mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 19:21:39 -05:00
2600 lines
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2600 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "history/history_message.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "apiwrap.h"
#include "history/history_location_manager.h"
#include "history/history_service_layout.h"
#include "history/history_media_types.h"
#include "history/history_service.h"
#include "auth_session.h"
#include "boxes/share_box.h"
#include "boxes/confirm_box.h"
#include "ui/toast/toast.h"
#include "messenger.h"
#include "styles/style_dialogs.h"
#include "styles/style_widgets.h"
#include "styles/style_history.h"
#include "styles/style_window.h"
#include "window/notifications_manager.h"
#include "window/window_controller.h"
#include "observer_peer.h"
#include "storage/storage_shared_media.h"
namespace {
constexpr auto kPinnedMessageTextLimit = 16;
inline void initTextOptions() {
_historySrvOptions.dir = _textNameOptions.dir = _textDlgOptions.dir = cLangDir();
_textDlgOptions.maxw = st::columnMaximalWidthLeft * 2;
QString AdminBadgeText() {
return lang(lng_admin_badge);
style::color FromNameFg(not_null<PeerData*> peer, bool selected) {
if (selected) {
const style::color colors[] = {
return colors[Data::PeerColorIndex(peer->id)];
} else {
const style::color colors[] = {
return colors[Data::PeerColorIndex(peer->id)];
MTPDmessage::Flags NewForwardedFlags(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
UserId from,
not_null<HistoryMessage*> fwd) {
auto result = NewMessageFlags(peer) | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_fwd_from;
if (from) {
result |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id;
if (fwd->Has<HistoryMessageVia>()) {
result |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_via_bot_id;
if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) {
if (auto media = fwd->getMedia()) {
if (media->type() == MediaTypeWebPage) {
// Drop web page if we're not allowed to send it.
if (channel->restricted(
ChannelRestriction::f_embed_links)) {
result &= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_media;
} else {
if (auto media = fwd->getMedia()) {
if (media->type() == MediaTypeVoiceFile) {
result |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_media_unread;
// } else if (media->type() == MediaTypeVideo) {
// result |= MTPDmessage::flag_media_unread;
if (fwd->hasViews()) {
result |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_views;
return result;
bool HasMediaItems(const HistoryItemsList &items) {
for (const auto item : items) {
if (const auto media = item->getMedia()) {
switch (media->type()) {
case MediaTypePhoto:
case MediaTypeVideo:
case MediaTypeFile:
case MediaTypeMusicFile:
case MediaTypeVoiceFile: return true;
case MediaTypeGif: return media->getDocument()->isVideoMessage();
return false;
bool HasStickerItems(const HistoryItemsList &items) {
for (const auto item : items) {
if (const auto media = item->getMedia()) {
switch (media->type()) {
case MediaTypeSticker: return true;
return false;
bool HasGifItems(const HistoryItemsList &items) {
for (const auto item : items) {
if (const auto media = item->getMedia()) {
switch (media->type()) {
case MediaTypeGif: return !media->getDocument()->isVideoMessage();
return false;
bool HasGameItems(const HistoryItemsList &items) {
for (const auto item : items) {
if (const auto media = item->getMedia()) {
switch (media->type()) {
case MediaTypeGame: return true;
return false;
bool HasInlineItems(const HistoryItemsList &items) {
for (const auto item : items) {
if (item->viaBot()) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
void FastShareMessage(not_null<HistoryItem*> item) {
struct ShareData {
ShareData(const FullMsgId &msgId) : msgId(msgId) {
FullMsgId msgId;
OrderedSet<mtpRequestId> requests;
auto data = MakeShared<ShareData>(item->fullId());
auto isGame = item->getMessageBot()
&& item->getMedia()
&& (item->getMedia()->type() == MediaTypeGame);
auto canCopyLink = item->hasDirectLink();
if (!canCopyLink) {
if (auto bot = item->getMessageBot()) {
if (auto media = item->getMedia()) {
canCopyLink = (media->type() == MediaTypeGame);
auto copyCallback = [data]() {
if (auto main = App::main()) {
if (auto item = App::histItemById(data->msgId)) {
if (item->hasDirectLink()) {
} else if (auto bot = item->getMessageBot()) {
if (auto media = item->getMedia()) {
if (media->type() == MediaTypeGame) {
auto shortName = static_cast<HistoryGame*>(media)->game()->shortName;
QApplication::clipboard()->setText(Messenger::Instance().createInternalLinkFull(bot->username + qsl("?game=") + shortName));
auto submitCallback = [data](const QVector<PeerData*> &result) {
if (!data->requests.empty()) {
return; // Share clicked already.
auto item = App::histItemById(data->msgId);
if (!item || result.empty()) {
auto items = HistoryItemsList(1, item);
auto restrictedSomewhere = false;
auto restrictedEverywhere = true;
auto firstError = QString();
for (const auto peer : result) {
const auto error = GetErrorTextForForward(peer, items);
if (!error.isEmpty()) {
if (firstError.isEmpty()) {
firstError = error;
restrictedSomewhere = true;
restrictedEverywhere = false;
if (restrictedEverywhere) {
auto doneCallback = [data](const MTPUpdates &updates, mtpRequestId requestId) {
if (auto main = App::main()) {
if (data->requests.empty()) {
auto sendFlags = MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_with_my_score;
MTPVector<MTPint> msgIds = MTP_vector<MTPint>(1, MTP_int(data->msgId.msg));
if (auto main = App::main()) {
for (const auto peer : result) {
if (!GetErrorTextForForward(peer, items).isEmpty()) {
MTPVector<MTPlong> random = MTP_vector<MTPlong>(1, rand_value<MTPlong>());
auto request = MTPmessages_ForwardMessages(MTP_flags(sendFlags), item->history()->peer->input, msgIds, random, peer->input);
auto callback = doneCallback;
auto requestId = MTP::send(request, rpcDone(std::move(callback)));
auto filterCallback = [isGame](PeerData *peer) {
if (peer->canWrite()) {
if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) {
return isGame ? (!channel->isBroadcast()) : true;
return true;
return false;
auto copyLinkCallback = canCopyLink
? base::lambda<void()>(std::move(copyCallback))
: base::lambda<void()>();
void HistoryInitMessages() {
base::lambda<void(ChannelData*, MsgId)> HistoryDependentItemCallback(const FullMsgId &msgId) {
return [dependent = msgId](ChannelData *channel, MsgId msgId) {
if (auto item = App::histItemById(dependent)) {
MTPDmessage::Flags NewMessageFlags(not_null<PeerData*> peer) {
MTPDmessage::Flags result = 0;
if (!peer->isSelf()) {
result |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_out;
//if (p->isChat() || (p->isUser() && !p->asUser()->botInfo)) {
// result |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_unread;
return result;
QString GetErrorTextForForward(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
const HistoryItemsList &items) {
if (!peer->canWrite()) {
return lang(lng_forward_cant);
if (auto megagroup = peer->asMegagroup()) {
if (megagroup->restricted(ChannelRestriction::f_send_media) && HasMediaItems(items)) {
return lang(lng_restricted_send_media);
} else if (megagroup->restricted(ChannelRestriction::f_send_stickers) && HasStickerItems(items)) {
return lang(lng_restricted_send_stickers);
} else if (megagroup->restricted(ChannelRestriction::f_send_gifs) && HasGifItems(items)) {
return lang(lng_restricted_send_gifs);
} else if (megagroup->restricted(ChannelRestriction::f_send_games) && HasGameItems(items)) {
return lang(lng_restricted_send_inline);
} else if (megagroup->restricted(ChannelRestriction::f_send_inline) && HasInlineItems(items)) {
return lang(lng_restricted_send_inline);
return QString();
void HistoryMessageVia::create(UserId userId) {
_bot = App::user(peerFromUser(userId));
_maxWidth = st::msgServiceNameFont->width(lng_inline_bot_via(lt_inline_bot, '@' + _bot->username));
_lnk = MakeShared<LambdaClickHandler>([bot = _bot] {
App::insertBotCommand('@' + bot->username);
void HistoryMessageVia::resize(int32 availw) const {
if (availw < 0) {
_text = QString();
_width = 0;
} else {
_text = lng_inline_bot_via(lt_inline_bot, '@' + _bot->username);
if (availw < _maxWidth) {
_text = st::msgServiceNameFont->elided(_text, availw);
_width = st::msgServiceNameFont->width(_text);
} else if (_width < _maxWidth) {
_width = _maxWidth;
void HistoryMessageSigned::create(const QString &author, const QString &date) {
auto time = qsl(", ") + date;
auto name = author;
auto timew = st::msgDateFont->width(time);
auto namew = st::msgDateFont->width(name);
if (timew + namew > st::maxSignatureSize) {
name = st::msgDateFont->elided(author, st::maxSignatureSize - timew);
_author = author;
_signature.setText(st::msgDateTextStyle, name + time, _textNameOptions);
int HistoryMessageSigned::maxWidth() const {
return _signature.maxWidth();
void HistoryMessageEdited::create(const QDateTime &editDate, const QString &date) {
_editDate = editDate;
_edited.setText(st::msgDateTextStyle, lang(lng_edited) + ' ' + date, _textNameOptions);
int HistoryMessageEdited::maxWidth() const {
return _edited.maxWidth();
void HistoryMessageForwarded::create(const HistoryMessageVia *via) const {
QString text;
auto fromChannel = (_originalSender->isChannel() && !_originalSender->isMegagroup());
if (!_originalAuthor.isEmpty()) {
text = lng_forwarded_signed(lt_channel, App::peerName(_originalSender), lt_user, _originalAuthor);
} else {
text = App::peerName(_originalSender);
if (via) {
if (fromChannel) {
text = lng_forwarded_channel_via(lt_channel, textcmdLink(1, text), lt_inline_bot, textcmdLink(2, '@' + via->_bot->username));
} else {
text = lng_forwarded_via(lt_user, textcmdLink(1, text), lt_inline_bot, textcmdLink(2, '@' + via->_bot->username));
} else {
if (fromChannel) {
text = lng_forwarded_channel(lt_channel, textcmdLink(1, text));
} else {
text = lng_forwarded(lt_user, textcmdLink(1, text));
TextParseOptions opts = { TextParseRichText, 0, 0, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
_text.setText(st::fwdTextStyle, text, opts);
_text.setLink(1, fromChannel ? goToMessageClickHandler(_originalSender, _originalId) : _originalSender->openLink());
if (via) {
_text.setLink(2, via->_lnk);
bool HistoryMessageReply::updateData(HistoryMessage *holder, bool force) {
if (!force) {
if (replyToMsg || !replyToMsgId) {
return true;
if (!replyToMsg) {
replyToMsg = App::histItemById(holder->channelId(), replyToMsgId);
if (replyToMsg) {
if (replyToMsg->isEmpty()) {
// Really it is deleted.
