mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 19:21:39 -05:00

Currently the build without implicitly included precompiled header is not supported anyway (because Qt MOC source files do not include stdafx.h, they include plain headers). So when we decide to support building without implicitly included precompiled headers we'll have to fix all the headers anyway.
970 lines
28 KiB
970 lines
28 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "history/history_item.h"
#include "lang.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "history/history_service_layout.h"
#include "media/media_clip_reader.h"
#include "styles/style_dialogs.h"
#include "styles/style_history.h"
#include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h"
#include "fileuploader.h"
#include "auth_session.h"
namespace {
// a new message from the same sender is attached to previous within 15 minutes
constexpr int kAttachMessageToPreviousSecondsDelta = 900;
} // namespace
ReplyMarkupClickHandler::ReplyMarkupClickHandler(const HistoryItem *item, int row, int col)
: _itemId(item->fullId())
, _row(row)
, _col(col) {
// Copy to clipboard support.
void ReplyMarkupClickHandler::copyToClipboard() const {
if (auto button = getButton()) {
if (button->type == HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button::Type::Url) {
auto url = QString::fromUtf8(button->data);
if (!url.isEmpty()) {
QString ReplyMarkupClickHandler::copyToClipboardContextItemText() const {
if (auto button = getButton()) {
if (button->type == HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button::Type::Url) {
return lang(lng_context_copy_link);
return QString();
// Finds the corresponding button in the items markup struct.
// If the button is not found it returns nullptr.
// Note: it is possible that we will point to the different button
// than the one was used when constructing the handler, but not a big deal.
const HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button *ReplyMarkupClickHandler::getButton() const {
if (auto item = App::histItemById(_itemId)) {
if (auto markup = item->Get<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
if (_row < markup->rows.size()) {
auto &row = markup->rows.at(_row);
if (_col < row.size()) {
return &row.at(_col);
return nullptr;
void ReplyMarkupClickHandler::onClickImpl() const {
if (auto item = App::histItemById(_itemId)) {
App::activateBotCommand(item, _row, _col);
// Returns the full text of the corresponding button.
QString ReplyMarkupClickHandler::buttonText() const {
if (auto button = getButton()) {
return button->text;
return QString();
ReplyKeyboard::ReplyKeyboard(const HistoryItem *item, StylePtr &&s)
: _item(item)
, _a_selected(animation(this, &ReplyKeyboard::step_selected))
, _st(std::move(s)) {
if (auto markup = item->Get<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
for (int i = 0, l = markup->rows.size(); i != l; ++i) {
auto &row = markup->rows.at(i);
int s = row.size();
ButtonRow newRow(s, Button());
for (int j = 0; j != s; ++j) {
auto &button = newRow[j];
auto str = row.at(j).text;
button.type = row.at(j).type;
button.link = MakeShared<ReplyMarkupClickHandler>(item, i, j);
button.text.setText(_st->textStyle(), textOneLine(str), _textPlainOptions);
button.characters = str.isEmpty() ? 1 : str.size();
void ReplyKeyboard::updateMessageId() {
auto msgId = _item->fullId();
for_const (auto &row, _rows) {
for_const (auto &button, row) {
void ReplyKeyboard::resize(int width, int height) {
_width = width;
auto markup = _item->Get<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>();
float64 y = 0, buttonHeight = _rows.isEmpty() ? _st->buttonHeight() : (float64(height + _st->buttonSkip()) / _rows.size());
for (auto &row : _rows) {
int s = row.size();
int widthForButtons = _width - ((s - 1) * _st->buttonSkip());
int widthForText = widthForButtons;
int widthOfText = 0;
int maxMinButtonWidth = 0;
for_const (auto &button, row) {
widthOfText += qMax(button.text.maxWidth(), 1);
int minButtonWidth = _st->minButtonWidth(button.type);
widthForText -= minButtonWidth;
