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synced 2025-03-08 19:21:39 -05:00
546 lines
15 KiB
546 lines
15 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
an unofficial desktop messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://tdesktop.com
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "mtpDC.h"
#include "mtp.h"
namespace {
MTProtoDCMap gDCs;
bool configLoadedOnce = false;
int32 mainDC = 2;
int userId = 0;
mtpDcOptions gDCOptions;
typedef QMap<int32, mtpAuthKeyPtr> _KeysMapForWrite;
_KeysMapForWrite _keysMapForWrite;
QMutex _keysMapForWriteMutex;
int32 readAuthKeysFields(QIODevice *io) {
if (!io->isOpen()) io->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
QDataStream stream(io);
int32 oldFound = 0;
while (true) {
quint32 blockId;
stream >> blockId;
if (stream.status() == QDataStream::ReadPastEnd) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: keys file read end"));
} else if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not read block id, status: %1 - keys file is corrupted?..").arg(stream.status()));
if (blockId == dbiVersion) {
qint32 keysVersion;
stream >> keysVersion;
continue; // should not be in encrypted part, just ignore
if (blockId != dbiEncrypted && blockId != dbiKey) {
oldFound = 2;
switch (blockId) {
case dbiEncrypted: {
QByteArray data, decrypted;
stream >> data;
if (!MTP::localKey().created()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: reading encrypted keys without local key!"));
if (data.size() <= 16 || (data.size() & 0x0F)) {
LOG(("MTP Error: bad encrypted part size: %1").arg(data.size()));
uint32 fullDataLen = data.size() - 16;
const char *dataKey = data.constData(), *encrypted = data.constData() + 16;
aesDecryptLocal(encrypted, decrypted.data(), fullDataLen, &MTP::localKey(), dataKey);
uchar sha1Buffer[20];
if (memcmp(hashSha1(decrypted.constData(), decrypted.size(), sha1Buffer), dataKey, 16)) {
LOG(("MTP Error: bad decrypt key, data from user-config not decrypted"));
uint32 dataLen = *(const uint32*)decrypted.constData();
if (dataLen > uint32(decrypted.size()) || dataLen <= fullDataLen - 16 || dataLen < 4) {
LOG(("MTP Error: bad decrypted part size: %1, fullDataLen: %2, decrypted size: %3").arg(dataLen).arg(fullDataLen).arg(decrypted.size()));
QBuffer decryptedStream(&decrypted);
decryptedStream.seek(4); // skip size
} break;
case dbiKey: {
qint32 dcId;
quint32 key[64];
stream >> dcId;
stream.readRawData((char*)key, 256);
if (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: key found, dc %1, key: %2").arg(dcId).arg(mb(key, 256).str()));
dcId = dcId % _mtp_internal::dcShift;
mtpAuthKeyPtr keyPtr(new mtpAuthKey());
MTProtoDCPtr dc(new MTProtoDC(dcId, keyPtr));
gDCs.insert(dcId, dc);
} break;
case dbiUser: {
quint32 dcId;
qint32 uid;
stream >> uid >> dcId;
if (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: user found, dc %1, uid %2").arg(dcId).arg(uid));
userId = uid;
mainDC = dcId;
} break;
case dbiDcOption: {
quint32 dcId, port;
QString host, ip;
stream >> dcId >> host >> ip >> port;
if (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) {
gDCOptions.insert(dcId, mtpDcOption(dcId, host.toUtf8().constData(), ip.toUtf8().constData(), port));
} break;
case dbiConfig1: {
quint32 maxSize;
stream >> maxSize;
if (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) {
} break;
if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not read data, status: %1 - keys file is corrupted?..").arg(stream.status()));
return oldFound;
int32 readAuthKeys(QFile &file) {
QDataStream stream(&file);
int32 oldFound = 0;
quint32 blockId;
stream >> blockId;
if (stream.status() == QDataStream::ReadPastEnd) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: keys file read end"));
return oldFound;
} else if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not read block id, status: %1 - keys file is corrupted?..").arg(stream.status()));
return oldFound;
if (blockId == dbiVersion) {
qint32 keysVersion;
stream >> keysVersion;
if (keysVersion > AppVersion) return oldFound;
stream >> blockId;
if (stream.status() == QDataStream::ReadPastEnd) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: keys file read end"));
return oldFound;
} else if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not read block id, status: %1 - keys file is corrupted?..").arg(stream.status()));
return oldFound;
if (blockId != dbiEncrypted) {
oldFound = (blockId != dbiKey) ? 2 : 1;
} else {
