/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "boxes/peers/add_participants_box.h" #include "boxes/peers/edit_participant_box.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_folder.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_indexed_list.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "observer_peer.h" namespace { constexpr auto kParticipantsFirstPageCount = 16; constexpr auto kParticipantsPerPage = 200; base::flat_set> GetAlreadyInFromPeer(PeerData *peer) { if (!peer) { return {}; } if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) { return chat->participants; } else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { if (channel->isMegagroup()) { const auto &participants = channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants; return { participants.cbegin(), participants.cend() }; } } return {}; } } // namespace AddParticipantsBoxController::AddParticipantsBoxController( not_null navigation) : ContactsBoxController( navigation, std::make_unique(navigation)) { } AddParticipantsBoxController::AddParticipantsBoxController( not_null navigation, not_null peer) : AddParticipantsBoxController( navigation, peer, GetAlreadyInFromPeer(peer)) { } AddParticipantsBoxController::AddParticipantsBoxController( not_null navigation, not_null peer, base::flat_set> &&alreadyIn) : ContactsBoxController( navigation, std::make_unique(navigation)) , _peer(peer) , _alreadyIn(std::move(alreadyIn)) { subscribeToMigration(); } void AddParticipantsBoxController::subscribeToMigration() { Expects(_peer != nullptr); SubscribeToMigration( _peer, lifetime(), [=](not_null channel) { _peer = channel; }); } void AddParticipantsBoxController::rowClicked(not_null row) { auto count = fullCount(); auto limit = _peer && (_peer->isChat() || _peer->isMegagroup()) ? Global::MegagroupSizeMax() : Global::ChatSizeMax(); if (count < limit || row->checked()) { delegate()->peerListSetRowChecked(row, !row->checked()); updateTitle(); } else if (const auto channel = _peer ? _peer->asChannel() : nullptr) { if (!_peer->isMegagroup()) { Ui::show( Box(_peer->asChannel()), LayerOption::KeepOther); } } else if (count >= Global::ChatSizeMax() && count < Global::MegagroupSizeMax()) { Ui::show( Box(tr::lng_profile_add_more_after_create(tr::now)), LayerOption::KeepOther); } } void AddParticipantsBoxController::itemDeselectedHook( not_null peer) { updateTitle(); } void AddParticipantsBoxController::prepareViewHook() { updateTitle(); } int AddParticipantsBoxController::alreadyInCount() const { if (!_peer) { return 1; // self } if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { return qMax(chat->count, 1); } else if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { return qMax(channel->membersCount(), int(_alreadyIn.size())); } Unexpected("User in AddParticipantsBoxController::alreadyInCount"); } bool AddParticipantsBoxController::isAlreadyIn( not_null user) const { if (!_peer) { return false; } if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { return _alreadyIn.contains(user) || chat->participants.contains(user); } else if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { return _alreadyIn.contains(user) || (channel->isMegagroup() && base::contains(channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants, user)); } Unexpected("User in AddParticipantsBoxController::isAlreadyIn"); } int AddParticipantsBoxController::fullCount() const { return alreadyInCount() + delegate()->peerListSelectedRowsCount(); } std::unique_ptr AddParticipantsBoxController::createRow( not_null user) { if (user->isSelf()) { return nullptr; } auto result = std::make_unique(user); if (isAlreadyIn(user)) { result->setDisabledState(PeerListRow::State::DisabledChecked); } return result; } void AddParticipantsBoxController::updateTitle() { const auto additional = (_peer && _peer->isChannel() && !