mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 19:21:39 -05:00
809 lines
27 KiB
809 lines
27 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "history/history_service.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "apiwrap.h"
#include "history/history_service_layout.h"
#include "history/history_media_types.h"
#include "history/history_message.h"
#include "auth_session.h"
#include "window/notifications_manager.h"
#include "storage/storage_shared_media.h"
namespace {
constexpr auto kPinnedMessageTextLimit = 16;
} // namespace
TextParseOptions _historySrvOptions = {
TextParseLinks | TextParseMentions | TextParseHashtags/* | TextParseMultiline*/ | TextParseRichText, // flags
0, // maxw
0, // maxh
Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // lang-dependent
void HistoryService::setMessageByAction(const MTPmessageAction &action) {
auto prepareChatAddUserText = [this](const MTPDmessageActionChatAddUser &action) {
auto result = PreparedText {};
auto &users = action.vusers.v;
if (users.size() == 1) {
auto u = App::user(peerFromUser(users[0]));
if (u == _from) {
result.text = lng_action_user_joined(lt_from, fromLinkText());
} else {
result.text = lng_action_add_user(lt_from, fromLinkText(), lt_user, textcmdLink(2, u->name));
} else if (users.isEmpty()) {
result.text = lng_action_add_user(lt_from, fromLinkText(), lt_user, "somebody");
} else {
for (auto i = 0, l = users.size(); i != l; ++i) {
auto user = App::user(peerFromUser(users[i]));
auto linkText = textcmdLink(i + 2, user->name);
if (i == 0) {
result.text = linkText;
} else if (i + 1 == l) {
result.text = lng_action_add_users_and_last(lt_accumulated, result.text, lt_user, linkText);
} else {
result.text = lng_action_add_users_and_one(lt_accumulated, result.text, lt_user, linkText);
result.text = lng_action_add_users_many(lt_from, fromLinkText(), lt_users, result.text);
return result;
auto prepareChatJoinedByLink = [this](const MTPDmessageActionChatJoinedByLink &action) {
auto result = PreparedText {};
result.text = lng_action_user_joined_by_link(lt_from, fromLinkText());
return result;
auto prepareChatCreate = [this](const MTPDmessageActionChatCreate &action) {
auto result = PreparedText {};
result.text = lng_action_created_chat(lt_from, fromLinkText(), lt_title, TextUtilities::Clean(qs(action.vtitle)));
return result;
auto prepareChannelCreate = [this](const MTPDmessageActionChannelCreate &action) {
auto result = PreparedText {};
if (isPost()) {
result.text = lang(lng_action_created_channel);
} else {
result.text = lng_action_created_chat(lt_from, fromLinkText(), lt_title, TextUtilities::Clean(qs(action.vtitle)));
return result;
auto prepareChatDeletePhoto = [this] {
auto result = PreparedText {};
if (isPost()) {
result.text = lang(lng_action_removed_photo_channel);
} else {
result.text = lng_action_removed_photo(lt_from, fromLinkText());
return result;
auto prepareChatDeleteUser = [this](const MTPDmessageActionChatDeleteUser &action) {
auto result = PreparedText {};
if (peerFromUser(action.vuser_id) == _from->id) {
result.text = lng_action_user_left(lt_from, fromLinkText());
} else {
auto user = App::user(peerFromUser(action.vuser_id));
result.text = lng_action_kick_user(lt_from, fromLinkText(), lt_user, textcmdLink(2, user->name));
return result;
auto prepareChatEditPhoto = [this](const MTPDmessageActionChatEditPhoto &action) {
auto result = PreparedText {};
if (isPost()) {
result.text = lang(lng_action_changed_photo_channel);
} else {
result.text = lng_action_changed_photo(lt_from, fromLinkText());
return result;
auto prepareChatEditTitle = [this](const MTPDmessageActionChatEditTitle &action) {
auto result = PreparedText {};
if (isPost()) {
result.text = lng_action_changed_title_channel(lt_title, TextUtilities::Clean(qs(action.vtitle)));
} else {
result.text = lng_action_changed_title(lt_from, fromLinkText(), lt_title, TextUtilities::Clean(qs(action.vtitle)));
return result;
auto prepareScreenshotTaken = [this] {
auto result = PreparedText {};
if (out()) {
result.text = lang(lng_action_you_took_screenshot);
} else {
result.text = lng_action_took_screenshot(lt_from, fromLinkText());
return result;
auto prepareCustomAction = [&](const MTPDmessageActionCustomAction &action) {
auto result = PreparedText {};
result.text = qs(action.vmessage);
return result;
auto messageText = PreparedText {};
switch (action.type()) {
case mtpc_messageActionChatAddUser: messageText = prepareChatAddUserText(action.c_messageActionChatAddUser()); break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatJoinedByLink: messageText = prepareChatJoinedByLink(action.c_messageActionChatJoinedByLink()); break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatCreate: messageText = prepareChatCreate(action.c_messageActionChatCreate()); break;
case mtpc_messageActionChannelCreate: messageText = prepareChannelCreate(action.c_messageActionChannelCreate()); break;
case mtpc_messageActionHistoryClear: break; // Leave empty text.
