/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "media/player/media_player_instance.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "media/media_audio.h" #include "media/media_audio_capture.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "calls/calls_instance.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" namespace Media { namespace Player { namespace { Instance *SingleInstance = nullptr; // Preload X message ids before and after current. constexpr auto kIdsLimit = 32; // Preload next messages if we went further from current than that. constexpr auto kIdsPreloadAfter = 28; } // namespace void start() { Audio::Start(); Capture::Start(); SingleInstance = new Instance(); } void finish() { delete base::take(SingleInstance); Capture::Finish(); Audio::Finish(); } Instance::Instance() : _songData(AudioMsgId::Type::Song, SharedMediaType::MusicFile) , _voiceData(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, SharedMediaType::RoundVoiceFile) { subscribe(Media::Player::Updated(), [this](const AudioMsgId &audioId) { handleSongUpdate(audioId); }); subscribe(Global::RefSelfChanged(), [this] { if (!App::self()) { handleLogout(); } }); // While we have one Media::Player::Instance for all authsessions we have to do this. auto handleAuthSessionChange = [this] { if (AuthSession::Exists()) { subscribe(Auth().calls().currentCallChanged(), [this](Calls::Call *call) { if (call) { pause(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice); pause(AudioMsgId::Type::Song); } }); } }; subscribe(Messenger::Instance().authSessionChanged(), [handleAuthSessionChange] { handleAuthSessionChange(); }); handleAuthSessionChange(); } AudioMsgId::Type Instance::getActiveType() const { auto voiceData = getData(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice); if (voiceData->current) { auto state = mixer()->currentState(voiceData->type); if (voiceData->current == state.id && !IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) { return voiceData->type; } } return AudioMsgId::Type::Song; } void Instance::handleSongUpdate(const AudioMsgId &audioId) { emitUpdate(audioId.type(), [&audioId](const AudioMsgId &playing) { return (audioId == playing); }); } void Instance::setCurrent(const AudioMsgId &audioId) { if (auto data = getData(audioId.type())) { if (data->current != audioId) { data->current = audioId; data->isPlaying = false; auto history = data->history; auto migrated = data->migrated; auto item = data->current ? App::histItemById(data->current.contextId()) : nullptr; if (item) { data->history = item->history()->migrateToOrMe(); data->migrated = data->history->migrateFrom(); } else { data->history = nullptr; data->migrated = nullptr; } _trackChangedNotifier.notify(data->type, true); refreshPlaylist(data); } } } void Instance::refreshPlaylist(not_null data) { if (!validPlaylist(data)) { validatePlaylist(data); } playlistUpdated(data); } void Instance::playlistUpdated(not_null data) { if (data->playlistSlice) { const auto fullId = data->current.contextId(); data->playlistIndex = data->playlistSlice->indexOf(fullId); } else { data->playlistIndex = base::none; } data->playlistChanges.fire({}); } bool Instance::validPlaylist(not_null data) { if (const auto key = playlistKey(data)) { if (!data->playlistSlice) { return false; } using Key = SliceKey; const auto inSameDomain = [](const Key &a, const Key &b) { return (a.peerId == b.peerId) && (a.migratedPeerId == b.migratedPeerId); }; const auto countDistanceInData = [&](const Key &a, const Key &b) { return [&](const SparseIdsMergedSlice &data) { return inSameDomain(a, b) ? data.distance(a, b) : base::optional(); }; }; if (key == data->playlistRequestedKey) { return true; } else if (!data->playlistSliceKey || !data->playlistRequestedKey || *data->playlistRequestedKey != *data->playlistSliceKey) { return false; } auto distance = data->playlistSlice | countDistanceInData(*key, *data->playlistRequestedKey) | func::abs; if (distance) { return (*distance < kIdsPreloadAfter); } } return !data->playlistSlice; } void Instance::validatePlaylist(not_null data) { if (const auto key = playlistKey(data)) { data->playlistRequestedKey = key; SharedMediaMergedViewer( SharedMediaMergedKey(*key, data->overview), kIdsLimit, kIdsLimit ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](SparseIdsMergedSlice &&update) { data->playlistSlice = std::move(update); data->playlistSliceKey = key; playlistUpdated(data); }, data->playlistLifetime); } else { data->playlistSlice = base::none; data->playlistSliceKey = data->playlistRequestedKey = base::none; playlistUpdated(data); } } auto Instance::playlistKey(not_null data) const -> base::optional { const auto contextId = data->current.contextId(); const auto history = data->history; if (!contextId || !history || !IsServerMsgId(contextId.msg)) { return {}; } const auto universalId = (contextId.channel == history->channelId()) ? contextId.msg : (contextId.msg - ServerMaxMsgId); return SliceKey( data->history->peer->id, data->migrated ? data->migrated->peer->id : 0, universalId); } HistoryItem *Instance::itemByIndex(not_null data, int index) { if (!data->playlistSlice || index < 0 || index >= data->playlistSlice->size()) { return nullptr; } const auto fullId = (*data->playlistSlice)[index]; return App::histItemById(fullId); } bool Instance::moveInPlaylist( not_null data, int delta, bool autonext) { if (!data->playlistIndex) { return false; } const auto newIndex = *data->playlistIndex + delta; if (const auto item = itemByIndex(data, newIndex)) { if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto document = media->document()) { if (autonext) { _switchToNextNotifier.notify({ data->current, item->fullId() }); } if (document->isAudioFile()) { play(AudioMsgId(document, item->fullId())); } else { DocumentOpenClickHandler::doOpen( document, item, ActionOnLoadPlayInline); } return true; } } } return false; } bool Instance::previousAvailable(AudioMsgId::Type type) const { const auto data = getData(type); Assert(data != nullptr); return data->playlistIndex && data->playlistSlice && (*data->playlistIndex > 0); } bool Instance::nextAvailable(AudioMsgId::Type type) const { const auto data = getData(type); Assert(data != nullptr); return data->playlistIndex && data->playlistSlice && (*data->playlistIndex + 1 < data->playlistSlice->size()); } rpl::producer<> Media::Player::Instance::playlistChanges( AudioMsgId::Type type) const { const auto data = getData(type); Assert(data != nullptr); return data->playlistChanges.events(); } Instance *instance() { Expects(SingleInstance != nullptr); return SingleInstance; } void Instance::play(AudioMsgId::Type type) { auto state = mixer()->currentState(type); if (state.id) { if (IsStopped(state.state)) { play(state.id); } else { mixer()->resume(state.id); } } else if (auto data = getData(type)) { if (data->current) { play(data->current); } } } void Instance::play(const AudioMsgId &audioId) { const auto document = audioId.audio(); if (!audioId || !document) { return; } if (document->isAudioFile() || document->isVoiceMessage()) { mixer()->play(audioId); setCurrent(audioId); if (document->loading()) { documentLoadProgress(document); } } else if (document->isVideoMessage()) { // #TODO float player //if (const auto item = App::histItemById(audioId.contextId())) { // if (const auto media = item->getMedia()) { // media->playInline(); // } //} } } void Instance::pause(AudioMsgId::Type type) { auto state = mixer()->currentState(type); if (state.id) { mixer()->pause(state.id); } } void Instance::stop(AudioMsgId::Type type) { auto state = mixer()->currentState(type); if (state.id) { mixer()->stop(state.id); } } void Instance::playPause(AudioMsgId::Type type) { auto state = mixer()->currentState(type); if (state.id) { if (IsStopped(state.state)) { play(state.id); } else if (IsPaused(state.state) || state.state == State::Pausing) { mixer()->resume(state.id); } else { mixer()->pause(state.id); } } else if (auto data = getData(type)) { if (data->current) { play(data->current); } } } bool Instance::next(AudioMsgId::Type type) { if (auto data = getData(type)) { return moveInPlaylist(data, 1, false); } return false; } bool Instance::previous(AudioMsgId::Type type) { if (auto data = getData(type)) { return moveInPlaylist(data, -1, false); } return false; } void Instance::playPauseCancelClicked(AudioMsgId::Type type) { if (isSeeking(type)) { return; } auto state = mixer()->currentState(type); auto stopped = IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state); auto showPause = !stopped && (state.state == State::Playing || state.state == State::Resuming || state.state == State::Starting); auto audio = state.id.audio(); if (audio && audio->loading()) { audio->cancel(); } else if (showPause) { pause(type); } else { play(type); } } void Instance::startSeeking(AudioMsgId::Type type) { if (auto data = getData(type)) { data->seeking = data->current; } pause(type); emitUpdate(type, [](const AudioMsgId &playing) { return true; }); } void Instance::stopSeeking(AudioMsgId::Type type) { if (auto data = getData(type)) { data->seeking = AudioMsgId(); } emitUpdate(type, [](const AudioMsgId &playing) { return true; }); } void Instance::documentLoadProgress(DocumentData *document) { const auto type = document->isAudioFile() ? AudioMsgId::Type::Song : AudioMsgId::Type::Voice; emitUpdate(type, [document](const AudioMsgId &audioId) { return (audioId.audio() == document); }); } template void Instance::emitUpdate(AudioMsgId::Type type, CheckCallback check) { auto state = mixer()->currentState(type); if (!state.id || !check(state.id)) { return; } setCurrent(state.id); _updatedNotifier.notify(state, true); if (auto data = getData(type)) { if (data->isPlaying && state.state == State::StoppedAtEnd) { if (data->repeatEnabled) { play(data->current); } else if (!moveInPlaylist(data, 1, true)) { _tracksFinishedNotifier.notify(type); } } auto isPlaying = !IsStopped(state.state); if (data->isPlaying != isPlaying) { data->isPlaying = isPlaying; if (data->isPlaying) { preloadNext(data); } } } } void Instance::preloadNext(not_null data) { if (!data->current || !data->playlistSlice || !data->playlistIndex) { return; } const auto nextIndex = *data->playlistIndex + 1; if (const auto item = itemByIndex(data, nextIndex)) { if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto document = media->document()) { const auto isLoaded = document->loaded( DocumentData::FilePathResolveSaveFromDataSilent); if (!isLoaded) { DocumentOpenClickHandler::doOpen( document, nullptr, ActionOnLoadNone); } } } } } void Instance::handleLogout() { const auto reset = [&](AudioMsgId::Type type) { const auto data = getData(type); *data = Data(type, data->overview); }; reset(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice); reset(AudioMsgId::Type::Song); _usePanelPlayer.notify(false, true); } } // namespace Player } // namespace Media