mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 18:21:42 -05:00

Added LocalStorageBox for watching info and clearing local storage. Local passcode and cloud password state display and editing done. Temporary download location clearing link added. Crash fixed in local storage clear + app close, now waiting for the clearing thread to quit. Some design improvements and testing.
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351 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#pragma once
class LayerWidget;
namespace base {
template <typename Type>
class Observable;
} // namespace base
namespace InlineBots {
namespace Layout {
class ItemBase;
} // namespace Layout
} // namespace InlineBots
namespace App {
void sendBotCommand(PeerData *peer, UserData *bot, const QString &cmd, MsgId replyTo = 0);
bool insertBotCommand(const QString &cmd, bool specialGif = false);
void activateBotCommand(const HistoryItem *msg, int row, int col);
void searchByHashtag(const QString &tag, PeerData *inPeer);
void openPeerByName(const QString &username, MsgId msgId = ShowAtUnreadMsgId, const QString &startToken = QString());
void joinGroupByHash(const QString &hash);
void stickersBox(const QString &name);
void openLocalUrl(const QString &url);
bool forward(const PeerId &peer, ForwardWhatMessages what);
void removeDialog(History *history);
void showSettings();
void activateClickHandler(ClickHandlerPtr handler, Qt::MouseButton button);
void logOutDelayed();
} // namespace App
namespace Ui {
void showMediaPreview(DocumentData *document);
void showMediaPreview(PhotoData *photo);
void hideMediaPreview();
void showLayer(LayerWidget *box, ShowLayerOptions options = CloseOtherLayers);
void hideLayer(bool fast = false);
void hideSettingsAndLayer(bool fast = false);
bool isLayerShown();
bool isMediaViewShown();
bool isInlineItemBeingChosen();
void repaintHistoryItem(const HistoryItem *item);
void repaintInlineItem(const InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase *layout);
bool isInlineItemVisible(const InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase *reader);
void autoplayMediaInlineAsync(const FullMsgId &msgId);
void showPeerProfile(const PeerId &peer);
inline void showPeerProfile(const PeerData *peer) {
inline void showPeerProfile(const History *history) {
void showPeerOverview(const PeerId &peer, MediaOverviewType type);
inline void showPeerOverview(const PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type) {
showPeerOverview(peer->id, type);
inline void showPeerOverview(const History *history, MediaOverviewType type) {
showPeerOverview(history->peer->id, type);
enum class ShowWay {
void showPeerHistory(const PeerId &peer, MsgId msgId, ShowWay way = ShowWay::ClearStack);
inline void showPeerHistory(const PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId, ShowWay way = ShowWay::ClearStack) {
showPeerHistory(peer->id, msgId, way);
inline void showPeerHistory(const History *history, MsgId msgId, ShowWay way = ShowWay::ClearStack) {
showPeerHistory(history->peer->id, msgId, way);
inline void showPeerHistoryAtItem(const HistoryItem *item, ShowWay way = ShowWay::ClearStack) {
showPeerHistory(item->history()->peer->id, item->id, way);
void showPeerHistoryAsync(const PeerId &peer, MsgId msgId, ShowWay way = ShowWay::ClearStack);
inline void showChatsList() {
showPeerHistory(PeerId(0), 0, ShowWay::ClearStack);
inline void showChatsListAsync() {
showPeerHistoryAsync(PeerId(0), 0, ShowWay::ClearStack);
PeerData *getPeerForMouseAction();
bool hideWindowNoQuit();
bool skipPaintEvent(QWidget *widget, QPaintEvent *event);
} // namespace Ui
enum ClipStopperType {
namespace Notify {
void userIsBotChanged(UserData *user);
void userIsContactChanged(UserData *user, bool fromThisApp = false);
void botCommandsChanged(UserData *user);
void inlineBotRequesting(bool requesting);
void replyMarkupUpdated(const HistoryItem *item);
void inlineKeyboardMoved(const HistoryItem *item, int oldKeyboardTop, int newKeyboardTop);
bool switchInlineBotButtonReceived(const QString &query, UserData *samePeerBot = nullptr, MsgId samePeerReplyTo = 0);
void migrateUpdated(PeerData *peer);
void clipStopperHidden(ClipStopperType type);
void historyItemLayoutChanged(const HistoryItem *item);
void inlineItemLayoutChanged(const InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase *layout);
void historyMuteUpdated(History *history);
// handle pending resize() / paint() on history items
void handlePendingHistoryUpdate();
void unreadCounterUpdated();
enum class ChangeType {
} // namespace Notify
#define DeclareReadOnlyVar(Type, Name) const Type &Name();
#define DeclareRefVar(Type, Name) DeclareReadOnlyVar(Type, Name) \
Type &Ref##Name();
#define DeclareVar(Type, Name) DeclareRefVar(Type, Name) \
void Set##Name(const Type &Name);
namespace Sandbox {
bool CheckBetaVersionDir();
void WorkingDirReady();
void start();
void finish();
uint64 UserTag();
DeclareReadOnlyVar(QString, LangSystemISO);
DeclareReadOnlyVar(int32, LangSystem);
DeclareVar(QByteArray, LastCrashDump);
DeclareVar(ProxyData, PreLaunchProxy);
} // namespace Sandbox
