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synced 2025-03-06 18:21:42 -05:00
233 lines
6.4 KiB
233 lines
6.4 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
using "basic.style";
using "ui/widgets/widgets.style";
using "history/history.style";
windowMinWidth: 380px;
windowMinHeight: 480px;
windowDefaultWidth: 800px;
windowDefaultHeight: 600px;
windowShadow: icon {{ "window_shadow", windowShadowFg }};
windowShadowShift: 1px;
adaptiveNormalWidth: 640px;
adaptiveWideWidth: 1366px;
notifyBorder: #f1f1f1;
notifyBorderWidth: 1px;
notifySlowHide: 4000;
notifyPhotoSize: 62px;
notifyMacPhotoSize: 64px;
notifyPhotoPos: point(9px, 9px);
notifyClosePos: point(1px, 2px);
notifyClose: IconButton {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
icon: simpleCloseIcon;
iconOver: simpleCloseIconOver;
iconPosition: point(10px, 10px);
rippleAreaPosition: point(5px, 5px);
rippleAreaSize: 20px;
ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) {
color: windowBgOver;
notifyItemTop: 12px;
notifyTextLeft: 12px;
notifyTextTop: 7px;
notifyWaitLongHide: 3000;
notifyFastAnim: 150;
notifyWidth: 320px;
notifyMinHeight: 80px;
notifyDeltaX: 6px;
notifyDeltaY: 7px;
notifyActionsDuration: 200;
notifyHideAllHeight: 36px;
notifyReplyArea: InputArea(defaultInputArea) {
font: normalFont;
textMargins: margins(8px, 8px, 8px, 6px);
heightMin: 36px;
heightMax: 72px;
border: 0px;
borderActive: 0px;
borderError: 0px;
notifySendReply: IconButton(historySend) {
width: 36px;
height: 36px;
iconPosition: point(6px, 6px);
titleUnreadCounterTop: 5px;
titleUnreadCounterRight: 35px;
mainMenuBg: #ffffff;
mainMenuWidth: 274px;
mainMenuCoverBg: #419fd9;
mainMenuCoverFg: windowFgActive;
mainMenuCoverHeight: 140px;
mainMenuUserpicLeft: 24px;
mainMenuUserpicTop: 22px;
mainMenuUserpicSize: 48px;
mainMenuCoverTextLeft: 30px;
mainMenuCoverNameTop: 88px;
mainMenuCoverStatusTop: 106px;
mainMenuSkip: 13px;
mainMenu: Menu(defaultMenu) {
itemFg: windowBoldFg;
itemFgOver: windowBoldFgOver;
itemFont: semiboldFont;
itemIconPosition: point(28px, 11px);
itemPadding: margins(76px, 14px, 28px, 14px);
mainMenuNewGroup: icon {{ "menu_new_group", menuIconFg }};
mainMenuNewGroupOver: icon {{ "menu_new_group", menuIconFgOver }};
mainMenuNewChannel: icon {{ "menu_new_channel", menuIconFg }};
mainMenuNewChannelOver: icon {{ "menu_new_channel", menuIconFgOver }};
mainMenuContacts: icon {{ "menu_contacts", menuIconFg }};
mainMenuContactsOver: icon {{ "menu_contacts", menuIconFgOver }};
mainMenuSettings: icon {{ "menu_settings", menuIconFg }};
mainMenuSettingsOver: icon {{ "menu_settings", menuIconFgOver }};
mainMenuHelp: icon {{ "menu_help", menuIconFg }};
mainMenuHelpOver: icon {{ "menu_help", menuIconFgOver }};
mainMenuFooterLeft: 30px;
mainMenuTelegramLabel: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) {
font: semiboldFont;
align: align(left);
textFg: windowSubTextFg;
mainMenuTelegramStyle: TextStyle(defaultTextStyle) {
linkFlags: semiboldFont;
linkFlagsOver: font(fsize semibold underline);
linkFg: windowSubTextFg;
linkFgDown: windowSubTextFg;
mainMenuTelegramBottom: 43px;
mainMenuVersionLabel: FlatLabel(mainMenuTelegramLabel) {
font: normalFont;
mainMenuVersionStyle: TextStyle(mainMenuTelegramStyle) {
linkFlags: normalFont;
linkFlagsOver: font(fsize underline);
mainMenuVersionBottom: 21px;
// Windows specific title
titleHeight: 21px;
titleButtonMinimize: IconButton {
width: 24px;
height: 21px;
icon: icon {{ "title_button_minimize", titleButtonFg, point(4px, 4px) }};
iconOver: icon {
{ size(24px, 21px), titleButtonBgOver },
{ "title_button_minimize", titleButtonFgOver, point(4px, 4px) },
iconPosition: point(0px, 0px);
titleButtonMaximize: IconButton(titleButtonMinimize) {
icon: icon {{ "title_button_maximize", titleButtonFg, point(4px, 4px) }};
iconOver: icon {
{ size(24px, 21px), titleButtonBgOver },
{ "title_button_maximize", titleButtonFgOver, point(4px, 4px) },
titleButtonRestoreIcon: icon {{ "title_button_restore", titleButtonFg, point(4px, 4px) }};
titleButtonRestoreIconOver: icon {
{ size(24px, 21px), titleButtonBgOver },
{ "title_button_restore", titleButtonFgOver, point(4px, 4px) },
titleButtonClose: IconButton(titleButtonMinimize) {
width: 25px;
icon: icon {{ "title_button_close", titleButtonFg, point(5px, 4px) }};
iconOver: icon {
{ size(25px, 21px), titleButtonCloseBgOver },
{ "title_button_close", titleButtonCloseFgOver, point(5px, 4px) },
// Legacy top bar.
topBarHeight: 54px;
topBarMenuPosition: point(-2px, 35px);
topBarDuration: 200;
topBarBackward: icon {{ "title_back", #a3a3a3 }};
topBarForwardAlpha: 0.6;
topBarBack: icon {{ "title_back", lightButtonFg }};
topBarArrowPadding: margins(39px, 8px, 17px, 8px);
topBarMinPadding: 5px;
topBarButton: RoundButton(defaultLightButton) {
width: -18px;
padding: margins(0px, 10px, 12px, 10px);
topBarClearButton: RoundButton(defaultLightButton) {
width: -18px;
topBarSearch: IconButton {
width: 45px;
height: topBarHeight;
icon: icon {{ "title_search", menuIconFg }};
iconOver: icon {{ "title_search", menuIconFgOver }};
iconPosition: point(15px, 18px);
rippleAreaPosition: point(4px, 7px);
rippleAreaSize: 40px;
ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) {
color: windowBgOver;
topBarMenuToggle: IconButton(topBarSearch) {
icon: icon {{ "title_menu_dots", menuIconFg }};
iconOver: icon {{ "title_menu_dots", menuIconFgOver }};
iconPosition: point(16px, 17px);
rippleAreaPosition: point(0px, 7px);
topBarActionSkip: 10px;
PeerAvatarButton {
size: pixels;
photoSize: pixels;
topBarInfoButton: PeerAvatarButton {
size: topBarHeight;
photoSize: 42px;
// Mac specific
macAccessoryWidth: 450.;
macAccessoryHeight: 90.;
macEnableFilterAdd: 2;
macEnableFilterTop: 5;
macSelectorTop: 6;
macAlwaysThisAppTop: 4;
macAppHintTop: 8;
macCautionIconSize: 16;