/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/media/history_media_poll.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/view/history_view_element.h" #include "history/view/history_view_cursor_state.h" #include "calls/calls_instance.h" #include "ui/text_options.h" #include "ui/effects/animations.h" #include "ui/effects/radial_animation.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_poll.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "layout.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" #include "styles/style_widgets.h" namespace { using TextState = HistoryView::TextState; struct PercentCounterItem { int index = 0; int percent = 0; int remainder = 0; inline bool operator<(const PercentCounterItem &other) const { if (remainder > other.remainder) { return true; } else if (remainder < other.remainder) { return false; } return percent < other.percent; } }; void AdjustPercentCount(gsl::span items, int left) { ranges::sort(items, std::less<>()); for (auto i = 0, count = int(items.size()); i != count;) { const auto &item = items[i]; auto j = i + 1; for (; j != count; ++j) { if (items[j].percent != item.percent || items[j].remainder != item.remainder) { break; } } if (!items[i].remainder) { // If this item has correct value in 'percent' we don't want // to increment it to an incorrect one. This fixes a case with // four items with three votes for three different items. break; } const auto equal = j - i; if (equal <= left) { left -= equal; for (; i != j; ++i) { ++items[i].percent; } } else { i = j; } } } void CountNicePercent( gsl::span votes, int total, gsl::span result) { Expects(result.size() >= votes.size()); Expects(votes.size() <= PollData::kMaxOptions); const auto count = size_type(votes.size()); PercentCounterItem ItemsStorage[PollData::kMaxOptions]; const auto items = gsl::make_span(ItemsStorage).subspan(0, count); auto left = 100; auto &&zipped = ranges::view::zip( votes, items, ranges::view::ints(0)); for (auto &&[votes, item, index] : zipped) { item.index = index; item.percent = (votes * 100) / total; item.remainder = (votes * 100) - (item.percent * total); left -= item.percent; } if (left > 0 && left <= count) { AdjustPercentCount(items, left); } for (const auto &item : items) { result[item.index] = item.percent; } } } // namespace struct HistoryPoll::AnswerAnimation { anim::value percent; anim::value filling; anim::value opacity; }; struct HistoryPoll::AnswersAnimation { std::vector data; Ui::Animations::Simple progress; }; struct HistoryPoll::SendingAnimation { template SendingAnimation( const QByteArray &option, Callback &&callback); QByteArray option; Ui::InfiniteRadialAnimation animation; }; struct HistoryPoll::Answer { Answer(); void fillText(const PollAnswer &original); Ui::Text::String text; QByteArray option; int votes = 0; int votesPercent = 0; int votesPercentWidth = 0; float64 filling = 0.; QString votesPercentString; bool chosen = false; ClickHandlerPtr handler; mutable std::unique_ptr ripple; }; template HistoryPoll::SendingAnimation::SendingAnimation( const QByteArray &option, Callback &&callback) : option(option) , animation( std::forward(callback), st::historyPollRadialAnimation) { } HistoryPoll::Answer::Answer() : text(st::msgMinWidth / 2) { } void HistoryPoll::Answer::fillText(const PollAnswer &original) { if (!text.isEmpty() && text.toString() == original.text) { return; } text.setText( st::historyPollAnswerStyle, original.text, Ui::WebpageTextTitleOptions()); } HistoryPoll::HistoryPoll( not_null parent, not_null poll) : HistoryMedia(parent) , _poll(poll) , _question(st::msgMinWidth / 2) { history()->owner().registerPollView(_poll, _parent); } QSize HistoryPoll::countOptimalSize() { updateTexts(); const auto paddings = st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(); auto maxWidth = st::msgFileMinWidth; accumulate_max(maxWidth, paddings + _question.maxWidth()); for (const auto &answer : _answers) { accumulate_max( maxWidth, paddings + st::historyPollAnswerPadding.left() + answer.text.maxWidth() + st::historyPollAnswerPadding.right()); } const auto answersHeight = ranges::accumulate(ranges::view::all( _answers ) | ranges::view::transform([](const Answer &answer) { return st::historyPollAnswerPadding.top() + answer.text.minHeight() + st::historyPollAnswerPadding.bottom(); }), 0); auto minHeight = st::historyPollQuestionTop + _question.minHeight() + st::historyPollSubtitleSkip + st::msgDateFont->height + st::historyPollAnswersSkip + answersHeight + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgDateFont->height + st::msgPadding.bottom(); if (!isBubbleTop()) { minHeight -= st::msgFileTopMinus; } return { maxWidth, minHeight }; } bool HistoryPoll::canVote() const { return !