mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 12:36:39 -04:00
1179 lines
35 KiB
1179 lines
35 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "data/data_document.h"
#include "data/data_session.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
#include "inline_bots/inline_bot_layout_item.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "core/file_utilities.h"
#include "media/media_audio.h"
#include "storage/localstorage.h"
#include "platform/platform_specific.h"
#include "history/history.h"
#include "history/history_item.h"
#include "history/history_media_types.h"
#include "window/window_controller.h"
#include "auth_session.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "messenger.h"
namespace {
QString JoinStringList(const QStringList &list, const QString &separator) {
const auto count = list.size();
if (!count) {
return QString();
auto result = QString();
auto fullsize = separator.size() * (count - 1);
for (const auto &string : list) {
fullsize += string.size();
for (auto i = 1; i != count; ++i) {
return result;
} // namespace
bool fileIsImage(const QString &name, const QString &mime) {
QString lowermime = mime.toLower(), namelower = name.toLower();
if (lowermime.startsWith(qstr("image/"))) {
return true;
} else if (namelower.endsWith(qstr(".bmp"))
|| namelower.endsWith(qstr(".jpg"))
|| namelower.endsWith(qstr(".jpeg"))
|| namelower.endsWith(qstr(".gif"))
|| namelower.endsWith(qstr(".webp"))
|| namelower.endsWith(qstr(".tga"))
|| namelower.endsWith(qstr(".tiff"))
|| namelower.endsWith(qstr(".tif"))
|| namelower.endsWith(qstr(".psd"))
|| namelower.endsWith(qstr(".png"))) {
return true;
return false;
QString FileNameUnsafe(
const QString &title,
const QString &filter,
const QString &prefix,
QString name,
bool savingAs,
const QDir &dir) {
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
name = name.replace(QRegularExpression(qsl("[\\\\\\/\\:\\*\\?\\\"\\<\\>\\|]")), qsl("_"));
#elif defined Q_OS_MAC
name = name.replace(QRegularExpression(qsl("[\\:]")), qsl("_"));
#elif defined Q_OS_LINUX
name = name.replace(QRegularExpression(qsl("[\\/]")), qsl("_"));
if (Global::AskDownloadPath() || savingAs) {
if (!name.isEmpty() && name.at(0) == QChar::fromLatin1('.')) {
name = filedialogDefaultName(prefix, name);
} else if (dir.path() != qsl(".")) {
QString path = dir.absolutePath();
if (path != cDialogLastPath()) {
// check if extension of filename is present in filter
// it should be in first filter section on the first place
// place it there, if it is not
QString ext = QFileInfo(name).suffix(), fil = filter, sep = qsl(";;");
if (!ext.isEmpty()) {
if (QRegularExpression(qsl("^[a-zA-Z_0-9]+$")).match(ext).hasMatch()) {
QStringList filters = filter.split(sep);
if (filters.size() > 1) {
QString first = filters.at(0);
int32 start = first.indexOf(qsl("(*."));
if (start >= 0) {
if (!QRegularExpression(qsl("\\(\\*\\.") + ext + qsl("[\\)\\s]"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(first).hasMatch()) {
QRegularExpressionMatch m = QRegularExpression(qsl(" \\*\\.") + ext + qsl("[\\)\\s]"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(first);
if (m.hasMatch() && m.capturedStart() > start + 3) {
int32 oldpos = m.capturedStart(), oldend = m.capturedEnd();
fil = first.mid(0, start + 3) + ext + qsl(" *.") + first.mid(start + 3, oldpos - start - 3) + first.mid(oldend - 1) + sep + JoinStringList(filters.mid(1), sep);
} else {
fil = first.mid(0, start + 3) + ext + qsl(" *.") + first.mid(start + 3) + sep + JoinStringList(filters.mid(1), sep);
} else {
fil = QString();
} else {
fil = QString();
} else {
fil = QString();
return filedialogGetSaveFile(name, title, fil, name) ? name : QString();
QString path;
if (Global::DownloadPath().isEmpty()) {
path = psDownloadPath();
} else if (Global::DownloadPath() == qsl("tmp")) {
path = cTempDir();
