John Preston f2801d4775 Fix possible crash in file download after error.
Regression was introduced in 2fa2fa41c5.

In file download failed handler we suggest to try to load the file
once again to the same location. After some changes we started to
forget filename before failed handler. That resulted in large files
loading to memory instead of hard drive.

Add a precondition in FileLoader to prevent such bugs in the future.
2017-08-30 19:15:34 +03:00

608 lines
20 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston,
#include "media/media_clip_ffmpeg.h"
#include "media/media_audio.h"
#include "media/media_child_ffmpeg_loader.h"
#include "storage/file_download.h"
namespace Media {
namespace Clip {
namespace internal {
namespace {
constexpr int kSkipInvalidDataPackets = 10;
constexpr int kAlignImageBy = 16;
void alignedImageBufferCleanupHandler(void *data) {
auto buffer = static_cast<uchar*>(data);
delete[] buffer;
// Create a QImage of desired size where all the data is aligned to 16 bytes.
QImage createAlignedImage(QSize size) {
auto width = size.width();
auto height = size.height();
auto widthalign = kAlignImageBy / 4;
auto neededwidth = width + ((width % widthalign) ? (widthalign - (width % widthalign)) : 0);
auto bytesperline = neededwidth * 4;
auto buffer = new uchar[bytesperline * height + kAlignImageBy];
auto cleanupdata = static_cast<void*>(buffer);
auto bufferval = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buffer);
auto alignedbuffer = buffer + ((bufferval % kAlignImageBy) ? (kAlignImageBy - (bufferval % kAlignImageBy)) : 0);
return QImage(alignedbuffer, width, height, bytesperline, QImage::Format_ARGB32, alignedImageBufferCleanupHandler, cleanupdata);
bool isAlignedImage(const QImage &image) {
return !(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(image.constBits()) % kAlignImageBy) && !(image.bytesPerLine() % kAlignImageBy);
} // namespace
FFMpegReaderImplementation::FFMpegReaderImplementation(FileLocation *location, QByteArray *data, const AudioMsgId &audio) : ReaderImplementation(location, data)
, _audioMsgId(audio) {
_frame = av_frame_alloc();
av_init_packet(&_packetNull); = nullptr;
_packetNull.size = 0;
ReaderImplementation::ReadResult FFMpegReaderImplementation::readNextFrame() {
if (_frameRead) {
_frameRead = false;
do {
int res = avcodec_receive_frame(_codecContext, _frame);
if (res >= 0) {
return ReadResult::Success;
if (res == AVERROR_EOF) {
if (_mode == Mode::Normal) {
return ReadResult::EndOfFile;
if (!_hadFrame) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Got EOF before a single frame was read!"));
return ReadResult::Error;
if ((res = avformat_seek_file(_fmtContext, _streamId, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(), 0, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(), 0)) < 0) {
if ((res = av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE)) < 0) {
if ((res = av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME)) < 0) {
if ((res = av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, 0, 0)) < 0) {
char err[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 };
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to av_seek_frame() to the start %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return ReadResult::Error;
_hadFrame = false;
_frameMs = 0;
_lastReadVideoMs = _lastReadAudioMs = 0;
_skippedInvalidDataPackets = 0;
} else if (res != AVERROR(EAGAIN)) {
char err[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 };
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avcodec_receive_frame() %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return ReadResult::Error;
while (_packetQueue.isEmpty()) {
auto packetResult = readAndProcessPacket();
if (packetResult == PacketResult::Error) {
return ReadResult::Error;
} else if (packetResult == PacketResult::EndOfFile) {
if (_packetQueue.isEmpty()) {
avcodec_send_packet(_codecContext, nullptr); // drain
AVPacket packet;
FFMpeg::packetFromDataWrap(packet, _packetQueue.head());
res = avcodec_send_packet(_codecContext, &packet);
if (res < 0) {
char err[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 };
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avcodec_send_packet() %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
if (++_skippedInvalidDataPackets < kSkipInvalidDataPackets) {
continue; // try to skip bad packet
return ReadResult::Error;
} while (true);
return ReadResult::Error;
void FFMpegReaderImplementation::processReadFrame() {
int64 duration = av_frame_get_pkt_duration(_frame);
int64 framePts = _frame->pts;
