mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 05:56:42 -04:00

All errors that lead to MTP request resending by default error handler now can be handled differently. For example inline bot requests are not being resent on 5XX error codes. + extensive use of auto keyword in MTP types handling.
907 lines
27 KiB
907 lines
27 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "mtproto/facade.h"
#include "localstorage.h"
namespace MTP {
namespace {
typedef QMap<int32, internal::Session*> Sessions;
Sessions sessions;
internal::Session *mainSession;
typedef QMap<mtpRequestId, int32> RequestsByDC; // holds dcWithShift for request to this dc or -dc for request to main dc
RequestsByDC requestsByDC;
QMutex requestByDCLock;
typedef QMap<mtpRequestId, int32> AuthExportRequests; // holds target dcWithShift for auth export request
AuthExportRequests authExportRequests;
bool _started = false;
uint32 layer;
typedef QMap<mtpRequestId, RPCResponseHandler> ParserMap;
ParserMap parserMap;
QMutex parserMapLock;
typedef QMap<mtpRequestId, mtpRequest> RequestMap;
RequestMap requestMap;
QReadWriteLock requestMapLock;
typedef QPair<mtpRequestId, uint64> DelayedRequest;
typedef QList<DelayedRequest> DelayedRequestsList;
DelayedRequestsList delayedRequests;
typedef QMap<mtpRequestId, int32> RequestsDelays;
RequestsDelays requestsDelays;
typedef QSet<mtpRequestId> BadGuestDCRequests;
BadGuestDCRequests badGuestDCRequests;
typedef QVector<mtpRequestId> DCAuthWaiters;
typedef QMap<int32, DCAuthWaiters> AuthWaiters; // holds request ids waiting for auth import to specific dc
AuthWaiters authWaiters;
typedef OrderedSet<internal::Connection*> MTPQuittingConnections;
MTPQuittingConnections quittingConnections;
QMutex toClearLock;
RPCCallbackClears toClear;
RPCResponseHandler globalHandler;
MTPStateChangedHandler stateChangedHandler = 0;
MTPSessionResetHandler sessionResetHandler = 0;
internal::GlobalSlotCarrier *_globalSlotCarrier = 0;
void importDone(const MTPauth_Authorization &result, mtpRequestId req) {
QMutexLocker locker1(&requestByDCLock);
RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(req);
if (i == requestsByDC.end()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: auth import request not found in requestsByDC, requestId: %1").arg(req));
RPCError error(internal::rpcClientError("AUTH_IMPORT_FAIL", QString("did not find import request in requestsByDC, request %1").arg(req)));
if (globalHandler.onFail && authedId()) (*globalHandler.onFail)(req, error); // auth failed in main dc
DcId newdc = bareDcId(i.value());
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: auth import to dc %1 succeeded").arg(newdc));
DCAuthWaiters &waiters(authWaiters[newdc]);
if (waiters.size()) {
QReadLocker locker(&requestMapLock);
for (DCAuthWaiters::iterator i = waiters.begin(), e = waiters.end(); i != e; ++i) {
mtpRequestId requestId = *i;
RequestMap::const_iterator j = requestMap.constFind(requestId);
if (j == requestMap.cend()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 for resending").arg(requestId));
ShiftedDcId dcWithShift = newdc;
RequestsByDC::iterator k = requestsByDC.find(requestId);
if (k == requestsByDC.cend()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 by dc for resending").arg(requestId));
if (k.value() < 0) {
k.value() = -newdc;
} else {
dcWithShift = shiftDcId(newdc, getDcIdShift(k.value()));
k.value() = dcWithShift;
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: resending request %1 to dc %2 after import auth").arg(requestId).arg(k.value()));
if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(dcWithShift)) {
bool importFail(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) {
if (isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false;
if (globalHandler.onFail && authedId()) (*globalHandler.onFail)(req, error); // auth import failed
return true;
void exportDone(const MTPauth_ExportedAuthorization &result, mtpRequestId req) {
AuthExportRequests::const_iterator i = authExportRequests.constFind(req);
