/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, an unofficial desktop messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://tdesktop.com */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "lang.h" #include "app.h" #include "application.h" #include "fileuploader.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include #include namespace { bool quiting = false; UserData *self = 0; typedef QHash PeersData; PeersData peersData; typedef QHash PhotosData; PhotosData photosData; typedef QHash VideosData; VideosData videosData; typedef QHash AudiosData; AudiosData audiosData; typedef QHash DocumentsData; DocumentsData documentsData; VideoItems videoItems; AudioItems audioItems; DocumentItems documentItems; Histories histories; typedef QHash MsgsData; MsgsData msgsData; int32 maxMsgId = 0; typedef QMap RandomData; RandomData randomData; HistoryItem *hoveredItem = 0, *pressedItem = 0, *hoveredLinkItem = 0, *pressedLinkItem = 0, *contextItem = 0, *mousedItem = 0; QSoundEffect *newMsgSound = 0; QPixmap *sprite = 0, *emojis = 0; typedef QMap EmojisMap; EmojisMap mainEmojisMap; QMap otherEmojisMap; int32 serviceImageCacheSize = 0; typedef QLinkedList LastPhotosList; LastPhotosList lastPhotos; typedef QHash LastPhotosMap; LastPhotosMap lastPhotosMap; } namespace App { QString formatPhone(QString phone) { return '+' + phone.replace(QRegularExpression(qsl("[^\\d]")), QString()); } Application *app() { return Application::app(); } Window *wnd() { return Application::wnd(); } MainWidget *main() { Window *w(wnd()); return w ? w->mainWidget() : 0; } Settings *settings() { Window *w(wnd()); return w ? w->settingsWidget() : 0; } FileUploader *uploader() { return app() ? app()->uploader() : 0; } void showSettings() { Window *w(wnd()); if (w) w->showSettings(); } bool loggedOut() { Window *w(wnd()); if (w) { w->tempDirDelete(); w->notifyClearFast(); w->setupIntro(true); } MainWidget *m(main()); if (m) m->destroyData(); MTP::authed(0); histories().clear(); globalNotifyAllPtr = UnknownNotifySettings; globalNotifyUsersPtr = UnknownNotifySettings; globalNotifyChatsPtr = UnknownNotifySettings; App::uploader()->clear(); clearStorageImages(); if (w) { w->updateTitleStatus(); w->getTitle()->resizeEvent(0); } return true; } void logOut() { MTP::logoutKeys(rpcDone(&loggedOut), rpcFail(&loggedOut)); } PeerId peerFromMTP(const MTPPeer &peer_id) { switch (peer_id.type()) { case mtpc_peerChat: return peerFromChat(peer_id.c_peerChat().vchat_id); case mtpc_peerUser: return peerFromUser(peer_id.c_peerUser().vuser_id); } return 0; } PeerId peerFromChat(int32 chat_id) { return 0x100000000L | uint64(uint32(chat_id)); } PeerId peerFromUser(int32 user_id) { return uint64(uint32(user_id)); } MTPpeer peerToMTP(const PeerId &peer_id) { return (peer_id & 0x100000000L) ? MTP_peerChat(MTP_int(int32(peer_id & 0xFFFFFFFFL))) : MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(int32(peer_id & 0xFFFFFFFFL))); } int32 userFromPeer(const PeerId &peer_id) { return (peer_id & 0x100000000L) ? 0 : int32(peer_id & 0xFFFFFFFFL); } int32 chatFromPeer(const PeerId &peer_id) { return (peer_id & 0x100000000L) ? int32(peer_id & 0xFFFFFFFFL) : 0; } int32 onlineWillChangeIn(int32 online, int32 now) { if (online <= 0) return 86400; if (online > now) { return online - now; } int32 minutes = (now - online) / 60; if (minutes < 60) { return (minutes + 1) * 60 - (now - online); } int32 hours = (now - online) / 3600; if (hours < 12) { return (hours + 1) * 3600 - (now - online); } QDateTime dNow(date(now)), dTomorrow(dNow.date().addDays(1)); return dNow.secsTo(dTomorrow); } QString onlineText(int32 online, int32 now) { if (!online) return lang(lng_status_offline); if (online < 0) return lang(lng_status_invisible); if (online > now) { return lang(lng_status_online); } int32 minutes = (now - online) / 60; QString when; if (!minutes) { when = lang(lng_status_lastseen_now); } else if (minutes == 1) { when = lang(lng_status_lastseen_minute).arg(minutes); } else if (minutes < 60) { when = lang(lng_status_lastseen_minutes).arg(minutes); } else { int32 hours = (now - online) / 3600; if (hours == 1) { when = lang(lng_status_lastseen_hour).arg(hours); } else if (hours < 12) { when = lang(lng_status_lastseen_hours).arg(hours); } else { QDateTime dOnline(date(online)), dNow(date(now)); if (dOnline.date() == dNow.date()) { when = lang(lng_status_lastseen_today).replace(qsl("{time}"), dOnline.time().toString(qsl("hh:mm"))); } else if (dOnline.date().addDays(1) == dNow.date()) { when = lang(lng_status_lastseen_yesterday).replace(qsl("{time}"), dOnline.time().toString(qsl("hh:mm"))); } else { when = lang(lng_status_lastseen_date).replace(qsl("{date}"), dOnline.date().toString(qsl("dd.MM.yy"))); } } } if (when.isEmpty()) { int a = 0; } return lang(lng_status_lastseen).replace(qsl("{when}"), when); } void feedUsers(const MTPVector &users) { const QVector &v(users.c_vector().v); for (QVector::const_iterator i = v.cbegin(), e = v.cend(); i != e; ++i) { const MTPuser &user(*i); UserData *data = 0; bool wasContact = false; const MTPUserStatus *status = 0; switch (user.type()) { case mtpc_userEmpty: { const MTPDuserEmpty &d(user.c_userEmpty()); PeerId peer(peerFromUser(d.vid.v)); data = App::user(peer); data->input = MTP_inputPeerContact(d.vid); data->inputUser = MTP_inputUserContact(d.vid); data->setName(lang(lng_deleted), QString(), QString()); data->setPhoto(MTP_userProfilePhotoEmpty()); data->access = 0; wasContact = (data->contact > 0); data->contact = -1; } break; case mtpc_userDeleted: { const MTPDuserDeleted &d(user.c_userDeleted()); PeerId peer(peerFromUser(d.vid.v)); data = App::user(peer); data->input = MTP_inputPeerContact(d.vid); data->inputUser = MTP_inputUserContact(d.vid); data->setName(textOneLine(qs(d.vfirst_name)), textOneLine(qs(d.vlast_name)), QString()); data->setPhoto(MTP_userProfilePhotoEmpty()); data->access = 0; wasContact = (data->contact > 0); data->contact = -1; } break; case mtpc_userSelf: { const MTPDuserSelf &d(user.c_userSelf()); PeerId peer(peerFromUser(d.vid.v)); data = App::user(peer); data->input = MTP_inputPeerSelf(); data->inputUser = MTP_inputUserSelf(); data->setName(textOneLine(qs(d.vfirst_name)), textOneLine(qs(d.vlast_name)), QString()); data->setPhoto(d.vphoto); data->setPhone(qs(d.vphone)); data->access = 0; wasContact = (data->contact > 0); data->contact = -1; status = &d.vstatus; ::self = data; } break; case mtpc_userContact: { const MTPDuserContact &d(user.c_userContact()); PeerId peer(peerFromUser(d.vid.v)); data = App::user(peer); data->input = MTP_inputPeerContact(d.vid); data->inputUser = MTP_inputUserContact(d.vid); data->setName(textOneLine(qs(d.vfirst_name)), textOneLine(qs(d.vlast_name)), QString()); data->setPhoto(d.vphoto); data->setPhone(qs(d.vphone)); data->access = d.vaccess_hash.v; wasContact = (data->contact > 0); data->contact = 1; status = &d.vstatus; } break; case mtpc_userRequest: { const MTPDuserRequest &d(user.c_userRequest()); PeerId peer(peerFromUser(d.vid.v)); data = App::user(peer); data->input = MTP_inputPeerForeign(d.vid, d.vaccess_hash); data->inputUser = MTP_inputUserForeign(d.vid, d.vaccess_hash); data->setPhone(qs(d.vphone)); data->setName(textOneLine(qs(d.vfirst_name)), textOneLine(qs(d.vlast_name)), (data->id != 333000 && !data->phone.isEmpty()) ? formatPhone(data->phone) : QString()); data->setPhoto(d.vphoto); data->access = d.vaccess_hash.v; wasContact = (data->contact > 0); data->contact = 0; status = &d.vstatus; } break; case mtpc_userForeign: { const MTPDuserForeign &d(user.c_userForeign()); PeerId peer(peerFromUser(d.vid.v)); data = App::user(peer); data->input = MTP_inputPeerForeign(d.vid, d.vaccess_hash); data->inputUser = MTP_inputUserForeign(d.vid, d.vaccess_hash); data->setName(textOneLine(qs(d.vfirst_name)), textOneLine(qs(d.vlast_name)), QString()); data->setPhoto(d.vphoto); data->access = d.vaccess_hash.v; wasContact = (data->contact > 0); data->contact = -1; status = &d.vstatus; } break; } if (!data) continue; data->loaded = true; if (status) switch (status->type()) { case mtpc_userStatusOffline: data->onlineTill = status->c_userStatusOffline().vwas_online.v; break; case mtpc_userStatusOnline: data->onlineTill = status->c_userStatusOnline().vexpires.v; break; } if (data->contact < 0 && !data->phone.isEmpty() && int32(data->id & 0xFFFFFFFF) != MTP::authedId()) { data->contact = 0; } if (data->contact > 0 && !wasContact) { App::main()->addNewContact(data->id & 0xFFFFFFFF, false); } else if (wasContact && data->contact <= 0) { App::main()->removeContact(data); } if (App::main()) App::main()->peerUpdated(data); } } void feedChats(const MTPVector &chats) { const QVector &v(chats.c_vector().v); for (QVector::const_iterator i = v.cbegin(), e = v.cend(); i != e; ++i) { const MTPchat &chat(*i); ChatData *data = 0; QString title; switch (chat.type()) { case mtpc_chat: { const MTPDchat &d(chat.c_chat()); title = qs(d.vtitle); PeerId peer(peerFromChat(d.vid.v)); data = App::chat(peer); data->input = MTP_inputPeerChat(d.vid); data->setPhoto(d.vphoto); data->date = d.vdate.v; data->count = d.vparticipants_count.v; data->left = false; data->forbidden = false; data->access = 0; if (data->version < d.vversion.v) { data->version = d.vversion.v; data->participants = ChatData::Participants(); } } break; case mtpc_chatForbidden: { const MTPDchatForbidden &d(chat.c_chatForbidden()); title = qs(d.vtitle); PeerId peer(peerFromChat(d.vid.v)); data = App::chat(peer); data->input = MTP_inputPeerChat(d.vid); data->setPhoto(MTP_chatPhotoEmpty()); data->date = 0; data->count = -1; data->left = false; data->forbidden = true; data->access = 0; } break; case mtpc_geoChat: { const MTPDgeoChat &d(chat.c_geoChat()); data = 0; /* title = qs(d.vtitle); PeerId peer(peerFromChat(d.vid.v)); data = App::chat(peer); data->input = MTP_inputPeerChat(d.vid); data->setPhoto(d.vphoto); data->date = d.vdate.v; data->count = d.vparticipants_count.v; data->left = false; data->forbidden = false; data->access = d.vaccess_hash.v; if (data->version < d.vversion.v) { data->version = d.vversion.v; data->participants = ChatData::Participants(); }/**/ } break; } if (!data) continue; data->loaded = true; data->updateName(title.trimmed(), QString()); if (App::main()) App::main()->peerUpdated(data); } } void feedParticipants(const MTPChatParticipants &p) { switch (p.type()) { case mtpc_chatParticipantsForbidden: { const MTPDchatParticipantsForbidden &d(p.c_chatParticipantsForbidden()); ChatData *chat = App::chat(d.vchat_id.v); chat->count = -1; if (App::main()) App::main()->peerUpdated(chat); } break; case mtpc_chatParticipants: { const MTPDchatParticipants &d(p.c_chatParticipants()); ChatData *chat = App::chat(d.vchat_id.v); chat->admin = d.vadmin_id.v; if (chat->version <= d.vversion.v) { chat->version = d.vversion.v; const QVector &v(d.vparticipants.c_vector().v); chat->count = v.size(); int32 pversion = chat->participants.isEmpty() ? 1 : (chat->participants.begin().value() + 1); chat->cankick = ChatData::CanKick(); for (QVector::const_iterator i = v.cbegin(), e = v.cend(); i != e; ++i) { UserData *user = App::userLoaded(i->c_chatParticipant().vuser_id.v); if (user) { chat->participants[user] = pversion; if (i->c_chatParticipant().vinviter_id.v == MTP::authedId()) { chat->cankick[user] = true; } } else { chat->participants = ChatData::Participants(); break; } } if (!chat->participants.isEmpty()) { for (ChatData::Participants::iterator i = chat->participants.begin(), e = chat->participants.end(); i != e;) { if (i.value() < pversion) { i = chat->participants.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } if (App::main()) App::main()->peerUpdated(chat); } } break; } } void feedParticipantAdd(const MTPDupdateChatParticipantAdd &d) { ChatData *chat = App::chat(d.vchat_id.v); if (chat->version <= d.vversion.v && chat->count >= 0) { chat->version = d.vversion.v; UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (user) { if (chat->participants.isEmpty() && chat->count) { chat->count++; } else if (chat->participants.find(user) == chat->participants.end()) { chat->participants[user] = (chat->participants.isEmpty() ? 1 : chat->participants.begin().value()); if (d.vinviter_id.v == MTP::authedId()) { chat->cankick[user] = true; } else { chat->cankick.remove(user); } chat->count++; } } else { chat->participants = ChatData::Participants(); chat->count++; } if (App::main()) App::main()->peerUpdated(chat); } } void feedParticipantDelete(const MTPDupdateChatParticipantDelete &d) { ChatData *chat = App::chat(d.vchat_id.v); if (chat->version <= d.vversion.v && chat->count > 0) { chat->version = d.vversion.v; UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (user) { if (chat->participants.isEmpty()) { chat->count--; } else { ChatData::Participants::iterator i = chat->participants.find(user); if (i != chat->participants.end()) { chat->participants.erase(i); chat->count--; } } } else { chat->participants = ChatData::Participants(); chat->count--; } if (App::main()) App::main()->peerUpdated(chat); } } void feedMsgs(const MTPVector &msgs, bool newMsgs) { const QVector &v(msgs.c_vector().v); QMap msgsIds; for (int32 i = 0, l = v.size(); i < l; ++i) { const MTPMessage &msg(v[i]); switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_message: msgsIds.insert(msg.c_message().vid.v, i); break; case mtpc_messageEmpty: msgsIds.insert(msg.c_messageEmpty().vid.v, i); break; case mtpc_messageForwarded: msgsIds.insert(msg.c_messageForwarded().vid.v, i); break; case mtpc_messageService: msgsIds.insert(msg.c_messageService().vid.v, i); break; } } for (QMap::const_iterator i = msgsIds.cbegin(), e = msgsIds.cend(); i != e; ++i) { histories().addToBack(v[*i], newMsgs ? 