_voted && !_closed; } int HistoryPoll::countAnswerTop( const Answer &answer, int innerWidth) const { auto tshift = st::historyPollQuestionTop; if (!isBubbleTop()) { tshift -= st::msgFileTopMinus; } tshift += _question.countHeight(innerWidth) + st::historyPollSubtitleSkip; tshift += st::msgDateFont->height + st::historyPollAnswersSkip; auto &&answers = ranges::view::zip( _answers, ranges::view::ints(0, int(_answers.size()))); const auto i = ranges::find( _answers, &answer, [](const Answer &answer) { return &answer; }); const auto countHeight = [&](const Answer &answer) { return countAnswerHeight(answer, innerWidth); }; tshift += ranges::accumulate( begin(_answers), i, 0, ranges::plus(), countHeight); return tshift; } int HistoryPoll::countAnswerHeight( const Answer &answer, int innerWidth) const { const auto answerWidth = innerWidth - st::historyPollAnswerPadding.left() - st::historyPollAnswerPadding.right(); return st::historyPollAnswerPadding.top() + answer.text.countHeight(answerWidth) + st::historyPollAnswerPadding.bottom(); } QSize HistoryPoll::countCurrentSize(int newWidth) { const auto paddings = st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(); accumulate_min(newWidth, maxWidth()); const auto innerWidth = newWidth - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(); const auto answersHeight = ranges::accumulate(ranges::view::all( _answers ) | ranges::view::transform([&](const Answer &answer) { return countAnswerHeight(answer, innerWidth); }), 0); auto newHeight = st::historyPollQuestionTop + _question.countHeight(innerWidth) + st::historyPollSubtitleSkip + st::msgDateFont->height + st::historyPollAnswersSkip + answersHeight + st::historyPollTotalVotesSkip + st::msgDateFont->height + st::msgPadding.bottom(); if (!isBubbleTop()) { newHeight -= st::msgFileTopMinus; } return { newWidth, newHeight }; } void HistoryPoll::updateTexts() { if (_pollVersion == _poll->version) { return; } _pollVersion = _poll->version; const auto willStartAnimation = checkAnimationStart(); if (_question.toString() != _poll->question) { _question.setText( st::historyPollQuestionStyle, _poll->question, Ui::WebpageTextTitleOptions()); } if (_closed != _poll->closed || _subtitle.isEmpty()) { _closed = _poll->closed; _subtitle.setText( st::msgDateTextStyle, _closed ? tr::lng_polls_closed(tr::now) : tr::lng_polls_anonymous(tr::now)); } updateAnswers(); updateVotes(); if (willStartAnimation) { startAnswersAnimation(); } } void HistoryPoll::updateAnswers() { const auto changed = !ranges::equal( _answers, _poll->answers, ranges::equal_to(), &Answer::option, &PollAnswer::option); if (!changed) { auto &&answers = ranges::view::zip(_answers, _poll->answers); for (auto &&[answer, original] : answers) { answer.fillText(original); } return; } _answers = ranges::view::all( _poll->answers ) | ranges::view::transform([](const PollAnswer &answer) { auto result = Answer(); result.option = answer.option; result.fillText(answer); return result; }) | ranges::to_vector; for (auto &answer : _answers) { answer.handler = createAnswerClickHandler(answer); } resetAnswersAnimation(); } ClickHandlerPtr HistoryPoll::createAnswerClickHandler( const Answer &answer) const { const auto option = answer.option; const auto itemId = _parent->data()->fullId(); return std::make_shared([=] { history()->session().api().sendPollVotes(itemId, { option }); }); } void HistoryPoll::updateVotes() { _voted = _poll->voted(); updateAnswerVotes(); updateTotalVotes(); } void HistoryPoll::checkSendingAnimation() const { const auto &sending = _poll->sendingVote; if (sending.isEmpty() == !_sendingAnimation) { if (_sendingAnimation) { _sendingAnimation->option = sending; } return; } if (sending.isEmpty()) { if (!_answersAnimation) { _sendingAnimation = nullptr; } return; } _sendingAnimation = std::make_unique( sending, [=] { radialAnimationCallback(); }); _sendingAnimation->animation.start(); } void HistoryPoll::updateTotalVotes() { if (_totalVotes == _poll->totalVoters && !