} break;
case mtpc_botInlineMediaResult: {
const auto &r(mtpData.c_botInlineMediaResult());
result->_id = qs(r.vid);
if (r.has_title()) result->_title = qs(r.vtitle);
if (r.has_description()) result->_description = qs(r.vdescription);
if (r.has_photo()) {
result->_photo = App::feedPhoto(r.vphoto);
if (r.has_document()) {
result->_document = App::feedDocument(r.vdocument);
message = &r.vsend_message;
} break;
bool badAttachment = (result->_photo && !result->_photo->access) || (result->_document && !result->_document->isValid());
if (!message) {
return std::unique_ptr<Result>();
// Ensure required media fields for layouts.
if (result->_type == Type::Photo) {
if (!result->_photo && result->_content_url.isEmpty()) {
return std::unique_ptr<Result>();
} else if (result->_type == Type::File || result->_type == Type::Gif || result->_type == Type::Sticker) {
if (!result->_document && result->_content_url.isEmpty()) {
return std::unique_ptr<Result>();
switch (message->type()) {
case mtpc_botInlineMessageMediaAuto: {
auto &r = message->c_botInlineMessageMediaAuto();
if (result->_type == Type::Photo) {
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendPhoto(result->_photo, qs(r.vcaption)));
} else if (result->_type == Type::Game) {
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendGame(result->_game));
} else {
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendFile(result->_document, qs(r.vcaption)));
if (r.has_reply_markup()) {
result->_mtpKeyboard = std::make_unique<MTPReplyMarkup>(r.vreply_markup);
} break;
case mtpc_botInlineMessageText: {
auto &r = message->c_botInlineMessageText();
EntitiesInText entities = r.has_entities() ? entitiesFromMTP(r.ventities.c_vector().v) : EntitiesInText();
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendText(qs(r.vmessage), entities, r.is_no_webpage()));
if (result->_type == Type::Photo) {
} else if (result->_type == Type::Audio || result->_type == Type::File || result->_type == Type::Video || result->_type == Type::Sticker || result->_type == Type::Gif) {
if (r.has_reply_markup()) {
result->_mtpKeyboard = std::make_unique<MTPReplyMarkup>(r.vreply_markup);
} break;
case mtpc_botInlineMessageMediaGeo: {
auto &r = message->c_botInlineMessageMediaGeo();
if (r.vgeo.type() == mtpc_geoPoint) {
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendGeo(r.vgeo.c_geoPoint()));
} else {
badAttachment = true;
if (r.has_reply_markup()) {
result->_mtpKeyboard = std::make_unique<MTPReplyMarkup>(r.vreply_markup);
} break;
case mtpc_botInlineMessageMediaVenue: {
auto &r = message->c_botInlineMessageMediaVenue();
if (r.vgeo.type() == mtpc_geoPoint) {
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendVenue(r.vgeo.c_geoPoint(), qs(r.vvenue_id), qs(r.vprovider), qs(r.vtitle), qs(r.vaddress)));
} else {
badAttachment = true;
if (r.has_reply_markup()) {
result->_mtpKeyboard = std::make_unique<MTPReplyMarkup>(r.vreply_markup);
} break;
case mtpc_botInlineMessageMediaContact: {
auto &r = message->c_botInlineMessageMediaContact();
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendContact(qs(r.vfirst_name), qs(r.vlast_name), qs(r.vphone_number)));
if (r.has_reply_markup()) {
result->_mtpKeyboard = std::make_unique<MTPReplyMarkup>(r.vreply_markup);
} break;
default: {
badAttachment = true;
} break;
if (badAttachment || !result->sendData || !result->sendData->isValid()) {
return std::unique_ptr<Result>();
if (result->_thumb->isNull() && !result->_thumb_url.isEmpty()) {
result->_thumb = ImagePtr(result->_thumb_url);
LocationCoords location;
if (result->getLocationCoords(&location)) {
int32 w = st::inlineThumbSize, h = st::inlineThumbSize;
int32 zoom = 13, scale = 1;
if (cScale() == dbisTwo || cRetina()) {
scale = 2;
w /= 2;
h /= 2;
auto coords = location.latAsString() + ',' + location.lonAsString();
QString url = qsl("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=") + coords + qsl("&zoom=%1&size=%2x%3&maptype=roadmap&scale=%4&markers=color:red|size:big|").arg(zoom).arg(w).arg(h).arg(scale) + coords + qsl("&sensor=false");
result->_locationThumb = ImagePtr(url);
return result;