replyToMsg = nullptr;
force = true;
} else {
App::historyRegDependency(holder, replyToMsg);
if (replyToMsg) {
replyToText.setText(st::messageTextStyle, TextUtilities::Clean(replyToMsg->inReplyText()), _textDlgOptions);
replyToLnk = goToMessageClickHandler(replyToMsg);
if (!replyToMsg->Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (auto bot = replyToMsg->viaBot()) {
_replyToVia = std::make_unique<HistoryMessageVia>();
} else if (force) {
replyToMsgId = 0;
if (force) {
return (replyToMsg || !replyToMsgId);
void HistoryMessageReply::clearData(HistoryMessage *holder) {
_replyToVia = nullptr;
if (replyToMsg) {
App::historyUnregDependency(holder, replyToMsg);
replyToMsg = nullptr;
replyToMsgId = 0;
bool HistoryMessageReply::isNameUpdated() const {
if (replyToMsg && replyToMsg->author()->nameVersion > replyToVersion) {
return true;
return false;
void HistoryMessageReply::updateName() const {
if (replyToMsg) {
QString name = (_replyToVia && replyToMsg->author()->isUser()) ? replyToMsg->author()->asUser()->firstName : App::peerName(replyToMsg->author());
replyToName.setText(st::fwdTextStyle, name, _textNameOptions);
replyToVersion = replyToMsg->author()->nameVersion;
bool hasPreview = replyToMsg->getMedia() ? replyToMsg->getMedia()->hasReplyPreview() : false;
int32 previewSkip = hasPreview ? (st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyBarSkip - st::msgReplyBarSize.width() - st::msgReplyBarPos.x()) : 0;
int32 w = replyToName.maxWidth();
if (_replyToVia) {
w += st::msgServiceFont->spacew + _replyToVia->_maxWidth;
_maxReplyWidth = previewSkip + qMax(w, qMin(replyToText.maxWidth(), int32(st::maxSignatureSize)));
} else {
_maxReplyWidth = st::msgDateFont->width(lang(replyToMsgId ? lng_profile_loading : lng_deleted_message));
_maxReplyWidth = st::msgReplyPadding.left() + st::msgReplyBarSkip + _maxReplyWidth + st::msgReplyPadding.right();
void HistoryMessageReply::resize(int width) const {
if (_replyToVia) {
bool hasPreview = replyToMsg->getMedia() ? replyToMsg->getMedia()->hasReplyPreview() : false;
int previewSkip = hasPreview ? (st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyBarSkip - st::msgReplyBarSize.width() - st::msgReplyBarPos.x()) : 0;
_replyToVia->resize(width - st::msgReplyBarSkip - previewSkip - replyToName.maxWidth() - st::msgServiceFont->spacew);
void HistoryMessageReply::itemRemoved(HistoryMessage *holder, HistoryItem *removed) {
if (replyToMsg == removed) {
void HistoryMessageReply::paint(Painter &p, const HistoryItem *holder, int x, int y, int w, PaintFlags flags) const {
bool selected = (flags & PaintFlag::Selected), outbg = holder->hasOutLayout();
style::color bar = st::msgImgReplyBarColor;
if (flags & PaintFlag::InBubble) {
bar = (flags & PaintFlag::Selected) ? (outbg ? st::msgOutReplyBarSelColor : st::msgInReplyBarSelColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutReplyBarColor : st::msgInReplyBarColor);
QRect rbar(rtlrect(x + st::msgReplyBarPos.x(), y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarPos.y(), st::msgReplyBarSize.width(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), w + 2 * x));
p.fillRect(rbar, bar);
if (w > st::msgReplyBarSkip) {
if (replyToMsg) {
auto hasPreview = replyToMsg->getMedia() ? replyToMsg->getMedia()->hasReplyPreview() : false;
if (hasPreview && w < st::msgReplyBarSkip + st::msgReplyBarSize.height()) {
hasPreview = false;
auto previewSkip = hasPreview ? (st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyBarSkip - st::msgReplyBarSize.width() - st::msgReplyBarPos.x()) : 0;
if (hasPreview) {
ImagePtr replyPreview = replyToMsg->getMedia()->replyPreview();
if (!replyPreview->isNull()) {
auto to = rtlrect(x + st::msgReplyBarSkip, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarPos.y(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), w + 2 * x);
auto previewWidth = replyPreview->width() / cIntRetinaFactor();
auto previewHeight = replyPreview->height() / cIntRetinaFactor();
auto preview = replyPreview->pixSingle(previewWidth, previewHeight, to.width(), to.height(), ImageRoundRadius::Small, ImageRoundCorner::All, selected ? &st::msgStickerOverlay : nullptr);
p.drawPixmap(to.x(), to.y(), preview);
if (w > st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip) {
if (flags & PaintFlag::InBubble) {
p.setPen(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFgSelected : st::msgInServiceFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFg : st::msgInServiceFg));
} else {
replyToName.drawLeftElided(p, x + st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top(), w - st::msgReplyBarSkip - previewSkip, w + 2 * x);
if (_replyToVia && w > st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip + replyToName.maxWidth() + st::msgServiceFont->spacew) {
p.drawText(x + st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip + replyToName.maxWidth() + st::msgServiceFont->spacew, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgServiceFont->ascent, _replyToVia->_text);
auto replyToAsMsg = replyToMsg->toHistoryMessage();
if (!(flags & PaintFlag::InBubble)) {
} else if ((replyToAsMsg && replyToAsMsg->emptyText()) || replyToMsg->serviceMsg()) {
p.setPen(outbg ? (selected ? st::msgOutDateFgSelected : st::msgOutDateFg) : (selected ? st::msgInDateFgSelected : st::msgInDateFg));
} else {
p.setPen(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyTextOutFgSelected : st::historyTextOutFg) : (selected ? st::historyTextInFgSelected : st::historyTextInFg));
replyToText.drawLeftElided(p, x + st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgServiceNameFont->height, w - st::msgReplyBarSkip - previewSkip, w + 2 * x);
} else {
auto &date = outbg ? (selected ? st::msgOutDateFgSelected : st::msgOutDateFg) : (selected ? st::msgInDateFgSelected : st::msgInDateFg);
p.setPen((flags & PaintFlag::InBubble) ? date : st::msgDateImgFg);
p.drawTextLeft(x + st::msgReplyBarSkip, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + (st::msgReplyBarSize.height() - st::msgDateFont->height) / 2, w + 2 * x, st::msgDateFont->elided(lang(replyToMsgId ? lng_profile_loading : lng_deleted_message), w - st::msgReplyBarSkip));
void HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::startPaint(Painter &p) const {
const style::TextStyle &HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::textStyle() const {
return st::serviceTextStyle;
void HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::repaint(not_null<const HistoryItem*> item) const {
int HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::buttonRadius() const {
return st::dateRadius;
void HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::paintButtonBg(Painter &p, const QRect &rect, float64 howMuchOver) const {
App::roundRect(p, rect, st::msgServiceBg, StickerCorners);
if (howMuchOver > 0) {
auto o = p.opacity();
p.setOpacity(o * howMuchOver);
App::roundRect(p, rect, st::msgBotKbOverBgAdd, BotKbOverCorners);
void HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::paintButtonIcon(Painter &p, const QRect &rect, int outerWidth, HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button::Type type) const {
using Button = HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button;
auto getIcon = [](Button::Type type) -> const style::icon* {
switch (type) {
case Button::Type::Url: return &st::msgBotKbUrlIcon;
case Button::Type::SwitchInlineSame:
case Button::Type::SwitchInline: return &st::msgBotKbSwitchPmIcon;
return nullptr;
if (auto icon = getIcon(type)) {
icon->paint(p, rect.x() + rect.width() - icon->width() - st::msgBotKbIconPadding, rect.y() + st::msgBotKbIconPadding, outerWidth);
void HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::paintButtonLoading(Painter &p, const QRect &rect) const {
auto icon = &st::historySendingInvertedIcon;
icon->paint(p, rect.x() + rect.width() - icon->width() - st::msgBotKbIconPadding, rect.y() + rect.height() - icon->height() - st::msgBotKbIconPadding, rect.x() * 2 + rect.width());
int HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::minButtonWidth(HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button::Type type) const {
using Button = HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button;
int result = 2 * buttonPadding(), iconWidth = 0;
switch (type) {
case Button::Type::Url: iconWidth = st::msgBotKbUrlIcon.width(); break;
case Button::Type::SwitchInlineSame:
case Button::Type::SwitchInline: iconWidth = st::msgBotKbSwitchPmIcon.width(); break;
case Button::Type::Callback:
case Button::Type::Game: iconWidth = st::historySendingInvertedIcon.width(); break;
if (iconWidth > 0) {
result = std::max(result, 2 * iconWidth + 4 * int(st::msgBotKbIconPadding));
return result;
not_null<History*> history,
const MTPDmessage &msg)
: HistoryItem(history, msg.vid.v, msg.vflags.v, ::date(msg.vdate), msg.has_from_id() ? msg.vfrom_id.v : 0) {
CreateConfig config;
if (msg.has_fwd_from() && msg.vfwd_from.type() == mtpc_messageFwdHeader) {
auto &f = msg.vfwd_from.c_messageFwdHeader();
config.originalDate = ::date(f.vdate);
if (f.has_from_id() || f.has_channel_id()) {
config.senderOriginal = f.has_channel_id()
? peerFromChannel(f.vchannel_id)
: peerFromUser(f.vfrom_id);
if (f.has_channel_post()) config.originalId = f.vchannel_post.v;
if (f.has_post_author()) config.authorOriginal = qs(f.vpost_author);
if (f.has_saved_from_peer() && f.has_saved_from_msg_id()) {
config.savedFromPeer = peerFromMTP(f.vsaved_from_peer);
config.savedFromMsgId = f.vsaved_from_msg_id.v;
if (msg.has_reply_to_msg_id()) config.replyTo = msg.vreply_to_msg_id.v;
if (msg.has_via_bot_id()) config.viaBotId = msg.vvia_bot_id.v;
if (msg.has_views()) config.viewsCount = msg.vviews.v;
if (msg.has_reply_markup()) config.mtpMarkup = &msg.vreply_markup;
if (msg.has_edit_date()) config.editDate = ::date(msg.vedit_date);
if (msg.has_post_author()) config.author = qs(msg.vpost_author);
if (msg.has_grouped_id()) {
config.groupId = MessageGroupId::FromRaw(msg.vgrouped_id.v);
initMedia(msg.has_media() ? (&msg.vmedia) : nullptr);
auto text = TextUtilities::Clean(qs(msg.vmessage));
auto entities = msg.has_entities() ? TextUtilities::EntitiesFromMTP(msg.ventities.v) : EntitiesInText();
setText({ text, entities });
not_null<History*> history,
const MTPDmessageService &msg)
: HistoryItem(history, msg.vid.v, mtpCastFlags(msg.vflags.v), ::date(msg.vdate), msg.has_from_id() ? msg.vfrom_id.v : 0) {
CreateConfig config;
if (msg.has_reply_to_msg_id()) config.replyTo = msg.vreply_to_msg_id.v;
switch (msg.vaction.type()) {
case mtpc_messageActionPhoneCall: {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryCall>(this, msg.vaction.c_messageActionPhoneCall());
} break;
default: Unexpected("Service message action type in HistoryMessage.");
setText(TextWithEntities {});
not_null<History*> history,
MsgId id,
MTPDmessage::Flags flags,
QDateTime date,
UserId from,
const QString &postAuthor,
not_null<HistoryMessage*> fwd)
: HistoryItem(history, id, NewForwardedFlags(history->peer, from, fwd) | flags, date, from) {
CreateConfig config;
if (fwd->Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>() || !fwd->history()->peer->isSelf()) {
// Server doesn't add "fwd_from" to non-forwarded messages from chat with yourself.
