/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_result.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_layout_item.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_send_data.h" #include "storage/file_download.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "core/mime_type.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "main/main_session.h" namespace InlineBots { namespace { QString GetContentUrl(const MTPWebDocument &document) { switch (document.type()) { case mtpc_webDocument: return qs(document.c_webDocument().vurl()); case mtpc_webDocumentNoProxy: return qs(document.c_webDocumentNoProxy().vurl()); } Unexpected("Type in GetContentUrl."); } } // namespace Result::Result(const Creator &creator) : _queryId(creator.queryId), _type(creator.type) { } std::unique_ptr Result::create(uint64 queryId, const MTPBotInlineResult &mtpData) { using StringToTypeMap = QMap; static StaticNeverFreedPointer stringToTypeMap{ ([]() -> StringToTypeMap* { auto result = std::make_unique(); result->insert(qsl("photo"), Result::Type::Photo); result->insert(qsl("video"), Result::Type::Video); result->insert(qsl("audio"), Result::Type::Audio); result->insert(qsl("voice"), Result::Type::Audio); result->insert(qsl("sticker"), Result::Type::Sticker); result->insert(qsl("file"), Result::Type::File); result->insert(qsl("gif"), Result::Type::Gif); result->insert(qsl("article"), Result::Type::Article); result->insert(qsl("contact"), Result::Type::Contact); result->insert(qsl("venue"), Result::Type::Venue); result->insert(qsl("geo"), Result::Type::Geo); result->insert(qsl("game"), Result::Type::Game); return result.release(); })() }; auto getInlineResultType = [](const MTPBotInlineResult &inlineResult) -> Type { QString type; switch (inlineResult.type()) { case mtpc_botInlineResult: type = qs(inlineResult.c_botInlineResult().vtype()); break; case mtpc_botInlineMediaResult: type = qs(inlineResult.c_botInlineMediaResult().vtype()); break; } return stringToTypeMap->value(type, Type::Unknown); }; Type type = getInlineResultType(mtpData); if (type == Type::Unknown) { return nullptr; } auto result = std::make_unique(Creator{ queryId, type }); const MTPBotInlineMessage *message = nullptr; switch (mtpData.type()) { case mtpc_botInlineResult: { const auto &r = mtpData.c_botInlineResult(); result->_id = qs(r.vid()); result->_title = qs(r.vtitle().value_or_empty()); result->_description = qs(r.vdescription().value_or_empty()); result->_url = qs(r.vurl().value_or_empty()); if (const auto thumb = r.vthumb()) { result->_thumb = Images::Create(*thumb, result->thumbBox()); } if (const auto content = r.vcontent()) { result->_content_url = GetContentUrl(*content); if (result->_type == Type::Photo) { result->_photo = Auth().data().photoFromWeb( *content, result->_thumb, true); } else { result->_document = Auth().data().documentFromWeb( result->adjustAttributes(*content), result->_thumb); } } message = &r.vsend_message(); } break; case mtpc_botInlineMediaResult: { const auto &r = mtpData.c_botInlineMediaResult(); result->_id = qs(r.vid()); result->_title = qs(r.vtitle().value_or_empty()); result->_description = qs(r.vdescription().value_or_empty()); if (const auto photo = r.vphoto()) { result->_photo = Auth().data().processPhoto(*photo); } if (const auto document = r.vdocument()) { result->_document = Auth().data().processDocument(*document); } message = &r.vsend_message(); } break; } auto badAttachment = (result->_photo && result->_photo->isNull()) || (result->_document && result->_document->isNull()); if (!message) { return nullptr; } // Ensure required media fields for layouts. if (result->_type == Type::Photo) { if (!result->_photo) { return nullptr; } } else if (result->_type == Type::Audio || result->_type == Type::File || result->_type == Type::Video || result->_type == Type::Sticker || result->_type == Type::Gif) { if (!result->_document) { return nullptr; } } switch (message->type()) { case mtpc_botInlineMessageMediaAuto: { const auto &r = message->c_botInlineMessageMediaAuto(); const auto message = qs(r.vmessage()); const auto entities = TextUtilities::EntitiesFromMTP( r.ventities().value_or_empty()); if (result->_type == Type::Photo) { if (!result->_photo) { return nullptr; } result->sendData = std::make_unique( result->_photo, message, entities); } else if (result->_type == Type::Game) { result->createGame(); result->sendData = std::make_unique( result->_game); } else { if (!result->_document) { return nullptr; } result->sendData = std::make_unique( result->_document, message, entities); } if (const auto markup = r.vreply_markup()) { result->_mtpKeyboard = std::make_unique(*markup); } } break; case mtpc_botInlineMessageText: { const auto &r = message->c_botInlineMessageText(); result->sendData = std::make_unique( qs(r.vmessage()), TextUtilities::EntitiesFromMTP(r.ventities().value_or_empty()), r.is_no_webpage()); if (result->_type == Type::Photo) { if (!result->_photo) { return nullptr; } } else if (result->_type == Type::Audio || result->_type == Type::File || result->_type == Type::Video || result->_type == Type::Sticker || result->_type == Type::Gif) { if (!result->_document) { return nullptr; } } if (const auto markup = r.vreply_markup()) { result->_mtpKeyboard = std::make_unique(*markup); } } break; case mtpc_botInlineMessageMediaGeo: { // #TODO layer 72 save period and send live location?.. auto &r = message->c_botInlineMessageMediaGeo(); if (r.vgeo().type() == mtpc_geoPoint) { result->sendData = std::make_unique(r.vgeo().c_geoPoint()); } else { badAttachment = true; } if (const auto markup = r.vreply_markup()) { result->_mtpKeyboard = std::make_unique(*markup); } } break; case mtpc_botInlineMessageMediaVenue: { auto &r = message->c_botInlineMessageMediaVenue(); if (r.vgeo().type() == mtpc_geoPoint) { result->sendData = std::make_unique(r.vgeo().c_geoPoint(), qs(r.vvenue_id()), qs(r.vprovider()), qs(r.vtitle()), qs(r.vaddress())); } else { badAttachment = true; } if (const auto markup = r.vreply_markup()) { result->_mtpKeyboard = std::make_unique(*markup); } } break; case mtpc_botInlineMessageMediaContact: { auto &r = message->c_botInlineMessageMediaContact(); result->sendData = std::make_unique(qs(r.vfirst_name()), qs(r.vlast_name()), qs(r.vphone_number())); if (const auto markup = r.vreply_markup()) { result->_mtpKeyboard = std::make_unique(*markup); } } break; default: { badAttachment = true; } break; } if (badAttachment || !result->sendData || !result->sendData->isValid()) { return nullptr; } if (const auto point = result->getLocationPoint()) { const auto scale = 1 + (cScale() * cIntRetinaFactor()) / 200; const auto zoom = 15 + (scale - 1); const auto w = st::inlineThumbSize / scale; const auto h = st::inlineThumbSize / scale; auto location = GeoPointLocation(); location.lat = point->lat(); location.lon = point->lon(); location.access = point->accessHash(); location.width = w; location.height = h; location.zoom = zoom; location.scale = scale; result->_locationThumb = Images::Create(location); } return result; } bool Result::onChoose(Layout::ItemBase *layout) { if (_photo && _type == Type::Photo) { if (_photo->thumbnail()->loaded()) { return true; } else if (!_photo->thumbnail()->loading()) { _photo->thumbnail()->loadEvenCancelled(Data::FileOrigin()); } return false; } if (_document && ( _type == Type::Video || _type == Type::Audio || _type == Type::Sticker || _type == Type::File || _type == Type::Gif)) { if (_type == Type::Gif) { if (_document->loaded()) { return true; } else if (_document->loading()) { _document->cancel(); } else { _document->save( Data::FileOriginSavedGifs(), QString()); } return false; } return true; } return true; } void Result::unload() { if (_document) { _document->unload(); } if (_photo) { _photo->unload(); } } void Result::openFile() { if (_document) { DocumentOpenClickHandler(_document).onClick({}); } else if (_photo) { PhotoOpenClickHandler(_photo).onClick({}); } } void Result::cancelFile() { if (_document) { DocumentCancelClickHandler(_document).onClick({}); } else if (_photo) { PhotoCancelClickHandler(_photo).onClick({}); } } bool Result::hasThumbDisplay() const { if (!