case mtpc_messageActionChatDeletePhoto: messageText = prepareChatDeletePhoto(); break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatDeleteUser: messageText = prepareChatDeleteUser(action.c_messageActionChatDeleteUser()); break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatEditPhoto: messageText = prepareChatEditPhoto(action.c_messageActionChatEditPhoto()); break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatEditTitle: messageText = prepareChatEditTitle(action.c_messageActionChatEditTitle()); break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatMigrateTo: messageText.text = lang(lng_action_group_migrate); break;
case mtpc_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom: messageText.text = lang(lng_action_group_migrate); break;
case mtpc_messageActionPinMessage: messageText = preparePinnedText(); break;
case mtpc_messageActionGameScore: messageText = prepareGameScoreText(); break;
case mtpc_messageActionPhoneCall: Unexpected("PhoneCall type in HistoryService.");
case mtpc_messageActionPaymentSent: messageText = preparePaymentSentText(); break;
case mtpc_messageActionScreenshotTaken: messageText = prepareScreenshotTaken(); break;
case mtpc_messageActionCustomAction: messageText = prepareCustomAction(action.c_messageActionCustomAction()); break;
default: messageText.text = lang(lng_message_empty); break;
// Additional information.
switch (action.type()) {
case mtpc_messageActionChatAddUser: {
if (auto channel = history()->peer->asMegagroup()) {
auto &users = action.c_messageActionChatAddUser().vusers;
for_const (auto &item, users.v) {
if (item.v == Auth().userId()) {
channel->mgInfo->joinedMessageFound = true;
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatJoinedByLink: {
if (_from->isSelf() && history()->peer->isMegagroup()) {
history()->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->joinedMessageFound = true;
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatEditPhoto: {
auto &photo = action.c_messageActionChatEditPhoto().vphoto;
if (photo.type() == mtpc_photo) {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryPhoto>(this, history()->peer, photo.c_photo(), st::msgServicePhotoWidth);
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatMigrateTo:
case mtpc_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom: {
_flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_is_group_migrate;
} break;
void HistoryService::setSelfDestruct(HistoryServiceSelfDestruct::Type type, int ttlSeconds) {
auto selfdestruct = Get<HistoryServiceSelfDestruct>();
selfdestruct->timeToLive = ttlSeconds * 1000LL;
selfdestruct->type = type;
bool HistoryService::updateDependent(bool force) {
auto dependent = GetDependentData();
Assert(dependent != nullptr);
if (!force) {
if (!dependent->msgId || dependent->msg) {
return true;
if (!dependent->lnk) {
dependent->lnk = goToMessageClickHandler(history()->peer, dependent->msgId);
bool gotDependencyItem = false;
if (!dependent->msg) {
dependent->msg = App::histItemById(channelId(), dependent->msgId);
if (dependent->msg) {
App::historyRegDependency(this, dependent->msg);
gotDependencyItem = true;
if (dependent->msg) {
} else if (force) {
if (dependent->msgId > 0) {
dependent->msgId = 0;
gotDependencyItem = true;
if (force && gotDependencyItem) {
return (dependent->msg || !dependent->msgId);
HistoryService::PreparedText HistoryService::preparePinnedText() {
auto result = PreparedText {};
auto pinned = Get<HistoryServicePinned>();
if (pinned && pinned->msg) {
auto mediaText = ([pinned]() -> QString {
auto media = pinned->msg->getMedia();
switch (media ? media->type() : MediaTypeCount) {
case MediaTypePhoto: return lang(lng_action_pinned_media_photo);
case MediaTypeVideo: return lang(lng_action_pinned_media_video);
case MediaTypeContact: return lang(lng_action_pinned_media_contact);
