/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "mtproto/facade.h" #include "localstorage.h" namespace MTP { namespace { typedef QMap Sessions; Sessions sessions; internal::Session *mainSession; typedef QMap RequestsByDC; // holds dcWithShift for request to this dc or -dc for request to main dc RequestsByDC requestsByDC; QMutex requestByDCLock; typedef QMap AuthExportRequests; // holds target dcWithShift for auth export request AuthExportRequests authExportRequests; bool _started = false; uint32 layer; typedef QMap ParserMap; ParserMap parserMap; QMutex parserMapLock; typedef QMap RequestMap; RequestMap requestMap; QReadWriteLock requestMapLock; typedef QPair DelayedRequest; typedef QList DelayedRequestsList; DelayedRequestsList delayedRequests; typedef QMap RequestsDelays; RequestsDelays requestsDelays; typedef QSet BadGuestDCRequests; BadGuestDCRequests badGuestDCRequests; typedef QVector DCAuthWaiters; typedef QMap AuthWaiters; // holds request ids waiting for auth import to specific dc AuthWaiters authWaiters; typedef OrderedSet MTPQuittingConnections; MTPQuittingConnections quittingConnections; QMutex toClearLock; RPCCallbackClears toClear; RPCResponseHandler globalHandler; MTPStateChangedHandler stateChangedHandler = 0; MTPSessionResetHandler sessionResetHandler = 0; internal::GlobalSlotCarrier *_globalSlotCarrier = 0; void importDone(const MTPauth_Authorization &result, mtpRequestId req) { QMutexLocker locker1(&requestByDCLock); RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(req); if (i == requestsByDC.end()) { LOG(("MTP Error: auth import request not found in requestsByDC, requestId: %1").arg(req)); RPCError error(internal::rpcClientError("AUTH_IMPORT_FAIL", QString("did not find import request in requestsByDC, request %1").arg(req))); if (globalHandler.onFail && authedId()) (*globalHandler.onFail)(req, error); // auth failed in main dc return; } DcId newdc = bareDcId(i.value()); DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: auth import to dc %1 succeeded").arg(newdc)); DCAuthWaiters &waiters(authWaiters[newdc]); if (waiters.size()) { QReadLocker locker(&requestMapLock); for (DCAuthWaiters::iterator i = waiters.begin(), e = waiters.end(); i != e; ++i) { mtpRequestId requestId = *i; RequestMap::const_iterator j = requestMap.constFind(requestId); if (j == requestMap.cend()) { LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 for resending").arg(requestId)); continue; } int32 dcWithShift = newdc; { RequestsByDC::iterator k = requestsByDC.find(requestId); if (k == requestsByDC.cend()) { LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 by dc for resending").arg(requestId)); continue; } if (k.value() < 0) { setdc(newdc); k.value() = -newdc; } else { dcWithShift += getDcIdShift(k.value()); k.value() = dcWithShift; } DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: resending request %1 to dc %2 after import auth").arg(requestId).arg(k.value())); } if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(dcWithShift)) { session->sendPrepared(j.value()); } } waiters.clear(); } } bool importFail(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (mtpIsFlood(error)) return false; if (globalHandler.onFail && authedId()) (*globalHandler.onFail)(req, error); // auth import failed return true; } void exportDone(const MTPauth_ExportedAuthorization &result, mtpRequestId req) { AuthExportRequests::const_iterator i = authExportRequests.constFind(req); if (i == authExportRequests.cend()) { LOG(("MTP Error: auth export request target dcWithShift not found, requestId: %1").arg(req)); RPCError error(internal::rpcClientError("AUTH_IMPORT_FAIL", QString("did not find target dcWithShift, request %1").arg(req))); if (globalHandler.onFail && authedId()) (*globalHandler.onFail)(req, error); // auth failed in main dc return; } const MTPDauth_exportedAuthorization &data(result.c_auth_exportedAuthorization()); send(MTPauth_ImportAuthorization(data.vid, data.vbytes), rpcDone(importDone), rpcFail(importFail), i.value()); authExportRequests.remove(req); } bool exportFail(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (mtpIsFlood(error)) return false; AuthExportRequests::const_iterator i = authExportRequests.constFind(req); if (i != authExportRequests.cend()) { authWaiters[bareDcId(i.value())].clear(); } if (globalHandler.onFail && authedId()) (*globalHandler.onFail)(req, error); // auth failed in main dc return true; } bool onErrorDefault(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &error) { const QString &err(error.type()); int32 code = error.code(); if (!mtpIsFlood(error) && err != qsl("AUTH_KEY_UNREGISTERED")) { int breakpoint = 0; } bool badGuestDC = (code == 400) && (err == qsl("FILE_ID_INVALID")); QRegularExpressionMatch m; if ((m = QRegularExpression("^(FILE|PHONE|NETWORK|USER)_MIGRATE_(\\d+)$").match(err)).hasMatch()) { if (!requestId) return false; int32 dcWithShift = 0, newdcWithShift = m.captured(2).toInt(); { QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock); RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(requestId); if (i == requestsByDC.end()) { LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 for migrating to %2").arg(requestId).arg(newdcWithShift)); } else { dcWithShift = i.value(); } } if (!dcWithShift || !newdcWithShift) return false; DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: changing request %1 from dcWithShift%2 to dc%3").arg(requestId).arg(dcWithShift).arg(newdcWithShift)); if (dcWithShift < 0) { // newdc shift = 0 if (false && authedId() && !authExportRequests.contains(requestId)) { // migrate not supported at this moment DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: importing auth to dc %1").arg(newdcWithShift)); DCAuthWaiters &waiters(authWaiters[newdcWithShift]); if (!waiters.size()) { authExportRequests.insert(send(MTPauth_ExportAuthorization(MTP_int(newdcWithShift)), rpcDone(exportDone), rpcFail(exportFail)), newdcWithShift); } waiters.push_back(requestId); return true; } else { MTP::setdc(newdcWithShift); } } else { newdcWithShift += MTP::getDcIdShift(dcWithShift); } mtpRequest req; { QReadLocker locker(&requestMapLock); RequestMap::const_iterator i = requestMap.constFind(requestId); if (i == requestMap.cend()) { LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1").arg(requestId)); return false; } req = i.value(); } if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(newdcWithShift)) { internal::registerRequest(requestId, (dcWithShift < 0) ? -newdcWithShift : newdcWithShift); session->sendPrepared(req); } return true; } else if (code < 0 || code >= 500 || (m = QRegularExpression("^FLOOD_WAIT_(\\d+)$").match(err)).hasMatch()) { if (!requestId) return false; int32 secs = 1; if (code < 0 || code >= 500) { RequestsDelays::iterator i = requestsDelays.find(requestId); if (i != requestsDelays.cend()) { secs = (i.value() > 60) ? i.value() : (i.value() *= 2); } else { requestsDelays.insert(requestId, secs); } } else { secs = m.captured(1).toInt(); if (secs >= 60) return false; } uint64 sendAt = getms(true) + secs * 1000 + 10; DelayedRequestsList::iterator i = delayedRequests.begin(), e = delayedRequests.end(); for (; i != e; ++i) { if (i->first == requestId) return true; if (i->second > sendAt) break; } delayedRequests.insert(i, DelayedRequest(requestId, sendAt)); if (_globalSlotCarrier) _globalSlotCarrier->checkDelayed(); return true; } else if (code == 401 || (badGuestDC && badGuestDCRequests.constFind(requestId) == badGuestDCRequests.cend())) { int32 dcWithShift = 0; { QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock); RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(requestId); if (i != requestsByDC.end()) { dcWithShift = i.value(); } else { LOG(("MTP Error: unauthorized request without dc info, requestId %1").arg(requestId)); } } int32 newdc = bareDcId(qAbs(dcWithShift)); if (!newdc || newdc == mtpMainDC() || !authedId()) { if (!badGuestDC && globalHandler.onFail) (*globalHandler.onFail)(requestId, error); // auth failed in main dc return false; } DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: importing auth to dcWithShift %1").arg(dcWithShift)); DCAuthWaiters &waiters(authWaiters[newdc]); if (!waiters.size()) { authExportRequests.insert(send(MTPauth_ExportAuthorization(MTP_int(newdc)), rpcDone(exportDone), rpcFail(exportFail)), abs(dcWithShift)); } waiters.push_back(requestId); if (badGuestDC) badGuestDCRequests.insert(requestId); return true; } else if (err == qsl("CONNECTION_NOT_INITED") || err == qsl("CONNECTION_LAYER_INVALID")) { mtpRequest req; { QReadLocker locker(&requestMapLock); RequestMap::const_iterator i = requestMap.constFind(requestId); if (i == requestMap.cend()) { LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1").arg(requestId)); return false; } req = i.value(); } int32 dcWithShift = 0; { QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock); RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(requestId); if (i == requestsByDC.end()) { LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 for resending with init connection").arg(requestId)); } else { dcWithShift = i.value(); } } if (!dcWithShift) return false; if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(qAbs(dcWithShift))) { req->needsLayer = true; session->sendPrepared(req); } return true; } else if (err == qsl("MSG_WAIT_FAILED")) { mtpRequest req; { QReadLocker locker(&requestMapLock); RequestMap::const_iterator i = requestMap.constFind(requestId); if (i == requestMap.cend()) { LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1").arg(requestId)); return false; } req = i.value(); } if (!req->after) { LOG(("MTP Error: wait failed for not dependent request %1").arg(requestId)); return false; } int32 dcWithShift = 0; { QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock); RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(requestId), j = requestsByDC.find(req->after->requestId); if (i == requestsByDC.end()) { LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1 by dc").arg(requestId)); } else if (j == requestsByDC.end()) { LOG(("MTP Error: could not find dependent request %1 by dc").arg(req->after->requestId)); } else { dcWithShift = i.value(); if (i.value() != j.value()) { req->after = mtpRequest(); } } } if (!dcWithShift) return false; if (!req->after) { if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(qAbs(dcWithShift))) { req->needsLayer = true; session->sendPrepared(req); } } else { int32 newdc = bareDcId(qAbs(dcWithShift)); DCAuthWaiters &waiters(authWaiters[newdc]); if (waiters.indexOf(req->after->requestId) >= 0) { if (waiters.indexOf(requestId) < 0) { waiters.push_back(requestId); } if (badGuestDCRequests.constFind(req->after->requestId) != badGuestDCRequests.cend()) { if (badGuestDCRequests.constFind(requestId) == badGuestDCRequests.cend()) { badGuestDCRequests.insert(requestId); } } } else { uint64 at = 0; DelayedRequestsList::iterator i = delayedRequests.begin(), e = delayedRequests.end(); for (; i != e; ++i) { if (i->first == requestId) return true; if (i->first == req->after->requestId) break; } if (i != e) { delayedRequests.insert(i, DelayedRequest(requestId, i->second)); } if (_globalSlotCarrier) _globalSlotCarrier->checkDelayed(); } } return true; } if (badGuestDC) badGuestDCRequests.remove(requestId); return false; } bool _paused = false; } // namespace namespace internal { Session *getSession(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) { if (!_started) return nullptr; if (!shiftedDcId) return mainSession; if (!bareDcId(shiftedDcId)) { shiftedDcId += bareDcId(mainSession->getDcWithShift()); } Sessions::const_iterator i = sessions.constFind(shiftedDcId); if (i == sessions.cend()) { i = sessions.insert(shiftedDcId, new Session(shiftedDcId)); } return i.value(); } bool paused() { return _paused; } void registerRequest(mtpRequestId requestId, int32 dcWithShift) { { QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock); requestsByDC.insert(requestId, dcWithShift); } internal::performDelayedClear(); // need to do it somewhere.. } void unregisterRequest(mtpRequestId requestId) { requestsDelays.remove(requestId); { QWriteLocker locker(&requestMapLock); requestMap.remove(requestId); } QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock); requestsByDC.remove(requestId); } mtpRequestId storeRequest(mtpRequest &request, const RPCResponseHandler &parser) { mtpRequestId res = reqid(); request->requestId = res; if (parser.onDone || parser.onFail) { QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock); parserMap.insert(res, parser); } { QWriteLocker locker(&requestMapLock); requestMap.insert(res, request); } return res; } mtpRequest getRequest(mtpRequestId