/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "ui/widgets/menu.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" namespace Ui { Menu::Menu(QWidget *parent, const style::Menu &st) : TWidget(parent) , _st(st) , _itemHeight(_st.itemPadding.top() + _st.itemFont->height + _st.itemPadding.bottom()) , _separatorHeight(_st.separatorPadding.top() + _st.separatorWidth + _st.separatorPadding.bottom()) { init(); } Menu::Menu(QWidget *parent, QMenu *menu, const style::Menu &st) : TWidget(parent) , _st(st) , _wappedMenu(menu) , _itemHeight(_st.itemPadding.top() + _st.itemFont->height + _st.itemPadding.bottom()) , _separatorHeight(_st.separatorPadding.top() + _st.separatorWidth + _st.separatorPadding.bottom()) { init(); _wappedMenu->setParent(this); for (auto action : _wappedMenu->actions()) { addAction(action); } _wappedMenu->hide(); } void Menu::init() { resize(_st.widthMin, _st.skip * 2); setMouseTracking(true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); } QAction *Menu::addAction(const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char* member, const style::icon *icon, const style::icon *iconOver) { auto action = addAction(new QAction(text, this), icon, iconOver); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), receiver, member, Qt::QueuedConnection); return action; } QAction *Menu::addAction(const QString &text, base::lambda &&callback, const style::icon *icon, const style::icon *iconOver) { auto action = addAction(new QAction(text, this), icon, iconOver); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), base::lambda_slot(action, std::move(callback)), SLOT(action()), Qt::QueuedConnection); return action; } QAction *Menu::addAction(QAction *action, const style::icon *icon, const style::icon *iconOver) { connect(action, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(actionChanged())); _actions.push_back(action); ActionData data; data.icon = icon; data.iconOver = iconOver ? iconOver : icon; data.hasSubmenu = (action->menu() != nullptr); _actionsData.push_back(data); auto newWidth = qMax(width(), _st.widthMin); newWidth = processAction(action, _actions.size() - 1, newWidth); auto newHeight = height() + (action->isSeparator() ? _separatorHeight : _itemHeight); resize(newWidth, newHeight); if (_resizedCallback) { _resizedCallback(); } update(); return action; } QAction *Menu::addSeparator() { auto separator = new QAction(this); separator->setSeparator(true); return addAction(separator); } void Menu::clearActions() { _actionsData.clear(); for (auto action : base::take(_actions)) { if (action->parent() == this) { delete action; } } resize(_st.widthMin, _st.skip * 2); if (_resizedCallback) { _resizedCallback(); } } int Menu::processAction(QAction *action, int index, int width) { auto &data = _actionsData[index]; if (action->isSeparator() || action->text().isEmpty()) { data.text = data.shortcut = QString(); } else { auto actionTextParts = action->text().split('\t'); auto actionText = actionTextParts.empty() ? QString() : actionTextParts[0]; auto actionShortcut = (actionTextParts.size() > 1) ? actionTextParts[1] : QString(); int textw = _st.itemFont->width(actionText); int goodw = _st.itemPadding.left() + textw + _st.itemPadding.right(); if (data.hasSubmenu) { goodw += _st.itemPadding.left() + _st.arrow.width(); } else if (!actionShortcut.isEmpty()) { goodw += _st.itemPadding.left() + _st.itemFont->width(actionShortcut); } width = snap(goodw, width, _st.widthMax); data.text = (width < goodw) ? _st.itemFont->elided(actionText, width - (goodw - textw)) : actionText; data.shortcut = actionShortcut; } return width; } void Menu::setShowSource(TriggeredSource source) { _mouseSelection = (source == TriggeredSource::Mouse); setSelected((source == TriggeredSource::Mouse || _actions.isEmpty()) ? -1 : 0); } Menu::Actions &Menu::actions() { return _actions; } void Menu::actionChanged() { int