John Preston 0cdac83f8a Fix calls build in Xcode. Fix calls panel in Retina.
Also implement panels that appear in all spaces on macOS.
Using them for calls panels and custom notifications, so it
will be possible to use custom notifications in macOS as well.
2017-05-09 23:46:27 +03:00

355 lines
12 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston,
#include "platform/mac/notifications_manager_mac.h"
#include "platform/platform_specific.h"
#include "platform/mac/mac_utilities.h"
#include "styles/style_window.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "base/task_queue.h"
#include "base/variant.h"
#include <thread>
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
namespace {
static constexpr auto kQuerySettingsEachMs = 1000;
auto DoNotDisturbEnabled = false;
auto LastSettingsQueryMs = 0;
void queryDoNotDisturbState() {
auto ms = getms(true);
if (LastSettingsQueryMs > 0 && ms <= LastSettingsQueryMs + kQuerySettingsEachMs) {
LastSettingsQueryMs = ms;
auto userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults alloc];
if ([userDefaults respondsToSelector:@selector(initWithSuiteName:)]) {
id userDefaultsValue = [[[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:@""] objectForKey:@"doNotDisturb"];
DoNotDisturbEnabled = ([userDefaultsValue boolValue] == YES);
} else {
DoNotDisturbEnabled = false;
using Manager = Platform::Notifications::Manager;
} // namespace
NSImage *qt_mac_create_nsimage(const QPixmap &pm);
@interface NotificationDelegate : NSObject<NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate> {
- (id) initWithManager:(base::weak_unique_ptr<Manager>)manager managerId:(uint64)managerId;
- (void) userNotificationCenter:(NSUserNotificationCenter*)center didActivateNotification:(NSUserNotification*)notification;
- (BOOL) userNotificationCenter:(NSUserNotificationCenter*)center shouldPresentNotification:(NSUserNotification*)notification;
@end // @interface NotificationDelegate
@implementation NotificationDelegate {
base::weak_unique_ptr<Manager> _manager;
uint64 _managerId;
- (id) initWithManager:(base::weak_unique_ptr<Manager>)manager managerId:(uint64)managerId {
if (self = [super init]) {
_manager = manager;
_managerId = managerId;
return self;
- (void) userNotificationCenter:(NSUserNotificationCenter *)center didActivateNotification:(NSUserNotification *)notification {
NSDictionary *notificationUserInfo = [notification userInfo];
NSNumber *managerIdObject = [notificationUserInfo objectForKey:@"manager"];
auto notificationManagerId = managerIdObject ? [managerIdObject unsignedLongLongValue] : 0ULL;
DEBUG_LOG(("Received notification with instance %1, mine: %2").arg(notificationManagerId).arg(_managerId));
if (notificationManagerId != _managerId) { // other app instance notification
base::TaskQueue::Main().Put([] {
// Usually we show and activate main window when the application
// is activated (receives applicationDidBecomeActive: notification).
// This is used for window show in Cmd+Tab switching to the application.
// But when a notification arrives sometimes macOS still activates the app
// and we receive applicationDidBecomeActive: notification even if the
// notification was sent by another instance of the application. In that case
// we set a flag for a couple of seconds to ignore this app activation.
NSNumber *peerObject = [notificationUserInfo objectForKey:@"peer"];
auto notificationPeerId = peerObject ? [peerObject unsignedLongLongValue] : 0ULL;
if (!notificationPeerId) {
LOG(("App Error: A notification with unknown peer was received"));
NSNumber *msgObject = [notificationUserInfo objectForKey:@"msgid"];
auto notificationMsgId = msgObject ? [msgObject intValue] : 0;
if (notification.activationType == NSUserNotificationActivationTypeReplied) {
auto notificationReply = QString::fromUtf8([[[notification response] string] UTF8String]);
base::TaskQueue::Main().Put([manager = _manager, notificationPeerId, notificationMsgId, notificationReply] {
if (manager) {
manager->notificationReplied(notificationPeerId, notificationMsgId, notificationReply);
} else if (notification.activationType == NSUserNotificationActivationTypeContentsClicked) {
base::TaskQueue::Main().Put([manager = _manager, notificationPeerId, notificationMsgId] {
if (manager) {
manager->notificationActivated(notificationPeerId, notificationMsgId);
[center removeDeliveredNotification: notification];
- (BOOL) userNotificationCenter:(NSUserNotificationCenter *)center shouldPresentNotification:(NSUserNotification *)notification {
return YES;
@end // @implementation NotificationDelegate
namespace Platform {
namespace Notifications {
bool SkipAudio() {
return DoNotDisturbEnabled;
bool SkipToast() {
if (Supported()) {
// Do not skip native notifications because of Do not disturb.
