/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "window/main_window.h" #include "localstorage.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "platform/platform_window_title.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme.h" #include "mediaview.h" #include "mainwindow.h" namespace Window { MainWindow::MainWindow() : QWidget() , _positionUpdatedTimer(this) , _body(this) , _titleText(qsl("Telegram")) , _isActiveTimer(this) { subscribe(Theme::Background(), [this](const Theme::BackgroundUpdate &data) { if (data.paletteChanged()) { if (_title) { _title->update(); } updatePalette(); } }); subscribe(Global::RefUnreadCounterUpdate(), [this] { updateUnreadCounter(); }); _isActiveTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(_isActiveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateIsActiveByTimer())); } bool MainWindow::hideNoQuit() { if (_mediaView && !_mediaView->isHidden()) { hideMediaview(); return true; } if (cWorkMode() == dbiwmTrayOnly || cWorkMode() == dbiwmWindowAndTray) { if (minimizeToTray()) { Ui::showChatsList(); return true; } } else if (cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld) { closeWithoutDestroy(); updateIsActive(Global::OfflineBlurTimeout()); updateGlobalMenu(); Ui::showChatsList(); return true; } return false; } void MainWindow::clearWidgets() { Ui::hideLayer(true); if (_mediaView) { hideMediaview(); _mediaView->rpcClear(); _mediaView->clearData(); } clearWidgetsHook(); updateGlobalMenu(); } void MainWindow::showPhoto(const PhotoOpenClickHandler *lnk, HistoryItem *item) { return (!item && lnk->peer()) ? showPhoto(lnk->photo(), lnk->peer()) : showPhoto(lnk->photo(), item); } void MainWindow::showPhoto(PhotoData *photo, HistoryItem *item) { if (_mediaView->isHidden()) Ui::hideLayer(true); _mediaView->showPhoto(photo, item); _mediaView->activateWindow(); _mediaView->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::showPhoto(PhotoData *photo, PeerData *peer) { if (_mediaView->isHidden()) Ui::hideLayer(true); _mediaView->showPhoto(photo, peer); _mediaView->activateWindow(); _mediaView->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::showDocument(DocumentData *doc, HistoryItem *item) { if (cUseExternalVideoPlayer() && doc->isVideo()) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("file:///" + doc->location(false).fname)); } else { if (_mediaView->isHidden()) Ui::hideLayer(true); _mediaView->showDocument(doc, item); _mediaView->activateWindow(); _mediaView->setFocus(); } } bool MainWindow::ui_isMediaViewShown() { return _mediaView && !_mediaView->isHidden(); } void MainWindow::updateIsActive(int timeout) { if (timeout) { return _isActiveTimer->start(timeout); } _isActive = computeIsActive(); updateIsActiveHook(); } bool MainWindow::computeIsActive() const { return isActiveWindow() && isVisible() && !(windowState() & Qt::WindowMinimized); } void MainWindow::hideMediaview() { if (_mediaView && !_mediaView->isHidden()) { _mediaView->hide(); #if defined Q_OS_LINUX32 || defined Q_OS_LINUX64 reActivateWindow(); #endif } } void MainWindow::onReActivate() { if (auto w = App::wnd()) { if (auto f = QApplication::focusWidget()) { f->clearFocus(); } w->windowHandle()->requestActivate(); w->activate(); if (auto f = QApplication::focusWidget()) { f->clearFocus(); } w->setInnerFocus(); } } QWidget *MainWindow::filedialogParent() { return (_mediaView && _mediaView->isVisible()) ? (QWidget*)_mediaView : (QWidget*)this; } void MainWindow::createMediaView() { _mediaView.create(nullptr); } void MainWindow::init() { initHook(); _positionUpdatedTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(_positionUpdatedTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(savePositionByTimer())); updatePalette(); if ((_title = Platform::CreateTitleWidget(this))) { _title->init(); } initSize(); updateUnreadCounter(); } void MainWindow::updatePalette() { auto p = palette(); p.setColor(QPalette::Window, st::windowBg->c); setPalette(p); } HitTestResult MainWindow::hitTest(const QPoint &p) const { auto titleResult = _title ? _title->hitTest(p - _title->geometry().topLeft()) : Window::HitTestResult::None; if (titleResult != Window::HitTestResult::None) { return titleResult; } else if (rect().contains(p)) { return Window::HitTestResult::Client; } return Window::HitTestResult::None; } void MainWindow::initSize() { setMinimumWidth(st::windowMinWidth); setMinimumHeight((_title ? _title->height() : 0) + st::windowMinHeight); auto pos = cWindowPos(); auto avail = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry(); bool maximized = false; auto geom = QRect(avail.x() + (avail.width() - st::windowDefaultWidth) / 2, avail.y() + (avail.height() - st::windowDefaultHeight) / 2, st::windowDefaultWidth, st::windowDefaultHeight); if (pos.w && pos.h) { for (auto screen : QGuiApplication::screens()) { if (pos.moncrc == screenNameChecksum(screen->name())) { auto screenGeometry = screen->geometry(); auto w = screenGeometry.width(), h = screenGeometry.height(); if (w >= st::windowMinWidth && h >= st::windowMinHeight) { if (pos.w > w) pos.w = w; if (pos.h > h) pos.h = h; pos.x += screenGeometry.x(); pos.y += screenGeometry.y(); if (pos.x + st::windowMinWidth <= screenGeometry.x() + screenGeometry.width() && pos.y + st::windowMinHeight <= screenGeometry.y() + screenGeometry.height()) { geom = QRect(pos.x, pos.y, pos.w, pos.h); } } break; } } if (pos.y < 0) pos.y = 0; maximized = pos.maximized; } setGeometry(geom); } void MainWindow::positionUpdated() { _positionUpdatedTimer->start(SaveWindowPositionTimeout); } bool MainWindow::titleVisible() const { return _title && !_title->isHidden(); } void MainWindow::setTitleVisible(bool visible) { if (_title && (_title->isHidden() == visible)) { _title->setVisible(visible); updateControlsGeometry(); } titleVisibilityChangedHook(); } int32 MainWindow::screenNameChecksum(const QString &name) const { auto bytes = name.toUtf8(); return hashCrc32(bytes.constData(), bytes.size()); } void MainWindow::setPositionInited() { _positionInited = true; } void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { updateControlsGeometry(); } void MainWindow::updateControlsGeometry() { auto bodyTop = 0; auto bodyWidth = width(); if (_title && !_title->isHidden()) { _title->setGeometry(0, bodyTop, width(), _title->height()); bodyTop += _title->height(); } if (_rightColumn) { bodyWidth -= _rightColumn->width(); _rightColumn->setGeometry(bodyWidth, bodyTop, width() - bodyWidth, height() - bodyTop); } _body->setGeometry(0, bodyTop, bodyWidth, height() - bodyTop); } void MainWindow::updateUnreadCounter() { if (!Global::started() || App::quitting()) return; auto counter = App::histories().unreadBadge(); _titleText = (counter > 0) ? qsl("Telegram (%1)").arg(counter) : qsl("Telegram"); unreadCounterChangedHook(); } void MainWindow::savePosition(Qt::WindowState state) { if (state == Qt::WindowActive) state = windowHandle()->windowState(); if (state == Qt::WindowMinimized || !positionInited()) return; auto pos = cWindowPos(), curPos = pos; if (state == Qt::WindowMaximized) { curPos.maximized = 1; } else { auto r = geometry(); curPos.x = r.x(); curPos.y = r.y(); curPos.w = r.width() - (_rightColumn ? _rightColumn->width() : 0); curPos.h = r.height(); curPos.maximized = 0; } int px = curPos.x + curPos.w / 2, py = curPos.y + curPos.h / 2; int minDelta = 0; QScreen *chosen = 0; auto screens = QGuiApplication::screens(); for (auto screen : QGuiApplication::screens()) { auto delta = (screen->geometry().center() - QPoint(px, py)).manhattanLength(); if (!chosen || delta < minDelta) { minDelta = delta; chosen = screen; } } if (chosen) { curPos.x -= chosen->geometry().x(); curPos.y -= chosen->geometry().y(); curPos.moncrc = screenNameChecksum(chosen->name()); } if (curPos.w >= st::windowMinWidth && curPos.h >= st::windowMinHeight) { if (curPos.x != pos.x || curPos.y != pos.y || curPos.w != pos.w || curPos.h != pos.h || curPos.moncrc != pos.moncrc || curPos.maximized != pos.maximized) { cSetWindowPos(curPos); Local::writeSettings(); } } } bool MainWindow::minimizeToTray() { if (App::quitting() || !hasTrayIcon()) return false; closeWithoutDestroy(); updateIsActive(Global::OfflineBlurTimeout()); updateTrayMenu(); updateGlobalMenu(); showTrayTooltip(); return true; } void MainWindow::showRightColumn(object_ptr widget) { auto wasWidth = width(); auto wasRightWidth = _rightColumn ? _rightColumn->width() : 0; _rightColumn = std::move(widget); if (_rightColumn) { _rightColumn->setParent(this); _rightColumn->show(); _rightColumn->setFocus(); } else if (App::wnd()) { App::wnd()->setInnerFocus(); } auto nowRightWidth = _rightColumn ? _rightColumn->width() : 0; setMinimumWidth(st::windowMinWidth + nowRightWidth); auto nowWidth = width(); if (!isMaximized()) { auto desktop = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry(this); auto newWidth = qMin(wasWidth + nowRightWidth - wasRightWidth, desktop.width()); auto newLeft = qMin(x(), desktop.x() + desktop.width() - newWidth); if (x() != newLeft || width() != newWidth) { setGeometry(newLeft, y(), newWidth, height()); } else { updateControlsGeometry(); } } else { updateControlsGeometry(); } } void MainWindow::documentUpdated(DocumentData *doc) { if (!_mediaView || _mediaView->isHidden()) return; _mediaView->documentUpdated(doc); } void MainWindow::changingMsgId(HistoryItem *row, MsgId newId) { if (!_mediaView || _mediaView->isHidden()) return; _mediaView->changingMsgId(row, newId); } PeerData *MainWindow::ui_getPeerForMouseAction() { if (_mediaView && !_mediaView->isHidden()) { return _mediaView->ui_getPeerForMouseAction(); } return nullptr; } MainWindow::~MainWindow() = default; } // namespace Window