mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 19:21:39 -05:00

Currently the build without implicitly included precompiled header is not supported anyway (because Qt MOC source files do not include stdafx.h, they include plain headers). So when we decide to support building without implicitly included precompiled headers we'll have to fix all the headers anyway.
2458 lines
84 KiB
2458 lines
84 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "history/history_message.h"
#include "lang.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "apiwrap.h"
#include "history/history_location_manager.h"
#include "history/history_service_layout.h"
#include "history/history_media_types.h"
#include "auth_session.h"
#include "styles/style_dialogs.h"
#include "styles/style_widgets.h"
#include "styles/style_history.h"
namespace {
TextParseOptions _historySrvOptions = {
TextParseLinks | TextParseMentions | TextParseHashtags/* | TextParseMultiline*/ | TextParseRichText, // flags
0, // maxw
0, // maxh
Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // lang-dependent
inline void initTextOptions() {
_historySrvOptions.dir = _textNameOptions.dir = _textDlgOptions.dir = cLangDir();
_textDlgOptions.maxw = st::dialogsWidthMax * 2;
MediaOverviewType messageMediaToOverviewType(HistoryMedia *media) {
switch (media->type()) {
case MediaTypePhoto: return OverviewPhotos;
case MediaTypeVideo: return OverviewVideos;
case MediaTypeFile: return OverviewFiles;
case MediaTypeMusicFile: return media->getDocument()->isMusic() ? OverviewMusicFiles : OverviewCount;
case MediaTypeVoiceFile: return OverviewVoiceFiles;
case MediaTypeGif: return media->getDocument()->isGifv() ? OverviewCount : OverviewFiles;
default: break;
return OverviewCount;
MediaOverviewType serviceMediaToOverviewType(HistoryMedia *media) {
switch (media->type()) {
case MediaTypePhoto: return OverviewChatPhotos;
default: break;
return OverviewCount;
ApiWrap::RequestMessageDataCallback historyDependentItemCallback(const FullMsgId &msgId) {
return [dependent = msgId](ChannelData *channel, MsgId msgId) {
if (auto item = App::histItemById(dependent)) {
constexpr auto kPinnedMessageTextLimit = 16;
style::color fromNameFg(int index) {
t_assert(index >= 0 && index < 8);
style::color colors[] = {
return colors[index];
style::color fromNameFgSelected(int index) {
t_assert(index >= 0 && index < 8);
style::color colors[] = {
return colors[index];
} // namespace
void historyInitMessages() {
void HistoryMessageVia::create(int32 userId) {
_bot = App::user(peerFromUser(userId));
_maxWidth = st::msgServiceNameFont->width(lng_inline_bot_via(lt_inline_bot, '@' + _bot->username));
_lnk = MakeShared<LambdaClickHandler>([bot = _bot] {
App::insertBotCommand('@' + bot->username);
void HistoryMessageVia::resize(int32 availw) const {
if (availw < 0) {
_text = QString();
_width = 0;
} else {
_text = lng_inline_bot_via(lt_inline_bot, '@' + _bot->username);
if (availw < _maxWidth) {
_text = st::msgServiceNameFont->elided(_text, availw);
_width = st::msgServiceNameFont->width(_text);
} else if (_width < _maxWidth) {
_width = _maxWidth;
void HistoryMessageSigned::create(UserData *from, const QDateTime &date) {
QString time = qsl(", ") + date.toString(cTimeFormat()), name = App::peerName(from);
int32 timew = st::msgDateFont->width(time), namew = st::msgDateFont->width(name);
if (timew + namew > st::maxSignatureSize) {
name = st::msgDateFont->elided(from->firstName, st::maxSignatureSize - timew);
_signature.setText(st::msgDateTextStyle, name + time, _textNameOptions);
int HistoryMessageSigned::maxWidth() const {
return _signature.maxWidth();
void HistoryMessageEdited::create(const QDateTime &editDate, const QDateTime &date) {
_editDate = editDate;
QString time = date.toString(cTimeFormat());
_edited.setText(st::msgDateTextStyle, lang(lng_edited) + ' ' + time, _textNameOptions);
int HistoryMessageEdited::maxWidth() const {
return _edited.maxWidth();
void HistoryMessageForwarded::create(const HistoryMessageVia *via) const {
QString text;
if (_authorOriginal != _fromOriginal) {
text = lng_forwarded_signed(lt_channel, App::peerName(_authorOriginal), lt_user, App::peerName(_fromOriginal));
} else {
text = App::peerName(_authorOriginal);
if (via) {
if (_authorOriginal->isChannel()) {
text = lng_forwarded_channel_via(lt_channel, textcmdLink(1, text), lt_inline_bot, textcmdLink(2, '@' + via->_bot->username));
} else {
text = lng_forwarded_via(lt_user, textcmdLink(1, text), lt_inline_bot, textcmdLink(2, '@' + via->_bot->username));
} else {
if (_authorOriginal->isChannel()) {
text = lng_forwarded_channel(lt_channel, textcmdLink(1, text));
} else {
text = lng_forwarded(lt_user, textcmdLink(1, text));
TextParseOptions opts = { TextParseRichText, 0, 0, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto };
_text.setText(st::fwdTextStyle, text, opts);
_text.setLink(1, (_originalId && _authorOriginal->isChannel()) ? goToMessageClickHandler(_authorOriginal, _originalId) : _authorOriginal->openLink());
if (via) {
_text.setLink(2, via->_lnk);
bool HistoryMessageReply::updateData(HistoryMessage *holder, bool force) {
if (!force) {
if (replyToMsg || !replyToMsgId) {
return true;
if (!replyToMsg) {
replyToMsg = App::histItemById(holder->channelId(), replyToMsgId);
if (replyToMsg) {
App::historyRegDependency(holder, replyToMsg);
if (replyToMsg) {
replyToText.setText(st::messageTextStyle, textClean(replyToMsg->inReplyText()), _textDlgOptions);
replyToLnk = goToMessageClickHandler(replyToMsg);
if (!replyToMsg->Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (auto bot = replyToMsg->viaBot()) {
_replyToVia.reset(new HistoryMessageVia());
} else if (force) {
replyToMsgId = 0;
if (force) {
return (replyToMsg || !replyToMsgId);
void HistoryMessageReply::clearData(HistoryMessage *holder) {
_replyToVia = nullptr;
if (replyToMsg) {
App::historyUnregDependency(holder, replyToMsg);
replyToMsg = nullptr;
replyToMsgId = 0;
bool HistoryMessageReply::isNameUpdated() const {
if (replyToMsg && replyToMsg->author()->nameVersion > replyToVersion) {
return true;
return false;
void HistoryMessageReply::updateName() const {
if (replyToMsg) {
QString name = (_replyToVia && replyToMsg->author()->isUser()) ? replyToMsg->author()->asUser()->firstName : App::peerName(replyToMsg->author());
replyToName.setText(st::fwdTextStyle, name, _textNameOptions);
replyToVersion = replyToMsg->author()->nameVersion;
bool hasPreview = replyToMsg->getMedia() ? replyToMsg->getMedia()->hasReplyPreview() : false;
int32 previewSkip = hasPreview ? (st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyBarSkip - st::msgReplyBarSize.width() - st::msgReplyBarPos.x()) : 0;
int32 w = replyToName.maxWidth();
if (_replyToVia) {
w += st::msgServiceFont->spacew + _replyToVia->_maxWidth;
_maxReplyWidth = previewSkip + qMax(w, qMin(replyToText.maxWidth(), int32(st::maxSignatureSize)));
} else {
_maxReplyWidth = st::msgDateFont->width(lang(replyToMsgId ? lng_profile_loading : lng_deleted_message));
_maxReplyWidth = st::msgReplyPadding.left() + st::msgReplyBarSkip + _maxReplyWidth + st::msgReplyPadding.right();
void HistoryMessageReply::resize(int width) const {
if (_replyToVia) {
bool hasPreview = replyToMsg->getMedia() ? replyToMsg->getMedia()->hasReplyPreview() : false;
int previewSkip = hasPreview ? (st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyBarSkip - st::msgReplyBarSize.width() - st::msgReplyBarPos.x()) : 0;
_replyToVia->resize(width - st::msgReplyBarSkip - previewSkip - replyToName.maxWidth() - st::msgServiceFont->spacew);
void HistoryMessageReply::itemRemoved(HistoryMessage *holder, HistoryItem *removed) {
if (replyToMsg == removed) {
void HistoryMessageReply::paint(Painter &p, const HistoryItem *holder, int x, int y, int w, PaintFlags flags) const {
bool selected = (flags & PaintSelected), outbg = holder->hasOutLayout();
style::color bar = st::msgImgReplyBarColor;
if (flags & PaintInBubble) {
bar = (flags & PaintSelected) ? (outbg ? st::msgOutReplyBarSelColor : st::msgInReplyBarSelColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutReplyBarColor : st::msgInReplyBarColor);
QRect rbar(rtlrect(x + st::msgReplyBarPos.x(), y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarPos.y(), st::msgReplyBarSize.width(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), w + 2 * x));
p.fillRect(rbar, bar);
if (w > st::msgReplyBarSkip) {
if (replyToMsg) {
bool hasPreview = replyToMsg->getMedia() ? replyToMsg->getMedia()->hasReplyPreview() : false;
int previewSkip = hasPreview ? (st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyBarSkip - st::msgReplyBarSize.width() - st::msgReplyBarPos.x()) : 0;
if (hasPreview) {
ImagePtr replyPreview = replyToMsg->getMedia()->replyPreview();
if (!replyPreview->isNull()) {
QRect to(rtlrect(x + st::msgReplyBarSkip, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarPos.y(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), w + 2 * x));
p.drawPixmap(to.x(), to.y(), replyPreview->pixSingle(replyPreview->width() / cIntRetinaFactor(), replyPreview->height() / cIntRetinaFactor(), to.width(), to.height(), ImageRoundRadius::Small));
if (selected) {
App::roundRect(p, to, p.textPalette().selectOverlay, SelectedOverlaySmallCorners);
if (w > st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip) {
if (flags & PaintInBubble) {
p.setPen(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFgSelected : st::msgInServiceFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFg : st::msgInServiceFg));
} else {
replyToName.drawLeftElided(p, x + st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top(), w - st::msgReplyBarSkip - previewSkip, w + 2 * x);
if (_replyToVia && w > st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip + replyToName.maxWidth() + st::msgServiceFont->spacew) {
p.drawText(x + st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip + replyToName.maxWidth() + st::msgServiceFont->spacew, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgServiceFont->ascent, _replyToVia->_text);
