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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "lottie/lottie_frame_renderer.h"
#include "lottie/lottie_animation.h"
#include <QImage>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QHash>
#include <QMutexLocker>
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include <QThread>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QtBodymovin/private/bmconstants_p.h>
#include <QtBodymovin/private/bmbase_p.h>
#include <QtBodymovin/private/bmlayer_p.h>
#include "rasterrenderer/lottierasterrenderer.h"
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcLottieQtBodymovinRenderThread, "qt.lottieqt.bodymovin.render.thread");
namespace Lottie {
//FrameRenderer *FrameRenderer::_rendererInstance = nullptr;
// QMutexLocker mlocker(&_mutex);
// qDeleteAll(_animData);
// qDeleteAll(_frameCache);
//FrameRenderer *FrameRenderer::instance()
// if (!_rendererInstance)
// _rendererInstance = new FrameRenderer;
// return _rendererInstance;
//void FrameRenderer::deleteInstance()
// delete _rendererInstance;
// _rendererInstance = nullptr;
//void FrameRenderer::registerAnimator(Animation *animator)
// QMutexLocker mlocker(&_mutex);
// qCDebug(lcLottieQtBodymovinRenderThread) << "Register Animator:"
// << static_cast<void*>(animator);
// Entry *entry = new Entry;
// entry->animator = animator;
// entry->startFrame = animator->startFrame();
// entry->endFrame = animator->endFrame();
// entry->currentFrame = animator->startFrame();
// entry->animDir = animator->direction();
// entry->bmTreeBlueprint = new BMBase;
// parse(entry->bmTreeBlueprint, animator->jsonSource());
// _animData.insert(animator, entry);
// _waitCondition.wakeAll();
//void FrameRenderer::deregisterAnimator(Animation *animator)
// QMutexLocker mlocker(&_mutex);
// qCDebug(lcLottieQtBodymovinRenderThread) << "Deregister Animator:"
// << static_cast<void*>(animator);
// Entry *entry = _animData.value(animator, nullptr);
// if (entry) {
// qDeleteAll(entry->frameCache);
// delete entry->bmTreeBlueprint;
// delete entry;
// _animData.remove(animator);
// }
//bool FrameRenderer::gotoFrame(Animation *animator, int frame)
// QMutexLocker mlocker(&_mutex);
// Entry *entry = _animData.value(animator, nullptr);
// if (entry) {
// qCDebug(lcLottieQtBodymovinRenderThread) << "Animator:"
// << static_cast<void*>(animator)
// << "Goto frame:" << frame;
// entry->currentFrame = frame;
// entry->animDir = animator->direction();
// pruneFrameCache(entry);
// _waitCondition.wakeAll();
// return true;
// }
// return false;
//FrameRenderer::FrameRenderer() : QThread() {
// const QByteArray cacheStr = qgetenv("QLOTTIE_RENDER_CACHE_SIZE");
// int cacheSize = cacheStr.toInt();
// if (cacheSize > 0) {
// qCDebug(lcLottieQtBodymovinRenderThread) << "Setting frame cache size to" << cacheSize;
// _cacheSize = cacheSize;
// }
//void FrameRenderer::pruneFrameCache(Entry* e)
// QHash<int, BMBase*>::iterator it = e->frameCache.begin();
// while (it != e->frameCache.end()) {
// if (it.key() == e->currentFrame) {
// ++it;
// } else {
// delete it.value();
// it = e->frameCache.erase(it);
// }
// }
//BMBase *FrameRenderer::getFrame(Animation *animator, int frameNumber)
// QMutexLocker mlocker(&_mutex);
// Entry *entry = _animData.value(animator, nullptr);
// if (entry)
// return entry->frameCache.value(frameNumber, nullptr);
// else
// return nullptr;
//void FrameRenderer::prerender(Entry *animEntry)
// while (animEntry->frameCache.count() < _cacheSize) {
// if (!animEntry->frameCache.contains(animEntry->currentFrame)) {
// BMBase *bmTree = new BMBase(*animEntry->bmTreeBlueprint);
// for (BMBase *elem : bmTree->children()) {
// if (elem->active(animEntry->currentFrame))
// elem->updateProperties( animEntry->currentFrame);
// }
// animEntry->frameCache.insert( animEntry->currentFrame, bmTree);
// }
// qCDebug(lcLottieQtBodymovinRenderThread) << "Animator:"
// << static_cast<void*>(animEntry->animator)
// << "Frame drawn to cache. FN:"
// << animEntry->currentFrame;
// emit frameReady(animEntry->animator, animEntry->currentFrame);
// animEntry->currentFrame += animEntry->animDir;
// if (animEntry->currentFrame > animEntry->endFrame) {
// animEntry->currentFrame = animEntry->startFrame;
// } else if (animEntry->currentFrame < animEntry->startFrame) {
// animEntry->currentFrame = animEntry->endFrame;
// }
// }
//void FrameRenderer::frameRendered(Animation *animator, int frameNumber)
// QMutexLocker mlocker(&_mutex);
// Entry *entry = _animData.value(animator, nullptr);
// if (entry) {
// qCDebug(lcLottieQtBodymovinRenderThread) << "Animator:" << static_cast<void*>(animator)
// << "Remove frame from cache" << frameNumber;
// BMBase *root = entry->frameCache.value(frameNumber, nullptr);
// delete root;
// entry->frameCache.remove(frameNumber);
// _waitCondition.wakeAll();
// }
//void FrameRenderer::run()
// qCDebug(lcLottieQtBodymovinRenderThread) << "rendering thread" << QThread::currentThread();
// while (!isInterruptionRequested()) {
// QMutexLocker mlocker(&_mutex);
// for (Entry *e : qAsConst(_animData))
// prerender(e);
// _waitCondition.wait(&_mutex);
// }
//int FrameRenderer::parse(BMBase* rootElement, const QByteArray &jsonSource)
// QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonSource);
// QJsonObject rootObj = doc.object();
// if (rootObj.empty())
// return -1;
// QJsonArray jsonLayers = rootObj.value(QLatin1String("layers")).toArray();
// QJsonArray::const_iterator jsonLayerIt = jsonLayers.constEnd();
// while (jsonLayerIt != jsonLayers.constBegin()) {
// jsonLayerIt--;
// QJsonObject jsonLayer = (*jsonLayerIt).toObject();
// BMLayer *layer = BMLayer::construct(jsonLayer);
// if (layer) {
// layer->setParent(rootElement);
// // Mask layers must be rendered before the layers they affect to
// // although they appear before in layer hierarchy. For this reason
// // move a mask after the affected layers, so it will be rendered first
// if (layer->isMaskLayer())
// rootElement->prependChild(layer);
// else
// rootElement->appendChild(layer);
// }
// }
// return 0;
} // namespace Lottie