_peer->isMegagroup()) ? QString() : qsl("%1 / %2").arg(fullCount()).arg(Global::MegagroupSizeMax()); delegate()->peerListSetTitle(tr::lng_profile_add_participant()); delegate()->peerListSetAdditionalTitle(rpl::single(additional)); } bool AddParticipantsBoxController::inviteSelectedUsers( not_null box) const { Expects(_peer != nullptr); const auto rows = box->peerListCollectSelectedRows(); const auto users = ranges::view::all( rows ) | ranges::view::transform([](not_null peer) { Expects(peer->isUser()); Expects(!peer->isSelf()); return not_null(peer->asUser()); }) | ranges::to_vector; if (users.empty()) { return false; } _peer->session().api().addChatParticipants(_peer, users); return true; } void AddParticipantsBoxController::Start( not_null navigation, not_null chat) { auto controller = std::make_unique( navigation, chat); const auto weak = controller.get(); auto initBox = [=](not_null box) { box->addButton(tr::lng_participant_invite(), [=] { if (weak->inviteSelectedUsers(box)) { Ui::showPeerHistory(chat, ShowAtTheEndMsgId); } }); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); }; Ui::show( Box( std::move(controller), std::move(initBox)), LayerOption::KeepOther); } void AddParticipantsBoxController::Start( not_null navigation, not_null channel, base::flat_set> &&alreadyIn, bool justCreated) { auto controller = std::make_unique( navigation, channel, std::move(alreadyIn)); const auto weak = controller.get(); auto initBox = [=](not_null box) { box->addButton(tr::lng_participant_invite(), [=] { if (weak->inviteSelectedUsers(box)) { if (channel->isMegagroup()) { Ui::showPeerHistory(channel, ShowAtTheEndMsgId); } else { box->closeBox(); } } }); box->addButton( justCreated ? tr::lng_create_group_skip() : tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); if (justCreated) { box->boxClosing() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { auto params = Window::SectionShow(); params.activation = anim::activation::background; App::wnd()->sessionController()->showPeerHistory( channel, params, ShowAtTheEndMsgId); }, box->lifetime()); } }; Ui::show( Box( std::move(controller), std::move(initBox)), LayerOption::KeepOther); } void AddParticipantsBoxController::Start( not_null navigation, not_null channel, base::flat_set> &&alreadyIn) { Start(navigation, channel, std::move(alreadyIn), false); } void AddParticipantsBoxController::Start( not_null navigation, not_null channel) { Start(navigation, channel, {}, true); } AddSpecialBoxController::AddSpecialBoxController( not_null peer, Role role, AdminDoneCallback adminDoneCallback, BannedDoneCallback bannedDoneCallback) : PeerListController(std::make_unique( peer, &_additional)) , _peer(peer) , _role(role) , _additional(peer, Role::Members) , _adminDoneCallback(std::move(adminDoneCallback)) , _bannedDoneCallback(std::move(bannedDoneCallback)) { subscribeToMigration(); } Main::Session &AddSpecialBoxController::session() const { return _peer->session(); } void AddSpecialBoxController::subscribeToMigration() { SubscribeToMigration( _peer, lifetime(), [=](not_null channel) { migrate(channel); }); } void AddSpecialBoxController::migrate(not_null channel) { _peer = channel; _additional.migrate(channel); } std::unique_ptr AddSpecialBoxController::createSearchRow( not_null peer) { if (peer->isSelf()) { return nullptr; } if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { return createRow(user); } return nullptr; } void AddSpecialBoxController::prepare() { delegate()->peerListSetSearchMode(PeerListSearchMode::Enabled); auto title = [&] { switch (_role) { case Role::Admins: return tr::lng_channel_add_admin(); case Role::Restricted: return tr::lng_channel_add_exception(); case Role::Kicked: return tr::lng_channel_add_removed(); } Unexpected("Role in AddSpecialBoxController::prepare()"); }(); delegate()->peerListSetTitle(std::move(title)); setDescriptionText(tr::lng_contacts_loading(tr::now)); setSearchNoResultsText(tr::lng_blocked_list_not_found(tr::now)); if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { prepareChatRows(chat); } else { loadMoreRows(); } delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } void AddSpecialBoxController::prepareChatRows(not_null chat) { _onlineSorter = std::make_unique( chat, delegate()); rebuildChatRows(chat); if (!delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount()) { chat->updateFullForced(); } using UpdateFlag = Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag; subscribe(Notify::PeerUpdated(), Notify::PeerUpdatedHandler( UpdateFlag::MembersChanged | UpdateFlag::AdminsChanged, [=](const Notify::PeerUpdate &update) { if (update.peer == chat) { _additional.fillFromPeer(); if (update.flags & UpdateFlag::MembersChanged) { rebuildChatRows(chat); } } })); } void AddSpecialBoxController::rebuildChatRows(not_null chat) { if (chat->participants.empty()) { // We get such updates often // (when participants list was invalidated). //while (delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount() > 0) { // delegate()->peerListRemoveRow( // delegate()->peerListRowAt(0)); //} return; } auto &participants = chat->participants; auto count = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount(); for (auto i = 0; i != count;) { auto row = delegate()->peerListRowAt(i); auto user = row->peer()->asUser(); if (participants.contains(user)) { ++i; } else { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow(row); --count; } } for (const auto user : participants) { if (auto row = createRow(user)) { delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); } } _onlineSorter->sort(); delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); setDescriptionText(QString()); } void AddSpecialBoxController::loadMoreRows() { if (searchController() && searchController()->loadMoreRows()) { return; } else if (!_peer->isChannel() || _loadRequestId || _allLoaded) { return; } // First query is small and fast, next loads a lot of rows. const auto perPage = (_offset > 0) ? kParticipantsPerPage : kParticipantsFirstPageCount; const auto participantsHash = 0; const auto channel = _peer->asChannel(); _loadRequestId = request(MTPchannels_GetParticipants( channel->inputChannel, MTP_channelParticipantsRecent(), MTP_int(_offset), MTP_int(perPage), MTP_int(participantsHash) )).done([=](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result) { _loadRequestId = 0; auto &session = channel->session(); session.api().parseChannelParticipants(channel, result, [&]( int availableCount, const QVector &list) { for (const auto &data : list) { if (const auto user = _additional.applyParticipant(data)) { appendRow(user); } } if (const auto size = list.size()) { _offset += size; } else { // To be sure - wait for a whole empty result list. _allLoaded = true; } }); if (delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount() > 0) { setDescriptionText(QString()); } else if (_allLoaded) { setDescriptionText(tr::lng_blocked_list_not_found(tr::now)); } delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); }).fail([this](const RPCError &error) { _loadRequestId = 0; }).send(); } void AddSpecialBoxController::rowClicked(not_null row) { auto user = row->peer()->asUser(); switch (_role) { case Role::Admins: return showAdmin(user); case Role::Restricted: return showRestricted(user); case Role::Kicked: return kickUser(user); } Unexpected("Role in AddSpecialBoxController::rowClicked()"); } template bool AddSpecialBoxController::checkInfoLoaded( not_null user, Callback callback) { if (_additional.infoLoaded(user)) { return true; } // We don't know what this user status is in the group. const auto channel = _peer->asChannel(); request(MTPchannels_GetParticipant( channel->inputChannel, user->inputUser )).done([=](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipant &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_channels_channelParticipant); const auto &participant = result.c_channels_channelParticipant(); channel->owner().processUsers(participant.vusers()); _additional.applyParticipant(participant.vparticipant()); callback(); }).fail([=](const RPCError &error) { _additional.setExternal(user); callback(); }).send(); return false; } void AddSpecialBoxController::showAdmin( not_null user, bool sure) { if (!checkInfoLoaded(user, [=] { showAdmin(user); })) { return; } _editBox = nullptr; if (_editParticipantBox) { _editParticipantBox->closeBox(); } const auto chat = _peer->asChat(); const auto channel = _peer->asChannel(); const auto showAdminSure = crl::guard(this, [=] { showAdmin(user, true); }); // Check restrictions. const auto canAddMembers = chat ? chat->canAddMembers() : channel->canAddMembers(); const auto canBanMembers = chat ? chat->canBanMembers() : channel->canBanMembers(); const auto adminRights = _additional.adminRights(user); if (adminRights.has_value()) { // The user is already an admin. } else if (_additional.isKicked(user)) { // The user is banned. if (canAddMembers) { if (canBanMembers) { if (!sure) { _editBox = Ui::show( Box( tr::lng_sure_add_admin_unremove(tr::now), showAdminSure), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } } else { Ui::show(Box( tr::lng_error_cant_add_admin_unban(tr::now)), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } } else { Ui::show(Box( tr::lng_error_cant_add_admin_invite(tr::now)), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } } else if (_additional.restrictedRights(user).has_value()) { // The user is restricted. if (canBanMembers) { if (!sure) { _editBox = Ui::show( Box( tr::lng_sure_add_admin_unremove(tr::now), showAdminSure), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } } else { Ui::show(Box( tr::lng_error_cant_add_admin_unban(tr::now)), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } } else if (_additional.isExternal(user)) { // The user is not in the group yet. if (canAddMembers) { if (!sure) { const auto text = ((_peer->isChat() || _peer->isMegagroup()) ? tr::lng_sure_add_admin_invite : tr::lng_sure_add_admin_invite_channel)(tr::now); _editBox = Ui::show( Box( text, showAdminSure), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } } else { Ui::show( Box(tr::lng_error_cant_add_admin_invite(tr::now)), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } } // Finally show the admin. const auto currentRights = _additional.isCreator(user) ? MTPChatAdminRights(MTP_chatAdminRights( MTP_flags(~MTPDchatAdminRights::Flag::f_add_admins | MTPDchatAdminRights::Flag::f_add_admins))) : adminRights ? *adminRights : MTPChatAdminRights(MTP_chatAdminRights(MTP_flags(0))); auto box = Box( _peer, user, currentRights, _additional.adminRank(user)); if (_additional.canAddOrEditAdmin(user)) { const auto done = crl::guard(this, [=]( const MTPChatAdminRights &newRights, const QString &rank) { editAdminDone(user, newRights, rank); }); const auto fail = crl::guard(this, [=] { if (_editParticipantBox) { _editParticipantBox->closeBox(); } }); box->setSaveCallback(SaveAdminCallback(_peer, user, done, fail)); } _editParticipantBox = Ui::show(std::move(box), LayerOption::KeepOther); } void AddSpecialBoxController::editAdminDone( not_null user, const MTPChatAdminRights &rights, const QString &rank) { if (_editParticipantBox) { _editParticipantBox->closeBox(); } const auto date = base::unixtime::now(); // Incorrect, but ignored. if (_additional.isCreator(user) && user->isSelf()) { using Flag = MTPDchannelParticipantCreator::Flag; _additional.applyParticipant(MTP_channelParticipantCreator( MTP_flags(rank.isEmpty() ? Flag(0) : Flag::f_rank), MTP_int(user->bareId()), MTP_string(rank))); } else if (rights.c_chatAdminRights().vflags().v == 0) { _additional.applyParticipant(MTP_channelParticipant( MTP_int(user->bareId()), MTP_int(date))); } else { using Flag = MTPDchannelParticipantAdmin::Flag; const auto alreadyPromotedBy = _additional.adminPromotedBy(user); _additional.applyParticipant(MTP_channelParticipantAdmin( MTP_flags(Flag::f_can_edit | (rank.isEmpty() ? Flag(0) : Flag::f_rank)), MTP_int(user->bareId()), MTPint(), // inviter_id MTP_int(alreadyPromotedBy ? alreadyPromotedBy->bareId() : user->session().userId()), MTP_int(date), rights, MTP_string(rank))); } if (const auto callback = _adminDoneCallback) { callback(user, rights, rank); } } void AddSpecialBoxController::showRestricted( not_null user, bool sure) { if (!checkInfoLoaded(user, [=] { showRestricted(user); })) { return; } _editBox = nullptr; if (_editParticipantBox) { _editParticipantBox->closeBox(); } const auto chat = _peer->asChat(); const auto channel = _peer->asChannel(); const auto showRestrictedSure = crl::guard(this, [=] { showRestricted(user, true); }); // Check restrictions. const auto restrictedRights = _additional.restrictedRights(user); if (restrictedRights.has_value()) { // The user is already banned or