/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "base/qthelp_url.h" namespace qthelp { namespace { QRegularExpression RegExpProtocol() { static const auto result = QRegularExpression("^([a-zA-Z]+)://"); return result; } bool IsGoodProtocol(const QString &protocol) { const auto equals = [&](QLatin1String string) { return protocol.compare(string, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; }; return equals(qstr("http")) || equals(qstr("https")) || equals(qstr("tg")); } } // namespace QMap url_parse_params( const QString ¶ms, UrlParamNameTransform transform) { auto result = QMap(); const auto transformParamName = [transform](const QString &name) { if (transform == UrlParamNameTransform::ToLower) { return name.toLower(); } return name; }; for (const auto ¶m : params.split('&')) { // Skip params without a name (starting with '='). if (auto separatorPosition = param.indexOf('=')) { const auto paramName = transformParamName( (separatorPosition > 0) ? param.mid(0, separatorPosition) : param); const auto paramValue = (separatorPosition > 0) ? url_decode(param.mid(separatorPosition + 1)) : QString(); if (!result.contains(paramName)) { result.insert(paramName, paramValue); } } } return result; } bool is_ipv6(const QString &ip) { //static const auto regexp = QRegularExpression("^[a-fA-F0-9:]+$"); //return regexp.match(ip).hasMatch(); return ip.indexOf('.') < 0 && ip.indexOf(':') >= 0; } QString url_append_query_or_hash(const QString &url, const QString &add) { const auto query = url.lastIndexOf('?'); if (query < 0) { return url + '?' + add; } const auto hash = url.lastIndexOf('#'); return url + (query >= 0 && query > url.lastIndexOf('#') ? '&' : '?') + add; } QString validate_url(const QString &value) { const auto trimmed = value.trimmed(); if (trimmed.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } const auto match = TextUtilities::RegExpDomainExplicit().match(trimmed); if (!match.hasMatch()) { const auto domain = TextUtilities::RegExpDomain().match(trimmed); if (!domain.hasMatch() || domain.capturedStart() != 0) { return QString(); } return qstr("http://") + trimmed; } else if (match.capturedStart() != 0) { return QString(); } const auto protocolMatch = RegExpProtocol().match(trimmed); Assert(protocolMatch.hasMatch()); return IsGoodProtocol(protocolMatch.captured(1)) ? trimmed : QString(); } } // namespace qthelp