} else {
path = Global::DownloadPath();
if (name.isEmpty()) name = qsl(".unknown");
if (name.at(0) == QChar::fromLatin1('.')) {
if (!QDir().exists(path)) QDir().mkpath(path);
return filedialogDefaultName(prefix, name, path);
if (dir.path() != qsl(".")) {
path = dir.absolutePath() + '/';
QString nameStart, extension;
int32 extPos = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (extPos >= 0) {
nameStart = name.mid(0, extPos);
extension = name.mid(extPos);
} else {
nameStart = name;
QString nameBase = path + nameStart;
name = nameBase + extension;
for (int i = 0; QFileInfo(name).exists(); ++i) {
name = nameBase + QString(" (%1)").arg(i + 2) + extension;
if (!QDir().exists(path)) QDir().mkpath(path);
return name;
QString FileNameForSave(
const QString &title,
const QString &filter,
const QString &prefix,
QString name,
bool savingAs,
const QDir &dir) {
const auto result = FileNameUnsafe(
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
const auto lower = result.trimmed().toLower();
const auto kBadExtensions = { qstr(".lnk"), qstr(".scf") };
const auto kMaskExtension = qsl(".download");
for (const auto extension : kBadExtensions) {
if (lower.endsWith(extension)) {
return result + kMaskExtension;
#endif // Q_OS_WIN
return result;
QString documentSaveFilename(const DocumentData *data, bool forceSavingAs = false, const QString already = QString(), const QDir &dir = QDir()) {
auto alreadySavingFilename = data->loadingFilePath();
if (!alreadySavingFilename.isEmpty()) {
return alreadySavingFilename;
QString name, filter, caption, prefix;
MimeType mimeType = mimeTypeForName(data->mimeString());
QStringList p = mimeType.globPatterns();
QString pattern = p.isEmpty() ? QString() : p.front();
if (data->isVoiceMessage()) {
auto mp3 = data->hasMimeType(qstr("audio/mp3"));
name = already.isEmpty() ? (mp3 ? qsl(".mp3") : qsl(".ogg")) : already;
filter = mp3 ? qsl("MP3 Audio (*.mp3);;") : qsl("OGG Opus Audio (*.ogg);;");
filter += FileDialog::AllFilesFilter();
caption = lang(lng_save_audio);
prefix = qsl("audio");
} else if (data->isVideoFile()) {
name = already.isEmpty() ? data->filename() : already;
if (name.isEmpty()) {
name = pattern.isEmpty() ? qsl(".mov") : pattern.replace('*', QString());
if (pattern.isEmpty()) {
filter = qsl("MOV Video (*.mov);;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter();
} else {
filter = mimeType.filterString() + qsl(";;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter();
caption = lang(lng_save_video);
prefix = qsl("video");
} else {
name = already.isEmpty() ? data->filename() : already;
if (name.isEmpty()) {
name = pattern.isEmpty() ? qsl(".unknown") : pattern.replace('*', QString());
if (pattern.isEmpty()) {
filter = QString();
} else {
filter = mimeType.filterString() + qsl(";;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter();
caption = lang(data->isAudioFile() ? lng_save_audio_file : lng_save_file);
prefix = qsl("doc");
return FileNameForSave(caption, filter, prefix, name, forceSavingAs, dir);
void DocumentOpenClickHandler::doOpen(
not_null<DocumentData*> data,
HistoryItem *context,
ActionOnLoad action) {
if (!data->date) return;
auto msgId = context ? context->fullId() : FullMsgId();
bool playVoice = data->isVoiceMessage();
bool playMusic = data->isAudioFile();
bool playVideo = data->isVideoFile();
bool playAnimation = data->isAnimation();
auto &location = data->location(true);
if (data->isTheme()) {
if (!location.isEmpty() && location.accessEnable()) {
Messenger::Instance().showDocument(data, context);
if (!location.isEmpty() || (!data->data().isEmpty() && (playVoice || playMusic || playVideo || playAnimation))) {
using State = Media::Player::State;
if (playVoice) {
auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice);
if (state.id == AudioMsgId(data, msgId) && !Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) {
