
144 lines
4.5 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
using "";
using "";
using "window/";
profileBg: windowBg;
profileTopBarHeight: topBarHeight;
profileFixedBarButton: topBarButton;
profileMarginTop: 13px;
profilePhotoSize: 112px;
profilePhotoLeftMin: 18px;
profilePhotoLeftMax: 35px;
profilePhotoDuration: 500;
profileNameLeft: 26px;
profileNameTop: 9px;
profileNameLabel: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) {
margin: margins(10px, 5px, 10px, 5px);
font: font(16px semibold);
width: 160px;
maxHeight: 24px;
textFg: #333333;
profileNameTextStyle: TextStyle(defaultTextStyle) {
profileStatusLeft: 27px;
profileStatusTop: 35px;
profileStatusFont: normalFont;
profileStatusFg: windowSubTextFg;
profileStatusFgActive: windowActiveTextFg;
profileMarginBottom: 30px;
profileButtonLeft: 27px;
profileButtonTop: 88px;
profileButtonSkip: 10px;
profilePrimaryButton: defaultActiveButton;
profileSecondaryButton: defaultLightButton;
profileAddMemberButton: RoundButton(profileSecondaryButton) {
width: 62px;
icon: icon {{ "profile_add_member", lightButtonFg, point(20px, 10px) }};
profileDropAreaBg: profileBg;
profileDropAreaFg: lightButtonFg;
profileDropAreaPadding: margins(25px, 3px, 25px, 20px);
profileDropAreaTitleFont: font(24px);
profileDropAreaTitleTop: 30px;
profileDropAreaSubtitleFont: font(16px);
profileDropAreaSubtitleTop: 68px;
profileDropAreaBorderFg: profileDropAreaFg;
profileDropAreaBorderWidth: 3px;
profileDropAreaDuration: 200;
profileDividerFg: windowShadowFg;
profileDividerLeft: icon {{ "profile_divider_left", profileDividerFg }};
profileDividerFill: icon {{ "profile_divider_fill", profileDividerFg }};
profileBlocksTop: 7px;
profileBlocksBottom: 20px;
profileBlockLeftMin: 8px;
profileBlockLeftMax: 25px;
profileBlockNarrowWidthMin: 220px;
profileBlockWideWidthMin: 300px;
profileBlockWideWidthMax: 340px;
profileBlockMarginTop: 14px;
profileBlockMarginRight: 10px;
profileBlockMarginBottom: 7px;
profileBlockTitleHeight: 24px;
profileBlockTitleFont: font(14px semibold);
profileBlockTitleFg: #333333;
profileBlockTitlePosition: point(24px, 0px);
profileBlockLabel: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) {
textFg: windowSubTextFg;
profileBlockTextPart: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) {
width: 180px;
margin: margins(5px, 5px, 5px, 5px);
profileBlockOneLineTextPart: FlatLabel(profileBlockTextPart) {
width: 0px; // No need to set minWidth in one-line text.
maxHeight: 20px;
profileBlockOneLineSkip: 9px;
profileBlockOneLineWidthMax: 240px;
profileEnableNotificationsTop: 7px;
profileSettingsBlockSkip: 8px;
profileInviteLinkText: FlatLabel(profileBlockTextPart) {
width: 1px; // Required for BreakEverywhere
profileLimitReachedSkip: 6px;
profileMemberHeight: 58px;
profileMemberPaddingLeft: 16px;
profileMemberPhotoSize: 46px;
profileMemberPhotoPosition: point(12px, 6px);
profileMemberNamePosition: point(68px, 11px);
profileMemberNameFg: #222222;
profileMemberStatusPosition: point(68px, 31px);
profileMemberStatusFg: windowSubTextFg;
profileMemberStatusFgOver: windowSubTextFgOver;
profileMemberStatusFgActive: windowActiveTextFg;
profileMemberAdminIcon: icon {{ "profile_admin_star", #3babe7, point(4px, 3px) }};
profileLimitReachedLabel: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) {
width: 180px;
margin: margins(profileMemberPaddingLeft, 9px, profileMemberPaddingLeft, 6px);
profileLimitReachedStyle: TextStyle(defaultTextStyle) {
lineHeight: 19px;
profileReportReasonOther: InputArea(defaultInputArea) {
textMargins: margins(1px, 6px, 1px, 4px);
heightMax: 115px;
profileVerifiedCheckShift: -3px;
profileVerifiedCheck: icon {
{ "profile_verified_star", #4abcf1, point(0px, 7px) },
{ "profile_verified_check", #ffffff, point(4px, 11px) }