/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ "lng_language_name" = "English"; "lng_switch_to_this" = "Switch to English"; "lng_menu_contacts" = "Contacts"; "lng_menu_settings" = "Settings"; "lng_menu_about" = "About"; "lng_menu_update" = "Update"; "lng_menu_restart" = "Restart"; "lng_menu_back" = "Back"; "lng_open_from_tray" = "Open Telegram"; "lng_minimize_to_tray" = "Minimize to tray"; "lng_quit_from_tray" = "Quit Telegram"; "lng_tray_icon_text" = "Telegram is still running here,\nyou can change this from settings page.\n\nIf this icon disappears from tray menu,\nyou can drag it back here from hidden icons."; "lng_month1" = "January"; "lng_month2" = "February"; "lng_month3" = "March"; "lng_month4" = "April"; "lng_month5" = "May"; "lng_month6" = "June"; "lng_month7" = "July"; "lng_month8" = "August"; "lng_month9" = "September"; "lng_month10" = "October"; "lng_month11" = "November"; "lng_month12" = "December"; "lng_weekday1" = "Mon"; "lng_weekday2" = "Tue"; "lng_weekday3" = "Wed"; "lng_weekday4" = "Thu"; "lng_weekday5" = "Fri"; "lng_weekday6" = "Sat"; "lng_weekday7" = "Sun"; "lng_weekday1_full" = "Monday"; "lng_weekday2_full" = "Tuesday"; "lng_weekday3_full" = "Wednesday"; "lng_weekday4_full" = "Thursday"; "lng_weekday5_full" = "Friday"; "lng_weekday6_full" = "Saturday"; "lng_weekday7_full" = "Sunday"; "lng_month_day" = "{month} {day}"; "lng_cancel" = "Cancel"; "lng_continue" = "Continue"; "lng_close" = "Close"; "lng_connecting" = "Connecting.."; "lng_reconnecting" = "Reconnect {count:now|in # s|in # s}.."; "lng_reconnecting_try_now" = "Try now"; "lng_status_service_notifications" = "service notifications"; "lng_status_offline" = "last seen a long time ago"; "lng_status_recently" = "last seen recently"; "lng_status_last_week" = "last seen within a week"; "lng_status_last_month" = "last seen within a month"; "lng_status_invisible" = "invisible"; "lng_status_lastseen_now" = "last seen just now"; "lng_status_lastseen_minutes" = "last seen {count:_not_used_|# minute|# minutes} ago"; "lng_status_lastseen_hours" = "last seen {count:_not_used_|# hour|# hours} ago"; "lng_status_lastseen_today" = "last seen today at {time}"; "lng_status_lastseen_yesterday" = "last seen yesterday at {time}"; "lng_status_lastseen_date" = "last seen {date}"; "lng_status_lastseen_date_time" = "last seen {date} at {time}"; "lng_status_online" = "online"; "lng_status_connecting" = "connecting.."; "lng_chat_status_unaccessible" = "group is unaccessible"; "lng_chat_status_members" = "{count:no members|# member|# members}"; "lng_chat_status_members_online" = "{count:_not_used_|# member|# members}, {count_online:_not_used_|# online|# online}"; "lng_server_error" = "Internal server error."; "lng_flood_error" = "Too much tries. Please try again later."; "lng_deleted" = "Unknown"; "lng_intro" = "Welcome to the official [a href=\"https://telegram.org/\"]Telegram[/a] desktop app.\nIt's [b]fast[/b] and [b]secure[/b]."; "lng_start_msgs" = "START MESSAGING"; "lng_intro_next" = "NEXT"; "lng_intro_finish" = "SIGN UP"; "lng_phone_ph" = "Your phone number"; "lng_phone_title" = "Your Phone"; "lng_phone_desc" = "Please confirm your country code and\nenter your phone number."; "lng_phone_notreg" = "Note: if you don't have a Telegram account yet,\nplease [b]sign up[/b] with your [a href=\"https://telegram.org/\"]iOS / Android[/a] or {signup_start}here »{signup_end}"; "lng_country_code" = "Country Code"; "lng_bad_country_code" = "Invalid Country Code"; "lng_country_ph" = "Search"; "lng_country_done" = "Done"; "lng_country_none" = "Country not found"; "lng_country_select" = "Select Country"; "lng_code_ph" = "Your