/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "data/data_user_photos.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "storage/storage_facade.h" #include "storage/storage_user_photos.h" class UserPhotosSliceBuilder { public: using Key = UserPhotosSlice::Key; UserPhotosSliceBuilder(Key key, int limitBefore, int limitAfter); bool applyUpdate(const Storage::UserPhotosResult &update); bool applyUpdate(const Storage::UserPhotosSliceUpdate &update); void checkInsufficientPhotos(); auto insufficientPhotosAround() const { return _insufficientPhotosAround.events(); } UserPhotosSlice snapshot() const; private: void mergeSliceData( base::optional count, const std::deque &photoIds, base::optional skippedBefore, int skippedAfter); void sliceToLimits(); Key _key; std::deque _ids; base::optional _fullCount; base::optional _skippedBefore; int _skippedAfter = 0; int _limitBefore = 0; int _limitAfter = 0; rpl::event_stream _insufficientPhotosAround; }; UserPhotosSlice::UserPhotosSlice(Key key) : UserPhotosSlice( key, {}, base::none, base::none, 0) { } UserPhotosSlice::UserPhotosSlice( Key key, const std::deque &ids, base::optional fullCount, base::optional skippedBefore, int skippedAfter) : _key(key) , _ids(ids) , _fullCount(fullCount) , _skippedBefore(skippedBefore) , _skippedAfter(skippedAfter) { } base::optional UserPhotosSlice::indexOf(PhotoId photoId) const { auto it = ranges::find(_ids, photoId); if (it != _ids.end()) { return (it - _ids.begin()); } return base::none; } PhotoId UserPhotosSlice::operator[](int index) const { Expects(index >= 0 && index < size()); return *(_ids.begin() + index); } base::optional UserPhotosSlice::distance(const Key &a, const Key &b) const { if (a.userId != _key.userId || b.userId != _key.userId) { return base::none; } if (auto i = indexOf(a.photoId)) { if (auto j = indexOf(b.photoId)) { return *j - *i; } } return base::none; } QString UserPhotosSlice::debug() const { auto before = _skippedBefore ? (*_skippedBefore ? ('(' + QString::number(*_skippedBefore) + ").. ") : QString()) : QString(".. "); auto after = _skippedAfter ? (" ..(" + QString::number(_skippedAfter) + ')') : QString(" .."); auto middle = (size() > 2) ? QString::number((*this)[0]) + " .. " + QString::number((*this)[size() - 1]) : (size() > 1) ? QString::number((*this)[0]) + ' ' + QString::number((*this)[1]) : ((size() > 0) ? QString::number((*this)[0]) : QString()); return before + middle + after; } UserPhotosSliceBuilder::UserPhotosSliceBuilder( Key key, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) : _key(key) , _limitBefore(limitBefore) , _limitAfter(limitAfter) { } bool UserPhotosSliceBuilder::applyUpdate(const Storage::UserPhotosResult &update) { mergeSliceData( update.count, update.photoIds, update.skippedBefore, update.skippedAfter); return true; } bool UserPhotosSliceBuilder::applyUpdate(const Storage::UserPhotosSliceUpdate &update) { if (update.userId != _key.userId) { return false; } auto idsCount = update.photoIds ? int(update.photoIds->size()) : 0; mergeSliceData( update.count, update.photoIds ? *update.photoIds : std::deque {}, update.count | func::add(-idsCount), 0); return true; } void UserPhotosSliceBuilder::checkInsufficientPhotos() { sliceToLimits(); } void UserPhotosSliceBuilder::mergeSliceData( base::optional count, const std::deque &photoIds, base::optional skippedBefore, int skippedAfter) { if (photoIds.empty()) { if (_fullCount != count) { _fullCount = count; if (_fullCount && *_fullCount <= _ids.size()) { _fullCount = _ids.size(); _skippedBefore = _skippedAfter = 0; } } } else { if (count) { _fullCount = count; } _skippedAfter = skippedAfter; _ids = photoIds; if (_fullCount) { _skippedBefore = *_fullCount - _skippedAfter - int(_ids.size()); } } sliceToLimits(); } void UserPhotosSliceBuilder::sliceToLimits() { auto aroundIt = ranges::find(_ids, _key.photoId); auto removeFromBegin = (aroundIt - _ids.begin() - _limitBefore); auto removeFromEnd = (_ids.end() - aroundIt - _limitAfter - 1); if (removeFromEnd > 0) { _ids.erase(_ids.end() - removeFromEnd, _ids.end()); _skippedAfter += removeFromEnd; } if (removeFromBegin > 0) { _ids.erase(_ids.begin(), _ids.begin() + removeFromBegin); if (_skippedBefore) { *_skippedBefore += removeFromBegin; } } else if (removeFromBegin < 0 && (!_skippedBefore || *_skippedBefore > 0)) { _insufficientPhotosAround.fire(_ids.empty() ? 0 : _ids.front()); } } UserPhotosSlice UserPhotosSliceBuilder::snapshot() const { return UserPhotosSlice(_key, _ids, _fullCount, _skippedBefore, _skippedAfter); } rpl::producer UserPhotosViewer( UserPhotosSlice::Key key, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) { return [key, limitBefore, limitAfter](auto consumer) { auto lifetime = rpl::lifetime(); auto builder = lifetime.make_state( key, limitBefore, limitAfter); auto applyUpdate = [=](auto &&update) { if (builder->applyUpdate(std::forward(update))) { consumer.put_next(builder->snapshot()); } }; auto requestPhotosAround = [user = App::user(key.userId)]( PhotoId photoId) { Auth().api().requestUserPhotos(user, photoId); }; builder->insufficientPhotosAround() | rpl::start_with_next(requestPhotosAround, lifetime); Auth().storage().userPhotosSliceUpdated() | rpl::start_with_next(applyUpdate, lifetime); Auth().storage().query(Storage::UserPhotosQuery( key, limitBefore, limitAfter)) | rpl::start_with_next_done( applyUpdate, [=] { builder->checkInsufficientPhotos(); }, lifetime); return lifetime; }; }