mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 19:21:39 -05:00
840 lines
25 KiB
840 lines
25 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "codegen/style/parsed_file.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QRegularExpression>
#include "codegen/common/basic_tokenized_file.h"
#include "codegen/common/logging.h"
using BasicToken = codegen::common::BasicTokenizedFile::Token;
using BasicType = BasicToken::Type;
namespace codegen {
namespace style {
using structure::logFullName;
namespace {
constexpr int kErrorInIncluded = 801;
constexpr int kErrorTypeMismatch = 802;
constexpr int kErrorUnknownField = 803;
constexpr int kErrorIdentifierNotFound = 804;
constexpr int kErrorAlreadyDefined = 805;
constexpr int kErrorBadString = 806;
constexpr int kErrorIconDuplicate = 807;
constexpr int kErrorBadIconModifier = 808;
constexpr int kErrorCyclicDependency = 809;
QString findInputFile(const Options &options) {
for (const auto &dir : options.includePaths) {
QString tryPath = QDir(dir).absolutePath() + '/' + options.inputPath;
if (QFileInfo(tryPath).exists()) {
return tryPath;
return options.inputPath;
QString tokenValue(const BasicToken &token) {
if (token.type == BasicType::String) {
return token.value;
return token.original.toStringUnchecked();
bool isValidColor(const QString &str) {
auto len = str.size();
if (len != 6 && len != 8) {
return false;
for (auto ch : str) {
auto code = ch.unicode();
if ((code < '0' || code > '9') && (code < 'a' || code > 'f')) {
return false;
return true;
uchar toGray(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b) {
return qMax(qMin(int(0.21 * r + 0.72 * g + 0.07 * b), 255), 0);
uchar readHexUchar(QChar ch) {
auto code = ch.unicode();
return (code >= '0' && code <= '9') ? ((code - '0') & 0xFF) : ((code + 10 - 'a') & 0xFF);
uchar readHexUchar(QChar char1, QChar char2) {
return ((readHexUchar(char1) & 0x0F) << 4) | (readHexUchar(char2) & 0x0F);
structure::data::color convertWebColor(const QString &str, const QString &fallback = QString()) {
uchar r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255;
if (isValidColor(str)) {
r = readHexUchar(str.at(0), str.at(1));
g = readHexUchar(str.at(2), str.at(3));
b = readHexUchar(str.at(4), str.at(5));
if (str.size() == 8) {
a = readHexUchar(str.at(6), str.at(7));
return { r, g, b, a, fallback };
structure::data::color convertIntColor(int r, int g, int b, int a) {
return { uchar(r & 0xFF), uchar(g & 0xFF), uchar(b & 0xFF), uchar(a & 0xFF) };
std::string logType(const structure::Type &type) {
if (type.tag == structure::TypeTag::Struct) {
return "struct " + logFullName(type.name);
static auto builtInTypes = new QMap<structure::TypeTag, std::string> {
{ structure::TypeTag::Int , "int" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Double , "double" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Pixels , "pixels" },
{ structure::TypeTag::String , "string" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Color , "color" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Point , "point" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Size , "size" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Align , "align" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Margins , "margins" },
{ structure::TypeTag::Font , "font" },
return builtInTypes->value(type.tag, "invalid");
bool validateAnsiString(const QString &value) {
for (auto ch : value) {
if (ch.unicode() > 127) {
return false;
return true;
bool validateAlignString(const QString &value) {
return QRegularExpression("^[a-z_]+$").match(value).hasMatch();
} // namespace
Modifier GetModifier(const QString &name) {
static QMap<QString, Modifier> modifiers;
if (modifiers.empty()) {
modifiers.insert("invert", [](QImage &image) {
modifiers.insert("flip_horizontal", [](QImage &image) {
image = image.mirrored(true, false);
modifiers.insert("flip_vertical", [](QImage &image) {
image = image.mirrored(false, true);
return modifiers.value(name);
const Options &options,
std::vector<QString> includeStack)
: filePath_(findInputFile(options))
, file_(filePath_)
, options_(options)
, includeStack_(includeStack) {
bool ParsedFile::read() {
if (std::find(begin(includeStack_), end(includeStack_), filePath_)
!= end(includeStack_)) {
logError(kErrorCyclicDependency) << "include cycle detected.";
return false;
} else if (!file_.read()) {
return false;
auto absolutePath = QFileInfo(filePath_).absoluteFilePath();
module_ = std::make_unique<structure::Module>(absolutePath);
do {
if (auto startToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (tokenValue(startToken) == "using") {
if (auto includedResult = readIncluded()) {
} else if (auto braceOpen = file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftBrace)) {