newWidth = _st.widthMin; for (int i = 0, count = _actions.size(); i != count; ++i) { newWidth = processAction(_actions[i], i, newWidth); } if (newWidth != width()) { resize(newWidth, height()); if (_resizedCallback) { _resizedCallback(); } } update(); } void Menu::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto ms = getms(); auto clip = e->rect(); auto topskip = QRect(0, 0, width(), _st.skip); auto bottomskip = QRect(0, height() - _st.skip, width(), _st.skip); if (clip.intersects(topskip)) p.fillRect(clip.intersected(topskip), _st.itemBg); if (clip.intersects(bottomskip)) p.fillRect(clip.intersected(bottomskip), _st.itemBg); int top = _st.skip; p.translate(0, top); p.setFont(_st.itemFont); for (int i = 0, count = _actions.size(); i != count; ++i) { if (clip.top() + clip.height() <= top) break; auto action = _actions[i]; auto &data = _actionsData[i]; auto actionHeight = action->isSeparator() ? _separatorHeight : _itemHeight; top += actionHeight; if (clip.top() < top) { if (action->isSeparator()) { p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), actionHeight, _st.itemBg); p.fillRect(_st.separatorPadding.left(), _st.separatorPadding.top(), width() - _st.separatorPadding.left() - _st.separatorPadding.right(), _st.separatorWidth, _st.separatorFg); } else { auto enabled = action->isEnabled(); auto selected = ((i == _selected || i == _pressed) && enabled); p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), actionHeight, selected ? _st.itemBgOver : _st.itemBg); if (data.ripple) { data.ripple->paint(p, 0, 0, width(), ms); if (data.ripple->empty()) { data.ripple.reset(); } } if (auto icon = (selected ? data.iconOver : data.icon)) { icon->paint(p, _st.itemIconPosition, width()); } p.setPen(selected ? _st.itemFgOver : (enabled ? _st.itemFg : _st.itemFgDisabled)); p.drawTextLeft(_st.itemPadding.left(), _st.itemPadding.top(), width(), data.text); if (data.hasSubmenu) { _st.arrow.paint(p, width() - _st.itemPadding.right() - _st.arrow.width(), (_itemHeight - _st.arrow.height()) / 2, width()); } else if (!data.shortcut.isEmpty()) { p.setPen(selected ? _st.itemFgShortcutOver : (enabled ? _st.itemFgShortcut : _st.itemFgShortcutDisabled)); p.drawTextRight(_st.itemPadding.right(), _st.itemPadding.top(), width(), data.shortcut); } } } p.translate(0, actionHeight); } } void Menu::updateSelected(QPoint globalPosition) { if (!_mouseSelection) return; auto p = mapFromGlobal(globalPosition) - QPoint(0, _st.skip); auto selected = -1, top = 0; while (top <= p.y() && ++selected < _actions.size()) { top += _actions[selected]->isSeparator() ? _separatorHeight : _itemHeight; } setSelected((selected >= 0 && selected < _actions.size() && _actions[selected]->isEnabled() && !_actions[selected]->isSeparator()) ? selected : -1); } void Menu::itemPressed(TriggeredSource source) { if (source == TriggeredSource::Mouse && !_mouseSelection) { return; } if (_selected >= 0 && _selected < _actions.size() && _actions[_selected]->isEnabled()) { _pressed = _selected; if (source == TriggeredSource::Mouse) { if (!_actionsData[_pressed].ripple) { auto mask = RippleAnimation::rectMask(QSize(width(), _itemHeight)); _actionsData[_pressed].ripple = MakeShared(_st.ripple, std::move(mask), [this, selected = _pressed] { updateItem(selected); }); } _actionsData[_pressed].ripple->add(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) - QPoint(0, itemTop(_pressed))); } else { itemReleased(source); } } } void Menu::itemReleased(TriggeredSource source) { auto pressed = base::take(_pressed, -1); if (pressed >= 0 && pressed < _actions.size()) { if (source == TriggeredSource::Mouse && _actionsData[pressed].ripple) { _actionsData[pressed].ripple->lastStop(); } if (pressed == _selected && _triggeredCallback) { _triggeredCallback(_actions[_selected], itemTop(_selected), source); } } } void Menu::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { auto key = e->key(); if (!