TimeMs frameMs = (framePts * 1000LL * _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.num) / _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.den;
_currentFrameDelay = _nextFrameDelay;
if (_frameMs + _currentFrameDelay < frameMs) {
_currentFrameDelay = int32(frameMs - _frameMs);
} else if (frameMs < _frameMs + _currentFrameDelay) {
frameMs = _frameMs + _currentFrameDelay;
if (duration == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
_nextFrameDelay = 0;
} else {
_nextFrameDelay = (duration * 1000LL * _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.num) / _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.den;
_frameMs = frameMs;
_hadFrame = _frameRead = true;
_frameTime += _currentFrameDelay;
ReaderImplementation::ReadResult FFMpegReaderImplementation::readFramesTill(TimeMs frameMs, TimeMs systemMs) {
if (_audioStreamId < 0) { // just keep up
if (_frameRead && _frameTime > frameMs) {
return ReadResult::Success;
auto readResult = readNextFrame();
if (readResult != ReadResult::Success || _frameTime > frameMs) {
return readResult;
readResult = readNextFrame();
if (_frameTime <= frameMs) {
_frameTime = frameMs + 5; // keep up
return readResult;
// sync by audio stream
auto correctMs = (frameMs >= 0) ? Player::mixer()->getVideoCorrectedTime(_audioMsgId, frameMs, systemMs) : frameMs;
if (!_frameRead) {
auto readResult = readNextFrame();
if (readResult != ReadResult::Success) {
return readResult;
while (_frameTime <= correctMs) {
auto readResult = readNextFrame();
if (readResult != ReadResult::Success) {
return readResult;
if (frameMs >= 0) {
_frameTimeCorrection = frameMs - correctMs;
return ReadResult::Success;
TimeMs FFMpegReaderImplementation::frameRealTime() const {
return _frameMs;
TimeMs FFMpegReaderImplementation::framePresentationTime() const {
return qMax(_frameTime + _frameTimeCorrection, 0LL);
TimeMs FFMpegReaderImplementation::durationMs() const {
if (_fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->duration == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) return 0;
return (_fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->duration * 1000LL * _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.num) / _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.den;
bool FFMpegReaderImplementation::renderFrame(QImage &to, bool &hasAlpha, const QSize &size) {
_frameRead = false;
if (!_width || !_height) {
_width = _frame->width;
_height = _frame->height;
if (!_width || !_height) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Bad frame size %1").arg(logData()));
return false;
QSize toSize(size.isEmpty() ? QSize(_width, _height) : size);
if (!size.isEmpty() && rotationSwapWidthHeight()) {
if (to.isNull() || to.size() != toSize || !to.isDetached() || !isAlignedImage(to)) {
to = createAlignedImage(toSize);
hasAlpha = (_frame->format == AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA || (_frame->format == -1 && _codecContext->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA));
if (_frame->width == toSize.width() && _frame->height == toSize.height() && hasAlpha) {
int32 sbpl = _frame->linesize[0], dbpl = to.bytesPerLine(), bpl = qMin(sbpl, dbpl);
uchar *s = _frame->data[0], *d = to.bits();
for (int32 i = 0, l = _frame->height; i < l; ++i) {
memcpy(d + i * dbpl, s + i * sbpl, bpl);
} else {
if ((_swsSize != toSize) || (_frame->format != -1 && _frame->format != _codecContext->pix_fmt) || !_swsContext) {
_swsSize = toSize;
_swsContext = sws_getCachedContext(_swsContext, _frame->width, _frame->height, AVPixelFormat(_frame->format), toSize.width(), toSize.height(), AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS defined in AVFrame struct
uint8_t *toData[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { to.bits(), nullptr };
int toLinesize[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { to.bytesPerLine(), 0 };
int res;
if ((res = sws_scale(_swsContext, _frame->data, _frame->linesize, 0, _frame->height, toData, toLinesize)) != _swsSize.height()) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to sws_scale to good size %1, height %2, should be %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(_swsSize.height()));
return false;
if (_rotation != Rotation::None) {
QTransform rotationTransform;
switch (_rotation) {
case Rotation::Degrees90: rotationTransform.rotate(90); break;
case Rotation::Degrees180: rotationTransform.rotate(180); break;
case Rotation::Degrees270: rotationTransform.rotate(270); break;
to = to.transformed(rotationTransform);
// Read some future packets for audio stream.