if (Media::Player::IsPaused(state.state) || state.state == State::Pausing) {
} else {
} else {
auto audio = AudioMsgId(data, msgId);
} else if (playMusic) {
auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(AudioMsgId::Type::Song);
if (state.id == AudioMsgId(data, msgId) && !Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) {
if (Media::Player::IsPaused(state.state) || state.state == State::Pausing) {
} else {
} else {
auto song = AudioMsgId(data, msgId);
} else if (playVideo) {
if (!data->data().isEmpty()) {
Messenger::Instance().showDocument(data, context);
} else if (location.accessEnable()) {
Messenger::Instance().showDocument(data, context);
} else {
auto filepath = location.name();
if (documentIsValidMediaFile(filepath)) {
} else if (data->isVoiceMessage() || data->isAudioFile() || data->isVideoFile()) {
auto filepath = location.name();
if (documentIsValidMediaFile(filepath)) {
} else if (data->size < App::kImageSizeLimit) {
if (!data->data().isEmpty() && playAnimation) {
if (action == ActionOnLoadPlayInline && context) {
} else {
Messenger::Instance().showDocument(data, context);
} else if (location.accessEnable()) {
if (playAnimation || QImageReader(location.name()).canRead()) {
if (playAnimation && action == ActionOnLoadPlayInline && context) {
} else {
Messenger::Instance().showDocument(data, context);
} else {
} else {
} else {
if (data->status != FileReady) return;
QString filename;
if (!data->saveToCache()) {
filename = documentSaveFilename(data);
if (filename.isEmpty()) return;
data->save(filename, action, msgId);
void DocumentOpenClickHandler::onClickImpl() const {
const auto data = document();
const auto action = data->isVoiceMessage()
? ActionOnLoadNone
: ActionOnLoadOpen;
doOpen(data, getActionItem(), action);
void GifOpenClickHandler::onClickImpl() const {
doOpen(document(), getActionItem(), ActionOnLoadPlayInline);
void DocumentSaveClickHandler::doSave(
not_null<DocumentData*> data,
bool forceSavingAs) {
if (!data->date) return;
auto filepath = data->filepath(
if (!filepath.isEmpty() && !forceSavingAs) {
File::OpenWith(filepath, QCursor::pos());
} else {
auto fileinfo = QFileInfo(filepath);
auto filedir = filepath.isEmpty() ? QDir() : fileinfo.dir();
auto filename = filepath.isEmpty() ? QString() : fileinfo.fileName();
auto newfname = documentSaveFilename(data, forceSavingAs, filename, filedir);
if (!newfname.isEmpty()) {
data->save(newfname, ActionOnLoadNone, FullMsgId());
void DocumentSaveClickHandler::onClickImpl() const {
void DocumentCancelClickHandler::onClickImpl() const {
const auto data = document();
if (!data->date) return;
if (data->uploading()) {
if (const auto item = App::histItemById(context())) {
} else {
VoiceData::~VoiceData() {
if (!waveform.isEmpty()
&& waveform[0] == -1
&& waveform.size() > int32(sizeof(TaskId))) {
TaskId taskId = 0;
memcpy(&taskId, waveform.constData() + 1, sizeof(taskId));
DocumentData::DocumentData(DocumentId id, not_null<AuthSession*> session)
: id(id)
, _session(session) {
not_null<AuthSession*> DocumentData::session() const {
return _session;
void DocumentData::setattributes(const QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> &attributes) {
for (int32 i = 0, l = attributes.size(); i < l; ++i) {
switch (attributes[i].type()) {
case mtpc_documentAttributeImageSize: {
auto &d = attributes[i].c_documentAttributeImageSize();
dimensions = QSize(d.vw.v, d.vh.v);
} break;
case mtpc_documentAttributeAnimated: if (type == FileDocument || type == StickerDocument || type == VideoDocument) {
type = AnimatedDocument;
_additional = nullptr;
} break;
case mtpc_documentAttributeSticker: {
auto &d = attributes[i].c_documentAttributeSticker();
if (type == FileDocument) {
type = StickerDocument;
_additional = std::make_unique<StickerData>();
if (sticker()) {