namespace Adaptive {
enum Layout {
} // namespace Adaptive
namespace DebugLogging {
enum Flags {
FileLoaderFlag = 0x00000001,
} // namespace DebugLogging
namespace Stickers {
static const uint64 DefaultSetId = 0; // for backward compatibility
static const uint64 CustomSetId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
static const uint64 RecentSetId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEULL; // for emoji/stickers panel, should not appear in Sets
static const uint64 NoneSetId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDULL; // for emoji/stickers panel, should not appear in Sets
static const uint64 CloudRecentSetId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCULL; // for cloud-stored recent stickers
struct Set {
Set(uint64 id, uint64 access, const QString &title, const QString &shortName, int32 count, int32 hash, MTPDstickerSet::Flags flags)
: id(id)
, access(access)
, title(title)
, shortName(shortName)
, count(count)
, hash(hash)
, flags(flags) {
uint64 id, access;
QString title, shortName;
int32 count, hash;
MTPDstickerSet::Flags flags;
StickerPack stickers;
StickersByEmojiMap emoji;
using Sets = QMap<uint64, Set>;
using Order = QList<uint64>;
inline MTPInputStickerSet inputSetId(const Set &set) {
if (set.id && set.access) {
return MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(set.id), MTP_long(set.access));
return MTP_inputStickerSetShortName(MTP_string(set.shortName));
Set *feedSet(const MTPDstickerSet &set);
} // namespace Stickers
namespace Global {
bool started();
void start();
void finish();
DeclareReadOnlyVar(uint64, LaunchId);
DeclareRefVar(SingleDelayedCall, HandleHistoryUpdate);
DeclareRefVar(SingleDelayedCall, HandleUnreadCounterUpdate);
DeclareRefVar(SingleDelayedCall, HandleFileDialogQueue);
DeclareRefVar(SingleDelayedCall, HandleDelayedPeerUpdates);
DeclareRefVar(SingleDelayedCall, HandleObservables);
DeclareVar(Adaptive::Layout, AdaptiveLayout);
DeclareVar(bool, AdaptiveForWide);
DeclareRefVar(base::Observable<void>, AdaptiveChanged);
DeclareVar(bool, DialogsModeEnabled);
DeclareVar(Dialogs::Mode, DialogsMode);
DeclareVar(bool, ModerateModeEnabled);
DeclareVar(bool, ScreenIsLocked);
DeclareVar(int32, DebugLoggingFlags);
DeclareVar(float64, SongVolume);
DeclareVar(float64, VideoVolume);
// config
DeclareVar(int32, ChatSizeMax);
DeclareVar(int32, MegagroupSizeMax);
DeclareVar(int32, ForwardedCountMax);
DeclareVar(int32, OnlineUpdatePeriod);
DeclareVar(int32, OfflineBlurTimeout);
DeclareVar(int32, OfflineIdleTimeout);
DeclareVar(int32, OnlineFocusTimeout); // not from config
DeclareVar(int32, OnlineCloudTimeout);
DeclareVar(int32, NotifyCloudDelay);
DeclareVar(int32, NotifyDefaultDelay);
DeclareVar(int32, ChatBigSize);
DeclareVar(int32, PushChatPeriod);
DeclareVar(int32, PushChatLimit);
DeclareVar(int32, SavedGifsLimit);
DeclareVar(int32, EditTimeLimit);
DeclareVar(int32, StickersRecentLimit);
typedef QMap<PeerId, MsgId> HiddenPinnedMessagesMap;
DeclareVar(HiddenPinnedMessagesMap, HiddenPinnedMessages);
typedef OrderedSet<HistoryItem*> PendingItemsMap;
DeclareRefVar(PendingItemsMap, PendingRepaintItems);
DeclareVar(Stickers::Sets, StickerSets);
DeclareVar(Stickers::Order, StickerSetsOrder);
DeclareVar(uint64, LastStickersUpdate);
DeclareVar(uint64, LastRecentStickersUpdate);
DeclareVar(Stickers::Order, FeaturedStickerSetsOrder);
DeclareVar(int, FeaturedStickerSetsUnreadCount);
DeclareVar(uint64, LastFeaturedStickersUpdate);
DeclareVar(Stickers::Order, ArchivedStickerSetsOrder);
DeclareVar(MTP::DcOptions, DcOptions);
typedef QMap<uint64, QPixmap> CircleMasksMap;
DeclareRefVar(CircleMasksMap, CircleMasks);
DeclareRefVar(base::Observable<void>, SelfChanged);
DeclareVar(bool, AskDownloadPath);
DeclareVar(QString, DownloadPath);
DeclareVar(QByteArray, DownloadPathBookmark);
DeclareRefVar(base::Observable<void>, DownloadPathChanged);
DeclareVar(bool, SoundNotify);
DeclareVar(bool, DesktopNotify);
DeclareVar(bool, RestoreSoundNotifyFromTray);
DeclareVar(bool, IncludeMuted);
DeclareVar(DBINotifyView, NotifyView);
DeclareVar(bool, WindowsNotifications);
DeclareVar(bool, CustomNotifies);
DeclareRefVar(base::Observable<Notify::ChangeType>, NotifySettingsChanged);
DeclareVar(DBIConnectionType, ConnectionType);
DeclareVar(bool, TryIPv6);
DeclareVar(ProxyData, ConnectionProxy);
DeclareRefVar(base::Observable<void>, ConnectionTypeChanged);
DeclareRefVar(base::Observable<void>, ChooseCustomLang);
DeclareVar(int, AutoLock);
DeclareVar(bool, LocalPasscode);
DeclareRefVar(base::Observable<void>, LocalPasscodeChanged);
} // namespace Global
namespace Adaptive {
inline base::Observable<void> &Changed() {
return Global::RefAdaptiveChanged();
inline bool OneColumn() {
return Global::AdaptiveLayout() == OneColumnLayout;
inline bool Normal() {
return Global::AdaptiveLayout() == NormalLayout;
inline bool Wide() {
return Global::AdaptiveForWide() && (Global::AdaptiveLayout() == WideLayout);
} // namespace Adaptive
namespace DebugLogging {
inline bool FileLoader() {
return (Global::DebugLoggingFlags() & FileLoaderFlag) != 0;
} // namespace DebugLogging