_totalVotesLabel.isEmpty()) { return; } _totalVotes = _poll->totalVoters; const auto string = !_totalVotes ? tr::lng_polls_votes_none(tr::now) : tr::lng_polls_votes_count(tr::now, lt_count_short, _totalVotes); _totalVotesLabel.setText(st::msgDateTextStyle, string); } void HistoryPoll::updateAnswerVotesFromOriginal( Answer &answer, const PollAnswer &original, int percent, int maxVotes) { if (canVote()) { answer.votesPercent = 0; answer.votesPercentString.clear(); answer.votesPercentWidth = 0; } else if (answer.votesPercentString.isEmpty() || answer.votesPercent != percent) { answer.votesPercent = percent; answer.votesPercentString = QString::number(percent) + '%'; answer.votesPercentWidth = st::historyPollPercentFont->width( answer.votesPercentString); } answer.votes = original.votes; answer.filling = answer.votes / float64(maxVotes); } void HistoryPoll::updateAnswerVotes() { if (_poll->answers.size() != _answers.size() || _poll->answers.empty()) { return; } const auto totalVotes = std::max(1, _poll->totalVoters); const auto maxVotes = std::max(1, ranges::max_element( _poll->answers, ranges::less(), &PollAnswer::votes)->votes); constexpr auto kMaxCount = PollData::kMaxOptions; const auto count = size_type(_poll->answers.size()); Assert(count <= kMaxCount); int PercentsStorage[kMaxCount] = { 0 }; int VotesStorage[kMaxCount] = { 0 }; ranges::copy( ranges::view::all( _poll->answers ) | ranges::view::transform(&PollAnswer::votes), ranges::begin(VotesStorage)); CountNicePercent( gsl::make_span(VotesStorage).subspan(0, count), totalVotes, gsl::make_span(PercentsStorage).subspan(0, count)); auto &&answers = ranges::view::zip( _answers, _poll->answers, PercentsStorage); for (auto &&[answer, original, percent] : answers) { updateAnswerVotesFromOriginal( answer, original, percent, maxVotes); } } void HistoryPoll::draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, crl::time ms) const { if (width() < st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1) return; auto paintx = 0, painty = 0, paintw = width(), painth = height(); checkSendingAnimation(); _poll->checkResultsReload(_parent->data(), ms); const auto outbg = _parent->hasOutLayout(); const auto selected = (selection == FullSelection); const auto ®ular = selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutDateFgSelected : st::msgInDateFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutDateFg : st::msgInDateFg); const auto padding = st::msgPadding; auto tshift = st::historyPollQuestionTop; if (!isBubbleTop()) { tshift -= st::msgFileTopMinus; } paintw -= padding.left() + padding.right(); p.setPen(outbg ? st::webPageTitleOutFg : st::webPageTitleInFg); _question.drawLeft(p, padding.left(), tshift, paintw, width(), style::al_left, 0, -1, selection); tshift += _question.countHeight(paintw) + st::historyPollSubtitleSkip; p.setPen(regular); _subtitle.drawLeftElided(p, padding.left(), tshift, paintw, width()); tshift += st::msgDateFont->height + st::historyPollAnswersSkip; const auto progress = _answersAnimation ? _answersAnimation->progress.value(1.) : 1.; if (progress == 1.) { resetAnswersAnimation(); } auto &&answers = ranges::view::zip( _answers, ranges::view::ints(0, int(_answers.size()))); for (const auto &[answer, index] : answers) { const auto animation = _answersAnimation ? &_answersAnimation->data[index] : nullptr; if (animation) { animation->percent.update(progress, anim::linear); animation->filling.update(progress, anim::linear); animation->opacity.update(progress, anim::linear); } const auto height = paintAnswer( p, answer, animation, padding.left(), tshift, paintw, width(), selection); tshift += height; } if (!_totalVotesLabel.isEmpty()) { tshift += st::msgPadding.bottom(); p.setPen(regular); _totalVotesLabel.drawLeftElided( p, padding.left(), tshift, std::min( _totalVotesLabel.maxWidth(), paintw - _parent->infoWidth()), width()); } } void HistoryPoll::resetAnswersAnimation() const { _answersAnimation = nullptr; if (_poll->sendingVote.isEmpty()) { _sendingAnimation = nullptr; } } void HistoryPoll::radialAnimationCallback() const { if (!anim::Disabled()) { history()->owner().requestViewRepaint(_parent); } } int HistoryPoll::paintAnswer( Painter &p, const Answer &answer, const AnswerAnimation *animation, int left, int top, int width, int outerWidth, TextSelection