config.originalDate = fwd->dateOriginal();
auto senderOriginal = fwd->senderOriginal();
config.senderOriginal = senderOriginal->id;
config.authorOriginal = fwd->authorOriginal();
if (senderOriginal->isChannel()) {
config.originalId = fwd->idOriginal();
if (history->peer->isSelf()) {
// iOS app sends you to the original post if we forward a forward from channel.
// But server returns not the original post but the forward in saved_from_...
//if (config.originalId) {
// config.savedFromPeer = config.senderOriginal;
// config.savedFromMsgId = config.originalId;
//} else {
config.savedFromPeer = fwd->history()->peer->id;
config.savedFromMsgId = fwd->id;
if (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_post_author) {
config.author = postAuthor;
auto fwdViaBot = fwd->viaBot();
if (fwdViaBot) config.viaBotId = peerToUser(fwdViaBot->id);
int fwdViewsCount = fwd->viewsCount();
if (fwdViewsCount > 0) {
config.viewsCount = fwdViewsCount;
} else if (isPost()) {
config.viewsCount = 1;
// Copy inline keyboard when forwarding messages with a game.
auto mediaOriginal = fwd->getMedia();
auto mediaType = mediaOriginal ? mediaOriginal->type() : MediaTypeCount;
if (mediaOriginal && mediaType == MediaTypeGame) {
config.inlineMarkup = fwd->inlineReplyMarkup();
auto cloneMedia = [this, history, mediaType] {
if (mediaType == MediaTypeWebPage) {
if (auto channel = history->peer->asChannel()) {
if (channel->restricted(ChannelRestriction::f_embed_links)) {
return false;
return (mediaType != MediaTypeCount);
if (cloneMedia()) {
_media = mediaOriginal->clone(this, this);
not_null<History*> history,
MsgId id,
MTPDmessage::Flags flags,
MsgId replyTo,
UserId viaBotId,
QDateTime date,
UserId from,
const QString &postAuthor,
const TextWithEntities &textWithEntities)
: HistoryItem(history, id, flags, date, (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id) ? from : 0) {
createComponentsHelper(flags, replyTo, viaBotId, postAuthor, MTPnullMarkup);
not_null<History*> history,
MsgId msgId,
MTPDmessage::Flags flags,
MsgId replyTo,
UserId viaBotId,
QDateTime date,
UserId from,
const QString &postAuthor,
not_null<DocumentData*> document,
const QString &caption,
const MTPReplyMarkup &markup)
: HistoryItem(history, msgId, flags, date, (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id) ? from : 0) {
createComponentsHelper(flags, replyTo, viaBotId, postAuthor, markup);
initMediaFromDocument(document, caption);
not_null<History*> history,
MsgId msgId,
MTPDmessage::Flags flags,
MsgId replyTo,
UserId viaBotId,
QDateTime date,
UserId from,
const QString &postAuthor,
not_null<PhotoData*> photo,
const QString &caption,
const MTPReplyMarkup &markup)
: HistoryItem(history, msgId, flags, date, (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id) ? from : 0) {
createComponentsHelper(flags, replyTo, viaBotId, postAuthor, markup);
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryPhoto>(this, photo, caption);
not_null<History*> history,
MsgId msgId,
MTPDmessage::Flags flags,
MsgId replyTo,
UserId viaBotId,
QDateTime date,
UserId from,
const QString &postAuthor,
not_null<GameData*> game,
const MTPReplyMarkup &markup)
: HistoryItem(history, msgId, flags, date, (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id) ? from : 0) {
createComponentsHelper(flags, replyTo, viaBotId, postAuthor, markup);
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryGame>(this, game);
void HistoryMessage::createComponentsHelper(
MTPDmessage::Flags flags,
MsgId replyTo,
UserId viaBotId,
const QString &postAuthor,
const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) {
CreateConfig config;
if (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_via_bot_id) config.viaBotId = viaBotId;
if (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id) config.replyTo = replyTo;
if (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup) config.mtpMarkup = &markup;
if (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_post_author) config.author = postAuthor;
if (isPost()) config.viewsCount = 1;
void HistoryMessage::updateMediaInBubbleState() {
auto mediaHasSomethingBelow = false;
auto mediaHasSomethingAbove = false;
auto getMediaHasSomethingAbove = [this] {
return displayFromName()
|| displayForwardedFrom()
|| Has<HistoryMessageReply>()
|| Has<HistoryMessageVia>();
auto entry = Get<HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal>();
if (entry) {
mediaHasSomethingBelow = true;
mediaHasSomethingAbove = getMediaHasSomethingAbove();
auto entryState = (mediaHasSomethingAbove || !emptyText() || (_media && _media->isDisplayed())) ? MediaInBubbleState::Bottom : MediaInBubbleState::None;
if (!_media) {
if (!drawBubble()) {
if (!entry) {
mediaHasSomethingAbove = getMediaHasSomethingAbove();
if (!emptyText()) {
if (_media->isAboveMessage()) {
mediaHasSomethingBelow = true;
} else {
mediaHasSomethingAbove = true;
auto computeState = [mediaHasSomethingAbove, mediaHasSomethingBelow] {
if (mediaHasSomethingAbove) {
if (mediaHasSomethingBelow) {
return MediaInBubbleState::Middle;
return MediaInBubbleState::Bottom;
} else if (mediaHasSomethingBelow) {
return MediaInBubbleState::Top;
return MediaInBubbleState::None;
not_null<PeerData*> HistoryMessage::displayFrom() const {
return history()->peer->isSelf()
? senderOriginal()
: author();
void HistoryMessage::updateAdminBadgeState() {
auto hasAdminBadge = [&] {
if (auto channel = history()->peer->asChannel()) {
if (auto user = author()->asUser()) {
return channel->isGroupAdmin(user);
return false;
if (hasAdminBadge) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_admin_badge;
} else {
_flags &= ~MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_admin_badge;
void HistoryMessage::applyGroupAdminChanges(
const base::flat_map<UserId, bool> &changes) {
auto i = changes.find(peerToUser(author()->id));
if (i != changes.end()) {
if (i->second) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_admin_badge;
} else {
_flags &= ~MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_admin_badge;
bool HistoryMessage::displayEditedBadge(bool hasViaBotOrInlineMarkup) const {
if (hasViaBotOrInlineMarkup) {
return false;
} else if (!(_flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_edit_date)) {
return false;
if (auto fromUser = from()->asUser()) {
if (fromUser->botInfo) {
return false;
return true;
bool HistoryMessage::uploading() const {
return _media && _media->uploading();
bool HistoryMessage::displayRightAction() const {
return displayFastShare() || displayGoToOriginal();
bool HistoryMessage::displayFastShare() const {
if (_history->peer->isChannel()) {
return !_history->peer->isMegagroup();
} else if (auto user = _history->peer->asUser()) {
if (user->botInfo && !out()) {
return _media && _media->allowsFastShare();
return false;
bool HistoryMessage::displayGoToOriginal() const {
if (_history->peer->isSelf()) {
if (auto forwarded = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
return forwarded->_savedFromPeer && forwarded->_savedFromMsgId;
return false;
void HistoryMessage::createComponents(const CreateConfig &config) {
uint64 mask = 0;
if (config.replyTo) {
mask |= HistoryMessageReply::Bit();
if (config.viaBotId) {
mask |= HistoryMessageVia::Bit();
if (config.viewsCount >= 0) {
mask |= HistoryMessageViews::Bit();
if (!config.author.isEmpty()) {
mask |= HistoryMessageSigned::Bit();
auto hasViaBot = (config.viaBotId != 0);
auto hasInlineMarkup = [&config] {
if (config.mtpMarkup) {
return (config.mtpMarkup->type() == mtpc_replyInlineMarkup);
return (config.inlineMarkup != nullptr);
if (displayEditedBadge(hasViaBot || hasInlineMarkup())) {
mask |= HistoryMessageEdited::Bit();
if (config.senderOriginal) {
mask |= HistoryMessageForwarded::Bit();
if (config.mtpMarkup) {
// optimization: don't create markup component for the case
// MTPDreplyKeyboardHide with flags = 0, assume it has f_zero flag
if (config.mtpMarkup->type() != mtpc_replyKeyboardHide || config.mtpMarkup->c_replyKeyboardHide().vflags.v != 0) {
mask |= HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Bit();
} else if (config.inlineMarkup) {
mask |= HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Bit();
if (config.groupId) {
mask |= HistoryMessageGroup::Bit();
if (const auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
reply->replyToMsgId = config.replyTo;