case MediaTypeFile: return lang(lng_action_pinned_media_file);
case MediaTypeGif: {
if (auto document = media->getDocument()) {
if (document->isRoundVideo()) {
return lang(lng_action_pinned_media_video_message);
return lang(lng_action_pinned_media_gif);
} break;
case MediaTypeSticker: {
auto emoji = static_cast<HistorySticker*>(media)->emoji();
if (emoji.isEmpty()) {
return lang(lng_action_pinned_media_sticker);
return lng_action_pinned_media_emoji_sticker(lt_emoji, emoji);
} break;
case MediaTypeLocation: return lang(lng_action_pinned_media_location);
case MediaTypeMusicFile: return lang(lng_action_pinned_media_audio);
case MediaTypeVoiceFile: return lang(lng_action_pinned_media_voice);
case MediaTypeGame: {
auto title = static_cast<HistoryGame*>(media)->game()->title;
return lng_action_pinned_media_game(lt_game, title);
} break;
return QString();
if (mediaText.isEmpty()) {
auto original = pinned->msg->originalText().text;
auto cutAt = 0;
auto limit = kPinnedMessageTextLimit;
auto size = original.size();
for (; limit != 0;) {
if (cutAt >= size) break;
if (original.at(cutAt).isLowSurrogate() && cutAt + 1 < size && original.at(cutAt + 1).isHighSurrogate()) {
cutAt += 2;
} else {
if (!limit && cutAt + 5 < size) {
original = original.mid(0, cutAt) + qstr("...");
result.text = lng_action_pinned_message(lt_from, fromLinkText(), lt_text, textcmdLink(2, original));
} else {
result.text = lng_action_pinned_media(lt_from, fromLinkText(), lt_media, textcmdLink(2, mediaText));
} else if (pinned && pinned->msgId) {
result.text = lng_action_pinned_media(lt_from, fromLinkText(), lt_media, textcmdLink(2, lang(lng_contacts_loading)));
} else {
result.text = lng_action_pinned_media(lt_from, fromLinkText(), lt_media, lang(lng_deleted_message));
return result;
HistoryService::PreparedText HistoryService::prepareGameScoreText() {
auto result = PreparedText {};
auto gamescore = Get<HistoryServiceGameScore>();
auto computeGameTitle = [gamescore, &result]() -> QString {
if (gamescore && gamescore->msg) {
if (auto media = gamescore->msg->getMedia()) {
if (media->type() == MediaTypeGame) {
result.links.push_back(MakeShared<ReplyMarkupClickHandler>(gamescore->msg, 0, 0));
auto titleText = static_cast<HistoryGame*>(media)->game()->title;
return textcmdLink(result.links.size(), titleText);
return lang(lng_deleted_message);
} else if (gamescore && gamescore->msgId) {
return lang(lng_contacts_loading);
return QString();
auto scoreNumber = gamescore ? gamescore->score : 0;
if (_from->isSelf()) {
auto gameTitle = computeGameTitle();
if (gameTitle.isEmpty()) {
result.text = lng_action_game_you_scored_no_game(lt_count, scoreNumber);
} else {
result.text = lng_action_game_you_scored(lt_count, scoreNumber, lt_game, gameTitle);
} else {
auto gameTitle = computeGameTitle();
if (gameTitle.isEmpty()) {
result.text = lng_action_game_score_no_game(lt_count, scoreNumber, lt_from, fromLinkText());
} else {
result.text = lng_action_game_score(lt_count, scoreNumber, lt_from, fromLinkText(), lt_game, gameTitle);
return result;
HistoryService::PreparedText HistoryService::preparePaymentSentText() {
auto result = PreparedText {};
auto payment = Get<HistoryServicePayment>();
auto invoiceTitle = ([payment]() -> QString {
if (payment && payment->msg) {
if (auto media = payment->msg->getMedia()) {
if (media->type() == MediaTypeInvoice) {
return static_cast<HistoryInvoice*>(media)->getTitle();
return lang(lng_deleted_message);
} else if (payment && payment->msgId) {
return lang(lng_contacts_loading);
return QString();
if (invoiceTitle.isEmpty()) {
result.text = lng_action_payment_done(lt_amount, payment->amount, lt_user, history()->peer->name);
} else {
result.text = lng_action_payment_done_for(lt_amount, payment->amount, lt_user, history()->peer->name, lt_invoice, invoiceTitle);
return result;
