/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ using "basic.style"; using "history/history.style"; using "ui/widgets/widgets.style"; using "media/view/mediaview.style"; OverviewFileLayout { maxWidth: pixels; songPadding: margins; songThumbSize: pixels; songNameTop: pixels; songStatusTop: pixels; songIconBg: color; songOverBg: color; songPause: icon; songPlay: icon; songCancel: icon; songDownload: icon; filePadding: margins; fileThumbSize: pixels; fileNameTop: pixels; fileStatusTop: pixels; fileDateTop: pixels; } overviewCheckBg: #00000040; overviewCheckFg: windowBg; overviewCheckFgActive: windowBg; overviewCheckPressedSize: 0.8; overviewCheck: RoundCheckbox(defaultRoundCheckbox) { bgInactive: overviewCheckBg; size: 29px; sizeSmall: 0.3; check: icon {{ "overview_photo_check", overviewCheckFgActive, point(4px, 8px) }}; } overviewCheckSkip: 5px; overviewPhotoSkip: 10px; overviewPhotoBg: #F1F1F1; overviewPhotoMinSize: minPhotoSize; overviewPhotoSelectOverlay: #40ace333; overviewVideoBg: #000000; overviewFileThumbBg: #000000; overviewFileChecked: #2fa9e2; overviewFileCheck: #00000066; overviewFileExtPadding: 5px; overviewFileExtTop: 24px; overviewFileExtFg: #ffffff; overviewFileExtFont: font(18px semibold); overviewFileLayout: OverviewFileLayout { maxWidth: 410px; songPadding: msgFilePadding; songThumbSize: msgFileSize; songNameTop: msgFileNameTop; songStatusTop: msgFileStatusTop; songIconBg: msgFileInBg; songOverBg: msgFileInBgOver; songPause: historyFileInPause; songPlay: historyFileInPlay; songCancel: historyFileInCancel; songDownload: historyFileInDownload; filePadding: margins(0px, 3px, 16px, 3px); fileThumbSize: 70px; fileNameTop: 7px; fileStatusTop: 24px; fileDateTop: 49px; } overviewLoader: size(34px, 14px); overviewLoaderPoint: size(4px, 4px); overviewLoaderSkip: 4px; playlistHoverBg: #f2f2f2; playlistPadding: 10px; linksSearchMargin: margins(20px, 20px, 20px, 0px); linksMaxWidth: 520px; linksLetterFg: #ffffff; linksLetterFont: font(24px); linksMargin: margins(0px, 7px, 0px, 5px); linksTextFg: #000000; linksTextTop: 6px; linksBorder: 1px; linksBorderFg: #eaeaea; linksDateColor: #808080; linksDateMargin: margins(0px, 15px, 0px, 2px); linksPhotoSize: 46px; linksPhotoPadding: 12px; overviewLinksCheck: icon { { "overview_links_check_bg", overviewCheckBg }, { "overview_links_check", overviewCheckFg, point(4px, 5px) }, }; overviewLinksChecked: icon { { "overview_links_check_bg", windowBgActive }, { "overview_links_check", overviewCheckFgActive, point(4px, 5px) }, }; overviewFilter: FlatInput(defaultFlatInput) { font: font(fsize); bgColor: #f2f2f2; phColor: #949494; phFocusColor: #a4a4a4; icon: fieldSearchIcon; width: 240px; height: 32px; textMrg: margins(32px, 3px, 32px, 3px); }