if (i == authExportRequests.cend()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: auth export request target dcWithShift not found, requestId: %1").arg(req));
RPCError error(internal::rpcClientError("AUTH_IMPORT_FAIL", QString("did not find target dcWithShift, request %1").arg(req)));
if (globalHandler.onFail && authedId()) (*globalHandler.onFail)(req, error); // auth failed in main dc
const auto &data(result.c_auth_exportedAuthorization());
send(MTPauth_ImportAuthorization(data.vid, data.vbytes), rpcDone(importDone), rpcFail(importFail), i.value());
bool exportFail(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) {
if (isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false;
AuthExportRequests::const_iterator i = authExportRequests.constFind(req);
if (i != authExportRequests.cend()) {
if (globalHandler.onFail && authedId()) (*globalHandler.onFail)(req, error); // auth failed in main dc
return true;
bool onErrorDefault(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &error) {
const QString &err(error.type());
int32 code = error.code();
if (!isFloodError(error) && err != qstr("AUTH_KEY_UNREGISTERED")) {
int breakpoint = 0;
bool badGuestDC = (code == 400) && (err == qsl("FILE_ID_INVALID"));
QRegularExpressionMatch m;
if ((m = QRegularExpression("^(FILE|PHONE|NETWORK|USER)_MIGRATE_(\\d+)$").match(err)).hasMatch()) {
if (!requestId) return false;
ShiftedDcId dcWithShift = 0, newdcWithShift = m.captured(2).toInt();
QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock);
RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(requestId);
if (i == requestsByDC.end()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 for migrating to %2").arg(requestId).arg(newdcWithShift));
} else {
dcWithShift = i.value();
if (!dcWithShift || !newdcWithShift) return false;
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: changing request %1 from dcWithShift%2 to dc%3").arg(requestId).arg(dcWithShift).arg(newdcWithShift));
if (dcWithShift < 0) { // newdc shift = 0
if (false && authedId() && !authExportRequests.contains(requestId)) { // migrate not supported at this moment
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: importing auth to dc %1").arg(newdcWithShift));
DCAuthWaiters &waiters(authWaiters[newdcWithShift]);
if (!waiters.size()) {
authExportRequests.insert(send(MTPauth_ExportAuthorization(MTP_int(newdcWithShift)), rpcDone(exportDone), rpcFail(exportFail)), newdcWithShift);
return true;
} else {
} else {
newdcWithShift = shiftDcId(newdcWithShift, getDcIdShift(dcWithShift));
mtpRequest req;
QReadLocker locker(&requestMapLock);
RequestMap::const_iterator i = requestMap.constFind(requestId);
if (i == requestMap.cend()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1").arg(requestId));
return false;
req = i.value();
if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(newdcWithShift)) {
internal::registerRequest(requestId, (dcWithShift < 0) ? -newdcWithShift : newdcWithShift);
return true;
} else if (code < 0 || code >= 500 || (m = QRegularExpression("^FLOOD_WAIT_(\\d+)$").match(err)).hasMatch()) {
if (!requestId) return false;
int32 secs = 1;
if (code < 0 || code >= 500) {
RequestsDelays::iterator i = requestsDelays.find(requestId);
if (i != requestsDelays.cend()) {
secs = (i.value() > 60) ? i.value() : (i.value() *= 2);
} else {
requestsDelays.insert(requestId, secs);
} else {
secs = m.captured(1).toInt();
if (secs >= 60) return false;
uint64 sendAt = getms(true) + secs * 1000 + 10;
DelayedRequestsList::iterator i = delayedRequests.begin(), e = delayedRequests.end();
for (; i != e; ++i) {
if (i->first == requestId) return true;
if (i->second > sendAt) break;
delayedRequests.insert(i, DelayedRequest(requestId, sendAt));
if (_globalSlotCarrier) _globalSlotCarrier->checkDelayed();
return true;
} else if (code == 401 || (badGuestDC && badGuestDCRequests.constFind(requestId) == badGuestDCRequests.cend())) {
int32 dcWithShift = 0;
QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock);
RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(requestId);
if (i != requestsByDC.end()) {
dcWithShift = i.value();
} else {
