/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_search_controller.h" #include "auth_session.h" namespace Api { namespace { constexpr auto kSharedMediaLimit = 100; constexpr auto kDefaultSearchTimeoutMs = TimeMs(200); } // namespace MTPmessages_Search PrepareSearchRequest( not_null peer, Storage::SharedMediaType type, const QString &query, MsgId messageId, SparseIdsLoadDirection direction) { const auto filter = [&] { using Type = Storage::SharedMediaType; switch (type) { case Type::Photo: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterPhotos(); case Type::Video: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterVideo(); case Type::PhotoVideo: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo(); case Type::MusicFile: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterMusic(); case Type::File: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterDocument(); case Type::VoiceFile: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterVoice(); case Type::RoundVoiceFile: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice(); case Type::RoundFile: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo(); case Type::GIF: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterGif(); case Type::Link: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterUrl(); case Type::ChatPhoto: return MTP_inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos(); } return MTP_inputMessagesFilterEmpty(); }(); const auto minId = 0; const auto maxId = 0; const auto limit = messageId ? kSharedMediaLimit : 0; const auto offsetId = [&] { switch (direction) { case SparseIdsLoadDirection::Before: case SparseIdsLoadDirection::Around: return messageId; case SparseIdsLoadDirection::After: return messageId + 1; } Unexpected("Direction in PrepareSearchRequest"); }(); const auto addOffset = [&] { switch (direction) { case SparseIdsLoadDirection::Before: return 0; case SparseIdsLoadDirection::Around: return -limit / 2; case SparseIdsLoadDirection::After: return -limit; } Unexpected("Direction in PrepareSearchRequest"); }(); return MTPmessages_Search( MTP_flags(0), peer->input, MTP_string(query), MTP_inputUserEmpty(), filter, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(addOffset), MTP_int(limit), MTP_int(maxId), MTP_int(minId)); } SearchResult ParseSearchResult( not_null peer, Storage::SharedMediaType type, MsgId messageId, SparseIdsLoadDirection direction, const MTPmessages_Messages &data) { auto result = SearchResult(); result.noSkipRange = MsgRange{ messageId, messageId }; auto messages = [&] { switch (data.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: { auto &d = data.c_messages_messages(); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); result.fullCount = d.vmessages.v.size(); return &d.vmessages.v; } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: { auto &d = data.c_messages_messagesSlice(); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); result.fullCount = d.vcount.v; return &d.vmessages.v; } break; case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: { auto &d = data.c_messages_channelMessages(); if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { channel->ptsReceived(d.vpts.v); } else { LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when " "no channel was passed! (ParseSearchResult)")); } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); result.fullCount = d.vcount.v; return &d.vmessages.v; } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesNotModified: { LOG(("API Error: received messages.messagesNotModified! " "(ParseSearchResult)")); return (const QVector*)nullptr; } break; } Unexpected("messages.Messages type in ParseSearchResult()"); }(); if (!messages) { return result; } auto addType = NewMessageExisting; result.messageIds.reserve(messages->size()); for (auto &message : *messages) { if (auto item = App::histories().addNewMessage(message, addType)) { auto itemId = item->id; if ((type == Storage::SharedMediaType::kCount) || item->sharedMediaTypes().test(type)) { result.messageIds.push_back(itemId); } accumulate_min(result.noSkipRange.from, itemId); accumulate_max(result.noSkipRange.till, itemId); } } if (messageId && result.messageIds.empty()) { result.noSkipRange = [&]() -> MsgRange { switch (direction) { case SparseIdsLoadDirection::Before: // All old loaded. return { 0, result.noSkipRange.till }; case SparseIdsLoadDirection::Around: // All loaded. return { 0, ServerMaxMsgId }; case SparseIdsLoadDirection::After: // All new loaded. return { result.noSkipRange.from, ServerMaxMsgId }; } Unexpected("Direction in ParseSearchResult"); }(); } return result; } SearchController::CacheEntry::CacheEntry(const Query &query) : peerData(App::peer(query.peerId)) , migratedData(query.migratedPeerId ? base::make_optional(Data(App::peer(query.migratedPeerId))) : base::none) { } bool SearchController::hasInCache(const Query &query) const { return query.query.isEmpty() || _cache.contains(query); } void SearchController::setQuery(const Query &query) { if (query.query.isEmpty()) { _cache.clear(); _current = _cache.end(); } else { _current = _cache.find(query); } if (_current == _cache.end()) { _current = _cache.emplace( query, std::make_unique(query)).first; } } rpl::producer SearchController::idsSlice( SparseIdsMergedSlice::UniversalMsgId aroundId, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) { Expects(_current != _cache.cend()); auto query = (const Query&)_current->first; auto createSimpleViewer = [=]( PeerId peerId, SparseIdsSlice::Key simpleKey, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) { return simpleIdsSlice( peerId, simpleKey, query, limitBefore, limitAfter); }; return SparseIdsMergedSlice::CreateViewer( SparseIdsMergedSlice::Key( query.peerId, query.migratedPeerId, aroundId), limitBefore, limitAfter, std::move(createSimpleViewer)); } rpl::producer SearchController::simpleIdsSlice( PeerId peerId, MsgId aroundId, const Query &query, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) { Expects(peerId != 0); Expects(IsServerMsgId(aroundId) || (aroundId == 0)); Expects((aroundId != 0) || (limitBefore == 0 && limitAfter == 0)); Expects((query.peerId == peerId) || (query.migratedPeerId == peerId)); auto it = _cache.find(query); if (it == _cache.end()) { return [=](auto) { return rpl::lifetime(); }; } auto listData = (peerId == query.peerId) ? &it->second->peerData : &*it->second->migratedData; return [=](auto consumer) { auto lifetime = rpl::lifetime(); auto builder = lifetime.make_state( aroundId, limitBefore, limitAfter); builder->insufficientAround( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=]( const SparseIdsSliceBuilder::AroundData &data) { requestMore(data, query, listData); }, lifetime); auto pushNextSnapshot = [=] { consumer.put_next(builder->snapshot()); }; listData->list.sliceUpdated( ) | rpl::filter([=](const SliceUpdate &update) { return builder->applyUpdate(update); }) | rpl::start_with_next(pushNextSnapshot, lifetime); Auth().data().itemRemoved( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null item) { return (item->history()->peer->id == peerId); }) | rpl::filter([=](not_null item) { return builder->removeOne(item->id); }) | rpl::start_with_next(pushNextSnapshot, lifetime); Auth().data().historyCleared( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null history) { return (history->peer->id == peerId); }) | rpl::filter([=] { return builder->removeAll(); }) | rpl::start_with_next(pushNextSnapshot, lifetime); using Result = Storage::SparseIdsListResult; listData->list.query(Storage::SparseIdsListQuery( aroundId, limitBefore, limitAfter )) | rpl::filter([=](const Result &result) { return builder->applyInitial(result); }) | rpl::start_with_next_done( pushNextSnapshot, [=] { builder->checkInsufficient(); }, lifetime); return lifetime; }; } auto SearchController::saveState() -> SavedState { auto result = SavedState(); if (_current != _cache.end()) { result.query = _current->first; result.peerList = std::move(_current->second->peerData.list); if (auto &migrated = _current->second->migratedData) { result.migratedList = std::move(migrated->list); } } return result; } void SearchController::restoreState(SavedState &&state) { if (!state.query.peerId) { return; } auto it = _cache.find(state.query); if (it == _cache.end()) { it = _cache.emplace( state.query, std::make_unique(state.query)).first; } auto replace = Data(it->second->peerData.peer); replace.list = std::move(state.peerList); it->second->peerData = std::move(replace); if (auto &migrated = state.migratedList) { Assert(it->second->migratedData.has_value()); auto replace = Data(it->second->migratedData->peer); replace.list = std::move(*migrated); it->second->migratedData = std::move(replace); } _current = it; } void SearchController::requestMore( const SparseIdsSliceBuilder::AroundData &key, const Query &query, Data *listData) { if (listData->requests.contains(key)) { return; } auto requestId = request(PrepareSearchRequest( listData->peer, query.type, query.query, key.aroundId, key.direction) ).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { listData->requests.remove(key); auto parsed = ParseSearchResult( listData->peer, query.type, key.aroundId, key.direction, result); listData->list.addSlice( std::move(parsed.messageIds), parsed.noSkipRange, parsed.fullCount); }).send(); listData->requests.emplace(key, [=] { request(requestId).cancel(); }); } DelayedSearchController::DelayedSearchController() { _timer.setCallback([this] { setQueryFast(_nextQuery); }); } void DelayedSearchController::setQuery(const Query &query) { setQuery(query, kDefaultSearchTimeoutMs); } void DelayedSearchController::setQuery( const Query &query, TimeMs delay) { if (currentQuery() == query) { _timer.cancel(); return; } if (_controller.hasInCache(query)) { setQueryFast(query); } else { _nextQuery = query; _timer.callOnce(delay); } } void DelayedSearchController::setQueryFast(const Query &query) { _controller.setQuery(query); _currentQueryChanges.fire_copy(query.query); } } // namespace Api