if (auto structResult = readStruct(tokenValue(startToken))) {
if (module_->addStruct(structResult)) {
logError(kErrorAlreadyDefined) << "struct '" << logFullName(structResult.name) << "' already defined";
} else if (auto colonToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Colon)) {
if (auto variableResult = readVariable(tokenValue(startToken))) {
if (module_->addVariable(variableResult)) {
logError(kErrorAlreadyDefined) << "variable '" << logFullName(variableResult.name) << "' already defined";
if (file_.atEnd()) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "using keyword, or struct definition, or variable definition";
} while (!failed());
if (failed()) {
module_ = nullptr;
return !failed();
common::LogStream ParsedFile::logErrorTypeMismatch() {
return logError(kErrorTypeMismatch) << "type mismatch: ";
ParsedFile::ModulePtr ParsedFile::readIncluded() {
if (auto usingFile = assertNextToken(BasicType::String)) {
if (assertNextToken(BasicType::Semicolon)) {
auto includeStack = includeStack_;
ParsedFile included(
if (included.read()) {
return included.getResult();
} else {
logError(kErrorInIncluded) << "error while parsing '" << tokenValue(usingFile).toStdString() << "'";
return nullptr;
structure::Struct ParsedFile::readStruct(const QString &name) {
if (options_.isPalette) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "unique color variable for the palette";
return {};
structure::Struct result = { composeFullName(name) };
do {
if (auto fieldName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (auto field = readStructField(tokenValue(fieldName))) {
} else if (assertNextToken(BasicType::RightBrace)) {
if (result.fields.isEmpty()) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "at least one field in struct";
} while (!failed());
return result;
structure::Variable ParsedFile::readVariable(const QString &name) {
structure::Variable result = { composeFullName(name) };
if (auto value = readValue()) {
result.value = value;
if (options_.isPalette && value.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Color) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "unique color variable for the palette";
return {};
if (value.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Struct || !value.copyOf().empty()) {
result.description = file_.getCurrentLineComment();
return result;
structure::StructField ParsedFile::readStructField(const QString &name) {
structure::StructField result = { composeFullName(name) };
if (auto colonToken = assertNextToken(BasicType::Colon)) {
if (auto type = readType()) {
result.type = type;
return result;
structure::Type ParsedFile::readType() {
structure::Type result;
if (auto nameToken = assertNextToken(BasicType::Name)) {
auto name = tokenValue(nameToken);
if (auto builtInType = typeNames_.value(name.toStdString())) {
result = builtInType;
} else {
auto fullName = composeFullName(name);
if (module_->findStruct(fullName)) {
result.tag = structure::TypeTag::Struct;
result.name = fullName;
} else {
logError(kErrorIdentifierNotFound) << "type name '" << logFullName(fullName) << "' not found";
return result;
structure::Value ParsedFile::readValue() {
if (auto colorValue = readColorValue()) {
return colorValue;
} else if (auto pointValue = readPointValue()) {
return pointValue;
} else if (auto sizeValue = readSizeValue()) {
return sizeValue;
} else if (auto alignValue = readAlignValue()) {
return alignValue;
} else if (auto marginsValue = readMarginsValue()) {
return marginsValue;
} else if (auto fontValue = readFontValue()) {
return fontValue;
} else if (auto iconValue = readIconValue()) {
return iconValue;
} else if (auto numericValue = readNumericValue()) {
return numericValue;
} else if (auto stringValue = readStringValue()) {
return stringValue;
} else if (auto structValue = readStructValue()) {
return structValue;
} else if (auto copyValue = readCopyValue()) {
return copyValue;
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "variable value";
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readStructValue() {
if (auto structName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (auto result = defaultConstructedStruct(composeFullName(tokenValue(structName)))) {
if (file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftParenthesis)) {
if (!readStructParents(result)) {
return {};
if (assertNextToken(BasicType::LeftBrace)) {
return result;
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::defaultConstructedStruct(const structure::FullName &structName) {
if (auto pattern = module_->findStruct(structName)) {
QList<structure::data::field> fields;
for (const auto &fieldType : pattern->fields) {
{ // variable
{ fieldType.type, Qt::Uninitialized }, // value
structure::data::field::Status::Uninitialized, // status
