/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "apiwrap.h" #include "data/data_drafts.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_web_page.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "history/history_widget.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme.h" #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "chat_helpers/message_field.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers.h" #include "storage/storage_facade.h" #include "storage/storage_shared_media.h" #include "storage/storage_user_photos.h" namespace { constexpr auto kReloadChannelMembersTimeout = 1000; // 1 second wait before reload members in channel after adding constexpr auto kSaveCloudDraftTimeout = 1000; // save draft to the cloud with 1 sec extra delay constexpr auto kSaveDraftBeforeQuitTimeout = 1500; // give the app 1.5 secs to save drafts to cloud when quitting constexpr auto kSmallDelayMs = 5; constexpr auto kStickersUpdateTimeout = 3600000; // update not more than once in an hour constexpr auto kUnreadMentionsPreloadIfLess = 5; constexpr auto kUnreadMentionsFirstRequestLimit = 10; constexpr auto kUnreadMentionsNextRequestLimit = 100; constexpr auto kSharedMediaLimit = 100; } // namespace ApiWrap::ApiWrap(not_null session) : _session(session) , _messageDataResolveDelayed([this] { resolveMessageDatas(); }) , _webPagesTimer([this] { resolveWebPages(); }) , _draftsSaveTimer([this] { saveDraftsToCloud(); }) { } void ApiWrap::start() { Window::Theme::Background()->start(); requestAppChangelogs(); } void ApiWrap::requestAppChangelogs() { auto oldAppVersion = Local::oldMapVersion(); if (oldAppVersion > 0 && oldAppVersion < AppVersion) { _changelogSubscription = subscribe(_session->data().moreChatsLoaded(), [this, oldAppVersion] { auto oldVersionString = qsl("%1.%2.%3").arg(oldAppVersion / 1000000).arg((oldAppVersion % 1000000) / 1000).arg(oldAppVersion % 1000); request(MTPhelp_GetAppChangelog(MTP_string(oldVersionString))).done([this, oldAppVersion](const MTPUpdates &result) { applyUpdates(result); auto resultEmpty = true; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_updateShortMessage: case mtpc_updateShortChatMessage: case mtpc_updateShort: resultEmpty = false; break; case mtpc_updatesCombined: resultEmpty = result.c_updatesCombined().vupdates.v.isEmpty(); break; case mtpc_updates: resultEmpty = result.c_updates().vupdates.v.isEmpty(); break; case mtpc_updatesTooLong: case mtpc_updateShortSentMessage: LOG(("API Error: Bad updates type in app changelog.")); break; } if (resultEmpty) { addLocalChangelogs(oldAppVersion); } }).send(); unsubscribe(base::take(_changelogSubscription)); }); } } void ApiWrap::addLocalChangelogs(int oldAppVersion) { auto addedSome = false; auto addLocalChangelog = [this, &addedSome](const QString &text) { auto textWithEntities = TextWithEntities { text }; TextUtilities::ParseEntities(textWithEntities, TextParseLinks); App::wnd()->serviceNotification(textWithEntities, MTP_messageMediaEmpty(), unixtime()); addedSome = true; }; if (cAlphaVersion() || cBetaVersion()) { auto addLocalAlphaChangelog = [this, oldAppVersion, addLocalChangelog](int changeVersion, const char *changes) { if (oldAppVersion < changeVersion) { auto changeVersionString = QString::number(changeVersion / 1000000) + '.' + QString::number((changeVersion % 1000000) / 1000) + ((changeVersion % 1000) ? ('.' + QString::number(changeVersion % 1000)) : QString()); auto text = qsl("New in version %1:\n\n").arg(changeVersionString) + QString::fromUtf8(changes).trimmed(); addLocalChangelog(text); } }; addLocalAlphaChangelog(1001008, "\xE2\x80\x94 Toggle night mode in the main menu.\n"); addLocalAlphaChangelog(1001010, "\xE2\x80\x94 Filter added to channel and supergroup event log.\n\xE2\x80\x94 Search by username in privacy exceptions editor fixed.\n\xE2\x80\x94 Adding admins in channels fixed."); addLocalAlphaChangelog(1001011, "\xE2\x80\x94 Send **bold** and __italic__ text in your messages (in addition to already supported `monospace` and ```multiline monospace```).\n\xE2\x80\x94 Search in channel and supergroup admin event log.\n\xE2\x80\x94 Ban members from right click menu in supergroup admin event log."); addLocalAlphaChangelog(1001012, "\xE2\x80\x94 Click on forwarded messages bar to change the recipient chat in case you chose a wrong one first.\n\xE2\x80\x94 Quickly share posts from channels and media messages from bots.\n\xE2\x80\x94 Search in large supergroup members by name.\n\xE2\x80\x94 Search in channel members by name if you're a channel admin.\n\xE2\x80\x94 Copy links to messages in public supergroups."); addLocalAlphaChangelog(1001014, "\xE2\x80\x94 Bug fixes and other minor improvements."); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN addLocalAlphaChangelog(1001023, "\xE2\x80\x94 See the message author photo and name while searching specific chat messages.\n\xE2\x80\x94 Fix \"Send To\" menu action on Windows."); #else // Q_OS_WIN addLocalAlphaChangelog(1001023, "\xE2\x80\x94 See the message author photo and name while searching specific chat messages."); #endif // Q_OS_WIN } if (!addedSome) { auto text = lng_new_version_wrap(lt_version, str_const_toString(AppVersionStr), lt_changes, lang(lng_new_version_minor), lt_link, qsl("https://desktop.telegram.org/changelog")).trimmed(); addLocalChangelog(text); } } void ApiWrap::applyUpdates(const MTPUpdates &updates, uint64 sentMessageRandomId) { App::main()->feedUpdates(updates, sentMessageRandomId); } void ApiWrap::requestMessageData(ChannelData *channel, MsgId msgId, RequestMessageDataCallback callback) { auto &req = (channel ? _channelMessageDataRequests[channel][msgId] : _messageDataRequests[msgId]); if (callback) { req.callbacks.append(callback); } if (!req.requestId) _messageDataResolveDelayed.call(); } QVector ApiWrap::collectMessageIds(const MessageDataRequests &requests) { auto result = QVector(); result.reserve(requests.size()); for (auto i = requests.cbegin(), e = requests.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.value().requestId > 0) continue; result.push_back(MTP_int(i.key())); } return result; } ApiWrap::MessageDataRequests *ApiWrap::messageDataRequests(ChannelData *channel, bool onlyExisting) { if (channel) { auto i = _channelMessageDataRequests.find(channel); if (i == _channelMessageDataRequests.cend()) { if (onlyExisting) return 0; i = _channelMessageDataRequests.insert(channel, MessageDataRequests()); } return &i.value(); } return &_messageDataRequests; } void ApiWrap::resolveMessageDatas() { if (_messageDataRequests.isEmpty() && _channelMessageDataRequests.isEmpty()) return; auto ids = collectMessageIds(_messageDataRequests); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_GetMessages(MTP_vector(ids))).done([this](const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { gotMessageDatas(nullptr, result, requestId); }).after(kSmallDelayMs).send(); for (auto &request : _messageDataRequests) { if (request.requestId > 0) continue; request.requestId = requestId; } } for (auto j = _channelMessageDataRequests.begin(); j != _channelMessageDataRequests.cend();) { if (j->isEmpty()) { j = _channelMessageDataRequests.erase(j); continue; } auto ids = collectMessageIds(j.value()); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_GetMessages(j.key()->inputChannel, MTP_vector(ids))).done([this, channel = j.key()](const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { gotMessageDatas(channel, result, requestId); }).after(kSmallDelayMs).send(); for (auto &request : *j) { if (request.requestId > 0) continue; request.requestId = requestId; } } ++j; } } void ApiWrap::gotMessageDatas(ChannelData *channel, const MTPmessages_Messages &msgs, mtpRequestId requestId) { switch (msgs.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: { auto &d(msgs.c_messages_messages()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedMsgs(d.vmessages, NewMessageExisting); } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: { auto &d(msgs.c_messages_messagesSlice()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedMsgs(d.vmessages, NewMessageExisting); } break; case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: { auto &d(msgs.c_messages_channelMessages()); if (channel) { channel->ptsReceived(d.vpts.v); } else { LOG(("App Error: received messages.channelMessages when no channel was passed! (ApiWrap::gotDependencyItem)")); } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedMsgs(d.vmessages, NewMessageExisting); } break; } auto requests = messageDataRequests(channel, true); if (requests) { for (auto i = requests->begin(); i != requests->cend();) { if (i.value().requestId == requestId) { for_const (auto &callback, i.value().callbacks) { callback(channel, i.key()); } i = requests->erase(i); } else { ++i; } } if (channel && requests->isEmpty()) { _channelMessageDataRequests.remove(channel); } } } void ApiWrap::requestFullPeer(PeerData *peer) { if (!peer || _fullPeerRequests.contains(peer)) return; auto sendRequest = [this, peer] { auto failHandler = [this, peer](const RPCError &error) { _fullPeerRequests.remove(peer); }; if (auto user = peer->asUser()) { return request(MTPusers_GetFullUser(user->inputUser)).done([this, user](const MTPUserFull &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { gotUserFull(user, result, requestId); }).fail(failHandler).send(); } else