auto replyToAsMsg = replyToMsg->toHistoryMessage();
if (!(flags & PaintInBubble)) {
} else if ((replyToAsMsg && replyToAsMsg->emptyText()) || replyToMsg->serviceMsg()) {
p.setPen(outbg ? (selected ? st::msgOutDateFgSelected : st::msgOutDateFg) : (selected ? st::msgInDateFgSelected : st::msgInDateFg));
} else {
p.setPen(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyTextOutFgSelected : st::historyTextOutFg) : (selected ? st::historyTextInFgSelected : st::historyTextInFg));
replyToText.drawLeftElided(p, x + st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgServiceNameFont->height, w - st::msgReplyBarSkip - previewSkip, w + 2 * x);
} else {
auto &date = outbg ? (selected ? st::msgOutDateFgSelected : st::msgOutDateFg) : (selected ? st::msgInDateFgSelected : st::msgInDateFg);
p.setPen((flags & PaintInBubble) ? date : st::msgDateImgFg);
p.drawTextLeft(x + st::msgReplyBarSkip, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + (st::msgReplyBarSize.height() - st::msgDateFont->height) / 2, w + 2 * x, st::msgDateFont->elided(lang(replyToMsgId ? lng_profile_loading : lng_deleted_message), w - st::msgReplyBarSkip));
void HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::startPaint(Painter &p) const {
const style::TextStyle &HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::textStyle() const {
return st::serviceTextStyle;
void HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::repaint(const HistoryItem *item) const {
int HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::buttonRadius() const {
return st::dateRadius;
void HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::paintButtonBg(Painter &p, const QRect &rect, float64 howMuchOver) const {
App::roundRect(p, rect, st::msgServiceBg, StickerCorners);
if (howMuchOver > 0) {
auto o = p.opacity();
p.setOpacity(o * howMuchOver);
App::roundRect(p, rect, st::msgBotKbOverBgAdd, BotKbOverCorners);
void HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::paintButtonIcon(Painter &p, const QRect &rect, int outerWidth, HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button::Type type) const {
using Button = HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button;
auto getIcon = [](Button::Type type) -> const style::icon* {
switch (type) {
case Button::Type::Url: return &st::msgBotKbUrlIcon;
case Button::Type::SwitchInlineSame:
case Button::Type::SwitchInline: return &st::msgBotKbSwitchPmIcon;
return nullptr;
if (auto icon = getIcon(type)) {
icon->paint(p, rect.x() + rect.width() - icon->width() - st::msgBotKbIconPadding, rect.y() + st::msgBotKbIconPadding, outerWidth);
void HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::paintButtonLoading(Painter &p, const QRect &rect) const {
auto icon = &st::historySendingInvertedIcon;
icon->paint(p, rect.x() + rect.width() - icon->width() - st::msgBotKbIconPadding, rect.y() + rect.height() - icon->height() - st::msgBotKbIconPadding, rect.x() * 2 + rect.width());
int HistoryMessage::KeyboardStyle::minButtonWidth(HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button::Type type) const {
using Button = HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button;
int result = 2 * buttonPadding(), iconWidth = 0;
switch (type) {
case Button::Type::Url: iconWidth = st::msgBotKbUrlIcon.width(); break;
case Button::Type::SwitchInlineSame:
case Button::Type::SwitchInline: iconWidth = st::msgBotKbSwitchPmIcon.width(); break;
case Button::Type::Callback:
case Button::Type::Game: iconWidth = st::historySendingInvertedIcon.width(); break;
if (iconWidth > 0) {
result = std::max(result, 2 * iconWidth + 4 * int(st::msgBotKbIconPadding));
return result;
HistoryMessage::HistoryMessage(History *history, const MTPDmessage &msg)
: HistoryItem(history, msg.vid.v, msg.vflags.v, ::date(msg.vdate), msg.has_from_id() ? msg.vfrom_id.v : 0) {
CreateConfig config;
if (msg.has_fwd_from() && msg.vfwd_from.type() == mtpc_messageFwdHeader) {
auto &f = msg.vfwd_from.c_messageFwdHeader();
if (f.has_from_id() || f.has_channel_id()) {
config.authorIdOriginal = f.has_channel_id() ? peerFromChannel(f.vchannel_id) : peerFromUser(f.vfrom_id);
config.fromIdOriginal = f.has_from_id() ? peerFromUser(f.vfrom_id) : peerFromChannel(f.vchannel_id);
if (f.has_channel_post()) config.originalId = f.vchannel_post.v;
if (msg.has_reply_to_msg_id()) config.replyTo = msg.vreply_to_msg_id.v;
if (msg.has_via_bot_id()) config.viaBotId = msg.vvia_bot_id.v;
if (msg.has_views()) config.viewsCount = msg.vviews.v;
if (msg.has_reply_markup()) config.mtpMarkup = &msg.vreply_markup;
if (msg.has_edit_date()) config.editDate = ::date(msg.vedit_date);
initMedia(msg.has_media() ? (&msg.vmedia) : nullptr);
TextWithEntities textWithEntities = {
msg.has_entities() ? entitiesFromMTP(msg.ventities.c_vector().v) : EntitiesInText(),
namespace {
MTPDmessage::Flags newForwardedFlags(PeerData *p, int32 from, HistoryMessage *fwd) {
MTPDmessage::Flags result = newMessageFlags(p) | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_fwd_from;
if (from) {
result |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id;
if (fwd->Has<HistoryMessageVia>()) {
result |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_via_bot_id;
if (!p->isChannel()) {
if (HistoryMedia *media = fwd->getMedia()) {
if (media->type() == MediaTypeVoiceFile) {
result |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_media_unread;
// } else if (media->type() == MediaTypeVideo) {
// result |= MTPDmessage::flag_media_unread;
if (fwd->hasViews()) {
result |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_views;
return result;
} // namespace
HistoryMessage::HistoryMessage(History *history, MsgId id, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, QDateTime date, int32 from, HistoryMessage *fwd)
: HistoryItem(history, id, newForwardedFlags(history->peer, from, fwd) | flags, date, from) {
CreateConfig config;
config.authorIdOriginal = fwd->authorOriginal()->id;
config.fromIdOriginal = fwd->fromOriginal()->id;
if (fwd->authorOriginal()->isChannel()) {
config.originalId = fwd->id;
auto fwdViaBot = fwd->viaBot();
if (fwdViaBot) config.viaBotId = peerToUser(fwdViaBot->id);
int fwdViewsCount = fwd->viewsCount();
if (fwdViewsCount > 0) {
config.viewsCount = fwdViewsCount;
} else if (isPost()) {
config.viewsCount = 1;
// Copy inline keyboard when forwarding messages with a game.
auto mediaOriginal = fwd->getMedia();
if (mediaOriginal && mediaOriginal->type() == MediaTypeGame) {
config.inlineMarkup = fwd->inlineReplyMarkup();
if (mediaOriginal) {
HistoryMessage::HistoryMessage(History *history, MsgId id, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId replyTo, int32 viaBotId, QDateTime date, int32 from, const TextWithEntities &textWithEntities)
: HistoryItem(history, id, flags, date, (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id) ? from : 0) {
createComponentsHelper(flags, replyTo, viaBotId, MTPnullMarkup);
HistoryMessage::HistoryMessage(History *history, MsgId msgId, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId replyTo, int32 viaBotId, QDateTime date, int32 from, DocumentData *doc, const QString &caption, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup)
: HistoryItem(history, msgId, flags, date, (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id) ? from : 0) {
createComponentsHelper(flags, replyTo, viaBotId, markup);
initMediaFromDocument(doc, caption);
HistoryMessage::HistoryMessage(History *history, MsgId msgId, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId replyTo, int32 viaBotId, QDateTime date, int32 from, PhotoData *photo, const QString &caption, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup)
: HistoryItem(history, msgId, flags, date, (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id) ? from : 0) {
createComponentsHelper(flags, replyTo, viaBotId, markup);
_media.reset(new HistoryPhoto(this, photo, caption));
HistoryMessage::HistoryMessage(History *history, MsgId msgId, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId replyTo, int32 viaBotId, QDateTime date, int32 from, GameData *game, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup)
: HistoryItem(history, msgId, flags, date, (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id) ? from : 0) {
createComponentsHelper(flags, replyTo, viaBotId, markup);
_media.reset(new HistoryGame(this, game));
void HistoryMessage::createComponentsHelper(MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId replyTo, int32 viaBotId, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) {
CreateConfig config;
if (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_via_bot_id) config.viaBotId = viaBotId;
if (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id) config.replyTo = replyTo;
if (flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup) config.mtpMarkup = &markup;
if (isPost()) config.viewsCount = 1;
void HistoryMessage::updateMediaInBubbleState() {
if (!_media) {
if (!drawBubble()) {
bool hasSomethingAbove = displayFromName() || displayForwardedFrom() || Has<HistoryMessageReply>() || Has<HistoryMessageVia>();
bool hasSomethingBelow = false;
if (!emptyText()) {
if (_media->isAboveMessage()) {
hasSomethingBelow = true;
} else {
hasSomethingAbove = true;
auto computeState = [hasSomethingAbove, hasSomethingBelow] {
if (hasSomethingAbove) {
if (hasSomethingBelow) {
return MediaInBubbleState::Middle;
return MediaInBubbleState::Bottom;
} else if (hasSomethingBelow) {
return MediaInBubbleState::Top;
return MediaInBubbleState::None;
bool HistoryMessage::displayEditedBadge(bool hasViaBotOrInlineMarkup) const {
if (hasViaBotOrInlineMarkup) {
return false;
} else if (!(_flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_edit_date)) {
return false;
if (auto fromUser = from()->asUser()) {
if (fromUser->botInfo) {
return false;
return true;
void HistoryMessage::createComponents(const CreateConfig &config) {
uint64 mask = 0;
if (config.replyTo) {
mask |= HistoryMessageReply::Bit();
if (config.viaBotId) {
mask |= HistoryMessageVia::Bit();