sticker()->alt = qs(d.valt);
if (sticker()->set.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetID || d.vstickerset.type() == mtpc_inputStickerSetID) {
sticker()->set = d.vstickerset;
} break;
case mtpc_documentAttributeVideo: {
auto &d = attributes[i].c_documentAttributeVideo();
if (type == FileDocument) {
type = d.is_round_message() ? RoundVideoDocument : VideoDocument;
_duration = d.vduration.v;
dimensions = QSize(d.vw.v, d.vh.v);
} break;
case mtpc_documentAttributeAudio: {
auto &d = attributes[i].c_documentAttributeAudio();
if (type == FileDocument) {
if (d.is_voice()) {
type = VoiceDocument;
_additional = std::make_unique<VoiceData>();
} else {
type = SongDocument;
_additional = std::make_unique<SongData>();
if (const auto voiceData = voice()) {
voiceData->duration = d.vduration.v;
VoiceWaveform waveform = documentWaveformDecode(qba(d.vwaveform));
uchar wavemax = 0;
for (int32 i = 0, l = waveform.size(); i < l; ++i) {
uchar waveat = waveform.at(i);
if (wavemax < waveat) wavemax = waveat;
voiceData->waveform = waveform;
voiceData->wavemax = wavemax;
} else if (const auto songData = song()) {
songData->duration = d.vduration.v;
songData->title = qs(d.vtitle);
songData->performer = qs(d.vperformer);
} break;
case mtpc_documentAttributeFilename: {
const auto &attribute = attributes[i];
_filename = qs(
// We don't want LTR/RTL mark/embedding/override/isolate chars
// in filenames, because they introduce a security issue, when
// an executable "Fil[x]gepj.exe" may look like "Filexe.jpeg".
QChar controls[] = {
0x200E, // LTR Mark
0x200F, // RTL Mark
0x202A, // LTR Embedding
0x202B, // RTL Embedding
0x202D, // LTR Override
0x202E, // RTL Override
0x2066, // LTR Isolate
0x2067, // RTL Isolate
for (const auto ch : controls) {
_filename = std::move(_filename).replace(ch, "_");
} break;
if (type == StickerDocument) {
if (dimensions.width() <= 0
|| dimensions.height() <= 0
|| dimensions.width() > StickerMaxSize
|| dimensions.height() > StickerMaxSize
|| !saveToCache()) {
type = FileDocument;
_additional = nullptr;
bool DocumentData::saveToCache() const {
return (type == StickerDocument && size < Storage::kMaxStickerInMemory)
|| (isAnimation() && size < Storage::kMaxAnimationInMemory)
|| (isVoiceMessage() && size < Storage::kMaxVoiceInMemory);
void DocumentData::forget() {
if (sticker()) sticker()->img->forget();
void DocumentData::automaticLoad(const HistoryItem *item) {
if (loaded() || status != FileReady) return;
if (saveToCache() && _loader != CancelledMtpFileLoader) {
if (type == StickerDocument) {
save(QString(), _actionOnLoad, _actionOnLoadMsgId);
} else if (isAnimation()) {
bool loadFromCloud = false;
if (item) {
if (item->history()->peer->isUser()) {
loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadGif() & dbiadNoPrivate);
} else {
loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadGif() & dbiadNoGroups);
} else { // if load at least anywhere
loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadGif() & dbiadNoPrivate) || !(cAutoDownloadGif() & dbiadNoGroups);
save(QString(), _actionOnLoad, _actionOnLoadMsgId, loadFromCloud ? LoadFromCloudOrLocal : LoadFromLocalOnly, true);
} else if (isVoiceMessage()) {
if (item) {
bool loadFromCloud = false;
if (item->history()->peer->isUser()) {
loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadAudio() & dbiadNoPrivate);
} else {
loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadAudio() & dbiadNoGroups);
save(QString(), _actionOnLoad, _actionOnLoadMsgId, loadFromCloud ? LoadFromCloudOrLocal : LoadFromLocalOnly, true);
void DocumentData::automaticLoadSettingsChanged() {
if (loaded() || status != FileReady || (!isAnimation() && !isVoiceMessage()) || !saveToCache() || _loader != CancelledMtpFileLoader) {
_loader = nullptr;
void DocumentData::performActionOnLoad() {