if (_audioStreamId >= 0) {
while (_frameMs + 5000 > _lastReadAudioMs
&& _frameMs + 15000 > _lastReadVideoMs) {
auto packetResult = readAndProcessPacket();
if (packetResult != PacketResult::Ok) {
return true;
FFMpegReaderImplementation::Rotation FFMpegReaderImplementation::rotationFromDegrees(int degrees) const {
switch (degrees) {
case 90: return Rotation::Degrees90;
case 180: return Rotation::Degrees180;
case 270: return Rotation::Degrees270;
return Rotation::None;
bool FFMpegReaderImplementation::start(Mode mode, TimeMs &positionMs) {
_mode = mode;
if (!_device->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to open device %1").arg(logData()));
return false;
_ioBuffer = (uchar*)av_malloc(AVBlockSize);
_ioContext = avio_alloc_context(_ioBuffer, AVBlockSize, 0, static_cast<void*>(this), &FFMpegReaderImplementation::_read, 0, &FFMpegReaderImplementation::_seek);
_fmtContext = avformat_alloc_context();
if (!_fmtContext) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avformat_alloc_context %1").arg(logData()));
return false;
_fmtContext->pb = _ioContext;
int res = 0;
char err[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 };
if ((res = avformat_open_input(&_fmtContext, 0, 0, 0)) < 0) {
_ioBuffer = 0;
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avformat_open_input %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return false;
_opened = true;
if ((res = avformat_find_stream_info(_fmtContext, 0)) < 0) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avformat_find_stream_info %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return false;
_streamId = av_find_best_stream(_fmtContext, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, 0, 0);
if (_streamId < 0) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to av_find_best_stream %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(_streamId).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), _streamId)));
return false;
_packetNull.stream_index = _streamId;
auto rotateTag = av_dict_get(_fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->metadata, "rotate", NULL, 0);
if (rotateTag && *rotateTag->value) {
auto stringRotateTag = QString::fromUtf8(rotateTag->value);
auto toIntSucceeded = false;
auto rotateDegrees = stringRotateTag.toInt(&toIntSucceeded);
if (toIntSucceeded) {
_rotation = rotationFromDegrees(rotateDegrees);
_codecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(nullptr);
if (!_codecContext) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avcodec_alloc_context3 %1").arg(logData()));
return false;
if ((res = avcodec_parameters_to_context(_codecContext, _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->codecpar)) < 0) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avcodec_parameters_to_context %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return false;
av_codec_set_pkt_timebase(_codecContext, _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base);
av_opt_set_int(_codecContext, "refcounted_frames", 1, 0);
_codec = avcodec_find_decoder(_codecContext->codec_id);
_audioStreamId = av_find_best_stream(_fmtContext, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, 0, 0);
if (_mode == Mode::Inspecting) {
_hasAudioStream = (_audioStreamId >= 0);
_audioStreamId = -1;
} else if (_mode == Mode::Silent || !_audioMsgId.playId()) {
_audioStreamId = -1;
if ((res = avcodec_open2(_codecContext, _codec, 0)) < 0) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avcodec_open2 %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return false;
std::unique_ptr<VideoSoundData> soundData;
if (_audioStreamId >= 0) {
auto audioContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(nullptr);
if (!audioContext) {
LOG(("Audio Error: Unable to avcodec_alloc_context3 %1").arg(logData()));
return false;
if ((res = avcodec_parameters_to_context(audioContext, _fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->codecpar)) < 0) {
LOG(("Audio Error: Unable to avcodec_parameters_to_context %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return false;
av_codec_set_pkt_timebase(audioContext, _fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->time_base);
av_opt_set_int(audioContext, "refcounted_frames", 1, 0);
auto audioCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(audioContext->codec_id);
if ((res = avcodec_open2(audioContext, audioCodec, 0)) < 0) {
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to avcodec_open2 %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
_audioStreamId = -1;
} else {
soundData = std::make_unique<VideoSoundData>();
soundData->context = audioContext;
soundData->frequency = _fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->codecpar->sample_rate;
if (_fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->duration == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
soundData->length = (_fmtContext->duration * soundData->frequency) / AV_TIME_BASE;
} else {
soundData->length = (_fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->duration * soundData->frequency * _fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->time_base.num) / _fmtContext->streams[_audioStreamId]->time_base.den;
if (positionMs > 0) {