accumulate_max(maxMinButtonWidth, minButtonWidth);
bool exact = (widthForText == widthOfText);
bool enough = (widthForButtons - s * maxMinButtonWidth) >= widthOfText;
float64 x = 0;
for (Button &button : row) {
int buttonw = qMax(button.text.maxWidth(), 1);
float64 textw = buttonw, minw = _st->minButtonWidth(button.type);
float64 w = textw;
if (exact) {
w += minw;
} else if (enough) {
w = (widthForButtons / float64(s));
textw = w - minw;
} else {
textw = (widthForText / float64(s));
w = minw + textw;
accumulate_max(w, 2 * float64(_st->buttonPadding()));
int rectx = static_cast<int>(std::floor(x));
int rectw = static_cast<int>(std::floor(x + w)) - rectx;
button.rect = QRect(rectx, qRound(y), rectw, qRound(buttonHeight - _st->buttonSkip()));
if (rtl()) button.rect.setX(_width - button.rect.x() - button.rect.width());
x += w + _st->buttonSkip();
button.link->setFullDisplayed(textw >= buttonw);
y += buttonHeight;
bool ReplyKeyboard::isEnoughSpace(int width, const style::BotKeyboardButton &st) const {
for_const (auto &row, _rows) {
int s = row.size();
int widthLeft = width - ((s - 1) * st.margin + s * 2 * st.padding);
for_const (auto &button, row) {
widthLeft -= qMax(button.text.maxWidth(), 1);
if (widthLeft < 0) {
if (row.size() > 3) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
void ReplyKeyboard::setStyle(StylePtr &&st) {
_st = std::move(st);
int ReplyKeyboard::naturalWidth() const {
auto result = 0;
for_const (auto &row, _rows) {
auto maxMinButtonWidth = 0;
for_const (auto &button, row) {
accumulate_max(maxMinButtonWidth, _st->minButtonWidth(button.type));
auto rowMaxButtonWidth = 0;
for_const (auto &button, row) {
accumulate_max(rowMaxButtonWidth, qMax(button.text.maxWidth(), 1) + maxMinButtonWidth);
auto rowSize = row.size();
accumulate_max(result, rowSize * rowMaxButtonWidth + (rowSize - 1) * _st->buttonSkip());
return result;
int ReplyKeyboard::naturalHeight() const {
return (_rows.size() - 1) * _st->buttonSkip() + _rows.size() * _st->buttonHeight();
void ReplyKeyboard::paint(Painter &p, int outerWidth, const QRect &clip, TimeMs ms) const {
t_assert(_st != nullptr);
t_assert(_width > 0);
for_const (auto &row, _rows) {
for_const (auto &button, row) {
QRect rect(button.rect);
if (rect.y() >= clip.y() + clip.height()) return;
if (rect.y() + rect.height() < clip.y()) continue;
// just ignore the buttons that didn't layout well
if (rect.x() + rect.width() > _width) break;
_st->paintButton(p, outerWidth, button, ms);
ClickHandlerPtr ReplyKeyboard::getState(int x, int y) const {
t_assert(_width > 0);
for_const (auto &row, _rows) {
for_const (auto &button, row) {
QRect rect(button.rect);
// just ignore the buttons that didn't layout well
if (rect.x() + rect.width() > _width) break;
if (rect.contains(x, y)) {
_savedCoords = QPoint(x, y);
return button.link;
return ClickHandlerPtr();
void ReplyKeyboard::clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) {
if (!p) return;
_savedActive = active ? p : ClickHandlerPtr();
auto coords = findButtonCoordsByClickHandler(p);
if (coords.i >= 0 && _savedPressed != p) {
startAnimation(coords.i, coords.j, active ? 1 : -1);
ReplyKeyboard::ButtonCoords ReplyKeyboard::findButtonCoordsByClickHandler(const ClickHandlerPtr &p) {
for (int i = 0, rows = _rows.size(); i != rows; ++i) {
auto &row = _rows[i];
for (int j = 0, cols = row.size(); j != cols; ++j) {
if (row[j].link == p) {
return { i, j };
return { -1, -1 };
void ReplyKeyboard::clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) {
if (!p) return;
_savedPressed = pressed ? p : ClickHandlerPtr();
auto coords = findButtonCoordsByClickHandler(p);
if (coords.i >= 0) {
auto &button = _rows[coords.i][coords.j];
if (pressed) {
if (!button.ripple) {
auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::roundRectMask(button.rect.size(), _st->buttonRadius());
button.ripple = MakeShared<Ui::RippleAnimation>(_st->_st->ripple, std::move(mask), [this] { _st->repaint(_item); });
button.ripple->add(_savedCoords - button.rect.topLeft());
} else {
if (button.ripple) {
if (_savedActive != p) {
