/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "window/themes/window_theme_editor.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme_editor_block.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme_editor_box.h" #include "window/themes/window_themes_embedded.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "ui/widgets/scroll_area.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/multi_select.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "base/parse_helper.h" #include "base/zlib_help.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "boxes/edit_color_box.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" namespace Window { namespace Theme { namespace { struct ReadColorResult { ReadColorResult(QColor color, bool error = false) : color(color), error(error) { } QColor color; bool error = false; }; ReadColorResult colorError(const QString &name) { return { QColor(), true }; } ReadColorResult readColor(const QString &name, const char *data, int size) { if (size != 6 && size != 8) { return colorError(name); } auto readHex = [](char ch) { if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { return (ch - '0'); } else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') { return (ch - 'a' + 10); } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') { return (ch - 'A' + 10); } return -1; }; auto readValue = [readHex](const char *data) { auto high = readHex(data[0]); auto low = readHex(data[1]); return (high >= 0 && low >= 0) ? (high * 0x10 + low) : -1; }; auto r = readValue(data); auto g = readValue(data + 2); auto b = readValue(data + 4); auto a = (size == 8) ? readValue(data + 6) : 255; if (r < 0 || g < 0 || b < 0 || a < 0) { return colorError(name); } return { QColor(r, g, b, a) }; } bool skipComment(const char *&data, const char *end) { if (data == end) return false; if (*data == '/' && data + 1 != end) { if (*(data + 1) == '/') { data += 2; while (data != end && *data != '\n') { ++data; } return true; } else if (*(data + 1) == '*') { data += 2; while (true) { while (data != end && *data != '*') { ++data; } if (data != end) { ++data; if (data != end && *data == '/') { ++data; break; } } if (data == end) { break; } } return true; } } return false; } void skipWhitespacesAndComments(const char *&data, const char *end) { while (data != end) { if (!base::parse::skipWhitespaces(data, end)) return; if (!skipComment(data, end)) return; } } QLatin1String readValue(const char *&data, const char *end) { auto start = data; if (data != end && *data == '#') { ++data; } base::parse::readName(data, end); return QLatin1String(start, data - start); } bool isValidColorValue(QLatin1String value) { auto isValidHexChar = [](char ch) { return (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f'); }; auto data = value.data(); auto size = value.size(); if ((size != 7 && size != 9) || data[0] != '#') { return false; } for (auto i = 1; i != size; ++i) { if (!isValidHexChar(data[i])) { return false; } } return true; } QByteArray replaceValueInContent(const QByteArray &content, const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &value) { auto validNames = OrderedSet(); auto start = content.constBegin(), data = start, end = data + content.size(); auto lastValidValueStart = end, lastValidValueEnd = end; while (data != end) { skipWhitespacesAndComments(data, end); if (data == end) break; auto foundName = base::parse::readName(data, end); skipWhitespacesAndComments(data, end); if (data == end || *data != ':') { return "error"; } ++data; skipWhitespacesAndComments(data, end); auto valueStart = data; auto value = readValue(data, end); auto valueEnd = data; if (value.size() == 0) { return "error"; } auto validValue = validNames.contains(value) || isValidColorValue(value); if (validValue) { validNames.insert(foundName); if (foundName == name) { lastValidValueStart = valueStart; lastValidValueEnd = valueEnd; } } skipWhitespacesAndComments(data, end); if (data == end || *data != ';') { return "error"; } ++data; } if (lastValidValueStart != end) { auto result = QByteArray(); result.reserve((lastValidValueStart - start) + value.size() + (end - lastValidValueEnd)); result.append(start, lastValidValueStart - start); result.append(value); if (end - lastValidValueEnd > 0) result.append(lastValidValueEnd, end - lastValidValueEnd); return result; } return QByteArray(); } QByteArray ColorizeInContent( QByteArray content, const Colorizer &colorizer) { auto validNames = OrderedSet(); content.detach(); auto start = content.constBegin(), data = start, end = data + content.size(); while (data != end) { skipWhitespacesAndComments(data, end); if (data == end) break; auto foundName = base::parse::readName(data, end); skipWhitespacesAndComments(data, end); if (data == end || *data != ':') { return "error"; } ++data; skipWhitespacesAndComments(data, end); auto valueStart = data; auto value = readValue(data, end); auto valueEnd = data; if (value.size() == 0) { return "error"; } if (isValidColorValue(value)) { const auto colorized = Colorize(value, colorizer); Assert(colorized.size() == value.size()); memcpy( content.data() + (data - start) - value.size(), colorized.data(), value.size()); } skipWhitespacesAndComments(data, end); if (data == end || *data != ';') { return "error"; } ++data; } return content; } QString bytesToUtf8(QLatin1String bytes) { return QString::fromUtf8(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); } } // namespace class Editor::Inner : public TWidget, private base::Subscriber { public: Inner(QWidget *parent, const QString &path); void setErrorCallback(Fn callback) { _errorCallback = std::move(callback); } void setFocusCallback(Fn callback) { _focusCallback = std::move(callback); } void setScrollCallback(Fn callback) { _scrollCallback = std::move(callback); } void prepare(); [[nodiscard]] QByteArray paletteContent() const { return _paletteContent; } void filterRows(const QString &query); void chooseRow(); void selectSkip(int direction); void selectSkipPage(int delta, int direction); ~Inner() { if (_context.box) _context.box->closeBox(); } protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; int resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) override; private: bool readData(); bool readExistingRows(); bool feedExistingRow(const QString &name, QLatin1String value); void error() { if (_errorCallback) { _errorCallback(); } } void applyEditing(const QString &name, const QString ©Of, QColor value); void sortByAccentDistance(); EditorBlock::Context _context; QString _path; QByteArray _paletteContent; Fn _errorCallback; Fn _focusCallback; Fn _scrollCallback; object_ptr _existingRows; object_ptr _newRows; bool _applyingUpdate = false; }; bool CopyColorsToPalette( const QString &destination, const QString &themePath, const QByteArray &themeContent) { auto paletteContent = themeContent; zlib::FileToRead file(themeContent); unz_global_info globalInfo = { 0 }; file.getGlobalInfo(&globalInfo); if (file.error() == UNZ_OK) { paletteContent = file.readFileContent("colors.tdesktop-theme", zlib::kCaseInsensitive, kThemeSchemeSizeLimit); if (file.error() == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE) { file.clearError(); paletteContent = file.readFileContent("colors.tdesktop-palette", zlib::kCaseInsensitive, kThemeSchemeSizeLimit); } if (file.error() != UNZ_OK) { LOG(("Theme Error: could not read 'colors.tdesktop-theme' or 'colors.tdesktop-palette' in the theme file, while copying to '%1'.").arg(destination)); return false; } } QFile f(destination); if (!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { LOG(("Theme Error: could not open file for write '%1'").arg(destination)); return false; } if (const auto colorizer = ColorizerForTheme(themePath)) { paletteContent = ColorizeInContent( std::move(paletteContent), colorizer); } if (f.write(paletteContent) != paletteContent.size()) { LOG(("Theme Error: could not write palette to '%1'").arg(destination)); return false; } return true; } Editor::Inner::Inner(QWidget *parent, const QString &path) : TWidget(parent) , _path(path) , _existingRows(this, EditorBlock::Type::Existing, &_context) , _newRows(this, EditorBlock::Type::New, &_context) { resize(st::windowMinWidth, st::windowMinHeight); subscribe(_context.resized, [this] { resizeToWidth(width()); }); subscribe(_context.pending, [this](const