mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 19:21:39 -05:00

base::lambda -> Fn (type alias for std::function). base::lambda_once -> FnMut (type alias for base::unique_function). base::lambda_guarded -> crl::guard. base::lambda_call_type_t -> crl::deduced_call_type.
510 lines
14 KiB
510 lines
14 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "boxes/calendar_box.h"
#include "ui/widgets/buttons.h"
#include "styles/style_boxes.h"
#include "styles/style_dialogs.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
#include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h"
namespace {
constexpr auto kDaysInWeek = 7;
} // namespace
class CalendarBox::Context {
Context(QDate month, QDate highlighted);
void start() {
_month.setForced(_month.value(), true);
void setMinDate(QDate date);
void setMaxDate(QDate date);
int minDayIndex() const {
return _minDayIndex;
int maxDayIndex() const {
return _maxDayIndex;
void skipMonth(int skip);
void showMonth(QDate month);
int highlightedIndex() const {
return _highlightedIndex;
int rowsCount() const {
return _rowsCount;
int daysShift() const {
return _daysShift;
int daysCount() const {
return _daysCount;
bool isEnabled(int index) const {
return (index >= _minDayIndex) && (index <= _maxDayIndex);
const base::Variable<QDate> &month() {
return _month;
QDate dateFromIndex(int index) const;
QString labelFromIndex(int index) const;
void applyMonth(const QDate &month, bool forced = false);
static int daysShiftForMonth(QDate month);
static int rowsCountForMonth(QDate month);
base::Variable<QDate> _month;
QDate _min, _max;
QDate _highlighted;
int _highlightedIndex = 0;
int _minDayIndex = 0;
int _maxDayIndex = 0;
int _daysCount = 0;
int _daysShift = 0;
int _rowsCount = 0;
CalendarBox::Context::Context(QDate month, QDate highlighted) : _highlighted(highlighted) {
void CalendarBox::Context::setMinDate(QDate date) {
_min = date;
applyMonth(_month.value(), true);
void CalendarBox::Context::setMaxDate(QDate date) {
_max = date;
applyMonth(_month.value(), true);
void CalendarBox::Context::showMonth(QDate month) {
if (month.day() != 1) {
month = QDate(month.year(), month.month(), 1);
void CalendarBox::Context::applyMonth(const QDate &month, bool forced) {
_daysCount = month.daysInMonth();
_daysShift = daysShiftForMonth(month);
_rowsCount = rowsCountForMonth(month);
auto yearIndex = month.year();
auto monthIndex = month.month();
_highlightedIndex = month.daysTo(_highlighted);
_minDayIndex = _min.isNull() ? INT_MIN : month.daysTo(_min);
_maxDayIndex = _max.isNull() ? INT_MAX : month.daysTo(_max);
if (forced) {
_month.setForced(month, true);
} else {
_month.set(month, true);
void CalendarBox::Context::skipMonth(int skip) {
auto year = _month.value().year();
auto month = _month.value().month();
month += skip;
while (month < 1) {
month += 12;
while (month > 12) {
month -= 12;
showMonth(QDate(year, month, 1));
int CalendarBox::Context::daysShiftForMonth(QDate month) {
constexpr auto kMaxRows = 6;
auto inMonthIndex = month.day() - 1;
auto inWeekIndex = month.dayOfWeek() - 1;
return ((kMaxRows * kDaysInWeek) + inWeekIndex - inMonthIndex) % kDaysInWeek;
int CalendarBox::Context::rowsCountForMonth(QDate month) {
auto daysShift = daysShiftForMonth(month);
auto daysCount = month.daysInMonth();
auto cellsCount = daysShift + daysCount;
auto result = (cellsCount / kDaysInWeek);
if (cellsCount % kDaysInWeek) ++result;
return result;
QDate CalendarBox::Context::dateFromIndex(int index) const {
constexpr auto kMonthsCount = 12;
auto month = _month.value().month();
auto year = _month.value().year();
while (index < 0) {
if (!--month) {
month += kMonthsCount;
index += QDate(year, month, 1).daysInMonth();
for (auto maxIndex = QDate(year, month, 1).daysInMonth(); index >= maxIndex; maxIndex = QDate(year, month, 1).daysInMonth()) {
index -= maxIndex;
if (month++ == kMonthsCount) {
month -= kMonthsCount;
return QDate(year, month, index + 1);
QString CalendarBox::Context::labelFromIndex(int index) const {
auto day = [this, index] {
if (index >= 0 && index < daysCount()) {
return index + 1;
return dateFromIndex(index).day();
return QString::number(day());
class CalendarBox::Inner : public TWidget, public RPCSender, private base::Subscriber {
Inner(QWidget *parent, Context *context);
int countHeight() {
auto innerHeight = st::calendarDaysHeight + _context->rowsCount() * st::calendarCellSize.height();
