/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/history_item.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "layout.h" #include "history/view/history_view_element.h" #include "history/view/history_view_service_message.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" #include "history/media/history_media_grouped.h" #include "history/history_service.h" #include "history/history_message.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "media/clip/media_clip_reader.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "ui/text_options.h" #include "storage/file_upload.h" #include "storage/storage_facade.h" #include "storage/storage_shared_media.h" #include "storage/storage_feed_messages.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "core/crash_reports.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_messages.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_feed.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" namespace { enum class MediaCheckResult { Good, Unsupported, Empty, HasTimeToLive, }; not_null CreateUnsupportedMessage( not_null history, MsgId msgId, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId replyTo, UserId viaBotId, TimeId date, UserId from) { const auto siteLink = qsl("https://desktop.telegram.org"); auto text = TextWithEntities{ lng_message_unsupported(lt_link, siteLink) }; TextUtilities::ParseEntities(text, Ui::ItemTextNoMonoOptions().flags); text.entities.push_front( EntityInText(EntityInTextItalic, 0, text.text.size())); flags &= ~MTPDmessage::Flag::f_post_author; flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_is_unsupported; return new HistoryMessage( history, msgId, flags, replyTo, viaBotId, date, from, QString(), text); } MediaCheckResult CheckMessageMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) { using Result = MediaCheckResult; return media.match([](const MTPDmessageMediaEmpty &) { return Result::Good; }, [](const MTPDmessageMediaContact &) { return Result::Good; }, [](const MTPDmessageMediaGeo &data) { return data.vgeo.match([](const MTPDgeoPoint &) { return Result::Good; }, [](const MTPDgeoPointEmpty &) { return Result::Empty; }); }, [](const MTPDmessageMediaVenue &data) { return data.vgeo.match([](const MTPDgeoPoint &) { return Result::Good; }, [](const MTPDgeoPointEmpty &) { return Result::Empty; }); }, [](const MTPDmessageMediaGeoLive &data) { return data.vgeo.match([](const MTPDgeoPoint &) { return Result::Good; }, [](const MTPDgeoPointEmpty &) { return Result::Empty; }); }, [](const MTPDmessageMediaPhoto &data) { if (data.has_ttl_seconds()) { return Result::HasTimeToLive; } else if (!data.has_photo()) { return Result::Empty; } return data.vphoto.match([](const MTPDphoto &) { return Result::Good; }, [](const MTPDphotoEmpty &) { return Result::Empty; }); }, [](const MTPDmessageMediaDocument &data) { if (data.has_ttl_seconds()) { return Result::HasTimeToLive; } else if (!data.has_document()) { return Result::Empty; } return data.vdocument.match([](const MTPDdocument &) { return Result::Good; }, [](const MTPDdocumentEmpty &) { return Result::Empty; }); }, [](const MTPDmessageMediaWebPage &data) { return data.vwebpage.match([](const MTPDwebPage &) { return Result::Good; }, [](const MTPDwebPageEmpty &) { return Result::Good; }, [](const MTPDwebPagePending &) { return Result::Good; }, [](const MTPDwebPageNotModified &) { return Result::Unsupported; }); }, [](const MTPDmessageMediaGame &data) { return data.vgame.match([](const MTPDgame &) { return Result::Good; }); }, [](const MTPDmessageMediaInvoice &) { return Result::Good; }, [](const MTPDmessageMediaPoll &) { return Result::Good; }, [](const MTPDmessageMediaUnsupported &) { return Result::Unsupported; }); } } // namespace void HistoryItem::HistoryItem::Destroyer::operator()(HistoryItem *value) { if (value) { value->destroy(); } } HistoryItem::HistoryItem( not_null history, MsgId id, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, TimeId date, UserId