return { structName, fields };
return {};
void ParsedFile::applyStructParent(structure::Value &result, const structure::FullName &parentName) {
bool fromTheSameModule = false;
if (auto parent = module_->findVariable(parentName, &fromTheSameModule)) {
if (parent->value.type() != result.type()) {
logErrorTypeMismatch() << "parent '" << logFullName(parentName) << "' has type '" << logType(parent->value.type()) << "' while child value has type " << logType(result.type());
const auto *srcFields(parent->value.Fields());
auto *dstFields(result.Fields());
if (!srcFields || !dstFields) {
logAssert(false) << "struct data check failed";
logAssert(srcFields->size() == dstFields->size()) << "struct size check failed";
for (int i = 0, s = srcFields->size(); i != s; ++i) {
const auto &srcField(srcFields->at(i));
auto &dstField((*dstFields)[i]);
using Status = structure::data::field::Status;
if (srcField.status == Status::Explicit ||
dstField.status == Status::Uninitialized) {
const auto &srcValue(srcField.variable.value);
auto &dstValue(dstField.variable.value);
logAssert(srcValue.type() == dstValue.type()) << "struct field type check failed";
// Optimization: don't let the style files to contain unnamed inherited
// icons from the other (included) style files, because they will
// duplicate the binary data across different style c++ source files.
// Example:
// a.style has "A: Struct { icon: icon { ..file.. } };" and
// b.style has "B: Struct(A) { .. };" with non-overriden icon field.
// Then both style_a.cpp and style_b.cpp will contain binary data of "file".
if (!fromTheSameModule
&& srcValue.type().tag == structure::TypeTag::Icon
&& !srcValue.Icon().parts.empty()
&& srcValue.copyOf().isEmpty()) {
logError(kErrorIconDuplicate) << "an unnamed icon field '" << logFullName(srcField.variable.name) << "' is inherited from parent '" << logFullName(parentName) << "'";
dstValue = srcValue;
dstField.status = Status::Implicit;
} else {
logError(kErrorIdentifierNotFound) << "parent '" << logFullName(parentName) << "' not found";
bool ParsedFile::readStructValueInner(structure::Value &result) {
do {
if (auto fieldName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (!assertNextToken(BasicType::Colon)) {
return false;
if (auto field = readVariable(tokenValue(fieldName))) {
if (!assignStructField(result, field)) {
return false;
} else if (assertNextToken(BasicType::RightBrace)) {
return true;
} while (!failed());
return false;
bool ParsedFile::assignStructField(structure::Value &result, const structure::Variable &field) {
auto *fields = result.Fields();
if (!fields) {
logAssert(false) << "struct data check failed";
return false;
for (auto &already : *fields) {
if (already.variable.name == field.name) {
if (already.variable.value.type() == field.value.type()) {
already.variable.value = field.value;
already.status = structure::data::field::Status::Explicit;
return true;
} else {
logErrorTypeMismatch() << "field '" << logFullName(already.variable.name) << "' has type '" << logType(already.variable.value.type()) << "' while value has type '" << logType(field.value.type()) << "'";
return false;
logError(kErrorUnknownField) << "field '" << logFullName(field.name) << "' was not found in struct of type '" << logType(result.type()) << "'";
return false;
bool ParsedFile::readStructParents(structure::Value &result) {
do {
if (auto parentName = assertNextToken(BasicType::Name)) {
applyStructParent(result, composeFullName(tokenValue(parentName)));
if (file_.getToken(BasicType::RightParenthesis)) {
return true;
} else {
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "struct variable parent";
} while (!failed());
return false;
structure::Value ParsedFile::readPositiveValue() {
auto numericToken = file_.getAnyToken();
if (numericToken.type == BasicType::Int) {
return { structure::TypeTag::Int, tokenValue(numericToken).toInt() };
} else if (numericToken.type == BasicType::Double) {
return { structure::TypeTag::Double, tokenValue(numericToken).toDouble() };
} else if (numericToken.type == BasicType::Name) {
auto value = tokenValue(numericToken);
auto match = QRegularExpression("^\\d+px$").match(value);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
return { structure::TypeTag::Pixels, value.mid(0, value.size() - 2).toInt() };
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readNumericValue() {
if (auto value = readPositiveValue()) {
return value;
} else if (auto minusToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Minus)) {
if (auto positiveValue = readNumericValue()) {
return { positiveValue.type().tag, -positiveValue.Int() };
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "numeric value";
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readStringValue() {