// They respect this setting anyway.
return false;
return DoNotDisturbEnabled;
bool Supported() {
return (cPlatform() != dbipMacOld);
std::unique_ptr<Window::Notifications::Manager> Create(Window::Notifications::System *system) {
if (Supported()) {
return std::make_unique<Manager>(system);
return nullptr;
void FlashBounce() {
[NSApp requestUserAttention:NSInformationalRequest];
class Manager::Private : public QObject, private base::Subscriber {
Private(Manager *manager);
void showNotification(PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, bool hideNameAndPhoto, bool hideReplyButton);
void clearAll();
void clearFromHistory(History *history);
void updateDelegate();
template <typename Task>
void putClearTask(Task task);
void clearingThreadLoop();
const uint64 _managerId = 0;
QString _managerIdString;
NotificationDelegate *_delegate = nullptr;
std::thread _clearingThread;
std::mutex _clearingMutex;
std::condition_variable _clearingCondition;
struct ClearFromHistory {
PeerId peerId;
struct ClearAll {
struct ClearFinish {
using ClearTask = base::variant<ClearFromHistory, ClearAll, ClearFinish>;
std::vector<ClearTask> _clearingTasks;
Manager::Private::Private(Manager *manager)
: _managerId(rand_value<uint64>())
, _managerIdString(QString::number(_managerId))
, _delegate([[NotificationDelegate alloc] initWithManager:manager managerId:_managerId]) {
subscribe(Global::RefWorkMode(), [this](DBIWorkMode mode) {
// We need to update the delegate _after_ the tray icon change was done in Qt.
// Because Qt resets the delegate.
base::TaskQueue::Main().Put(base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] {
void Manager::Private::showNotification(PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, bool hideNameAndPhoto, bool hideReplyButton) {
@autoreleasepool {
NSUserNotification *notification = [[[NSUserNotification alloc] init] autorelease];
if ([notification respondsToSelector:@selector(setIdentifier:)]) {
auto identifier = _managerIdString + '_' + QString::number(peer->id) + '_' + QString::number(msgId);
auto identifierValue = Q2NSString(identifier);
[notification setIdentifier:identifierValue];
[notification setUserInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:peer->id],@"peer",[NSNumber numberWithInt:msgId],@"msgid",[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:_managerId],@"manager",nil]];
[notification setTitle:Q2NSString(title)];
[notification setSubtitle:Q2NSString(subtitle)];
[notification setInformativeText:Q2NSString(msg)];
if (!hideNameAndPhoto && [notification respondsToSelector:@selector(setContentImage:)]) {
auto userpic = peer->genUserpic(st::notifyMacPhotoSize);
NSImage *img = [qt_mac_create_nsimage(userpic) autorelease];
[notification setContentImage:img];
if (!hideReplyButton && [notification respondsToSelector:@selector(setHasReplyButton:)]) {
[notification setHasReplyButton:YES];
[notification setSoundName:nil];
NSUserNotificationCenter *center = [NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter];
[center deliverNotification:notification];
void Manager::Private::clearingThreadLoop() {
auto finished = false;
while (!finished) {
auto clearAll = false;
auto clearFromPeers = std::set<PeerId>(); // Better to use flatmap.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_clearingMutex);
while (_clearingTasks.empty()) {
for (auto &task : _clearingTasks) {
if (base::get_if<ClearFinish>(&task)) {
finished = true;
clearAll = true;
} else if (base::get_if<ClearAll>(&task)) {
clearAll = true;
} else if (auto fromHistory = base::get_if<ClearFromHistory>(&task)) {
auto clearByPeer = [&clearFromPeers](NSDictionary *notificationUserInfo) {
if (NSNumber *peerObject = [notificationUserInfo objectForKey:@"peer"]) {
auto notificationPeerId = [peerObject unsignedLongLongValue];
if (notificationPeerId) {
return (clearFromPeers.find(notificationPeerId) != clearFromPeers.cend());
return true;
NSUserNotificationCenter *center = [NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter];
NSArray *notificationsList = [center deliveredNotifications];
for (id notification in notificationsList) {
NSDictionary *notificationUserInfo = [notification userInfo];
NSNumber *managerIdObject = [notificationUserInfo objectForKey:@"manager"];
auto notificationManagerId = managerIdObject ? [managerIdObject unsignedLongLongValue] : 0ULL;
if (notificationManagerId == _managerId) {
if (clearAll || clearByPeer(notificationUserInfo)) {
[center removeDeliveredNotification:notification];
template <typename Task>
void Manager::Private::putClearTask(Task task) {
if (!_clearingThread.joinable()) {
_clearingThread = std::thread([this] { clearingThreadLoop(); });
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_clearingMutex);
void Manager::Private::clearAll() {
void Manager::Private::clearFromHistory(History *history) {
putClearTask(ClearFromHistory { history->peer->id });
void Manager::Private::updateDelegate() {
NSUserNotificationCenter *center = [NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter];
[center setDelegate:_delegate];
Manager::Private::~Private() {
if (_clearingThread.joinable()) {
[_delegate release];
Manager::Manager(Window::Notifications::System *system) : NativeManager(system)
, _private(std::make_unique<Private>(this)) {
Manager::~Manager() = default;
void Manager::doShowNativeNotification(PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, bool hideNameAndPhoto, bool hideReplyButton) {
_private->showNotification(peer, msgId, title, subtitle, msg, hideNameAndPhoto, hideReplyButton);
void Manager::doClearAllFast() {
void Manager::doClearFromHistory(History *history) {
} // namespace Notifications
} // namespace Platform