if (config.viewsCount >= 0) {
mask |= HistoryMessageViews::Bit();
if (isPost() && _from->isUser()) {
mask |= HistoryMessageSigned::Bit();
auto hasViaBot = (config.viaBotId != 0);
auto hasInlineMarkup = [&config] {
if (config.mtpMarkup) {
return (config.mtpMarkup->type() == mtpc_replyInlineMarkup);
return (config.inlineMarkup != nullptr);
if (displayEditedBadge(hasViaBot || hasInlineMarkup())) {
mask |= HistoryMessageEdited::Bit();
if (config.authorIdOriginal && config.fromIdOriginal) {
mask |= HistoryMessageForwarded::Bit();
if (config.mtpMarkup) {
// optimization: don't create markup component for the case
// MTPDreplyKeyboardHide with flags = 0, assume it has f_zero flag
if (config.mtpMarkup->type() != mtpc_replyKeyboardHide || config.mtpMarkup->c_replyKeyboardHide().vflags.v != 0) {
mask |= HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Bit();
} else if (config.inlineMarkup) {
mask |= HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Bit();
if (auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
reply->replyToMsgId = config.replyTo;
if (!reply->updateData(this) && App::api()) {
App::api()->requestMessageData(history()->peer->asChannel(), reply->replyToMsgId, historyDependentItemCallback(fullId()));
if (auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>()) {
if (auto views = Get<HistoryMessageViews>()) {
views->_views = config.viewsCount;
if (auto msgsigned = Get<HistoryMessageSigned>()) {
msgsigned->create(_from->asUser(), date);
if (auto edited = Get<HistoryMessageEdited>()) {
edited->create(config.editDate, date);
if (auto fwd = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
fwd->_authorOriginal = App::peer(config.authorIdOriginal);
fwd->_fromOriginal = App::peer(config.fromIdOriginal);
fwd->_originalId = config.originalId;
if (auto markup = Get<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
if (config.mtpMarkup) {
} else if (config.inlineMarkup) {
if (markup->flags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag::f_has_switch_inline_button) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_switch_inline_button;
QString formatViewsCount(int32 views) {
if (views > 999999) {
views /= 100000;
if (views % 10) {
return QString::number(views / 10) + '.' + QString::number(views % 10) + 'M';
return QString::number(views / 10) + 'M';
} else if (views > 9999) {
views /= 100;
if (views % 10) {
return QString::number(views / 10) + '.' + QString::number(views % 10) + 'K';
return QString::number(views / 10) + 'K';
} else if (views > 0) {
return QString::number(views);
return qsl("1");
void HistoryMessage::initTime() {
if (auto msgsigned = Get<HistoryMessageSigned>()) {
_timeWidth = msgsigned->maxWidth();
} else if (auto edited = Get<HistoryMessageEdited>()) {
_timeWidth = edited->maxWidth();
} else {
_timeText = date.toString(cTimeFormat());
_timeWidth = st::msgDateFont->width(_timeText);
if (auto views = Get<HistoryMessageViews>()) {
views->_viewsText = (views->_views >= 0) ? formatViewsCount(views->_views) : QString();
views->_viewsWidth = views->_viewsText.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::msgDateFont->width(views->_viewsText);
void HistoryMessage::initMedia(const MTPMessageMedia *media) {
switch (media ? media->type() : mtpc_messageMediaEmpty) {
case mtpc_messageMediaContact: {
auto &d = media->c_messageMediaContact();
_media.reset(new HistoryContact(this, d.vuser_id.v, qs(d.vfirst_name), qs(d.vlast_name), qs(d.vphone_number)));
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaGeo: {
auto &point = media->c_messageMediaGeo().vgeo;
if (point.type() == mtpc_geoPoint) {
_media.reset(new HistoryLocation(this, LocationCoords(point.c_geoPoint())));
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaVenue: {
auto &d = media->c_messageMediaVenue();
if (d.vgeo.type() == mtpc_geoPoint) {
_media.reset(new HistoryLocation(this, LocationCoords(d.vgeo.c_geoPoint()), qs(d.vtitle), qs(d.vaddress)));
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaPhoto: {
auto &photo = media->c_messageMediaPhoto();
if (photo.vphoto.type() == mtpc_photo) {
_media.reset(new HistoryPhoto(this, App::feedPhoto(photo.vphoto.c_photo()), qs(photo.vcaption)));
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaDocument: {
auto &document = media->c_messageMediaDocument().vdocument;
if (document.type() == mtpc_document) {
return initMediaFromDocument(App::feedDocument(document), qs(media->c_messageMediaDocument().vcaption));
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaWebPage: {
auto &d = media->c_messageMediaWebPage().vwebpage;
switch (d.type()) {
case mtpc_webPageEmpty: break;
case mtpc_webPagePending: {
_media.reset(new HistoryWebPage(this, App::feedWebPage(d.c_webPagePending())));
} break;
case mtpc_webPage: {
_media.reset(new HistoryWebPage(this, App::feedWebPage(d.c_webPage())));
} break;
case mtpc_webPageNotModified: LOG(("API Error: webPageNotModified is unexpected in message media.")); break;
} break;
case mtpc_messageMediaGame: {
auto &d = media->c_messageMediaGame().vgame;
if (d.type() == mtpc_game) {
_media.reset(new HistoryGame(this, App::feedGame(d.c_game())));
} break;
void HistoryMessage::initMediaFromDocument(DocumentData *doc, const QString &caption) {
if (doc->sticker()) {
_media.reset(new HistorySticker(this, doc));
} else if (doc->isAnimation()) {
_media.reset(new HistoryGif(this, doc, caption));
} else if (doc->isVideo()) {
_media.reset(new HistoryVideo(this, doc, caption));
} else {
_media.reset(new HistoryDocument(this, doc, caption));
int32 HistoryMessage::plainMaxWidth() const {
return st::msgPadding.left() + _text.maxWidth() + st::msgPadding.right();
void HistoryMessage::initDimensions() {
auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>();
if (reply) {
if (drawBubble()) {
auto fwd = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>();
if (fwd) {
auto mediaDisplayed = false;
if (_media) {
mediaDisplayed = _media->isDisplayed();
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleBottom()) {
if (_text.hasSkipBlock()) {
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
} else if (!_text.hasSkipBlock()) {
_text.setSkipBlock(skipBlockWidth(), skipBlockHeight());
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
_maxw = plainMaxWidth();
_minh = emptyText() ? 0 : _text.minHeight();
if (mediaDisplayed) {
if (!_media->isBubbleTop()) {
_minh += st::msgPadding.top() + st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
if (!_media->isBubbleBottom()) {
_minh += st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
auto maxw = _media->maxWidth();
if (maxw > _maxw) _maxw = maxw;
_minh += _media->minHeight();
} else {
_minh += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgPadding.bottom();
if (displayFromName()) {
auto namew = st::msgPadding.left() + author()->nameText.maxWidth() + st::msgPadding.right();
if (via && !fwd) {
namew += st::msgServiceFont->spacew + via->_maxWidth;
if (namew > _maxw) _maxw = namew;
} else if (via && !fwd) {
if (st::msgPadding.left() + via->_maxWidth + st::msgPadding.right() > _maxw) {
_maxw = st::msgPadding.left() + via->_maxWidth + st::msgPadding.right();
if (fwd) {
auto _namew = st::msgPadding.left() + fwd->_text.maxWidth() + st::msgPadding.right();
if (via) {
_namew += st::msgServiceFont->spacew + via->_maxWidth;
if (_namew > _maxw) _maxw = _namew;
} else if (_media) {
_maxw = _media->maxWidth();
_minh = _media->minHeight();
} else {
_maxw = st::msgMinWidth;
_minh = 0;
if (reply && !emptyText()) {
int replyw = st::msgPadding.left() + reply->_maxReplyWidth - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.right() + st::msgPadding.right();
if (reply->_replyToVia) {
replyw += st::msgServiceFont->spacew + reply->_replyToVia->_maxWidth;
if (replyw > _maxw) _maxw = replyw;
if (auto markup = inlineReplyMarkup()) {
if (!markup->inlineKeyboard) {
markup->inlineKeyboard.reset(new ReplyKeyboard(this, std::make_unique<KeyboardStyle>(st::msgBotKbButton)));
// if we have a text bubble we can resize it to fit the keyboard
// but if we have only media we don't do that
if (!emptyText()) {
_maxw = qMax(_maxw, markup->inlineKeyboard->naturalWidth());
void HistoryMessage::countPositionAndSize(int32 &left, int32 &width) const {
int32 maxwidth = qMin(int(st::msgMaxWidth), _maxw), hwidth = _history->width;
if (_media && _media->currentWidth() < maxwidth) {
maxwidth = qMax(_media->currentWidth(), qMin(maxwidth, plainMaxWidth()));
left = (!isPost() && out() && !Adaptive::ChatWide()) ? st::msgMargin.right() : st::msgMargin.left();
if (hasFromPhoto()) {
left += st::msgPhotoSkip;
// } else if (!Adaptive::Wide() && !out() && !fromChannel() && st::msgPhotoSkip - (hmaxwidth - hwidth) > 0) {
// left += st::msgPhotoSkip - (hmaxwidth - hwidth);
width = hwidth - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right();
if (width > maxwidth) {
if (!isPost() && out() && !Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
left += width - maxwidth;
width = maxwidth;
void HistoryMessage::fromNameUpdated(int32 width) const {
_authorNameVersion = author()->nameVersion;
if (!Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>()) {
via->resize(width - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right() - author()->nameText.maxWidth() - st::msgServiceFont->spacew);
void HistoryMessage::applyEdition(const MTPDmessage &message) {
int keyboardTop = -1;
if (!pendingResize()) {
if (auto keyboard = inlineReplyKeyboard()) {
int h = st::msgBotKbButton.margin + keyboard->naturalHeight();
keyboardTop = _height - h + st::msgBotKbButton.margin - marginBottom();
if (message.has_edit_date()) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_edit_date;
auto hasViaBotId = Has<HistoryMessageVia>();
auto hasInlineMarkup = (inlineReplyMarkup() != nullptr);
if (displayEditedBadge(hasViaBotId || hasInlineMarkup)) {
if (!Has<HistoryMessageEdited>()) {
Get<HistoryMessageEdited>()->create(::date(message.vedit_date), date);
} else if (Has<HistoryMessageEdited>()) {