return st::calendarPadding.top() + innerHeight + st::calendarPadding.bottom();
void setDateChosenCallback(Fn<void(QDate)> callback) {
_dateChosenCallback = std::move(callback);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
void monthChanged(QDate month);
void setSelected(int selected);
void setPressed(int pressed);
int rowsLeft() const;
int rowsTop() const;
void resizeToCurrent();
void paintDayNames(Painter &p, QRect clip);
void paintRows(Painter &p, QRect clip);
Context *_context = nullptr;
std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<Ui::RippleAnimation>> _ripples;
Fn<void(QDate)> _dateChosenCallback;
static constexpr auto kEmptySelection = -kDaysInWeek;
int _selected = kEmptySelection;
int _pressed = kEmptySelection;
CalendarBox::Inner::Inner(QWidget *parent, Context *context)
: TWidget(parent)
, _context(context) {
subscribe(context->month(), [this](QDate month) {
void CalendarBox::Inner::monthChanged(QDate month) {
sendSynteticMouseEvent(this, QEvent::MouseMove, Qt::NoButton);
void CalendarBox::Inner::resizeToCurrent() {
resize(st::boxWideWidth, countHeight());
void CalendarBox::Inner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
Painter p(this);
auto clip = e->rect();
paintDayNames(p, clip);
paintRows(p, clip);
void CalendarBox::Inner::paintDayNames(Painter &p, QRect clip) {
auto y = st::calendarPadding.top();
auto x = rowsLeft();
if (!myrtlrect(x, y, st::calendarCellSize.width() * kDaysInWeek, st::calendarDaysHeight).intersects(clip)) {
for (auto i = 0; i != kDaysInWeek; ++i, x += st::calendarCellSize.width()) {
auto rect = myrtlrect(x, y, st::calendarCellSize.width(), st::calendarDaysHeight);
if (!rect.intersects(clip)) {
p.drawText(rect, langDayOfWeek(i + 1), style::al_top);
int CalendarBox::Inner::rowsLeft() const {
return st::calendarPadding.left();
int CalendarBox::Inner::rowsTop() const {
return st::calendarPadding.top() + st::calendarDaysHeight;
void CalendarBox::Inner::paintRows(Painter &p, QRect clip) {
auto ms = getms();
auto y = rowsTop();
auto index = -_context->daysShift();
auto highlightedIndex = _context->highlightedIndex();
for (auto row = 0, rowsCount = _context->rowsCount(), daysCount = _context->daysCount()
; row != rowsCount
; ++row, y += st::calendarCellSize.height()) {
auto x = rowsLeft();
if (!myrtlrect(x, y, st::calendarCellSize.width() * kDaysInWeek, st::calendarCellSize.height()).intersects(clip)) {
index += kDaysInWeek;
for (auto col = 0; col != kDaysInWeek; ++col, ++index, x += st::calendarCellSize.width()) {
auto rect = myrtlrect(x, y, st::calendarCellSize.width(), st::calendarCellSize.height());
auto grayedOut = (index < 0 || index >= daysCount || !rect.intersects(clip));
auto highlighted = (index == highlightedIndex);
auto enabled = _context->isEnabled(index);
auto innerLeft = x + (st::calendarCellSize.width() - st::calendarCellInner) / 2;
auto innerTop = y + (st::calendarCellSize.height() - st::calendarCellInner) / 2;
if (highlighted) {
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p);
p.setBrush(grayedOut ? st::windowBgOver : st::dialogsBgActive);
p.drawEllipse(myrtlrect(innerLeft, innerTop, st::calendarCellInner, st::calendarCellInner));
auto it = _ripples.find(index);
if (it != _ripples.cend()) {
auto colorOverride = [highlighted, grayedOut] {
if (highlighted) {
return grayedOut ? st::windowBgRipple : st::dialogsRippleBgActive;
return st::windowBgOver;
it->second->paint(p, innerLeft, innerTop, width(), ms, &(colorOverride()->c));
if (it->second->empty()) {
if (highlighted) {
p.setPen(grayedOut ? st::windowSubTextFg : st::dialogsNameFgActive);
} else if (enabled) {
p.setPen(grayedOut ? st::windowSubTextFg : st::boxTextFg);
} else {
p.drawText(rect, _context->labelFromIndex(index), style::al_center);
void CalendarBox::Inner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
const auto size = st::calendarCellSize;
const auto point = e->pos();
const auto inner = QRect(
kDaysInWeek * size.width(),
_context->rowsCount() * size.height());
if (inner.contains(point)) {
const auto row = (point.y() - rowsTop()) / size.height();
const auto col = (point.x() - rowsLeft()) / size.width();
const auto index = row * kDaysInWeek + col - _context->daysShift();
} else {
void CalendarBox::Inner::setSelected(int selected) {
if (selected != kEmptySelection && !_context->isEnabled(selected)) {
selected = kEmptySelection;
_selected = selected;