if (auto chat = peer->asChat()) { return request(MTPmessages_GetFullChat(chat->inputChat)).done([this, peer](const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { gotChatFull(peer, result, requestId); }).fail(failHandler).send(); } else if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { return request(MTPchannels_GetFullChannel(channel->inputChannel)).done([this, peer](const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { gotChatFull(peer, result, requestId); }).fail(failHandler).send(); } return 0; }; if (auto requestId = sendRequest()) { _fullPeerRequests.insert(peer, requestId); } } void ApiWrap::processFullPeer(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result) { gotChatFull(peer, result, mtpRequestId(0)); } void ApiWrap::processFullPeer(UserData *user, const MTPUserFull &result) { gotUserFull(user, result, mtpRequestId(0)); } void ApiWrap::gotChatFull(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result, mtpRequestId req) { auto &d = result.c_messages_chatFull(); auto &vc = d.vchats.v; auto badVersion = false; if (peer->isChat()) { badVersion = (!vc.isEmpty() && vc[0].type() == mtpc_chat && vc[0].c_chat().vversion.v < peer->asChat()->version); } else if (peer->isChannel()) { badVersion = (!vc.isEmpty() && vc[0].type() == mtpc_channel && vc[0].c_channel().vversion.v < peer->asChannel()->version); } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); using UpdateFlag = Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag; if (auto chat = peer->asChat()) { if (d.vfull_chat.type() != mtpc_chatFull) { LOG(("MTP Error: bad type in gotChatFull for chat: %1").arg(d.vfull_chat.type())); return; } auto &f = d.vfull_chat.c_chatFull(); App::feedParticipants(f.vparticipants, false); auto &v = f.vbot_info.v; for_const (auto &item, v) { switch (item.type()) { case mtpc_botInfo: { auto &b = item.c_botInfo(); if (auto user = App::userLoaded(b.vuser_id.v)) { user->setBotInfo(item); fullPeerUpdated().notify(user); } } break; } } auto newPhotoId = 0; if (auto photo = App::feedPhoto(f.vchat_photo)) { newPhotoId = photo->id; photo->peer = chat; } if (chat->photoId != newPhotoId) { chat->photoId = newPhotoId; Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(chat, UpdateFlag::PhotoChanged); } chat->setInviteLink((f.vexported_invite.type() == mtpc_chatInviteExported) ? qs(f.vexported_invite.c_chatInviteExported().vlink) : QString()); chat->fullUpdated(); notifySettingReceived(MTP_inputNotifyPeer(peer->input), f.vnotify_settings); } else if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { if (d.vfull_chat.type() != mtpc_channelFull) { LOG(("MTP Error: bad type in gotChatFull for channel: %1").arg(d.vfull_chat.type())); return; } auto &f = d.vfull_chat.c_channelFull(); auto canViewAdmins = channel->canViewAdmins(); auto canViewMembers = channel->canViewMembers(); auto canEditStickers = channel->canEditStickers(); channel->setFullFlags(f.vflags.v); auto newPhotoId = PhotoId(0); if (auto photo = App::feedPhoto(f.vchat_photo)) { newPhotoId = photo->id; photo->peer = channel; } if (channel->photoId != newPhotoId) { channel->photoId = newPhotoId; Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(channel, UpdateFlag::PhotoChanged); } if (f.has_migrated_from_chat_id()) { channel->addFlags(MTPDchannel::Flag::f_megagroup); auto cfrom = App::chat(peerFromChat(f.vmigrated_from_chat_id)); bool updatedTo = (cfrom->migrateToPtr != channel), updatedFrom = (channel->mgInfo->migrateFromPtr != cfrom); if (updatedTo) { cfrom->migrateToPtr = channel; } if (updatedFrom) { channel->mgInfo->migrateFromPtr = cfrom; if (auto h = App::historyLoaded(cfrom->id)) { if (auto hto = App::historyLoaded(channel->id)) { if (!h->isEmpty()) { h->clear(true); } if (hto->inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All) && h->inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) { App::removeDialog(h); } } } Notify::migrateUpdated(channel); } if (updatedTo) { Notify::migrateUpdated(cfrom); } } auto &v = f.vbot_info.v; for_const (auto &item, v) { switch (item.type()) { case mtpc_botInfo: { auto &b = item.c_botInfo(); if (auto user = App::userLoaded(b.vuser_id.v)) { user->setBotInfo(item); fullPeerUpdated().notify(user); } } break; } } channel->setAbout(qs(f.vabout)); channel->setMembersCount(f.has_participants_count() ? f.vparticipants_count.v : 0); channel->setAdminsCount(f.has_admins_count() ? f.vadmins_count.v : 0); channel->setRestrictedCount(f.has_banned_count() ? f.vbanned_count.v : 0); channel->setKickedCount(f.has_kicked_count() ? f.vkicked_count.v : 0); channel->setInviteLink((f.vexported_invite.type() == mtpc_chatInviteExported) ? qs(f.vexported_invite.c_chatInviteExported().vlink) : QString()); if (auto h = App::historyLoaded(channel->id)) { if (h->inboxReadBefore < f.vread_inbox_max_id.v + 1) { h->setUnreadCount(f.vunread_count.v); h->inboxReadBefore = f.vread_inbox_max_id.v + 1; } accumulate_max(h->outboxReadBefore, f.vread_outbox_max_id.v + 1); } if (channel->isMegagroup()) { if (f.has_pinned_msg_id()) { channel->mgInfo->pinnedMsgId = f.vpinned_msg_id.v; } else { channel->mgInfo->pinnedMsgId = 0; } auto stickersChanged = (canEditStickers != channel->canEditStickers()); auto stickerSet = (f.has_stickerset() ? &f.vstickerset.c_stickerSet() : nullptr); auto newSetId = (stickerSet ? stickerSet->vid.v : 0); auto oldSetId = (channel->mgInfo->stickerSet.type() == mtpc_inputStickerSetID) ? channel->mgInfo->stickerSet.c_inputStickerSetID().vid.v : 0; if (oldSetId != newSetId) { channel->mgInfo->stickerSet = stickerSet ? MTP_inputStickerSetID(stickerSet->vid, stickerSet->vaccess_hash) : MTP_inputStickerSetEmpty(); stickersChanged = true; } if (stickersChanged) { Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(channel, UpdateFlag::ChannelStickersChanged); } } channel->fullUpdated(); if (canViewAdmins != channel->canViewAdmins() || canViewMembers != channel->canViewMembers()) { Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(channel, UpdateFlag::ChannelRightsChanged); } notifySettingReceived(MTP_inputNotifyPeer(peer->input), f.vnotify_settings); } if (req) { auto i = _fullPeerRequests.find(peer); if (i != _fullPeerRequests.cend() && i.value() == req) { _fullPeerRequests.erase(i); } } if (badVersion) { if (auto chat = peer->asChat()) { chat->version = vc[0].c_chat().vversion.v; } else if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { channel->version = vc[0].c_channel().vversion.v; } requestPeer(peer); } fullPeerUpdated().notify(peer); } void ApiWrap::gotUserFull(UserData *user, const MTPUserFull &result, mtpRequestId req) { auto &d = result.c_userFull(); App::feedUsers(MTP_vector(1, d.vuser)); if (d.has_profile_photo()) { App::feedPhoto(d.vprofile_photo); } App::feedUserLink(MTP_int(peerToUser(user->id)), d.vlink.c_contacts_link().vmy_link, d.vlink.c_contacts_link().vforeign_link); if (App::main()) { notifySettingReceived(MTP_inputNotifyPeer(user->input), d.vnotify_settings); } if (d.has_bot_info()) { user->setBotInfo(d.vbot_info); } else { user->setBotInfoVersion(-1); } user->setBlockStatus(d.is_blocked() ? UserData::BlockStatus::Blocked : UserData::BlockStatus::NotBlocked); user->setCallsStatus(d.is_phone_calls_private() ? UserData::CallsStatus::Private : d.is_phone_calls_available() ? UserData::CallsStatus::Enabled : UserData::CallsStatus::Disabled); user->setAbout(d.has_about() ? qs(d.vabout) : QString()); user->setCommonChatsCount(d.vcommon_chats_count.v); user->fullUpdated(); if (req) { auto i = _fullPeerRequests.find(user); if (i != _fullPeerRequests.cend() && i.value() == req) { _fullPeerRequests.erase(i); } } fullPeerUpdated().notify(user); } void ApiWrap::requestPeer(PeerData *peer) { if (!peer || _fullPeerRequests.contains(peer) || _peerRequests.contains(peer)) return; auto sendRequest = [this, peer] { auto failHandler = [this, peer](const RPCError &error) { _peerRequests.remove(peer); }; auto chatHandler = [this, peer](const MTPmessages_Chats &result) { _peerRequests.remove(peer); if (auto chats = Api::getChatsFromMessagesChats(result)) { auto &v = chats->v; bool badVersion = false; if (auto chat = peer->asChat()) { badVersion = (!v.isEmpty() && v[0].type() == mtpc_chat && v[0].c_chat().vversion.v < chat->version); } else if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { badVersion = (!v.isEmpty() && v[0].type() == mtpc_channel && v[0].c_channel().vversion.v < channel->version); } auto chat = App::feedChats(*chats); if (chat == peer) { if (badVersion) { if (auto chat = peer->asChat()) { chat->version = v[0].c_chat().vversion.v; } else if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { channel->version = v[0].c_channel().vversion.v; } requestPeer(peer); } } } }; if (auto user = peer->asUser()) { return request(MTPusers_GetUsers(MTP_vector(1, user->inputUser))).done([this, user](const MTPVector &result) { _peerRequests.remove(user); App::feedUsers(result); }).fail(failHandler).send(); } else if (auto chat = peer->asChat()) { return request(MTPmessages_GetChats(MTP_vector(1, chat->inputChat))).done(chatHandler).fail(failHandler).send(); } else if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { return request(MTPchannels_GetChannels(MTP_vector(1, channel->inputChannel))).done(chatHandler).fail(failHandler).send(); } return 0; }; if (auto requestId = sendRequest()) { _peerRequests.insert(peer, requestId); } } void ApiWrap::requestPeers(const QList &peers) { QVector chats; QVector channels; QVector users; chats.reserve(peers.size()); channels.reserve(peers.size()); users.reserve(peers.size()); for (QList::const_iterator i = peers.cbegin(), e = peers.