TextWithEntities textWithEntities = { qs(message.vmessage), EntitiesInText() };
if (message.has_entities()) {
textWithEntities.entities = entitiesFromMTP(message.ventities.c_vector().v);
setMedia(message.has_media() ? (&message.vmedia) : nullptr);
setReplyMarkup(message.has_reply_markup() ? (&message.vreply_markup) : nullptr);
setViewsCount(message.has_views() ? message.vviews.v : -1);
void HistoryMessage::applyEdition(const MTPDmessageService &message) {
if (message.vaction.type() == mtpc_messageActionHistoryClear) {
void HistoryMessage::applyEditionToEmpty() {
void HistoryMessage::updateMedia(const MTPMessageMedia *media) {
auto setMediaAllowed = [](HistoryMediaType type) {
return (type == MediaTypeWebPage || type == MediaTypeGame || type == MediaTypeLocation);
if (_flags & MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_from_inline_bot) {
bool needReSet = true;
if (media && _media) {
needReSet = _media->needReSetInlineResultMedia(*media);
if (needReSet) {
_flags &= ~MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_from_inline_bot;
} else if (media && _media && !setMediaAllowed(_media->type())) {
} else {
int32 HistoryMessage::addToOverview(AddToOverviewMethod method) {
if (!indexInOverview()) return 0;
int32 result = 0;
if (HistoryMedia *media = getMedia()) {
MediaOverviewType type = messageMediaToOverviewType(media);
if (type != OverviewCount) {
if (history()->addToOverview(type, id, method)) {
result |= (1 << type);
if (hasTextLinks()) {
if (history()->addToOverview(OverviewLinks, id, method)) {
result |= (1 << OverviewLinks);
return result;
void HistoryMessage::eraseFromOverview() {
if (HistoryMedia *media = getMedia()) {
MediaOverviewType type = messageMediaToOverviewType(media);
if (type != OverviewCount) {
history()->eraseFromOverview(type, id);
if (hasTextLinks()) {
history()->eraseFromOverview(OverviewLinks, id);
TextWithEntities HistoryMessage::selectedText(TextSelection selection) const {
TextWithEntities result, textResult, mediaResult;
if (selection == FullSelection) {
textResult = _text.originalTextWithEntities(AllTextSelection, ExpandLinksAll);
} else {
textResult = _text.originalTextWithEntities(selection, ExpandLinksAll);
if (_media) {
mediaResult = _media->selectedText(toMediaSelection(selection));
if (textResult.text.isEmpty()) {
result = mediaResult;
} else if (mediaResult.text.isEmpty()) {
result = textResult;
} else {
result.text = textResult.text + qstr("\n\n");
result.entities = textResult.entities;
appendTextWithEntities(result, std::move(mediaResult));
if (auto fwd = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (selection == FullSelection) {
auto fwdinfo = fwd->_text.originalTextWithEntities(AllTextSelection, ExpandLinksAll);
TextWithEntities wrapped;
wrapped.text.reserve(fwdinfo.text.size() + 4 + result.text.size());
wrapped.entities.reserve(fwdinfo.entities.size() + result.entities.size());
appendTextWithEntities(wrapped, std::move(fwdinfo));
appendTextWithEntities(wrapped, std::move(result));
result = wrapped;
if (auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
if (selection == FullSelection && reply->replyToMsg) {
TextWithEntities wrapped;
wrapped.text.reserve(lang(lng_in_reply_to).size() + reply->replyToMsg->author()->name.size() + 4 + result.text.size());
wrapped.text.append('[').append(lang(lng_in_reply_to)).append(' ').append(reply->replyToMsg->author()->name).append(qsl("]\n"));
appendTextWithEntities(wrapped, std::move(result));
result = wrapped;
return result;
void HistoryMessage::setMedia(const MTPMessageMedia *media) {
if (!_media && (!media || media->type() == mtpc_messageMediaEmpty)) return;
bool mediaRemovedSkipBlock = false;
if (_media) {
// Don't update Game media because we loose the consumed text of the message.
if (_media->type() == MediaTypeGame) return;
mediaRemovedSkipBlock = _media->isDisplayed() && _media->isBubbleBottom();
auto mediaDisplayed = _media && _media->isDisplayed();
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleBottom() && !mediaRemovedSkipBlock) {
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
} else if (mediaRemovedSkipBlock && (!mediaDisplayed || !_media->isBubbleBottom())) {
_text.setSkipBlock(skipBlockWidth(), skipBlockHeight());
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
void HistoryMessage::setText(const TextWithEntities &textWithEntities) {
for_const (auto &entity, textWithEntities.entities) {
auto type = entity.type();
if (type == EntityInTextUrl || type == EntityInTextCustomUrl || type == EntityInTextEmail) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_has_text_links;
auto mediaDisplayed = _media && _media->isDisplayed();
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->consumeMessageText(textWithEntities)) {
} else {
if (_media && _media->isDisplayed() && !_media->isAboveMessage()) {
_text.setMarkedText(st::messageTextStyle, textWithEntities, itemTextOptions(this));
} else {
_text.setMarkedText(st::messageTextStyle, { textWithEntities.text + skipBlock(), textWithEntities.entities }, itemTextOptions(this));
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
void HistoryMessage::setEmptyText() {
_text.setMarkedText(st::messageTextStyle, { QString(), EntitiesInText() }, itemTextOptions(this));
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
void HistoryMessage::setReplyMarkup(const MTPReplyMarkup *markup) {
if (!markup) {
if (_flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup) {
_flags &= ~MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup;
if (Has<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
// optimization: don't create markup component for the case
// MTPDreplyKeyboardHide with flags = 0, assume it has f_zero flag
if (markup->type() == mtpc_replyKeyboardHide && markup->c_replyKeyboardHide().vflags.v == 0) {
bool changed = false;
if (Has<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
changed = true;
if (!(_flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup)) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup;
changed = true;
if (changed) {
} else {
if (!(_flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup)) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup;
if (!Has<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
TextWithEntities HistoryMessage::originalText() const {
if (emptyText()) {
return { QString(), EntitiesInText() };
return _text.originalTextWithEntities();
bool HistoryMessage::textHasLinks() const {
return emptyText() ? false : _text.hasLinks();
int HistoryMessage::infoWidth() const {
int result = _timeWidth;
if (auto views = Get<HistoryMessageViews>()) {
result += st::historyViewsSpace + views->_viewsWidth + st::historyViewsWidth;
} else if (id < 0 && history()->peer->isSelf()) {
result += st::historySendStateSpace;
if (out() && !isPost()) {
result += st::historySendStateSpace;
return result;
int HistoryMessage::timeLeft() const {
int result = 0;
if (auto views = Get<HistoryMessageViews>()) {
result += st::historyViewsSpace + views->_viewsWidth + st::historyViewsWidth;
} else if (id < 0 && history()->peer->isSelf()) {
result += st::historySendStateSpace;
return result;
void HistoryMessage::drawInfo(Painter &p, int32 right, int32 bottom, int32 width, bool selected, InfoDisplayType type) const {
bool outbg = out() && !isPost();
bool invertedsprites = (type == InfoDisplayOverImage || type == InfoDisplayOverBackground);
int32 infoRight = right, infoBottom = bottom;
switch (type) {
case InfoDisplayDefault:
infoRight -= st::msgPadding.right() - st::msgDateDelta.x();
infoBottom -= st::msgPadding.bottom() - st::msgDateDelta.y();
p.setPen(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutDateFgSelected : st::msgInDateFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutDateFg : st::msgInDateFg));
case InfoDisplayOverImage:
infoRight -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.x();
infoBottom -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
case InfoDisplayOverBackground:
infoRight -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.x();
infoBottom -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
int32 infoW = HistoryMessage::infoWidth();
if (rtl()) infoRight = width - infoRight + infoW;
int32 dateX = infoRight - infoW;
int32 dateY = infoBottom - st::msgDateFont->height;
if (type == InfoDisplayOverImage) {
int32 dateW = infoW + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), dateH = st::msgDateFont->height + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
App::roundRect(p, dateX - st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), dateY - st::msgDateImgPadding.y(), dateW, dateH, selected ? st::msgDateImgBgSelected : st::msgDateImgBg, selected ? DateSelectedCorners : DateCorners);
} else if (type == InfoDisplayOverBackground) {
int32 dateW = infoW + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), dateH = st::msgDateFont->height + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
App::roundRect(p, dateX - st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), dateY - st::msgDateImgPadding.y(), dateW, dateH, selected ? st::msgServiceBgSelected : st::msgServiceBg, selected ? StickerSelectedCorners : StickerCorners);
dateX += HistoryMessage::timeLeft();
if (auto msgsigned = Get<HistoryMessageSigned>()) {
msgsigned->_signature.drawElided(p, dateX, dateY, _timeWidth);
} else if (auto edited = Get<HistoryMessageEdited>()) {
edited->_edited.drawElided(p, dateX, dateY, _timeWidth);
} else {
p.drawText(dateX, dateY + st::msgDateFont->ascent, _timeText);
if (auto views = Get<HistoryMessageViews>()) {
auto icon = ([this, outbg, invertedsprites, selected] {
if (id > 0) {
if (outbg) {
return &(invertedsprites ? st::historyViewsInvertedIcon : (selected ? st::historyViewsOutSelectedIcon : st::historyViewsOutIcon));
return &(invertedsprites ? st::historyViewsInvertedIcon : (selected ? st::historyViewsInSelectedIcon : st::historyViewsInIcon));
return &(invertedsprites ? st::historyViewsSendingInvertedIcon : st::historyViewsSendingIcon);
if (id > 0) {