code"; "lng_code_desc" = "We have sent you a message with activation\ncode to your phone. Please enter it below."; "lng_code_call" = "Telegram will dial your number in {minutes}:{seconds}"; "lng_code_calling" = "Requesting a call from Telegram.."; "lng_code_called" = "Telegram dialed your number"; "lng_bad_phone" = "Invalid phone number. Please try again."; "lng_bad_phone_noreg" = "Phone number not registered."; "lng_bad_code" = "You have entered an invalid code. Please try again."; "lng_bad_name" = "Please enter your first and last name."; "lng_bad_photo" = "Bad image selected."; "lng_bad_image_for_photo" = "This image can't be sent that way.\nWould you like to send it as a document?"; "lng_signup_title" = "Information and photo"; "lng_signup_desc" = "Please enter your name and\nupload a photo."; "lng_signup_firstname" = "First Name"; "lng_signup_lastname" = "Last Name"; "lng_dlg_filter" = "Search"; "lng_dlg_new_group_name" = "Group name"; "lng_dlg_create_group" = "Create"; "lng_no_contacts" = "You have no contacts"; "lng_contacts_loading" = "Loading.."; "lng_contacts_not_found" = "No contacts found"; "lng_settings_save" = "Save"; "lng_settings_upload" = "Set Profile Photo"; "lng_settings_crop_profile" = "Select square area for your profile photo"; "lng_settings_uploading_photo" = "Uploading photo.."; "lng_username_title" = "Change username"; "lng_username_about" = "You can choose a username on Telegram.\nIf you do, other people will be able to find\nyou by this username and contact you\nwithout knowing your phone number.\n\nYou can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.\nMinimum length is 5 characters."; "lng_username_invalid" = "This name is invalid."; "lng_username_occupied" = "This name is already occupied."; "lng_username_too_short" = "This name is too short."; "lng_username_bad_symbols" = "This name has bad symbols."; "lng_username_available" = "This name is available."; "lng_username_not_found" = "User @{user} not found."; "lng_settings_section_contact_info" = "Contact info"; "lng_settings_phone_number" = "Phone number:"; "lng_settings_username" = "Username:"; "lng_settings_choose_username" = "choose username"; "lng_settings_change_username" = "Change"; "lng_settings_section_notify" = "Notifications"; "lng_settings_desktop_notify" = "Desktop notifications"; "lng_settings_show_name" = "Show sender's name"; "lng_settings_show_preview" = "Show message preview"; "lng_settings_sound_notify" = "Play sound"; "lng_notification_preview" = "You have a new message"; "lng_settings_section_general" = "General"; "lng_settings_change_lang" = "Change language"; "lng_languages" = "Languages"; "lng_sure_save_language" = "Telegram will restart\nin order to change language"; "lng_settings_auto_update" = "Update automatically"; "lng_settings_current_version" = "Version {version}"; "lng_settings_check_now" = "Check for updates"; "lng_settings_update_checking" = "Checking for updates.."; "lng_settings_latest_installed" = "Latest version is installed"; "lng_settings_downloading" = "Downloading update {ready} / {total} MB.."; "lng_settings_update_ready" = "New version is ready"; "lng_settings_update_now" = "Restart Now"; "lng_settings_update_fail" = "Update check failed :("; "lng_settings_workmode_tray" = "Show tray icon"; "lng_settings_workmode_window" = "Show taskbar icon"; "lng_settings_auto_start" = "Launch Telegram when system starts"; "lng_settings_start_min" = "Launch minimized"; "lng_settings_add_sendto" = "Place Telegram in «Send to» menu"; "lng_settings_scale_label" = "Interface scale"; "lng_settings_scale_auto" = "Auto ({cur})"; "lng_settings_section_chat" = "Chat