/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "boxes/peer_list_controllers.h" #include "boxes/peers/edit_participants_box.h" class AddParticipantsBoxController : public ContactsBoxController { public: static void Start(not_null chat); static void Start(not_null channel); static void Start( not_null channel, base::flat_set> &&alreadyIn); AddParticipantsBoxController(PeerData *peer); AddParticipantsBoxController( not_null channel, base::flat_set> &&alreadyIn); using ContactsBoxController::ContactsBoxController; void rowClicked(not_null row) override; void itemDeselectedHook(not_null peer) override; protected: void prepareViewHook() override; std::unique_ptr createRow( not_null user) override; private: static void Start( not_null channel, base::flat_set> &&alreadyIn, bool justCreated); int alreadyInCount() const; bool isAlreadyIn(not_null user) const; int fullCount() const; void updateTitle(); bool inviteSelectedUsers(not_null chat) const; PeerData *_peer = nullptr; base::flat_set> _alreadyIn; }; // Adding an admin, banned or restricted user from channel members // with search + contacts search + global search. class AddSpecialBoxController : public PeerListController , private base::Subscriber , private MTP::Sender , public base::has_weak_ptr { public: using Role = ParticipantsBoxController::Role; using AdminDoneCallback = Fn user, const MTPChatAdminRights &adminRights)>; using BannedDoneCallback = Fn user, const MTPChatBannedRights &bannedRights)>; AddSpecialBoxController( not_null peer, Role role, AdminDoneCallback adminDoneCallback, BannedDoneCallback bannedDoneCallback); void prepare() override; void rowClicked(not_null row) override; void loadMoreRows() override; std::unique_ptr createSearchRow( not_null peer) override; private: template bool checkInfoLoaded(not_null user, Callback callback); void prepareChatRows(not_null chat); void rebuildChatRows(not_null chat); void showAdmin(not_null user, bool sure = false); void editAdminDone( not_null user, const MTPChatAdminRights &rights); void showRestricted(not_null user, bool sure = false); void editRestrictedDone( not_null user, const MTPChatBannedRights &rights); void kickUser(not_null user, bool sure = false); void restrictUserSure( not_null user, const MTPChatBannedRights &oldRights, const MTPChatBannedRights &newRights); bool appendRow(not_null user); bool prependRow(not_null user); std::unique_ptr createRow(not_null user) const; not_null _peer; Role _role = Role::Admins; int _offset = 0; mtpRequestId _loadRequestId = 0; bool _allLoaded = false; ParticipantsAdditionalData _additional; std::unique_ptr _onlineSorter; QPointer _editBox; AdminDoneCallback _adminDoneCallback; BannedDoneCallback _bannedDoneCallback; }; // Finds chat/channel members, then contacts, then global search results. class AddSpecialBoxSearchController : public PeerListSearchController , private MTP::Sender { public: using Role = ParticipantsBoxController::Role; AddSpecialBoxSearchController( not_null peer, not_null additional); void searchQuery(const QString &query) override; bool isLoading() override; bool loadMoreRows() override; private: struct CacheEntry { MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants result; int requestedCount = 0; }; struct Query { QString text; int offset = 0; }; void searchOnServer(); bool searchParticipantsInCache(); void searchParticipantsDone( mtpRequestId requestId, const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result, int requestedCount); bool searchGlobalInCache(); void searchGlobalDone( mtpRequestId requestId, const MTPcontacts_Found &result); void requestParticipants(); void addChatMembers(not_null chat); void addChatsContacts(); void requestGlobal(); not_null _peer; not_null _additional; base::Timer _timer; QString _query; mtpRequestId _requestId = 0; int _offset = 0; bool _participantsLoaded = false; bool _chatsContactsAdded = false; bool _globalLoaded = false; std::map _participantsCache; std::map _participantsQueries; std::map _globalCache; std::map _globalQueries; };