EditorBlock::Context::EditionData &data) { applyEditing(data.name, data.copyOf, data.value); }); subscribe(_context.updated, [this] { if (_context.name.isEmpty() && _focusCallback) { _focusCallback(); } }); subscribe(_context.scroll, [this](const EditorBlock::Context::ScrollData &data) { if (_scrollCallback) { auto top = (data.type == EditorBlock::Type::Existing ? _existingRows : _newRows)->y(); top += data.position; _scrollCallback(top, top + data.height); } }); subscribe(Background(), [this](const BackgroundUpdate &update) { if (_applyingUpdate) return; if (update.type == BackgroundUpdate::Type::TestingTheme) { Revert(); App::CallDelayed(st::slideDuration, this, [] { Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_theme_editor_cant_change_theme(tr::now))); }); } }); } void Editor::Inner::prepare() { if (!readData()) { error(); } } void Editor::Inner::filterRows(const QString &query) { if (query == ":sort-for-accent") { sortByAccentDistance(); filterRows(QString()); return; } _existingRows->filterRows(query); _newRows->filterRows(query); } void Editor::Inner::chooseRow() { if (!_existingRows->hasSelected() && !_newRows->hasSelected()) { selectSkip(1); } if (_existingRows->hasSelected()) { _existingRows->chooseRow(); } else if (_newRows->hasSelected()) { _newRows->chooseRow(); } } // Block::selectSkip(-1) removes the selection if it can't select anything // Block::selectSkip(1) leaves the selection if it can't select anything void Editor::Inner::selectSkip(int direction) { if (direction > 0) { if (_newRows->hasSelected()) { _existingRows->clearSelected(); _newRows->selectSkip(direction); } else if (_existingRows->hasSelected()) { if (!_existingRows->selectSkip(direction)) { if (_newRows->selectSkip(direction)) { _existingRows->clearSelected(); } } } else { if (!_existingRows->selectSkip(direction)) { _newRows->selectSkip(direction); } } } else { if (_existingRows->hasSelected()) { _newRows->clearSelected(); _existingRows->selectSkip(direction); } else if (_newRows->hasSelected()) { if (!_newRows->selectSkip(direction)) { _existingRows->selectSkip(direction); } } } } void Editor::Inner::selectSkipPage(int delta, int direction) { auto defaultRowHeight = st::themeEditorMargin.top() + st::themeEditorSampleSize.height() + st::themeEditorDescriptionSkip + st::defaultTextStyle.font->height + st::themeEditorMargin.bottom(); for (auto i = 0, count = ceilclamp(delta, defaultRowHeight, 1, delta); i != count; ++i) { selectSkip(direction); } } void Editor::Inner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); p.setFont(st::boxTitleFont); p.setPen(st::windowFg); if (!_newRows->isHidden()) { p.drawTextLeft(st::themeEditorMargin.left(), _existingRows->y() + _existingRows->height() + st::boxLayerTitlePosition.y(), width(), tr::lng_theme_editor_new_keys(tr::now)); } } int Editor::Inner::resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) { auto rowsWidth = newWidth; _existingRows->resizeToWidth(rowsWidth); _newRows->resizeToWidth(rowsWidth); _existingRows->moveToLeft(0, 0); _newRows->moveToLeft(0, _existingRows->height() + st::boxLayerTitleHeight); auto lowest = (_newRows->isHidden() ? _existingRows : _newRows).data(); return lowest->y() + lowest->height(); } bool Editor::Inner::readData() { if (!readExistingRows()) { return false; } const auto rows = style::main_palette::data(); for (const auto &row : rows) { auto name = bytesToUtf8(row.name); auto description = bytesToUtf8(row.description); if (!_existingRows->feedDescription(name, description)) { if (row.value.data()[0] == '#') { auto result = readColor(name, row.value.data() + 1, row.value.size() - 1); Assert(!result.error); _newRows->feed(name, result.color); //if (!_newRows->feedFallbackName(name, str_const_toString(row.fallback))) { // Unexpected("Row for fallback not found"); //} } else { auto copyOf = bytesToUtf8(row.value); if (auto result = _existingRows->find(copyOf)) { _newRows->feed(name, *result, copyOf); } else if (!_newRows->feedCopy(name, copyOf)) { Unexpected("Copy of unknown value in the default palette"); } Assert(row.fallback.size() == 0); } if (!