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (!*i || _fullPeerRequests.contains(*i) || _peerRequests.contains(*i)) continue; if ((*i)->isUser()) { users.push_back((*i)->asUser()->inputUser); } else if ((*i)->isChat()) { chats.push_back((*i)->asChat()->inputChat); } else if ((*i)->isChannel()) { channels.push_back((*i)->asChannel()->inputChannel); } } auto handleChats = [this](const MTPmessages_Chats &result) { if (auto chats = Api::getChatsFromMessagesChats(result)) { App::feedChats(*chats); } }; if (!chats.isEmpty()) { request(MTPmessages_GetChats(MTP_vector(chats))).done(handleChats).send(); } if (!channels.isEmpty()) { request(MTPchannels_GetChannels(MTP_vector(channels))).done(handleChats).send(); } if (!users.isEmpty()) { request(MTPusers_GetUsers(MTP_vector(users))).done([this](const MTPVector &result) { App::feedUsers(result); }).send(); } } void ApiWrap::requestLastParticipants(ChannelData *channel, bool fromStart) { if (!channel || !channel->isMegagroup()) { return; } auto needAdmins = channel->canViewAdmins(); auto adminsOutdated = (channel->mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus & MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsAdminsOutdated) != 0; if ((needAdmins && adminsOutdated) || channel->lastParticipantsCountOutdated()) { fromStart = true; } auto i = _participantsRequests.find(channel); if (i != _participantsRequests.cend()) { if (fromStart && i.value() < 0) { // was not loading from start _participantsRequests.erase(i); } else { return; } } auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_GetParticipants(channel->inputChannel, MTP_channelParticipantsRecent(), MTP_int(fromStart ? 0 : channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.size()), MTP_int(Global::ChatSizeMax()))).done([this, channel](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { lastParticipantsDone(channel, result, requestId); }).fail([this, channel](const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { if (_participantsRequests.value(channel) == requestId || _participantsRequests.value(channel) == -requestId) { _participantsRequests.remove(channel); } }).send(); _participantsRequests.insert(channel, fromStart ? requestId : -requestId); } void ApiWrap::requestBots(ChannelData *channel) { if (!channel || !channel->isMegagroup() || _botsRequests.contains(channel)) { return; } auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_GetParticipants(channel->inputChannel, MTP_channelParticipantsBots(), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(Global::ChatSizeMax()))).done([this, channel](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { lastParticipantsDone(channel, result, requestId); }).fail([this, channel](const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { if (_botsRequests.value(channel) == requestId) { _botsRequests.remove(channel); } }).send(); _botsRequests.insert(channel, requestId); } void ApiWrap::lastParticipantsDone(ChannelData *peer, const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { bool bots = (_botsRequests.value(peer) == requestId), fromStart = false; if (bots) { _botsRequests.remove(peer); } else { auto was = _participantsRequests.value(peer); if (was == requestId) { fromStart = true; } else if (was != -requestId) { return; } _participantsRequests.remove(peer); } if (!peer->mgInfo || result.type() != mtpc_channels_channelParticipants) return; History *h = 0; if (bots) { h = App::historyLoaded(peer->id); peer->mgInfo->bots.clear(); peer->mgInfo->botStatus = -1; } else if (fromStart) { peer->mgInfo->lastAdmins.clear(); peer->mgInfo->lastParticipants.clear(); peer->mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus = MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsUpToDate; } auto &d = result.c_channels_channelParticipants(); auto &v = d.vparticipants.v; App::feedUsers(d.vusers); auto added = false; auto needBotsInfos = false; auto botStatus = peer->mgInfo->botStatus; auto keyboardBotFound = !h || !h->lastKeyboardFrom; auto emptyAdminRights = MTP_channelAdminRights(MTP_flags(0)); auto emptyRestrictedRights = MTP_channelBannedRights(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0)); for_const (auto &participant, v) { auto userId = UserId(0); auto adminCanEdit = false; auto adminRights = emptyAdminRights; auto restrictedRights = emptyRestrictedRights; switch (participant.type()) { case mtpc_channelParticipant: userId = participant.c_channelParticipant().vuser_id.v; break; case mtpc_channelParticipantSelf: userId = participant.c_channelParticipantSelf().vuser_id.v; break; case mtpc_channelParticipantAdmin: userId = participant.c_channelParticipantAdmin().vuser_id.v; adminCanEdit = participant.c_channelParticipantAdmin().is_can_edit(); adminRights = participant.c_channelParticipantAdmin().vadmin_rights; break; case mtpc_channelParticipantBanned: userId = participant.c_channelParticipantBanned().vuser_id.v; restrictedRights = participant.c_channelParticipantBanned().vbanned_rights; break; case mtpc_channelParticipantCreator: userId = participant.c_channelParticipantCreator().vuser_id.v; break; } if (!userId) { continue; } auto u = App::user(userId); if (participant.type() == mtpc_channelParticipantCreator) { peer->mgInfo->creator = u; } if (bots) { if (u->botInfo) { peer->mgInfo->bots.insert(u); botStatus = 2;// (botStatus > 0/* || !i.key()->botInfo->readsAllHistory*/) ? 2 : 1; if (!u->botInfo->inited) { needBotsInfos = true; } } if (!keyboardBotFound && u->id == h->lastKeyboardFrom) { keyboardBotFound = true; } } else { if (peer->mgInfo->lastParticipants.indexOf(u) < 0) { peer->mgInfo->lastParticipants.push_back(u); if (adminRights.c_channelAdminRights().vflags.v) { peer->mgInfo->lastAdmins.insert(u, MegagroupInfo::Admin { adminRights, adminCanEdit }); } else if (restrictedRights.c_channelBannedRights().vflags.v != 0) { peer->mgInfo->lastRestricted.insert(u, MegagroupInfo::Restricted { restrictedRights }); } if (u->botInfo) { peer->mgInfo->bots.insert(u); if (peer->mgInfo->botStatus != 0 && peer->mgInfo->botStatus < 2) { peer->mgInfo->botStatus = 2; } } added = true; } } } if (needBotsInfos) { requestFullPeer(peer); } if (!keyboardBotFound) { h->clearLastKeyboard(); } int newMembersCount = qMax(d.vcount.v, v.count()); if (newMembersCount > peer->membersCount()) { peer->setMembersCount(newMembersCount); } if (!bots) { if (v.isEmpty()) { peer->setMembersCount(peer->mgInfo->lastParticipants.size()); } Notify::PeerUpdate update(peer); update.flags |= Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::MembersChanged | Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::AdminsChanged; Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(update); } peer->mgInfo->botStatus = botStatus; if (App::main()) fullPeerUpdated().notify(peer); } void ApiWrap::requestSelfParticipant(ChannelData *channel) { if (_selfParticipantRequests.contains(channel)) { return; } auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_GetParticipant(channel->inputChannel, MTP_inputUserSelf())).done([this, channel](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipant &result) { _selfParticipantRequests.remove(channel); if (result.type() != mtpc_channels_channelParticipant) { LOG(("API Error: unknown type in gotSelfParticipant (%1)").arg(result.type())); channel->inviter = -1; if (App::main()) App::main()->onSelfParticipantUpdated(channel); return; } auto &p = result.c_channels_channelParticipant(); App::feedUsers(p.vusers); switch (p.vparticipant.type()) { case mtpc_channelParticipantSelf: { auto &d = p.vparticipant.c_channelParticipantSelf(); channel->inviter = d.vinviter_id.v; channel->inviteDate = date(d.vdate); } break; case mtpc_channelParticipantCreator: { auto &d = p.vparticipant.c_channelParticipantCreator(); channel->inviter = _session->userId(); channel->inviteDate = date(MTP_int(channel->date)); if (channel->mgInfo) { channel->mgInfo->creator = App::self(); } } break; case mtpc_channelParticipantAdmin: { auto &d = p.vparticipant.c_channelParticipantAdmin(); channel->inviter = d.vinviter_id.v; channel->inviteDate = date(d.vdate); } break; } if (App::main()) App::main()->onSelfParticipantUpdated(channel); }).fail([this, channel](const RPCError &error) { _selfParticipantRequests.remove(channel); if (error.type() == qstr("USER_NOT_PARTICIPANT")) { channel->inviter = -1; } }).after(kSmallDelayMs).send(); _selfParticipantRequests.insert(channel, requestId); } void ApiWrap::kickParticipant(PeerData *peer, UserData *user, const MTPChannelBannedRights ¤tRights) { auto kick = KickRequest(peer, user); if (_kickRequests.contains(kick)) return; if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { auto rights = ChannelData::KickedRestrictedRights(); auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_EditBanned(channel->inputChannel, user->inputUser, rights)).done([this, channel, user, currentRights, rights](const MTPUpdates &result) { applyUpdates(result); _kickRequests.remove(KickRequest(channel, user)); channel->applyEditBanned(user, currentRights, rights); }).fail([this, kick](const RPCError &error) { _kickRequests.remove(kick); }).send(); _kickRequests.insert(kick, requestId); } } void ApiWrap::unblockParticipant(PeerData *peer, UserData *user) { auto kick = KickRequest(peer, user); if (_kickRequests.contains(kick)) return; if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_EditBanned(channel->inputChannel, user->inputUser, MTP_channelBannedRights(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0)))).done([this, peer, user](const MTPUpdates &result) { applyUpdates(result); _kickRequests.remove(KickRequest(peer, user)); if (auto channel = peer->asMegagroup()) { if (channel->kickedCount() > 0) { channel->setKickedCount(channel->kickedCount() - 1); } else { channel->updateFullForced(); } } }).fail([this, kick](const RPCError &error) { _kickRequests.remove(kick); }).send(); _kickRequests.insert(kick, requestId); } } void ApiWrap::scheduleStickerSetRequest(uint64 setId, uint64 access) { if (!