startAnimation(coords.i, coords.j, -1);
void ReplyKeyboard::startAnimation(int i, int j, int direction) {
auto notStarted = _animations.isEmpty();
int indexForAnimation = (i * MatrixRowShift + j + 1) * direction;
if (!_animations.contains(indexForAnimation)) {
_animations.insert(indexForAnimation, getms());
if (notStarted && !_a_selected.animating()) {
void ReplyKeyboard::step_selected(TimeMs ms, bool timer) {
for (Animations::iterator i = _animations.begin(); i != _animations.end();) {
int index = qAbs(i.key()) - 1, row = (index / MatrixRowShift), col = index % MatrixRowShift;
float64 dt = float64(ms - i.value()) / st::botKbDuration;
if (dt >= 1) {
_rows[row][col].howMuchOver = (i.key() > 0) ? 1 : 0;
i = _animations.erase(i);
} else {
_rows[row][col].howMuchOver = (i.key() > 0) ? dt : (1 - dt);
if (timer) _st->repaint(_item);
if (_animations.isEmpty()) {
void ReplyKeyboard::clearSelection() {
for (auto i = _animations.cbegin(), e = _animations.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
int index = qAbs(i.key()) - 1, row = (index / MatrixRowShift), col = index % MatrixRowShift;
_rows[row][col].howMuchOver = 0;
int ReplyKeyboard::Style::buttonSkip() const {
return _st->margin;
int ReplyKeyboard::Style::buttonPadding() const {
return _st->padding;
int ReplyKeyboard::Style::buttonHeight() const {
return _st->height;
void ReplyKeyboard::Style::paintButton(Painter &p, int outerWidth, const ReplyKeyboard::Button &button, TimeMs ms) const {
const QRect &rect = button.rect;
paintButtonBg(p, rect, button.howMuchOver);
if (button.ripple) {
button.ripple->paint(p, rect.x(), rect.y(), outerWidth, ms);
if (button.ripple->empty()) {
paintButtonIcon(p, rect, outerWidth, button.type);
if (button.type == HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button::Type::Callback
|| button.type == HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button::Type::Game) {
if (auto data = button.link->getButton()) {
if (data->requestId) {
paintButtonLoading(p, rect);
int tx = rect.x(), tw = rect.width();
if (tw >= st::botKbStyle.font->elidew + _st->padding * 2) {
tx += _st->padding;
tw -= _st->padding * 2;
} else if (tw > st::botKbStyle.font->elidew) {
tx += (tw - st::botKbStyle.font->elidew) / 2;
tw = st::botKbStyle.font->elidew;
button.text.drawElided(p, tx, rect.y() + _st->textTop + ((rect.height() - _st->height) / 2), tw, 1, style::al_top);
void HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::createFromButtonRows(const QVector<MTPKeyboardButtonRow> &v) {
if (v.isEmpty()) {
for_const (auto &row, v) {
switch (row.type()) {
case mtpc_keyboardButtonRow: {
auto &r = row.c_keyboardButtonRow();
auto &b = r.vbuttons.c_vector().v;
if (!b.isEmpty()) {
ButtonRow buttonRow;
for_const (auto &button, b) {
switch (button.type()) {
case mtpc_keyboardButton: {
buttonRow.push_back({ Button::Type::Default, qs(button.c_keyboardButton().vtext), QByteArray(), 0 });
} break;
case mtpc_keyboardButtonCallback: {
auto &buttonData = button.c_keyboardButtonCallback();
buttonRow.push_back({ Button::Type::Callback, qs(buttonData.vtext), qba(buttonData.vdata), 0 });
} break;
case mtpc_keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation: {
buttonRow.push_back({ Button::Type::RequestLocation, qs(button.c_keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation().vtext), QByteArray(), 0 });
} break;
case mtpc_keyboardButtonRequestPhone: {
buttonRow.push_back({ Button::Type::RequestPhone, qs(button.c_keyboardButtonRequestPhone().vtext), QByteArray(), 0 });
} break;
case mtpc_keyboardButtonUrl: {
auto &buttonData = button.c_keyboardButtonUrl();
buttonRow.push_back({ Button::Type::Url, qs(buttonData.vtext), qba(buttonData.vurl), 0 });
} break;
case mtpc_keyboardButtonSwitchInline: {
auto &buttonData = button.c_keyboardButtonSwitchInline();
auto buttonType = buttonData.is_same_peer() ? Button::Type::SwitchInlineSame : Button::Type::SwitchInline;
buttonRow.push_back({ buttonType, qs(buttonData.vtext), qba(buttonData.vquery), 0 });
if (buttonType == Button::Type::SwitchInline) {
// Optimization flag.
// Fast check on all new messages if there is a switch button to auto-click it.
flags |= MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag::f_has_switch_inline_button;
} break;
case mtpc_keyboardButtonGame: {
auto &buttonData = button.c_keyboardButtonGame();
buttonRow.push_back({ Button::Type::Game, qs(buttonData.vtext), QByteArray(), 0 });
} break;
if (!buttonRow.isEmpty()) rows.push_back(buttonRow);
} break;
void HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::create(const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) {
flags = 0;
inlineKeyboard = nullptr;
switch (markup.type()) {
case mtpc_replyKeyboardMarkup: {
auto &d = markup.c_replyKeyboardMarkup();
flags = d.vflags.v;
} break;
case mtpc_replyInlineMarkup: {
auto &d = markup.c_replyInlineMarkup();
flags = MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup::Flags(0) | MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag::f_inline;
} break;
case mtpc_replyKeyboardHide: {
auto &d = markup.c_replyKeyboardHide();
flags = mtpCastFlags(d.vflags) | MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag::f_zero;
} break;
case mtpc_replyKeyboardForceReply: {
auto &d = markup.c_replyKeyboardForceReply();
flags = mtpCastFlags(d.vflags) | MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag::f_force_reply;
} break;
void HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::create(const HistoryMessageReplyMarkup &markup) {
flags = markup.flags;
inlineKeyboard = nullptr;
for_const (auto &row, markup.rows) {
ButtonRow buttonRow;
for_const (auto &button, row) {
buttonRow.push_back({ button.type, button.text, button.data, 0 });
if (!buttonRow.isEmpty()) rows.push_back(buttonRow);
void HistoryMessageUnreadBar::init(int count) {
if (_freezed) return;
_text = lng_unread_bar(lt_count, count);
_width = st::semiboldFont->width(_text);
int HistoryMessageUnreadBar::height() {
return st::historyUnreadBarHeight + st::historyUnreadBarMargin;
int HistoryMessageUnreadBar::marginTop() {
return st::lineWidth + st::historyUnreadBarMargin;
void HistoryMessageUnreadBar::paint(Painter &p, int y, int w) const {
p.fillRect(0, y + marginTop(), w, height() - marginTop() - st::lineWidth, st::historyUnreadBarBg);
p.fillRect(0, y + height() - st::lineWidth, w, st::lineWidth, st::historyUnreadBarBorder);
int left = st::msgServiceMargin.left();
int maxwidth = w;
if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
maxwidth = qMin(maxwidth, int32(st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left()));
w = maxwidth;
p.drawText((w - _width) / 2, y + marginTop() + (st::historyUnreadBarHeight - 2 * st::lineWidth - st::historyUnreadBarFont->height) / 2 + st::historyUnreadBarFont->ascent, _text);
void HistoryMessageDate::init(const QDateTime &date) {
_text = langDayOfMonthFull(date.date());
_width = st::msgServiceFont->width(_text);
int HistoryMessageDate::height() const {
return st::msgServiceMargin.top() + st::msgServicePadding.top() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + st::msgServiceMargin.bottom();
void HistoryMessageDate::paint(Painter &p, int y, int w) const {
HistoryLayout::ServiceMessagePainter::paintDate(p, _text, _width, y, w);
void HistoryMediaPtr::reset(HistoryMedia *p) {
if (_p) {
delete _p;
_p = p;
if (_p) {
namespace internal {
TextSelection unshiftSelection(TextSelection selection, const Text &byText) {
if (selection == FullSelection) {
return selection;
return ::unshiftSelection(selection, byText);
TextSelection shiftSelection(TextSelection selection, const Text &byText) {
if (selection == FullSelection) {
return selection;
return ::shiftSelection(selection, byText);
} // namespace internal
HistoryItem::HistoryItem(History *history, MsgId msgId, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, QDateTime msgDate, int32 from) : HistoryElement()
, y(0)
, id(msgId)
, date(msgDate)
, _from(from ? App::user(from) : history->peer)
, _history(history)
, _flags(flags | MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_pending_init_dimensions | MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_pending_resize)
, _authorNameVersion(author()->nameVersion) {
void HistoryItem::finishCreate() {
void HistoryItem::finishEdition(int oldKeyboardTop) {
if (App::main()) {
App::main()->dlgUpdated(history()->peer, id);
// invalidate cache for drawInDialog
if (history()->textCachedFor == this) {
history()->textCachedFor = nullptr;
if (oldKeyboardTop >= 0) {
if (auto keyboard = Get<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
keyboard->oldTop = oldKeyboardTop;
void HistoryItem::finishEditionToEmpty() {
if (history()->isChannel()) {
if (history()->peer->isMegagroup() && history()->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->pinnedMsgId == id) {
history()->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->pinnedMsgId = 0;
if (history()->lastKeyboardId == id) {
if ((!out() || isPost()) && unread() && history()->unreadCount() > 0) {
history()->setUnreadCount(history()->unreadCount() - 1);
if (auto next = nextItem()) {
if (auto previous = previousItem()) {
void HistoryItem::clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) {
if (auto markup = Get<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
if (markup->inlineKeyboard) {
markup->inlineKeyboard->clickHandlerActiveChanged(p, active);
App::hoveredLinkItem(active ? this : nullptr);
void HistoryItem::clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) {
if (auto markup = Get<HistoryMessageReplyMarkup>()) {
if (markup->inlineKeyboard) {
markup->inlineKeyboard->clickHandlerPressedChanged(p, pressed);
App::pressedLinkItem(pressed ? this : nullptr);
void HistoryItem::destroy() {
// All this must be done for all items manually in History::clear(false)!
auto wasAtBottom = history()->loadedAtBottom();
if (history()->isChannel()) {
if (history()->peer->isMegagroup() && history()->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->pinnedMsgId == id) {
history()->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->pinnedMsgId = 0;
if (history()->lastMsg == this) {
if (history()->lastKeyboardId == id) {
if ((!out() || isPost()) && unread() && history()->unreadCount() > 0) {
history()->setUnreadCount(history()->unreadCount() - 1);
delete this;
void HistoryItem::detach() {
if (detached()) return;
if (_history->isChannel()) {
void HistoryItem::detachFast() {
_block = nullptr;
_indexInBlock = -1;
void HistoryItem::previousItemChanged() {
// Called only if there is no more next item! Not always when it changes!
void HistoryItem::nextItemChanged() {
void HistoryItem::recountAttachToPrevious() {
bool attach = false;
if (auto previous = previousItem()) {
if (!Has<HistoryMessageDate>() && !Has<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
attach = !isPost() && !previous->isPost()
&& !serviceMsg() && !previous->serviceMsg()
&& !isEmpty() && !previous->isEmpty()
&& previous->from() == from()
&& (qAbs(previous->date.secsTo(date)) < kAttachMessageToPreviousSecondsDelta);
if (attach && !(_flags & MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_attach_to_previous)) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_attach_to_previous;
} else if (!attach && (_flags & MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_attach_to_previous)) {
_flags &= ~MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_attach_to_previous;
void HistoryItem::setAttachToNext(bool attachToNext) {
if (attachToNext && !(_flags & MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_attach_to_next)) {
_flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_attach_to_next;
} else if (!attachToNext && (_flags & MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_attach_to_next)) {
_flags &= ~MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_attach_to_next;
void HistoryItem::setId(MsgId newId) {
history()->changeMsgId(id, newId);
id = newId;
// We don't need to call Notify::replyMarkupUpdated(this) and update keyboard
// in history widget, because it can't exist for an outgoing message.
// Only inline keyboards can be in outgoing messages.
if (auto markup = inlineReplyMarkup()) {
if (markup->inlineKeyboard) {
bool HistoryItem::canEdit(const QDateTime &cur) const {
auto messageToMyself = (_history->peer->id == AuthSession::CurrentUserPeerId());
auto messageTooOld = messageToMyself ? false : (date.secsTo(cur) >= Global::EditTimeLimit());
if (id < 0 || messageTooOld) return false;
if (auto msg = toHistoryMessage()) {
if (msg->Has<HistoryMessageVia>() || msg->Has<HistoryMessageForwarded>()) return false;
if (auto media = msg->getMedia()) {
auto type = media->type();
if (type != MediaTypePhoto &&
type != MediaTypeVideo &&
type != MediaTypeFile &&
type != MediaTypeGif &&
type != MediaTypeMusicFile &&
type != MediaTypeVoiceFile &&
type != MediaTypeWebPage) {
return false;
if (isPost()) {
auto channel = _history->peer->asChannel();
return (channel->amCreator() || (channel->amEditor() && out()));
return out() || messageToMyself;
return false;
bool HistoryItem::canDeleteForEveryone(const QDateTime &cur) const {
auto messageToMyself = (_history->peer->id == AuthSession::CurrentUserPeerId());
auto messageTooOld = messageToMyself ? false : (date.secsTo(cur) >= Global::EditTimeLimit());
if (id < 0 || messageToMyself || messageTooOld) return false;
if (history()->peer->isChannel()) return false;
if (auto msg = toHistoryMessage()) {
return !isPost() && out();
return false;
bool HistoryItem::unread() const {
// Messages from myself are always read.
if (history()->peer->isSelf()) return false;
if (out()) {
// Outgoing messages in converted chats are always read.
if (history()->peer->migrateTo()) return false;
if (id > 0) {
if (id < history()->outboxReadBefore) return false;
if (auto user = history()->peer->asUser()) {
if (user->botInfo) return false;
} else if (auto channel = history()->peer->asChannel()) {
if (!channel->isMegagroup()) return false;
return true;
if (id > 0) {
if (id < history()->inboxReadBefore) return false;
return true;
return (_flags & MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_clientside_unread);
void HistoryItem::destroyUnreadBar() {
if (Has<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
if (_history->unreadBar == this) {
_history->unreadBar = nullptr;
void HistoryItem::setUnreadBarCount(int count) {
if (count > 0) {
HistoryMessageUnreadBar *bar;
if (!Has<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
bar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>();
} else {
bar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>();
if (bar->_freezed) {
} else {
void HistoryItem::setUnreadBarFreezed() {
if (auto bar = Get<HistoryMessageUnreadBar>()) {
bar->_freezed = true;
void HistoryItem::clipCallback(Media::Clip::Notification notification) {
using namespace Media::Clip;
HistoryMedia *media = getMedia();
if (!media) return;
Reader *reader = media ? media->getClipReader() : 0;
if (!reader) return;
switch (notification) {
case NotificationReinit: {
bool stopped = false;
if (reader->autoPausedGif()) {
if (MainWidget *m = App::main()) {
if (!m->isItemVisible(this)) { // stop animation if it is not visible
if (DocumentData *document = media->getDocument()) { // forget data from memory
stopped = true;
if (!stopped) {
} break;
case NotificationRepaint: {
if (!reader->currentDisplayed()) {
} break;
void HistoryItem::recountDisplayDate() {
bool displayingDate = ([this]() {
if (isEmpty()) return false;
if (auto previous = previousItem()) {
return previous->isEmpty() || (previous->date.date() != date.date());
return true;
if (displayingDate && !Has<HistoryMessageDate>()) {
} else if (!displayingDate && Has<HistoryMessageDate>()) {
QString HistoryItem::notificationText() const {
auto getText = [this]() {
if (emptyText()) {
return _media ? _media->notificationText() : QString();
return _text.originalText();
auto result = getText();
if (result.size() > 0xFF) result = result.mid(0, 0xFF) + qsl("...");
return result;
QString HistoryItem::inDialogsText() const {
auto getText = [this]() {
if (emptyText()) {
return _media ? _media->inDialogsText() : QString();
return textClean(_text.originalText());
auto plainText = getText();
if ((!_history->peer->isUser() || out()) && !isPost() && !isEmpty()) {
auto fromText = author()->isSelf() ? lang(lng_from_you) : author()->shortName();
auto fromWrapped = textcmdLink(1, lng_dialogs_text_from_wrapped(lt_from, textClean(fromText)));
return lng_dialogs_text_with_from(lt_from_part, fromWrapped, lt_message, plainText);
return plainText;
void HistoryItem::drawInDialog(Painter &p, const QRect &r, bool active, bool selected, const HistoryItem *&cacheFor, Text &cache) const {
if (cacheFor != this) {
cacheFor = this;
cache.setText(st::dialogsTextStyle, inDialogsText(), _textDlgOptions);
if (r.width()) {
p.setTextPalette(active ? st::dialogsTextPaletteActive : (selected ? st::dialogsTextPaletteOver : st::dialogsTextPalette));
p.setPen(active ? st::dialogsTextFgActive : (selected ? st::dialogsTextFgOver : st::dialogsTextFg));
cache.drawElided(p, r.left(), r.top(), r.width(), r.height() / st::dialogsTextFont->height);
HistoryItem::~HistoryItem() {
if (id < 0 && App::uploader()) {
ClickHandlerPtr goToMessageClickHandler(PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId) {
return MakeShared<LambdaClickHandler>([peer, msgId] {
if (App::main()) {
auto current = App::mousedItem();
if (current && current->history()->peer == peer) {
Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, msgId, Ui::ShowWay::Forward);