_newRows->feedDescription(name, description)) { Unexpected("Row for description not found"); } } } return true; } void Editor::Inner::sortByAccentDistance() { const auto accent = *_existingRows->find("windowBgActive"); _existingRows->sortByDistance(accent); _newRows->sortByDistance(accent); } bool Editor::Inner::readExistingRows() { QFile f(_path); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { LOG(("Theme Error: could not open color palette file '%1'").arg(_path)); return false; } _paletteContent = f.readAll(); if (f.error() != QFileDevice::NoError) { LOG(("Theme Error: could not read content from palette file '%1'").arg(_path)); return false; } f.close(); return ReadPaletteValues(_paletteContent, [this](QLatin1String name, QLatin1String value) { return feedExistingRow(name, value); }); } bool Editor::Inner::feedExistingRow(const QString &name, QLatin1String value) { auto data = value.data(); auto size = value.size(); if (data[0] != '#') { return _existingRows->feedCopy(name, QString(value)); } auto result = readColor(name, data + 1, size - 1); if (result.error) { LOG(("Theme Warning: Skipping value '%1: %2' (expected a color value in #rrggbb or #rrggbbaa or a previously defined key in the color scheme)").arg(name).arg(value)); } else { _existingRows->feed(name, result.color); } return true; } QString colorString(QColor color) { auto result = QString(); result.reserve(9); result.append('#'); const auto addHex = [&](int code) { if (code >= 0 && code < 10) { result.append('0' + code); } else if (code >= 10 && code < 16) { result.append('a' + (code - 10)); } }; const auto addValue = [&](int code) { addHex(code / 16); addHex(code % 16); }; addValue(color.red()); addValue(color.green()); addValue(color.blue()); if (color.alpha() != 255) { addValue(color.alpha()); } return result; } void Editor::Inner::applyEditing(const QString &name, const QString ©Of, QColor value) { auto plainName = name.toLatin1(); auto plainValue = (copyOf.isEmpty() ? colorString(value) : copyOf).toLatin1(); auto newContent = replaceValueInContent(_paletteContent, plainName, plainValue); if (newContent == "error") { LOG(("Theme Error: could not replace '%1: %2' in content").arg(name).arg(copyOf.isEmpty() ? colorString(value) : copyOf)); error(); return; } if (newContent.isEmpty()) { auto newline = (_paletteContent.indexOf("\r\n") >= 0 ? "\r\n" : "\n"); auto addedline = (_paletteContent.endsWith('\n') ? "" : newline); newContent = _paletteContent + addedline + plainName + ": " + plainValue + ";" + newline; } QFile f(_path); if (!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { LOG(("Theme Error: could not open '%1' for writing a palette update.").arg(_path)); error(); return; } if (f.write(newContent) != newContent.size()) { LOG(("Theme Error: could not write all content to '%1' while writing a palette update.").arg(_path)); error(); return; } f.close(); _applyingUpdate = true; if (!ApplyEditedPalette(_path, newContent)) { LOG(("Theme Error: could not apply newly composed content :(")); error(); return; } _applyingUpdate = false; _paletteContent = newContent; } //void ThemeExportBox::exportTheme() { // App::CallDelayed(st::defaultRippleAnimation.hideDuration, this, [this] { // auto caption = tr::lng_theme_editor_choose_name(tr::now); // auto filter = "Themes (*.tdesktop-theme)"; // auto name = "awesome.tdesktop-theme"; // FileDialog::GetWritePath(this, caption, filter, name, crl::guard(this, [this](const QString &path) { // QFile f(path); // if (!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { // LOG(("Theme Error: could not open zip-ed theme file '%1' for writing").arg(path)); // Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_theme_editor_error(tr::now))); // return; // } // if (f.write(result) != result.size()) { // LOG(("Theme Error: could not write zip-ed theme to file '%1'").arg(path)); // Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_theme_editor_error(tr::now))); // return; // } // Ui::hideLayer(); // Ui::Toast::Show(tr::lng_theme_editor_done(tr::now)); // })); // }); //} Editor::Editor(QWidget*, not_null