setCursor((_selected == kEmptySelection)
? style::cur_default
: style::cur_pointer);
void CalendarBox::Inner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
if (_selected != kEmptySelection) {
auto index = _selected + _context->daysShift();
Assert(index >= 0);
auto row = index / kDaysInWeek;
auto col = index % kDaysInWeek;
auto cell = QRect(rowsLeft() + col * st::calendarCellSize.width(), rowsTop() + row * st::calendarCellSize.height(), st::calendarCellSize.width(), st::calendarCellSize.height());
auto it = _ripples.find(_selected);
if (it == _ripples.cend()) {
auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::ellipseMask(QSize(st::calendarCellInner, st::calendarCellInner));
auto update = [this, cell] { rtlupdate(cell); };
it = _ripples.emplace(_selected, std::make_unique<Ui::RippleAnimation>(st::defaultRippleAnimation, std::move(mask), std::move(update))).first;
auto ripplePosition = QPoint(cell.x() + (st::calendarCellSize.width() - st::calendarCellInner) / 2, cell.y() + (st::calendarCellSize.height() - st::calendarCellInner) / 2);
it->second->add(e->pos() - ripplePosition);
void CalendarBox::Inner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
auto pressed = _pressed;
if (pressed != kEmptySelection && pressed == _selected) {
void CalendarBox::Inner::setPressed(int pressed) {
if (_pressed != pressed) {
if (_pressed != kEmptySelection) {
auto it = _ripples.find(_pressed);
if (it != _ripples.cend()) {
_pressed = pressed;
CalendarBox::Inner::~Inner() = default;
class CalendarBox::Title : public TWidget, private base::Subscriber {
Title(QWidget *parent, Context *context)
: TWidget(parent)
, _context(context) {
subscribe(_context->month(), [this](QDate date) { monthChanged(date); });
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e);
void monthChanged(QDate month);
Context *_context = nullptr;
QString _text;
int _textWidth = 0;
void CalendarBox::Title::monthChanged(QDate month) {
_text = langMonthOfYearFull(month.month(), month.year());
_textWidth = st::calendarTitleFont->width(_text);
void CalendarBox::Title::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
Painter p(this);
p.drawTextLeft((width() - _textWidth) / 2, (height() - st::calendarTitleFont->height) / 2, width(), _text, _textWidth);
CalendarBox::CalendarBox(QWidget*, QDate month, QDate highlighted, Fn<void(QDate date)> callback)
: _context(std::make_unique<Context>(month, highlighted))
, _inner(this, _context.get())
, _title(this, _context.get())
, _previous(this, st::calendarPrevious)
, _next(this, st::calendarNext)
, _callback(std::move(callback)) {
void CalendarBox::setMinDate(QDate date) {
void CalendarBox::setMaxDate(QDate date) {
void CalendarBox::prepare() {
_previous->setClickedCallback([this] {
if (isPreviousEnabled()) {
_next->setClickedCallback([this] {
if (isNextEnabled()) {
// _inner = setInnerWidget(object_ptr<Inner>(this, _context.get()), st::calendarScroll, st::calendarTitleHeight);
addButton(langFactory(lng_close), [this] { closeBox(); });
subscribe(_context->month(), [this](QDate month) { monthChanged(month); });
bool CalendarBox::isPreviousEnabled() const {
return (_context->minDayIndex() < 0);
bool CalendarBox::isNextEnabled() const {
return (_context->maxDayIndex() >= _context->daysCount());
void CalendarBox::monthChanged(QDate month) {
setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, st::calendarTitleHeight + _inner->countHeight());
auto previousEnabled = isPreviousEnabled();
_previous->setIconOverride(previousEnabled ? nullptr : &st::calendarPreviousDisabled);
_previous->setRippleColorOverride(previousEnabled ? nullptr : &st::boxBg);
_previous->setCursor(previousEnabled ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default);
auto nextEnabled = isNextEnabled();
_next->setIconOverride(nextEnabled ? nullptr : &st::calendarNextDisabled);
_next->setRippleColorOverride(nextEnabled ? nullptr : &st::boxBg);
_next->setCursor(nextEnabled ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default);
void CalendarBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) {
_previous->moveToLeft(0, 0);
_next->moveToRight(0, 0);
_title->setGeometryToLeft(_previous->width(), 0, width() - _previous->width() - _next->width(), st::calendarTitleHeight);
_inner->setGeometryToLeft(0, st::calendarTitleHeight, width(), height() - st::calendarTitleHeight);
CalendarBox::~CalendarBox() = default;