options"; "lng_settings_replace_emojis" = "Replace emojis"; "lng_settings_view_emojis" = "View list"; "lng_settings_emoji_list" = "List of supported emojis"; "lng_settings_send_enter" = "Send by Enter"; "lng_settings_send_ctrlenter" = "Send by Ctrl+Enter"; "lng_settings_send_cmdenter" = "Send by Cmd+Enter"; "lng_settings_cats_and_dogs" = "Allow cats and dogs"; "lng_download_path_dont_ask" = "Don't ask download path for each file"; "lng_download_path_label" = "Download path:"; "lng_download_path_temp" = "temp folder"; "lng_download_path_default" = "default folder"; "lng_download_path_clear" = "Clear all"; "lng_download_path_header" = "Choose download path"; "lng_download_path_default_radio" = "Telegram folder in system «Downloads»"; "lng_download_path_temp_radio" = "Temp folder, cleared on logout or uninstall"; "lng_download_path_dir_radio" = "Custom folder, cleared only manually"; "lng_download_path_choose" = "Choose download path"; "lng_sure_clear_downloads" = "Do you want to remove all downloaded files from temp folder? It is done automatically on logout or program uninstall."; "lng_download_path_failed" = "File download could not be started. It could happen because of a bad download location.\n\nYou can change download path in Settings."; "lng_download_path_settings" = "Go to Settings"; "lng_download_finish_failed" = "File download could not be finished.\n\nWould you like to try again?"; "lng_download_path_clearing" = "Clearing.."; "lng_download_path_cleared" = "Cleared!"; "lng_download_path_clear_failed" = "Clear failed :("; "lng_settings_section_cache" = "Local storage"; "lng_settings_no_data_cached" = "No cached data found!"; "lng_settings_images_cached" = "{count:_not_used_|# image|# images}, {size}"; "lng_settings_audios_cached" = "{count:_not_used_|# voice message|# voice messages}, {size}"; "lng_local_storage_clear" = "Clear all"; "lng_local_storage_clearing" = "Clearing.."; "lng_local_storage_cleared" = "Cleared!"; "lng_local_storage_clear_failed" = "Clear failed :("; "lng_settings_section_advanced" = "Advanced"; "lng_connection_type" = "Connection type:"; "lng_connection_auto_connecting" = "Default (connecting..)"; "lng_connection_auto" = "Default ({type} used)"; "lng_connection_http_proxy" = "HTTP with proxy"; "lng_connection_tcp_proxy" = "TCP with proxy"; "lng_connection_header" = "Connection type"; "lng_connection_auto_rb" = "Auto (TCP if available or HTTP)"; "lng_connection_http_proxy_rb" = "HTTP with custom http-proxy"; "lng_connection_tcp_proxy_rb" = "TCP with custom socks5-proxy"; "lng_connection_host_ph" = "Hostname"; "lng_connection_port_ph" = "Port"; "lng_connection_user_ph" = "Username"; "lng_connection_password_ph" = "Password"; "lng_connection_save" = "Save"; "lng_settings_reset" = "Terminate other sessions"; "lng_settings_reset_sure" = "Are you sure you want to terminate all other sessions?"; "lng_settings_reset_button" = "Terminate"; "lng_settings_reset_done" = "Other sessions terminated"; "lng_settings_logout" = "Log Out"; "lng_sure_logout" = "Are you sure you want to log out?"; "lng_settings_need_restart" = "You need to restart for applying\nsome of the new settings. Restart now?"; "lng_settings_restart_now" = "Restart"; "lng_settings_restart_later" = "Later"; "lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "Group is unaccessible"; "lng_topbar_info" = "Info"; "lng_profile_settings_section" = "Settings"; "lng_profile_participants_section" = "Participants"; "lng_profile_info" = "Contact info"; "lng_profile_group_info" = "Group info"; "lng_profile_add_contact" = "Add