/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/media/history_media_contact.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "layout.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "boxes/add_contact_box.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/view/history_view_element.h" #include "history/view/history_view_cursor_state.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "ui/empty_userpic.h" #include "ui/text_options.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" namespace { using TextState = HistoryView::TextState; } // namespace namespace { ClickHandlerPtr sendMessageClickHandler(PeerData *peer) { return std::make_shared([peer] { App::wnd()->controller()->showPeerHistory( peer->id, Window::SectionShow::Way::Forward); }); } ClickHandlerPtr addContactClickHandler(not_null item) { return std::make_shared([fullId = item->fullId()] { if (const auto item = Auth().data().message(fullId)) { if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto contact = media->sharedContact()) { Ui::show(Box( contact->firstName, contact->lastName, contact->phoneNumber)); } } } }); } } // namespace HistoryContact::HistoryContact( not_null parent, UserId userId, const QString &first, const QString &last, const QString &phone) : HistoryMedia(parent) , _userId(userId) , _fname(first) , _lname(last) , _phone(App::formatPhone(phone)) { history()->owner().registerContactView(userId, parent); _name.setText( st::semiboldTextStyle, lng_full_name(lt_first_name, first, lt_last_name, last).trimmed(), Ui::NameTextOptions()); _phonew = st::normalFont->width(_phone); } HistoryContact::~HistoryContact() { history()->owner().unregisterContactView(_userId, _parent); } void HistoryContact::updateSharedContactUserId(UserId userId) { if (_userId != userId) { history()->owner().unregisterContactView(_userId, _parent); _userId = userId; history()->owner().registerContactView(_userId, _parent); } } QSize HistoryContact::countOptimalSize() { const auto item = _parent->data(); auto maxWidth = st::msgFileMinWidth; _contact = _userId ? item->history()->owner().userLoaded(_userId) : nullptr; if (_contact) { _contact->loadUserpic(); } else { const auto full = _name.toString(); _photoEmpty = std::make_unique( Data::PeerUserpicColor(_userId ? peerFromUser(_userId) : Data::FakePeerIdForJustName(full)), full); } if (_contact && _contact->contactStatus() == UserData::ContactStatus::Contact) { _linkl = sendMessageClickHandler(_contact); _link = lang(lng_profile_send_message).toUpper(); } else if (_userId) { _linkl = addContactClickHandler(_parent->data()); _link = lang(lng_profile_add_contact).toUpper(); } _linkw = _link.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::semiboldFont->width(_link); auto tleft = 0; auto tright = 0; if (_userId) { tleft = st::msgFileThumbPadding.left() + st::msgFileThumbSize + st::msgFileThumbPadding.right(); tright = st::msgFileThumbPadding.left(); accumulate_max(maxWidth, tleft + _phonew + tright); } else { tleft = st::msgFilePadding.left() + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.right(); tright = st::msgFileThumbPadding.left(); accumulate_max(maxWidth, tleft + _phonew + _parent->skipBlockWidth() + st::msgPadding.right()); } accumulate_max(maxWidth, tleft + _name.maxWidth() + tright); accumulate_min(maxWidth, st::msgMaxWidth); auto minHeight = 0; if (_userId) { minHeight = st::msgFileThumbPadding.top() + st::msgFileThumbSize + st::msgFileThumbPadding.bottom(); if (item->Has() || item->Has()) { minHeight += st::msgDateFont->height - st::msgDateDelta.y(); } } else { minHeight = st::msgFilePadding.top() + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.bottom(); } if (!isBubbleTop()) { minHeight -= st::msgFileTopMinus; } return { maxWidth, minHeight }; } void HistoryContact::draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, crl::time ms) const { if (width() < st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1) return; auto paintx = 0, painty = 0, paintw = width(), painth = height(); auto outbg = _parent->hasOutLayout(); bool selected = (selection == FullSelection); accumulate_min(paintw, maxWidth()); auto nameleft = 0, nametop = 0, nameright = 0, statustop = 0, linktop = 0; auto topMinus = isBubbleTop() ? 0 : st::msgFileTopMinus; if (_userId) { nameleft = st::msgFileThumbPadding.left() + st::msgFileThumbSize + st::msgFileThumbPadding.right(); nametop = st::msgFileThumbNameTop - topMinus; nameright = st::msgFileThumbPadding.left(); statustop = st::msgFileThumbStatusTop - topMinus; linktop = st::msgFileThumbLinkTop - topMinus; QRect rthumb(rtlrect(st::msgFileThumbPadding.left(), st::msgFileThumbPadding.top() - topMinus, st::msgFileThumbSize, st::msgFileThumbSize, paintw)); if (_contact) { _contact->paintUserpic(p, rthumb.x(), rthumb.y(), st::msgFileThumbSize); } else { _photoEmpty->paint(p, st::msgFileThumbPadding.left(), st::msgFileThumbPadding.top() - topMinus, paintw, st::msgFileThumbSize); } if (selected) { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setBrush(p.textPalette().selectOverlay); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.drawEllipse(rthumb); } bool over = ClickHandler::showAsActive(_linkl); p.setFont(over ? st::semiboldFont->underline() : st::semiboldFont); p.setPen(outbg ? (selected ? st::msgFileThumbLinkOutFgSelected : st::msgFileThumbLinkOutFg) : (selected ? st::msgFileThumbLinkInFgSelected : st::msgFileThumbLinkInFg)); p.drawTextLeft(nameleft, linktop, paintw, _link, _linkw); } else { nameleft = st::msgFilePadding.left() + st::msgFileSize + st::msgFilePadding.right(); nametop = st::msgFileNameTop - topMinus; nameright = st::msgFilePadding.left(); statustop = st::msgFileStatusTop - topMinus; _photoEmpty->paint(p, st::msgFilePadding.left(), st::msgFilePadding.top() - topMinus, paintw, st::msgFileSize); } auto namewidth = paintw - nameleft - nameright; p.setFont(st::semiboldFont); p.setPen(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyFileNameOutFgSelected : st::historyFileNameOutFg) : (selected ? st::historyFileNameInFgSelected : st::historyFileNameInFg)); _name.drawLeftElided(p, nameleft, nametop, namewidth, paintw); auto &status = outbg ? (selected ? st::mediaOutFgSelected : st::mediaOutFg) : (selected ? st::mediaInFgSelected : st::mediaInFg); p.setFont(st::normalFont); p.setPen(status); p.drawTextLeft(nameleft, statustop, paintw, _phone); } TextState HistoryContact::textState(QPoint point, StateRequest request) const { auto result = TextState(_parent); auto nameleft = 0, nametop = 0, nameright = 0, statustop = 0, linktop = 0; auto topMinus = isBubbleTop() ? 0 : st::msgFileTopMinus; if (_userId) { nameleft = st::msgFileThumbPadding.left() + st::msgFileThumbSize + st::msgFileThumbPadding.right(); linktop = st::msgFileThumbLinkTop - topMinus; if (rtlrect(nameleft, linktop, _linkw, st::semiboldFont->height, width()).contains(point)) { result.link = _linkl; return result; } } if (QRect(0, 0, width(), height()).contains(point) && _contact) { result.link = _contact->openLink(); return result; } return result; }