/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "base/basic_types.h" #include enum class EntityType { Invalid = 0, Url, CustomUrl, Email, Hashtag, Cashtag, Mention, MentionName, BotCommand, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, Code, // inline Pre, // block }; class EntityInText; using EntitiesInText = QList; class EntityInText { public: EntityInText( EntityType type, int offset, int length, const QString &data = QString()); EntityType type() const { return _type; } int offset() const { return _offset; } int length() const { return _length; } QString data() const { return _data; } void extendToLeft(int extent) { _offset -= extent; _length += extent; } void shrinkFromRight(int shrink) { _length -= shrink; } void shiftLeft(int shift) { _offset -= shift; if (_offset < 0) { _length += _offset; _offset = 0; if (_length < 0) { _length = 0; } } } void shiftRight(int shift) { _offset += shift; } void updateTextEnd(int textEnd) { if (_offset > textEnd) { _offset = textEnd; _length = 0; } else if (_offset + _length > textEnd) { _length = textEnd - _offset; } } static int FirstMonospaceOffset( const EntitiesInText &entities, int textLength); explicit operator bool() const { return type() != EntityType::Invalid; } private: EntityType _type = EntityType::Invalid; int _offset = 0; int _length = 0; QString _data; }; inline bool operator==(const EntityInText &a, const EntityInText &b) { return (a.type() == b.type()) && (a.offset() == b.offset()) && (a.length() == b.length()) && (a.data() == b.data()); } inline bool operator!=(const EntityInText &a, const EntityInText &b) { return !(a == b); } struct TextWithEntities { QString text; EntitiesInText entities; bool empty() const { return text.isEmpty(); } void reserve(int size, int entitiesCount = 0) { text.reserve(size); entities.reserve(entitiesCount); } TextWithEntities &append(TextWithEntities &&other) { const auto shift = text.size(); for (auto &entity : other.entities) { entity.shiftRight(shift); } text.append(other.text); entities.append(other.entities); return *this; } TextWithEntities &append(const QString &other) { text.append(other); return *this; } TextWithEntities &append(QLatin1String other) { text.append(other); return *this; } TextWithEntities &append(QChar other) { text.append(other); return *this; } static TextWithEntities Simple(const QString &simple) { auto result = TextWithEntities(); result.text = simple; return result; } }; inline bool operator==( const TextWithEntities &a, const TextWithEntities &b) { return (a.text == b.text) && (a.entities == b.entities); } inline bool operator!=( const TextWithEntities &a, const TextWithEntities &b) { return !(a == b); } struct TextForMimeData { QString expanded; TextWithEntities rich; bool empty() const { return expanded.isEmpty(); } void reserve(int size, int entitiesCount = 0) { expanded.reserve(size); rich.reserve(size, entitiesCount); } TextForMimeData &append(TextForMimeData &&other) { expanded.append(other.expanded); rich.append(std::move(other.rich)); return *this; } TextForMimeData &append(TextWithEntities &&other) { expanded.append(other.text); rich.append(std::move(other)); return *this; } TextForMimeData &append(const QString &other) { expanded.append(other); rich.append(other); return *this; } TextForMimeData &append(QLatin1String other) { expanded.append(other); rich.append(other); return *this; } TextForMimeData &append(QChar other) { expanded.append(other); rich.append(other); return *this; } static TextForMimeData Rich(TextWithEntities &&rich) { auto result = TextForMimeData(); result.expanded = rich.text; result.rich = std::move(rich); return result; } static TextForMimeData Simple(const QString &simple) { auto result = TextForMimeData(); result.expanded = result.rich.text = simple; return result; } }; enum { TextParseMultiline = 0x001, TextParseLinks = 0x002, TextParseRichText = 0x004, TextParseMentions = 0x008, TextParseHashtags = 0x010, TextParseBotCommands = 0x020, TextParseMarkdown = 0x040, TextTwitterMentions = 0x100, TextTwitterHashtags = 0x200, TextInstagramMentions = 0x400, TextInstagramHashtags = 0x800, }; struct TextWithTags { struct Tag { int offset = 0; int length = 0; QString id; }; using Tags = QVector; QString text; Tags tags; }; inline bool operator==(const TextWithTags::Tag &a, const TextWithTags::Tag &b) { return (a.offset == b.offset) && (a.length == b.length) && (a.id == b.id); } inline bool operator!