1 : 0); } } int32 maxMsgId() { return ::maxMsgId; } ImagePtr image(const MTPPhotoSize &size) { switch (size.type()) { case mtpc_photoSize: { const MTPDphotoSize &d(size.c_photoSize()); if (d.vlocation.type() == mtpc_fileLocation) { const MTPDfileLocation &l(d.vlocation.c_fileLocation()); return ImagePtr(d.vw.v, d.vh.v, l.vdc_id.v, l.vvolume_id.v, l.vlocal_id.v, l.vsecret.v); } } break; case mtpc_photoCachedSize: { const MTPDphotoCachedSize &d(size.c_photoCachedSize()); if (d.vlocation.type() == mtpc_fileLocation) { const MTPDfileLocation &l(d.vlocation.c_fileLocation()); const string &s(d.vbytes.c_string().v); QByteArray bytes(s.data(), s.size()); return ImagePtr(d.vw.v, d.vh.v, l.vdc_id.v, l.vvolume_id.v, l.vlocal_id.v, l.vsecret.v, bytes); } else if (d.vlocation.type() == mtpc_fileLocationUnavailable) { const string &s(d.vbytes.c_string().v); QByteArray bytes(s.data(), s.size()); return ImagePtr(d.vw.v, d.vh.v, 0, 0, 0, 0, bytes); } } break; } return ImagePtr(); } void feedWereRead(const QVector &msgsIds) { for (QVector::const_iterator i = msgsIds.cbegin(), e = msgsIds.cend(); i != e; ++i) { MsgsData::const_iterator j = msgsData.constFind(i->v); if (j != msgsData.cend()) { (*j)->markRead(); } } } void feedWereDeleted(const QVector &msgsIds) { for (QVector::const_iterator i = msgsIds.cbegin(), e = msgsIds.cend(); i != e; ++i) { MsgsData::const_iterator j = msgsData.constFind(i->v); if (j != msgsData.cend()) { History *h = (*j)->history(); (*j)->destroy(); } } } void feedUserLinks(const MTPVector &links) { const QVector &v(links.c_vector().v); for (QVector::const_iterator i = v.cbegin(), e = v.cend(); i != e; ++i) { const MTPDcontacts_link &dv(i->c_contacts_link()); feedUsers(MTP_vector(QVector(1, dv.vuser))); MTPint userId(MTP_int(0)); switch (dv.vuser.type()) { case mtpc_userEmpty: userId = dv.vuser.c_userEmpty().vid; break; case mtpc_userDeleted: userId = dv.vuser.c_userDeleted().vid; break; case mtpc_userContact: userId = dv.vuser.c_userContact().vid; break; case mtpc_userSelf: userId = dv.vuser.c_userSelf().vid; break; case mtpc_userRequest: userId = dv.vuser.c_userRequest().vid; break; case mtpc_userForeign: userId = dv.vuser.c_userForeign().vid; break; } if (userId.v) { feedUserLink(userId, dv.vmy_link, dv.vforeign_link); } } } void feedUserLink(MTPint userId, const MTPcontacts_MyLink &myLink, const MTPcontacts_ForeignLink &foreignLink) { UserData *user = userLoaded(userId.v); if (user) { bool wasContact = (user->contact > 0); switch (myLink.type()) { case mtpc_contacts_myLinkContact: user->contact = 1; break; case mtpc_contacts_myLinkEmpty: case mtpc_contacts_myLinkRequested: if (myLink.type() == mtpc_contacts_myLinkRequested && myLink.c_contacts_myLinkRequested().vcontact.v) { user->contact = 1; } else { switch (foreignLink.type()) { case mtpc_contacts_foreignLinkRequested: if (foreignLink.c_contacts_foreignLinkRequested().vhas_phone.v) { user->contact = 0; } else { user->contact = -1; } break; default: user->contact = -1; break; } } break; } if (user->contact > 0) { if (!wasContact) { App::main()->addNewContact(App::userFromPeer(user->id), false); user->input = MTP_inputPeerContact(userId); user->inputUser = MTP_inputUserContact(userId); } } else { if (user->access) { user->input = MTP_inputPeerForeign(userId, MTP_long(user->access)); user->inputUser = MTP_inputUserForeign(userId, MTP_long(user->access)); } if (user->contact < 0 && !user->phone.isEmpty() && App::userFromPeer(user->id) != MTP::authedId()) { user->contact = 0; } if (wasContact) { App::main()->removeContact(user); } } user->setName(textOneLine(user->firstName), textOneLine(user->lastName), (user->contact || user->id == 333000 || user->phone.isEmpty()) ? QString() : App::formatPhone(user->phone)); if (App::main()) App::main()->peerUpdated(user); } } void feedMessageMedia(MsgId msgId, const MTPMessage &msg) { const MTPMessageMedia *media = 0; switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_message: media = &msg.c_message().vmedia; break; case mtpc_messageForwarded: media = &msg.c_messageForwarded().vmedia; break; } if (media) { MsgsData::iterator i = msgsData.find(msgId); if (i != msgsData.cend()) { i.value()->updateMedia(*media); } } } PhotoData *feedPhoto(const MTPPhoto &photo, PhotoData *convert) { switch (photo.type()) { case mtpc_photo: { return feedPhoto(photo.c_photo(), convert); } break; case mtpc_photoEmpty: { return App::photo(photo.c_photoEmpty().vid.v, convert); } break; } return App::photo(0); } PhotoData *feedPhoto(const MTPPhoto &photo, const PreparedPhotoThumbs &thumbs) { const QPixmap *thumb = 0, *full = 0; int32 thumbLevel = -1, fullLevel = -1; for (PreparedPhotoThumbs::const_iterator i = thumbs.cbegin(), e = thumbs.cend(); i != e; ++i) { int32 newThumbLevel = -1, newFullLevel = -1; switch (i.key()) { case 's': newThumbLevel = 0; newFullLevel = 4; break; // box 100x100 case 'm': newThumbLevel = 2; newFullLevel = 3; break; // box 320x320 case 'x': newThumbLevel = 5; newFullLevel = 0; break; // box 800x800 case 'y': newThumbLevel = 6; newFullLevel = 1; break; // box 1280x1280 case 'w': newThumbLevel = 8; newFullLevel = 2; break; // box 2560x2560 case 'a': newThumbLevel = 1; newFullLevel = 8; break; // crop 160x160 case 'b': newThumbLevel = 3; newFullLevel = 7; break; // crop 320x320 case 'c': newThumbLevel = 4; newFullLevel = 6; break; // crop 640x640 case 'd': newThumbLevel = 7; newFullLevel = 5; break; // crop 1280x1280 } if (newThumbLevel < 0 || newFullLevel < 0) { continue; } if (thumbLevel < 0 || newThumbLevel < thumbLevel) { thumbLevel = newThumbLevel; thumb = &i.value(); } if (fullLevel < 0 || newFullLevel < fullLevel) { fullLevel = newFullLevel; full = &i.value(); } } if (!thumb || !full) { return App::photo(0); } switch (photo.type()) { case mtpc_photo: { const MTPDphoto &ph(photo.c_photo()); return App::photo(ph.vid.v, 0, ph.vaccess_hash.v, ph.vuser_id.v, ph.vdate.v, ImagePtr(*thumb, "JPG"), ImagePtr(*full, "JPG")); } break; case mtpc_photoEmpty: return App::photo(photo.c_photoEmpty().vid.v); } return App::photo(0); } PhotoData *feedPhoto(const MTPDphoto &photo, PhotoData *convert) { const QVector &sizes(photo.vsizes.c_vector().v); const MTPPhotoSize *thumb = 0, *full = 0; int32 thumbLevel = -1, fullLevel = -1; for (QVector::const_iterator i = sizes.cbegin(), e = sizes.cend(); i != e; ++i) { char size = 0; switch (i->type()) { case mtpc_photoSize: { const string &s(i->c_photoSize().vtype.c_string().v); if (s.size()) size = s[0]; } break; case mtpc_photoCachedSize: { const string &s(i->c_photoCachedSize().vtype.c_string().v); if (s.size()) size = s[0]; } break; } if (!size) continue; int32 newThumbLevel = -1, newFullLevel = -1; switch (size) { case 's': newThumbLevel = 0; newFullLevel = 4; break; // box 100x100 case 'm': newThumbLevel = 2; newFullLevel = 3; break; // box 320x320 case 'x': newThumbLevel = 5; newFullLevel = 0; break; // box 800x800 case 'y': newThumbLevel = 6; newFullLevel = 1; break; // box 1280x1280 case 'w': newThumbLevel = 8; newFullLevel = 2; break; // box 2560x2560 case 'a': newThumbLevel = 1; newFullLevel = 8; break; // crop 160x160 case 'b': newThumbLevel = 3; newFullLevel = 7; break; // crop 320x320 case 'c': newThumbLevel = 4; newFullLevel = 6; break; // crop 640x640 case 'd': newThumbLevel = 7; newFullLevel = 5; break; // crop 1280x1280 } if (newThumbLevel < 0 || newFullLevel < 0) { continue; } if (thumbLevel < 0 || newThumbLevel < thumbLevel) { thumbLevel = newThumbLevel; thumb = &(*i); } if (fullLevel < 0 || newFullLevel < fullLevel) { fullLevel = newFullLevel; full = &(*i); } } if (thumb && full) { return App::photo(photo.vid.v, convert, photo.vaccess_hash.v, photo.vuser_id.v, photo.vdate.v, App::image(*thumb), App::image(*full)); } return App::photo(photo.vid.v, convert); } VideoData *feedVideo(const MTPDvideo &video, VideoData *convert) { return App::video(video.vid.v, convert, video.vaccess_hash.v, video.vuser_id.v, video.vdate.v, video.vduration.v, video.vw.v, video.vh.v, App::image(video.vthumb), video.vdc_id.v, video.vsize.v); } AudioData *feedAudio(const MTPDaudio &audio, AudioData *convert) { return App::audio(audio.vid.v, convert, audio.vaccess_hash.v, audio.vuser_id.v, audio.vdate.v, audio.vduration.v, audio.vdc_id.v, audio.vsize.v); } DocumentData *feedDocument(const MTPdocument &document, const QPixmap &thumb) { switch (document.type()) { case mtpc_document: { const MTPDdocument &d(document.c_document()); return App::document(d.vid.v, 0, d.vaccess_hash.v, d.vuser_id.v, d.vdate.v, qs(d.vfile_name), qs(d.vmime_type), ImagePtr(thumb, "JPG"), d.vdc_id.v, d.vsize.v); } break; case mtpc_documentEmpty: return App::document(document.c_documentEmpty().vid.v); } return App::document(0); } DocumentData *feedDocument(const MTPdocument &document, DocumentData *convert) { switch (document.type()) { case mtpc_document: { return feedDocument(document.c_document(), convert); } break; case mtpc_documentEmpty: { return App::document(document.c_documentEmpty().vid.v, convert); } break; } return App::document(0); } DocumentData *feedDocument(const MTPDdocument &document, DocumentData *convert) { return App::document(document.vid.v, convert, document.vaccess_hash.v, document.vuser_id.v, document.vdate.v, qs(document.vfile_name), qs(document.vmime_type), App::image(document.vthumb), document.vdc_id.v, document.vsize.v); } UserData *userLoaded(const PeerId &user) { PeerData *peer = peerLoaded(user); return (peer && peer->loaded) ? peer->asUser() : 0; } ChatData *chatLoaded(const PeerId &chat) { PeerData *peer = peerLoaded(chat); return (peer && peer->loaded) ? peer->asChat() : 0; } PeerData *peerLoaded(const PeerId &peer) { PeersData::const_iterator i = peersData.constFind(peer); return (i != peersData.cend()) ? i.value() : 0; } UserData *userLoaded(int32 user) { return userLoaded(App::peerFromUser(user)); } ChatData *chatLoaded(int32 chat) { return chatLoaded(App::peerFromChat(chat)); } UserData *curUser() { return user(MTP::authedId()); } PeerData *peer(const PeerId &peer) { PeersData::const_iterator i = peersData.constFind(peer); if (i == peersData.cend()) { PeerData *newData = App::isChat(peer) ? (PeerData*)(new ChatData(peer)) : (PeerData*)(new UserData(peer)); newData->input = MTPinputPeer(MTP_inputPeerEmpty()); i = peersData.insert(peer, newData); } return i.value(); } UserData *user(const PeerId &peer) { PeerData *d = App::peer(peer); return d->asUser(); } UserData *user(int32 user) { return App::peer(App::peerFromUser(user))->asUser(); } UserData *self() { return ::self; } ChatData *chat(const PeerId &peer) { PeerData *d = App::peer(peer); return d->asChat(); } ChatData *chat(int32 chat) { return App::peer(App::peerFromChat(chat))->asChat(); } PhotoData *photo(const PhotoId &photo, PhotoData *convert, const uint64 &access, int32 user, int32 date, const ImagePtr &thumb, const ImagePtr &full) { if (convert) { if (convert->id != photo) { PhotosData::iterator i = photosData.find(convert->id); if (i != photosData.cend() && i.value() == convert) { photosData.erase(i); } convert->id = photo; } convert->access = access; if (!convert->user && !convert->date && (user || date)) { convert->user = user; convert->date = date; convert->thumb = thumb; convert->full = full; } } PhotosData::const_iterator i = photosData.constFind(photo); PhotoData *result; LastPhotosMap::iterator inLastIter = lastPhotosMap.end(); if (i == photosData.cend()) { if (convert) { result = convert; } else { result = new PhotoData(photo, access, user, date, thumb, full); } photosData.insert(photo, result); } else { result = i.value(); if (result != convert && !result->user && !result->date && (user || date)) { result->access = access; result->user = user; result->date = date; result->thumb = thumb; result->full = full; } inLastIter = lastPhotosMap.find(result); } if (inLastIter == lastPhotosMap.end()) { // insert new one if (lastPhotos.size() == MaxPhotosInMemory) { lastPhotos.front()->forget(); lastPhotosMap.remove(lastPhotos.front()); lastPhotos.pop_front(); } lastPhotosMap.insert(result, lastPhotos.insert(lastPhotos.end(), result)); } else { lastPhotos.erase(inLastIter.value()); // move to back (*inLastIter) = lastPhotos.insert(lastPhotos.end(), result); } return result; } void forgetPhotos() { lastPhotos.clear(); lastPhotosMap.clear(); for (PhotosData::const_iterator i = photosData.cbegin(), e = photosData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { i.value()->forget(); } } VideoData *video(const VideoId &video, VideoData *convert, const uint64 &access, int32 user, int32 date, int32 duration, int32 w, int32 h, const ImagePtr &thumb, int32 dc, int32 size) { if (convert) { if (convert->id != video) { VideosData::iterator i = videosData.find(convert->id); if (i != videosData.cend() && i.value() == convert) { videosData.erase(i); } convert->id = video; convert->status = FileReady; } convert->access = access; if (!convert->user && !convert->date && (user || date)) { convert->user = user; convert->date = date; convert->duration = duration; convert->w = w; convert->h = h; convert->thumb = thumb; convert->dc = dc; convert->size = size; } } VideosData::const_iterator i = videosData.constFind(video); VideoData *result; if (i == videosData.cend()) { if (convert) { result = convert; } else { result = new VideoData(video, access, user, date, duration, w, h, thumb, dc, size); } videosData.insert(video, result); } else { result = i.value(); if (result != convert && !result->user && !result->date && (user || date)) { result->access = access; result->user = user; result->date = date; result->duration = duration; result->w = w; result->h = h; result->thumb = thumb; result->dc = dc; result->size = size; } } return result; } void forgetVideos() { for (VideosData::const_iterator i = videosData.cbegin(), e = videosData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { i.value()->forget(); } } AudioData *audio(const AudioId &audio, AudioData *convert, const uint64 &access, int32 user, int32 date, int32 duration, int32 dc, int32 size) { if (convert) { if (convert->id != audio) { AudiosData::iterator i = audiosData.find(convert->id); if (i != audiosData.cend() && i.value() == convert) { audiosData.erase(i); } convert->id = audio; convert->status = FileReady; } convert->access = access; if (!convert->user && !convert->date && (user || date)) { convert->user = user; convert->date = date; convert->duration = duration; convert->dc = dc; convert->size = size; } } AudiosData::const_iterator i = audiosData.constFind(audio); AudioData *result; if (i == audiosData.cend()) { if (convert) { result = convert; } else { result = new AudioData(audio, access, user, date, duration, dc, size); } audiosData.insert(audio, result); } else { result = i.value(); if (result != convert && !result->user && !result->date && (user || date)) { result->access = access; result->user = user; result->date = date; result->duration = duration; result->dc = dc; result->size = size; } } return result; } void forgetAudios() { for (AudiosData::const_iterator i = audiosData.cbegin(), e = audiosData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { i.value()->forget(); } } DocumentData *document(const DocumentId &document, DocumentData *convert, const uint64 &access, int32 user, int32 date, const QString &name, const QString &mime, const ImagePtr &thumb, int32 dc, int32 size) { if (convert) { if (convert->id != document) { DocumentsData::iterator i = documentsData.find(convert->id); if (i != documentsData.cend() && i.value() == convert) { documentsData.erase(i); } convert->id = document; convert->status = FileReady; } convert->access = access; if (!convert->user && !convert->date && (user || date)) { convert->user = user; convert->date = date; convert->name = name; convert->mime = mime; convert->thumb = thumb; convert->dc = dc; convert->size = size; } } DocumentsData::const_iterator i = documentsData.constFind(document); DocumentData *result; if (i == documentsData.cend()) { if (convert) { result = convert; } else { result = new DocumentData(document, access, user, date, name, mime, thumb, dc, size); } documentsData.insert(document, result); } else { result = i.value(); if (result != convert && !result->user && !result->date && (user || date)) { result->access = access; result->user = user; result->date = date; result->name = name; result->mime = mime; result->thumb = thumb; result->dc = dc; result->size = size; } } return result; } void forgetDocuments() { for (DocumentsData::const_iterator i = documentsData.cbegin(), e = documentsData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { i.value()->forget(); } } MTPPhoto photoFromUserPhoto(MTPint userId, MTPint date, const MTPUserProfilePhoto &photo) { if (photo.type() == mtpc_userProfilePhoto) { const MTPDuserProfilePhoto &uphoto(photo.c_userProfilePhoto()); QVector photoSizes; photoSizes.push_back(MTP_photoSize(MTP_string("a"), uphoto.vphoto_small, MTP_int(160), MTP_int(160), MTP_int(0))); photoSizes.push_back(MTP_photoSize(MTP_string("c"), uphoto.vphoto_big, MTP_int(640), MTP_int(640), MTP_int(0))); return MTP_photo(uphoto.vphoto_id, MTP_long(0), userId, date, MTP_string(""), MTP_geoPointEmpty(), MTP_vector(photoSizes)); } return MTP_photoEmpty(MTP_long(0)); } QString peerName(const PeerData *peer, bool forDialogs) { return peer ? (forDialogs ? peer->nameOrPhone : peer->name) : lang(lng_deleted); } Histories &histories() { return ::histories; } History *history(const PeerId &peer, int32 unreadCnt) { Histories::const_iterator i = ::histories.constFind(peer); if (i == ::histories.cend()) { i = App::histories().insert(peer, new History(peer)); i.value()->setUnreadCount(unreadCnt, false); } return i.value(); } History *historyLoaded(const PeerId &peer) { Histories::const_iterator i = ::histories.constFind(peer); return (i == ::histories.cend()) ? 0 : i.value(); } HistoryItem *histItemById(MsgId itemId) { MsgsData::const_iterator i = msgsData.constFind(itemId); if (i != msgsData.cend()) { return i.value(); } return 0; } HistoryItem *historyRegItem(HistoryItem *item) { MsgsData::const_iterator i = msgsData.constFind(item->id); if (i == msgsData.cend()) { msgsData.insert(item->id, item); if (item->id > ::maxMsgId) ::maxMsgId = item->id; return 0; } if (i.value() != item && !i.value()->block() && item->block()) { // replace search item item->history()->itemReplaced(i.value(), item); if (App::main()) { emit App::main()->historyItemReplaced(i.value(), item); } delete i.value(); msgsData.insert(item->id, item); return 0; } return (i.value() == item) ? 0 : i.value(); } void historyItemDetached(HistoryItem *item) { if (::hoveredItem == item) { hoveredItem(0); } if (::pressedItem == item) { pressedItem(0); } if (::hoveredLinkItem == item) { hoveredLinkItem(0); } if (::pressedLinkItem == item) { pressedLinkItem(0); } if (::contextItem == item) { contextItem(0); } if (::mousedItem == item) { mousedItem(0); } } void historyUnregItem(HistoryItem *item) { MsgsData::iterator i = msgsData.find(item->id); if (i != msgsData.cend()) { if (i.value() == item) { msgsData.erase(i); } } historyItemDetached(item); if (App::main()) { emit App::main()->historyItemDeleted(item); } } void historyClearMsgs() { QVector toDelete; for (MsgsData::const_iterator i = msgsData.cbegin(), e = msgsData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->detached()) { toDelete.push_back(*i); } } msgsData.clear(); for (int i = 0, l = toDelete.size(); i < l; ++i) { delete toDelete[i]; } ::maxMsgId = 0; ::hoveredItem = ::pressedItem = ::hoveredLinkItem = ::pressedLinkItem = ::contextItem = 0; } void historyClearItems() { historyClearMsgs(); randomData.clear(); for (PeersData::const_iterator i = peersData.cbegin(), e = peersData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { delete *i; } peersData.clear(); for (PhotosData::const_iterator i = photosData.cbegin(), e = photosData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { delete *i; } photosData.clear(); for (VideosData::const_iterator i = videosData.cbegin(), e = videosData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { delete *i; } videosData.clear(); for (AudiosData::const_iterator i = audiosData.cbegin(), e = audiosData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { delete *i; } audiosData.clear(); for (DocumentsData::const_iterator i = documentsData.cbegin(), e = documentsData.cend(); i != e; ++i) { delete *i; } documentsData.clear(); ::videoItems.clear(); ::audioItems.clear(); ::documentItems.clear(); lastPhotos.clear(); lastPhotosMap.clear(); ::self = 0; } /* // don't delete history without deleting its' peerdata void deleteHistory(const PeerId &peer) { Histories::iterator i = ::histories.find(peer); if (i != ::histories.end()) { ::histories.typing.remove(i.value()); ::histories.erase(i); } } /**/ void historyRegRandom(uint64 randomId, MsgId itemId) { randomData.insert(randomId, itemId); } void historyUnregRandom(uint64 randomId) { randomData.remove(randomId); } MsgId histItemByRandom(uint64 randomId) { RandomData::const_iterator i = randomData.constFind(randomId); if (i != randomData.cend()) { return i.value(); } return 0; } void initMedia() { deinitMedia(false); if (!newMsgSound) { newMsgSound = new QSoundEffect(); newMsgSound->setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile(st::newMsgSound)); newMsgSound->setVolume(1); } if (!::sprite) { ::sprite = new QPixmap(st::spriteFile); if (cRetina()) ::sprite->setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); } if (!::emojis) { ::emojis = new QPixmap(st::emojisFile); if (cRetina()) ::emojis->setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); } initEmoji(); } void deinitMedia(bool completely) { textlnkOver(TextLinkPtr()); textlnkDown(TextLinkPtr()); if (completely && App::main()) { App::main()->disconnect(SIGNAL(historyItemDeleted(HistoryItem *))); } histories().clear(); if (completely) { LOG(("Deleting sound..")); delete newMsgSound; LOG(("Sound deleted!")); newMsgSound = 0; delete ::sprite; ::sprite = 0; delete ::emojis; ::emojis = 0; mainEmojisMap.clear(); otherEmojisMap.clear(); clearAllImages(); } else { clearStorageImages(); } serviceImageCacheSize = imageCacheSize(); } void hoveredItem(HistoryItem *item) { ::hoveredItem = item; } HistoryItem *hoveredItem() { return ::hoveredItem; } void pressedItem(HistoryItem *item) { ::pressedItem = item; } HistoryItem *pressedItem() { return ::pressedItem; } void hoveredLinkItem(HistoryItem *item) { ::hoveredLinkItem = item; } HistoryItem *hoveredLinkItem() { return ::hoveredLinkItem; } void pressedLinkItem(HistoryItem *item) { ::pressedLinkItem = item; } HistoryItem *pressedLinkItem() { return ::pressedLinkItem; } void contextItem(HistoryItem *item) { ::contextItem = item; } HistoryItem *contextItem() { return ::contextItem; } void mousedItem(HistoryItem *item) { ::mousedItem = item; } HistoryItem *mousedItem() { return ::mousedItem; } QPixmap &sprite() { return *::sprite; } QPixmap &emojis() { return *::emojis; } const QPixmap &emojiSingle(const EmojiData *emoji, int32 fontHeight) { EmojisMap *map = &(fontHeight == st::taDefFlat.font->height ? mainEmojisMap : otherEmojisMap[fontHeight]); EmojisMap::const_iterator i = map->constFind(emoji->code); if (i == map->cend()) { QImage img(st::emojiImgSize + st::emojiPadding * cIntRetinaFactor() * 2, fontHeight * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); if (cRetina()) img.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); { QPainter p(&img); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.fillRect(0, 0, img.width(), img.height(), Qt::transparent); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(st::emojiPadding * cIntRetinaFactor(), (fontHeight * cIntRetinaFactor() - st::emojiImgSize) / 2), App::emojis(), QRect(emoji->x, emoji->y, st::emojiImgSize, st::emojiImgSize)); } i = map->insert(emoji->code, QPixmap::fromImage(img)); } return i.value(); } void playSound() { if (cSoundNotify() && newMsgSound) newMsgSound->play(); } void writeConfig() { QDir().mkdir(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata")); QFile configFile(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/config")); if (configFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: writing config file")); QDataStream configStream(&configFile); configStream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); configStream << quint32(dbiVersion) << qint32(AppVersion); configStream << quint32(dbiAutoStart) << qint32(cAutoStart()); configStream << quint32(dbiStartMinimized) << qint32(cStartMinimized()); configStream << quint32(dbiWorkMode) << qint32(cWorkMode()); configStream << quint32(dbiSeenTrayTooltip) << qint32(cSeenTrayTooltip()); configStream << quint32(dbiAutoUpdate) << qint32(cAutoUpdate()); configStream << quint32(dbiLastUpdateCheck) << qint32(cLastUpdateCheck()); configStream << quint32(dbiScale) << qint32(cConfigScale()); configStream << quint32(dbiConnectionType) << qint32(cConnectionType()); if (cConnectionType() == dbictHttpProxy || cConnectionType() == dbictTcpProxy) { const ConnectionProxy &proxy(cConnectionProxy()); configStream << proxy.host << qint32(proxy.port) << proxy.user << proxy.password; } TWindowPos pos(cWindowPos()); configStream << quint32(dbiWindowPosition) << qint32(pos.x) << qint32(pos.y) << qint32(pos.w) << qint32(pos.h) << qint32(pos.moncrc) << qint32(pos.maximized); if (configStream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("App Error: could not write user config file, status: %1").arg(configStream.status())); } } else { LOG(("App Error: could not open user config file for writing")); } } void readConfig() { QFile configFile(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/config")); if (configFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: config file opened for reading")); QDataStream configStream(&configFile); configStream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); qint32 configVersion = 0; while (true) { quint32 blockId; configStream >> blockId; if (configStream.status() == QDataStream::ReadPastEnd) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: config file read end")); break; } else if (configStream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("App Error: could not read block id, status: %1 - config file is corrupted?..").arg(configStream.status())); break; } if (blockId == dbiVersion) { configStream >> configVersion; if (configVersion > AppVersion) break; continue; } switch (blockId) { case dbiAutoStart: { qint32 v; configStream >> v; cSetAutoStart(v == 1); } break; case dbiStartMinimized: { qint32 v; configStream >> v; cSetStartMinimized(v == 1); } break; case dbiSoundNotify: { if (configVersion < 3008) { qint32 v; configStream >> v; cSetSoundNotify(v == 1); cSetNeedConfigResave(true); } } break; case dbiDesktopNotify: { if (configVersion < 3008) { qint32 v; configStream >> v; cSetDesktopNotify(v == 1); cSetNeedConfigResave(true); } } break; case dbiWorkMode: { qint32 v; configStream >> v; switch (v) { case dbiwmTrayOnly: cSetWorkMode(dbiwmTrayOnly); break; case dbiwmWindowOnly: cSetWorkMode(dbiwmWindowOnly); break; default: cSetWorkMode(dbiwmWindowAndTray); break; }; } break; case dbiConnectionType: { qint32 v; configStream >> v; switch (v) { case dbictHttpProxy: case dbictTcpProxy: { ConnectionProxy p; qint32 port; configStream >> p.host >> port >> p.user >> p.password; p.port = uint32(port); cSetConnectionProxy(p); } cSetConnectionType(DBIConnectionType(v)); break; case dbictHttpAuto: default: cSetConnectionType(dbictAuto); break; }; } break; case dbiSeenTrayTooltip: { qint32 v; configStream >> v; cSetSeenTrayTooltip(v == 1); } break; case dbiAutoUpdate: { qint32 v; configStream >> v; cSetAutoUpdate(v == 1); } break; case dbiLastUpdateCheck: { qint32 v; configStream >> v; cSetLastUpdateCheck(v); } break; case dbiScale: { qint32 v; configStream >> v; DBIScale s = cRealScale(); switch (v) { case dbisAuto: s = dbisAuto; break; case dbisOne: s = dbisOne; break; case dbisOneAndQuarter: s = dbisOneAndQuarter; break; case dbisOneAndHalf: s = dbisOneAndHalf; break; case dbisTwo: s = dbisTwo; break; } cSetConfigScale(s); cSetRealScale(s); } break; case dbiWindowPosition: { TWindowPos pos; configStream >> pos.x >> pos.y >> pos.w >> pos.h >> pos.moncrc >> pos.maximized; cSetWindowPos(pos); } break; } if (configStream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("App Error: could not read data, status: %1 - user config file is corrupted?..").arg(configStream.status())); break; } } } } void writeUserConfig() { QFile configFile(cWorkingDir() + cDataFile() + qsl("_config")); if (configFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: writing user config data for encrypt")); QByteArray toEncrypt; toEncrypt.reserve(65536); toEncrypt.resize(4); { QBuffer buffer(&toEncrypt); buffer.open(QIODevice::Append); QDataStream stream(&buffer); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); if (MTP::authedId()) { stream << quint32(dbiUser) << qint32(MTP::authedId()) << quint32(MTP::maindc()); } stream << quint32(dbiSendKey) << qint32(cCtrlEnter() ? dbiskCtrlEnter : dbiskEnter); stream << quint32(dbiCatsAndDogs) << qint32(cCatsAndDogs() ? 1 : 0); stream << quint32(dbiReplaceEmojis) << qint32(cReplaceEmojis() ? 1 : 0); stream << quint32(dbiDefaultAttach) << qint32(cDefaultAttach()); stream << quint32(dbiSoundNotify) << qint32(cSoundNotify()); stream << quint32(dbiDesktopNotify) << qint32(cDesktopNotify()); stream << quint32(dbiAskDownloadPath) << qint32(cAskDownloadPath()); stream << quint32(dbiDownloadPath) << (cAskDownloadPath() ? QString() : cDownloadPath()); stream << quint32(dbiEmojiTab) << qint32(cEmojiTab()); RecentEmojiPreload v; v.reserve(cGetRecentEmojis().size()); for (RecentEmojiPack::const_iterator i = cGetRecentEmojis().cbegin(), e = cGetRecentEmojis().cend(); i != e; ++i) { v.push_back(qMakePair(i->first->code, i->second)); } stream << quint32(dbiRecentEmojis) << v; writeAllMuted(stream); MTP::writeConfig(stream); if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("App Error: could not write user config to memory buf, status: %1").arg(stream.status())); return; } } *(uint32*)(toEncrypt.data()) = toEncrypt.size(); uint32 size = toEncrypt.size(), fullSize = size; if (fullSize & 0x0F) { fullSize += 0x10 - (fullSize & 0x0F); toEncrypt.resize(fullSize); memset_rand(toEncrypt.data() + size, fullSize - size); } QByteArray encrypted(16 + fullSize, Qt::Uninitialized); // 128bit of sha1 - key128, sizeof(data), data hashSha1(toEncrypt.constData(), toEncrypt.size(), encrypted.data()); aesEncryptLocal(toEncrypt.constData(), encrypted.data() + 16, fullSize, &MTP::localKey(), encrypted.constData()); DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: writing user config file")); QDataStream configStream(&configFile); configStream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); configStream << quint32(dbiVersion) << qint32(AppVersion); configStream << quint32(dbiEncryptedWithSalt) << cLocalSalt() << encrypted; // write all encrypted data if (configStream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("App Error: could not write user config file, status: %1").arg(configStream.status())); } } else { LOG(("App Error: could not open user config file for writing")); } } void readUserConfigFields(QIODevice *io) { if (!io->isOpen()) io->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QDataStream stream(io); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); while (true) { quint32 blockId; stream >> blockId; if (stream.status() == QDataStream::ReadPastEnd) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: config file read end")); break; } else if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("App Error: could not read block id, status: %1 - user config file is corrupted?..").arg(stream.status())); break; } if (blockId == dbiVersion) { // should not be in encrypted part, just ignore qint32 configVersion; stream >> configVersion; continue; } switch (blockId) { case dbiEncryptedWithSalt: { QByteArray salt, data, decrypted; stream >> salt >> data; if (salt.size() != 32) { LOG(("App Error: bad salt in encrypted part, size: %1").arg(salt.size())); continue; } cSetLocalSalt(salt); MTP::createLocalKey(QByteArray(), &salt); if (data.size() <= 16 || (data.size() & 0x0F)) { LOG(("App Error: bad encrypted part size: %1").arg(data.size())); continue; } uint32 fullDataLen = data.size() - 16; decrypted.resize(fullDataLen); const char *dataKey = data.constData(), *encrypted = data.constData() + 16; aesDecryptLocal(encrypted, decrypted.data(), fullDataLen, &MTP::localKey(), dataKey); uchar sha1Buffer[20]; if (memcmp(hashSha1(decrypted.constData(), decrypted.size(), sha1Buffer), dataKey, 16)) { LOG(("App Error: bad decrypt key, data from user-config not decrypted")); continue; } uint32 dataLen = *(const uint32*)decrypted.constData(); if (dataLen > uint32(decrypted.size()) || dataLen <= fullDataLen - 16 || dataLen < 4) { LOG(("App Error: bad decrypted part size: %1, fullDataLen: %2, decrypted size: %3").arg(dataLen).arg(fullDataLen).arg(decrypted.size())); continue; } decrypted.resize(dataLen); QBuffer decryptedStream(&decrypted); decryptedStream.