_keyPressDelegate || !_keyPressDelegate(key)) { handleKeyPress(key); } } void Menu::handleKeyPress(int key) { if (key == Qt::Key_Enter || key == Qt::Key_Return) { itemPressed(TriggeredSource::Keyboard); return; } if (key == (rtl() ? Qt::Key_Left : Qt::Key_Right)) { if (_selected >= 0 && _actionsData[_selected].hasSubmenu) { itemPressed(TriggeredSource::Keyboard); return; } else if (_selected < 0 && !_actions.isEmpty()) { _mouseSelection = false; setSelected(0); } } if ((key != Qt::Key_Up && key != Qt::Key_Down) || _actions.size() < 1) return; auto delta = (key == Qt::Key_Down ? 1 : -1), start = _selected; if (start < 0 || start >= _actions.size()) { start = (delta > 0) ? (_actions.size() - 1) : 0; } auto newSelected = start; do { newSelected += delta; if (newSelected < 0) { newSelected += _actions.size(); } else if (newSelected >= _actions.size()) { newSelected -= _actions.size(); } } while (newSelected != start && (!_actions.at(newSelected)->isEnabled() || _actions.at(newSelected)->isSeparator())); if (_actions.at(newSelected)->isEnabled() && !_actions.at(newSelected)->isSeparator()) { _mouseSelection = false; setSelected(newSelected); } } void Menu::clearSelection() { _mouseSelection = false; setSelected(-1); } void Menu::clearMouseSelection() { if (_mouseSelection && !_childShown) { clearSelection(); } } void Menu::enterEventHook(QEvent *e) { QPoint mouse = QCursor::pos(); if (!rect().marginsRemoved(QMargins(0, _st.skip, 0, _st.skip)).contains(mapFromGlobal(mouse))) { clearMouseSelection(); } return TWidget::enterEventHook(e); } void Menu::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { clearMouseSelection(); return TWidget::leaveEventHook(e); } void Menu::setSelected(int selected) { if (selected >= _actions.size()) { selected = -1; } if (_selected != selected) { updateSelectedItem(); _selected = selected; updateSelectedItem(); if (_activatedCallback) { auto source = _mouseSelection ? TriggeredSource::Mouse : TriggeredSource::Keyboard; _activatedCallback((_selected >= 0) ? _actions[_selected] : nullptr, itemTop(_selected), source); } } } int Menu::itemTop(int index) { if (index > _actions.size()) { index = _actions.size(); } int top = _st.skip; for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i) { top += _actions.at(i)->isSeparator() ? _separatorHeight : _itemHeight; } return top; } void Menu::updateItem(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < _actions.size()) { update(0, itemTop(index), width(), _actions[index]->isSeparator() ? _separatorHeight : _itemHeight); } } void Menu::updateSelectedItem() { updateItem(_selected); } void Menu::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { handleMouseMove(e->globalPos()); } void Menu::handleMouseMove(QPoint globalPosition) { auto inner = rect().marginsRemoved(QMargins(0, _st.skip, 0, _st.skip)); auto localPosition = mapFromGlobal(globalPosition); if (inner.contains(localPosition)) { _mouseSelection = true; updateSelected(globalPosition); } else { clearMouseSelection(); if (_mouseMoveDelegate) { _mouseMoveDelegate(globalPosition); } } } void Menu::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { handleMousePress(e->globalPos()); } void Menu::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { handleMouseRelease(e->globalPos()); } void Menu::handleMousePress(QPoint globalPosition) { handleMouseMove(globalPosition); if (rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(globalPosition))) { itemPressed(TriggeredSource::Mouse); } else if (_mousePressDelegate) { _mousePressDelegate(globalPosition); } } void Menu::handleMouseRelease(QPoint globalPosition) { handleMouseMove(globalPosition); itemReleased(TriggeredSource::Mouse); if (!rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(globalPosition)) && _mouseReleaseDelegate) { _mouseReleaseDelegate(globalPosition); } } } // namespace Ui