oldFound = 2;
oldFound = qMax(oldFound, readAuthKeysFields(&file));
return oldFound;
void writeAuthKeys();
void readAuthKeys() {
QFile keysFile(cWorkingDir() + cDataFile());
if (keysFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: keys file opened for reading"));
int32 oldFound = readAuthKeys(keysFile);
if (gDCOptions.isEmpty() || (mainDC && gDCOptions.find(mainDC) == gDCOptions.cend())) { // load first dc info
const BuiltInDc *bdcs = builtInDcs();
for (int i = 0, l = builtInDcsCount(); i < l; ++i) {
gDCOptions.insert(bdcs[i].id, mtpDcOption(bdcs[i].id, "", bdcs[i].ip, bdcs[i].port));
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: adding built in DC %1 connect option: %2:%3").arg(bdcs[i].id).arg(bdcs[i].ip).arg(bdcs[i].port));
userId = 0;
mainDC = (gDCOptions.constFind(2) == gDCOptions.cend()) ? gDCOptions.begin().key() : 2;
} else {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: config from local, dc option count: %1").arg(gDCOptions.size()));
if (oldFound > 0) {
if (oldFound > 1) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: rewritten old data / config to new data and config"));
} else {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: could not open keys file for reading"));
const BuiltInDc *bdcs = builtInDcs();
for (int i = 0, l = builtInDcsCount(); i < l; ++i) {
gDCOptions.insert(bdcs[i].id, mtpDcOption(bdcs[i].id, "", bdcs[i].ip, bdcs[i].port));
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: adding built in DC %1 connect option: %2:%3").arg(bdcs[i].id).arg(bdcs[i].ip).arg(bdcs[i].port));
typedef QVector<mtpAuthKeyPtr> _KeysToWrite;
void writeAuthKeys() {
_KeysToWrite keysToWrite;
QMutexLocker lock(&_keysMapForWriteMutex);
for (_KeysMapForWrite::const_iterator i = _keysMapForWrite.cbegin(), e = _keysMapForWrite.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
QFile keysFile(cWorkingDir() + cDataFile());
if (keysFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: writing keys data for encrypt"));
QByteArray toEncrypt;
QBuffer buffer(&toEncrypt);
QDataStream stream(&buffer);
for (_KeysToWrite::const_iterator i = keysToWrite.cbegin(), e = keysToWrite.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
stream << quint32(dbiKey) << quint32((*i)->getDC());
if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not write keys to memory buf, status: %1").arg(stream.status()));
*(uint32*)(toEncrypt.data()) = toEncrypt.size();
uint32 size = toEncrypt.size(), fullSize = size;
if (fullSize & 0x0F) {
fullSize += 0x10 - (fullSize & 0x0F);
memset_rand(toEncrypt.data() + size, fullSize - size);
QByteArray encrypted(16 + fullSize, Qt::Uninitialized); // 128bit of sha1 - key128, sizeof(data), data
hashSha1(toEncrypt.constData(), toEncrypt.size(), encrypted.data());
aesEncryptLocal(toEncrypt.constData(), encrypted.data() + 16, fullSize, &MTP::localKey(), encrypted.constData());
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: keys file opened for writing %1 keys").arg(keysToWrite.size()));
QDataStream keysStream(&keysFile);
keysStream << quint32(dbiVersion) << qint32(AppVersion);
keysStream << quint32(dbiEncrypted) << encrypted; // write all encrypted data
if (keysStream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not write keys, status: %1").arg(keysStream.status()));
} else {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not open keys file for writing"));
class _KeysReader {
_KeysReader() {
void mtpLoadData() {
static _KeysReader keysReader;
int32 mtpAuthed() {
return userId;
void mtpAuthed(int32 uid) {
if (userId != uid && mainDC) {
userId = uid;
MTProtoDCMap &mtpDCMap() {
return gDCs;
const mtpDcOptions &mtpDCOptions() {
return gDCOptions;
bool mtpNeedConfig() {
return !configLoadedOnce;
int32 mtpMainDC() {
return mainDC;
void mtpLogoutOtherDCs() {
QList<int32> dcs;
QMutexLocker lock(&_keysMapForWriteMutex);
dcs = _keysMapForWrite.keys();
for (int32 i = 0, cnt = dcs.size(); i != cnt; ++i) {
if (dcs[i] != MTP::maindc()) {
MTP::send(MTPauth_LogOut(), RPCResponseHandler(), dcs[i]);
void mtpSetDC(int32 dc) {
if (dc != mainDC) {
mainDC = dc;
if (userId) {
MTProtoDC::MTProtoDC(int32 id, const mtpAuthKeyPtr &key) : _id(id), _key(key), _connectionInited(false), _connectionInitSent(false) {
connect(this, SIGNAL(authKeyCreated()), this, SLOT(authKeyWrite()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
QMutexLocker lock(&_keysMapForWriteMutex);
if (_key) {
_keysMapForWrite[_id] = _key;