if (!reply->updateData(this)) {
if (const auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>()) {
if (const auto views = Get<HistoryMessageViews>()) {
views->_views = config.viewsCount;
if (const auto edited = Get<HistoryMessageEdited>()) {
edited->create(config.editDate, date.toString(cTimeFormat()));
if (const auto msgsigned = Get<HistoryMessageSigned>()) {
msgsigned->create(config.author, edited->_edited.originalText());
} else if (const auto msgsigned = Get<HistoryMessageSigned>()) {
msgsigned->create(config.author, date.toString(cTimeFormat()));
if (const auto forwarded = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
forwarded->_originalDate = config.originalDate;
forwarded->_originalSender = App::peer(config.senderOriginal);
forwarded->_originalId = config.originalId;
forwarded->_originalAuthor = config.authorOriginal;
forwarded->_savedFromPeer = App::peerLoaded(config.savedFromPeer);
forwarded->_savedFromMsgId = config.savedFromMsgId;
if (const auto markup = Get<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
if (config.mtpMarkup) {
} else if (config.inlineMarkup) {
if (markup->flags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag::f_has_switch_inline_button) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_switch_inline_button;
if (const auto group = Get<HistoryMessageGroup>()) {
group->groupId = config.groupId;
group->leader = this;
_fromNameVersion = displayFrom()->nameVersion;
QString formatViewsCount(int32 views) {
if (views > 999999) {
views /= 100000;
if (views % 10) {
return QString::number(views / 10) + '.' + QString::number(views % 10) + 'M';
return QString::number(views / 10) + 'M';
} else if (views > 9999) {
views /= 100;
if (views % 10) {
return QString::number(views / 10) + '.' + QString::number(views % 10) + 'K';
return QString::number(views / 10) + 'K';
} else if (views > 0) {
return QString::number(views);
return qsl("1");
void HistoryMessage::initTime() {
if (auto msgsigned = Get<HistoryMessageSigned>()) {
_timeWidth = msgsigned->maxWidth();
} else if (auto edited = Get<HistoryMessageEdited>()) {
_timeWidth = edited->maxWidth();
} else {
_timeText = date.toString(cTimeFormat());
_timeWidth = st::msgDateFont->width(_timeText);
if (auto views = Get<HistoryMessageViews>()) {
views->_viewsText = (views->_views >= 0) ? formatViewsCount(views->_views) : QString();
views->_viewsWidth = views->_viewsText.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::msgDateFont->width(views->_viewsText);
void HistoryMessage::initMedia(const MTPMessageMedia *media) {
switch (media ? media->type() : mtpc_messageMediaEmpty) {
case mtpc_messageMediaContact: {
auto &d = media->c_messageMediaContact();
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryContact>(this, d.vuser_id.v, qs(d.vfirst_name), qs(d.vlast_name), qs(d.vphone_number));
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaGeo: {
auto &point = media->c_messageMediaGeo().vgeo;
if (point.type() == mtpc_geoPoint) {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryLocation>(this, LocationCoords(point.c_geoPoint()));
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaGeoLive: {
auto &point = media->c_messageMediaGeoLive().vgeo;
if (point.type() == mtpc_geoPoint) {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryLocation>(this, LocationCoords(point.c_geoPoint()));
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaVenue: {
auto &d = media->c_messageMediaVenue();
if (d.vgeo.type() == mtpc_geoPoint) {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryLocation>(this, LocationCoords(d.vgeo.c_geoPoint()), qs(d.vtitle), qs(d.vaddress));
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaPhoto: {
auto &photo = media->c_messageMediaPhoto();
if (photo.has_ttl_seconds()) {
LOG(("App Error: Unexpected MTPMessageMediaPhoto with ttl_seconds in HistoryMessage."));
} else if (photo.has_photo() && photo.vphoto.type() == mtpc_photo) {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryPhoto>(this, App::feedPhoto(photo.vphoto.c_photo()), photo.has_caption() ? qs(photo.vcaption) : QString());
} else {
LOG(("API Error: Got MTPMessageMediaPhoto without photo and without ttl_seconds."));
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaDocument: {
auto &document = media->c_messageMediaDocument();
if (document.has_ttl_seconds()) {
LOG(("App Error: Unexpected MTPMessageMediaDocument with ttl_seconds in HistoryMessage."));
} else if (document.has_document() && document.vdocument.type() == mtpc_document) {
return initMediaFromDocument(App::feedDocument(document.vdocument.c_document()), document.has_caption() ? qs(document.vcaption) : QString());
} else {
LOG(("API Error: Got MTPMessageMediaDocument without document and without ttl_seconds."));
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaWebPage: {
auto &d = media->c_messageMediaWebPage().vwebpage;
switch (d.type()) {
case mtpc_webPageEmpty: break;
case mtpc_webPagePending: {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryWebPage>(this, App::feedWebPage(d.c_webPagePending()));
} break;
case mtpc_webPage: {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryWebPage>(this, App::feedWebPage(d.c_webPage()));
} break;
case mtpc_webPageNotModified: LOG(("API Error: webPageNotModified is unexpected in message media.")); break;
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaGame: {
auto &d = media->c_messageMediaGame().vgame;
if (d.type() == mtpc_game) {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryGame>(this, App::feedGame(d.c_game()));
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaInvoice: {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryInvoice>(this, media->c_messageMediaInvoice());
if (static_cast<HistoryInvoice*>(getMedia())->getReceiptMsgId()) {
} break;
void HistoryMessage::replaceBuyWithReceiptInMarkup() {
if (auto markup = inlineReplyMarkup()) {
for (auto &row : markup->rows) {
for (auto &button : row) {
if (button.type == HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button::Type::Buy) {
button.text = lang(lng_payments_receipt_button);
void HistoryMessage::initMediaFromDocument(DocumentData *doc, const QString &caption) {
if (doc->sticker()) {
_media = std::make_unique<HistorySticker>(this, doc);
} else if (doc->isAnimation()) {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryGif>(this, doc, caption);
} else if (doc->isVideoFile()) {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryVideo>(this, doc, caption);
} else {
_media = std::make_unique<HistoryDocument>(this, doc, caption);
int32 HistoryMessage::plainMaxWidth() const {
return st::msgPadding.left() + _text.maxWidth() + st::msgPadding.right();
void HistoryMessage::initDimensions() {
if (drawBubble()) {
auto forwarded = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>();
auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>();
auto entry = Get<HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal>();
if (forwarded) {
if (reply) {
if (displayFromName()) {
auto mediaDisplayed = false;
if (_media) {
mediaDisplayed = _media->isDisplayed();
if (entry) {
// Entry page is always a bubble bottom.
auto mediaOnBottom = (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleBottom()) || (entry/* && entry->_page->isBubbleBottom()*/);
auto mediaOnTop = (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleTop()) || (entry && entry->_page->isBubbleTop());
if (mediaOnBottom) {
if (_text.hasSkipBlock()) {
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
} else if (!_text.hasSkipBlock()) {
_text.setSkipBlock(skipBlockWidth(), skipBlockHeight());
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
_maxw = plainMaxWidth();
_minh = emptyText() ? 0 : _text.minHeight();
if (!mediaOnBottom) {
_minh += st::msgPadding.bottom();
if (mediaDisplayed) _minh += st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
if (!mediaOnTop) {
_minh += st::msgPadding.top();
if (mediaDisplayed) _minh += st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
if (entry) _minh += st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
if (mediaDisplayed) {
// Parts don't participate in maxWidth() in case of media message.
accumulate_max(_maxw, _media->maxWidth());
_minh += _media->minHeight();
} else {
// Count parts in maxWidth(), don't count them in minHeight().
// They will be added in resizeGetHeight() anyway.