LOG(("MTP Error: unauthorized request without dc info, requestId %1").arg(requestId));
int32 newdc = bareDcId(qAbs(dcWithShift));
if (!newdc || newdc == internal::mainDC() || !authedId()) {
if (!badGuestDC && globalHandler.onFail) (*globalHandler.onFail)(requestId, error); // auth failed in main dc
return false;
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: importing auth to dcWithShift %1").arg(dcWithShift));
DCAuthWaiters &waiters(authWaiters[newdc]);
if (!waiters.size()) {
authExportRequests.insert(send(MTPauth_ExportAuthorization(MTP_int(newdc)), rpcDone(exportDone), rpcFail(exportFail)), abs(dcWithShift));
if (badGuestDC) badGuestDCRequests.insert(requestId);
return true;
} else if (err == qstr("CONNECTION_NOT_INITED") || err == qstr("CONNECTION_LAYER_INVALID")) {
mtpRequest req;
QReadLocker locker(&requestMapLock);
RequestMap::const_iterator i = requestMap.constFind(requestId);
if (i == requestMap.cend()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1").arg(requestId));
return false;
req = i.value();
int32 dcWithShift = 0;
QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock);
RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(requestId);
if (i == requestsByDC.end()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 for resending with init connection").arg(requestId));
} else {
dcWithShift = i.value();
if (!dcWithShift) return false;
if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(qAbs(dcWithShift))) {
req->needsLayer = true;
return true;
} else if (err == qstr("MSG_WAIT_FAILED")) {
mtpRequest req;
QReadLocker locker(&requestMapLock);
RequestMap::const_iterator i = requestMap.constFind(requestId);
if (i == requestMap.cend()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1").arg(requestId));
return false;
req = i.value();
if (!req->after) {
LOG(("MTP Error: wait failed for not dependent request %1").arg(requestId));
return false;
int32 dcWithShift = 0;
QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock);
RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(requestId), j = requestsByDC.find(req->after->requestId);
if (i == requestsByDC.end()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 by dc").arg(requestId));
} else if (j == requestsByDC.end()) {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find dependent request %1 by dc").arg(req->after->requestId));
} else {
dcWithShift = i.value();
if (i.value() != j.value()) {
req->after = mtpRequest();
if (!dcWithShift) return false;
if (!req->after) {
if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(qAbs(dcWithShift))) {
req->needsLayer = true;
} else {
int32 newdc = bareDcId(qAbs(dcWithShift));
DCAuthWaiters &waiters(authWaiters[newdc]);
if (waiters.indexOf(req->after->requestId) >= 0) {
if (waiters.indexOf(requestId) < 0) {
if (badGuestDCRequests.constFind(req->after->requestId) != badGuestDCRequests.cend()) {
if (badGuestDCRequests.constFind(requestId) == badGuestDCRequests.cend()) {
} else {
uint64 at = 0;
DelayedRequestsList::iterator i = delayedRequests.begin(), e = delayedRequests.end();
for (; i != e; ++i) {
if (i->first == requestId) return true;
if (i->first == req->after->requestId) break;
if (i != e) {
delayedRequests.insert(i, DelayedRequest(requestId, i->second));
if (_globalSlotCarrier) _globalSlotCarrier->checkDelayed();
return true;
if (badGuestDC) badGuestDCRequests.remove(requestId);
return false;
bool _paused = false;
} // namespace
namespace internal {
Session *getSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) {
if (!_started) return nullptr;
if (!shiftedDcId) return mainSession;
if (!bareDcId(shiftedDcId)) {
shiftedDcId += bareDcId(mainSession->getDcWithShift());
Sessions::const_iterator i = sessions.constFind(shiftedDcId);
if (i == sessions.cend()) {
i = sessions.insert(shiftedDcId, new Session(shiftedDcId));
return i.value();
bool paused() {
return _paused;
void registerRequest(mtpRequestId requestId, int32 dcWithShift) {
QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock);
requestsByDC.insert(requestId, dcWithShift);
internal::performDelayedClear(); // need to do it somewhere...