icon->paint(p, infoRight - infoW, infoBottom + st::historyViewsTop, width);
p.drawText(infoRight - infoW + st::historyViewsWidth, infoBottom - st::msgDateFont->descent, views->_viewsText);
} else if (!outbg) { // sending outbg icon will be painted below
auto iconSkip = st::historyViewsSpace + views->_viewsWidth;
icon->paint(p, infoRight - infoW + iconSkip, infoBottom + st::historyViewsTop, width);
} else if (id < 0 && history()->peer->isSelf()) {
auto icon = &(invertedsprites ? st::historyViewsSendingInvertedIcon : st::historyViewsSendingIcon);
icon->paint(p, infoRight - infoW, infoBottom + st::historyViewsTop, width);
if (outbg) {
auto icon = ([this, invertedsprites, selected] {
if (id > 0) {
if (unread()) {
return &(invertedsprites ? st::historySentInvertedIcon : (selected ? st::historySentSelectedIcon : st::historySentIcon));
return &(invertedsprites ? st::historyReceivedInvertedIcon : (selected ? st::historyReceivedSelectedIcon : st::historyReceivedIcon));
return &(invertedsprites ? st::historySendingInvertedIcon : st::historySendingIcon);
icon->paint(p, QPoint(infoRight, infoBottom) + st::historySendStatePosition, width);
void HistoryMessage::setViewsCount(int32 count) {
auto views = Get<HistoryMessageViews>();
if (!views || views->_views == count || (count >= 0 && views->_views > count)) return;
int32 was = views->_viewsWidth;
views->_views = count;
views->_viewsText = (views->_views >= 0) ? formatViewsCount(views->_views) : QString();
views->_viewsWidth = views->_viewsText.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::msgDateFont->width(views->_viewsText);
if (was == views->_viewsWidth) {
} else {
if (_text.hasSkipBlock()) {
_text.setSkipBlock(HistoryMessage::skipBlockWidth(), HistoryMessage::skipBlockHeight());
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
void HistoryMessage::setId(MsgId newId) {
bool wasPositive = (id > 0), positive = (newId > 0);
if (wasPositive == positive) {
} else {
if (_text.hasSkipBlock()) {
_text.setSkipBlock(HistoryMessage::skipBlockWidth(), HistoryMessage::skipBlockHeight());
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
void HistoryMessage::draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, TimeMs ms) const {
bool outbg = out() && !isPost(), bubble = drawBubble(), selected = (selection == FullSelection);
int left = 0, width = 0, height = _height;
countPositionAndSize(left, width);
if (width < 1) return;
int dateh = 0, unreadbarh = 0;
if (auto date = Get<HistoryMessageDate>()) {
dateh = date->height();
if (auto unreadbar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
unreadbarh = unreadbar->height();
if (r.intersects(QRect(0, dateh, _history->width, unreadbarh))) {
p.translate(0, dateh);
unreadbar->paint(p, 0, _history->width);
p.translate(0, -dateh);
auto fullAnimMs = App::main() ? App::main()->animActiveTimeStart(this) : 0LL;
if (fullAnimMs > 0 && fullAnimMs <= ms) {
int animms = ms - fullAnimMs;
if (animms > st::activeFadeInDuration + st::activeFadeOutDuration) {
} else {
auto top = marginTop();
auto bottom = marginBottom();
auto fill = qMin(top, bottom);
auto skiptop = top - fill;
auto fillheight = fill + (height - top - bottom) + fill;
auto dt = (animms > st::activeFadeInDuration) ? (1. - (animms - st::activeFadeInDuration) / float64(st::activeFadeOutDuration)) : (animms / float64(st::activeFadeInDuration));
auto o = p.opacity();
p.setOpacity(o * dt);
p.fillRect(0, skiptop, _history->width, fillheight, st::defaultTextPalette.selectOverlay);
p.setTextPalette(selected ? (outbg ? st::outTextPaletteSelected : st::inTextPaletteSelected) : (outbg ? st::outTextPalette : st::inTextPalette));
auto keyboard = inlineReplyKeyboard();
if (keyboard) {
int h = st::msgBotKbButton.margin + keyboard->naturalHeight();
height -= h;
int top = height + st::msgBotKbButton.margin - marginBottom();
p.translate(left, top);
keyboard->paint(p, width, r.translated(-left, -top), ms);
p.translate(-left, -top);
if (bubble) {
if (displayFromName() && author()->nameVersion > _authorNameVersion) {
auto mediaDisplayed = _media && _media->isDisplayed();
auto top = marginTop();
auto r = QRect(left, top, width, height - top - marginBottom());
auto skipTail = isAttachedToNext() || (_media && _media->skipBubbleTail()) || (keyboard != nullptr);
auto displayTail = skipTail ? HistoryLayout::BubbleTail::None : (outbg && !Adaptive::ChatWide()) ? HistoryLayout::BubbleTail::Right : HistoryLayout::BubbleTail::Left;
HistoryLayout::paintBubble(p, r, _history->width, selected, outbg, displayTail);
QRect trect(r.marginsAdded(-st::msgPadding));
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleTop()) {
trect.setY(trect.y() - st::msgPadding.top());
} else {
paintFromName(p, trect, selected);
paintForwardedInfo(p, trect, selected);
paintReplyInfo(p, trect, selected);
paintViaBotIdInfo(p, trect, selected);
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleBottom()) {
trect.setHeight(trect.height() + st::msgPadding.bottom());
auto needDrawInfo = true;
if (mediaDisplayed) {
auto mediaAboveText = _media->isAboveMessage();
auto mediaHeight = _media->height();
auto mediaLeft = trect.x() - st::msgPadding.left();
auto mediaTop = mediaAboveText ? trect.y() : (trect.y() + trect.height() - mediaHeight);
if (!mediaAboveText) {
paintText(p, trect, selection);
p.translate(mediaLeft, mediaTop);
_media->draw(p, r.translated(-mediaLeft, -mediaTop), toMediaSelection(selection), ms);
p.translate(-mediaLeft, -mediaTop);
if (mediaAboveText) {
trect.setY(trect.y() + mediaHeight);
paintText(p, trect, selection);
needDrawInfo = !_media->customInfoLayout();
} else {
paintText(p, trect, selection);
if (needDrawInfo) {
HistoryMessage::drawInfo(p, r.x() + r.width(), r.y() + r.height(), 2 * r.x() + r.width(), selected, InfoDisplayDefault);
} else if (_media) {
auto top = marginTop();
p.translate(left, top);
_media->draw(p, r.translated(-left, -top), toMediaSelection(selection), ms);
p.translate(-left, -top);
auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>();
if (reply && reply->isNameUpdated()) {
void HistoryMessage::paintFromName(Painter &p, QRect &trect, bool selected) const {
if (displayFromName()) {
if (isPost()) {
p.setPen(selected ? st::msgInServiceFgSelected : st::msgInServiceFg);
} else {
p.setPen(selected ? fromNameFgSelected(author()->colorIndex()) : fromNameFg(author()->colorIndex()));
author()->nameText.drawElided(p, trect.left(), trect.top(), trect.width());
auto fwd = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>();
if (via && !fwd && trect.width() > author()->nameText.maxWidth() + st::msgServiceFont->spacew) {
bool outbg = out() && !isPost();
p.setPen(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFgSelected : st::msgInServiceFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFg : st::msgInServiceFg));
p.drawText(trect.left() + author()->nameText.maxWidth() + st::msgServiceFont->spacew, trect.top() + st::msgServiceFont->ascent, via->_text);
trect.setY(trect.y() + st::msgNameFont->height);
void HistoryMessage::paintForwardedInfo(Painter &p, QRect &trect, bool selected) const {
if (displayForwardedFrom()) {
style::font serviceFont(st::msgServiceFont), serviceName(st::msgServiceNameFont);
auto outbg = hasOutLayout();
p.setPen(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFgSelected : st::msgInServiceFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFg : st::msgInServiceFg));
auto fwd = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
bool breakEverywhere = (fwd->_text.countHeight(trect.width()) > 2 * serviceFont->height);
p.setTextPalette(selected ? (outbg ? st::outFwdTextPaletteSelected : st::inFwdTextPaletteSelected) : (outbg ? st::outFwdTextPalette : st::inFwdTextPalette));
fwd->_text.drawElided(p, trect.x(), trect.y(), trect.width(), 2, style::al_left, 0, -1, 0, breakEverywhere);
p.setTextPalette(selected ? (outbg ? st::outTextPaletteSelected : st::inTextPaletteSelected) : (outbg ? st::outTextPalette : st::inTextPalette));
trect.setY(trect.y() + (((fwd->_text.maxWidth() > trect.width()) ? 2 : 1) * serviceFont->height));
void HistoryMessage::paintReplyInfo(Painter &p, QRect &trect, bool selected) const {
if (auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
int32 h = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom();
HistoryMessageReply::PaintFlags flags = HistoryMessageReply::PaintInBubble;
if (selected) {
flags |= HistoryMessageReply::PaintSelected;
reply->paint(p, this, trect.x(), trect.y(), trect.width(), flags);
trect.setY(trect.y() + h);
void HistoryMessage::paintViaBotIdInfo(Painter &p, QRect &trect, bool selected) const {
if (!displayFromName() && !Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>()) {
p.setPen(selected ? (hasOutLayout() ? st::msgOutServiceFgSelected : st::msgInServiceFgSelected) : (hasOutLayout() ? st::msgOutServiceFg : st::msgInServiceFg));
p.drawTextLeft(trect.left(), trect.top(), _history->width, via->_text);
trect.setY(trect.y() + st::msgServiceNameFont->height);
void HistoryMessage::paintText(Painter &p, QRect &trect, TextSelection selection) const {
auto outbg = out() && !isPost();
auto selected = (selection == FullSelection);
p.setPen(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyTextOutFgSelected : st::historyTextOutFg) : (selected ? st::historyTextInFgSelected : st::historyTextInFg));
_text.draw(p, trect.x(), trect.y(), trect.width(), style::al_left, 0, -1, selection);
void HistoryMessage::dependencyItemRemoved(HistoryItem *dependency) {
if (auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
reply->itemRemoved(this, dependency);
int HistoryMessage::resizeGetHeight_(int width) {
int result = performResizeGetHeight(width);
auto keyboard = inlineReplyKeyboard();
if (auto markup = Get<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
int oldTop = markup->oldTop;
if (oldTop >= 0) {
markup->oldTop = -1;
if (keyboard) {
int h = st::msgBotKbButton.margin + keyboard->naturalHeight();
int keyboardTop = _height - h + st::msgBotKbButton.margin - marginBottom();
if (keyboardTop != oldTop) {