if (displayFromName()) {
auto namew = st::msgPadding.left()
+ displayFrom()->nameText.maxWidth()
+ st::msgPadding.right();
if (via && !forwarded) {
namew += st::msgServiceFont->spacew + via->_maxWidth;
if (_flags & MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_admin_badge) {
auto badgeWidth = st::msgServiceFont->width(
namew += st::msgPadding.right() + badgeWidth;
accumulate_max(_maxw, namew);
} else if (via && !forwarded) {
accumulate_max(_maxw, st::msgPadding.left() + via->_maxWidth + st::msgPadding.right());
if (forwarded) {
auto namew = st::msgPadding.left() + forwarded->_text.maxWidth() + st::msgPadding.right();
if (via) {
namew += st::msgServiceFont->spacew + via->_maxWidth;
accumulate_max(_maxw, namew);
if (reply) {
auto replyw = st::msgPadding.left() + reply->_maxReplyWidth - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.right() + st::msgPadding.right();
if (reply->_replyToVia) {
replyw += st::msgServiceFont->spacew + reply->_replyToVia->_maxWidth;
accumulate_max(_maxw, replyw);
if (entry) {
accumulate_max(_maxw, entry->_page->maxWidth());
_minh += entry->_page->minHeight();
} else if (_media) {
_maxw = _media->maxWidth();
_minh = _media->isDisplayed() ? _media->minHeight() : 0;
} else {
_maxw = st::msgMinWidth;
_minh = 0;
if (const auto markup = inlineReplyMarkup()) {
if (!markup->inlineKeyboard) {
markup->inlineKeyboard = std::make_unique<ReplyKeyboard>(
// if we have a text bubble we can resize it to fit the keyboard
// but if we have only media we don't do that
if (!emptyText()) {
accumulate_max(_maxw, markup->inlineKeyboard->naturalWidth());
bool HistoryMessage::drawBubble() const {
if (isHiddenByGroup()) {
return false;
} else if (Has<HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal>()) {
return true;
return _media ? (!emptyText() || _media->needsBubble()) : !isEmpty();
bool HistoryMessage::hasFromName() const {
return !hasOutLayout()
&& (!history()->peer->isUser() || history()->peer->isSelf());
QRect HistoryMessage::countGeometry() const {
auto maxwidth = qMin(st::msgMaxWidth, _maxw);
if (_media && _media->currentWidth() < maxwidth) {
maxwidth = qMax(_media->currentWidth(), qMin(maxwidth, plainMaxWidth()));
const auto outLayout = hasOutLayout();
auto contentLeft = (outLayout && !Adaptive::ChatWide())
? st::msgMargin.right()
: st::msgMargin.left();
if (hasFromPhoto()) {
contentLeft += st::msgPhotoSkip;
// } else if (!Adaptive::Wide() && !out() && !fromChannel() && st::msgPhotoSkip - (hmaxwidth - hwidth) > 0) {
// contentLeft += st::msgPhotoSkip - (hmaxwidth - hwidth);
auto contentWidth = width() - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right();
if (history()->peer->isSelf() && !outLayout) {
contentWidth -= st::msgPhotoSkip;
if (contentWidth > maxwidth) {
if (outLayout && !Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
contentLeft += contentWidth - maxwidth;
contentWidth = maxwidth;
const auto contentTop = marginTop();
return QRect(
_height - contentTop - marginBottom());
void HistoryMessage::fromNameUpdated(int32 width) const {
if (_flags & MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_admin_badge) {
auto badgeWidth = st::msgServiceFont->width(
width -= st::msgPadding.right() + badgeWidth;
_fromNameVersion = displayFrom()->nameVersion;
if (!Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>()) {
- st::msgPadding.left()
- st::msgPadding.right()
- author()->nameText.maxWidth()
- st::msgServiceFont->spacew);
void HistoryMessage::applyEdition(const MTPDmessage &message) {
int keyboardTop = -1;
if (!pendingResize()) {
if (auto keyboard = inlineReplyKeyboard()) {
int h = st::msgBotKbButton.margin + keyboard->naturalHeight();
keyboardTop = _height - h + st::msgBotKbButton.margin - marginBottom();
if (message.has_edit_date()) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_edit_date;
auto hasViaBotId = Has<HistoryMessageVia>();
auto hasInlineMarkup = (inlineReplyMarkup() != nullptr);
if (displayEditedBadge(hasViaBotId || hasInlineMarkup)) {
if (!Has<HistoryMessageEdited>()) {
auto edited = Get<HistoryMessageEdited>();
edited->create(::date(message.vedit_date), date.toString(cTimeFormat()));
if (auto msgsigned = Get<HistoryMessageSigned>()) {
msgsigned->create(msgsigned->_author, edited->_edited.originalText());
} else if (Has<HistoryMessageEdited>()) {
if (auto msgsigned = Get<HistoryMessageSigned>()) {
msgsigned->create(msgsigned->_author, date.toString(cTimeFormat()));
TextWithEntities textWithEntities = { qs(message.vmessage), EntitiesInText() };
if (message.has_entities()) {
textWithEntities.entities = TextUtilities::EntitiesFromMTP(message.ventities.v);
setReplyMarkup(message.has_reply_markup() ? (&message.vreply_markup) : nullptr);
setMedia(message.has_media() ? (&message.vmedia) : nullptr);
setViewsCount(message.has_views() ? message.vviews.v : -1);
void HistoryMessage::applyEdition(const MTPDmessageService &message) {
if (message.vaction.type() == mtpc_messageActionHistoryClear) {
void HistoryMessage::applyEditionToEmpty() {
bool HistoryMessage::displayForwardedFrom() const {
if (auto forwarded = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (history()->peer->isSelf()) {
return false;
return Has<HistoryMessageVia>()
|| !_media
|| !_media->isDisplayed()
|| !_media->hideForwardedFrom()
|| forwarded->_originalSender->isChannel();
return false;
void HistoryMessage::updateMedia(const MTPMessageMedia *media) {
auto setMediaAllowed = [](HistoryMediaType type) {
return (type == MediaTypeWebPage)
|| (type == MediaTypeGame)
|| (type == MediaTypeLocation);
if (_flags & MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_from_inline_bot) {
bool needReSet = true;
if (media && _media) {
needReSet = _media->needReSetInlineResultMedia(*media);
if (needReSet) {
_flags &= ~MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_from_inline_bot;
} else if (media && _media && !setMediaAllowed(_media->type())) {
} else {
void HistoryMessage::addToUnreadMentions(AddToUnreadMentionsMethod method) {
if (indexInUnreadMentions() && mentionsMe() && isMediaUnread()) {
if (history()->addToUnreadMentions(id, method)) {
void HistoryMessage::eraseFromUnreadMentions() {
if (mentionsMe() && isMediaUnread()) {
Storage::SharedMediaTypesMask HistoryMessage::sharedMediaTypes() const {
auto result = Storage::SharedMediaTypesMask {};
if (auto media = getMedia()) {
if (hasTextLinks()) {
return result;
TextWithEntities HistoryMessage::selectedText(TextSelection selection) const {
TextWithEntities logEntryOriginalResult;
const auto textSelection = (selection == FullSelection)
? AllTextSelection
: IsSubGroupSelection(selection)
? TextSelection(0, 0)
: selection;
auto textResult = _text.originalTextWithEntities(
auto skipped = skipTextSelection(selection);
auto mediaDisplayed = (_media && _media->isDisplayed());
auto mediaResult = mediaDisplayed ? _media->selectedText(skipped) : TextWithEntities();
if (auto entry = Get<HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal>()) {
const auto originalSelection = mediaDisplayed
? _media->skipSelection(skipped)
: skipped;
logEntryOriginalResult = entry->_page->selectedText(originalSelection);
auto result = textResult;
if (result.text.isEmpty()) {
result = std::move(mediaResult);
} else if (!mediaResult.text.isEmpty()) {
result.text += qstr("\n\n");
TextUtilities::Append(result, std::move(mediaResult));
if (result.text.isEmpty()) {
result = std::move(logEntryOriginalResult);
} else if (!logEntryOriginalResult.text.isEmpty()) {
result.text += qstr("\n\n");
TextUtilities::Append(result, std::move(logEntryOriginalResult));
if (auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
if (selection == FullSelection && reply->replyToMsg) {
TextWithEntities wrapped;
wrapped.text.reserve(lang(lng_in_reply_to).size() + reply->replyToMsg->author()->name.size() + 4 + result.text.size());
wrapped.text.append('[').append(lang(lng_in_reply_to)).append(' ').append(reply->replyToMsg->author()->name).append(qsl("]\n"));
TextUtilities::Append(wrapped, std::move(result));
result = wrapped;
if (auto forwarded = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (selection == FullSelection) {
auto fwdinfo = forwarded->_text.originalTextWithEntities(AllTextSelection, ExpandLinksAll);
auto wrapped = TextWithEntities();
wrapped.text.reserve(fwdinfo.text.size() + 4 + result.text.size());
wrapped.entities.reserve(fwdinfo.entities.size() + result.entities.size());
TextUtilities::Append(wrapped, std::move(fwdinfo));
TextUtilities::Append(wrapped, std::move(result));
result = wrapped;
return result;
void HistoryMessage::setMedia(const MTPMessageMedia *media) {
if (!_media && (!media || media->type() == mtpc_messageMediaEmpty)) return;
bool mediaRemovedSkipBlock = false;
if (_media) {
// Don't update Game media because we loose the consumed text of the message.
