mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 04:26:42 -04:00

Currently the build without implicitly included precompiled header is not supported anyway (because Qt MOC source files do not include stdafx.h, they include plain headers). So when we decide to support building without implicitly included precompiled headers we'll have to fix all the headers anyway.
294 lines
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294 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "ui/widgets/continuous_sliders.h"
namespace Ui {
namespace {
constexpr auto kByWheelFinishedTimeout = 1000;
} // namespace
ContinuousSlider::ContinuousSlider(QWidget *parent) : TWidget(parent)
, _a_value(animation(this, &ContinuousSlider::step_value)) {
float64 ContinuousSlider::value() const {
return a_value.current();
void ContinuousSlider::setDisabled(bool disabled) {
if (_disabled != disabled) {
_disabled = disabled;
setCursor(_disabled ? style::cur_default : style::cur_pointer);
void ContinuousSlider::setMoveByWheel(bool move) {
if (move != moveByWheel()) {
if (move) {
_byWheelFinished = std::make_unique<SingleTimer>();
_byWheelFinished->setTimeoutHandler([this] {
if (_changeFinishedCallback) {
} else {
void ContinuousSlider::setValue(float64 value, bool animated) {
if (animated) {
} else {
a_value = anim::value(value, value);
void ContinuousSlider::setFadeOpacity(float64 opacity) {
_fadeOpacity = opacity;
void ContinuousSlider::step_value(float64 ms, bool timer) {
float64 dt = ms / (2 * AudioVoiceMsgUpdateView);
if (dt >= 1) {
} else {
a_value.update(qMin(dt, 1.), anim::linear);
if (timer) update();
void ContinuousSlider::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
if (_mouseDown) {
float64 ContinuousSlider::computeValue(const QPoint &pos) const {
auto seekRect = myrtlrect(getSeekRect());
auto result = isHorizontal() ?
(pos.x() - seekRect.x()) / float64(seekRect.width()) :
(1. - (pos.y() - seekRect.y()) / float64(seekRect.height()));
return snap(result, 0., 1.);
void ContinuousSlider::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
_mouseDown = true;
_downValue = computeValue(e->pos());
if (_changeProgressCallback) {
void ContinuousSlider::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
if (_mouseDown) {
_mouseDown = false;
if (_changeFinishedCallback) {
a_value = anim::value(_downValue, _downValue);
void ContinuousSlider::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) {
if (_mouseDown || !moveByWheel()) {
#ifdef OS_MAC_OLD
constexpr auto step = 120;
#else // OS_MAC_OLD
constexpr auto step = static_cast<int>(QWheelEvent::DefaultDeltasPerStep);
#endif // OS_MAC_OLD
constexpr auto coef = 1. / (step * 10.);
auto deltaX = e->angleDelta().x(), deltaY = e->angleDelta().y();
if (cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld) {
deltaY *= -1;
} else {
deltaX *= -1;
auto delta = (qAbs(deltaX) > qAbs(deltaY)) ? deltaX : deltaY;
auto finalValue = snap(a_value.to() + delta * coef, 0., 1.);
setValue(finalValue, false);
if (_changeProgressCallback) {
void ContinuousSlider::updateDownValueFromPos(const QPoint &pos) {
_downValue = computeValue(pos);
if (_changeProgressCallback) {
void ContinuousSlider::enterEventHook(QEvent *e) {
void ContinuousSlider::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) {
void ContinuousSlider::setOver(bool over) {
if (_over == over) return;
_over = over;
auto from = _over ? 0. : 1., to = _over ? 1. : 0.;
_a_over.start([this] { update(); }, from, to, getOverDuration());
FilledSlider::FilledSlider(QWidget *parent, const style::FilledSlider &st) : ContinuousSlider(parent)
, _st(st) {
QRect FilledSlider::getSeekRect() const {
return QRect(0, 0, width(), height());
float64 FilledSlider::getOverDuration() const {
return _st.duration;
void FilledSlider::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
Painter p(this);
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p);
auto masterOpacity = fadeOpacity();
auto ms = getms();