restricted. } else if (_additional.adminRights(user).has_value() || _additional.isCreator(user)) { // The user is an admin or creator. if (_additional.canEditAdmin(user)) { if (!sure) { _editBox = Ui::show( Box( tr::lng_sure_ban_admin(tr::now), showRestrictedSure), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } } else { Ui::show( Box(tr::lng_error_cant_ban_admin(tr::now)), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } } // Finally edit the restricted. const auto currentRights = restrictedRights ? *restrictedRights : MTPChatBannedRights(MTP_chatBannedRights( MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0))); auto box = Box( _peer, user, _additional.adminRights(user).has_value(), currentRights); if (_additional.canRestrictUser(user)) { const auto done = crl::guard(this, [=]( const MTPChatBannedRights &newRights) { editRestrictedDone(user, newRights); }); const auto fail = crl::guard(this, [=] { if (_editParticipantBox) { _editParticipantBox->closeBox(); } }); box->setSaveCallback( SaveRestrictedCallback(_peer, user, done, fail)); } _editParticipantBox = Ui::show(std::move(box), LayerOption::KeepOther); } void AddSpecialBoxController::editRestrictedDone( not_null user, const MTPChatBannedRights &rights) { if (_editParticipantBox) { _editParticipantBox->closeBox(); } const auto date = base::unixtime::now(); // Incorrect, but ignored. if (rights.c_chatBannedRights().vflags().v == 0) { _additional.applyParticipant(MTP_channelParticipant( MTP_int(user->bareId()), MTP_int(date))); } else { const auto kicked = rights.c_chatBannedRights().is_view_messages(); const auto alreadyRestrictedBy = _additional.restrictedBy(user); _additional.applyParticipant(MTP_channelParticipantBanned( MTP_flags(kicked ? MTPDchannelParticipantBanned::Flag::f_left : MTPDchannelParticipantBanned::Flag(0)), MTP_int(user->bareId()), MTP_int(alreadyRestrictedBy ? alreadyRestrictedBy->bareId() : user->session().userId()), MTP_int(date), rights)); } if (const auto callback = _bannedDoneCallback) { callback(user, rights); } } void AddSpecialBoxController::kickUser( not_null user, bool sure) { if (!checkInfoLoaded(user, [=] { kickUser(user); })) { return; } const auto kickUserSure = crl::guard(this, [=] { kickUser(user, true); }); // Check restrictions. if (_additional.adminRights(user).has_value() || _additional.isCreator(user)) { // The user is an admin or creator. if (_additional.canEditAdmin(user)) { if (!sure) { _editBox = Ui::show( Box( tr::lng_sure_ban_admin(tr::now), kickUserSure), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } } else { Ui::show( Box(tr::lng_error_cant_ban_admin(tr::now)), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } } // Finally kick him. if (!sure) { const auto text = ((_peer->isChat() || _peer->isMegagroup()) ? tr::lng_profile_sure_kick : tr::lng_profile_sure_kick_channel)( tr::now, lt_user, App::peerName(user)); _editBox = Ui::show( Box(text, kickUserSure), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } const auto restrictedRights = _additional.restrictedRights(user); const auto currentRights = restrictedRights ? *restrictedRights : MTPChatBannedRights(MTP_chatBannedRights( MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0))); const auto done = crl::guard(this, [=]( const MTPChatBannedRights &newRights) { editRestrictedDone(user, newRights); }); const auto fail = crl::guard(this, [=] { _editBox = nullptr; }); const auto callback = SaveRestrictedCallback(_peer, user, done, fail); callback(currentRights, ChannelData::KickedRestrictedRights()); } bool AddSpecialBoxController::appendRow(not_null user) { if (delegate()->peerListFindRow(user->id) || user->isSelf()) { return false; } delegate()->peerListAppendRow(createRow(user)); return true; } bool AddSpecialBoxController::prependRow(not_null user) { if (delegate()->peerListFindRow(user->id)) { return false; } delegate()->peerListPrependRow(createRow(user)); return true; } std::unique_ptr AddSpecialBoxController::createRow( not_null user) const { return std::make_unique(user); } AddSpecialBoxSearchController::AddSpecialBoxSearchController( not_null peer, not_null additional) : _peer(peer) , _additional(additional) , _timer([=] { searchOnServer(); }) { subscribeToMigration(); } void AddSpecialBoxSearchController::subscribeToMigration() { SubscribeToMigration( _peer, lifetime(), [=](not_null channel) { _peer = channel; }); } void AddSpecialBoxSearchController::searchQuery(const QString &query) { if (_query != query) { _query = query; _offset = 0; _requestId = 0; _participantsLoaded = false; _chatsContactsAdded = false; _chatMembersAdded = false; _globalLoaded = false; if (!