Contact"; "lng_profile_edit_contact" = "Edit"; "lng_profile_enable_notifications" = "Notifications"; "lng_profile_clear_history" = "Clear history"; "lng_profile_send_message" = "Send Message"; "lng_profile_share_contact" = "Share Contact"; "lng_profile_delete_contact" = "Delete"; "lng_profile_set_group_photo" = "Set Photo"; "lng_profile_add_participant" = "Add Member"; "lng_profile_delete_and_exit" = "Leave"; "lng_profile_kick" = "Kick"; "lng_profile_sure_kick" = "Kick {user} from the group?"; "lng_profile_loading" = "Loading.."; "lng_profile_shared_media" = "Shared media"; "lng_profile_no_media" = "No media in this conversation."; "lng_profile_photos" = "{count:_not_used_|# photo|# photos} »"; "lng_profile_photos_header" = "Photos overview"; "lng_profile_videos" = "{count:_not_used_|# video file|# video files} »"; "lng_profile_videos_header" = "Video files overview"; "lng_profile_documents" = "{count:_not_used_|# document|# documents} »"; "lng_profile_documents_header" = "Documents overview"; "lng_profile_audios" = "{count:_not_used_|# voice message|# voice messages} »"; "lng_profile_audios_header" = "Voice messages overview"; "lng_profile_show_all_types" = "Show all types"; "lng_profile_copy_phone" = "Copy phone number"; "lng_participant_filter" = "Search"; "lng_participant_invite" = "Invite"; "lng_create_new_group" = "New Group"; "lng_create_group_next" = "Next"; "lng_create_group_title" = "New Group"; "lng_sure_delete_contact" = "Are you sure, you want to delete {contact} from your contact list?"; "lng_sure_delete_history" = "Are you sure, you want to delete all message history with {contact}?\n\nThis action cannot be undone."; "lng_sure_delete_and_exit" = "Are you sure, you want to delete all message history and leave «{group}»?\n\nThis action cannot be undone."; "lng_sure_enable_debug" = "Do you want to enable DEBUG mode?\n\nAll network events will be logged."; "lng_message_empty" = "(empty)"; "lng_action_add_user" = "{from} added {user}"; "lng_action_kick_user" = "{from} kicked {user}"; "lng_action_user_left" = "{from} left the group"; "lng_action_user_joined" = "{from} joined the group"; "lng_action_user_registered" = "{from} just joined Telegram"; "lng_action_removed_photo" = "{from} removed group photo"; "lng_action_changed_photo" = "{from} changed group photo"; "lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} changed group name to «{title}»"; "lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} created group «{title}»"; "lng_forwarded_from" = "Forwarded from"; "lng_attach_failed" = "Failed"; "lng_attach_file" = "Document"; "lng_attach_photo" = "Photo"; "lng_media_type" = "Media type"; "lng_media_type_photos" = "Photos"; "lng_media_type_videos" = "Video files"; "lng_media_type_documents" = "Documents"; "lng_media_type_audios" = "Voice messages"; "lng_media_open_with" = "Open With"; "lng_media_download" = "Download"; "lng_media_cancel" = "Cancel"; "lng_media_video" = "Video file"; "lng_media_audio" = "Voice message"; "lng_in_dlg_photo" = "Photo"; "lng_in_dlg_video" = "Video"; "lng_in_dlg_contact" = "Contact"; "lng_in_dlg_audio" = "Audio"; "lng_in_dlg_document" = "Document"; "lng_in_dlg_sticker" = "Sticker"; "lng_in_dlg_sticker_emoji" = "{emoji} (sticker)"; "lng_send_button" = "Send"; "lng_message_ph" = "Write a message.."; "lng_empty_history" = ""; "lng_willbe_history" = "Please select chat to start messaging"; "lng_message_with_from" = "[c]{from}:[/c] {message}"; "lng_from_you" = "You"; "lng_typing" = "typing"; "lng_user_typing" = "{user} is typing"; "lng_users_typing" = "{user} and {second_user} are typing"; "lng_many_typing" = "{count:_not_used_|# is|# are} typing"; "lng_unread_bar" = "{count:_not_used_|# unread