} else {
void MTProtoDC::authKeyWrite() {
DEBUG_LOG(("AuthKey Info: MTProtoDC::authKeyWrite() slot, dc %1").arg(_id));
if (_key) {
void MTProtoDC::setKey(const mtpAuthKeyPtr &key) {
DEBUG_LOG(("AuthKey Info: MTProtoDC::setKey(%1), emitting authKeyCreated, dc %2").arg(key ? key->keyId() : 0).arg(_id));
_key = key;
emit authKeyCreated();
QMutexLocker lock(&_keysMapForWriteMutex);
if (_key) {
_keysMapForWrite[_id] = _key;
} else {
QReadWriteLock *MTProtoDC::keyMutex() const {
return &keyLock;
const mtpAuthKeyPtr &MTProtoDC::getKey() const {
return _key;
void MTProtoDC::destroyKey() {
QMutexLocker lock(&_keysMapForWriteMutex);
namespace {
MTProtoConfigLoader *configLoader = 0;
bool loadingConfig = false;
void configLoaded(const MTPConfig &result) {
loadingConfig = false;
const MTPDconfig &data(result.c_config());
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: got config, chat_size_max: %1, date: %2, test_mode: %3, this_dc: %4, dc_options.length: %5").arg(data.vchat_size_max.v).arg(data.vdate.v).arg(data.vtest_mode.v).arg(data.vthis_dc.v).arg(data.vdc_options.c_vector().v.size()));
configLoadedOnce = true;
bool configFailed(const RPCError &err) {
loadingConfig = false;
LOG(("MTP Error: failed to get config!"));
return false;
void mtpUpdateDcOptions(const QVector<MTPDcOption> &options) {
QSet<int32> already, restart;
for (QVector<MTPDcOption>::const_iterator i = options.cbegin(), e = options.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
const MTPDdcOption &optData(i->c_dcOption());
if (already.constFind(optData.vid.v) == already.cend()) {
mtpDcOptions::const_iterator a = gDCOptions.constFind(optData.vid.v);
if (a != gDCOptions.cend()) {
if (a.value().ip != optData.vip_address.c_string().v || a.value().port != optData.vport.v) {
gDCOptions.insert(optData.vid.v, mtpDcOption(optData.vid.v, optData.vhostname.c_string().v, optData.vip_address.c_string().v, optData.vport.v));
for (QSet<int32>::const_iterator i = restart.cbegin(), e = restart.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
MTProtoConfigLoader::MTProtoConfigLoader() : _enumCurrent(0), _enumRequest(0) {
connect(&_enumDCTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(enumDC()));
void MTProtoConfigLoader::load() {
if (loadingConfig) return;
loadingConfig = true;
MTP::send(MTPhelp_GetConfig(), rpcDone(configLoaded), rpcFail(configFailed));
void MTProtoConfigLoader::done() {
if (_enumRequest) MTP::cancel(_enumRequest);
if (_enumCurrent) MTP::killSession(_enumCurrent);
emit loaded();
void MTProtoConfigLoader::enumDC() {
if (!loadingConfig) return;
if (_enumRequest) MTP::cancel(_enumRequest);
if (!_enumCurrent) {
_enumCurrent = mainDC;
} else {
MTP::killSession(MTP::cfg + _enumCurrent);
for (mtpDcOptions::const_iterator i = gDCOptions.cbegin(), e = gDCOptions.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (i.key() == _enumCurrent) {
_enumCurrent = (++i == e) ? gDCOptions.cbegin().key() : i.key();
_enumRequest = MTP::send(MTPhelp_GetConfig(), rpcDone(configLoaded), rpcFail(configFailed), MTP::cfg + _enumCurrent);
MTProtoConfigLoader *mtpConfigLoader() {
if (!configLoader) configLoader = new MTProtoConfigLoader();
return configLoader;
void mtpDestroyConfigLoader() {
delete configLoader;
configLoader = 0;
void mtpWriteConfig(QDataStream &stream) {
if (userId) {
stream << quint32(dbiUser) << qint32(userId) << quint32(mainDC);
if (configLoadedOnce) {
for (mtpDcOptions::const_iterator i = gDCOptions.cbegin(), e = gDCOptions.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
stream << quint32(dbiDcOption) << i->id << QString(i->host.c_str()) << QString(i->ip.c_str()) << i->port;
stream << quint32(dbiConfig1) << qint32(cMaxGroupCount());
bool mtpReadConfigElem(int32 blockId, QDataStream &stream) {
switch (blockId) {
case dbiUser: {
quint32 dcId;
qint32 uid;
stream >> uid >> dcId;
if (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: user found, dc %1, uid %2").arg(dcId).arg(uid));
userId = uid;
mainDC = dcId;
return true;
} break;
case dbiDcOption: {
quint32 dcId, port;
QString host, ip;
stream >> dcId >> host >> ip >> port;
if (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) {
gDCOptions.insert(dcId, mtpDcOption(dcId, host.toUtf8().constData(), ip.toUtf8().constData(), port));
return true;
} break;
case dbiConfig1: {
quint32 maxSize;
stream >> maxSize;
if (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) {
return true;
} break;
return false;