=(const TextWithTags::Tag &a, const TextWithTags::Tag &b) { return !(a == b); } inline bool operator==(const TextWithTags &a, const TextWithTags &b) { return (a.text == b.text) && (a.tags == b.tags); } inline bool operator!=(const TextWithTags &a, const TextWithTags &b) { return !(a == b); } // Parsing helpers. namespace TextUtilities { bool IsValidProtocol(const QString &protocol); bool IsValidTopDomain(const QString &domain); const QRegularExpression &RegExpMailNameAtEnd(); const QRegularExpression &RegExpHashtag(); const QRegularExpression &RegExpHashtagExclude(); const QRegularExpression &RegExpMention(); const QRegularExpression &RegExpBotCommand(); QString MarkdownBoldGoodBefore(); QString MarkdownBoldBadAfter(); QString MarkdownItalicGoodBefore(); QString MarkdownItalicBadAfter(); QString MarkdownStrikeOutGoodBefore(); QString MarkdownStrikeOutBadAfter(); QString MarkdownCodeGoodBefore(); QString MarkdownCodeBadAfter(); QString MarkdownPreGoodBefore(); QString MarkdownPreBadAfter(); // Text preprocess. QString Clean(const QString &text); QString EscapeForRichParsing(const QString &text); QString SingleLine(const QString &text); QString RemoveAccents(const QString &text); QString RemoveEmoji(const QString &text); QStringList PrepareSearchWords(const QString &query, const QRegularExpression *SplitterOverride = nullptr); bool CutPart(TextWithEntities &sending, TextWithEntities &left, int limit); struct MentionNameFields { MentionNameFields(int32 userId = 0, uint64 accessHash = 0) : userId(userId), accessHash(accessHash) { } int32 userId = 0; uint64 accessHash = 0; }; inline MentionNameFields MentionNameDataToFields(const QString &data) { auto components = data.split('.'); if (!components.isEmpty()) { return { components.at(0).toInt(), (components.size() > 1) ? components.at(1).toULongLong() : 0 }; } return MentionNameFields {}; } inline QString MentionNameDataFromFields(const MentionNameFields &fields) { auto result = QString::number(fields.userId); if (fields.accessHash) { result += '.' + QString::number(fields.accessHash); } return result; } EntitiesInText EntitiesFromMTP(const QVector &entities); enum class ConvertOption { WithLocal, SkipLocal, }; MTPVector EntitiesToMTP(const EntitiesInText &entities, ConvertOption option = ConvertOption::WithLocal); // New entities are added to the ones that are already in result. // Changes text if (flags & TextParseMarkdown). TextWithEntities ParseEntities(const QString &text, int32 flags); void ParseEntities(TextWithEntities &result, int32 flags, bool rich = false); void PrepareForSending(TextWithEntities &result, int32 flags); void Trim(TextWithEntities &result); enum class PrepareTextOption { IgnoreLinks, CheckLinks, }; inline QString PrepareForSending(const QString &text, PrepareTextOption option = PrepareTextOption::IgnoreLinks) { auto result = TextWithEntities { text }; auto prepareFlags = (option == PrepareTextOption::CheckLinks) ? (TextParseLinks | TextParseMentions | TextParseHashtags | TextParseBotCommands) : 0; PrepareForSending(result, prepareFlags); return result.text; } // Replace bad symbols with space and remove '\r'. void ApplyServerCleaning(TextWithEntities &result); QByteArray SerializeTags(const TextWithTags::Tags &tags); TextWithTags::Tags DeserializeTags(QByteArray data, int textLength); QString TagsMimeType(); QString TagsTextMimeType(); } // namespace TextUtilities namespace Lang { template struct StartReplacements; template <> struct StartReplacements { static inline TextWithEntities Call(QString &&langString) { return { std::move(langString), EntitiesInText() }; } }; template struct ReplaceTag; template <> struct ReplaceTag { static TextWithEntities Call(TextWithEntities &&original, ushort tag, const TextWithEntities &replacement); }; } // namespace Lang