/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "export/view/export_view_content.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "layout.h" namespace Export { namespace View { const QString Content::kDoneId = "done"; Content ContentFromState(const ProcessingState &state) { using Step = ProcessingState::Step; auto result = Content(); const auto push = [&]( const QString &id, const QString &label, const QString &info, float64 progress) { result.rows.push_back({ id, label, info, progress }); }; const auto pushMain = [&](const QString &label) { const auto info = (state.entityCount > 0) ? (QString::number(state.entityIndex + 1) + " / " + QString::number(state.entityCount)) : QString(); if (!state.substepsTotal) { push("main", label, info, 0.); return; } const auto substepsTotal = state.substepsTotal; const auto step = static_cast(state.step); const auto done = state.substepsPassed; const auto add = state.substepsNow; const auto doneProgress = done / float64(substepsTotal); const auto addProgress = (state.entityCount > 0) ? ((float64(add) * state.entityIndex) / (float64(substepsTotal) * state.entityCount)) : 0.; push("main", label, info, doneProgress + addProgress); }; const auto pushBytes = [&](const QString &id, const QString &label) { if (!state.bytesCount) { return; } const auto progress = state.bytesLoaded / float64(state.bytesCount); const auto info = formatDownloadText( state.bytesLoaded, state.bytesCount); push(id, label, info, progress); }; switch (state.step) { case Step::Initializing: pushMain(lang(lng_export_state_initializing)); break; case Step::DialogsList: pushMain(lang(lng_export_state_chats_list)); break; case Step::PersonalInfo: pushMain(lang(lng_export_option_info)); break; case Step::Userpics: pushMain(lang(lng_export_state_userpics)); pushBytes( "userpic" + QString::number(state.entityIndex), state.bytesName); break; case Step::Contacts: pushMain(lang(lng_export_option_contacts)); break; case Step::Sessions: pushMain(lang(lng_export_option_sessions)); break; case Step::OtherData: pushMain(lang(lng_export_option_other)); break; case Step::Dialogs: pushMain(lang(lng_export_state_chats)); push( "chat" + QString::number(state.entityIndex), (state.entityName.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_deleted) : (state.entityType == ProcessingState::EntityType::Chat) ? state.entityName : lang(lng_saved_messages)), (state.itemCount > 0 ? (QString::number(state.itemIndex) + " / " + QString::number(state.itemCount)) : QString()), (state.itemCount > 0 ? (state.itemIndex / float64(state.itemCount)) : 0.)); pushBytes( ("file" + QString::number(state.entityIndex) + '_' + QString::number(state.itemIndex)), state.bytesName); break; default: Unexpected("Step in ContentFromState."); } while (result.rows.size() < 3) { result.rows.push_back(Content::Row()); } return result; } Content ContentFromState(const FinishedState &state) { auto result = Content(); result.rows.push_back({ Content::kDoneId, lang(lng_export_finished), QString(), 1. }); result.rows.push_back({ Content::kDoneId, lng_export_total_files(lt_count, QString::number(state.filesCount)), QString(), 1. }); result.rows.push_back({ Content::kDoneId, lng_export_total_size(lt_size, formatSizeText(state.bytesCount)), QString(), 1. }); return result; } } // namespace View } // namespace Export