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); decryptedStream.seek(4); // skip size readUserConfigFields(&decryptedStream); } break; case dbiLoggedPhoneNumber: { QString v; stream >> v; if (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) { cSetLoggedPhoneNumber(v); } } break; case dbiMutePeer: { readOneMuted(stream); } break; case dbiMutedPeers: { readAllMuted(stream); } break; case dbiSendKey: { qint32 v; stream >> v; cSetCtrlEnter(v == dbiskCtrlEnter); } break; case dbiCatsAndDogs: { qint32 v; stream >> v; cSetCatsAndDogs(v == 1); } break; case dbiReplaceEmojis: { qint32 v; stream >> v; cSetReplaceEmojis(v == 1); } break; case dbiDefaultAttach: { qint32 v; stream >> v; switch (v) { case dbidaPhoto: cSetDefaultAttach(dbidaPhoto); break; default: cSetDefaultAttach(dbidaDocument); break; } } break; case dbiSoundNotify: { qint32 v; stream >> v; cSetSoundNotify(v == 1); } break; case dbiDesktopNotify: { qint32 v; stream >> v; cSetDesktopNotify(v == 1); } break; case dbiAskDownloadPath: { qint32 v; stream >> v; cSetAskDownloadPath(v == 1); } break; case dbiDownloadPath: { QString v; stream >> v; cSetDownloadPath(v); } break; case dbiEmojiTab: { qint32 v; stream >> v; switch (v) { case dbietRecent : cSetEmojiTab(dbietRecent); break; case dbietPeople : cSetEmojiTab(dbietPeople); break; case dbietNature : cSetEmojiTab(dbietNature); break; case dbietObjects: cSetEmojiTab(dbietObjects); break; case dbietPlaces : cSetEmojiTab(dbietPlaces); break; case dbietSymbols: cSetEmojiTab(dbietSymbols); break; } } break; case dbiRecentEmojis: { RecentEmojiPreload v; stream >> v; cSetRecentEmojisPreload(v); } break; default: if (!MTP::readConfigElem(blockId, stream)) { } break; } if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("App Error: could not read data, status: %1 - user config file is corrupted?..").arg(stream.status())); break; } } } void readUserConfig() { QFile configFile(cWorkingDir() + cDataFile() + qsl("_config")); if (configFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: user config file opened for reading")); { QDataStream configStream(&configFile); configStream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); quint32 blockId; configStream >> blockId; if (configStream.status() == QDataStream::ReadPastEnd) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: config file read end")); return; } else if (configStream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("App Error: could not read block id, status: %1 - user config file is corrupted?..").arg(configStream.status())); return; } if (blockId == dbiVersion) { qint32 configVersion; configStream >> configVersion; if (configVersion > AppVersion) return; configStream >> blockId; if (configStream.status() == QDataStream::ReadPastEnd) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: config file read end")); return; } else if (configStream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("App Error: could not read block id, status: %1 - user config file is corrupted?..").arg(configStream.status())); return; } if (blockId != dbiEncryptedWithSalt) { // old version data - not encrypted cSetNeedConfigResave(true); } } else { cSetNeedConfigResave(true); } } configFile.reset(); readUserConfigFields(&configFile); } } void writeAllMuted(QDataStream &stream) { // deprecated } void readOneMuted(QDataStream &stream) { // deprecated quint64 peerId; stream >> peerId; } void readAllMuted(QDataStream &stream) { quint32 count; stream >> count; for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { readOneMuted(stream); } } void checkImageCacheSize() { int64 nowImageCacheSize = imageCacheSize(); if (nowImageCacheSize > serviceImageCacheSize + MemoryForImageCache) { App::forgetPhotos(); App::forgetVideos(); App::forgetAudios(); App::forgetDocuments(); serviceImageCacheSize = imageCacheSize(); } } bool isValidPhone(QString phone) { phone = phone.replace(QRegularExpression(qsl("[^\\d]")), QString()); return phone.length() >= 8 || phone == qsl("777") || phone == qsl("333") || phone == qsl("42") || phone == qsl("111"); } void quit() { if (quiting()) return; setQuiting(); if (wnd()) { wnd()->notifyClearFast(); } if (app()) { app()->quit(); } } bool quiting() { return ::quiting; } void setQuiting() { ::quiting = true; } QImage readImage(QByteArray data, QByteArray *format) { QByteArray tmpFormat; QImage result; QBuffer buffer(&data); if (!format) { format = &tmpFormat; } QImageReader reader(&buffer, *format); if (!reader.read(&result)) { return QImage(); } buffer.seek(0); *format = reader.format(); QString fmt = QString::fromUtf8(*format).toLower() ; if (fmt == "jpg" || fmt == "jpeg") { ExifData *exifData = exif_data_new_from_data((const uchar*)(data.constData()), data.size()); if (exifData) { ExifByteOrder byteOrder = exif_data_get_byte_order(exifData); ExifEntry *exifEntry = exif_data_get_entry(exifData, EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION); if (exifEntry) { QTransform orientationFix; int orientation = exif_get_short(exifEntry->data, byteOrder); switch (orientation) { case 2: orientationFix = QTransform(-1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); break; case 3: orientationFix = QTransform(-1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0); break; case 4: orientationFix = QTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0); break; case 5: orientationFix = QTransform(0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0); break; case 6: orientationFix = QTransform(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0); break; case 7: orientationFix = QTransform(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); break; case 8: orientationFix = QTransform(0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0); break; } result = result.transformed(orientationFix); } exif_data_free(exifData); } } else { QImage solid(result.width(), result.height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); solid.fill(st::white->c); { QPainter(&solid).drawImage(0, 0, result); } result = solid; } return result; } QImage readImage(const QString &file, QByteArray *format) { QFile f(file); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return QImage(); } return readImage(f.readAll(), format); } void regVideoItem(VideoData *data, HistoryItem *item) { ::videoItems[data][item] = true; } void unregVideoItem(VideoData *data, HistoryItem *item) { ::videoItems[data].remove(item); } const VideoItems &videoItems() { return ::videoItems; } void regAudioItem(AudioData *data, HistoryItem *item) { ::audioItems[data][item] = true; } void unregAudioItem(AudioData*data, HistoryItem *item) { ::audioItems[data].remove(item); } const AudioItems &audioItems() { return ::audioItems; } void regDocumentItem(DocumentData *data, HistoryItem *item) { ::documentItems[data][item] = true; } void unregDocumentItem(DocumentData *data, HistoryItem *item) { ::documentItems[data].remove(item); } const DocumentItems &documentItems() { return ::documentItems; } void setProxySettings(QNetworkAccessManager &manager) { if (cConnectionType() == dbictHttpProxy) { const ConnectionProxy &p(cConnectionProxy()); manager.setProxy(QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, p.host, p.port, p.user, p.password)); } else { manager.setProxy(QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy)); } } void setProxySettings(QTcpSocket &socket) { if (cConnectionType() == dbictTcpProxy) { const ConnectionProxy &p(cConnectionProxy()); socket.setProxy(QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, p.host, p.port, p.user, p.password)); } else { socket.setProxy(QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy)); } } void searchByHashtag(const QString &tag) { if (App::main()) { App::main()->searchMessages(tag); } } }