void unregisterRequest(mtpRequestId requestId) {
QWriteLocker locker(&requestMapLock);
QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock);
mtpRequestId storeRequest(mtpRequest &request, const RPCResponseHandler &parser) {
mtpRequestId res = reqid();
request->requestId = res;
if (parser.onDone || parser.onFail) {
QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock);
parserMap.insert(res, parser);
QWriteLocker locker(&requestMapLock);
requestMap.insert(res, request);
return res;
mtpRequest getRequest(mtpRequestId reqId) {
static mtpRequest zero;
mtpRequest req;
QReadLocker locker(&requestMapLock);
RequestMap::const_iterator i = requestMap.constFind(reqId);
req = (i == requestMap.cend()) ? zero : i.value();
return req;
void wrapInvokeAfter(mtpRequest &to, const mtpRequest &from, const mtpRequestMap &haveSent, int32 skipBeforeRequest) {
mtpMsgId afterId(*(mtpMsgId*)(from->after->data() + 4));
mtpRequestMap::const_iterator i = afterId ? haveSent.constFind(afterId) : haveSent.cend();
int32 size = to->size(), lenInInts = (from.innerLength() >> 2), headlen = 4, fulllen = headlen + lenInInts;
if (i == haveSent.constEnd()) { // no invoke after or such msg was not sent or was completed recently
to->resize(size + fulllen + skipBeforeRequest);
if (skipBeforeRequest) {
memcpy(to->data() + size, from->constData() + 4, headlen * sizeof(mtpPrime));
memcpy(to->data() + size + headlen + skipBeforeRequest, from->constData() + 4 + headlen, lenInInts * sizeof(mtpPrime));
} else {
memcpy(to->data() + size, from->constData() + 4, fulllen * sizeof(mtpPrime));
} else {
to->resize(size + fulllen + skipBeforeRequest + 3);
memcpy(to->data() + size, from->constData() + 4, headlen * sizeof(mtpPrime));
(*to)[size + 3] += 3 * sizeof(mtpPrime);
*((mtpTypeId*)&((*to)[size + headlen + skipBeforeRequest])) = mtpc_invokeAfterMsg;
memcpy(to->data() + size + headlen + skipBeforeRequest + 1, &afterId, 2 * sizeof(mtpPrime));
memcpy(to->data() + size + headlen + skipBeforeRequest + 3, from->constData() + 4 + headlen, lenInInts * sizeof(mtpPrime));
if (size + 3 != 7) (*to)[7] += 3 * sizeof(mtpPrime);
void clearCallbacks(mtpRequestId requestId, int32 errorCode) {
RPCResponseHandler h;
bool found = false;
QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock);
ParserMap::iterator i = parserMap.find(requestId);
if (i != parserMap.end()) {
h = i.value();
found = true;
if (errorCode && found) {
rpcErrorOccured(requestId, h, rpcClientError("CLEAR_CALLBACK", QString("did not handle request %1, error code %2").arg(requestId).arg(errorCode)));
void clearCallbacksDelayed(const RPCCallbackClears &requestIds) {
uint32 idsCount = requestIds.size();
if (!idsCount) return;
if (cDebug()) {
QString idsStr = QString("%1").arg(requestIds[0].requestId);
for (uint32 i = 1; i < idsCount; ++i) {
idsStr += QString(", %1").arg(requestIds[i].requestId);
DEBUG_LOG(("RPC Info: clear callbacks delayed, msgIds: %1").arg(idsStr));
QMutexLocker lock(&toClearLock);
uint32 toClearNow = toClear.size();
if (toClearNow) {
toClear.resize(toClearNow + idsCount);
memcpy(toClear.data() + toClearNow, requestIds.constData(), idsCount * sizeof(RPCCallbackClear));
} else {
toClear = requestIds;
void performDelayedClear() {
QMutexLocker lock(&toClearLock);
if (!toClear.isEmpty()) {
for (RPCCallbackClears::iterator i = toClear.begin(), e = toClear.end(); i != e; ++i) {
if (cDebug()) {
QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock);
if (parserMap.find(i->requestId) != parserMap.end()) {
DEBUG_LOG(("RPC Info: clearing delayed callback %1, error code %2").arg(i->requestId).arg(i->errorCode));
clearCallbacks(i->requestId, i->errorCode);
void execCallback(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) {
RPCResponseHandler h;
QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock);
ParserMap::iterator i = parserMap.find(requestId);
if (i != parserMap.cend()) {
h = i.value();
DEBUG_LOG(("RPC Info: found parser for request %1, trying to parse response...").arg(requestId));