message|# unread messages}"; "lng_maps_point" = "Location"; "lng_save_photo" = "Save image"; "lng_save_video" = "Save video"; "lng_save_audio" = "Save audio"; "lng_save_document" = "Save document"; "lng_save_downloaded" = "{ready} / {total} {mb}"; "lng_duration_and_size" = "{duration}, {size}"; "lng_choose_images" = "Choose images"; "lng_context_open_link" = "Open Link"; "lng_context_copy_link" = "Copy Link"; "lng_context_open_email" = "Write to this address"; "lng_context_copy_email" = "Copy email address"; "lng_context_open_hashtag" = "Search by hashtag"; "lng_context_copy_hashtag" = "Copy hashtag"; "lng_context_open_image" = "Open Image"; "lng_context_save_image" = "Save Image As.."; "lng_context_forward_image" = "Forward Image"; "lng_context_delete_image" = "Delete Image"; "lng_context_copy_image" = "Copy Image"; "lng_context_close_image" = "Close Image"; "lng_context_cancel_download" = "Cancel Download"; "lng_context_show_in_folder" = "Show in Folder"; "lng_context_show_in_finder" = "Show in Finder"; "lng_context_open_video" = "Open Video"; "lng_context_save_video" = "Save Video As.."; "lng_context_open_audio" = "Open Audio"; "lng_context_save_audio" = "Save Audio As.."; "lng_context_open_document" = "Open File"; "lng_context_save_document" = "Save File As.."; "lng_context_forward_file" = "Forward File"; "lng_context_delete_file" = "Delete File"; "lng_context_close_file" = "Close File"; "lng_context_copy_text" = "Copy Message Text"; "lng_context_to_msg" = "Go To Message"; "lng_context_forward_msg" = "Forward Message"; "lng_context_delete_msg" = "Delete Message"; "lng_context_select_msg" = "Select Message"; "lng_context_cancel_upload" = "Cancel Upload"; "lng_context_copy_selected" = "Copy Selected Text"; "lng_context_forward_selected" = "Forward Selected"; "lng_context_delete_selected" = "Delete Selected"; "lng_context_clear_selection" = "Clear Selection"; "lng_really_send_image" = "Do you want to send this image?"; "lng_really_send_file" = "Do you want to send this file?"; "lng_really_share_contact" = "Do you want to share this contact?"; "lng_send_image_compressed" = "Send compressed image"; "lng_forward_choose" = "Choose recipient.."; "lng_forward_confirm" = "Forward to {recipient}?"; "lng_forward_share_contact" = "Share contact to {recipient}?"; "lng_forward_send_file_confirm" = "Send «{name}» to {recipient}?"; "lng_forward_send_files_confirm" = "Send selected files to {recipient}?"; "lng_forward" = "Forward"; "lng_forward_send" = "Send"; "lng_contact_phone" = "Phone number"; "lng_enter_contact_data" = "New Contact"; "lng_edit_group_title" = "Edit group name"; "lng_edit_contact_title" = "Edit contact name"; "lng_edit_self_title" = "Edit your name"; "lng_confirm_contact_data" = "New Contact"; "lng_add_contact" = "Create"; "lng_add_contact_button" = "Add Contact"; "lng_contacts_header" = "Contacts"; "lng_contact_not_joined" = "Unfortunately {name} did not join Telegram yet, but you can send your friend an invitation.\n\nWe will notify you about any of your contacts who is joining Telegram."; "lng_try_other_contact" = "Try other"; "lng_contacts_done" = "Cancel"; "lng_drag_images_here" = "Drop images here"; "lng_drag_photos_here" = "Drop photos here"; "lng_drag_files_here" = "Drop files here"; "lng_drag_to_send_quick" = "to send them in a quick way"; "lng_drag_to_send_no_compression" = "to send them without compression"; "lng_drag_to_send_documents" = "to send them as documents"; "lng_selected_clear" = "Cancel"; "lng_selected_delete" = "Delete"; "lng_selected_forward" = "Forward"; "lng_selected_count" = "{count:_not_used_|# message|# messages}"; "lng_selected_cancel_sure_this" = "Do