_stickerSetRequests.contains(setId)) { _stickerSetRequests.insert(setId, qMakePair(access, 0)); } } void ApiWrap::requestStickerSets() { for (auto i = _stickerSetRequests.begin(), j = i, e = _stickerSetRequests.end(); i != e; i = j) { ++j; if (i.value().second) continue; auto waitMs = (j == e) ? 0 : kSmallDelayMs; i.value().second = request(MTPmessages_GetStickerSet(MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(i.key()), MTP_long(i.value().first)))).done([this, setId = i.key()](const MTPmessages_StickerSet &result) { gotStickerSet(setId, result); }).fail([this, setId = i.key()](const RPCError &error) { _stickerSetRequests.remove(setId); }).after(waitMs).send(); } } void ApiWrap::saveStickerSets(const Stickers::Order &localOrder, const Stickers::Order &localRemoved) { for (auto requestId : base::take(_stickerSetDisenableRequests)) { request(requestId).cancel(); } request(base::take(_stickersReorderRequestId)).cancel(); request(base::take(_stickersClearRecentRequestId)).cancel(); auto writeInstalled = true, writeRecent = false, writeCloudRecent = false, writeFaved = false, writeArchived = false; auto &recent = cGetRecentStickers(); auto &sets = Global::RefStickerSets(); _stickersOrder = localOrder; for_const (auto removedSetId, localRemoved) { if (removedSetId == Stickers::CloudRecentSetId) { if (sets.remove(Stickers::CloudRecentSetId) != 0) { writeCloudRecent = true; } if (sets.remove(Stickers::CustomSetId)) { writeInstalled = true; } if (!recent.isEmpty()) { recent.clear(); writeRecent = true; } _stickersClearRecentRequestId = request(MTPmessages_ClearRecentStickers(MTP_flags(0))).done([this](const MTPBool &result) { _stickersClearRecentRequestId = 0; }).fail([this](const RPCError &error) { _stickersClearRecentRequestId = 0; }).send(); continue; } auto it = sets.find(removedSetId); if (it != sets.cend()) { for (auto i = recent.begin(); i != recent.cend();) { if (it->stickers.indexOf(i->first) >= 0) { i = recent.erase(i); writeRecent = true; } else { ++i; } } if (!(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived)) { MTPInputStickerSet setId = (it->id && it->access) ? MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(it->id), MTP_long(it->access)) : MTP_inputStickerSetShortName(MTP_string(it->shortName)); auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_UninstallStickerSet(setId)).done([this](const MTPBool &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { stickerSetDisenabled(requestId); }).fail([this](const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { stickerSetDisenabled(requestId); }).after(kSmallDelayMs).send(); _stickerSetDisenableRequests.insert(requestId); int removeIndex = Global::StickerSetsOrder().indexOf(it->id); if (removeIndex >= 0) Global::RefStickerSetsOrder().removeAt(removeIndex); if (!(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_featured) && !(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special)) { sets.erase(it); } else { if (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived) { writeArchived = true; } it->flags &= ~(MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed | MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived); } } } } // Clear all installed flags, set only for sets from order. for (auto &set : sets) { if (!(set.flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived)) { set.flags &= ~MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed; } } auto &order(Global::RefStickerSetsOrder()); order.clear(); for_const (auto setId, _stickersOrder) { auto it = sets.find(setId); if (it != sets.cend()) { if ((it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived) && !localRemoved.contains(it->id)) { MTPInputStickerSet mtpSetId = (it->id && it->access) ? MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(it->id), MTP_long(it->access)) : MTP_inputStickerSetShortName(MTP_string(it->shortName)); auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_InstallStickerSet(mtpSetId, MTP_boolFalse())).done([this](const MTPmessages_StickerSetInstallResult &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { stickerSetDisenabled(requestId); }).fail([this](const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { stickerSetDisenabled(requestId); }).after(kSmallDelayMs).send(); _stickerSetDisenableRequests.insert(requestId); it->flags &= ~MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived; writeArchived = true; } order.push_back(setId); it->flags |= MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed; } } for (auto it = sets.begin(); it != sets.cend();) { if ((it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_featured) || (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed) || (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived) || (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special)) { ++it; } else { it = sets.erase(it); } } if (writeInstalled) Local::writeInstalledStickers(); if (writeRecent) Local::writeUserSettings(); if (writeArchived) Local::writeArchivedStickers(); if (writeCloudRecent) Local::writeRecentStickers(); if (writeFaved) Local::writeFavedStickers(); Auth().data().stickersUpdated().notify(true); if (_stickerSetDisenableRequests.isEmpty()) { stickersSaveOrder(); } else { requestSendDelayed(); } } void ApiWrap::stickerSetDisenabled(mtpRequestId requestId) { _stickerSetDisenableRequests.remove(requestId); if (_stickerSetDisenableRequests.isEmpty()) { stickersSaveOrder(); } }; void ApiWrap::joinChannel(ChannelData *channel) { if (channel->amIn()) { Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(channel, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::ChannelAmIn); } else if (!_channelAmInRequests.contains(channel)) { auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_JoinChannel(channel->inputChannel)).done([this, channel](const MTPUpdates &result) { _channelAmInRequests.remove(channel); applyUpdates(result); }).fail([this, channel](const RPCError &error) { if (error.type() == qstr("CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH")) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_join_channel_error))); } _channelAmInRequests.remove(channel); }).send(); _channelAmInRequests.insert(channel, requestId); } } void ApiWrap::leaveChannel(ChannelData *channel) { if (!channel->amIn()) { Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(channel, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::ChannelAmIn); } else if (!_channelAmInRequests.contains(channel)) { auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_LeaveChannel(channel->inputChannel)).done([this, channel](const MTPUpdates &result) { _channelAmInRequests.remove(channel); applyUpdates(result); }).fail([this, channel](const RPCError &error) { _channelAmInRequests.remove(channel); }).send(); _channelAmInRequests.insert(channel, requestId); } } void ApiWrap::blockUser(UserData *user) { if (user->isBlocked()) { Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(user, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::UserIsBlocked); } else if (!_blockRequests.contains(user)) { auto requestId = request(MTPcontacts_Block(user->inputUser)).done([this, user](const MTPBool &result) { _blockRequests.remove(user); user->setBlockStatus(UserData::BlockStatus::Blocked); }).fail([this, user](const RPCError &error) { _blockRequests.remove(user); }).send(); _blockRequests.insert(user, requestId); } } void ApiWrap::unblockUser(UserData *user) { if (!user->isBlocked()) { Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(user, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::UserIsBlocked); } else if (!