Notify::inlineKeyboardMoved(this, oldTop, keyboardTop);
return result;
int HistoryMessage::performResizeGetHeight(int width) {
if (width < st::msgMinWidth) return _height;
width -= st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.right();
if (width < st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1) {
width = st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1;
} else if (width > st::msgMaxWidth) {
width = st::msgMaxWidth;
if (drawBubble()) {
auto fwd = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>();
auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>();
auto mediaDisplayed = false;
auto mediaInBubbleState = MediaInBubbleState::None;
if (_media) {
mediaDisplayed = _media->isDisplayed();
mediaInBubbleState = _media->inBubbleState();
if (width >= _maxw) {
_height = _minh;
if (mediaDisplayed) _media->resizeGetHeight(_maxw);
} else {
if (emptyText()) {
_height = 0;
} else {
auto textWidth = qMax(width - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(), 1);
if (textWidth != _textWidth) {
_textWidth = textWidth;
_textHeight = _text.countHeight(textWidth);
_height = _textHeight;
if (mediaDisplayed) {
if (!_media->isBubbleTop()) {
_height += st::msgPadding.top() + st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
if (!_media->isBubbleBottom()) {
_height += st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::mediaInBubbleSkip;
_height += _media->resizeGetHeight(width);
} else {
_height += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgPadding.bottom();
if (displayFromName()) {
int32 l = 0, w = 0;
countPositionAndSize(l, w);
_height += st::msgNameFont->height;
} else if (via && !fwd) {
int32 l = 0, w = 0;
countPositionAndSize(l, w);
via->resize(w - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right());
_height += st::msgNameFont->height;
if (displayForwardedFrom()) {
int32 l = 0, w = 0;
countPositionAndSize(l, w);
int32 fwdheight = ((fwd->_text.maxWidth() > (w - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right())) ? 2 : 1) * st::semiboldFont->height;
_height += fwdheight;
if (reply) {
int32 l = 0, w = 0;
countPositionAndSize(l, w);
reply->resize(w - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right());
_height += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom();
} else if (_media) {
_height = _media->resizeGetHeight(width);
} else {
_height = 0;
if (auto keyboard = inlineReplyKeyboard()) {
int32 l = 0, w = 0;
countPositionAndSize(l, w);
int h = st::msgBotKbButton.margin + keyboard->naturalHeight();
_height += h;
keyboard->resize(w, h - st::msgBotKbButton.margin);
_height += marginTop() + marginBottom();
return _height;
bool HistoryMessage::hasPoint(int x, int y) const {
int left = 0, width = 0, height = _height;
countPositionAndSize(left, width);
if (width < 1) return false;
if (drawBubble()) {
int top = marginTop();
QRect r(left, top, width, height - top - marginBottom());
return r.contains(x, y);
} else if (_media) {
return _media->hasPoint(x - left, y - marginTop());
} else {
return false;
bool HistoryMessage::pointInTime(int32 right, int32 bottom, int x, int y, InfoDisplayType type) const {
int32 infoRight = right, infoBottom = bottom;
switch (type) {
case InfoDisplayDefault:
infoRight -= st::msgPadding.right() - st::msgDateDelta.x();
infoBottom -= st::msgPadding.bottom() - st::msgDateDelta.y();
case InfoDisplayOverImage:
infoRight -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.x();
infoBottom -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.y();
int32 dateX = infoRight - HistoryMessage::infoWidth() + HistoryMessage::timeLeft();
int32 dateY = infoBottom - st::msgDateFont->height;
return QRect(dateX, dateY, HistoryMessage::timeWidth(), st::msgDateFont->height).contains(x, y);
HistoryTextState HistoryMessage::getState(int x, int y, HistoryStateRequest request) const {
HistoryTextState result;
int left = 0, width = 0, height = _height;
countPositionAndSize(left, width);
if (width < 1) return result;
auto keyboard = inlineReplyKeyboard();
if (keyboard) {
int h = st::msgBotKbButton.margin + keyboard->naturalHeight();
height -= h;
if (drawBubble()) {
auto mediaDisplayed = _media && _media->isDisplayed();
auto top = marginTop();
QRect r(left, top, width, height - top - marginBottom());
QRect trect(r.marginsAdded(-st::msgPadding));
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleTop()) {
trect.setY(trect.y() - st::msgPadding.top());
} else {
if (getStateFromName(x, y, trect, &result)) return result;
if (getStateForwardedInfo(x, y, trect, &result, request)) return result;
if (getStateReplyInfo(x, y, trect, &result)) return result;
if (getStateViaBotIdInfo(x, y, trect, &result)) return result;
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleBottom()) {
trect.setHeight(trect.height() + st::msgPadding.bottom());
auto needDateCheck = true;
if (mediaDisplayed) {
auto mediaAboveText = _media->isAboveMessage();
auto mediaHeight = _media->height();
auto mediaLeft = trect.x() - st::msgPadding.left();
auto mediaTop = mediaAboveText ? trect.y() : (trect.y() + trect.height() - mediaHeight);
if (y >= mediaTop && y < mediaTop + mediaHeight) {
result = _media->getState(x - mediaLeft, y - mediaTop, request);
result.symbol += _text.length();
} else {
if (mediaAboveText) {
trect.setY(trect.y() + mediaHeight);
getStateText(x, y, trect, &result, request);
needDateCheck = !_media->customInfoLayout();
} else {
getStateText(x, y, trect, &result, request);
if (needDateCheck) {
if (HistoryMessage::pointInTime(r.x() + r.width(), r.y() + r.height(), x, y, InfoDisplayDefault)) {
result.cursor = HistoryInDateCursorState;
} else if (_media) {
result = _media->getState(x - left, y - marginTop(), request);
result.symbol += _text.length();
if (keyboard) {
int top = height + st::msgBotKbButton.margin - marginBottom();
if (x >= left && x < left + width && y >= top && y < _height - marginBottom()) {
result.link = keyboard->getState(x - left, y - top);
return result;
return result;
// Forward to _media.
void HistoryMessage::updatePressed(int x, int y) {
if (!_media) return;
auto left = 0, width = 0, height = _height;
countPositionAndSize(left, width);
auto keyboard = inlineReplyKeyboard();
if (keyboard) {
auto h = st::msgBotKbButton.margin + keyboard->naturalHeight();
height -= h;
if (drawBubble()) {
auto mediaDisplayed = _media && _media->isDisplayed();
auto top = marginTop();
QRect r(left, top, width, height - top - marginBottom());
QRect trect(r.marginsAdded(-st::msgPadding));
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleTop()) {
trect.setY(trect.y() - st::msgPadding.top());
} else {
if (displayFromName()) trect.setTop(trect.top() + st::msgNameFont->height);
if (displayForwardedFrom()) {
auto fwd = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
auto fwdheight = ((fwd->_text.maxWidth() > trect.width()) ? 2 : 1) * st::semiboldFont->height;
trect.setTop(trect.top() + fwdheight);
if (Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
auto h = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom();
trect.setTop(trect.top() + h);
if (!displayFromName() && !Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>()) {
trect.setTop(trect.top() + st::msgNameFont->height);
if (mediaDisplayed && _media->isBubbleBottom()) {
trect.setHeight(trect.height() + st::msgPadding.bottom());
auto needDateCheck = true;
if (mediaDisplayed) {
auto mediaAboveText = _media->isAboveMessage();
auto mediaHeight = _media->height();
auto mediaLeft = trect.x() - st::msgPadding.left();
auto mediaTop = mediaAboveText ? trect.y() : (trect.y() + trect.height() - mediaHeight);
_media->updatePressed(x - mediaLeft, y - mediaTop);
} else {
_media->updatePressed(x - left, y - marginTop());
bool HistoryMessage::getStateFromName(int x, int y, QRect &trect, HistoryTextState *outResult) const {
if (displayFromName()) {
if (y >= trect.top() && y < trect.top() + st::msgNameFont->height) {
if (x >= trect.left() && x < trect.left() + trect.width() && x < trect.left() + author()->nameText.maxWidth()) {
outResult->link = author()->openLink();
return true;
auto fwd = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>();
if (via && !fwd && x >= trect.left() + author()->nameText.maxWidth() + st::msgServiceFont->spacew && x < trect.left() + author()->nameText.maxWidth() + st::msgServiceFont->spacew + via->_width) {
outResult->link = via->_lnk;
return true;
trect.setTop(trect.top() + st::msgNameFont->height);
return false;
bool HistoryMessage::getStateForwardedInfo(int x, int y, QRect &trect, HistoryTextState *outResult, const HistoryStateRequest &request) const {
if (displayForwardedFrom()) {
auto fwd = Get<HistoryMessageForwarded>();
int32 fwdheight = ((fwd->_text.maxWidth() > trect.width()) ? 2 : 1) * st::semiboldFont->height;
if (y >= trect.top() && y < trect.top() + fwdheight) {
bool breakEverywhere = (fwd->_text.countHeight(trect.width()) > 2 * st::semiboldFont->height);
auto textRequest = request.forText();
if (breakEverywhere) {
textRequest.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::BreakEverywhere;
*outResult = fwd->_text.getState(x - trect.left(), y - trect.top(), trect.width(), textRequest);
outResult->symbol = 0;
outResult->afterSymbol = false;
if (breakEverywhere) {
outResult->cursor = HistoryInForwardedCursorState;
} else {
outResult->cursor = HistoryDefaultCursorState;
return true;
trect.setTop(trect.top() + fwdheight);
return false;
bool HistoryMessage::getStateReplyInfo(int x, int y, QRect &trect, HistoryTextState *outResult) const {
if (auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
int32 h = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom();
if (y >= trect.top() && y < trect.top() + h) {
if (reply->replyToMsg && y >= trect.top() + st::msgReplyPadding.top() && y < trect.top() + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() && x >= trect.left() && x < trect.left() + trect.width()) {
outResult->link = reply->replyToLink();
return true;
trect.setTop(trect.top() + h);
return false;