if (_media->type() == MediaTypeGame) return;
mediaRemovedSkipBlock = _media->isDisplayed() && _media->isBubbleBottom();
auto mediaDisplayed = _media && _media->isDisplayed();
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleBottom() && !mediaRemovedSkipBlock) {
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
} else if (mediaRemovedSkipBlock && (!mediaDisplayed || !_media->isBubbleBottom())) {
_text.setSkipBlock(skipBlockWidth(), skipBlockHeight());
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
void HistoryMessage::setText(const TextWithEntities &textWithEntities) {
for_const (auto &entity, textWithEntities.entities) {
auto type = entity.type();
if (type == EntityInTextUrl || type == EntityInTextCustomUrl || type == EntityInTextEmail) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_text_links;
auto mediaDisplayed = _media && _media->isDisplayed();
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->consumeMessageText(textWithEntities)) {
} else {
auto mediaOnBottom = (_media && _media->isDisplayed() && _media->isBubbleBottom()) || Has<HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal>();
if (mediaOnBottom) {
_text.setMarkedText(st::messageTextStyle, textWithEntities, itemTextOptions(this));
} else {
_text.setMarkedText(st::messageTextStyle, { textWithEntities.text + skipBlock(), textWithEntities.entities }, itemTextOptions(this));
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
void HistoryMessage::setEmptyText() {
_text.setMarkedText(st::messageTextStyle, { QString(), EntitiesInText() }, itemTextOptions(this));
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
void HistoryMessage::setReplyMarkup(const MTPReplyMarkup *markup) {
if (!markup) {
if (_flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup) {
_flags &= ~MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup;
if (Has<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
// optimization: don't create markup component for the case
// MTPDreplyKeyboardHide with flags = 0, assume it has f_zero flag
if (markup->type() == mtpc_replyKeyboardHide && markup->c_replyKeyboardHide().vflags.v == 0) {
bool changed = false;
if (Has<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
changed = true;
if (!(_flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup)) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup;
changed = true;
if (changed) {
} else {
if (!(_flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup)) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup;
if (!Has<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
TextWithEntities HistoryMessage::originalText() const {
if (emptyText()) {
return { QString(), EntitiesInText() };
return _text.originalTextWithEntities();
bool HistoryMessage::textHasLinks() const {
return emptyText() ? false : _text.hasLinks();
int HistoryMessage::infoWidth() const {
int result = _timeWidth;
if (auto views = Get<HistoryMessageViews>()) {
result += st::historyViewsSpace + views->_viewsWidth + st::historyViewsWidth;
} else if (id < 0 && history()->peer->isSelf()) {
if (!hasOutLayout()) {
result += st::historySendStateSpace;
if (hasOutLayout()) {
result += st::historySendStateSpace;
return result;
int HistoryMessage::timeLeft() const {
int result = 0;
if (auto views = Get<HistoryMessageViews>()) {
result += st::historyViewsSpace + views->_viewsWidth + st::historyViewsWidth;
} else if (id < 0 && history()->peer->isSelf()) {
if (!hasOutLayout()) {
result += st::historySendStateSpace;
return result;
void HistoryMessage::drawInfo(Painter &p, int32 right, int32 bottom, int32 width, bool selected, InfoDisplayType type) const {
bool outbg = hasOutLayout();
bool invertedsprites = (type == InfoDisplayOverImage || type == InfoDisplayOverBackground);
int32 infoRight = right, infoBottom = bottom;
switch (type) {
case InfoDisplayDefault:
infoRight -= st::msgPadding.right() - st::msgDateDelta.x();
infoBottom -= st::msgPadding.bottom() - st::msgDateDelta.y();
p.setPen(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutDateFgSelected : st::msgInDateFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutDateFg : st::msgInDateFg));
case InfoDisplayOverImage:
infoRight -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.x();
infoBottom -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
case InfoDisplayOverBackground:
infoRight -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.x();
infoBottom -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
int32 infoW = HistoryMessage::infoWidth();
if (rtl()) infoRight = width - infoRight + infoW;
int32 dateX = infoRight - infoW;
int32 dateY = infoBottom - st::msgDateFont->height;
if (type == InfoDisplayOverImage) {
int32 dateW = infoW + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), dateH = st::msgDateFont->height + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
App::roundRect(p, dateX - st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), dateY - st::msgDateImgPadding.y(), dateW, dateH, selected ? st::msgDateImgBgSelected : st::msgDateImgBg, selected ? DateSelectedCorners : DateCorners);
} else if (type == InfoDisplayOverBackground) {
int32 dateW = infoW + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), dateH = st::msgDateFont->height + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
App::roundRect(p, dateX - st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), dateY - st::msgDateImgPadding.y(), dateW, dateH, selected ? st::msgServiceBgSelected : st::msgServiceBg, selected ? StickerSelectedCorners : StickerCorners);
dateX += HistoryMessage::timeLeft();
if (auto msgsigned = Get<HistoryMessageSigned>()) {
msgsigned->_signature.drawElided(p, dateX, dateY, _timeWidth);
} else if (auto edited = Get<HistoryMessageEdited>()) {
edited->_edited.drawElided(p, dateX, dateY, _timeWidth);
} else {
p.drawText(dateX, dateY + st::msgDateFont->ascent, _timeText);
if (auto views = Get<HistoryMessageViews>()) {
auto icon = ([this, outbg, invertedsprites, selected] {
if (id > 0) {
if (outbg) {
return &(invertedsprites ? st::historyViewsInvertedIcon : (selected ? st::historyViewsOutSelectedIcon : st::historyViewsOutIcon));
return &(invertedsprites ? st::historyViewsInvertedIcon : (selected ? st::historyViewsInSelectedIcon : st::historyViewsInIcon));
return &(invertedsprites ? st::historyViewsSendingInvertedIcon : st::historyViewsSendingIcon);
if (id > 0) {
icon->paint(p, infoRight - infoW, infoBottom + st::historyViewsTop, width);
p.drawText(infoRight - infoW + st::historyViewsWidth, infoBottom - st::msgDateFont->descent, views->_viewsText);
} else if (!outbg) { // sending outbg icon will be painted below
auto iconSkip = st::historyViewsSpace + views->_viewsWidth;
icon->paint(p, infoRight - infoW + iconSkip, infoBottom + st::historyViewsTop, width);
} else if (id < 0 && history()->peer->isSelf() && !outbg) {
auto icon = &(invertedsprites ? st::historyViewsSendingInvertedIcon : st::historyViewsSendingIcon);
icon->paint(p, infoRight - infoW, infoBottom + st::historyViewsTop, width);
if (outbg) {
auto icon = ([this, invertedsprites, selected] {
if (id > 0) {
if (unread()) {
return &(invertedsprites ? st::historySentInvertedIcon : (selected ? st::historySentSelectedIcon : st::historySentIcon));
return &(invertedsprites ? st::historyReceivedInvertedIcon : (selected ? st::historyReceivedSelectedIcon : st::historyReceivedIcon));
return &(invertedsprites ? st::historySendingInvertedIcon : st::historySendingIcon);
icon->paint(p, QPoint(infoRight, infoBottom) + st::historySendStatePosition, width);
void HistoryMessage::setViewsCount(int32 count) {
auto views = Get<HistoryMessageViews>();
if (!views || views->_views == count || (count >= 0 && views->_views > count)) return;
int32 was = views->_viewsWidth;
views->_views = count;
views->_viewsText = (views->_views >= 0) ? formatViewsCount(views->_views) : QString();
views->_viewsWidth = views->_viewsText.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::msgDateFont->width(views->_viewsText);
if (was == views->_viewsWidth) {
} else {
if (_text.hasSkipBlock()) {
_text.setSkipBlock(HistoryMessage::skipBlockWidth(), HistoryMessage::skipBlockHeight());
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
void HistoryMessage::setId(MsgId newId) {
bool wasPositive = (id > 0), positive = (newId > 0);
if (wasPositive == positive) {
} else {
if (_text.hasSkipBlock()) {
_text.setSkipBlock(HistoryMessage::skipBlockWidth(), HistoryMessage::skipBlockHeight());
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
void HistoryMessage::draw(Painter &p, QRect clip, TextSelection selection, TimeMs ms) const {
auto outbg = hasOutLayout();
auto bubble = drawBubble();
auto selected = (selection == FullSelection);
auto g = countGeometry();
if (g.width() < 1) {
auto dateh = 0;
if (auto date = Get<HistoryMessageDate>()) {
dateh = date->height();
if (auto unreadbar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
auto unreadbarh = unreadbar->height();
if (clip.intersects(QRect(0, dateh, width(), unreadbarh))) {
p.translate(0, dateh);
unreadbar->paint(p, 0, width());
p.translate(0, -dateh);
auto fullAnimMs = App::main() ? App::main()->highlightStartTime(this) : 0LL;
if (fullAnimMs > 0 && fullAnimMs <= ms) {
auto animms = ms - fullAnimMs;
if (animms < st::activeFadeInDuration + st::activeFadeOutDuration) {
auto top = marginTop();
auto bottom = marginBottom();
auto fill = qMin(top, bottom);
auto skiptop = top - fill;
auto fillheight = fill + g.height() + fill;
auto dt = (animms > st::activeFadeInDuration) ? (1. - (animms - st::activeFadeInDuration) / float64(st::activeFadeOutDuration)) : (animms / float64(st::activeFadeInDuration));
auto o = p.opacity();
p.setOpacity(o * dt);
p.fillRect(0, skiptop, width(), fillheight, st::defaultTextPalette.selectOverlay);
p.setTextPalette(selected ? (outbg ? st::outTextPaletteSelected : st::inTextPaletteSelected) : (outbg ? st::outTextPalette : st::inTextPalette));
auto keyboard = inlineReplyKeyboard();
if (keyboard) {
auto keyboardHeight = st::msgBotKbButton.margin + keyboard->naturalHeight();
g.setHeight(g.height() - keyboardHeight);
auto keyboardPosition = QPoint(g.left(), g.top() + g.height() + st::msgBotKbButton.margin);
keyboard->paint(p, g.width(), clip.translated(-keyboardPosition), ms);
if (bubble) {
if (displayFromName() && displayFrom()->nameVersion > _fromNameVersion) {
auto entry = Get<HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal>();
auto mediaDisplayed = _media && _media->isDisplayed();
auto skipTail = isAttachedToNext()
|| (_media && _media->skipBubbleTail())
|| (keyboard != nullptr);
auto displayTail = skipTail ? RectPart::None : (outbg && !Adaptive::ChatWide()) ? RectPart::Right : RectPart::Left;
HistoryLayout::paintBubble(p, g, width(), selected, outbg, displayTail);
// Entry page is always a bubble bottom.