reqId) { static mtpRequest zero; mtpRequest req; { QReadLocker locker(&requestMapLock); RequestMap::const_iterator i = requestMap.constFind(reqId); req = (i == requestMap.cend()) ? zero : i.value(); } return req; } void wrapInvokeAfter(mtpRequest &to, const mtpRequest &from, const mtpRequestMap &haveSent, int32 skipBeforeRequest) { mtpMsgId afterId(*(mtpMsgId*)(from->after->data() + 4)); mtpRequestMap::const_iterator i = afterId ? haveSent.constFind(afterId) : haveSent.cend(); int32 size = to->size(), lenInInts = (from.innerLength() >> 2), headlen = 4, fulllen = headlen + lenInInts; if (i == haveSent.constEnd()) { // no invoke after or such msg was not sent or was completed recently to->resize(size + fulllen + skipBeforeRequest); if (skipBeforeRequest) { memcpy(to->data() + size, from->constData() + 4, headlen * sizeof(mtpPrime)); memcpy(to->data() + size + headlen + skipBeforeRequest, from->constData() + 4 + headlen, lenInInts * sizeof(mtpPrime)); } else { memcpy(to->data() + size, from->constData() + 4, fulllen * sizeof(mtpPrime)); } } else { to->resize(size + fulllen + skipBeforeRequest + 3); memcpy(to->data() + size, from->constData() + 4, headlen * sizeof(mtpPrime)); (*to)[size + 3] += 3 * sizeof(mtpPrime); *((mtpTypeId*)&((*to)[size + headlen + skipBeforeRequest])) = mtpc_invokeAfterMsg; memcpy(to->data() + size + headlen + skipBeforeRequest + 1, &afterId, 2 * sizeof(mtpPrime)); memcpy(to->data() + size + headlen + skipBeforeRequest + 3, from->constData() + 4 + headlen, lenInInts * sizeof(mtpPrime)); if (size + 3 != 7) (*to)[7] += 3 * sizeof(mtpPrime); } } void clearCallbacks(mtpRequestId requestId, int32 errorCode) { RPCResponseHandler h; bool found = false; { QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock); ParserMap::iterator i = parserMap.find(requestId); if (i != parserMap.end()) { h = i.value(); found = true; parserMap.erase(i); } } if (errorCode && found) { rpcErrorOccured(requestId, h, rpcClientError("CLEAR_CALLBACK", QString("did not handle request %1, error code %2").arg(requestId).arg(errorCode))); } } void clearCallbacksDelayed(const RPCCallbackClears &requestIds) { uint32 idsCount = requestIds.size(); if (!idsCount) return; if (cDebug()) { QString idsStr = QString("%1").arg(requestIds[0].requestId); for (uint32 i = 1; i < idsCount; ++i) { idsStr += QString(", %1").arg(requestIds[i].requestId); } DEBUG_LOG(("RPC Info: clear callbacks delayed, msgIds: %1").arg(idsStr)); } QMutexLocker lock(&toClearLock); uint32 toClearNow = toClear.size(); if (toClearNow) { toClear.resize(toClearNow + idsCount); memcpy(toClear.data() + toClearNow, requestIds.constData(), idsCount * sizeof(RPCCallbackClear)); } else { toClear = requestIds; } } void performDelayedClear() { QMutexLocker lock(&toClearLock); if (!toClear.isEmpty()) { for (RPCCallbackClears::iterator i = toClear.begin(), e = toClear.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (cDebug()) { QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock); if (parserMap.find(i->requestId) != parserMap.end()) { DEBUG_LOG(("RPC Info: clearing delayed callback %1, error code %2").arg(i->requestId).arg(i->errorCode)); } } clearCallbacks(i->requestId, i->errorCode); internal::unregisterRequest(i->requestId); } toClear.clear(); } } void execCallback(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) { RPCResponseHandler h; { QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock); ParserMap::iterator i = parserMap.find(requestId); if (i != parserMap.cend()) { h = i.value(); parserMap.erase(i); DEBUG_LOG(("RPC Info: found parser for request %1, trying to parse response..").arg(requestId)); } } if (h.onDone || h.onFail) { try { if (from >= end) throw mtpErrorInsufficient(); if (*from == mtpc_rpc_error) { RPCError err(MTPRpcError(from, end)); DEBUG_LOG(("RPC Info: error received, code %1, type %2, description: %3").arg(err.code()).arg(err.type()).arg(err.description())); if (!rpcErrorOccured(requestId, h, err)) { QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock); parserMap.insert(requestId, h); return; } } else { if (h.onDone) { // t_assert(App::app() != 0); (*h.onDone)(requestId, from, end); } } } catch (Exception &e) { if (!rpcErrorOccured(requestId, h, rpcClientError("RESPONSE_PARSE_FAILED", QString("exception