window) : _window(window) , _scroll(this, st::themesScroll) , _close(this, st::contactsMultiSelect.fieldCancel) , _select(this, st::contactsMultiSelect, tr::lng_country_ph()) , _leftShadow(this) , _topShadow(this) , _save(this, tr::lng_theme_editor_save_button(tr::now).toUpper(), st::dialogsUpdateButton) { const auto path = EditingPalettePath(); _inner = _scroll->setOwnedWidget(object_ptr(this, path)); _save->setClickedCallback(App::LambdaDelayed( st::defaultRippleAnimation.hideDuration, this, [=] { save(); })); _inner->setErrorCallback([this] { Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_theme_editor_error(tr::now))); // This could be from inner->_context observable notification. // We should not destroy it while iterating in subscribers. crl::on_main(this, [=] { closeEditor(); }); }); _inner->setFocusCallback([this] { App::CallDelayed(2 * st::boxDuration, this, [this] { _select->setInnerFocus(); }); }); _inner->setScrollCallback([this](int top, int bottom) { _scroll->scrollToY(top, bottom); }); _close->setClickedCallback([this] { closeEditor(); }); _close->show(anim::type::instant); _select->resizeToWidth(st::windowMinWidth); _select->setQueryChangedCallback([this](const QString &query) { _inner->filterRows(query); _scroll->scrollToY(0); }); _select->setSubmittedCallback([this](Qt::KeyboardModifiers) { _inner->chooseRow(); }); _inner->prepare(); resizeToWidth(st::windowMinWidth); } void Editor::save() { if (!_window->account().sessionExists()) { //_window->show(Box()) return; } Ui::show(Box(SaveThemeBox, _window, _inner->paletteContent())); } void Editor::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { _save->resizeToWidth(width()); _close->moveToRight(0, 0); _select->resizeToWidth(width()); _select->moveToLeft(0, _close->height()); auto shadowTop = _select->y() + _select->height(); _topShadow->resize(width() - st::lineWidth, st::lineWidth); _topShadow->moveToLeft(st::lineWidth, shadowTop); _leftShadow->resize(st::lineWidth, height()); _leftShadow->moveToLeft(0, 0); auto scrollSize = QSize(width(), height() - shadowTop - _save->height()); if (_scroll->size() != scrollSize) { _scroll->resize(scrollSize); } _inner->resizeToWidth(width()); _scroll->moveToLeft(0, shadowTop); if (!_scroll->isHidden()) { auto scrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); _inner->setVisibleTopBottom(scrollTop, scrollTop + _scroll->height()); } _save->moveToLeft(0, _scroll->y() + _scroll->height()); } void Editor::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { if (!_select->getQuery().isEmpty()) { _select->clearQuery(); } else if (auto window = App::wnd()) { window->setInnerFocus(); } } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { _inner->selectSkip(1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { _inner->selectSkip(-1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown) { _inner->selectSkipPage(_scroll->height(), 1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp) { _inner->selectSkipPage(_scroll->height(), -1); } } void Editor::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e) { _select->setInnerFocus(); } void Editor::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); p.fillRect(e->rect(), st::dialogsBg); p.setFont(st::boxTitleFont); p.setPen(st::windowFg); p.drawTextLeft(st::themeEditorMargin.left(), st::themeEditorMargin.top(), width(), tr::lng_theme_editor_title(tr::now)); } //void Editor::Start() { // const auto path = Background()->themeAbsolutePath(); // if (!Window::Theme::IsPaletteTestingPath(path)) { // const auto start = [](const QString &path) { // if (!Local::copyThemeColorsToPalette(path)) { // writeDefaultPalette(path); // } // if (!Apply(path)) { // Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_theme_editor_error(tr::now))); // return; // } // KeepApplied(); // if (auto window = App::wnd()) { // window->showRightColumn(Box(path)); // } // }; // FileDialog::GetWritePath( // App::wnd(), // tr::lng_theme_editor_save_palette(tr::now), // "Palette (*.tdesktop-palette)", // "colors.tdesktop-palette", // start); // } else if (auto window = App::wnd()) { // window->showRightColumn(Box(path)); // } //} void Editor::closeEditor() { if (const auto window = App::wnd()) { window->showRightColumn(nullptr); } } } // namespace Theme } // namespace Window