auto mediaOnBottom = (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleBottom()) || (entry/* && entry->_page->isBubbleBottom()*/);
auto mediaOnTop = (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleTop()) || (entry && entry->_page->isBubbleTop());
auto trect = g.marginsRemoved(st::msgPadding);
if (mediaOnBottom) {
trect.setHeight(trect.height() + st::msgPadding.bottom());
if (mediaOnTop) {
trect.setY(trect.y() - st::msgPadding.top());
} else {
paintFromName(p, trect, selected);
paintForwardedInfo(p, trect, selected);
paintReplyInfo(p, trect, selected);
paintViaBotIdInfo(p, trect, selected);
if (entry) {
trect.setHeight(trect.height() - entry->_page->height());
auto needDrawInfo = mediaOnBottom ? !(entry ? entry->_page->customInfoLayout() : _media->customInfoLayout()) : true;
if (mediaDisplayed) {
auto mediaAboveText = _media->isAboveMessage();
auto mediaHeight = _media->height();
auto mediaLeft = g.left();
auto mediaTop = mediaAboveText ? trect.y() : (trect.y() + trect.height() - mediaHeight);
if (!mediaAboveText) {
paintText(p, trect, selection);
p.translate(mediaLeft, mediaTop);
_media->draw(p, clip.translated(-mediaLeft, -mediaTop), skipTextSelection(selection), ms);
p.translate(-mediaLeft, -mediaTop);
if (mediaAboveText) {
trect.setY(trect.y() + mediaHeight);
paintText(p, trect, selection);
} else {
needDrawInfo = !_media->customInfoLayout();
} else {
paintText(p, trect, selection);
if (entry) {
auto entryLeft = g.left();
auto entryTop = trect.y() + trect.height();
p.translate(entryLeft, entryTop);
auto entrySelection = skipTextSelection(selection);
if (mediaDisplayed) {
entrySelection = _media->skipSelection(entrySelection);
entry->_page->draw(p, clip.translated(-entryLeft, -entryTop), entrySelection, ms);
p.translate(-entryLeft, -entryTop);
if (needDrawInfo) {
HistoryMessage::drawInfo(p, g.left() + g.width(), g.top() + g.height(), 2 * g.left() + g.width(), selected, InfoDisplayDefault);
if (displayRightAction()) {
const auto fastShareSkip = snap(
(g.height() - st::historyFastShareSize) / 2,
const auto fastShareLeft = g.left() + g.width() + st::historyFastShareLeft;
const auto fastShareTop = g.top() + g.height() - fastShareSkip - st::historyFastShareSize;
drawRightAction(p, fastShareLeft, fastShareTop, width());
} else if (_media && _media->isDisplayed()) {
_media->draw(p, clip.translated(-g.topLeft()), skipTextSelection(selection), ms);
const auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>();
if (reply && reply->isNameUpdated()) {
void HistoryMessage::drawRightAction(Painter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth) const {
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p);
p.drawEllipse(rtlrect(left, top, st::historyFastShareSize, st::historyFastShareSize, outerWidth));
if (displayFastShare()) {
st::historyFastShareIcon.paint(p, left, top, outerWidth);
} else {
st::historyGoToOriginalIcon.paint(p, left, top, outerWidth);
void HistoryMessage::paintFromName(Painter &p, QRect &trect, bool selected) const {
if (displayFromName()) {
auto badgeWidth = [&] {
if (_flags & MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_admin_badge) {
return st::msgServiceFont->width(AdminBadgeText());
return 0;
auto availableLeft = trect.left();
auto availableWidth = trect.width();
if (badgeWidth) {
availableWidth -= st::msgPadding.right() + badgeWidth;
if (isPost()) {
p.setPen(selected ? st::msgInServiceFgSelected : st::msgInServiceFg);
} else {
p.setPen(FromNameFg(author(), selected));
displayFrom()->nameText.drawElided(p, availableLeft, trect.top(), availableWidth);
auto skipWidth = author()->nameText.maxWidth() + st::msgServiceFont->spacew;
availableLeft += skipWidth;
availableWidth -= skipWidth;
auto forwarded = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>();
if (via && !forwarded && availableWidth > 0) {
auto outbg = hasOutLayout();
p.setPen(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFgSelected : st::msgInServiceFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFg : st::msgInServiceFg));
p.drawText(availableLeft, trect.top() + st::msgServiceFont->ascent, via->_text);
auto skipWidth = via->_width + st::msgServiceFont->spacew;
availableLeft += skipWidth;
availableWidth -= skipWidth;
if (badgeWidth) {
p.setPen(selected ? st::msgInDateFgSelected : st::msgInDateFg);
trect.left() + trect.width() - badgeWidth,
trect.top() + st::msgFont->ascent,
trect.setY(trect.y() + st::msgNameFont->height);
void HistoryMessage::paintForwardedInfo(Painter &p, QRect &trect, bool selected) const {
if (displayForwardedFrom()) {
style::font serviceFont(st::msgServiceFont), serviceName(st::msgServiceNameFont);
auto outbg = hasOutLayout();
p.setPen(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFgSelected : st::msgInServiceFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFg : st::msgInServiceFg));
auto forwarded = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
auto breakEverywhere = (forwarded->_text.countHeight(trect.width()) > 2 * serviceFont->height);
p.setTextPalette(selected ? (outbg ? st::outFwdTextPaletteSelected : st::inFwdTextPaletteSelected) : (outbg ? st::outFwdTextPalette : st::inFwdTextPalette));
forwarded->_text.drawElided(p, trect.x(), trect.y(), trect.width(), 2, style::al_left, 0, -1, 0, breakEverywhere);
p.setTextPalette(selected ? (outbg ? st::outTextPaletteSelected : st::inTextPaletteSelected) : (outbg ? st::outTextPalette : st::inTextPalette));
trect.setY(trect.y() + (((forwarded->_text.maxWidth() > trect.width()) ? 2 : 1) * serviceFont->height));
void HistoryMessage::paintReplyInfo(Painter &p, QRect &trect, bool selected) const {
if (auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
int32 h = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom();
auto flags = HistoryMessageReply::PaintFlag::InBubble | 0;
if (selected) {
flags |= HistoryMessageReply::PaintFlag::Selected;
reply->paint(p, this, trect.x(), trect.y(), trect.width(), flags);
trect.setY(trect.y() + h);
void HistoryMessage::paintViaBotIdInfo(Painter &p, QRect &trect, bool selected) const {
if (!displayFromName() && !Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>()) {
p.setPen(selected ? (hasOutLayout() ? st::msgOutServiceFgSelected : st::msgInServiceFgSelected) : (hasOutLayout() ? st::msgOutServiceFg : st::msgInServiceFg));
p.drawTextLeft(trect.left(), trect.top(), width(), via->_text);
trect.setY(trect.y() + st::msgServiceNameFont->height);
void HistoryMessage::paintText(Painter &p, QRect &trect, TextSelection selection) const {
auto outbg = hasOutLayout();
auto selected = (selection == FullSelection);
p.setPen(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyTextOutFgSelected : st::historyTextOutFg) : (selected ? st::historyTextInFgSelected : st::historyTextInFg));
_text.draw(p, trect.x(), trect.y(), trect.width(), style::al_left, 0, -1, selection);
void HistoryMessage::dependencyItemRemoved(HistoryItem *dependency) {
if (auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
reply->itemRemoved(this, dependency);
int HistoryMessage::resizeContentGetHeight() {
const auto result = performResizeGetHeight();
const auto keyboard = inlineReplyKeyboard();
if (const auto markup = Get<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
const auto oldTop = markup->oldTop;
if (oldTop >= 0) {
markup->oldTop = -1;
if (keyboard) {
const auto height = st::msgBotKbButton.margin + keyboard->naturalHeight();
const auto keyboardTop = _height - height + st::msgBotKbButton.margin - marginBottom();
if (keyboardTop != oldTop) {
Notify::inlineKeyboardMoved(this, oldTop, keyboardTop);
return result;
int HistoryMessage::performResizeGetHeight() {
if (width() < st::msgMinWidth) {
return _height;
auto contentWidth = width() - (st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.right());
if (history()->peer->isSelf() && !hasOutLayout()) {
contentWidth -= st::msgPhotoSkip;
if (contentWidth < st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1) {
contentWidth = st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1;
} else if (contentWidth > st::msgMaxWidth) {
contentWidth = st::msgMaxWidth;
if (drawBubble()) {
auto forwarded = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>();
auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>();
auto entry = Get<HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal>();
auto mediaDisplayed = false;
if (_media) {
mediaDisplayed = _media->isDisplayed();
// Entry page is always a bubble bottom.
auto mediaOnBottom = (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleBottom()) || (entry/* && entry->_page->isBubbleBottom()*/);
auto mediaOnTop = (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleTop()) || (entry && entry->_page->isBubbleTop());
if (contentWidth >= _maxw) {
_height = _minh;
if (mediaDisplayed) {
if (entry) {
_height += entry->_page->resizeGetHeight(countGeometry().width());
} else if (entry) {
// In case of text-only message it is counted in _minh already.
} else {
if (emptyText()) {
_height = 0;
} else {
auto textWidth = qMax(contentWidth - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(), 1);
if (textWidth != _textWidth) {
_textWidth = textWidth;
_textHeight = _text.countHeight(textWidth);
_height = _textHeight;
if (!mediaOnBottom) {
_height += st::msgPadding.bottom();
if (mediaDisplayed) _height += st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
if (!mediaOnTop) {
_height += st::msgPadding.top();
if (mediaDisplayed) _height += st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
if (entry) _height += st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
if (mediaDisplayed) {
_height += _media->resizeGetHeight(contentWidth);
if (entry) {
_height += entry->_page->resizeGetHeight(countGeometry().width());
} else if (entry) {
_height += entry->_page->resizeGetHeight(contentWidth);
if (displayFromName()) {
_height += st::msgNameFont->height;
} else if (via && !forwarded) {
via->resize(countGeometry().width() - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right());
_height += st::msgNameFont->height;
if (displayForwardedFrom()) {
auto fwdheight = ((forwarded->_text.maxWidth() > (countGeometry().width() - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right())) ? 2 : 1) * st::semiboldFont->height;
_height += fwdheight;
if (reply) {
reply->resize(countGeometry().width() - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right());
_height += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom();
} else if (_media && _media->isDisplayed()) {
_height = _media->resizeGetHeight(contentWidth);
} else {
_height = 0;
if (const auto keyboard = inlineReplyKeyboard()) {
const auto g = countGeometry();
const auto keyboardHeight = st::msgBotKbButton.margin + keyboard->naturalHeight();
_height += keyboardHeight;
keyboard->resize(g.width(), keyboardHeight - st::msgBotKbButton.margin);
_height += marginTop() + marginBottom();
return _height;
bool HistoryMessage::hasPoint(QPoint point) const {
const auto g = countGeometry();
if (g.width() < 1) {
return false;
if (drawBubble()) {
return g.contains(point);
} else if (_media) {
return _media->hasPoint(point - g.topLeft());
} else {
return false;
bool HistoryMessage::pointInTime(int right, int bottom, QPoint point, InfoDisplayType type) const {
auto infoRight = right;
auto infoBottom = bottom;
switch (type) {
case InfoDisplayDefault:
infoRight -= st::msgPadding.right() - st::msgDateDelta.x();
infoBottom -= st::msgPadding.bottom() - st::msgDateDelta.y();
case InfoDisplayOverImage:
infoRight -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.x();
infoBottom -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
auto dateX = infoRight - HistoryMessage::infoWidth() + HistoryMessage::timeLeft();
auto dateY = infoBottom - st::msgDateFont->height;
return QRect(dateX, dateY, HistoryMessage::timeWidth(), st::msgDateFont->height).contains(point);
HistoryTextState HistoryMessage::getState(QPoint point, HistoryStateRequest request) const {
auto result = HistoryTextState(this);
auto g = countGeometry();
if (g.width() < 1) {
return result;
auto keyboard = inlineReplyKeyboard();
auto keyboardHeight = 0;
if (keyboard) {
keyboardHeight = keyboard->naturalHeight();
g.setHeight(g.height() - st::msgBotKbButton.margin - keyboardHeight);
if (drawBubble()) {
auto entry = Get<HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal>();
auto mediaDisplayed = _media && _media->isDisplayed();
// Entry page is always a bubble bottom.