_thumb->isNull()) { return true; } if (_type == Type::Contact) { return true; } if (sendData->hasLocationCoords()) { return true; } return false; }; void Result::addToHistory(History *history, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId msgId, UserId fromId, MTPint mtpDate, UserId viaBotId, MsgId replyToId, const QString &postAuthor) const { flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_from_inline_bot; auto markup = MTPReplyMarkup(); if (_mtpKeyboard) { flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup; markup = *_mtpKeyboard; } sendData->addToHistory(this, history, flags, msgId, fromId, mtpDate, viaBotId, replyToId, postAuthor, markup); } QString Result::getErrorOnSend(History *history) const { return sendData->getErrorOnSend(this, history); } std::optional Result::getLocationPoint() const { return sendData->getLocationPoint(); } QString Result::getLayoutTitle() const { return sendData->getLayoutTitle(this); } QString Result::getLayoutDescription() const { return sendData->getLayoutDescription(this); } // just to make unique_ptr see the destructors. Result::~Result() { } void Result::createGame() { if (_game) return; const auto gameId = rand_value(); _game = Auth().data().game( gameId, 0, QString(), _title, _description, _photo, _document); } QSize Result::thumbBox() const { return (_type == Type::Photo) ? QSize(100, 100) : QSize(90, 90); } MTPWebDocument Result::adjustAttributes(const MTPWebDocument &document) { switch (document.type()) { case mtpc_webDocument: { const auto &data = document.c_webDocument(); return MTP_webDocument( data.vurl(), data.vaccess_hash(), data.vsize(), data.vmime_type(), adjustAttributes(data.vattributes(), data.vmime_type())); } break; case mtpc_webDocumentNoProxy: { const auto &data = document.c_webDocumentNoProxy(); return MTP_webDocumentNoProxy( data.vurl(), data.vsize(), data.vmime_type(), adjustAttributes(data.vattributes(), data.vmime_type())); } break; } Unexpected("Type in InlineBots::Result::adjustAttributes."); } MTPVector Result::adjustAttributes( const MTPVector &existing, const MTPstring &mimeType) { auto result = existing.v; const auto find = [&](mtpTypeId attributeType) { return ranges::find( result, attributeType, [](const MTPDocumentAttribute &value) { return value.type(); }); }; const auto exists = [&](mtpTypeId attributeType) { return find(attributeType) != result.cend(); }; const auto mime = qs(mimeType); if (_type == Type::Gif) { if (!exists(mtpc_documentAttributeFilename)) { auto filename = (mime == qstr("video/mp4") ? "animation.gif.mp4" : "animation.gif"); result.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeFilename( MTP_string(filename))); } if (!exists(mtpc_documentAttributeAnimated)) { result.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeAnimated()); } } else if (_type == Type::Audio) { const auto audio = find(mtpc_documentAttributeAudio); if (audio != result.cend()) { using Flag = MTPDdocumentAttributeAudio::Flag; if (mime == qstr("audio/ogg")) { // We always treat audio/ogg as a voice message. // It was that way before we started to get attributes here. const auto &fields = audio->c_documentAttributeAudio(); if (!(fields.vflags().v & Flag::f_voice)) { *audio = MTP_documentAttributeAudio( MTP_flags(fields.vflags().v | Flag::f_voice), fields.vduration(), MTP_bytes(fields.vtitle().value_or_empty()), MTP_bytes(fields.vperformer().value_or_empty()), MTP_bytes(fields.vwaveform().value_or_empty())); } } const auto &fields = audio->c_documentAttributeAudio(); if (!exists(mtpc_documentAttributeFilename) && !(fields.vflags().v & Flag::f_voice)) { const auto p = Core::MimeTypeForName(mime).globPatterns(); auto pattern = p.isEmpty() ? QString() : p.front(); const auto extension = pattern.isEmpty() ? qsl(".unknown") : pattern.replace('*', QString()); const auto filename = filedialogDefaultName( qsl("inline"), extension, QString(), true); result.push_back( MTP_documentAttributeFilename(MTP_string(filename))); } } } return MTP_vector(std::move(result)); } } // namespace InlineBots