bool Result::onChoose(Layout::ItemBase *layout) {
if (_photo && _type == Type::Photo) {
if (_photo->medium->loaded() || _photo->thumb->loaded()) {
return true;
} else if (!_photo->medium->loading()) {
return false;
if (_document && (
_type == Type::Video ||
_type == Type::Audio ||
_type == Type::Sticker ||
_type == Type::File ||
_type == Type::Gif)) {
if (_type == Type::Gif) {
if (_document->loaded()) {
return true;
} else if (_document->loading()) {
} else {
DocumentOpenClickHandler::doOpen(_document, nullptr, ActionOnLoadNone);
return false;
return true;
return true;
void Result::forget() {
if (_document) {
if (_photo) {
void Result::openFile() {
if (_document) {
} else if (_photo) {
void Result::cancelFile() {
if (_document) {
} else if (_photo) {
bool Result::hasThumbDisplay() const {
if (!_thumb->isNull()) {
return true;
if (_type == Type::Contact) {
return true;
if (sendData->hasLocationCoords()) {
return true;
return false;
void Result::addToHistory(History *history, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId msgId, UserId fromId, MTPint mtpDate, UserId viaBotId, MsgId replyToId) const {
flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_from_inline_bot;
MTPReplyMarkup markup = MTPnullMarkup;
if (_mtpKeyboard) {
flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup;
markup = *_mtpKeyboard;
sendData->addToHistory(this, history, flags, msgId, fromId, mtpDate, viaBotId, replyToId, markup);
bool Result::getLocationCoords(LocationCoords *outLocation) const {
return sendData->getLocationCoords(outLocation);
QString Result::getLayoutTitle() const {
return sendData->getLayoutTitle(this);
QString Result::getLayoutDescription() const {
return sendData->getLayoutDescription(this);
// just to make unique_ptr see the destructors.
Result::~Result() {
void Result::createPhoto() {
if (_photo) return;
if (_thumb_url.isEmpty()) {
QSize thumbsize = shrinkToKeepAspect(_width, _height, 100, 100);
_thumb = ImagePtr(thumbsize.width(), thumbsize.height());
} else {
_thumb = ImagePtr(_thumb_url, QSize(320, 320));
// ImagePtr medium = ImagePtr(_content_url, QSize(320, 320));
QSize mediumsize = shrinkToKeepAspect(_width, _height, 320, 320);
ImagePtr medium = ImagePtr(mediumsize.width(), mediumsize.height());
ImagePtr full = ImagePtr(_content_url, _width, _height);
auto photoId = rand_value<PhotoId>();
_photo = App::photoSet(photoId, 0, 0, unixtime(), _thumb, medium, full);
_photo->thumb = _thumb;
void Result::createDocument() {
if (_document) return;
if (!_thumb_url.isEmpty()) {
_thumb = ImagePtr(_thumb_url, QSize(90, 90));
QString mime = _content_type;
QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> attributes;
QSize dimensions(_width, _height);
if (_type == Type::Gif) {
const char *filename = (mime == qstr("video/mp4") ? "animation.gif.mp4" : "animation.gif");
attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeVideo(MTP_int(_duration), MTP_int(_width), MTP_int(_height)));
} else if (_type == Type::Video) {
attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeVideo(MTP_int(_duration), MTP_int(_width), MTP_int(_height)));
} else if (_type == Type::Audio) {
MTPDdocumentAttributeAudio::Flags flags = 0;
if (mime == qstr("audio/ogg")) {
flags |= MTPDdocumentAttributeAudio::Flag::f_voice;
} else {
QStringList p = mimeTypeForName(mime).globPatterns();
QString pattern = p.isEmpty() ? QString() : p.front();
QString extension = pattern.isEmpty() ? qsl(".unknown") : pattern.replace('*', QString());
QString filename = filedialogDefaultName(qsl("inline"), extension, QString(), true);
attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeAudio(MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(_duration), MTPstring(), MTPstring(), MTPbytes()));
auto documentId = rand_value<DocumentId>();
_document = App::documentSet(documentId, nullptr, 0, 0, unixtime(), attributes, mime, _thumb, MTP::maindc(), 0, StorageImageLocation());
void Result::createGame() {
if (_game) return;
auto gameId = rand_value<GameId>();
_game = App::gameSet(gameId, nullptr, 0, QString(), _title, _description, _photo, _document);
} // namespace InlineBots