from) : id(id) , _history(history) , _from(from ? history->owner().user(from) : history->peer) , _flags(flags) , _date(date) { App::historyRegItem(this); } TimeId HistoryItem::date() const { return _date; } void HistoryItem::finishEdition(int oldKeyboardTop) { _history->owner().requestItemViewRefresh(this); invalidateChatListEntry(); if (const auto group = _history->owner().groups().find(this)) { const auto leader = group->items.back(); if (leader != this) { _history->owner().requestItemViewRefresh(leader); leader->invalidateChatListEntry(); } } //if (oldKeyboardTop >= 0) { // #TODO edit bot message // if (auto keyboard = Get()) { // keyboard->oldTop = oldKeyboardTop; // } //} App::historyUpdateDependent(this); } void HistoryItem::setGroupId(MessageGroupId groupId) { Expects(!_groupId); _groupId = groupId; _history->owner().groups().registerMessage(this); } HistoryMessageReplyMarkup *HistoryItem::inlineReplyMarkup() { if (const auto markup = Get()) { if (markup->flags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag::f_inline) { return markup; } } return nullptr; } ReplyKeyboard *HistoryItem::inlineReplyKeyboard() { if (const auto markup = inlineReplyMarkup()) { return markup->inlineKeyboard.get(); } return nullptr; } void HistoryItem::invalidateChatListEntry() { if (const auto main = App::main()) { // #TODO feeds search results main->repaintDialogRow({ history(), fullId() }); } // invalidate cache for drawInDialog if (history()->textCachedFor == this) { history()->textCachedFor = nullptr; } if (const auto feed = history()->peer->feed()) { if (feed->textCachedFor == this) { feed->textCachedFor = nullptr; feed->updateChatListEntry(); } } } void HistoryItem::finishEditionToEmpty() { finishEdition(-1); _history->itemVanished(this); } bool HistoryItem::hasUnreadMediaFlag() const { if (_history->peer->isChannel()) { const auto passed = unixtime() - date(); if (passed >= Global::ChannelsReadMediaPeriod()) { return false; } } return _flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_media_unread; } bool HistoryItem::isUnreadMention() const { return mentionsMe() && (_flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_media_unread); } bool HistoryItem::isUnreadMedia() const { if (!hasUnreadMediaFlag()) { return false; } else if (const auto media = this->media()) { if (const auto document = media->document()) { if (document->isVoiceMessage() || document->isVideoMessage()) { return (media->webpage() == nullptr); } } } return false; } void HistoryItem::markMediaRead() { _flags &= ~MTPDmessage::Flag::f_media_unread; if (mentionsMe()) { history()->updateChatListEntry(); history()->eraseFromUnreadMentions(id); } } bool HistoryItem::definesReplyKeyboard() const { if (const auto markup = Get()) { if (markup->flags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag::f_inline) { return false; } return true; } // optimization: don't create markup component for the case // MTPDreplyKeyboardHide with flags = 0, assume it has f_zero flag return (_flags & MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup); } MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup::Flags HistoryItem::replyKeyboardFlags() const { Expects(definesReplyKeyboard()); if (const auto markup = Get()) { return markup->flags; } // optimization: don't create markup component for the case // MTPDreplyKeyboardHide with flags = 0, assume it has f_zero flag return MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag::f_zero | 0; } void HistoryItem::addLogEntryOriginal( WebPageId localId, const QString &label, const TextWithEntities &content) { Expects(isLogEntry()); AddComponents(HistoryMessageLogEntryOriginal::Bit()); Get()->page = _history->owner().webpage( localId, label, content); } UserData *HistoryItem::viaBot() const { if (const auto via = Get()) { return via->bot; } return nullptr; } UserData *HistoryItem::getMessageBot() const { if (const auto bot = viaBot()) { return bot; } auto bot = from()->asUser(); if (!bot) { bot = history()->peer->asUser(); } return (bot && bot->botInfo) ? bot : nullptr; }; void HistoryItem::destroy() { if (isLogEntry()) { Assert(!mainView()); } else { // All this must be done for all items manually in History::clear()! eraseFromUnreadMentions(); if (IsServerMsgId(id)) { if (const auto types = sharedMediaTypes()) { _history->session().storage().remove(Storage::SharedMediaRemoveOne( _history->peer->id, types, id)); } } else { _history->session().api().cancelLocalItem(this); } _history->itemRemoved(this); } delete this; } void HistoryItem::refreshMainView() { if (const auto view = mainView()) { _history->owner().notifyHistoryChangeDelayed(_history); view->refreshInBlock(); } } void HistoryItem::removeMainView() { if (const auto view = mainView()) { _history->owner().notifyHistoryChangeDelayed(_history); view->removeFromBlock(); } } void HistoryItem::clearMainView() { _mainView = nullptr; } void HistoryItem::addToUnreadMentions(UnreadMentionType type) { } void HistoryItem::indexAsNewItem() { if (IsServerMsgId(id)) { CrashReports::SetAnnotation("addToUnreadMentions", QString::number(id)); addToUnreadMentions(UnreadMentionType::New); CrashReports::ClearAnnotation("addToUnreadMentions"); if (const auto types = sharedMediaTypes()) { _history->session().storage().add(Storage::SharedMediaAddNew( history()->peer->id, types, id)); } if (const auto channel = history()->peer->asChannel()) { if (const auto feed = channel->feed()) { _history->session().storage().add(Storage::FeedMessagesAddNew( feed->id(), position())); } } } } void HistoryItem::setRealId(MsgId newId) { Expects(!IsServerMsgId(id)); App::historyUnregItem(this); const auto oldId = std::exchange(id, newId); App::historyRegItem(this); // We don't need to call Notify::replyMarkupUpdated(this) and update keyboard // in history widget, because it can't exist for an outgoing message. // Only inline keyboards can be in outgoing messages. if (const auto markup = inlineReplyMarkup()) { if (markup->inlineKeyboard) { markup->inlineKeyboard->updateMessageId(); } } _history->owner().notifyItemIdChange({ this, oldId }); _history->owner().requestItemRepaint(this); } bool HistoryItem::isPinned() const { return (_history->peer->pinnedMessageId() == id); } bool HistoryItem::canPin() const { if (id < 0 || !toHistoryMessage()) { return false; } return _history->peer->canPinMessages(); } bool HistoryItem::allowsForward() const { return false; } bool HistoryItem::allowsEdit(TimeId now) const { return false; } bool HistoryItem::canStopPoll() const { if (id < 0 || Has() || Has()) { return false; } const auto peer = _history->peer; if (peer->isSelf()) { return true; } else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { if (isPost() && channel->canEditMessages()) { return true; } else if (out()) { return isPost() ? channel->canPublish() : channel->canWrite(); } else { return false; } } return out(); } bool HistoryItem::canDelete() const { if (isLogEntry() || (!IsServerMsgId(id) && serviceMsg())) { return false; } auto channel = _history->peer->asChannel(); if (!channel) { return !isGroupMigrate(); } if (id == 1) { return false; } if (channel->canDeleteMessages()) { return true; } if (out() && toHistoryMessage()) { return isPost() ? channel->canPublish() : true; } return false; } bool HistoryItem::canDeleteForEveryone(TimeId now) const { const auto peer = history()->peer; const auto messageToMyself = peer->isSelf(); const auto messageTooOld = messageToMyself ? false : peer->isUser() ? (now - date() >= Global::RevokePrivateTimeLimit()) : (now - date() >= Global::RevokeTimeLimit()); if (id < 0 || messageToMyself || messageTooOld || isPost()) { return false; } if (peer->isChannel()) { return false; } else if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { // Bots receive all messages and there is no sense in revoking them. // See https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/issues/3818 if (user->botInfo) { return false; } } if (!toHistoryMessage()) { return false; } else if (const auto media = this->media()) { if (!media->allowsRevoke()) { return false; } } if (!out()) { if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) { if (!chat->amCreator() && !