if (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadNone) return;
auto loc = location(true);
auto already = loc.name();
auto item = _actionOnLoadMsgId.msg ? App::histItemById(_actionOnLoadMsgId) : nullptr;
auto showImage = !isVideoFile() && (size < App::kImageSizeLimit);
auto playVoice = isVoiceMessage() && (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadPlayInline || _actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadOpen);
auto playMusic = isAudioFile() && (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadPlayInline || _actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadOpen);
auto playAnimation = isAnimation()
&& (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadPlayInline || _actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadOpen)
&& showImage
&& item;
if (auto applyTheme = isTheme()) {
if (!loc.isEmpty() && loc.accessEnable()) {
Messenger::Instance().showDocument(this, item);
using State = Media::Player::State;
if (playVoice) {
if (loaded()) {
auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice);
if (state.id == AudioMsgId(this, _actionOnLoadMsgId) && !Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) {
if (Media::Player::IsPaused(state.state) || state.state == State::Pausing) {
} else {
} else if (Media::Player::IsStopped(state.state)) {
Media::Player::mixer()->play(AudioMsgId(this, _actionOnLoadMsgId));
} else if (playMusic) {
if (loaded()) {
auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(AudioMsgId::Type::Song);
if (state.id == AudioMsgId(this, _actionOnLoadMsgId) && !Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) {
if (Media::Player::IsPaused(state.state) || state.state == State::Pausing) {
} else {
} else if (Media::Player::IsStopped(state.state)) {
auto song = AudioMsgId(this, _actionOnLoadMsgId);
} else if (playAnimation) {
if (loaded()) {
if (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadPlayInline && item) {
} else {
Messenger::Instance().showDocument(this, item);
} else {
if (already.isEmpty()) return;
if (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadOpenWith) {
File::OpenWith(already, QCursor::pos());
} else if (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadOpen || _actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadPlayInline) {
if (isVoiceMessage() || isAudioFile() || isVideoFile()) {
if (documentIsValidMediaFile(already)) {
} else if (loc.accessEnable()) {
if (showImage && QImageReader(loc.name()).canRead()) {
Messenger::Instance().showDocument(this, item);
} else {
} else {
_actionOnLoad = ActionOnLoadNone;
bool DocumentData::loaded(FilePathResolveType type) const {
if (loading() && _loader->finished()) {
if (_loader->cancelled()) {
} else {
auto that = const_cast<DocumentData*>(this);
that->_location = FileLocation(_loader->fileName());
that->_data = _loader->bytes();
if (that->sticker() && !_loader->imagePixmap().isNull()) {
that->sticker()->img = ImagePtr(_data, _loader->imageFormat(), _loader->imagePixmap());
return !data().isEmpty() || !filepath(type).isEmpty();
void DocumentData::destroyLoaderDelayed(mtpFileLoader *newValue) const {
auto loader = std::unique_ptr<FileLoader>(std::exchange(_loader, newValue));
bool DocumentData::loading() const {
return _loader && _loader != CancelledMtpFileLoader;
QString DocumentData::loadingFilePath() const {
return loading() ? _loader->fileName() : QString();
bool DocumentData::displayLoading() const {
return loading()
? (!_loader->loadingLocal() || !_loader->autoLoading())
: (uploading() && !waitingForAlbum());
float64 DocumentData::progress() const {
if (uploading()) {
if (uploadingData->size > 0) {
const auto result = float64(uploadingData->offset)
/ uploadingData->size;
return snap(result, 0., 1.);
return 0.;
return loading() ? _loader->currentProgress() : (loaded() ? 1. : 0.);