text: ") + e.what()))) { QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock); parserMap.insert(requestId, h); return; } } } else { DEBUG_LOG(("RPC Info: parser not found for %1").arg(requestId)); } unregisterRequest(requestId); } bool hasCallbacks(mtpRequestId requestId) { QMutexLocker locker(&parserMapLock); ParserMap::iterator i = parserMap.find(requestId); return (i != parserMap.cend()); } void globalCallback(const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) { if (globalHandler.onDone) (*globalHandler.onDone)(0, from, end); // some updates were received } void onStateChange(int32 dcWithShift, int32 state) { if (stateChangedHandler) stateChangedHandler(dcWithShift, state); } void onSessionReset(int32 dcWithShift) { if (sessionResetHandler) sessionResetHandler(dcWithShift); } bool rpcErrorOccured(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCFailHandlerPtr &onFail, const RPCError &err) { // return true if need to clean request data if (mtpIsFlood(err)) { if (onFail && (*onFail)(requestId, err)) return true; } if (onErrorDefault(requestId, err)) { return false; } LOG(("RPC Error: request %1 got fail with code %2, error %3%4").arg(requestId).arg(err.code()).arg(err.type()).arg(err.description().isEmpty() ? QString() : QString(": %1").arg(err.description()))); onFail && (*onFail)(requestId, err); return true; } GlobalSlotCarrier::GlobalSlotCarrier() { connect(&_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkDelayed())); } void GlobalSlotCarrier::checkDelayed() { uint64 now = getms(true); while (!delayedRequests.isEmpty() && now >= delayedRequests.front().second) { mtpRequestId requestId = delayedRequests.front().first; delayedRequests.pop_front(); int32 dcWithShift = 0; { QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock); RequestsByDC::const_iterator i = requestsByDC.constFind(requestId); if (i != requestsByDC.cend()) { dcWithShift = i.value(); } else { LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request dc for delayed resend, requestId %1").arg(requestId)); continue; } } mtpRequest req; { QReadLocker locker(&requestMapLock); RequestMap::const_iterator j = requestMap.constFind(requestId); if (j == requestMap.cend()) { DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Error: could not find request %1").arg(requestId)); continue; } req = j.value(); } if (Session *session = getSession(qAbs(dcWithShift))) { session->sendPrepared(req); } } if (!delayedRequests.isEmpty()) { _timer.start(delayedRequests.front().second - now); } } void GlobalSlotCarrier::connectionFinished(Connection *connection) { MTPQuittingConnections::iterator i = quittingConnections.find(connection); if (i != quittingConnections.cend()) { quittingConnections.erase(i); } connection->waitTillFinish(); delete connection; } GlobalSlotCarrier *globalSlotCarrier() { return _globalSlotCarrier; } void queueQuittingConnection(Connection *connection) { quittingConnections.insert(connection); } } // namespace internal void start() { if (started()) return; unixtimeInit(); MTProtoDCMap &dcs(mtpDCMap()); _globalSlotCarrier = new internal::GlobalSlotCarrier(); mainSession = new internal::Session(mtpMainDC()); sessions.insert(mainSession->getDcWithShift(), mainSession); _started = true; if (mtpNeedConfig()) { mtpConfigLoader()->load(); } } bool started() { return _started; } void restart() { if (!_started) return; for (auto i = sessions.cbegin(), e = sessions.cend(); i != e; ++i) { i.value()->restart(); } } void restart(int32 dcMask) { if (!_started) return; dcMask = bareDcId(dcMask); for (Sessions::const_iterator i = sessions.cbegin(), e = sessions.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (bareDcId(i.value()->getDcWithShift()) == dcMask) { i.value()->restart(); } } } void pause() { if (!_started) return; _paused = true; } void unpause() { if (!_started) return; _paused = false; for (Sessions::const_iterator i = sessions.cbegin(), e = sessions.cend(); i != e; ++i) { i.value()->unpaused(); } } void configure(int32 dc, int32 user) { if (_started) return; mtpSetDC(dc); mtpAuthed(user); } void setdc(int32 dc, bool fromZeroOnly) { if (!dc || !