if (h.onDone || h.onFail) {
try {
if (from >= end) throw mtpErrorInsufficient();
if (*from == mtpc_rpc_error) {
RPCError err(MTPRpcError(from, end));
DEBUG_LOG(("RPC Info: error received, code %1, type %2, description: %3").arg(err.code()).arg(err.type()).arg(err.description()));
if (!rpcErrorOccured(requestId, h, err)) {
QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock);
parserMap.insert(requestId, h);
} else {
if (h.onDone) {
// t_assert(App::app() != 0);
(*h.onDone)(requestId, from, end);
} catch (Exception &e) {
if (!rpcErrorOccured(requestId, h, rpcClientError("RESPONSE_PARSE_FAILED", QString("exception text: ") + e.what()))) {
QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock);
parserMap.insert(requestId, h);
} else {
DEBUG_LOG(("RPC Info: parser not found for %1").arg(requestId));
bool hasCallbacks(mtpRequestId requestId) {
QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock);
ParserMap::iterator i = parserMap.find(requestId);
return (i != parserMap.cend());
void globalCallback(const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) {
if (globalHandler.onDone) (*globalHandler.onDone)(0, from, end); // some updates were received
void onStateChange(int32 dcWithShift, int32 state) {
if (stateChangedHandler) stateChangedHandler(dcWithShift, state);
void onSessionReset(int32 dcWithShift) {
if (sessionResetHandler) sessionResetHandler(dcWithShift);
bool rpcErrorOccured(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCFailHandlerPtr &onFail, const RPCError &err) { // return true if need to clean request data
if (isDefaultHandledError(err)) {
if (onFail && (*onFail)(requestId, err)) return true;
if (onErrorDefault(requestId, err)) {
return false;
LOG(("RPC Error: request %1 got fail with code %2, error %3%4").arg(requestId).arg(err.code()).arg(err.type()).arg(err.description().isEmpty() ? QString() : QString(": %1").arg(err.description())));
onFail && (*onFail)(requestId, err);
return true;
GlobalSlotCarrier::GlobalSlotCarrier() {
connect(&_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkDelayed()));
void GlobalSlotCarrier::checkDelayed() {
uint64 now = getms(true);
while (!delayedRequests.isEmpty() && now >= delayedRequests.front().second) {
mtpRequestId requestId = delayedRequests.front().first;
int32 dcWithShift = 0;
QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock);
RequestsByDC::const_iterator i = requestsByDC.constFind(requestId);
if (i != requestsByDC.cend()) {
dcWithShift = i.value();
} else {
LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request dc for delayed resend, requestId %1").arg(requestId));
mtpRequest req;
QReadLocker locker(&requestMapLock);
RequestMap::const_iterator j = requestMap.constFind(requestId);
if (j == requestMap.cend()) {
DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1").arg(requestId));
req = j.value();
if (Session *session = getSession(qAbs(dcWithShift))) {
if (!delayedRequests.isEmpty()) {
_timer.start(delayedRequests.front().second - now);
void GlobalSlotCarrier::connectionFinished(Connection *connection) {
MTPQuittingConnections::iterator i = quittingConnections.find(connection);
if (i != quittingConnections.cend()) {
delete connection;
GlobalSlotCarrier *globalSlotCarrier() {
return _globalSlotCarrier;
void queueQuittingConnection(Connection *connection) {
} // namespace internal
void start() {
if (started()) return;
internal::DcenterMap &dcs(internal::DCMap());
_globalSlotCarrier = new internal::GlobalSlotCarrier();
mainSession = new internal::Session(internal::mainDC());
sessions.insert(mainSession->getDcWithShift(), mainSession);
_started = true;
if (internal::configNeeded()) {
bool started() {
return _started;
void restart() {
if (!_started) return;
for (auto i = sessions.cbegin(), e = sessions.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
void restart(int32 dcMask) {
if (!_started) return;
dcMask = bareDcId(dcMask);
for (Sessions::const_iterator i = sessions.cbegin(), e = sessions.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (bareDcId(i.value()->getDcWithShift()) == dcMask) {