(chat->adminRights() & ChatAdminRight::f_delete_messages)) { return false; } } else if (peer->isUser()) { return Global::RevokePrivateInbox(); } else { return false; } } return true; } bool HistoryItem::suggestReport() const { if (out() || serviceMsg() || !IsServerMsgId(id)) { return false; } else if (const auto channel = history()->peer->asChannel()) { return true; } else if (const auto user = history()->peer->asUser()) { return user->botInfo != nullptr; } return false; } bool HistoryItem::suggestBanReport() const { auto channel = history()->peer->asChannel(); auto fromUser = from()->asUser(); if (!channel || !fromUser || !channel->canRestrictUser(fromUser)) { return false; } return !isPost() && !out() && toHistoryMessage(); } bool HistoryItem::suggestDeleteAllReport() const { auto channel = history()->peer->asChannel(); if (!channel || !channel->canDeleteMessages()) { return false; } return !isPost() && !out() && from()->isUser() && toHistoryMessage(); } bool HistoryItem::hasDirectLink() const { if (!IsServerMsgId(id)) { return false; } if (auto channel = _history->peer->asChannel()) { return channel->isPublic(); } return false; } QString HistoryItem::directLink() const { if (hasDirectLink()) { auto channel = _history->peer->asChannel(); Assert(channel != nullptr); auto query = channel->username + '/' + QString::number(id); if (!channel->isMegagroup()) { if (const auto media = this->media()) { if (const auto document = media->document()) { if (document->isVideoMessage()) { return qsl("https://telesco.pe/") + query; } } } } return Core::App().createInternalLinkFull(query); } return QString(); } ChannelId HistoryItem::channelId() const { return _history->channelId(); } Data::MessagePosition HistoryItem::position() const { return Data::MessagePosition(date(), fullId()); } MsgId HistoryItem::replyToId() const { if (const auto reply = Get()) { return reply->replyToId(); } return 0; } not_null HistoryItem::author() const { return isPost() ? history()->peer : from(); } TimeId HistoryItem::dateOriginal() const { if (const auto forwarded = Get()) { return forwarded->originalDate; } return date(); } not_null HistoryItem::senderOriginal() const { if (const auto forwarded = Get()) { return forwarded->originalSender; } const auto peer = history()->peer; return (peer->isChannel() && !peer->isMegagroup()) ? peer : from(); } not_null HistoryItem::fromOriginal() const { if (const auto forwarded = Get()) { if (const auto user = forwarded->originalSender->asUser()) { return user; } } return from(); } QString HistoryItem::authorOriginal() const { if (const auto forwarded = Get()) { return forwarded->originalAuthor; } else if (const auto msgsigned = Get()) { return msgsigned->author; } return QString(); } MsgId HistoryItem::idOriginal() const { if (const auto forwarded = Get()) { return forwarded->originalId; } return id; } bool HistoryItem::needCheck() const { return out() || (id < 0 && history()->peer->isSelf()); } bool HistoryItem::unread() const { // Messages from myself are always read. if (history()->peer->isSelf()) return false; if (out()) { // Outgoing messages in converted chats are always read. if (history()->peer->migrateTo()) { return false; } if (IsServerMsgId(id)) { if (!history()->isServerSideUnread(this)) { return false; } if (const auto user = history()->peer->asUser()) { if (user->botInfo) { return false; } } else if (auto channel = history()->peer->asChannel()) { if (!channel->isMegagroup()) { return false; } } } return true; } if (IsServerMsgId(id)) { if (!history()->isServerSideUnread(this)) { return false; } return true; } return (_flags & MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_clientside_unread); } MessageGroupId HistoryItem::groupId() const { return _groupId; } bool HistoryItem::isEmpty() const { return _text.isEmpty() && !