you want to cancel this upload?"; "lng_selected_delete_sure_this" = "Do you want to delete this message?"; "lng_selected_delete_sure" = "Do you want to delete {count:_not_used_|# message|# messages}?"; "lng_selected_delete_confirm" = "Delete"; "lng_about_version" = "Version {version}"; "lng_about_text" = "Official free messaging app based on [a href=\"https://core.telegram.org/mtproto\"]MTProto[/a] and\n[a href=\"https://core.telegram.org/api\"]Telegram API[/a] for speed and security\n\nThis software is licensed under [a href=\"https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\"]GNU GPL[/a] version 3,\nsource code is available on [a href=\"https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop\"]GitHub[/a]."; "lng_about_done" = "Done"; "lng_search_found_results" = "{count:No messages found|Found # message|Found # messages}"; "lng_search_global_results" = "Global search results"; "lng_mediaview_save" = "Download"; "lng_mediaview_forward" = "Forward"; "lng_mediaview_delete" = "Delete"; "lng_mediaview_single_photo" = "Single Photo"; "lng_mediaview_group_photo" = "Group Photo"; "lng_mediaview_profile_photo" = "Profile Photo"; "lng_mediaview_n_of_count" = "Photo {n} of {count}"; "lng_mediaview_doc_image" = "Document"; "lng_mediaview_today" = "today at {time}"; "lng_mediaview_yesterday" = "yesterday at {time}"; "lng_mediaview_date_time" = "{date} at {time}"; "lng_mediaview_saved" = "Image was saved to your [c]Downloads[/c] folder"; "lng_new_authorization" = "{name},\nWe detected a login into your account from a new device on {day}, {date} at {time}\n\nDevice: {device}\nLocation: {location}\n\nIf this wasn't you, you can go to Settings — Terminate other sessions.\n\nThanks,\nThe Telegram Team"; "lng_new_version7009" = "Telegram Desktop was updated to version {version}\n\n — Added Korean language\n — Quick «open with» menu on Windows and OS X\n\nFull version history is available here:\n{link}"; "lng_new_version7006_appstore" = "Telegram Desktop was updated to version {version}\n\n — Stickers support\n — Local caching for voice messages\n — Added new languages\n\nFull version history is available here:\n{link}"; // Wnd specific "lng_wnd_choose_program_menu" = "Choose Default Program..."; // Mac specific "lng_mac_choose_program_menu" = "Other..."; "lng_mac_choose_app" = "Choose Application"; "lng_mac_choose_text" = "Choose an application to open the document \"{file}\"."; "lng_mac_enable_filter" = "Enable:"; "lng_mac_recommended_apps" = "Recommended Applications"; "lng_mac_all_apps" = "All Applications"; "lng_mac_always_open_with" = "Always Open With"; "lng_mac_this_app_can_open" = "This application can open \"{file}\"."; "lng_mac_not_known_app" = "It's not known if this application can open \"{file}\"."; "lng_mac_menu_services" = "Services"; "lng_mac_menu_hide_telegram" = "Hide {telegram}"; "lng_mac_menu_hide_others" = "Hide Others"; "lng_mac_menu_show_all" = "Show All"; "lng_mac_menu_preferences" = "Preferences..."; "lng_mac_menu_quit_telegram" = "Quit {telegram}"; "lng_mac_menu_about_telegram" = "About {telegram}"; "lng_mac_menu_file" = "File"; "lng_mac_menu_logout" = "Log Out"; "lng_mac_menu_edit" = "Edit"; "lng_mac_menu_undo" = "Undo"; "lng_mac_menu_redo" = "Redo"; "lng_mac_menu_cut" = "Cut"; "lng_mac_menu_copy" = "Copy"; "lng_mac_menu_paste" = "Paste"; "lng_mac_menu_delete" = "Delete"; "lng_mac_menu_select_all" = "Select All"; "lng_mac_menu_window" = "Window"; "lng_mac_menu_contacts" = "Contacts"; "lng_mac_menu_add_contact" = "Add Contact"; "lng_mac_menu_new_group" = "New Group"; "lng_mac_menu_show" = "Show Telegram"; // Keys finished