_blockRequests.contains(user)) { auto requestId = request(MTPcontacts_Unblock(user->inputUser)).done([this, user](const MTPBool &result) { _blockRequests.remove(user); user->setBlockStatus(UserData::BlockStatus::NotBlocked); }).fail([this, user](const RPCError &error) { _blockRequests.remove(user); }).send(); _blockRequests.insert(user, requestId); } } void ApiWrap::exportInviteLink(PeerData *peer) { if (_exportInviteRequests.contains(peer)) { return; } auto sendRequest = [this, peer] { auto exportFail = [this, peer](const RPCError &error) { _exportInviteRequests.remove(peer); }; if (auto chat = peer->asChat()) { return request(MTPmessages_ExportChatInvite(chat->inputChat)).done([this, chat](const MTPExportedChatInvite &result) { _exportInviteRequests.remove(chat); chat->setInviteLink((result.type() == mtpc_chatInviteExported) ? qs(result.c_chatInviteExported().vlink) : QString()); }).fail(exportFail).send(); } else if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { return request(MTPchannels_ExportInvite(channel->inputChannel)).done([this, channel](const MTPExportedChatInvite &result) { _exportInviteRequests.remove(channel); channel->setInviteLink((result.type() == mtpc_chatInviteExported) ? qs(result.c_chatInviteExported().vlink) : QString()); }).fail(exportFail).send(); } return 0; }; if (auto requestId = sendRequest()) { _exportInviteRequests.insert(peer, requestId); } } void ApiWrap::requestNotifySetting(PeerData *peer) { if (_notifySettingRequests.contains(peer)) return; auto notifyPeer = MTP_inputNotifyPeer(peer->input); auto requestId = request(MTPaccount_GetNotifySettings(notifyPeer)).done([this, notifyPeer, peer](const MTPPeerNotifySettings &result) { notifySettingReceived(notifyPeer, result); _notifySettingRequests.remove(peer); }).fail([this, notifyPeer, peer](const RPCError &error) { notifySettingReceived(notifyPeer, MTP_peerNotifySettingsEmpty()); _notifySettingRequests.remove(peer); }).send(); _notifySettingRequests.insert(peer, requestId); } void ApiWrap::saveDraftToCloudDelayed(History *history) { _draftsSaveRequestIds.insert(history, 0); if (!_draftsSaveTimer.isActive()) { _draftsSaveTimer.callOnce(kSaveCloudDraftTimeout); } } void ApiWrap::savePrivacy(const MTPInputPrivacyKey &key, QVector &&rules) { auto keyTypeId = key.type(); auto it = _privacySaveRequests.find(keyTypeId); if (it != _privacySaveRequests.cend()) { request(it.value()).cancel(); _privacySaveRequests.erase(it); } auto requestId = request(MTPaccount_SetPrivacy(key, MTP_vector(std::move(rules)))).done([this, keyTypeId](const MTPaccount_PrivacyRules &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_account_privacyRules); auto &rules = result.c_account_privacyRules(); App::feedUsers(rules.vusers); _privacySaveRequests.remove(keyTypeId); handlePrivacyChange(keyTypeId, rules.vrules); }).fail([this, keyTypeId](const RPCError &error) { _privacySaveRequests.remove(keyTypeId); }).send(); _privacySaveRequests.insert(keyTypeId, requestId); } void ApiWrap::handlePrivacyChange(mtpTypeId keyTypeId, const MTPVector &rules) { if (keyTypeId == mtpc_privacyKeyStatusTimestamp) { enum class Rule { Unknown, Allow, Disallow, }; auto userRules = QMap(); auto contactsRule = Rule::Unknown; auto everyoneRule = Rule::Unknown; for (auto &rule : rules.v) { auto type = rule.type(); if (type != mtpc_privacyValueAllowAll && type != mtpc_privacyValueDisallowAll && contactsRule != Rule::Unknown) { // This is simplified: we ignore per-user rules that come after a contacts rule. // But none of the official apps provide such complicated rule sets, so its fine. continue; } switch (type) { case mtpc_privacyValueAllowAll: everyoneRule = Rule::Allow; break; case mtpc_privacyValueDisallowAll: everyoneRule = Rule::Disallow; break; case mtpc_privacyValueAllowContacts: contactsRule = Rule::Allow; break; case mtpc_privacyValueDisallowContacts: contactsRule = Rule::Disallow; break; case mtpc_privacyValueAllowUsers: { for_const (auto &userId, rule.c_privacyValueAllowUsers().vusers.v) { if (!userRules.contains(userId.v)) { userRules.insert(userId.v, Rule::Allow); } } } break; case mtpc_privacyValueDisallowUsers: { for_const (auto &userId, rule.c_privacyValueDisallowUsers().vusers.v) { if (!userRules.contains(userId.v)) { userRules.insert(userId.v, Rule::Disallow); } } } break; } if (everyoneRule != Rule::Unknown) { break; } } auto now = unixtime(); App::enumerateUsers([&userRules, contactsRule, everyoneRule, now](UserData *user) { if (user->isSelf() || user->loadedStatus != PeerData::FullLoaded) { return; } if (user->onlineTill <= 0) { return; } if (user->onlineTill + 3 * 86400 >= now) { user->onlineTill = -2; // recently } else if (user->onlineTill + 7 * 86400 >= now) { user->onlineTill = -3; // last week } else if (user->onlineTill + 30 * 86400 >= now) { user->onlineTill = -4; // last month } else { user->onlineTill = 0; } Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(user, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::UserOnlineChanged); }); if (_contactsStatusesRequestId) { request(_contactsStatusesRequestId).cancel(); } _contactsStatusesRequestId = request(MTPcontacts_GetStatuses()).done([this](const MTPVector &result) { _contactsStatusesRequestId = 0; for_const (auto &item, result.v) { Assert(item.type() == mtpc_contactStatus); auto &data = item.c_contactStatus(); if (auto user = App::userLoaded(data.vuser_id.v)) { auto oldOnlineTill = user->onlineTill; auto newOnlineTill = onlineTillFromStatus(data.vstatus, oldOnlineTill); if (oldOnlineTill != newOnlineTill) { user->onlineTill = newOnlineTill; Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(user, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::UserOnlineChanged); } } } }).fail([this](const RPCError &error) { _contactsStatusesRequestId = 0; }).send(); } } int ApiWrap::onlineTillFromStatus(const MTPUserStatus &status, int currentOnlineTill) { switch (status.type()) { case mtpc_userStatusEmpty: return 0; case mtpc_userStatusRecently: return (currentOnlineTill > -10) ? -2 : currentOnlineTill; // don't modify pseudo-online case mtpc_userStatusLastWeek: return -3; case mtpc_userStatusLastMonth: return -4; case mtpc_userStatusOffline: return status.c_userStatusOffline().vwas_online.v; case mtpc_userStatusOnline: return status.c_userStatusOnline().vexpires.v; } Unexpected("Bad UserStatus type."); } void ApiWrap::saveDraftsToCloud() { for (auto i = _draftsSaveRequestIds.begin(), e = _draftsSaveRequestIds.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.value()) continue; // sent already auto history = i.key(); auto cloudDraft = history->cloudDraft(); auto localDraft = history->localDraft(); if (cloudDraft && cloudDraft->saveRequestId) { request(base::take(cloudDraft->saveRequestId)).cancel(); } cloudDraft = history->createCloudDraft(localDraft); auto flags = MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flags(0); auto &textWithTags = cloudDraft->textWithTags; if (cloudDraft->previewCancelled) { flags |= MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flag::f_no_webpage; } if (cloudDraft->msgId) { flags |= MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id; } if (!textWithTags.tags.isEmpty()) { flags |= MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flag::f_entities; } auto entities = TextUtilities::EntitiesToMTP(ConvertTextTagsToEntities(textWithTags.tags), TextUtilities::ConvertOption::SkipLocal); cloudDraft->saveRequestId = request(MTPmessages_SaveDraft(MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(cloudDraft->msgId), history->peer->input, MTP_string(textWithTags.text), entities)).done([this, history](const MTPBool &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { if (auto cloudDraft = history->cloudDraft()) { if (cloudDraft->saveRequestId == requestId) { cloudDraft->saveRequestId = 0; history->draftSavedToCloud(); } } auto i = _draftsSaveRequestIds.find(history); if (i != _draftsSaveRequestIds.cend() && i.value() == requestId) { _draftsSaveRequestIds.remove(history); checkQuitPreventFinished(); } }).fail([this, history](const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { if (auto cloudDraft = history->cloudDraft()) { if (cloudDraft->saveRequestId == requestId) { history->clearCloudDraft(); } } auto i = _draftsSaveRequestIds.find(history); if (i != _draftsSaveRequestIds.cend() && i.value() == requestId) { _draftsSaveRequestIds.remove(history); checkQuitPreventFinished(); } }).send(); i.value() = cloudDraft->saveRequestId; } } bool ApiWrap::isQuitPrevent() { if (_draftsSaveRequestIds.isEmpty()) { return false; } LOG(("ApiWrap prevents quit, saving drafts...")); saveDraftsToCloud(); return true; } void ApiWrap::checkQuitPreventFinished() { if (_draftsSaveRequestIds.isEmpty()) { if (App::quitting()) { LOG(("ApiWrap doesn't prevent quit any more.")); } Messenger::Instance().quitPreventFinished(); } } PeerData *ApiWrap::notifySettingReceived(MTPInputNotifyPeer notifyPeer, const MTPPeerNotifySettings &settings) { PeerData *requestedPeer = nullptr; switch (notifyPeer.type()) { case mtpc_inputNotifyAll: App::main()->applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyAll(), settings); break; case mtpc_inputNotifyUsers: App::main()->applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyUsers(), settings); break; case mtpc_inputNotifyChats: App::main()->applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyChats(), settings); break; case mtpc_inputNotifyPeer: { auto &peer = notifyPeer.c_inputNotifyPeer().vpeer; switch (peer.type()) { case mtpc_inputPeerEmpty: App::main()->applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(0))), settings); break; case mtpc_inputPeerSelf: requestedPeer = App::self(); break; case mtpc_inputPeerUser: requestedPeer = App::user(peerFromUser(peer.c_inputPeerUser().vuser_id)); break; case mtpc_inputPeerChat: requestedPeer = App::chat(peerFromChat(peer.c_inputPeerChat().vchat_id)); break; case mtpc_inputPeerChannel: requestedPeer = App::channel(peerFromChannel(peer.c_inputPeerChannel().vchannel_id)); break; } if (requestedPeer) { App::main()->applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(peerToMTP(requestedPeer->id)), settings); } } break; } _session->notifications().checkDelayed(); return requestedPeer; } void ApiWrap::gotStickerSet(uint64 setId, const MTPmessages_StickerSet &result) { _stickerSetRequests.remove(setId); Stickers::FeedSetFull(result); } void ApiWrap::requestWebPageDelayed(WebPageData *page) { if (page->pendingTill <= 0) return; _webPagesPending.insert(page, 0); auto left = (page->pendingTill - unixtime()) * 1000; if (!