selection) const { const auto height = countAnswerHeight(answer, width); const auto outbg = _parent->hasOutLayout(); const auto aleft = left + st::historyPollAnswerPadding.left(); const auto awidth = width - st::historyPollAnswerPadding.left() - st::historyPollAnswerPadding.right(); if (answer.ripple) { p.setOpacity(st::historyPollRippleOpacity); answer.ripple->paint(p, left - st::msgPadding.left(), top, outerWidth); if (answer.ripple->empty()) { answer.ripple.reset(); } p.setOpacity(1.); } if (animation) { const auto opacity = animation->opacity.current(); if (opacity < 1.) { p.setOpacity(1. - opacity); paintRadio(p, answer, left, top, selection); } if (opacity > 0.) { const auto percent = QString::number( int(std::round(animation->percent.current()))) + '%'; const auto percentWidth = st::historyPollPercentFont->width( percent); p.setOpacity(opacity); paintPercent( p, percent, percentWidth, left, top, outerWidth, selection); p.setOpacity(sqrt(opacity)); paintFilling( p, animation->filling.current(), left, top, width, height, selection); p.setOpacity(1.); } } else if (canVote()) { paintRadio(p, answer, left, top, selection); } else { paintPercent( p, answer.votesPercentString, answer.votesPercentWidth, left, top, outerWidth, selection); paintFilling( p, answer.filling, left, top, width, height, selection); } top += st::historyPollAnswerPadding.top(); p.setPen(outbg ? st::webPageDescriptionOutFg : st::webPageDescriptionInFg); answer.text.drawLeft(p, aleft, top, awidth, outerWidth); return height; } void HistoryPoll::paintRadio( Painter &p, const Answer &answer, int left, int top, TextSelection selection) const { top += st::historyPollAnswerPadding.top(); const auto outbg = _parent->hasOutLayout(); const auto selected = (selection == FullSelection); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); const auto &st = st::historyPollRadio; const auto over = ClickHandler::showAsActive(answer.handler); const auto ®ular = selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutDateFgSelected : st::msgInDateFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutDateFg : st::msgInDateFg); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); const auto o = p.opacity(); p.setOpacity(o * (over ? st::historyPollRadioOpacityOver : st::historyPollRadioOpacity)); const auto rect = QRectF(left, top, st.diameter, st.diameter).marginsRemoved(QMarginsF(st.thickness / 2., st.thickness / 2., st.thickness / 2., st.thickness / 2.)); if (_sendingAnimation && _sendingAnimation->option == answer.option) { const auto &active = selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFgSelected : st::msgInServiceFgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceFg : st::msgInServiceFg); if (anim::Disabled()) { anim::DrawStaticLoading(p, rect, st.thickness, active); } else { const auto state = _sendingAnimation->animation.computeState(); auto pen = anim::pen(regular, active, state.shown); pen.setWidth(st.thickness); pen.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap); p.setPen(pen); p.drawArc( rect, state.arcFrom, state.arcLength); } } else { auto pen = regular->p; pen.setWidth(st.thickness); p.setPen(pen); p.drawEllipse(rect); } p.setOpacity(o); } void HistoryPoll::paintPercent( Painter &p, const QString &percent, int percentWidth, int left, int top, int outerWidth, TextSelection selection) const { const auto outbg = _parent->hasOutLayout(); const auto selected = (selection == FullSelection); const auto aleft = left + st::historyPollAnswerPadding.left(); top += st::historyPollAnswerPadding.top(); p.setFont(st::historyPollPercentFont); p.setPen(outbg ? st::webPageDescriptionOutFg : st::webPageDescriptionInFg); const auto pleft = aleft - percentWidth - st::historyPollPercentSkip; p.drawTextLeft(pleft, top + st::historyPollPercentTop, outerWidth, percent, percentWidth); } void HistoryPoll::paintFilling( Painter &p, float64 filling, int left, int top, int width, int height, TextSelection selection) const { const auto bottom = top + height; const auto outbg = _parent->hasOutLayout(); const auto selected = (selection == FullSelection); const auto aleft = left + st::historyPollAnswerPadding.left(); const auto awidth = width - st::historyPollAnswerPadding.left() - st::historyPollAnswerPadding.right(); top += st::historyPollAnswerPadding.top(); const auto bar = outbg ? (selected ? st::msgWaveformOutActiveSelected : st::msgWaveformOutActive) : (selected ? st::msgWaveformInActiveSelected : st::msgWaveformInActive); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(bar); const auto max = awidth - st::historyPollFillingRight; const auto size = anim::interpolate(st::historyPollFillingMin, max, filling); const auto radius = st::historyPollFillingRadius; const auto ftop = bottom - st::historyPollFillingBottom - st::historyPollFillingHeight; p.drawRoundedRect(aleft, ftop, size, st::historyPollFillingHeight, radius, radius); } bool HistoryPoll::answerVotesChanged() const { if (_poll->answers.size() != _answers.size() || _poll->answers.empty()) { return false; } return !ranges::equal( _answers, _poll->answers, ranges::equal_to(), &Answer::votes, &PollAnswer::votes); } void HistoryPoll::saveStateInAnimation() const { if (_answersAnimation) { return; } const auto can = canVote(); _answersAnimation = std::make_unique(); _answersAnimation->data.reserve(_answers.size()); const auto convert = [&](const Answer &answer) { auto result = AnswerAnimation(); result.percent = can ? 0. : float64(answer.votesPercent); result.filling = can ? 0. : answer.filling; result.opacity = can ? 0. : 1.; return result; }; ranges::transform( _answers, ranges::back_inserter(_answersAnimation->data), convert); } bool HistoryPoll::checkAnimationStart() const { if (_poll->answers.size() != _answers.size()) { // Skip initial changes. return false; } const auto result = (canVote() != (!_poll->voted() && !_poll->closed)) || answerVotesChanged(); if (result) { saveStateInAnimation(); } return result; } void HistoryPoll::startAnswersAnimation() const { if (!_answersAnimation) { return; } const auto can = canVote(); auto &&both = ranges::view::zip(_answers, _answersAnimation->data); for (auto &&[answer, data] : both) { data.percent.start(can ? 0. : float64(answer.votesPercent)); data.filling.start(can ? 0. : answer.filling); data.opacity.start(can ? 0. : 1.); } _answersAnimation->progress.start( [=] { history()->owner().requestViewRepaint(_parent); }, 0., 1., st::historyPollDuration); } TextState HistoryPoll::textState(QPoint point, StateRequest request) const { auto result = TextState(_parent); if (!_poll->sendingVote.isEmpty()) { return result; } const auto can = canVote(); const auto padding = st::msgPadding; auto paintw = width(); auto tshift = st::historyPollQuestionTop; if (!isBubbleTop()) { tshift -= st::msgFileTopMinus; } paintw -= padding.left() + padding.right(); tshift += _question.countHeight(paintw) + st::historyPollSubtitleSkip; tshift += st::msgDateFont->height + st::historyPollAnswersSkip; const auto awidth = paintw - st::historyPollAnswerPadding.left() - st::historyPollAnswerPadding.right(); for (const auto &answer : _answers) { const auto height = countAnswerHeight(answer, paintw); if (point.y() >= tshift && point.y() < tshift + height) { if (can) { _lastLinkPoint = point; result.link = answer.handler; } else { result.customTooltip = true; using Flag = Ui::Text::StateRequest::Flag; if (request.flags & Flag::LookupCustomTooltip) { result.customTooltipText = answer.votes ? tr::lng_polls_votes_count(tr::now, lt_count_decimal, answer.votes) : tr::lng_polls_votes_none(tr::now); } } return result; } tshift += height; } return result; } void HistoryPoll::clickHandlerPressedChanged( const ClickHandlerPtr &handler, bool pressed) { if (!handler) return; const auto i = ranges::find( _answers, handler, &Answer::handler); if (i != end(_answers)) { toggleRipple(*i, pressed); } } void HistoryPoll::toggleRipple(Answer &answer, bool pressed) { if (pressed) { const auto outerWidth = width(); const auto innerWidth = outerWidth - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(); if (!answer.ripple) { auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::rectMask(QSize( outerWidth, countAnswerHeight(answer, innerWidth))); answer.ripple = std::make_unique( (_parent->hasOutLayout() ? st::historyPollRippleOut : st::historyPollRippleIn), std::move(mask), [=] { history()->owner().requestViewRepaint(_parent); }); } const auto top = countAnswerTop(answer, innerWidth); answer.ripple->add(_lastLinkPoint - QPoint(0, top)); } else { if (answer.ripple) { answer.ripple->lastStop(); } } } HistoryPoll::~HistoryPoll() { history()->owner().unregisterPollView(_poll, _parent); }