HistoryService::HistoryService(not_null<History*> history, const MTPDmessage &message) :
HistoryItem(history, message.vid.v, message.vflags.v, ::date(message.vdate), message.has_from_id() ? message.vfrom_id.v : 0) {
HistoryService::HistoryService(not_null<History*> history, const MTPDmessageService &message) :
HistoryItem(history, message.vid.v, mtpCastFlags(message.vflags.v), ::date(message.vdate), message.has_from_id() ? message.vfrom_id.v : 0) {
HistoryService::HistoryService(not_null<History*> history, MsgId msgId, QDateTime date, const PreparedText &message, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, int32 from, PhotoData *photo) :
HistoryItem(history, msgId, flags, date, from) {
if (photo) {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryPhoto>(this, history->peer, photo, st::msgServicePhotoWidth);
void HistoryService::initDimensions() {
_maxw = _text.maxWidth() + st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right();
_minh = _text.minHeight();
if (_media) {
bool HistoryService::updateDependencyItem() {
if (GetDependentData()) {
return updateDependent(true);
return HistoryItem::updateDependencyItem();
QRect HistoryService::countGeometry() const {
auto result = QRect(0, 0, width(), _height);
if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
result.setWidth(qMin(result.width(), st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left()));
return result.marginsRemoved(st::msgServiceMargin);
TextWithEntities HistoryService::selectedText(TextSelection selection) const {
return _text.originalTextWithEntities((selection == FullSelection) ? AllTextSelection : selection);
QString HistoryService::inDialogsText(DrawInDialog way) const {
return textcmdLink(1, TextUtilities::Clean(notificationText()));
QString HistoryService::inReplyText() const {
QString result = HistoryService::notificationText();
return result.trimmed().startsWith(author()->name) ? result.trimmed().mid(author()->name.size()).trimmed() : result;
void HistoryService::setServiceText(const PreparedText &prepared) {
_text.setText(st::serviceTextStyle, prepared.text, _historySrvOptions);
auto linkIndex = 0;
for_const (auto &link, prepared.links) {
// Link indices start with 1.
_text.setLink(++linkIndex, link);
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
void HistoryService::draw(Painter &p, QRect clip, TextSelection selection, TimeMs ms) const {
auto height = _height - st::msgServiceMargin.top() - st::msgServiceMargin.bottom();
auto dateh = 0;
auto unreadbarh = 0;
if (auto date = Get<HistoryMessageDate>()) {
dateh = date->height();
p.translate(0, dateh);
clip.translate(0, -dateh);
height -= dateh;
if (auto unreadbar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
unreadbarh = unreadbar->height();
if (clip.intersects(QRect(0, 0, width(), unreadbarh))) {
unreadbar->paint(p, 0, width());
p.translate(0, unreadbarh);
clip.translate(0, -unreadbarh);
height -= unreadbarh;
HistoryLayout::PaintContext context(ms, clip, selection);
HistoryLayout::ServiceMessagePainter::paint(p, this, context, height);
if (auto skiph = dateh + unreadbarh) {
p.translate(0, -skiph);
int HistoryService::resizeContentGetHeight() {
_height = displayedDateHeight();
if (auto unreadbar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
_height += unreadbar->height();
if (_text.isEmpty()) {
_textHeight = 0;
} else {
auto contentWidth = width();
if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
accumulate_min(contentWidth, st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left());
contentWidth -= st::msgServiceMargin.left() + st::msgServiceMargin.left(); // two small margins
if (contentWidth < st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right() + 1) {
contentWidth = st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right() + 1;
auto nwidth = qMax(contentWidth - st::msgServicePadding.left() - st::msgServicePadding.right(), 0);
