/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, an unofficial desktop messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://tdesktop.com */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "langloaderplain.h" namespace { bool skipWhitespaces(const char *&from, const char *end) { while (from < end && (*from == ' ' || *from == '\n' || *from == '\t' || *from == '\r')) { ++from; } return (from < end); } bool skipComment(const char *&from, const char *end) { if (from >= end) return false; if (*from == '/') { if (from + 1 >= end) return true; if (*(from + 1) == '*') { from += 2; while (from + 1 < end && (*from != '*' || *(from + 1) != '/')) { ++from; } from += 2; return (from < end); } else if (*(from + 1) == '/') { from += 2; while (from < end && *from != '\n' && *from != '\r') { ++from; } ++from; return (from < end); } else { return true; } } return true; } bool skipJunk(const char *&from, const char *end) { const char *start; do { start = from; if (!skipWhitespaces(from, end)) return false; if (!skipComment(from, end)) throw Exception("Unexpected end of comment!"); } while (start != from); return true; } bool readKeyValue(const char *&from, const char *end, QString &name, QString &value) { if (!skipJunk(from, end)) return false; const char *nameStart = from; while (from < end && (*from >= 'a' && *from <= 'z' || *from >= 'A' && *from <= 'Z' || *from == '_' || *from >= '0' && *from <= '9')) { ++from; } QString varName = QString::fromUtf8(nameStart, from - nameStart); if (!skipJunk(from, end)) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); if (*from != ':') throw Exception(QString("':' expected after '%1'").arg(varName)); if (!skipJunk(++from, end)) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); if (*from != '"') throw Exception(QString("Expected string after '%1:'").arg(varName)); QByteArray varValue; const char *start = ++from; while (from < end && *from != '"') { if (*from == '\\') { if (from + 1 >= end) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); if (*(from + 1) == '"' || *(from + 1) == '\\') { if (from > start) varValue.append(start, from - start); start = ++from; } } ++from; } if (from >= end) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); if (from > start) varValue.append(start, from - start); if (!skipJunk(++from, end)) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); if (*from != ';') throw Exception(QString("';' expected after '%1: \"value\"'").arg(varName)); skipJunk(++from, end); name = varName; value = QString::fromUtf8(varValue); return true; } } LangLoaderPlain::LangLoaderPlain(const QString &file) { QFile f(file); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { error(qsl("Could not open input file!")); return; } if (f.size() > 1024 * 1024) { error(qsl("Too big file: %1").arg(f.size())); return; } QByteArray data = f.readAll(); f.close(); try { const char *from = data.constData(), *end = data.constData() + data.size(); while (true) { QString name, value; if (!readKeyValue(from, end, name, value)) { break; } if (!feedKeyValue(name, value)) { break; } } } catch (exception &e) { error(QString::fromUtf8(e.what())); return; } }