set -e while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do set $line eval $1="$2" done < Version if [ "$BetaVersion" != "0"]; then AppVersion="$BetaVersion" AppVersionStrFull="$AppVersionStr_$BetaVersion" DevParam="-beta $BetaVersion" BetaKeyFile="tbeta_$AppVersion_key" elif [ "$DevChannel" == "0" ]; then AppVersionStrFull="$AppVersionStr" DevParam='' else AppVersionStrFull="$" DevParam='-dev' fi if [ ! -f "Target" ]; then echo "Build target not found!" exit 1 fi while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do BuildTarget="$line" done < Target echo "" HomePath="./../../Telegram" if [ "$BuildTarget" == "linux" ]; then echo "Building version $AppVersionStrFull for Linux 64bit.." UpdateFile="tlinuxupd$AppVersion" SetupFile="tsetup.$AppVersionStrFull.tar.xz" WorkPath="./../Linux" FixScript="$HomePath/" ReleasePath="./../Linux/Release" elif [ "$BuildTarget" == "linux32" ]; then echo "Building version $AppVersionStrFull for Linux 32bit.." UpdateFile="tlinux32upd$AppVersion" SetupFile="tsetup32.$AppVersionStrFull.tar.xz" WorkPath="./../Linux" FixScript="$HomePath/" ReleasePath="./../Linux/Release" elif [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ]; then echo "Building version $AppVersionStrFull for OS X 10.8+.." UpdateFile="tmacupd$AppVersion" SetupFile="tsetup.$AppVersionStrFull.dmg" ReleasePath="./../Mac/Release" BinaryName="Telegram" elif [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac32" ]; then echo "Building version $AppVersionStrFull for OS X 10.6 and 10.7.." UpdateFile="tmac32upd$AppVersion" SetupFile="tsetup32.$AppVersionStrFull.dmg" ReleasePath="./../Mac/Release" BinaryName="Telegram" elif [ "$BuildTarget" == "macstore" ]; then if [ "$BetaVersion" != "0"]; then echo "Can't build macstore beta version!" exit 1 fi echo "Building version $AppVersionStrFull for Mac App Store.." ReleasePath="./../Mac/Release" BinaryName="Telegram Desktop" DropboxPath="./../../../Dropbox/Telegram/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor" DropboxDeployPath="$DropboxPath/$AppVersionStrFull" else echo "Invalid target!" exit 1 fi #if [ "$BuildTarget" == "linux" ] || [ "$BuildTarget" == "linux32" ] || [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ] || [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac32" ] || [ "$BuildTarget" == "macstore" ]; then if [ "$BetaVersion" != "0"]; then if [ -f "$ReleasePath/$BetaKeyFile" ]; then echo "Beta version key file for version $AppVersion already exists!" exit 1 fi else if [ -d "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$" ]; then echo "Deploy folder for version $ already exists!" exit 1 fi if [ -f "$ReleasePath/$UpdateFile" ]; then echo "Update file for version $AppVersion already exists!" exit 1 fi fi if [ -d "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStr" ]; then echo "Deploy folder for version $AppVersionStr already exists!" exit 1 fi DeployPath="$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull" #fi if [ "$BuildTarget" == "linux" ] || [ "$BuildTarget" == "linux32" ]; then mkdir -p "$WorkPath/ReleaseIntermediateUpdater" cd "$WorkPath/ReleaseIntermediateUpdater" /usr/local/Qt-5.5.1/bin/qmake "$HomePath/" make echo "Updater build complete!" cd "$HomePath" mkdir -p "$WorkPath/ReleaseIntermediate" cd "$WorkPath/ReleaseIntermediate" /usr/local/Qt-5.5.1/bin/qmake "$HomePath/" eval "$FixScript" make echo "Telegram build complete!" cd "$HomePath" if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/Telegram" ]; then echo "Telegram not found!" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/Updater" ]; then echo "Updater not found!" exit 1 fi echo "Preparing version $AppVersionStrFull, executing Packer.." cd "$ReleasePath" && "./Packer" -path Telegram -path Updater -version $AppVersion $DevParam && cd "$HomePath" echo "Packer done!" if [ "$BetaVersion" != "0" ]; then if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/$BetaKeyFile" ]; then echo "Beta version key file not found!" exit 1 fi while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do BetaSignature="$line" done < "$ReleasePath/$BetaKeyFile" UpdateFile="$UpdateFile_$BetaSignature" SetupFile="tbeta$BetaVersion_$BetaSignature.tar.xz" fi if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/deploy" ]; then mkdir "$ReleasePath/deploy" fi if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor" ]; then mkdir "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor" fi echo "Copying Telegram, Updater and $UpdateFile to deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull.."; mkdir "$DeployPath" mkdir "$DeployPath/Telegram" mv "$ReleasePath/Telegram" "$DeployPath/Telegram/" mv "$ReleasePath/Updater" "$DeployPath/Telegram/" mv "$ReleasePath/$UpdateFile" "$DeployPath/" if [ "$BetaVersion" != "0" ]; then mv "$ReleasePath/$BetaKeyFile" "$DeployPath/" fi cd "$DeployPath" && tar -cJvf "$SetupFile" "Telegram/" && cd "./../../../$HomePath" fi if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ] || [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac32" ] || [ "$BuildTarget" == "macstore" ]; then touch "./SourceFiles/telegram.qrc" xcodebuild -project Telegram.xcodeproj -alltargets -configuration Release build if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/$" ]; then echo "$ not found!" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/$" ]; then echo "$ not found!" exit 1 fi AppUUID=`dwarfdump -u "$ReleasePath/$$BinaryName" | awk -F " " '{print $2}'` DsymUUID=`dwarfdump -u "$ReleasePath/$" | awk -F " " '{print $2}'` if [ "$AppUUID" != "$DsymUUID" ]; then echo "UUID of binary '$AppUUID' and dSYM '$DsymUUID' differ!" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/$" ]; then echo "Icon.icns not found in Resources!" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/$$BinaryName" ]; then echo "$BinaryName not found in MacOS!" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/$" ]; then echo "$BinaryName signature not found!" exit 1 fi if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ] || [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac32" ]; then if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/$" ]; then echo "Updater not found in Frameworks!" exit 1 fi elif [ "$BuildTarget" == "macstore" ]; then if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.pkg" ]; then echo "$BinaryName.pkg not found!" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ] || [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac32" ]; then if [ "$BetaVersion" == "0" ]; then cd "$ReleasePath" temppath=`hdiutil attach -readwrite tsetup.dmg | awk -F "\t" 'END {print $3}'` cp -R "./$" "$temppath/" bless --folder "$temppath/" --openfolder "$temppath/" hdiutil detach "$temppath" hdiutil convert tsetup.dmg -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -ov -o "$SetupFile" cd "./../../Telegram" fi cd "$ReleasePath" && "./" -path "$" -version $AppVersion $DevParam && cd "$HomePath" echo "Packer done!" if [ "$BetaVersion" != "0" ]; then if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/$BetaKeyFile" ]; then echo "Beta version key file not found!" exit 1 fi while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do BetaSignature="$line" done < "$ReleasePath/$BetaKeyFile" UpdateFile="$UpdateFile_$BetaSignature" SetupFile="tbeta$BetaVersion_$" fi fi if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/deploy" ]; then mkdir "$ReleasePath/deploy" fi if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor" ]; then mkdir "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor" fi if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ] || [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac32" ]; then echo "Copying $ and $UpdateFile to deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStr.."; mkdir "$DeployPath" mkdir "$DeployPath/Telegram" cp -r "$ReleasePath/$" "$DeployPath/Telegram/" if [ "$BetaVersion" != "0" ]; then zip -r "$ReleasePath/$SetupFile" "$DeployPath/Telegram" mv "$ReleasePath/$BetaKeyFile" "$DeployPath/" fi mv "$ReleasePath/$" "$DeployPath/" rm "$ReleasePath/$$BinaryName" rm "$ReleasePath/$" rm -rf "$ReleasePath/$" mv "$ReleasePath/$UpdateFile" "$DeployPath/" mv "$ReleasePath/$SetupFile" "$DeployPath/" if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac32" ]; then ReleaseToPath="./../../../TBuild/tother/tmac32" DeployToPath="$ReleaseToPath/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull" if [ ! -d "$ReleaseToPath/$AppVersionStrMajor" ]; then mkdir "$ReleaseToPath/$AppVersionStrMajor" fi if [ ! -d "$DeployToPath" ]; then mkdir "$DeployToPath" fi cp -v "$DeployPath/$UpdateFile" "$DeployToPath/" cp -v "$DeployPath/$SetupFile" "$DeployToPath/" cp -rv "$DeployPath/$" "$DeployToPath/" fi elif [ "$BuildTarget" == "macstore" ]; then echo "Copying $ to deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStr.."; mkdir "$DeployPath" cp -r "$ReleasePath/$" "$DeployPath/" mv "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.pkg" "$DeployPath/" mv "$ReleasePath/$" "$DeployPath/" rm "$ReleasePath/$$BinaryName" rm -rf "$ReleasePath/$" cp -v "$DeployPath/$" "$DropboxDeployPath/" cp -rv "$DeployPath/$" "$DropboxDeployPath/" fi fi echo "Version $AppVersionStrFull is ready!";