if (nwidth != _textWidth) {
_textWidth = nwidth;
_textHeight = _text.countHeight(nwidth);
if (contentWidth >= _maxw) {
_height += _minh;
} else {
_height += _textHeight;
_height += st::msgServicePadding.top() + st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + st::msgServiceMargin.top() + st::msgServiceMargin.bottom();
if (_media) {
_height += st::msgServiceMargin.top() + _media->resizeGetHeight(_media->currentWidth());
return _height;
void HistoryService::markMediaAsReadHook() {
if (auto selfdestruct = Get<HistoryServiceSelfDestruct>()) {
if (!selfdestruct->destructAt) {
selfdestruct->destructAt = getms(true) + selfdestruct->timeToLive;
App::histories().selfDestructIn(this, selfdestruct->timeToLive);
TimeMs HistoryService::getSelfDestructIn(TimeMs now) {
if (auto selfdestruct = Get<HistoryServiceSelfDestruct>()) {
if (selfdestruct->destructAt > 0) {
if (selfdestruct->destructAt <= now) {
auto text = [selfdestruct] {
switch (selfdestruct->type) {
case HistoryServiceSelfDestruct::Type::Photo: return lang(lng_ttl_photo_expired);
case HistoryServiceSelfDestruct::Type::Video: return lang(lng_ttl_video_expired);
Unexpected("Type in HistoryServiceSelfDestruct::Type");
setServiceText({ text() });
return 0;
return selfdestruct->destructAt - now;
return 0;
bool HistoryService::hasPoint(QPoint point) const {
auto g = countGeometry();
if (g.width() < 1) {
return false;
if (auto dateh = displayedDateHeight()) {
g.setTop(g.top() + dateh);
if (auto unreadbar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
g.setTop(g.top() + unreadbar->height());
if (_media) {
g.setHeight(g.height() - (st::msgServiceMargin.top() + _media->height()));
return g.contains(point);
HistoryTextState HistoryService::getState(QPoint point, HistoryStateRequest request) const {
HistoryTextState result;
auto g = countGeometry();
if (g.width() < 1) {
return result;
if (auto dateh = displayedDateHeight()) {
point.setY(point.y() - dateh);
g.setHeight(g.height() - dateh);
if (auto unreadbar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
auto unreadbarh = unreadbar->height();
point.setY(point.y() - unreadbarh);
g.setHeight(g.height() - unreadbarh);
if (_media) {
g.setHeight(g.height() - (st::msgServiceMargin.top() + _media->height()));
auto trect = g.marginsAdded(-st::msgServicePadding);
if (trect.contains(point)) {
auto textRequest = request.forText();
textRequest.align = style::al_center;
result = _text.getState(point - trect.topLeft(), trect.width(), textRequest);
if (auto gamescore = Get<HistoryServiceGameScore>()) {
if (!result.link && result.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState && g.contains(point)) {
result.link = gamescore->lnk;
} else if (auto payment = Get<HistoryServicePayment>()) {
if (!result.link && result.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState && g.contains(point)) {
result.link = payment->lnk;
} else if (_media) {
result = _media->getState(point - QPoint(st::msgServiceMargin.left() + (g.width() - _media->maxWidth()) / 2, st::msgServiceMargin.top() + g.height() + st::msgServiceMargin.top()), request);
return result;
void HistoryService::createFromMtp(const MTPDmessage &message) {
auto mediaType = message.vmedia.type();
switch (mediaType) {
case mtpc_messageMediaPhoto: {
if (message.is_media_unread()) {
auto &photo = message.vmedia.c_messageMediaPhoto();
setSelfDestruct(HistoryServiceSelfDestruct::Type::Photo, photo.vttl_seconds.v);
if (out()) {
setServiceText({ lang(lng_ttl_photo_sent) });
} else {
auto result = PreparedText();
result.text = lng_ttl_photo_received(lt_from, fromLinkText());
} else {
setServiceText({ lang(lng_ttl_photo_expired) });
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaDocument: {
if (message.is_media_unread()) {
auto &document = message.vmedia.c_messageMediaDocument();