_webPagesTimer.isActive() || left <= _webPagesTimer.remainingTime()) { _webPagesTimer.callOnce((left < 0 ? 0 : left) + 1); } } void ApiWrap::clearWebPageRequest(WebPageData *page) { _webPagesPending.remove(page); if (_webPagesPending.isEmpty() && _webPagesTimer.isActive()) { _webPagesTimer.cancel(); } } void ApiWrap::clearWebPageRequests() { _webPagesPending.clear(); _webPagesTimer.cancel(); } void ApiWrap::resolveWebPages() { auto ids = QVector(); // temp_req_id = -1 using IndexAndMessageIds = QPair>; using MessageIdsByChannel = QMap; MessageIdsByChannel idsByChannel; // temp_req_id = -index - 2 auto &items = App::webPageItems(); ids.reserve(_webPagesPending.size()); int32 t = unixtime(), m = INT_MAX; for (auto i = _webPagesPending.begin(); i != _webPagesPending.cend(); ++i) { if (i.value() > 0) continue; if (i.key()->pendingTill <= t) { auto j = items.constFind(i.key()); if (j != items.cend() && !j.value().isEmpty()) { for_const (auto item, j.value()) { if (item->id > 0) { if (item->channelId() == NoChannel) { ids.push_back(MTP_int(item->id)); i.value() = -1; } else { auto channel = item->history()->peer->asChannel(); auto channelMap = idsByChannel.find(channel); if (channelMap == idsByChannel.cend()) { channelMap = idsByChannel.insert(channel, IndexAndMessageIds(idsByChannel.size(), QVector(1, MTP_int(item->id)))); } else { channelMap.value().second.push_back(MTP_int(item->id)); } i.value() = -channelMap.value().first - 2; } break; } } } } else { m = qMin(m, i.key()->pendingTill - t); } } auto requestId = mtpRequestId(0); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { requestId = request(MTPmessages_GetMessages(MTP_vector(ids))).done([this](const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { gotWebPages(nullptr, result, requestId); }).after(kSmallDelayMs).send(); } QVector reqsByIndex(idsByChannel.size(), 0); for (auto i = idsByChannel.cbegin(), e = idsByChannel.cend(); i != e; ++i) { reqsByIndex[i.value().first] = request(MTPchannels_GetMessages(i.key()->inputChannel, MTP_vector(i.value().second))).done([this, channel = i.key()](const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { gotWebPages(channel, result, requestId); }).after(kSmallDelayMs).send(); } if (requestId || !reqsByIndex.isEmpty()) { for (auto &pendingRequestId : _webPagesPending) { if (pendingRequestId > 0) continue; if (pendingRequestId < 0) { if (pendingRequestId == -1) { pendingRequestId = requestId; } else { pendingRequestId = reqsByIndex[-pendingRequestId - 2]; } } } } if (m < INT_MAX) { _webPagesTimer.callOnce(m * 1000); } } void ApiWrap::requestParticipantsCountDelayed(ChannelData *channel) { _participantsCountRequestTimer.call(kReloadChannelMembersTimeout, [this, channel] { channel->updateFullForced(); }); } void ApiWrap::gotWebPages(ChannelData *channel, const MTPmessages_Messages &msgs, mtpRequestId req) { const QVector *v = 0; switch (msgs.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: { auto &d = msgs.c_messages_messages(); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); v = &d.vmessages.v; } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: { auto &d = msgs.c_messages_messagesSlice(); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); v = &d.vmessages.v; } break; case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: { auto &d = msgs.c_messages_channelMessages(); if (channel) { channel->ptsReceived(d.vpts.v); } else { LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when no channel was passed! (ApiWrap::gotWebPages)")); } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); v = &d.vmessages.v; } break; } if (!v) return; QMap msgsIds; // copied from feedMsgs for (int32 i = 0, l = v->size(); i < l; ++i) { const auto &msg(v->at(i)); switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_message: msgsIds.insert((uint64(uint32(msg.c_message().vid.v)) << 32) | uint64(i), i); break; case mtpc_messageEmpty: msgsIds.insert((uint64(uint32(msg.c_messageEmpty().vid.v)) << 32) | uint64(i), i); break; case mtpc_messageService: msgsIds.insert((uint64(uint32(msg.c_messageService().vid.v)) << 32) | uint64(i), i); break; } } for_const (auto msgId, msgsIds) { if (auto item = App::histories().addNewMessage(v->at(msgId), NewMessageExisting)) { item->setPendingInitDimensions(); } } auto &items = App::webPageItems(); for (auto i = _webPagesPending.begin(); i != _webPagesPending.cend();) { if (i.value() == req) { if (i.key()->pendingTill > 0) { i.key()->pendingTill = -1; auto j = items.constFind(i.key()); if (j != items.cend()) { for_const (auto item, j.value()) { item->setPendingInitDimensions(); } } } i = _webPagesPending.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } void ApiWrap::stickersSaveOrder() { if (_stickersOrder.size() > 1) { QVector mtpOrder; mtpOrder.reserve(_stickersOrder.size()); for_const (auto setId, _stickersOrder) { mtpOrder.push_back(MTP_long(setId)); } _stickersReorderRequestId = request(MTPmessages_ReorderStickerSets(MTP_flags(0), MTP_vector(mtpOrder))).done([this](const MTPBool &result) { _stickersReorderRequestId = 0; }).fail([this](const RPCError &error) { _stickersReorderRequestId = 0; Global::SetLastStickersUpdate(0); updateStickers(); }).send(); } } void ApiWrap::updateStickers() { auto now = getms(true); requestStickers(now); requestRecentStickers(now); requestFavedStickers(now); requestFeaturedStickers(now); requestSavedGifs(now); } void ApiWrap::setGroupStickerSet(not_null megagroup, const MTPInputStickerSet &set) { Expects(megagroup->mgInfo != nullptr); megagroup->mgInfo->stickerSet = set; request(MTPchannels_SetStickers(megagroup->inputChannel, set)).send(); Auth().data().stickersUpdated().notify(true); } void ApiWrap::requestStickers(TimeId now) { if (Global::LastStickersUpdate() != 0 && now < Global::LastStickersUpdate() + kStickersUpdateTimeout) { return; } if (_stickersUpdateRequest) { return; } auto onDone = [this](const MTPmessages_AllStickers &result) { Global::SetLastStickersUpdate(getms(true)); _stickersUpdateRequest = 0; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_allStickersNotModified: return; case mtpc_messages_allStickers: { auto &d = result.c_messages_allStickers(); Stickers::SetsReceived(d.vsets.v, d.vhash.v); } return; default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::stickersDone()"); } }; _stickersUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetAllStickers(MTP_int(Local::countStickersHash(true)))).done(onDone).fail([this, onDone](const RPCError &error) { LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get stickers!")); onDone(MTP_messages_allStickersNotModified()); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestRecentStickers(TimeId now) { if (Global::LastRecentStickersUpdate() != 0 && now < Global::LastRecentStickersUpdate() + kStickersUpdateTimeout) { return; } if (_recentStickersUpdateRequest) { return; } auto onDone = [this](const MTPmessages_RecentStickers &result) { Global::SetLastRecentStickersUpdate(getms(true)); _recentStickersUpdateRequest = 0; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_recentStickersNotModified: return; case mtpc_messages_recentStickers: { auto &d = result.c_messages_recentStickers(); Stickers::SpecialSetReceived(Stickers::CloudRecentSetId, lang(lng_recent_stickers), d.vstickers.v, d.vhash.v); } return; default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::recentStickersDone()"); } }; _recentStickersUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetRecentStickers(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(Local::countRecentStickersHash()))).done(onDone).fail([this, onDone](const RPCError &error) { LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get recent stickers!")); onDone(MTP_messages_recentStickersNotModified()); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestFavedStickers(TimeId now) { if (Global::LastFavedStickersUpdate() != 0 && now < Global::LastFavedStickersUpdate() + kStickersUpdateTimeout) { return; } if (_favedStickersUpdateRequest) { return; } auto onDone = [this](const MTPmessages_FavedStickers &result) { Global::SetLastFavedStickersUpdate(getms(true)); _favedStickersUpdateRequest = 0; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_favedStickersNotModified: return; case mtpc_messages_favedStickers: { auto &d = result.c_messages_favedStickers(); Stickers::SpecialSetReceived(Stickers::FavedSetId, Lang::Hard::FavedSetTitle(), d.vstickers.v, d.vhash.v, d.vpacks.v); } return; default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::favedStickersDone()"); } }; _favedStickersUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetFavedStickers(MTP_int(Local::countFavedStickersHash()))).done(onDone).fail([this, onDone](const RPCError &error) { LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get faved