void pause() {
if (!_started) return;
_paused = true;
void unpause() {
if (!_started) return;
_paused = false;
for (Sessions::const_iterator i = sessions.cbegin(), e = sessions.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
void configure(int32 dc, int32 user) {
if (_started) return;
void setdc(int32 dc, bool fromZeroOnly) {
if (!dc || !_started) return;
internal::setDC(dc, fromZeroOnly);
int32 oldMainDc = mainSession->getDcWithShift();
if (maindc() != oldMainDc) {
int32 maindc() {
return internal::mainDC();
int32 dcstate(int32 dc) {
if (!_started) return 0;
if (!dc) return mainSession->getState();
if (!bareDcId(dc)) {
dc += bareDcId(mainSession->getDcWithShift());
Sessions::const_iterator i = sessions.constFind(dc);
if (i != sessions.cend()) return i.value()->getState();
return DisconnectedState;
QString dctransport(int32 dc) {
if (!_started) return QString();
if (!dc) return mainSession->transport();
if (!bareDcId(dc)) {
dc += bareDcId(mainSession->getDcWithShift());
Sessions::const_iterator i = sessions.constFind(dc);
if (i != sessions.cend()) return i.value()->transport();
return QString();
void ping() {
if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(0)) {
void cancel(mtpRequestId requestId) {
if (!_started) return;
mtpMsgId msgId = 0;
QWriteLocker locker(&requestMapLock);
RequestMap::iterator i = requestMap.find(requestId);
if (i != requestMap.end()) {
msgId = *(mtpMsgId*)(i.value()->constData() + 4);
QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock);
RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(requestId);
if (i != requestsByDC.end()) {
if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(qAbs(i.value()))) {
session->cancel(requestId, msgId);
void killSession(int32 dc) {
Sessions::iterator i = sessions.find(dc);
if (i != sessions.cend()) {
bool wasMain = (i.value() == mainSession);
if (wasMain) {
mainSession = new internal::Session(internal::mainDC());
int32 newdc = mainSession->getDcWithShift();
i = sessions.find(newdc);
if (i != sessions.cend()) {
sessions.insert(newdc, mainSession);
void stopSession(int32 dc) {
Sessions::iterator i = sessions.find(dc);
if (i != sessions.end()) {
if (i.value() != mainSession) { // don't stop main session
int32 state(mtpRequestId requestId) {
if (requestId > 0) {
QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock);
RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(requestId);
if (i != requestsByDC.end()) {
if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(qAbs(i.value()))) {
return session->requestState(requestId);
return MTP::RequestConnecting;
return MTP::RequestSent;
if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(-requestId)) {
return session->requestState(0);
return MTP::RequestConnecting;
void finish() {
for (Sessions::iterator i = sessions.begin(), e = sessions.end(); i != e; ++i) {
delete i.value();
mainSession = nullptr;
for_const (internal::Connection *connection, quittingConnections) {
delete connection;
delete _globalSlotCarrier;
_globalSlotCarrier = nullptr;
_started = false;
void authed(int32 uid) {
int32 authedId() {
return internal::authed();
void logoutKeys(RPCDoneHandlerPtr onDone, RPCFailHandlerPtr onFail) {
mtpRequestId req = MTP::send(MTPauth_LogOut(), onDone, onFail);
void setGlobalDoneHandler(RPCDoneHandlerPtr handler) {
globalHandler.onDone = handler;
void setGlobalFailHandler(RPCFailHandlerPtr handler) {
globalHandler.onFail = handler;
void setStateChangedHandler(MTPStateChangedHandler handler) {
stateChangedHandler = handler;
void setSessionResetHandler(MTPSessionResetHandler handler) {
sessionResetHandler = handler;
void clearGlobalHandlers() {
void updateDcOptions(const QVector<MTPDcOption> &options) {
AuthKeysMap getKeys() {
return internal::getAuthKeys();
void setKey(int32 dc, AuthKeyPtr key) {
return internal::setAuthKey(dc, key);
QReadWriteLock *dcOptionsMutex() {
return internal::dcOptionsMutex();
} // namespace MTP