John Preston 7d89b54d1c Ability to delete authorization keys added.
If we start logging in and we know, that some of the authorization
keys were read from the hard drive, not generated, we destroy all
the existing authorization keys and start generating new keys.
2017-02-25 19:48:22 +03:00

234 lines
7 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston,
#pragma once
#include "mtproto/core_types.h"
#include "mtproto/session.h"
#include "core/single_timer.h"
#include "mtproto/mtp_instance.h"
namespace MTP {
namespace internal {
bool paused();
void pause();
void unpause();
constexpr auto kDcShift = ShiftedDcId(10000);
constexpr auto kConfigDcShift = 0x01;
constexpr auto kLogoutDcShift = 0x02;
constexpr auto kMaxMediaDcCount = 0x10;
constexpr auto kBaseDownloadDcShift = 0x10;
constexpr auto kBaseUploadDcShift = 0x20;
constexpr auto kDestroyKeyStartDcShift = 0x100;
} // namespace internal
class PauseHolder {
PauseHolder() {
void restart() {
if (!std::exchange(_paused, true)) {
void release() {
if (std::exchange(_paused, false)) {
~PauseHolder() {
bool _paused = false;
constexpr DcId bareDcId(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
return (shiftedDcId % internal::kDcShift);
constexpr ShiftedDcId shiftDcId(DcId dcId, int value) {
return dcId + internal::kDcShift * value;
constexpr int getDcIdShift(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
return shiftedDcId / internal::kDcShift;
// send(MTPhelp_GetConfig(), MTP::configDcId(dc)) - for dc enumeration
constexpr ShiftedDcId configDcId(DcId dcId) {
return shiftDcId(dcId, internal::kConfigDcShift);
// send(MTPauth_LogOut(), MTP::logoutDcId(dc)) - for logout of guest dcs enumeration
constexpr ShiftedDcId logoutDcId(DcId dcId) {
return shiftDcId(dcId, internal::kLogoutDcShift);
namespace internal {
constexpr ShiftedDcId downloadDcId(DcId dcId, int index) {
static_assert(MTPDownloadSessionsCount < internal::kMaxMediaDcCount, "Too large MTPDownloadSessionsCount!");
return shiftDcId(dcId, internal::kBaseDownloadDcShift + index);
} // namespace internal
// send(req, callbacks, MTP::downloadDcId(dc, index)) - for download shifted dc id
inline ShiftedDcId downloadDcId(DcId dcId, int index) {
t_assert(index >= 0 && index < MTPDownloadSessionsCount);
return internal::downloadDcId(dcId, index);
constexpr bool isDownloadDcId(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
return (shiftedDcId >= internal::downloadDcId(0, 0)) && (shiftedDcId < internal::downloadDcId(0, MTPDownloadSessionsCount - 1) + internal::kDcShift);
namespace internal {
constexpr ShiftedDcId uploadDcId(DcId dcId, int index) {
static_assert(MTPUploadSessionsCount < internal::kMaxMediaDcCount, "Too large MTPUploadSessionsCount!");
return shiftDcId(dcId, internal::kBaseUploadDcShift + index);
} // namespace internal
// send(req, callbacks, MTP::uploadDcId(index)) - for upload shifted dc id
// uploading always to the main dc so bareDcId == 0
inline ShiftedDcId uploadDcId(int index) {
t_assert(index >= 0 && index < MTPUploadSessionsCount);
return internal::uploadDcId(0, index);
constexpr bool isUploadDcId(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
return (shiftedDcId >= internal::uploadDcId(0, 0)) && (shiftedDcId < internal::uploadDcId(0, MTPUploadSessionsCount - 1) + internal::kDcShift);
inline ShiftedDcId destroyKeyNextDcId(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
auto shift = getDcIdShift(shiftedDcId);
return shiftDcId(bareDcId(shiftedDcId), shift ? (shift + 1) : internal::kDestroyKeyStartDcShift);
enum {
DisconnectedState = 0,
ConnectingState = 1,
ConnectedState = 2,
enum {
RequestSent = 0,
RequestConnecting = 1,
RequestSending = 2
Instance *MainInstance();
inline void restart() {
return MainInstance()->restart();
inline void restart(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
return MainInstance()->restart(shiftedDcId);
inline DcId maindc() {
return MainInstance()->mainDcId();
inline int32 dcstate(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId = 0) {
if (auto instance = MainInstance()) {
return instance->dcstate(shiftedDcId);
return DisconnectedState;
inline QString dctransport(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId = 0) {
if (auto instance = MainInstance()) {
return instance->dctransport(shiftedDcId);
return QString();
template <typename TRequest>
inline mtpRequestId send(const TRequest &request, RPCResponseHandler callbacks = RPCResponseHandler(), ShiftedDcId dcId = 0, TimeMs msCanWait = 0, mtpRequestId after = 0) {
return MainInstance()->send(request, std::move(callbacks), dcId, msCanWait, after);
template <typename TRequest>
inline mtpRequestId send(const TRequest &request, RPCDoneHandlerPtr onDone, RPCFailHandlerPtr onFail = RPCFailHandlerPtr(), ShiftedDcId dcId = 0, TimeMs msCanWait = 0, mtpRequestId after = 0) {
return MainInstance()->send(request, std::move(onDone), std::move(onFail), dcId, msCanWait, after);
inline void sendAnything(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId = 0, TimeMs msCanWait = 0) {
return MainInstance()->sendAnything(shiftedDcId, msCanWait);
inline void cancel(mtpRequestId requestId) {
return MainInstance()->cancel(requestId);
inline void ping() {
return MainInstance()->ping();
inline void killSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
return MainInstance()->killSession(shiftedDcId);
inline void stopSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
return MainInstance()->stopSession(shiftedDcId);
inline int32 state(mtpRequestId requestId) { // < 0 means waiting for such count of ms
return MainInstance()->state(requestId);
namespace internal {
template <typename TRequest>
mtpRequestId Session::send(const TRequest &request, RPCResponseHandler callbacks, TimeMs msCanWait, bool needsLayer, bool toMainDC, mtpRequestId after) {
mtpRequestId requestId = 0;
try {
uint32 requestSize = request.innerLength() >> 2;
mtpRequest reqSerialized(mtpRequestData::prepare(requestSize));
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: adding request to toSendMap, msCanWait %1").arg(msCanWait));
reqSerialized->msDate = getms(true); // > 0 - can send without container
reqSerialized->needsLayer = needsLayer;
if (after) reqSerialized->after = getRequest(after);
requestId = storeRequest(reqSerialized, callbacks);
sendPrepared(reqSerialized, msCanWait);
} catch (Exception &e) {
requestId = 0;
rpcErrorOccured(requestId, callbacks.onFail, rpcClientError("NO_REQUEST_ID", QString("send() failed to queue request, exception: %1").arg(e.what())));
if (requestId) registerRequest(requestId, toMainDC ? -getDcWithShift() : getDcWithShift());
return requestId;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace MTP