auto mediaOnBottom = (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleBottom()) || (entry/* && entry->_page->isBubbleBottom()*/);
auto mediaOnTop = (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleTop()) || (entry && entry->_page->isBubbleTop());
auto trect = g.marginsRemoved(st::msgPadding);
if (mediaOnBottom) {
trect.setHeight(trect.height() + st::msgPadding.bottom());
if (mediaOnTop) {
trect.setY(trect.y() - st::msgPadding.top());
} else {
if (getStateFromName(point, trect, &result)) return result;
if (getStateForwardedInfo(point, trect, &result, request)) return result;
if (getStateReplyInfo(point, trect, &result)) return result;
if (getStateViaBotIdInfo(point, trect, &result)) return result;
if (entry) {
auto entryHeight = entry->_page->height();
trect.setHeight(trect.height() - entryHeight);
auto entryLeft = g.left();
auto entryTop = trect.y() + trect.height();
if (point.y() >= entryTop && point.y() < entryTop + entryHeight) {
result = entry->_page->getState(
point - QPoint(entryLeft, entryTop),
result.symbol += _text.length() + (mediaDisplayed ? _media->fullSelectionLength() : 0);
auto needDateCheck = mediaOnBottom ? !(entry ? entry->_page->customInfoLayout() : _media->customInfoLayout()) : true;
if (mediaDisplayed) {
auto mediaAboveText = _media->isAboveMessage();
auto mediaHeight = _media->height();
auto mediaLeft = trect.x() - st::msgPadding.left();
auto mediaTop = mediaAboveText ? trect.y() : (trect.y() + trect.height() - mediaHeight);
if (point.y() >= mediaTop && point.y() < mediaTop + mediaHeight) {
result = _media->getState(point - QPoint(mediaLeft, mediaTop), request);
result.symbol += _text.length();
} else {
if (mediaAboveText) {
trect.setY(trect.y() + mediaHeight);
if (trect.contains(point)) {
getStateText(point, trect, &result, request);
} else if (trect.contains(point)) {
getStateText(point, trect, &result, request);
if (needDateCheck) {
if (HistoryMessage::pointInTime(g.left() + g.width(), g.top() + g.height(), point, InfoDisplayDefault)) {
result.cursor = HistoryInDateCursorState;
if (displayRightAction()) {
const auto fastShareSkip = snap(
(g.height() - st::historyFastShareSize) / 2,
const auto fastShareLeft = g.left() + g.width() + st::historyFastShareLeft;
const auto fastShareTop = g.top() + g.height() - fastShareSkip - st::historyFastShareSize;
if (QRect(
).contains(point)) {
result.link = rightActionLink();
} else if (_media && _media->isDisplayed()) {
result = _media->getState(point - g.topLeft(), request);
result.symbol += _text.length();
if (keyboard && !isLogEntry()) {
auto keyboardTop = g.top() + g.height() + st::msgBotKbButton.margin;
if (QRect(g.left(), keyboardTop, g.width(), keyboardHeight).contains(point)) {
result.link = keyboard->getState(point - QPoint(g.left(), keyboardTop));
return result;
return result;
ClickHandlerPtr HistoryMessage::rightActionLink() const {
if (!_rightActionLink) {
const auto itemId = fullId();
const auto forwarded = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
const auto savedFromPeer = forwarded ? forwarded->_savedFromPeer : nullptr;
const auto savedFromMsgId = forwarded ? forwarded->_savedFromMsgId : 0;
_rightActionLink = MakeShared<LambdaClickHandler>([=] {
if (auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) {
if (savedFromPeer && savedFromMsgId) {
} else {
return _rightActionLink;
// Forward to _media.
void HistoryMessage::updatePressed(QPoint point) {
if (!_media) return;
auto g = countGeometry();
auto keyboard = inlineReplyKeyboard();
if (keyboard) {
auto keyboardHeight = st::msgBotKbButton.margin + keyboard->naturalHeight();
g.setHeight(g.height() - keyboardHeight);
if (drawBubble()) {
auto mediaDisplayed = _media && _media->isDisplayed();
auto top = marginTop();
auto trect = g.marginsAdded(-st::msgPadding);
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleTop()) {
trect.setY(trect.y() - st::msgPadding.top());
} else {
if (displayFromName()) trect.setTop(trect.top() + st::msgNameFont->height);
if (displayForwardedFrom()) {
auto forwarded = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
auto fwdheight = ((forwarded->_text.maxWidth() > trect.width()) ? 2 : 1) * st::semiboldFont->height;
trect.setTop(trect.top() + fwdheight);
if (Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
auto h = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom();
trect.setTop(trect.top() + h);
if (!displayFromName() && !Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>()) {
trect.setTop(trect.top() + st::msgNameFont->height);
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleBottom()) {
trect.setHeight(trect.height() + st::msgPadding.bottom());
auto needDateCheck = true;
if (mediaDisplayed) {
auto mediaAboveText = _media->isAboveMessage();
auto mediaHeight = _media->height();
auto mediaLeft = trect.x() - st::msgPadding.left();
auto mediaTop = mediaAboveText ? trect.y() : (trect.y() + trect.height() - mediaHeight);
_media->updatePressed(point - QPoint(mediaLeft, mediaTop));
} else {
_media->updatePressed(point - g.topLeft());
bool HistoryMessage::getStateFromName(
QPoint point,
QRect &trect,
not_null<HistoryTextState*> outResult) const {
if (displayFromName()) {
if (point.y() >= trect.top() && point.y() < trect.top() + st::msgNameFont->height) {
auto user = displayFrom();
if (point.x() >= trect.left() && point.x() < trect.left() + trect.width() && point.x() < trect.left() + user->nameText.maxWidth()) {
outResult->link = user->openLink();
return true;
auto forwarded = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>();
if (via && !forwarded && point.x() >= trect.left() + author()->nameText.maxWidth() + st::msgServiceFont->spacew && point.x() < trect.left() + user->nameText.maxWidth() + st::msgServiceFont->spacew + via->_width) {
outResult->link = via->_lnk;
return true;
trect.setTop(trect.top() + st::msgNameFont->height);
return false;
bool HistoryMessage::getStateForwardedInfo(
QPoint point,
QRect &trect,
not_null<HistoryTextState*> outResult,
const HistoryStateRequest &request) const {
if (displayForwardedFrom()) {
auto forwarded = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
auto fwdheight = ((forwarded->_text.maxWidth() > trect.width()) ? 2 : 1) * st::semiboldFont->height;
if (point.y() >= trect.top() && point.y() < trect.top() + fwdheight) {
auto breakEverywhere = (forwarded->_text.countHeight(trect.width()) > 2 * st::semiboldFont->height);
auto textRequest = request.forText();
if (breakEverywhere) {
textRequest.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::BreakEverywhere;
*outResult = HistoryTextState(this, forwarded->_text.getState(
point - trect.topLeft(),
outResult->symbol = 0;
outResult->afterSymbol = false;
if (breakEverywhere) {
outResult->cursor = HistoryInForwardedCursorState;
} else {
outResult->cursor = HistoryDefaultCursorState;
return true;
trect.setTop(trect.top() + fwdheight);
return false;
bool HistoryMessage::getStateReplyInfo(
QPoint point,
QRect &trect,
not_null<HistoryTextState*> outResult) const {
if (auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
int32 h = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom();
if (point.y() >= trect.top() && point.y() < trect.top() + h) {
if (reply->replyToMsg && QRect(trect.x(), trect.y() + st::msgReplyPadding.top(), trect.width(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height()).contains(point)) {
outResult->link = reply->replyToLink();
return true;
trect.setTop(trect.top() + h);
return false;
bool HistoryMessage::getStateViaBotIdInfo(
QPoint point,
QRect &trect,
not_null<HistoryTextState*> outResult) const {
if (!displayFromName() && !Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>()) {
if (QRect(trect.x(), trect.y(), via->_width, st::msgNameFont->height).contains(point)) {
outResult->link = via->_lnk;
return true;
trect.setTop(trect.top() + st::msgNameFont->height);
return false;
bool HistoryMessage::getStateText(
QPoint point,
QRect &trect,
not_null<HistoryTextState*> outResult,
const HistoryStateRequest &request) const {
if (trect.contains(point)) {
*outResult = HistoryTextState(this, _text.getState(
point - trect.topLeft(),
return true;
return false;
TextSelection HistoryMessage::adjustSelection(TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const {
auto result = _text.adjustSelection(selection, type);
auto beforeMediaLength = _text.length();
if (selection.to <= beforeMediaLength) {
return result;
auto mediaDisplayed = _media && _media->isDisplayed();
if (mediaDisplayed) {
auto mediaSelection = unskipTextSelection(_media->adjustSelection(skipTextSelection(selection), type));
if (selection.from >= beforeMediaLength) {
result = mediaSelection;
} else {
result.to = mediaSelection.to;
auto beforeEntryLength = beforeMediaLength + (mediaDisplayed ? _media->fullSelectionLength() : 0);
if (selection.to <= beforeEntryLength) {
return result;
if (auto entry = Get<HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal>()) {
auto entrySelection = mediaDisplayed ? _media->skipSelection(skipTextSelection(selection)) : skipTextSelection(selection);
auto logEntryOriginalSelection = entry->_page->adjustSelection(entrySelection, type);
if (mediaDisplayed) {
logEntryOriginalSelection = _media->unskipSelection(logEntryOriginalSelection);
logEntryOriginalSelection = unskipTextSelection(logEntryOriginalSelection);
if (selection.from >= beforeEntryLength) {
result = logEntryOriginalSelection;
} else {
result.to = logEntryOriginalSelection.to;
return result;
void HistoryMessage::clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) {
HistoryItem::clickHandlerActiveChanged(p, active);
if (_media) {
_media->clickHandlerActiveChanged(p, active);
void HistoryMessage::clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) {
HistoryItem::clickHandlerPressedChanged(p, pressed);
if (_media) {
// HistoryGroupedMedia overrides HistoryItem App::pressedLinkItem().
_media->clickHandlerPressedChanged(p, pressed);
QString HistoryMessage::notificationHeader() const {
return (!_history->peer->isUser() && !isPost()) ? from()->name : QString();
bool HistoryMessage::displayFromPhoto() const {
return hasFromPhoto() && !isAttachedToNext();
bool HistoryMessage::hasFromPhoto() const {
if (isPost() || isEmpty()) {
return false;
} else if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
return true;
} else if (history()->peer->isSelf()) {
return Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
return !out() && !history()->peer->isUser();
HistoryMessage::~HistoryMessage() {
if (auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {