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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "media/streaming/media_streaming_loader.h"
#include "base/bytes.h"
namespace Storage {
namespace Cache {
struct Key;
} // namespace Cache
} // namespace Storage
namespace Data {
class Session;
} // namespace Data
namespace Media {
namespace Streaming {
class Loader;
struct LoadedPart;
enum class Error;
class Reader final {
Reader(not_null<Data::Session*> owner, std::unique_ptr<Loader> loader);
[[nodiscard]] int size() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool fill(
int offset,
bytes::span buffer,
not_null<crl::semaphore*> notify);
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<Error> failed() const;
void headerDone();
void stop();
[[nodiscard]] bool isRemoteLoader() const;
static constexpr auto kLoadFromRemoteMax = 8;
struct CacheHelper;
template <int Size>
class StackIntVector {
bool add(int value);
auto values() const;
std::array<int, Size> _storage = { -1 };
struct SerializedSlice {
int number = -1;
QByteArray data;
struct FillResult {
static constexpr auto kReadFromCacheMax = 2;
StackIntVector<kReadFromCacheMax> sliceNumbersFromCache;
StackIntVector<kLoadFromRemoteMax> offsetsFromLoader;
SerializedSlice toCache;
bool filled = false;
struct Slice {
enum class Flag : uchar {
LoadingFromCache = 0x01,
LoadedFromCache = 0x02,
ChangedSinceCache = 0x04,
friend constexpr inline bool is_flag_type(Flag) { return true; }
using Flags = base::flags<Flag>;
struct PrepareFillResult {
StackIntVector<kLoadFromRemoteMax> offsetsFromLoader;
base::flat_map<int, QByteArray>::const_iterator start;
base::flat_map<int, QByteArray>::const_iterator finish;
bool ready = true;
bytes::const_span processCacheData(
bytes::const_span data,
int maxSize);
bytes::const_span processComplexCacheData(
bytes::const_span data,
int maxSize);
void addPart(int offset, QByteArray bytes);
PrepareFillResult prepareFill(int from, int till);
// Get up to kLoadFromRemoteMax not loaded parts in from-till range.
StackIntVector<kLoadFromRemoteMax> offsetsFromLoader(
int from,
int till) const;
base::flat_map<int, QByteArray> parts;
Flags flags;
class Slices {
Slices(int size, bool useCache);
void headerDone(bool fromCache);
[[nodiscard]] bool headerWontBeFilled() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool headerModeUnknown() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isFullInHeader() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isGoodHeader() const;
void processCacheResult(int sliceNumber, bytes::const_span result);
void processPart(int offset, QByteArray &&bytes);
[[nodiscard]] FillResult fill(int offset, bytes::span buffer);
[[nodiscard]] SerializedSlice unloadToCache();
enum class HeaderMode {
void applyHeaderCacheData();
[[nodiscard]] int maxSliceSize(int sliceNumber) const;
[[nodiscard]] SerializedSlice serializeAndUnloadSlice(
int sliceNumber);
[[nodiscard]] SerializedSlice serializeAndUnloadUnused();
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray serializeComplexSlice(
const Slice &slice) const;
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray serializeAndUnloadFirstSliceNoHeader();
void markSliceUsed(int sliceIndex);
[[nodiscard]] bool computeIsGoodHeader() const;
[[nodiscard]] FillResult fillFromHeader(
int offset,
bytes::span buffer);
std::vector<Slice> _data;
Slice _header;
std::deque<int> _usedSlices;
int _size = 0;
HeaderMode _headerMode = HeaderMode::Unknown;
// 0 is for headerData, slice index = sliceNumber - 1.
void readFromCache(int sliceNumber);
bool processCacheResults();
void putToCache(SerializedSlice &&data);
void cancelLoadInRange(int from, int till);
void loadAtOffset(int offset);
void checkLoadWillBeFirst(int offset);
bool processLoadedParts();
bool fillFromSlices(int offset, bytes::span buffer);
void finalizeCache();
static std::shared_ptr<CacheHelper> InitCacheHelper(
std::optional<Storage::Cache::Key> baseKey);
const not_null<Data::Session*> _owner;
const std::unique_ptr<Loader> _loader;
const std::shared_ptr<CacheHelper> _cacheHelper;
QMutex _loadedPartsMutex;
std::vector<LoadedPart> _loadedParts;
std::atomic<crl::semaphore*> _waiting = nullptr;
PriorityQueue _loadingOffsets;
Slices _slices;
std::optional<Error> _failed;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
} // namespace Streaming
} // namespace Media