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synced 2025-03-13 14:36:40 -04:00
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333 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "data/data_types.h"
namespace Images {
class Source;
} // namespace Images
namespace Storage {
namespace Cache {
struct Key;
} // namespace Cache
} // namespace Storage
class AuthSession;
class mtpFileLoader;
inline uint64 mediaMix32To64(int32 a, int32 b) {
return (uint64(*reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(&a)) << 32)
| uint64(*reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(&b));
// version field removed from document.
inline MediaKey mediaKey(LocationType type, int32 dc, const uint64 &id) {
return MediaKey(mediaMix32To64(type, dc), id);
inline StorageKey mediaKey(const MTPDfileLocation &location) {
return storageKey(
struct DocumentAdditionalData {
virtual ~DocumentAdditionalData() = default;
struct StickerData : public DocumentAdditionalData {
Data::FileOrigin setOrigin() const;
std::unique_ptr<Image> image;
QString alt;
MTPInputStickerSet set = MTP_inputStickerSetEmpty();
StorageImageLocation loc; // doc thumb location
struct SongData : public DocumentAdditionalData {
int32 duration = 0;
QString title, performer;
struct VoiceData : public DocumentAdditionalData {
int duration = 0;
VoiceWaveform waveform;
char wavemax = 0;
bool fileIsImage(const QString &name, const QString &mime);
namespace Serialize {
class Document;
} // namespace Serialize;
class DocumentData {
DocumentData(DocumentId id, not_null<AuthSession*> session);
not_null<AuthSession*> session() const;
void setattributes(
const QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> &attributes);
void automaticLoad(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
const HistoryItem *item); // auto load sticker or video
void automaticLoadSettingsChanged();
enum FilePathResolveType {
bool loaded(
FilePathResolveType type = FilePathResolveCached) const;
bool loading() const;
QString loadingFilePath() const;
bool displayLoading() const;
void save(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
const QString &toFile,
ActionOnLoad action = ActionOnLoadNone,
const FullMsgId &actionMsgId = FullMsgId(),
LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud = LoadFromCloudOrLocal,
bool autoLoading = false);
void cancel();
float64 progress() const;
int32 loadOffset() const;
bool uploading() const;
void setWaitingForAlbum();
bool waitingForAlbum() const;
QByteArray data() const;
const FileLocation &location(bool check = false) const;
void setLocation(const FileLocation &loc);
QString filepath(
FilePathResolveType type = FilePathResolveCached,
bool forceSavingAs = false) const;
bool saveToCache() const;
void performActionOnLoad();
void unload();
Image *getReplyPreview(Data::FileOrigin origin);
StickerData *sticker() const;
void checkSticker();
void checkStickerThumb();
Image *getStickerThumb();
Image *getStickerImage();
Data::FileOrigin stickerSetOrigin() const;
Data::FileOrigin stickerOrGifOrigin() const;
bool isStickerSetInstalled() const;
SongData *song();
const SongData *song() const;
VoiceData *voice();
const VoiceData *voice() const;
bool isVoiceMessage() const;
bool isVideoMessage() const;
bool isSong() const;
bool isAudioFile() const;
bool isVideoFile() const;
bool isAnimation() const;
bool isGifv() const;
bool isTheme() const;
bool isSharedMediaMusic() const;
int32 duration() const;
bool isImage() const;
void recountIsImage();
bool supportsStreaming() const;
void setData(const QByteArray &data) {
_data = data;
bool hasGoodStickerThumb() const;
Image *goodThumbnail() const;
Storage::Cache::Key goodThumbnailCacheKey() const;
void setGoodThumbnail(QImage &&image, QByteArray &&bytes);
void refreshGoodThumbnail();
void replaceGoodThumbnail(std::unique_ptr<Images::Source> &&source);
void setRemoteLocation(
int32 dc,
uint64 access,
const QByteArray &fileReference);
void setContentUrl(const QString &url);
void setWebLocation(const WebFileLocation &location);
bool hasRemoteLocation() const;
bool hasWebLocation() const;
bool isValid() const;
MTPInputDocument mtpInput() const;
QByteArray fileReference() const;
void refreshFileReference(const QByteArray &value);
void refreshStickerThumbFileReference();
// When we have some client-side generated document
// (for example for displaying an external inline bot result)
// and it has downloaded data, we can collect that data from it
// to (this) received from the server "same" document.
void collectLocalData(DocumentData *local);
QString filename() const;
QString mimeString() const;
bool hasMimeType(QLatin1String mime) const;
void setMimeString(const QString &mime);
MediaKey mediaKey() const;
Storage::Cache::Key cacheKey() const;
uint8 cacheTag() const;
static QString ComposeNameString(
const QString &filename,
const QString &songTitle,
const QString &songPerformer);
QString composeNameString() const;
DocumentId id = 0;
DocumentType type = FileDocument;
QSize dimensions;
int32 date = 0;
ImagePtr thumb;
int32 size = 0;
FileStatus status = FileReady;
std::unique_ptr<Data::UploadState> uploadingData;
friend class Serialize::Document;
LocationType locationType() const;
void validateGoodThumbnail();
void destroyLoader(mtpFileLoader *newValue = nullptr) const;
// Two types of location: from MTProto by dc+access or from web by url
int32 _dc = 0;
uint64 _access = 0;
QByteArray _fileReference;
QString _url;
QString _filename;
QString _mimeString;
WebFileLocation _urlLocation;
std::unique_ptr<Image> _goodThumbnail;
std::unique_ptr<Image> _replyPreview;
not_null<AuthSession*> _session;
FileLocation _location;
QByteArray _data;
std::unique_ptr<DocumentAdditionalData> _additional;
int32 _duration = -1;
bool _isImage = false;
bool _supportsStreaming = false;
ActionOnLoad _actionOnLoad = ActionOnLoadNone;
FullMsgId _actionOnLoadMsgId;
mutable FileLoader *_loader = nullptr;
VoiceWaveform documentWaveformDecode(const QByteArray &encoded5bit);
QByteArray documentWaveformEncode5bit(const VoiceWaveform &waveform);
class DocumentClickHandler : public FileClickHandler {
not_null<DocumentData*> document,
FullMsgId context = FullMsgId())
: FileClickHandler(context)
, _document(document) {
not_null<DocumentData*> document() const {
return _document;
not_null<DocumentData*> _document;
class DocumentSaveClickHandler : public DocumentClickHandler {
using DocumentClickHandler::DocumentClickHandler;
static void Save(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
not_null<DocumentData*> document,
bool forceSavingAs = false);
void onClickImpl() const override;
class DocumentOpenClickHandler : public DocumentClickHandler {
using DocumentClickHandler::DocumentClickHandler;
static void Open(
Data::FileOrigin origin,
not_null<DocumentData*> document,
HistoryItem *context,
ActionOnLoad action = ActionOnLoadOpen);
void onClickImpl() const override;
class DocumentCancelClickHandler : public DocumentClickHandler {
using DocumentClickHandler::DocumentClickHandler;
void onClickImpl() const override;
class GifOpenClickHandler : public DocumentOpenClickHandler {
using DocumentOpenClickHandler::DocumentOpenClickHandler;
void onClickImpl() const override;
class VoiceSeekClickHandler : public DocumentOpenClickHandler {
using DocumentOpenClickHandler::DocumentOpenClickHandler;
void onClickImpl() const override {
QString FileNameForSave(
const QString &title,
const QString &filter,
const QString &prefix,
QString name,
bool savingAs,
const QDir &dir = QDir());