bool HistoryMessage::getStateViaBotIdInfo(int x, int y, QRect &trect, HistoryTextState *outResult) const {
if (!displayFromName() && !Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) {
if (auto via = Get<HistoryMessageVia>()) {
if (x >= trect.left() && y >= trect.top() && y < trect.top() + st::msgNameFont->height && x < trect.left() + via->_width) {
outResult->link = via->_lnk;
return true;
trect.setTop(trect.top() + st::msgNameFont->height);
return false;
bool HistoryMessage::getStateText(int x, int y, QRect &trect, HistoryTextState *outResult, const HistoryStateRequest &request) const {
if (trect.contains(x, y)) {
*outResult = _text.getState(x - trect.x(), y - trect.y(), trect.width(), request.forText());
return true;
return false;
TextSelection HistoryMessage::adjustSelection(TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const {
if (!_media || selection.to <= _text.length()) {
return _text.adjustSelection(selection, type);
auto mediaSelection = _media->adjustSelection(toMediaSelection(selection), type);
if (selection.from >= _text.length()) {
return fromMediaSelection(mediaSelection);
auto textSelection = _text.adjustSelection(selection, type);
return { textSelection.from, fromMediaSelection(mediaSelection).to };
QString HistoryMessage::notificationHeader() const {
return (!_history->peer->isUser() && !isPost()) ? from()->name : QString();
bool HistoryMessage::displayFromPhoto() const {
return hasFromPhoto() && !isAttachedToNext();
bool HistoryMessage::hasFromPhoto() const {
return (Adaptive::ChatWide() || (!out() && !history()->peer->isUser())) && !isPost() && !isEmpty();
HistoryMessage::~HistoryMessage() {
if (auto reply = Get<HistoryMessageReply>()) {
void HistoryService::setMessageByAction(const MTPmessageAction &action) {
auto text = lang(lng_message_empty);
auto from = textcmdLink(1, _from->name);
Links links;
switch (action.type()) {
case mtpc_messageActionChatAddUser: {
auto &d = action.c_messageActionChatAddUser();
auto &v = d.vusers.c_vector().v;
bool foundSelf = false;
for (int i = 0, l = v.size(); i < l; ++i) {
if (v.at(i).v == AuthSession::CurrentUserId()) {
foundSelf = true;
if (v.size() == 1) {
auto u = App::user(peerFromUser(v.at(0)));
if (u == _from) {
text = lng_action_user_joined(lt_from, from);
} else {
text = lng_action_add_user(lt_from, from, lt_user, textcmdLink(2, u->name));
} else if (v.isEmpty()) {
text = lng_action_add_user(lt_from, from, lt_user, "somebody");
} else {
for (int i = 0, l = v.size(); i < l; ++i) {
auto u = App::user(peerFromUser(v.at(i)));
auto linkText = textcmdLink(i + 2, u->name);
if (i == 0) {
text = linkText;
} else if (i + 1 < l) {
text = lng_action_add_users_and_one(lt_accumulated, text, lt_user, linkText);
} else {
text = lng_action_add_users_and_last(lt_accumulated, text, lt_user, linkText);
text = lng_action_add_users_many(lt_from, from, lt_users, text);
if (foundSelf) {
if (history()->peer->isMegagroup()) {
history()->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->joinedMessageFound = true;
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatJoinedByLink: {
auto &d = action.c_messageActionChatJoinedByLink();
//if (true || peerFromUser(d.vinviter_id) == _from->id) {
text = lng_action_user_joined_by_link(lt_from, from);
//} else {
// UserData *u = App::user(App::peerFromUser(d.vinviter_id));
// links.push_back(peerOpenClickHandler(u));
// text = lng_action_user_joined_by_link_from(lt_from, from, lt_inviter, textcmdLink(2, u->name));
if (_from->isSelf() && history()->peer->isMegagroup()) {
history()->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->joinedMessageFound = true;
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatCreate: {
auto &d = action.c_messageActionChatCreate();
text = lng_action_created_chat(lt_from, from, lt_title, textClean(qs(d.vtitle)));
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionChannelCreate: {
auto &d = action.c_messageActionChannelCreate();
if (isPost()) {
text = lang(lng_action_created_channel);
} else {
text = lng_action_created_chat(lt_from, from, lt_title, textClean(qs(d.vtitle)));
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionHistoryClear: {
text = QString();
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatDeletePhoto: {
text = isPost() ? lang(lng_action_removed_photo_channel) : lng_action_removed_photo(lt_from, from);
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatDeleteUser: {
auto &d = action.c_messageActionChatDeleteUser();
if (peerFromUser(d.vuser_id) == _from->id) {
text = lng_action_user_left(lt_from, from);
} else {
auto u = App::user(peerFromUser(d.vuser_id));
text = lng_action_kick_user(lt_from, from, lt_user, textcmdLink(2, u->name));
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatEditPhoto: {
auto &d = action.c_messageActionChatEditPhoto();
if (d.vphoto.type() == mtpc_photo) {
_media.reset(new HistoryPhoto(this, history()->peer, d.vphoto.c_photo(), st::msgServicePhotoWidth));
text = isPost() ? lang(lng_action_changed_photo_channel) : lng_action_changed_photo(lt_from, from);
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatEditTitle: {
auto &d = action.c_messageActionChatEditTitle();
text = isPost() ? lng_action_changed_title_channel(lt_title, textClean(qs(d.vtitle))) : lng_action_changed_title(lt_from, from, lt_title, textClean(qs(d.vtitle)));
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionChatMigrateTo: {
_flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_is_group_migrate;
auto &d = action.c_messageActionChatMigrateTo();
if (true/*PeerData *channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v)*/) {
text = lang(lng_action_group_migrate);
} else {
text = lang(lng_contacts_loading);
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom: {
_flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_is_group_migrate;
auto &d = action.c_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom();
if (true/*PeerData *chat = App::chatLoaded(d.vchat_id.v)*/) {
text = lang(lng_action_group_migrate);
} else {
text = lang(lng_contacts_loading);
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionPinMessage: {
preparePinnedText(from, &text, &links);
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionGameScore: {
prepareGameScoreText(from, &text, &links);
} break;
case mtpc_messageActionPhoneCall: {
auto &d = action.c_messageActionPhoneCall();
if (d.has_reason()) {
switch (d.vreason.type()) {
case mtpc_phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy: break;
case mtpc_phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect: break;
case mtpc_phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup: break;
case mtpc_phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed: break;
} else {
if (d.has_duration()) {
} break;
default: from = QString(); break;
setServiceText(text, links);
for (int i = 0, count = links.size(); i != count; ++i) {
_text.setLink(1 + i, links.at(i));
bool HistoryService::updateDependent(bool force) {
auto dependent = GetDependentData();
t_assert(dependent != nullptr);
if (!force) {
if (!dependent->msgId || dependent->msg) {
return true;
if (!dependent->lnk) {
dependent->lnk = goToMessageClickHandler(history()->peer, dependent->msgId);
bool gotDependencyItem = false;
if (!dependent->msg) {
dependent->msg = App::histItemById(channelId(), dependent->msgId);
if (dependent->msg) {
App::historyRegDependency(this, dependent->msg);
gotDependencyItem = true;
if (dependent->msg) {
} else if (force) {
if (dependent->msgId > 0) {
dependent->msgId = 0;
gotDependencyItem = true;
if (force) {
if (gotDependencyItem && App::wnd()) {
return (dependent->msg || !dependent->msgId);
bool HistoryService::preparePinnedText(const QString &from, QString *outText, Links *outLinks) {
bool result = false;
QString text;
ClickHandlerPtr second;
auto pinned = Get<HistoryServicePinned>();
if (pinned && pinned->msg) {
auto media = pinned->msg->getMedia();
QString mediaText;
switch (media ? media->type() : MediaTypeCount) {
case MediaTypePhoto: mediaText = lang(lng_action_pinned_media_photo); break;
case MediaTypeVideo: mediaText = lang(lng_action_pinned_media_video); break;
case MediaTypeContact: mediaText = lang(lng_action_pinned_media_contact); break;
case MediaTypeFile: mediaText = lang(lng_action_pinned_media_file); break;
case MediaTypeGif: mediaText = lang(lng_action_pinned_media_gif); break;
case MediaTypeSticker: {
auto emoji = static_cast<HistorySticker*>(media)->emoji();
if (emoji.isEmpty()) {
mediaText = lang(lng_action_pinned_media_sticker);
} else {
mediaText = lng_action_pinned_media_emoji_sticker(lt_emoji, emoji);
} break;
case MediaTypeLocation: mediaText = lang(lng_action_pinned_media_location); break;
case MediaTypeMusicFile: mediaText = lang(lng_action_pinned_media_audio); break;
case MediaTypeVoiceFile: mediaText = lang(lng_action_pinned_media_voice); break;
case MediaTypeGame: {
auto title = static_cast<HistoryGame*>(media)->game()->title;
mediaText = lng_action_pinned_media_game(lt_game, title);
} break;
if (mediaText.isEmpty()) {
auto original = pinned->msg->originalText().text;
auto cutAt = 0;
auto limit = kPinnedMessageTextLimit;
auto size = original.size();
for (; limit != 0;) {
if (cutAt >= size) break;
if (original.at(cutAt).isLowSurrogate() && cutAt + 1 < size && original.at(cutAt + 1).isHighSurrogate()) {
cutAt += 2;
} else {
if (!limit && cutAt + 5 < size) {
original = original.mid(0, cutAt) + qstr("...");
text = lng_action_pinned_message(lt_from, from, lt_text, textcmdLink(2, original));
} else {
text = lng_action_pinned_media(lt_from, from, lt_media, textcmdLink(2, mediaText));
second = pinned->lnk;
result = true;
} else if (pinned && pinned->msgId) {
text = lng_action_pinned_media(lt_from, from, lt_media, textcmdLink(2, lang(lng_contacts_loading)));
second = pinned->lnk;
result = true;
} else {
text = lng_action_pinned_media(lt_from, from, lt_media, lang(lng_deleted_message));
*outText = text;
if (second) {
return result;
bool HistoryService::prepareGameScoreText(const QString &from, QString *outText, Links *outLinks) {