int32 DocumentData::loadOffset() const {
return loading() ? _loader->currentOffset() : 0;
bool DocumentData::uploading() const {
return (uploadingData != nullptr);
void DocumentData::setWaitingForAlbum() {
if (uploading()) {
uploadingData->waitingForAlbum = true;
bool DocumentData::waitingForAlbum() const {
return uploading() && uploadingData->waitingForAlbum;
void DocumentData::save(
const QString &toFile,
ActionOnLoad action,
const FullMsgId &actionMsgId,
LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud,
bool autoLoading) {
if (loaded(FilePathResolveChecked)) {
auto &l = location(true);
if (!toFile.isEmpty()) {
if (!_data.isEmpty()) {
QFile f(toFile);
Local::writeFileLocation(mediaKey(), FileLocation(toFile));
} else if (l.accessEnable()) {
auto alreadyName = l.name();
if (alreadyName != toFile) {
_actionOnLoad = action;
_actionOnLoadMsgId = actionMsgId;
if (_loader == CancelledMtpFileLoader) _loader = nullptr;
if (_loader) {
if (!_loader->setFileName(toFile)) {
cancel(); // changes _actionOnLoad
_loader = nullptr;
_actionOnLoad = action;
_actionOnLoadMsgId = actionMsgId;
if (_loader) {
if (fromCloud == LoadFromCloudOrLocal) _loader->permitLoadFromCloud();
} else {
status = FileReady;
if (hasWebLocation()) {
_loader = new mtpFileLoader(&_urlLocation, size, fromCloud, autoLoading);
} else if (!_access && !_url.isEmpty()) {
_loader = new webFileLoader(_url, toFile, fromCloud, autoLoading);
} else {
_loader = new mtpFileLoader(_dc, id, _access, _version, locationType(), toFile, size, (saveToCache() ? LoadToCacheAsWell : LoadToFileOnly), fromCloud, autoLoading);
_loader->connect(_loader, SIGNAL(progress(FileLoader*)), App::main(), SLOT(documentLoadProgress(FileLoader*)));
_loader->connect(_loader, SIGNAL(failed(FileLoader*,bool)), App::main(), SLOT(documentLoadFailed(FileLoader*,bool)));
void DocumentData::cancel() {
if (!loading()) {
auto loader = std::unique_ptr<FileLoader>(std::exchange(_loader, CancelledMtpFileLoader));
if (auto main = App::main()) {
_actionOnLoad = ActionOnLoadNone;
VoiceWaveform documentWaveformDecode(const QByteArray &encoded5bit) {
auto bitsCount = static_cast<int>(encoded5bit.size() * 8);
auto valuesCount = bitsCount / 5;
if (!valuesCount) {
return VoiceWaveform();
// Read each 5 bit of encoded5bit as 0-31 unsigned char.
// We count the index of the byte in which the desired 5-bit sequence starts.
// And then we read a uint16 starting from that byte to guarantee to get all of those 5 bits.
// BUT! if it is the last byte we have, we're not allowed to read a uint16 starting with it.
// Because it will be an overflow (we'll access one byte after the available memory).
// We see, that only the last 5 bits could start in the last available byte and be problematic.
// So we read in a general way all the entries in a general way except the last one.
auto result = VoiceWaveform(valuesCount, 0);
auto bitsData = encoded5bit.constData();
for (auto i = 0, l = valuesCount - 1; i != l; ++i) {
auto byteIndex = (i * 5) / 8;
auto bitShift = (i * 5) % 8;
auto value = *reinterpret_cast<const uint16*>(bitsData + byteIndex);
result[i] = static_cast<char>((value >> bitShift) & 0x1F);
auto lastByteIndex = ((valuesCount - 1) * 5) / 8;
auto lastBitShift = ((valuesCount - 1) * 5) % 8;
auto lastValue = (lastByteIndex == encoded5bit.size() - 1)
? static_cast<uint16>(*reinterpret_cast<const uchar*>(bitsData + lastByteIndex))
: *reinterpret_cast<const uint16*>(bitsData + lastByteIndex);
result[valuesCount - 1] = static_cast<char>((lastValue >> lastBitShift) & 0x1F);
return result;
QByteArray documentWaveformEncode5bit(const VoiceWaveform &waveform) {
auto bitsCount = waveform.size() * 5;
auto bytesCount = (bitsCount + 7) / 8;
auto result = QByteArray(bytesCount + 1, 0);
auto bitsData = result.data();
// Write each 0-31 unsigned char as 5 bit to result.