if (auto stringToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::String)) {
auto value = tokenValue(stringToken);
if (validateAnsiString(value)) {
return { structure::TypeTag::String, stringToken.value.toStdString() };
logError(kErrorBadString) << "unicode symbols are not supported";
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readColorValue() {
if (auto numberSign = file_.getToken(BasicType::Number)) {
if (options_.isPalette) {
auto color = file_.getAnyToken();
if (color.type == BasicType::Int || color.type == BasicType::Name) {
auto chars = tokenValue(color).toLower();
if (isValidColor(chars)) {
if (auto fallbackSeparator = file_.getToken(BasicType::Or)) {
if (options_.isPalette) {
if (auto fallbackName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
structure::FullName name = { tokenValue(fallbackName) };
if (auto variable = module_->findVariableInModule(name, *module_)) {
return { convertWebColor(chars, tokenValue(fallbackName)) };
} else {
logError(kErrorIdentifierNotFound) << "fallback color name";
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "fallback color name";
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "';', color fallbacks are only allowed in palette module";
} else {
return { convertWebColor(chars) };
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "color value in #ccc, #ccca, #cccccc or #ccccccaa format";
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "color value alias, unique color values are only allowed in palette module";
} else if (auto transparentName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (tokenValue(transparentName) == "transparent") {
return { structure::data::color { 255, 255, 255, 0 } };
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readPointValue() {
if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (tokenValue(font) == "point") {
auto x = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); assertNextToken(BasicType::Comma);
auto y = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue();
if (x.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels ||
y.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels) {
logErrorTypeMismatch() << "expected two px values for the point";
return { structure::data::point { x.Int(), y.Int() } };
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readSizeValue() {
if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (tokenValue(font) == "size") {
auto w = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); assertNextToken(BasicType::Comma);
auto h = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue();
if (w.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels ||
h.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels) {
logErrorTypeMismatch() << "expected two px values for the size";
return { structure::data::size { w.Int(), h.Int() } };
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readAlignValue() {
if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (tokenValue(font) == "align") {
auto align = tokenValue(assertNextToken(BasicType::Name));
if (validateAlignString(align)) {
return { structure::TypeTag::Align, align.toStdString() };
} else {
logError(kErrorBadString) << "bad align string";
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readMarginsValue() {
if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (tokenValue(font) == "margins") {
auto l = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); assertNextToken(BasicType::Comma);
auto t = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); assertNextToken(BasicType::Comma);
auto r = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); assertNextToken(BasicType::Comma);
auto b = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue();
if (l.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels ||
t.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels ||
r.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels ||
b.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels) {
logErrorTypeMismatch() << "expected four px values for the margins";
return { structure::data::margins { l.Int(), t.Int(), r.Int(), b.Int() } };
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readFontValue() {
if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (tokenValue(font) == "font") {
int flags = 0;
structure::Value family, size;
do {
if (auto formatToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (tokenValue(formatToken) == "bold") {
flags |= structure::data::font::Bold;
} else if (tokenValue(formatToken) == "italic") {
flags |= structure::data::font::Italic;
} else if (tokenValue(formatToken) == "underline") {
flags |= structure::data::font::Underline;
} else {
if (auto familyValue = readStringOrStringCopyValue()) {
family = familyValue;