stickers!")); onDone(MTP_messages_favedStickersNotModified()); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestFeaturedStickers(TimeId now) { if (Global::LastFeaturedStickersUpdate() != 0 && now < Global::LastFeaturedStickersUpdate() + kStickersUpdateTimeout) { return; } if (_featuredStickersUpdateRequest) { return; } auto onDone = [this](const MTPmessages_FeaturedStickers &result) { Global::SetLastFeaturedStickersUpdate(getms(true)); _featuredStickersUpdateRequest = 0; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_featuredStickersNotModified: return; case mtpc_messages_featuredStickers: { auto &d = result.c_messages_featuredStickers(); Stickers::FeaturedSetsReceived(d.vsets.v, d.vunread.v, d.vhash.v); } return; default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::featuredStickersDone()"); } }; _featuredStickersUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetFeaturedStickers(MTP_int(Local::countFeaturedStickersHash()))).done(onDone).fail([this, onDone](const RPCError &error) { LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get featured stickers!")); onDone(MTP_messages_featuredStickersNotModified()); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestSavedGifs(TimeId now) { if (cLastSavedGifsUpdate() != 0 && now < cLastSavedGifsUpdate() + kStickersUpdateTimeout) { return; } if (_savedGifsUpdateRequest) { return; } auto onDone = [this](const MTPmessages_SavedGifs &result) { cSetLastSavedGifsUpdate(getms(true)); _savedGifsUpdateRequest = 0; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_savedGifsNotModified: return; case mtpc_messages_savedGifs: { auto &d = result.c_messages_savedGifs(); Stickers::GifsReceived(d.vgifs.v, d.vhash.v); } return; default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::savedGifsDone()"); } }; _savedGifsUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetSavedGifs(MTP_int(Local::countSavedGifsHash()))).done(onDone).fail([this, onDone](const RPCError &error) { LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get saved gifs!")); onDone(MTP_messages_savedGifsNotModified()); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::applyUpdatesNoPtsCheck(const MTPUpdates &updates) { switch (updates.type()) { case mtpc_updateShortMessage: { auto &d = updates.c_updateShortMessage(); auto flags = mtpCastFlags(d.vflags.v) | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id; App::histories().addNewMessage(MTP_message(MTP_flags(flags), d.vid, d.is_out() ? MTP_int(Auth().userId()) : d.vuser_id, MTP_peerUser(d.is_out() ? d.vuser_id : MTP_int(Auth().userId())), d.vfwd_from, d.vvia_bot_id, d.vreply_to_msg_id, d.vdate, d.vmessage, MTP_messageMediaEmpty(), MTPnullMarkup, d.has_entities() ? d.ventities : MTPnullEntities, MTPint(), MTPint(), MTPstring()), NewMessageUnread); } break; case mtpc_updateShortChatMessage: { auto &d = updates.c_updateShortChatMessage(); auto flags = mtpCastFlags(d.vflags.v) | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id; App::histories().addNewMessage(MTP_message(MTP_flags(flags), d.vid, d.vfrom_id, MTP_peerChat(d.vchat_id), d.vfwd_from, d.vvia_bot_id, d.vreply_to_msg_id, d.vdate, d.vmessage, MTP_messageMediaEmpty(), MTPnullMarkup, d.has_entities() ? d.ventities : MTPnullEntities, MTPint(), MTPint(), MTPstring()), NewMessageUnread); } break; case mtpc_updateShortSentMessage: { auto &d = updates.c_updateShortSentMessage(); Q_UNUSED(d); // Sent message data was applied anyway. } break; default: Unexpected("Type in applyUpdatesNoPtsCheck()"); } } void ApiWrap::applyUpdateNoPtsCheck(const MTPUpdate &update) { switch (update.type()) { case mtpc_updateNewMessage: { auto &d = update.c_updateNewMessage(); auto needToAdd = true; if (d.vmessage.type() == mtpc_message) { // index forwarded messages to links _overview if (App::checkEntitiesAndViewsUpdate(d.vmessage.c_message())) { // already in blocks LOG(("Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!")); needToAdd = false; } } if (needToAdd) { App::histories().addNewMessage(d.vmessage, NewMessageUnread); } } break; case mtpc_updateReadMessagesContents: { auto &d = update.c_updateReadMessagesContents(); auto possiblyReadMentions = base::flat_set(); for_const (auto &msgId, d.vmessages.v) { if (auto item = App::histItemById(NoChannel, msgId.v)) { if (item->isMediaUnread()) { item->markMediaRead(); Auth().data().requestItemRepaint(item); if (item->out() && item->history()->peer->isUser()) { auto when = App::main()->requestingDifference() ? 0 : unixtime(); item->history()->peer->asUser()->madeAction(when); } } } else { // Perhaps it was an unread mention! possiblyReadMentions.insert(msgId.v); } } checkForUnreadMentions(possiblyReadMentions); } break; case mtpc_updateReadHistoryInbox: { auto &d = update.c_updateReadHistoryInbox(); App::feedInboxRead(peerFromMTP(d.vpeer), d.vmax_id.v); } break; case mtpc_updateReadHistoryOutbox: { auto &d = update.c_updateReadHistoryOutbox(); auto peerId = peerFromMTP(d.vpeer); auto when = App::main()->requestingDifference() ? 0 : unixtime(); App::feedOutboxRead(peerId, d.vmax_id.v, when); } break; case mtpc_updateWebPage: { auto &d = update.c_updateWebPage(); Q_UNUSED(d); // Web page was updated anyway. } break; case mtpc_updateDeleteMessages: { auto &d = update.c_updateDeleteMessages(); App::feedWereDeleted(NoChannel, d.vmessages.v); } break; case mtpc_updateNewChannelMessage: { auto &d = update.c_updateNewChannelMessage(); auto needToAdd = true; if (d.vmessage.type() == mtpc_message) { // index forwarded messages to links _overview if (App::checkEntitiesAndViewsUpdate(d.vmessage.c_message())) { // already in blocks LOG(("Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!")); needToAdd = false; } } if (needToAdd) { App::histories().addNewMessage(d.vmessage, NewMessageUnread); } } break; case mtpc_updateEditChannelMessage: { auto &d = update.c_updateEditChannelMessage(); App::updateEditedMessage(d.vmessage); } break; case mtpc_updateEditMessage: { auto &d = update.c_updateEditMessage(); App::updateEditedMessage(d.vmessage); } break; case mtpc_updateChannelWebPage: { auto &d = update.c_updateChannelWebPage(); Q_UNUSED(d); // Web page was updated anyway. } break; case mtpc_updateDeleteChannelMessages: { auto &d = update.c_updateDeleteChannelMessages(); App::feedWereDeleted(d.vchannel_id.v, d.vmessages.v); } break; default: Unexpected("Type in applyUpdateNoPtsCheck()"); } } void ApiWrap::jumpToDate(not_null peer, const QDate &date) { // API returns a message with date <= offset_date. // So we request a message with offset_date = desired_date - 1 and add_offset = -1. // This should give us the first message with date >= desired_date. auto offset_date = static_cast(QDateTime(date).toTime_t()) - 1; auto add_offset = -1; auto limit = 1; request(MTPmessages_GetHistory(peer->input, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(offset_date), MTP_int(add_offset), MTP_int(limit), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0))).done([peer](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { auto getMessagesList = [&result, peer]() -> const QVector* { auto handleMessages = [](auto &messages) { App::feedUsers(messages.vusers); App::feedChats(messages.vchats); return &messages.vmessages.v; }; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: return handleMessages(result.c_messages_messages()); case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: return handleMessages(result.c_messages_messagesSlice()); case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: { auto &messages = result.c_messages_channelMessages(); if (peer && peer->isChannel()) { peer->asChannel()->ptsReceived(messages.vpts.v); } else { LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when no channel was passed! (MainWidget::showJumpToDate)")); } return handleMessages(messages); } break; } return nullptr; }; if (auto list = getMessagesList()) { App::feedMsgs(*list, NewMessageExisting); for (auto &message : *list) { auto id = idFromMessage(message); Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, id); return; } } Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::preloadEnoughUnreadMentions(not_null history) { auto fullCount = history->getUnreadMentionsCount(); auto loadedCount = history->getUnreadMentionsLoadedCount(); auto allLoaded = (fullCount >= 0) ? (loadedCount >= fullCount) : false; if (fullCount < 0 || loadedCount >= kUnreadMentionsPreloadIfLess || allLoaded) { return; } if (_unreadMentionsRequests.contains(history)) { return; } auto offsetId = loadedCount ? history->getMaxLoadedUnreadMention() : 1; auto limit = loadedCount ? kUnreadMentionsNextRequestLimit : kUnreadMentionsFirstRequestLimit; auto addOffset = loadedCount ? -(limit + 1) : -limit; auto maxId = 0; auto minId = 0; auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_GetUnreadMentions(history->peer->input, MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(addOffset), MTP_int(limit), MTP_int(maxId), MTP_int(minId))).done([this, history](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { _unreadMentionsRequests.remove(history); history->addUnreadMentionsSlice(result); }).fail([this, history](const RPCError &error) { _unreadMentionsRequests.remove(history); }).send(); _unreadMentionsRequests.emplace(history, requestId); } void ApiWrap::checkForUnreadMentions(const base::flat_set &possiblyReadMentions, ChannelData *channel) { for (auto msgId : possiblyReadMentions) { requestMessageData(channel, msgId, [](ChannelData *channel, MsgId msgId) { if (auto item = App::histItemById(channel, msgId)) { if (item->mentionsMe()) { item->markMediaRead(); } } }); } } void ApiWrap::cancelEditChatAdmins(not_null chat) { _chatAdminsEnabledRequests.take(chat) | requestCanceller(); _chatAdminsSaveRequests.take(chat) | base::for_each_apply(requestCanceller()); _chatAdminsToSave.remove(chat); } void ApiWrap::editChatAdmins( not_null chat, bool adminsEnabled, base::flat_set> &&admins) { cancelEditChatAdmins(chat); if (adminsEnabled) { _chatAdminsToSave.emplace(chat, std::move(admins)); } auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_ToggleChatAdmins(chat->inputChat, MTP_bool(adminsEnabled))).done([this, chat](const MTPUpdates &updates) { _chatAdminsEnabledRequests.remove(chat); applyUpdates(updates); saveChatAdmins(chat); }).fail([this, chat](const RPCError &error) { _chatAdminsEnabledRequests.remove(chat); if (error.type() == qstr("CHAT_NOT_MODIFIED")) { saveChatAdmins(chat); } }).send(); _chatAdminsEnabledRequests.emplace(chat, requestId); } void ApiWrap::saveChatAdmins(not_null chat) { if (!