_media && !Has(); } QString HistoryItem::notificationText() const { auto getText = [this]() { if (_media) { return _media->notificationText(); } else if (!emptyText()) { return _text.originalText(); } return QString(); }; auto result = getText(); if (result.size() > 0xFF) { result = result.mid(0, 0xFF) + qsl("..."); } return result; } QString HistoryItem::inDialogsText(DrawInDialog way) const { auto getText = [this]() { if (_media) { return _media->chatListText(); } else if (!emptyText()) { return TextUtilities::Clean(_text.originalText()); } return QString(); }; const auto plainText = getText(); const auto sender = [&]() -> PeerData* { if (isPost() || isEmpty() || (way == DrawInDialog::WithoutSender)) { return nullptr; } else if (!_history->peer->isUser() || out()) { return author(); } else if (_history->peer->isSelf() && !Has()) { return senderOriginal(); } return nullptr; }(); if (sender) { auto fromText = sender->isSelf() ? lang(lng_from_you) : sender->shortName(); auto fromWrapped = textcmdLink(1, lng_dialogs_text_from_wrapped(lt_from, TextUtilities::Clean(fromText))); return lng_dialogs_text_with_from(lt_from_part, fromWrapped, lt_message, plainText); } return plainText; } void HistoryItem::drawInDialog( Painter &p, const QRect &r, bool active, bool selected, DrawInDialog way, const HistoryItem *&cacheFor, Text &cache) const { if (cacheFor != this) { cacheFor = this; cache.setText(st::dialogsTextStyle, inDialogsText(way), Ui::DialogTextOptions()); } if (r.width()) { p.setTextPalette(active ? st::dialogsTextPaletteActive : (selected ? st::dialogsTextPaletteOver : st::dialogsTextPalette)); p.setFont(st::dialogsTextFont); p.setPen(active ? st::dialogsTextFgActive : (selected ? st::dialogsTextFgOver : st::dialogsTextFg)); cache.drawElided(p, r.left(), r.top(), r.width(), r.height() / st::dialogsTextFont->height); p.restoreTextPalette(); } } HistoryItem::~HistoryItem() { _history->owner().notifyItemRemoved(this); App::historyUnregItem(this); if (id < 0 && !App::quitting()) { _history->session().uploader().cancel(fullId()); } } QDateTime ItemDateTime(not_null item) { return ParseDateTime(item->date()); } ClickHandlerPtr goToMessageClickHandler( not_null item, FullMsgId returnToId) { return goToMessageClickHandler( item->history()->peer, item->id, returnToId); } ClickHandlerPtr goToMessageClickHandler( not_null peer, MsgId msgId, FullMsgId returnToId) { return std::make_shared([=] { if (const auto main = App::main()) { if (const auto returnTo = App::histItemById(returnToId)) { if (returnTo->history()->peer == peer) { main->pushReplyReturn(returnTo); } } App::wnd()->controller()->showPeerHistory( peer, Window::SectionShow::Way::Forward, msgId); } }); } not_null HistoryItem::Create( not_null history, const MTPMessage &message) { return message.match([&](const MTPDmessage &data) -> HistoryItem* { const auto checked = data.has_media() ? CheckMessageMedia(data.vmedia) : MediaCheckResult::Good; if (checked == MediaCheckResult::Unsupported) { return CreateUnsupportedMessage( history, data.vid.v, data.vflags.v, data.vreply_to_msg_id.v, data.vvia_bot_id.v, data.vdate.v, data.vfrom_id.v); } else if (checked == MediaCheckResult::Empty) { const auto text = HistoryService::PreparedText { lang(lng_message_empty) }; return new HistoryService( history, data.vid.v, data.vdate.v, text, data.vflags.v, data.has_from_id() ? data.vfrom_id.v : UserId(0)); } else if (checked == MediaCheckResult::HasTimeToLive) { return new HistoryService(history, data); } return new HistoryMessage(history, data); }, [&](const MTPDmessageService &data) -> HistoryItem* { if (data.vaction.type() == mtpc_messageActionPhoneCall) { return new HistoryMessage(history, data); } return new HistoryService(history, data); }, [&](const MTPDmessageEmpty &data) -> HistoryItem* { const auto text = HistoryService::PreparedText{ lang(lng_message_empty) }; return new HistoryService(history, data.vid.v, TimeId(0), text); }); }