auto disabled = isDisabled();
auto over = getCurrentOverFactor(ms);
auto lineWidth = _st.lineWidth + ((_st.fullWidth - _st.lineWidth) * over);
auto lineWidthRounded = qFloor(lineWidth);
auto lineWidthPartial = lineWidth - lineWidthRounded;
auto seekRect = getSeekRect();
auto value = getCurrentValue(ms);
auto from = seekRect.x(), mid = qRound(from + value * seekRect.width()), end = from + seekRect.width();
if (mid > from) {
p.fillRect(from, height() - lineWidthRounded, (mid - from), lineWidthRounded, disabled ? _st.disabledFg : _st.activeFg);
if (lineWidthPartial > 0.01) {
p.setOpacity(masterOpacity * lineWidthPartial);
p.fillRect(from, height() - lineWidthRounded - 1, (mid - from), 1, disabled ? _st.disabledFg : _st.activeFg);
if (end > mid && over > 0) {
p.setOpacity(masterOpacity * over);
p.fillRect(mid, height() - lineWidthRounded, (end - mid), lineWidthRounded, _st.inactiveFg);
if (lineWidthPartial > 0.01) {
p.setOpacity(masterOpacity * over * lineWidthPartial);
p.fillRect(mid, height() - lineWidthRounded - 1, (end - mid), 1, _st.inactiveFg);
MediaSlider::MediaSlider(QWidget *parent, const style::MediaSlider &st) : ContinuousSlider(parent)
, _st(st) {
QRect MediaSlider::getSeekRect() const {
return isHorizontal()
? QRect(_st.seekSize.width() / 2, 0, width() - _st.seekSize.width(), height())
: QRect(0, _st.seekSize.height() / 2, width(), height() - _st.seekSize.width());
float64 MediaSlider::getOverDuration() const {
return _st.duration;
void MediaSlider::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
Painter p(this);
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p);
auto horizontal = isHorizontal();
auto ms = getms();
auto radius = _st.width / 2;
auto disabled = isDisabled();
auto over = getCurrentOverFactor(ms);
auto seekRect = getSeekRect();
auto value = getCurrentValue(ms);
// invert colors and value for vertical
if (!horizontal) value = 1. - value;
auto markerFrom = (horizontal ? seekRect.x() : seekRect.y());
auto markerLength = (horizontal ? seekRect.width() : seekRect.height());
auto from = _alwaysDisplayMarker ? 0 : markerFrom;
auto length = _alwaysDisplayMarker ? (horizontal ? width() : height()) : markerLength;
auto mid = qRound(from + value * length);
auto end = from + length;
auto activeFg = disabled ? _st.activeFgDisabled : anim::brush(_st.activeFg, _st.activeFgOver, over);
auto inactiveFg = disabled ? _st.inactiveFgDisabled : anim::brush(_st.inactiveFg, _st.inactiveFgOver, over);
if (mid > from) {
auto fromClipRect = horizontal ? QRect(0, 0, mid, height()) : QRect(0, 0, width(), mid);
auto fromRect = horizontal
? QRect(from, (height() - _st.width) / 2, mid + radius - from, _st.width)
: QRect((width() - _st.width) / 2, from, _st.width, mid + radius - from);
p.setBrush(horizontal ? activeFg : inactiveFg);
p.drawRoundedRect(fromRect, radius, radius);
if (end > mid) {
auto endClipRect = horizontal ? QRect(mid, 0, width() - mid, height()) : QRect(0, mid, width(), height() - mid);
auto endRect = horizontal
? QRect(mid - radius, (height() - _st.width) / 2, end - (mid - radius), _st.width)
: QRect((width() - _st.width) / 2, mid - radius, _st.width, end - (mid - radius));
p.setBrush(horizontal ? inactiveFg : activeFg);
p.drawRoundedRect(endRect, radius, radius);
auto markerSizeRatio = disabled ? 0. : (_alwaysDisplayMarker ? 1. : over);
if (markerSizeRatio > 0) {
auto position = qRound(markerFrom + value * markerLength) - (horizontal ? seekRect.x() : seekRect.y());
auto seekButton = horizontal
? QRect(position, (height() - _st.seekSize.height()) / 2, _st.seekSize.width(), _st.seekSize.height())
: QRect((width() - _st.seekSize.width()) / 2, position, _st.seekSize.width(), _st.seekSize.height());
auto size = horizontal ? _st.seekSize.width() : _st.seekSize.height();
auto remove = static_cast<int>(((1. - markerSizeRatio) * size) / 2.);
if (remove * 2 < size) {
p.drawEllipse(seekButton.marginsRemoved(QMargins(remove, remove, remove, remove)));
} // namespace Ui