/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "mtproto/special_config_request.h" #include "mtproto/rsa_public_key.h" #include "mtproto/dc_options.h" #include "mtproto/auth_key.h" #include "base/openssl_help.h" #include namespace MTP { namespace { constexpr auto kSendNextTimeout = TimeMs(1000); constexpr auto kPublicKey = str_const("\ -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n\ MIIBCgKCAQEAyr+18Rex2ohtVy8sroGPBwXD3DOoKCSpjDqYoXgCqB7ioln4eDCF\n\ fOBUlfXUEvM/fnKCpF46VkAftlb4VuPDeQSS/ZxZYEGqHaywlroVnXHIjgqoxiAd\n\ 192xRGreuXIaUKmkwlM9JID9WS2jUsTpzQ91L8MEPLJ/4zrBwZua8W5fECwCCh2c\n\ 9G5IzzBm+otMS/YKwmR1olzRCyEkyAEjXWqBI9Ftv5eG8m0VkBzOG655WIYdyV0H\n\ fDK/NWcvGqa0w/nriMD6mDjKOryamw0OP9QuYgMN0C9xMW9y8SmP4h92OAWodTYg\n\ Y1hZCxdv6cs5UnW9+PWvS+WIbkh+GaWYxwIDAQAB\n\ -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\ "); constexpr auto kUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) " "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.117 Safari/537.36"; bool CheckPhoneByPrefixesRules(const QString &phone, const QString &rules) { const auto check = QString(phone).replace( QRegularExpression("[^0-9]"), QString()); auto result = false; for (const auto &prefix : rules.split(',')) { if (prefix.isEmpty()) { result = true; } else if (prefix[0] == '+' && check.startsWith(prefix.mid(1))) { result = true; } else if (prefix[0] == '-' && check.startsWith(prefix.mid(1))) { return false; } } return result; } QByteArray ParseDnsResponse(const QByteArray &response) { // Read and store to "entries" map all the data bytes from the response: // { .., // "Answer": [ // { .., "data": "bytes1", .. }, // { .., "data": "bytes2", .. } // ], // .. } auto entries = QMap(); auto error = QJsonParseError{ 0, QJsonParseError::NoError }; auto document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &error); if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { LOG(("Config Error: Failed to parse dns response JSON, error: %1" ).arg(error.errorString())); } else if (!document.isObject()) { LOG(("Config Error: Not an object received in dns response JSON.")); } else { auto response = document.object(); auto answerIt = response.find(qsl("Answer")); if (answerIt == response.constEnd()) { LOG(("Config Error: Could not find Answer " "in dns response JSON.")); } else if (!(*answerIt).isArray()) { LOG(("Config Error: Not an array received " "in Answer in dns response JSON.")); } else { for (auto elem : (*answerIt).toArray()) { if (!elem.isObject()) { LOG(("Config Error: Not an object found " "in Answer array in dns response JSON.")); } else { auto object = elem.toObject(); auto dataIt = object.find(qsl("data")); if (dataIt == object.constEnd()) { LOG(("Config Error: Could not find data " "in Answer array entry in dns response JSON.")); } else if (!(*dataIt).isString()) { LOG(("Config Error: Not a string data found " "in Answer array entry in dns response JSON.")); } else { auto data = (*dataIt).toString(); entries.insertMulti(INT_MAX - data.size(), data); } } } } } return QStringList(entries.values()).join(QString()).toLatin1(); } } // namespace SpecialConfigRequest::Request::Request(not_null reply) : reply(reply.get()) { } SpecialConfigRequest::Request::Request(Request &&other) : reply(base::take(other.reply)) { } auto SpecialConfigRequest::Request::operator=(Request &&other) -> Request& { if (reply != other.reply) { destroy(); reply = base::take(other.reply); } return *this; } void SpecialConfigRequest::Request::destroy() { if (const auto value = base::take(reply)) { value->deleteLater(); value->abort(); } } SpecialConfigRequest::Request::~Request() { destroy(); } SpecialConfigRequest::SpecialConfigRequest( base::lambda callback, const QString &phone) : _callback(std::move(callback)) , _phone(phone) { _attempts = { { Type::App, qsl("software-download.microsoft.com") }, { Type::Dns, qsl("google.com") }, { Type::Dns, qsl("www.google.com") }, { Type::Dns, qsl("google.ru") }, { Type::Dns, qsl("www.google.ru") }, }; std::random_device rd; ranges::shuffle(_attempts, std::mt19937(rd())); sendNextRequest(); } void SpecialConfigRequest::sendNextRequest() { Expects(!_attempts.empty()); const auto attempt = _attempts.back(); _attempts.pop_back(); if (!_attempts.empty()) { App::CallDelayed(kSendNextTimeout, this, [=] { sendNextRequest(); }); } performRequest(attempt); } void SpecialConfigRequest::performRequest(const Attempt &attempt) { const auto type = attempt.type; auto url = QUrl(); url.setScheme(qsl("https")); url.setHost(attempt.domain); auto request = QNetworkRequest(); switch (type) { case Type::App: { url.setPath(cTestMode() ? qsl("/testv2/config.txt") : qsl("/prodv2/config.txt")); request.setRawHeader("Host", "tcdnb.azureedge.net"); } break; case Type::Dns: { url.setPath(qsl("/resolve")); url.setQuery( qsl("name=%1.stel.com&type=16").arg( cTestMode() ? qsl("testapv2") : qsl("apv2"))); request.setRawHeader("Host", "dns.google.com"); } break; default: Unexpected("Type in SpecialConfigRequest::performRequest."); } request.setUrl(url); request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", kUserAgent); const auto reply = _requests.emplace_back( _manager.get(request) ).reply; connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, [=] { requestFinished(type, reply); }); } void SpecialConfigRequest::requestFinished( Type type, not_null reply) { const auto result = finalizeRequest(reply); switch (type) { case Type::App: handleResponse(result); break; case Type::Dns: handleResponse(ParseDnsResponse(result)); break; default: Unexpected("Type in SpecialConfigRequest::requestFinished."); } } QByteArray SpecialConfigRequest::finalizeRequest( not_null reply) { if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { LOG(("Config Error: Failed to get response from %1, error: %2 (%3)" ).arg(reply->request().url().toDisplayString() ).arg(reply->errorString() ).arg(reply->error())); } const auto result = reply->readAll(); const auto from = ranges::remove( _requests, reply, [](const Request &request) { return request.reply; }); _requests.erase(from, end(_requests)); return result; } bool SpecialConfigRequest::decryptSimpleConfig(const QByteArray &bytes) { auto cleanBytes = bytes; auto removeFrom = std::remove_if(cleanBytes.begin(), cleanBytes.end(), [](char ch) { auto isGoodBase64 = (ch == '+') || (ch == '=') || (ch == '/') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'); return !isGoodBase64; }); if (removeFrom != cleanBytes.end()) { cleanBytes.remove(removeFrom - cleanBytes.begin(), cleanBytes.end() - removeFrom); } constexpr auto kGoodSizeBase64 = 344; if (cleanBytes.size() != kGoodSizeBase64) { LOG(("Config Error: Bad data size %1 required %2").arg(cleanBytes.size()).arg(kGoodSizeBase64)); return false; } constexpr auto kGoodSizeData = 256; auto decodedBytes = QByteArray::fromBase64(cleanBytes, QByteArray::Base64Encoding); if (decodedBytes.size() != kGoodSizeData) { LOG(("Config Error: Bad data size %1 required %2").arg(decodedBytes.size()).arg(kGoodSizeData)); return false; } auto publicKey = internal::RSAPublicKey(gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span( kPublicKey.c_str(), kPublicKey.size()))); auto decrypted = publicKey.decrypt(gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(decodedBytes))); auto decryptedBytes = gsl::make_span(decrypted); constexpr auto kAesKeySize = CTRState::KeySize; constexpr auto kAesIvecSize = CTRState::IvecSize; auto aesEncryptedBytes = decryptedBytes.subspan(kAesKeySize); base::byte_array aesivec; base::copy_bytes(aesivec, decryptedBytes.subspan(CTRState::KeySize - CTRState::IvecSize, CTRState::IvecSize)); AES_KEY aeskey; AES_set_decrypt_key(reinterpret_cast(decryptedBytes.data()), kAesKeySize * CHAR_BIT, &aeskey); AES_cbc_encrypt(reinterpret_cast(aesEncryptedBytes.data()), reinterpret_cast(aesEncryptedBytes.data()), aesEncryptedBytes.size(), &aeskey, reinterpret_cast(aesivec.data()), AES_DECRYPT); constexpr auto kDigestSize = 16; auto dataSize = aesEncryptedBytes.size() - kDigestSize; auto data = aesEncryptedBytes.subspan(0, dataSize); auto hash = openssl::Sha256(data); if (base::compare_bytes(gsl::make_span(hash).subspan(0, kDigestSize), aesEncryptedBytes.subspan(dataSize)) != 0) { LOG(("Config Error: Bad digest.")); return false; } mtpBuffer buffer; buffer.resize(data.size() / sizeof(mtpPrime)); base::copy_bytes(gsl::as_writeable_bytes(gsl::make_span(buffer)), data); auto from = &*buffer.cbegin(); auto end = from + buffer.size(); auto realLength = *from++; if (realLength <= 0 || realLength > dataSize || (realLength & 0x03)) { LOG(("Config Error: Bad length %1.").arg(realLength)); return false; } try { _simpleConfig.read(from, end); } catch (...) { LOG(("Config Error: Could not read configSimple.")); return false; } if ((end - from) * sizeof(mtpPrime) != (dataSize - realLength)) { LOG(("Config Error: Bad read length %1, should be %2.").arg((end - from) * sizeof(mtpPrime)).arg(dataSize - realLength)); return false; } return true; } void SpecialConfigRequest::handleResponse(const QByteArray &bytes) { if (!decryptSimpleConfig(bytes)) { return; } Assert(_simpleConfig.type() == mtpc_help_configSimple); auto &config = _simpleConfig.c_help_configSimple(); auto now = unixtime(); if (now < config.vdate.v || now > config.vexpires.v) { LOG(("Config Error: Bad date frame for simple config: %1-%2, our time is %3.").arg(config.vdate.v).arg(config.vexpires.v).arg(now)); return; } if (config.vrules.v.empty()) { LOG(("Config Error: Empty simple config received.")); return; } for (auto &rule : config.vrules.v) { Assert(rule.type() == mtpc_accessPointRule); auto &data = rule.c_accessPointRule(); const auto phoneRules = qs(data.vphone_prefix_rules); if (!CheckPhoneByPrefixesRules(_phone, phoneRules)) { continue; } const auto dcId = data.vdc_id.v; for (const auto &address : data.vips.v) { const auto parseIp = [](const MTPint &ipv4) { const auto ip = *reinterpret_cast(&ipv4.v); return qsl("%1.%2.%3.%4" ).arg((ip >> 24) & 0xFF ).arg((ip >> 16) & 0xFF ).arg((ip >> 8) & 0xFF ).arg(ip & 0xFF).toStdString(); }; switch (address.type()) { case mtpc_ipPort: { const auto &fields = address.c_ipPort(); _callback(dcId, parseIp(fields.vipv4), fields.vport.v, {}); } break; case mtpc_ipPortSecret: { const auto &fields = address.c_ipPortSecret(); _callback( dcId, parseIp(fields.vipv4), fields.vport.v, bytes::make_span(fields.vsecret.v)); } break; default: Unexpected("Type in simpleConfig ips."); } } } } } // namespace MTP