_started) return; mtpSetDC(dc, fromZeroOnly); int32 oldMainDc = mainSession->getDcWithShift(); if (maindc() != oldMainDc) { killSession(oldMainDc); } Local::writeMtpData(); } int32 maindc() { return mtpMainDC(); } int32 dcstate(int32 dc) { if (!_started) return 0; if (!dc) return mainSession->getState(); if (!bareDcId(dc)) { dc += bareDcId(mainSession->getDcWithShift()); } Sessions::const_iterator i = sessions.constFind(dc); if (i != sessions.cend()) return i.value()->getState(); return DisconnectedState; } QString dctransport(int32 dc) { if (!_started) return QString(); if (!dc) return mainSession->transport(); if (!bareDcId(dc)) { dc += bareDcId(mainSession->getDcWithShift()); } Sessions::const_iterator i = sessions.constFind(dc); if (i != sessions.cend()) return i.value()->transport(); return QString(); } void ping() { if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(0)) { session->ping(); } } void cancel(mtpRequestId requestId) { if (!_started) return; mtpMsgId msgId = 0; requestsDelays.remove(requestId); { QWriteLocker locker(&requestMapLock); RequestMap::iterator i = requestMap.find(requestId); if (i != requestMap.end()) { msgId = *(mtpMsgId*)(i.value()->constData() + 4); requestMap.erase(i); } } { QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock); RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(requestId); if (i != requestsByDC.end()) { if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(qAbs(i.value()))) { session->cancel(requestId, msgId); } requestsByDC.erase(i); } } internal::clearCallbacks(requestId); } void killSession(int32 dc) { Sessions::iterator i = sessions.find(dc); if (i != sessions.cend()) { bool wasMain = (i.value() == mainSession); i.value()->kill(); i.value()->deleteLater(); sessions.erase(i); if (wasMain) { mainSession = new internal::Session(mtpMainDC()); int32 newdc = mainSession->getDcWithShift(); i = sessions.find(newdc); if (i != sessions.cend()) { i.value()->kill(); i.value()->deleteLater(); sessions.erase(i); } sessions.insert(newdc, mainSession); } } } void stopSession(int32 dc) { Sessions::iterator i = sessions.find(dc); if (i != sessions.end()) { if (i.value() != mainSession) { // don't stop main session i.value()->stop(); } } } int32 state(mtpRequestId requestId) { if (requestId > 0) { QMutexLocker locker(&requestByDCLock); RequestsByDC::iterator i = requestsByDC.find(requestId); if (i != requestsByDC.end()) { if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(qAbs(i.value()))) { return session->requestState(requestId); } return MTP::RequestConnecting; } return MTP::RequestSent; } if (internal::Session *session = internal::getSession(-requestId)) { return session->requestState(0); } return MTP::RequestConnecting; } void finish() { for (Sessions::iterator i = sessions.begin(), e = sessions.end(); i != e; ++i) { i.value()->kill(); delete i.value(); } sessions.clear(); mainSession = nullptr; for (MTPQuittingConnections::const_iterator i = quittingConnections.cbegin(), e = quittingConnections.cend(); i != e; ++i) { i.key()->waitTillFinish(); delete i.key(); } quittingConnections.clear(); delete _globalSlotCarrier; _globalSlotCarrier = nullptr; mtpDestroyConfigLoader(); _started = false; } void authed(int32 uid) { mtpAuthed(uid); } int32 authedId() { return mtpAuthed(); } void logoutKeys(RPCDoneHandlerPtr onDone, RPCFailHandlerPtr onFail) { mtpRequestId req = MTP::send(MTPauth_LogOut(), onDone, onFail); mtpLogoutOtherDCs(); } void setGlobalDoneHandler(RPCDoneHandlerPtr handler) { globalHandler.onDone = handler; } void setGlobalFailHandler(RPCFailHandlerPtr handler) { globalHandler.onFail = handler; } void setStateChangedHandler(MTPStateChangedHandler handler) { stateChangedHandler = handler; } void setSessionResetHandler(MTPSessionResetHandler handler) { sessionResetHandler = handler; } void clearGlobalHandlers() { setGlobalDoneHandler(RPCDoneHandlerPtr()); setGlobalFailHandler(RPCFailHandlerPtr()); setStateChangedHandler(0); setSessionResetHandler(0); } void updateDcOptions(const QVector &options) { mtpUpdateDcOptions(options); Local::writeSettings(); } mtpKeysMap getKeys() { return mtpGetKeys(); } void setKey(int32 dc, mtpAuthKeyPtr key) { return mtpSetKey(dc, key); } QReadWriteLock *dcOptionsMutex() { return mtpDcOptionsMutex(); } } // namespace MTP