setSelfDestruct(HistoryServiceSelfDestruct::Type::Video, document.vttl_seconds.v);
if (out()) {
setServiceText({ lang(lng_ttl_video_sent) });
} else {
auto result = PreparedText();
result.text = lng_ttl_video_received(lt_from, fromLinkText());
} else {
setServiceText({ lang(lng_ttl_video_expired) });
} break;
default: Unexpected("Media type in HistoryService::createFromMtp()");
void HistoryService::createFromMtp(const MTPDmessageService &message) {
if (message.vaction.type() == mtpc_messageActionGameScore) {
Get<HistoryServiceGameScore>()->score = message.vaction.c_messageActionGameScore().vscore.v;
} else if (message.vaction.type() == mtpc_messageActionPaymentSent) {
auto amount = message.vaction.c_messageActionPaymentSent().vtotal_amount.v;
auto currency = qs(message.vaction.c_messageActionPaymentSent().vcurrency);
Get<HistoryServicePayment>()->amount = HistoryInvoice::fillAmountAndCurrency(amount, currency);
if (message.has_reply_to_msg_id()) {
if (message.vaction.type() == mtpc_messageActionPinMessage) {
if (auto dependent = GetDependentData()) {
dependent->msgId = message.vreply_to_msg_id.v;
if (!updateDependent()) {
Auth().api().requestMessageData(history()->peer->asChannel(), dependent->msgId, HistoryDependentItemCallback(fullId()));
void HistoryService::clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) {
if (_media) _media->clickHandlerActiveChanged(p, active);
HistoryItem::clickHandlerActiveChanged(p, active);
void HistoryService::clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) {
if (_media) _media->clickHandlerPressedChanged(p, pressed);
HistoryItem::clickHandlerPressedChanged(p, pressed);
void HistoryService::applyEdition(const MTPDmessageService &message) {
if (message.vaction.type() == mtpc_messageActionHistoryClear) {
} else {
void HistoryService::removeMedia() {
if (!_media) return;
bool mediaWasDisplayed = _media->isDisplayed();
if (mediaWasDisplayed) {
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
int32 HistoryService::addToOverview(AddToOverviewMethod method) {
if (!indexInOverview()) return 0;
int32 result = 0;
if (auto media = getMedia()) {
result |= media->addToOverview(method);
return result;
Storage::SharedMediaTypesMask HistoryService::sharedMediaTypes() const {
if (auto media = getMedia()) {
return media->sharedMediaTypes();
return {};
void HistoryService::eraseFromOverview() {
if (auto media = getMedia()) {
void HistoryService::updateDependentText() {
auto text = PreparedText {};
if (Has<HistoryServicePinned>()) {
text = preparePinnedText();
} else if (Has<HistoryServiceGameScore>()) {
text = prepareGameScoreText();
} else if (Has<HistoryServicePayment>()) {
text = preparePaymentSentText();
} else {
if (history()->textCachedFor == this) {
history()->textCachedFor = nullptr;
if (App::main()) {
App::main()->dlgUpdated(history()->peer, id);
void HistoryService::clearDependency() {
if (auto dependent = GetDependentData()) {
if (dependent->msg) {
App::historyUnregDependency(this, dependent->msg);
HistoryService::~HistoryService() {
HistoryJoined::HistoryJoined(not_null<History*> history, const QDateTime &inviteDate, not_null<UserData*> inviter, MTPDmessage::Flags flags)
: HistoryService(history, clientMsgId(), inviteDate, GenerateText(history, inviter), flags) {
HistoryJoined::PreparedText HistoryJoined::GenerateText(not_null<History*> history, not_null<UserData*> inviter) {
if (inviter->id == Auth().userPeerId()) {
if (history->isMegagroup()) {
auto self = App::user(Auth().userPeerId());
auto result = PreparedText {};
result.text = lng_action_user_joined(lt_from, textcmdLink(1, self->name));
return result;
return { lang(lng_action_you_joined) };
auto result = PreparedText {};
result.text = (history->isMegagroup() ? lng_action_add_you_group : lng_action_add_you)(lt_from, textcmdLink(1, inviter->name));
return result;