} else if (auto sizeValue = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue()) {
size = sizeValue;
} else if (file_.getToken(BasicType::RightParenthesis)) {
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "font family, font size or ')'";
} while (!failed());
if (size.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels) {
logErrorTypeMismatch() << "px value for the font size expected";
return { structure::data::font { family.String(), size.Int(), flags } };
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readIconValue() {
if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
if (tokenValue(font) == "icon") {
std::vector<structure::data::monoicon> parts;
if (file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftBrace)) { // complex icon
do {
if (file_.getToken(BasicType::RightBrace)) {
} else if (file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftBrace)) {
if (auto part = readMonoIconFields()) {
return {};
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "icon part or '}'";
return {};
} while (true);
} else if (file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftParenthesis)) { // short icon
if (auto theOnlyPart = readMonoIconFields()) {
return { structure::data::icon { parts } };
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readCopyValue() {
if (auto copyName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) {
structure::FullName name = { tokenValue(copyName) };
if (auto variable = module_->findVariable(name)) {
return variable->value.makeCopy(variable->name);
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readNumericOrNumericCopyValue() {
if (auto result = readNumericValue()) {
return result;
} else if (auto copy = readCopyValue()) {
auto type = copy.type().tag;
if (type == structure::TypeTag::Int
|| type == structure::TypeTag::Double
|| type == structure::TypeTag::Pixels) {
return copy;
} else {
return {};
structure::Value ParsedFile::readStringOrStringCopyValue() {
if (auto result = readStringValue()) {
return result;
} else if (auto copy = readCopyValue()) {
auto type = copy.type().tag;
if (type == structure::TypeTag::String) {
return copy;
} else {
return {};
structure::data::monoicon ParsedFile::readMonoIconFields() {
structure::data::monoicon result;
result.filename = readMonoIconFilename();
if (!result.filename.isEmpty() && file_.getToken(BasicType::Comma)) {
if (auto color = readValue()) {
if (color.type().tag == structure::TypeTag::Color) {
result.color = color;
if (file_.getToken(BasicType::Comma)) {
if (auto offset = readValue()) {
if (offset.type().tag == structure::TypeTag::Point) {
result.offset = offset;
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "icon offset";
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "icon offset";
} else {
result.offset = { structure::data::point { 0, 0 } };
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "icon color";
} else {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "icon color";
return result;
QString ParsedFile::readMonoIconFilename() {
if (auto filename = readValue()) {
if (filename.type().tag == structure::TypeTag::String) {
auto fullpath = QString::fromStdString(filename.String());
auto pathAndModifiers = fullpath.split('-');
auto filepath = pathAndModifiers[0];
auto modifiers = pathAndModifiers.mid(1);
for (auto modifierName : modifiers) {
if (!GetModifier(modifierName)) {
logError(kErrorBadIconModifier) << "unknown modifier: " << modifierName.toStdString();
return QString();
for (auto &path : options_.includePaths) {
QFileInfo fileinfo(path + '/' + filepath + ".png");
if (fileinfo.exists()) {
return path + '/' + fullpath;
for (auto &path : options_.includePaths) {
QFileInfo fileinfo(path + "/icons/" + filepath + ".png");
if (fileinfo.exists()) {
return path + "/icons/" + fullpath;
logError(common::kErrorFileNotFound) << "could not open icon file '" << filename.String() << "'";
} else if (filename.type().tag == structure::TypeTag::Size) {
return QString("size://%1,%2").arg(filename.Size().width).arg(filename.Size().height);
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "icon filename or rect size";
return QString();
BasicToken ParsedFile::assertNextToken(BasicToken::Type type) {
auto result = file_.getToken(type);
if (!result) {
logErrorUnexpectedToken() << type;
return result;
Options ParsedFile::includedOptions(const QString &filepath) {
auto result = options_;
result.inputPath = filepath;
result.includePaths[0] = QFileInfo(filePath_).dir().absolutePath();
result.isPalette = (QFileInfo(filepath).suffix() == "palette");
return result;
// Compose context-dependent full name.
structure::FullName ParsedFile::composeFullName(const QString &name) {
return { name };
} // namespace style
} // namespace codegen