_query.isEmpty() && !searchParticipantsInCache()) { _timer.callOnce(AutoSearchTimeout); } else { _timer.cancel(); } } } void AddSpecialBoxSearchController::searchOnServer() { Expects(!_query.isEmpty()); loadMoreRows(); } bool AddSpecialBoxSearchController::isLoading() { return _timer.isActive() || _requestId; } bool AddSpecialBoxSearchController::searchParticipantsInCache() { const auto i = _participantsCache.find(_query); if (i != _participantsCache.cend()) { _requestId = 0; searchParticipantsDone( _requestId, i->second.result, i->second.requestedCount); return true; } return false; } bool AddSpecialBoxSearchController::searchGlobalInCache() { auto it = _globalCache.find(_query); if (it != _globalCache.cend()) { _requestId = 0; searchGlobalDone(_requestId, it->second); return true; } return false; } bool AddSpecialBoxSearchController::loadMoreRows() { if (_query.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (_globalLoaded) { return true; } if (_participantsLoaded || _chatMembersAdded) { if (!_chatsContactsAdded) { addChatsContacts(); } if (!isLoading() && !searchGlobalInCache()) { requestGlobal(); } } else if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { if (!_chatMembersAdded) { addChatMembers(chat); } } else if (!isLoading()) { requestParticipants(); } return true; } void AddSpecialBoxSearchController::requestParticipants() { Expects(_peer->isChannel()); // For search we request a lot of rows from the first query. // (because we've waited for search request by timer already, // so we don't expect it to be fast, but we want to fill cache). const auto perPage = kParticipantsPerPage; const auto participantsHash = 0; const auto channel = _peer->asChannel(); _requestId = request(MTPchannels_GetParticipants( channel->inputChannel, MTP_channelParticipantsSearch(MTP_string(_query)), MTP_int(_offset), MTP_int(perPage), MTP_int(participantsHash) )).done([=]( const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { searchParticipantsDone(requestId, result, perPage); }).fail([=](const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { if (_requestId == requestId) { _requestId = 0; _participantsLoaded = true; loadMoreRows(); delegate()->peerListSearchRefreshRows(); } }).send(); auto entry = Query(); entry.text = _query; entry.offset = _offset; _participantsQueries.emplace(_requestId, entry); } void AddSpecialBoxSearchController::searchParticipantsDone( mtpRequestId requestId, const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result, int requestedCount) { Expects(_peer->isChannel()); const auto channel = _peer->asChannel(); auto query = _query; if (requestId) { const auto addToCache = [&](auto&&...) { auto it = _participantsQueries.find(requestId); if (it != _participantsQueries.cend()) { query = it->second.text; if (it->second.offset == 0) { auto &entry = _participantsCache[query]; entry.result = result; entry.requestedCount = requestedCount; } _participantsQueries.erase(it); } }; channel->session().api().parseChannelParticipants( channel, result, addToCache); } if (_requestId != requestId) { return; } _requestId = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipants &data) { const auto &list = data.vparticipants().v; if (list.size() < requestedCount) { // We want cache to have full information about a query with // small results count (that we don't need the second request). // So we don't wait for empty list unlike the non-search case. _participantsLoaded = true; if (list.empty() && _offset == 0) { // No results, request global search immediately. loadMoreRows(); } } for (const auto &data : list) { if (const auto user = _additional->applyParticipant(data)) { delegate()->peerListSearchAddRow(user); } } _offset += list.size(); }, [&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipantsNotModified &) { _participantsLoaded = true; }); delegate()->peerListSearchRefreshRows(); } void AddSpecialBoxSearchController::requestGlobal() { if (_query.isEmpty()) { _globalLoaded = true; return; } auto perPage = SearchPeopleLimit; _requestId = request(MTPcontacts_Search( MTP_string(_query), MTP_int(perPage) )).done([=](const MTPcontacts_Found &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { searchGlobalDone(requestId, result); }).fail([=](const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { if (_requestId == requestId) { _requestId = 0; _globalLoaded = true; delegate()->peerListSearchRefreshRows(); } }).send(); _globalQueries.emplace(_requestId, _query); } void AddSpecialBoxSearchController::searchGlobalDone( mtpRequestId requestId, const MTPcontacts_Found &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_contacts_found); auto &found = result.c_contacts_found(); auto query = _query; if (requestId) { _peer->owner().processUsers(found.vusers()); _peer->owner().processChats(found.vchats()); auto it = _globalQueries.find(requestId); if (it != _globalQueries.cend()) { query = it->second; _globalCache[query] = result; _globalQueries.erase(it); } } const auto feedList = [&](const MTPVector &list) { for (const auto &mtpPeer : list.v) { const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(mtpPeer); if (const auto peer = _peer->owner().peerLoaded(peerId)) { if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { _additional->checkForLoaded(user); delegate()->peerListSearchAddRow(user); } } } }; if (_requestId == requestId) { _requestId = 0; _globalLoaded = true; feedList(found.vmy_results()); feedList(found.vresults()); delegate()->peerListSearchRefreshRows(); } } void AddSpecialBoxSearchController::addChatMembers( not_null chat) { if (chat->participants.empty()) { return; } _chatMembersAdded = true; const auto wordList = TextUtilities::PrepareSearchWords(_query); if (wordList.empty()) { return; } const auto allWordsAreFound = [&]( const base::flat_set &nameWords) { const auto hasNamePartStartingWith = [&](const QString &word) { for (const auto &nameWord : nameWords) { if (nameWord.startsWith(word)) { return true; } } return false; }; for (const auto &word : wordList) { if (!hasNamePartStartingWith(word)) { return false; } } return true; }; for (const auto user : chat->participants) { if (allWordsAreFound(user->nameWords())) { delegate()->peerListSearchAddRow(user); } } delegate()->peerListSearchRefreshRows(); } void AddSpecialBoxSearchController::addChatsContacts() { _chatsContactsAdded = true; const auto wordList = TextUtilities::PrepareSearchWords(_query); if (wordList.empty()) { return; } const auto allWordsAreFound = [&]( const base::flat_set &nameWords) { const auto hasNamePartStartingWith = [&](const QString &word) { for (const auto &nameWord : nameWords) { if (nameWord.startsWith(word)) { return true; } } return false; }; for (const auto &word : wordList) { if (!hasNamePartStartingWith(word)) { return false; } } return true; }; const auto getSmallestIndex = [&](not_null list) -> const Dialogs::List* { if (list->empty()) { return nullptr; } auto result = (const Dialogs::List*)nullptr; for (const auto &word : wordList) { const auto found = list->filtered(word[0]); if (!found || found->empty()) { return nullptr; } if (!result || result->size() > found->size()) { result = found; } } return result; }; const auto filterAndAppend = [&](not_null list) { const auto index = getSmallestIndex(list); if (!index) { return; } for (const auto row : *index) { if (const auto history = row->history()) { if (const auto user = history->peer->asUser()) { if (allWordsAreFound(user->nameWords())) { delegate()->peerListSearchAddRow(user); } } } } }; filterAndAppend(_peer->owner().chatsList()->indexed()); const auto id = Data::Folder::kId; if (const auto folder = _peer->owner().folderLoaded(id)) { filterAndAppend(folder->chatsList()->indexed()); } filterAndAppend(_peer->owner().contactsNoChatsList()); delegate()->peerListSearchRefreshRows(); }