/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once namespace base { template class flat_set; template class flat_multi_set; template class flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl; template class flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl { public: using iterator_category = typename iterator_impl::iterator_category; using value_type = typename flat_multi_set::value_type; using difference_type = typename iterator_impl::difference_type; using pointer = typename flat_multi_set::pointer; using reference = typename flat_multi_set::reference; flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl(iterator_impl impl = iterator_impl()) : _impl(impl) { } reference operator*() const { return *_impl; } pointer operator->() const { return std::addressof(**this); } flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl &operator++() { ++_impl; return *this; } flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl operator++(int) { return _impl++; } flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl &operator--() { --_impl; return *this; } flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl operator--(int) { return _impl--; } flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl &operator+=(difference_type offset) { _impl += offset; return *this; } flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl operator+(difference_type offset) const { return _impl + offset; } flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl &operator-=(difference_type offset) { _impl -= offset; return *this; } flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl operator-(difference_type offset) const { return _impl - offset; } difference_type operator-(const flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl &right) const { return _impl - right._impl; } reference operator[](difference_type offset) const { return _impl[offset]; } bool operator==(const flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl &right) const { return _impl == right._impl; } bool operator!=(const flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl &right) const { return _impl != right._impl; } bool operator<(const flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl &right) const { return _impl < right._impl; } private: iterator_impl _impl; friend class flat_multi_set; }; template class flat_multi_set { using self = flat_multi_set; class const_wrap { public: const_wrap(const Type &value) : _value(value) { } const_wrap(Type &&value) : _value(std::move(value)) { } inline operator const Type&() const { return _value; } friend inline bool operator<(const Type &a, const const_wrap &b) { return a < ((const Type&)b); } friend inline bool operator<(const const_wrap &a, const Type &b) { return ((const Type&)a) < b; } friend inline bool operator<(const const_wrap &a, const const_wrap &b) { return ((const Type&)a) < ((const Type&)b); } private: Type _value; }; using impl = std::deque; using iterator_base = flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl; using const_iterator_base = flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl; using reverse_iterator_base = flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl; using const_reverse_iterator_base = flat_multi_set_iterator_base_impl; public: using value_type = Type; using size_type = typename impl::size_type; using difference_type = typename impl::difference_type; using pointer = const Type*; using reference = const Type&; class const_iterator; class iterator : public iterator_base { public: using iterator_base::iterator_base; iterator(const iterator_base &other) : iterator_base(other) { } friend class const_iterator; }; class const_iterator : public const_iterator_base { public: using const_iterator_base::const_iterator_base; const_iterator(const_iterator_base other) : const_iterator_base(other) { } const_iterator(const iterator &other) : const_iterator_base(other._impl) { } }; class const_reverse_iterator; class reverse_iterator : public reverse_iterator_base { public: using reverse_iterator_base::reverse_iterator_base; reverse_iterator(reverse_iterator_base other) : reverse_iterator_base(other) { } friend class const_reverse_iterator; }; class const_reverse_iterator : public const_reverse_iterator_base { public: using const_reverse_iterator_base::const_reverse_iterator_base; const_reverse_iterator(const_reverse_iterator_base other) : const_reverse_iterator_base(other) { } const_reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator &other) : const_reverse_iterator_base(other._impl) { } }; flat_multi_set() = default; template ::iterator_category> flat_multi_set(Iterator first, Iterator last) : _impl(first, last) { std::sort(_impl.begin(), _impl.end()); } size_type size() const { return _impl.size(); } bool empty() const { return _impl.empty(); } iterator begin() { return _impl.begin(); } iterator end() { return _impl.end(); } const_iterator begin() const { return _impl.begin(); } const_iterator end() const { return _impl.end(); } const_iterator cbegin() const { return _impl.cbegin(); } const_iterator cend() const { return _impl.cend(); } reverse_iterator rbegin() { return _impl.rbegin(); } reverse_iterator rend() { return _impl.rend(); } const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return _impl.rbegin(); } const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return _impl.rend(); } const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return _impl.crbegin(); } const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return _impl.crend(); } reference front() const { return *begin(); } reference back() const { return *(end() - 1); } iterator insert(const Type &value) { if (empty() || (value < front())) { _impl.push_front(value); return begin(); } else if (!(value < back())) { _impl.push_back(value); return (end() - 1); } auto where = getUpperBound(value); return _impl.insert(where, value); } iterator insert(Type &&value) { if (empty() || (value < front())) { _impl.push_front(std::move(value)); return begin(); } else if (!(value < back())) { _impl.push_back(std::move(value)); return (end() - 1); } auto where = getUpperBound(value); return _impl.insert(where, std::move(value)); } template iterator emplace(Args&&... args) { return insert(Type(std::forward(args)...)); } bool removeOne(const Type &value) { if (empty() || (value < front()) || (back() < value)) { return false; } auto where = getLowerBound(value); if (value < *where) { return false; } _impl.erase(where); return true; } int removeAll(const Type &value) { if (empty() || (value < front()) || (back() < value)) { return 0; } auto range = getEqualRange(value); if (range.first == range.second) { return 0; } _impl.erase(range.first, range.second); return (range.second - range.first); } iterator erase(iterator where) { return _impl.erase(where._impl); } iterator erase(iterator from, iterator till) { return _impl.erase(from._impl, till._impl); } iterator findFirst(const Type &value) { if (empty() || (value < front()) || (back() < value)) { return end(); } auto where = getLowerBound(value); return (value < *where) ? _impl.end() : where; } const_iterator findFirst(const Type &value) const { if (empty() || (value < front()) || (back() < value)) { return end(); } auto where = getLowerBound(value); return (value < *where) ? _impl.end() : where; } bool contains(const Type &value) const { return findFirst(value) != end(); } int count(const Type &value) const { if (empty() || (value < front()) || (back() < value)) { return 0; } auto range = getEqualRange(value); return (range.second - range.first); } private: impl _impl; friend class flat_set; typename impl::iterator getLowerBound(const Type &value) { return std::lower_bound(_impl.begin(), _impl.end(), value); } typename impl::const_iterator getLowerBound(const Type &value) const { return std::lower_bound(_impl.begin(), _impl.end(), value); } typename impl::iterator getUpperBound(const Type &value) { return std::upper_bound(_impl.begin(), _impl.end(), value); } typename impl::const_iterator getUpperBound(const Type &value) const { return std::upper_bound(_impl.begin(), _impl.end(), value); } std::pair getEqualRange(const Type &value) { return std::equal_range(_impl.begin(), _impl.end(), value); } std::pair getEqualRange(const Type &value) const { return std::equal_range(_impl.begin(), _impl.end(), value); } }; template class flat_set : public flat_multi_set { using parent = flat_multi_set; public: using parent::parent; using iterator = typename parent::iterator; using const_iterator = typename parent::const_iterator; flat_set() = default; template ::iterator_category> flat_set(Iterator first, Iterator last) : parent(first, last) { this->_impl.erase(std::unique(this->_impl.begin(), this->_impl.end(), [](auto &&a, auto &&b) { return !(a < b); }), this->_impl.end()); } iterator insert(const Type &value) { if (this->empty() || (value < this->front())) { this->_impl.push_front(value); return this->begin(); } else if (this->back() < value) { this->_impl.push_back(value); return (this->end() - 1); } auto where = this->getLowerBound(value); if (value < *where) { return this->_impl.insert(where, value); } return this->end(); } iterator insert(Type &&value) { if (this->empty() || (value < this->front())) { this->_impl.push_front(std::move(value)); return this->begin(); } else if (this->back() < value) { this->_impl.push_back(std::move(value)); return (this->end() - 1); } auto where = this->getLowerBound(value); if (value < *where) { return this->_impl.insert(where, std::move(value)); } return this->end(); } template iterator emplace(Args&&... args) { return this->insert(Type(std::forward(args)...)); } bool remove(const Type &value) { return this->removeOne(value); } iterator find(const Type &value) { return this->findFirst(value); } const_iterator find(const Type &value) const { return this->findFirst(value); } }; } // namespace base