// We reserve one extra byte to be able to dereference any of required bytes
// as a uint16 without overflowing, even the byte with index "bytesCount - 1".
for (auto i = 0, l = waveform.size(); i < l; ++i) {
auto byteIndex = (i * 5) / 8;
auto bitShift = (i * 5) % 8;
auto value = (static_cast<uint16>(waveform[i]) & 0x1F) << bitShift;
*reinterpret_cast<uint16*>(bitsData + byteIndex) |= value;
return result;
QByteArray DocumentData::data() const {
return _data;
const FileLocation &DocumentData::location(bool check) const {
if (check && !_location.check()) {
const_cast<DocumentData*>(this)->_location = Local::readFileLocation(mediaKey());
return _location;
void DocumentData::setLocation(const FileLocation &loc) {
if (loc.check()) {
_location = loc;
QString DocumentData::filepath(FilePathResolveType type, bool forceSavingAs) const {
bool check = (type != FilePathResolveCached);
QString result = (check && _location.name().isEmpty()) ? QString() : location(check).name();
bool saveFromData = result.isEmpty() && !data().isEmpty();
if (saveFromData) {
if (type != FilePathResolveSaveFromData && type != FilePathResolveSaveFromDataSilent) {
saveFromData = false;
} else if (type == FilePathResolveSaveFromDataSilent && (Global::AskDownloadPath() || forceSavingAs)) {
saveFromData = false;
if (saveFromData) {
QString filename = documentSaveFilename(this, forceSavingAs);
if (!filename.isEmpty()) {
QFile f(filename);
if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
if (f.write(data()) == data().size()) {
const_cast<DocumentData*>(this)->_location = FileLocation(filename);
Local::writeFileLocation(mediaKey(), _location);
result = filename;
return result;
bool DocumentData::isStickerSetInstalled() const {
Expects(sticker() != nullptr);
const auto &set = sticker()->set;
const auto &sets = _session->data().stickerSets();
switch (set.type()) {
case mtpc_inputStickerSetID: {
auto it = sets.constFind(set.c_inputStickerSetID().vid.v);
return (it != sets.cend())
&& !(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived)
&& (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date);
} break;
case mtpc_inputStickerSetShortName: {
auto name = qs(set.c_inputStickerSetShortName().vshort_name).toLower();
for (auto it = sets.cbegin(), e = sets.cend(); it != e; ++it) {
if (it->shortName.toLower() == name) {
return !(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived)
&& (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date);
} break;
return false;
ImagePtr DocumentData::makeReplyPreview() {
if (replyPreview->isNull() && !thumb->isNull()) {
if (thumb->loaded()) {
int w = thumb->width(), h = thumb->height();
if (w <= 0) w = 1;
if (h <= 0) h = 1;
auto thumbSize = (w > h) ? QSize(w * st::msgReplyBarSize.height() / h, st::msgReplyBarSize.height()) : QSize(st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), h * st::msgReplyBarSize.height() / w);
thumbSize *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | (isVideoMessage() ? Images::Option::Circled : Images::Option::None) | Images::Option::TransparentBackground;
auto outerSize = st::msgReplyBarSize.height();
auto image = thumb->pixNoCache(thumbSize.width(), thumbSize.height(), options, outerSize, outerSize);
replyPreview = ImagePtr(image, "PNG");
} else {
return replyPreview;
StickerData *DocumentData::sticker() const {
return (type == StickerDocument)
? static_cast<StickerData*>(_additional.get())
: nullptr;
void DocumentData::checkSticker() {
const auto data = sticker();
if (!data) return;
if (data->img->isNull() && loaded()) {
if (_data.isEmpty()) {
const FileLocation &loc(location(true));
if (loc.accessEnable()) {
data->img = ImagePtr(loc.name());
} else {
data->img = ImagePtr(_data);
SongData *DocumentData::song() {
return isSong()
? static_cast<SongData*>(_additional.get())
: nullptr;
const SongData *DocumentData::song() const {
return const_cast<DocumentData*>(this)->song();
VoiceData *DocumentData::voice() {
return isVoiceMessage()
? static_cast<VoiceData*>(_additional.get())
: nullptr;
const VoiceData *DocumentData::voice() const {
return const_cast<DocumentData*>(this)->voice();
bool DocumentData::hasRemoteLocation() const {
return (_dc != 0 && _access != 0);
bool DocumentData::hasWebLocation() const {
return _urlLocation.dc() != 0 && _urlLocation.accessHash() != 0;
bool DocumentData::isValid() const {
return hasRemoteLocation() || hasWebLocation() || !_url.isEmpty();
MTPInputDocument DocumentData::mtpInput() const {
if (_access) {
return MTP_inputDocument(
return MTP_inputDocumentEmpty();
QString DocumentData::filename() const {
return _filename;
QString DocumentData::mimeString() const {
return _mimeString;
bool DocumentData::hasMimeType(QLatin1String mime) const {
return !_mimeString.compare(mime, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
void DocumentData::setMimeString(const QString &mime) {
_mimeString = mime;
MediaKey DocumentData::mediaKey() const {
return ::mediaKey(locationType(), _dc, id, _version);
QString DocumentData::composeNameString() const {
if (auto songData = song()) {
return ComposeNameString(
return ComposeNameString(_filename, QString(), QString());
LocationType DocumentData::locationType() const {
return isVoiceMessage()
? AudioFileLocation
: isVideoFile()
? VideoFileLocation
: DocumentFileLocation;
bool DocumentData::isVoiceMessage() const {
return (type == VoiceDocument);
bool DocumentData::isVideoMessage() const {
return (type == RoundVideoDocument);
bool DocumentData::isAnimation() const {
return (type == AnimatedDocument)
|| isVideoMessage()
|| hasMimeType(qstr("image/gif"));
bool DocumentData::isGifv() const {
return (type == AnimatedDocument)
&& hasMimeType(qstr("video/mp4"));
bool DocumentData::isTheme() const {
|| _filename.endsWith(
bool DocumentData::isSong() const {
return (type == SongDocument);
bool DocumentData::isAudioFile() const {
if (isVoiceMessage()) {
return false;
} else if (isSong()) {
return true;
return _mimeString.startsWith(qstr("audio/"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
bool DocumentData::isSharedMediaMusic() const {
if (const auto songData = song()) {
return (songData->duration > 0);
return false;
bool DocumentData::isVideoFile() const {
return (type == VideoDocument);
int32 DocumentData::duration() const {
return (isAnimation() || isVideoFile()) ? _duration : -1;
bool DocumentData::isImage() const {
return !isAnimation() && !isVideoFile() && (_duration > 0);
void DocumentData::recountIsImage() {
if (isAnimation() || isVideoFile()) {
_duration = fileIsImage(filename(), mimeString()) ? 1 : -1; // hack
bool DocumentData::hasGoodStickerThumb() const {
return !thumb->isNull()
&& ((thumb->width() >= 128) || (thumb->height() >= 128));
bool DocumentData::setRemoteVersion(int32 version) {
if (_version == version) {
return false;
_version = version;
_location = FileLocation();
_data = QByteArray();
status = FileReady;
if (loading()) {
return true;
void DocumentData::setRemoteLocation(int32 dc, uint64 access) {
if (_dc != dc || _access != access) {
_dc = dc;
_access = access;
if (isValid()) {
if (_location.check()) {
Local::writeFileLocation(mediaKey(), _location);
} else {
_location = Local::readFileLocation(mediaKey());
void DocumentData::setContentUrl(const QString &url) {
_url = url;
void DocumentData::setWebLocation(const WebFileLocation &location) {
_urlLocation = location;
void DocumentData::collectLocalData(DocumentData *local) {
if (local == this) return;
if (!local->_data.isEmpty()) {
_data = local->_data;
if (isVoiceMessage()) {
if (!Local::copyAudio(local->mediaKey(), mediaKey())) {
Local::writeAudio(mediaKey(), _data);
} else {
if (!Local::copyStickerImage(local->mediaKey(), mediaKey())) {
Local::writeStickerImage(mediaKey(), _data);
if (!local->_location.isEmpty()) {
_location = local->_location;
Local::writeFileLocation(mediaKey(), _location);
DocumentData::~DocumentData() {
if (loading()) {
QString DocumentData::ComposeNameString(
const QString &filename,
const QString &songTitle,
const QString &songPerformer) {
if (songTitle.isEmpty() && songPerformer.isEmpty()) {
return filename.isEmpty() ? qsl("Unknown File") : filename;
if (songPerformer.isEmpty()) {
return songTitle;
auto trackTitle = (songTitle.isEmpty() ? qsl("Unknown Track") : songTitle);
return songPerformer + QString::fromUtf8(" \xe2\x80\x93 ") + trackTitle;