_chatAdminsToSave.contains(chat)) { return; } auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_GetFullChat(chat->inputChat)).done([this, chat](const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result) { _chatAdminsEnabledRequests.remove(chat); processFullPeer(chat, result); sendSaveChatAdminsRequests(chat); }).fail([this, chat](const RPCError &error) { _chatAdminsEnabledRequests.remove(chat); _chatAdminsToSave.remove(chat); }).send(); _chatAdminsEnabledRequests.emplace(chat, requestId); } void ApiWrap::sendSaveChatAdminsRequests(not_null chat) { auto editOne = [this, chat](not_null user, bool admin) { auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_EditChatAdmin( chat->inputChat, user->inputUser, MTP_bool(admin))) .done([this, chat, user, admin]( const MTPBool &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { _chatAdminsSaveRequests[chat].remove(requestId); if (_chatAdminsSaveRequests[chat].empty()) { _chatAdminsSaveRequests.remove(chat); Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(chat, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::AdminsChanged); } if (mtpIsTrue(result)) { if (admin) { if (chat->noParticipantInfo()) { requestFullPeer(chat); } else { chat->admins.insert(user); } } else { chat->admins.remove(user); } } }).fail([this, chat]( const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { _chatAdminsSaveRequests[chat].remove(requestId); if (_chatAdminsSaveRequests[chat].empty()) { _chatAdminsSaveRequests.remove(chat); } chat->invalidateParticipants(); if (error.type() == qstr("USER_RESTRICTED")) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_cant_do_this))); } }).canWait(5).send(); _chatAdminsSaveRequests[chat].insert(requestId); }; auto appointOne = [&](auto user) { editOne(user, true); }; auto removeOne = [&](auto user) { editOne(user, false); }; auto admins = _chatAdminsToSave.take(chat); Assert(!!admins); auto toRemove = chat->admins; auto toAppoint = std::vector>(); if (!admins->empty()) { toAppoint.reserve(admins->size()); for (auto user : *admins) { if (!toRemove.remove(user) && user->id != peerFromUser(chat->creator)) { toAppoint.push_back(user); } } } base::for_each(toRemove, removeOne); base::for_each(toAppoint, appointOne); requestSendDelayed(); } void ApiWrap::requestSharedMedia( not_null peer, SharedMediaType type, MsgId messageId, SliceType slice) { auto key = std::make_tuple(peer, type, messageId, slice); if (_sharedMediaRequests.contains(key)) { return; } auto filter = [&] { using Type = SharedMediaType; switch (type) { case Type::Photo: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterPhotos(); case Type::Video: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterVideo(); case Type::MusicFile: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterMusic(); case Type::File: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterDocument(); case Type::VoiceFile: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterVoice(); case Type::RoundVoiceFile: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice(); case Type::RoundFile: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo(); case Type::GIF: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterGif(); case Type::Link: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterUrl(); case Type::ChatPhoto: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos(); } return MTP_inputMessagesFilterEmpty(); }(); if (filter.type() == mtpc_inputMessagesFilterEmpty) { return; } auto minId = 0; auto maxId = 0; auto limit = messageId ? kSharedMediaLimit : 0; auto offsetId = [&] { switch (slice) { case SliceType::Before: case SliceType::Around: return messageId; case SliceType::After: return messageId + 1; } Unexpected("Slice type in ApiWrap::requestSharedMedia"); }(); auto addOffset = [&] { switch (slice) { case SliceType::Before: return 0; case SliceType::Around: return -limit / 2; case SliceType::After: return -limit; } Unexpected("Slice type in ApiWrap::requestSharedMedia"); }(); auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_Search( MTP_flags(0), peer->input, MTPstring(), MTP_inputUserEmpty(), filter, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(addOffset), MTP_int(limit), MTP_int(maxId), MTP_int(minId) )).done([this, peer, type, messageId, slice](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { _sharedMediaRequests.remove(std::make_tuple(peer, type, messageId, slice)); sharedMediaDone(peer, type, messageId, slice, result); }).fail([this, key](const RPCError &error) { _sharedMediaRequests.remove(key); }).send(); _sharedMediaRequests.emplace(key, requestId); } void ApiWrap::sharedMediaDone( not_null peer, SharedMediaType type, MsgId messageId, SliceType slice, const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { auto fullCount = 0; auto &messages = *[&] { switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: { auto &d = result.c_messages_messages(); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); fullCount = d.vmessages.v.size(); return &d.vmessages.v; } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: { auto &d = result.c_messages_messagesSlice(); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); fullCount = d.vcount.v; return &d.vmessages.v; } break; case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: { auto &d = result.c_messages_channelMessages(); if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { channel->ptsReceived(d.vpts.v); } else { LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when no channel was passed! (ApiWrap::sharedMediaDone)")); } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); fullCount = d.vcount.v; return &d.vmessages.v; } break; } Unexpected("messages.Messages type in sharedMediaDone()"); }(); auto noSkipRange = MsgRange { messageId, messageId }; auto messageIds = std::vector(); auto addType = NewMessageExisting; messageIds.reserve(messages.size()); for (auto &message : messages) { if (auto item = App::histories().addNewMessage(message, addType)) { if (item->sharedMediaTypes().test(type)) { auto itemId = item->id; messageIds.push_back(itemId); accumulate_min(noSkipRange.from, itemId); accumulate_max(noSkipRange.till, itemId); } } } if (messageId && messageIds.empty()) { noSkipRange = [&]() -> MsgRange { switch (slice) { case SliceType::Before: // All old loaded. return { 0, noSkipRange.till }; case SliceType::Around: // All loaded. return { 0, ServerMaxMsgId }; case SliceType::After: // All new loaded. return { noSkipRange.from, ServerMaxMsgId }; } Unexpected("Slice type in ApiWrap::sharedMediaDone"); }(); } Auth().storage().add(Storage::SharedMediaAddSlice( peer->id, type, std::move(messageIds), noSkipRange, fullCount )); } void ApiWrap::requestUserPhotos( not_null user, PhotoId afterId) { if (_userPhotosRequests.contains(user)) { return; } auto limit = kSharedMediaLimit; auto requestId = request(MTPphotos_GetUserPhotos( user->inputUser, MTP_int(0), MTP_long(afterId), MTP_int(limit) )).done([this, user, afterId](const MTPphotos_Photos &result) { _userPhotosRequests.remove(user); userPhotosDone(user, afterId, result); }).fail([this, user](const RPCError &error) { _userPhotosRequests.remove(user); }).send(); _userPhotosRequests.emplace(user, requestId); } void ApiWrap::userPhotosDone( not_null user, PhotoId photoId, const MTPphotos_Photos &result) { auto fullCount = 0; auto &photos = *[&] { switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_photos_photos: { auto &d = result.c_photos_photos(); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); fullCount = d.vphotos.v.size(); return &d.vphotos.v; } break; case mtpc_photos_photosSlice: { auto &d = result.c_photos_photosSlice(); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); fullCount = d.vcount.v; return &d.vphotos.v; } break; } Unexpected("photos.Photos type in userPhotosDone()"); }(); auto photoIds = std::vector(); photoIds.reserve(photos.size()); for (auto &photo : photos) { if (auto photoData = App::feedPhoto(photo)) { photoIds.push_back(photoData->id); } } Auth().storage().add(Storage::UserPhotosAddSlice( user->id, std::move(photoIds), fullCount )); } ApiWrap::~ApiWrap() = default;