bool result = false;
QString gameTitle;
ClickHandlerPtr second;
auto gamescore = Get<HistoryServiceGameScore>();
if (gamescore && gamescore->msg) {
auto getGameTitle = [item = gamescore->msg, &second]()->QString {
if (auto media = item->getMedia()) {
if (media->type() == MediaTypeGame) {
second = MakeShared<ReplyMarkupClickHandler>(item, 0, 0);
return textcmdLink(2, static_cast<HistoryGame*>(media)->game()->title);
return lang(lng_deleted_message);
gameTitle = getGameTitle();
result = true;
} else if (gamescore && gamescore->msgId) {
gameTitle = lang(lng_contacts_loading);
result = true;
} else {
gameTitle = QString();
auto scoreNumber = gamescore ? gamescore->score : 0;
if (_from->isSelf()) {
if (gameTitle.isEmpty()) {
*outText = lng_action_game_you_scored_no_game(lt_count, scoreNumber);
} else {
*outText = lng_action_game_you_scored(lt_count, scoreNumber, lt_game, gameTitle);
} else {
if (gameTitle.isEmpty()) {
*outText = lng_action_game_score_no_game(lt_from, from, lt_count, scoreNumber);
} else {
*outText = lng_action_game_score(lt_from, from, lt_count, scoreNumber, lt_game, gameTitle);
if (second) {
return result;
HistoryService::HistoryService(History *history, const MTPDmessageService &msg) :
HistoryItem(history, msg.vid.v, mtpCastFlags(msg.vflags.v), ::date(msg.vdate), msg.has_from_id() ? msg.vfrom_id.v : 0) {
HistoryService::HistoryService(History *history, MsgId msgId, QDateTime date, const QString &msg, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, int32 from) :
HistoryItem(history, msgId, flags, date, from) {
setServiceText(msg, Links());
void HistoryService::initDimensions() {
_maxw = _text.maxWidth() + st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right();
_minh = _text.minHeight();
if (_media) _media->initDimensions();
bool HistoryService::updateDependencyItem() {
if (GetDependentData()) {
return updateDependent(true);
return HistoryItem::updateDependencyItem();
void HistoryService::countPositionAndSize(int32 &left, int32 &width) const {
left = st::msgServiceMargin.left();
int32 maxwidth = _history->width;
if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
maxwidth = qMin(maxwidth, int32(st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left()));
width = maxwidth - st::msgServiceMargin.left() - st::msgServiceMargin.left();
TextWithEntities HistoryService::selectedText(TextSelection selection) const {
return _text.originalTextWithEntities((selection == FullSelection) ? AllTextSelection : selection);
QString HistoryService::inDialogsText() const {
return textcmdLink(1, textClean(notificationText()));
QString HistoryService::inReplyText() const {
QString result = HistoryService::notificationText();
return result.trimmed().startsWith(author()->name) ? result.trimmed().mid(author()->name.size()).trimmed() : result;
void HistoryService::setServiceText(const QString &text, const Links &links) {
_text.setText(st::serviceTextStyle, text, _historySrvOptions);
for (int i = 0, count = links.size(); i != count; ++i) {
_text.setLink(1 + i, links.at(i));
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
void HistoryService::draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, TimeMs ms) const {
int height = _height - st::msgServiceMargin.top() - st::msgServiceMargin.bottom();
QRect clip(r);
int dateh = 0, unreadbarh = 0;
if (auto date = Get<HistoryMessageDate>()) {
dateh = date->height();
//if (clip.intersects(QRect(0, 0, _history->width, dateh))) {
// date->paint(p, 0, _history->width);
p.translate(0, dateh);
clip.translate(0, -dateh);
height -= dateh;
if (auto unreadbar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
unreadbarh = unreadbar->height();
if (clip.intersects(QRect(0, 0, _history->width, unreadbarh))) {
unreadbar->paint(p, 0, _history->width);
p.translate(0, unreadbarh);
clip.translate(0, -unreadbarh);
height -= unreadbarh;
HistoryLayout::PaintContext context(ms, clip, selection);
HistoryLayout::ServiceMessagePainter::paint(p, this, context, height);
if (int skiph = dateh + unreadbarh) {
p.translate(0, -skiph);
int32 HistoryService::resizeGetHeight_(int32 width) {
_height = displayedDateHeight();
if (auto unreadbar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
_height += unreadbar->height();
if (_text.isEmpty()) {
_textHeight = 0;
} else {
int32 maxwidth = _history->width;
if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
maxwidth = qMin(maxwidth, int32(st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left()));
if (width > maxwidth) width = maxwidth;
width -= st::msgServiceMargin.left() + st::msgServiceMargin.left(); // two small margins
if (width < st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right() + 1) width = st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right() + 1;
int32 nwidth = qMax(width - st::msgServicePadding.left() - st::msgServicePadding.right(), 0);
if (nwidth != _textWidth) {
_textWidth = nwidth;
_textHeight = _text.countHeight(nwidth);
if (width >= _maxw) {
_height += _minh;
} else {
_height += _textHeight;
_height += st::msgServicePadding.top() + st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + st::msgServiceMargin.top() + st::msgServiceMargin.bottom();
if (_media) {
_height += st::msgServiceMargin.top() + _media->resizeGetHeight(_media->currentWidth());
return _height;
bool HistoryService::hasPoint(int x, int y) const {
int left = 0, width = 0, height = _height - st::msgServiceMargin.top() - st::msgServiceMargin.bottom(); // two small margins
countPositionAndSize(left, width);
if (width < 1) return false;
if (int dateh = displayedDateHeight()) {
y -= dateh;
height -= dateh;
if (auto unreadbar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
int unreadbarh = unreadbar->height();
y -= unreadbarh;
height -= unreadbarh;
if (_media) {
height -= st::msgServiceMargin.top() + _media->height();
return QRect(left, st::msgServiceMargin.top(), width, height).contains(x, y);
HistoryTextState HistoryService::getState(int x, int y, HistoryStateRequest request) const {
HistoryTextState result;
int left = 0, width = 0, height = _height - st::msgServiceMargin.top() - st::msgServiceMargin.bottom(); // two small margins
countPositionAndSize(left, width);
if (width < 1) return result;
if (int dateh = displayedDateHeight()) {
y -= dateh;
height -= dateh;
if (auto unreadbar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
int unreadbarh = unreadbar->height();
y -= unreadbarh;
height -= unreadbarh;
if (_media) {
height -= st::msgServiceMargin.top() + _media->height();
auto outer = QRect(left, st::msgServiceMargin.top(), width, height);
auto trect = outer.marginsAdded(-st::msgServicePadding);
if (trect.contains(x, y)) {
auto textRequest = request.forText();
textRequest.align = style::al_center;
result = _text.getState(x - trect.x(), y - trect.y(), trect.width(), textRequest);
if (auto gamescore = Get<HistoryServiceGameScore>()) {
if (!result.link && result.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState && outer.contains(x, y)) {
result.link = gamescore->lnk;
} else if (_media) {
result = _media->getState(x - st::msgServiceMargin.left() - (width - _media->maxWidth()) / 2, y - st::msgServiceMargin.top() - height - st::msgServiceMargin.top(), request);
return result;
void HistoryService::createFromMtp(const MTPDmessageService &message) {
if (message.vaction.type() == mtpc_messageActionGameScore) {
Get<HistoryServiceGameScore>()->score = message.vaction.c_messageActionGameScore().vscore.v;
if (message.has_reply_to_msg_id()) {
if (message.vaction.type() == mtpc_messageActionPinMessage) {
if (auto dependent = GetDependentData()) {
dependent->msgId = message.vreply_to_msg_id.v;
if (!updateDependent() && App::api()) {
App::api()->requestMessageData(history()->peer->asChannel(), dependent->msgId, historyDependentItemCallback(fullId()));
void HistoryService::applyEdition(const MTPDmessageService &message) {
if (message.vaction.type() == mtpc_messageActionHistoryClear) {
} else {
void HistoryService::removeMedia() {
if (!_media) return;
bool mediaWasDisplayed = _media->isDisplayed();
if (mediaWasDisplayed) {
_textWidth = -1;
_textHeight = 0;
int32 HistoryService::addToOverview(AddToOverviewMethod method) {
if (!indexInOverview()) return 0;
int32 result = 0;
if (auto media = getMedia()) {
MediaOverviewType type = serviceMediaToOverviewType(media);
if (type != OverviewCount) {
if (history()->addToOverview(type, id, method)) {
result |= (1 << type);
return result;
void HistoryService::eraseFromOverview() {
if (auto media = getMedia()) {
MediaOverviewType type = serviceMediaToOverviewType(media);
if (type != OverviewCount) {
history()->eraseFromOverview(type, id);
bool HistoryService::updateDependentText() {
auto result = false;
auto from = textcmdLink(1, _from->name);
QString text;
Links links;
if (Has<HistoryServicePinned>()) {
result = preparePinnedText(from, &text, &links);
} else if (Has<HistoryServiceGameScore>()) {
result = prepareGameScoreText(from, &text, &links);
} else {
return result;
setServiceText(text, links);
if (history()->textCachedFor == this) {
history()->textCachedFor = 0;
if (App::main()) {
App::main()->dlgUpdated(history()->peer, id);
return result;
void HistoryService::clearDependency() {
if (auto dependent = GetDependentData()) {
if (dependent->msg) {
App::historyUnregDependency(this, dependent->msg);
HistoryService::~HistoryService() {
HistoryJoined::HistoryJoined(History *history, const QDateTime &inviteDate, UserData *inviter, MTPDmessage::Flags flags)
: HistoryService(history, clientMsgId(), inviteDate, QString(), flags) {
Links links;
auto text = ([history, inviter, &links]() {
if (inviter->id == AuthSession::CurrentUserPeerId()) {
return lang(history->isMegagroup() ? lng_action_you_joined_group : lng_action_you_joined);
if (history->isMegagroup()) {
return lng_action_add_you_group(lt_from, textcmdLink(1, inviter->name));
return lng_action_add_you(lt_from, textcmdLink(1, inviter->name));
setServiceText(text, links);