auto ts = (positionMs * _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.den) / (1000LL * _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.num);
if (av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, ts, 0) < 0) {
if (av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, ts, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD) < 0) {
return false;
AVPacket packet;
auto readResult = readPacket(&packet);
if (readResult == PacketResult::Ok && positionMs > 0) {
positionMs = countPacketMs(&packet);
if (hasAudio()) {
auto position = (positionMs * soundData->frequency) / 1000LL;
Player::mixer()->play(_audioMsgId, std::move(soundData), position);
if (readResult == PacketResult::Ok) {
return true;
bool FFMpegReaderImplementation::inspectAt(TimeMs &positionMs) {
if (positionMs > 0) {
auto ts = (positionMs * _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.den) / (1000LL * _fmtContext->streams[_streamId]->time_base.num);
if (av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, ts, 0) < 0) {
if (av_seek_frame(_fmtContext, _streamId, ts, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD) < 0) {
return false;
AVPacket packet;
auto readResult = readPacket(&packet);
if (readResult == PacketResult::Ok && positionMs > 0) {
positionMs = countPacketMs(&packet);
if (readResult == PacketResult::Ok) {
return true;
bool FFMpegReaderImplementation::isGifv() const {
if (_hasAudioStream) {
return false;
if (dataSize() > Storage::kMaxAnimationInMemory) {
return false;
if (_codecContext->codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_H264) {
return false;
return true;
QString FFMpegReaderImplementation::logData() const {
return qsl("for file '%1', data size '%2'").arg(_location ? _location->name() : QString()).arg(_data->size());
FFMpegReaderImplementation::~FFMpegReaderImplementation() {
if (_frameRead) {
_frameRead = false;
if (_codecContext) avcodec_free_context(&_codecContext);
if (_swsContext) sws_freeContext(_swsContext);
if (_opened) {
if (_ioContext) {
} else if (_ioBuffer) {
if (_fmtContext) avformat_free_context(_fmtContext);
FFMpegReaderImplementation::PacketResult FFMpegReaderImplementation::readPacket(AVPacket *packet) {
packet->data = nullptr;
packet->size = 0;
int res = 0;
if ((res = av_read_frame(_fmtContext, packet)) < 0) {
if (res == AVERROR_EOF) {
if (_audioStreamId >= 0) {
// queue terminating packet to audio player
VideoSoundPart part;
part.packet = &_packetNull; = _audioMsgId;
return PacketResult::EndOfFile;
char err[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 };
LOG(("Gif Error: Unable to av_read_frame() %1, error %2, %3").arg(logData()).arg(res).arg(av_make_error_string(err, sizeof(err), res)));
return PacketResult::Error;
return PacketResult::Ok;
void FFMpegReaderImplementation::processPacket(AVPacket *packet) {
auto videoPacket = (packet->stream_index == _streamId);
auto audioPacket = (_audioStreamId >= 0 && packet->stream_index == _audioStreamId);
if (audioPacket || videoPacket) {
if (videoPacket) {
_lastReadVideoMs = countPacketMs(packet);
} else if (audioPacket) {
_lastReadAudioMs = countPacketMs(packet);
// queue packet to audio player
VideoSoundPart part;
part.packet = packet; = _audioMsgId;
} else {
TimeMs FFMpegReaderImplementation::countPacketMs(AVPacket *packet) const {
int64 packetPts = (packet->pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) ? packet->dts : packet->pts;
TimeMs packetMs = (packetPts * 1000LL * _fmtContext->streams[packet->stream_index]->time_base.num) / _fmtContext->streams[packet->stream_index]->time_base.den;
return packetMs;
FFMpegReaderImplementation::PacketResult FFMpegReaderImplementation::readAndProcessPacket() {
AVPacket packet;
auto result = readPacket(&packet);
if (result == PacketResult::Ok) {
return result;
void FFMpegReaderImplementation::startPacket() {
if (!_packetStarted && !_packetQueue.isEmpty()) {
AVPacket packet;
FFMpeg::packetFromDataWrap(packet, _packetQueue.head());
_packetStartedSize = packet.size;
_packetStartedData =;
_packetStarted = true;
void FFMpegReaderImplementation::finishPacket() {
if (_packetStarted) {
AVPacket packet;
FFMpeg::packetFromDataWrap(packet, _packetQueue.head());
packet.size = _packetStartedSize; = _packetStartedData;
_packetStarted = false;
void FFMpegReaderImplementation::clearPacketQueue() {
auto packets = base::take(_packetQueue);
for (auto &packetData : packets) {
AVPacket packet;
FFMpeg::packetFromDataWrap(packet, packetData);
int FFMpegReaderImplementation::_read(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) {
FFMpegReaderImplementation *l = reinterpret_cast<FFMpegReaderImplementation*>(opaque);
return int(l->_device->read((char*)(buf), buf_size));
int64_t FFMpegReaderImplementation::_seek(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence) {
FFMpegReaderImplementation *l = reinterpret_cast<FFMpegReaderImplementation*>(opaque);
switch (whence) {
case SEEK_SET: return l->_device->seek(offset) ? l->_device->pos() : -1;
case SEEK_CUR: return l->_device->seek(l->_device->pos() + offset) ? l->_device->pos() : -1;
case SEEK_END: return l->_device->seek(l->_device->size() + offset) ? l->_device->pos() : -1;
// Special whence for determining filesize without any seek.
return l->_dataSize;
} break;
return -1;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace Clip
} // namespace Media