/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "export/output/export_output_abstract.h" #include "export/output/export_output_text.h" #include "export/output/export_output_html.h" #include "export/output/export_output_json.h" #include "export/output/export_output_stats.h" #include "export/output/export_output_result.h" #include #include namespace Export { namespace Output { QString NormalizePath(const Settings &settings) { QDir folder(settings.path); const auto path = folder.absolutePath(); auto result = path.endsWith('/') ? path : (path + '/'); if (!folder.exists() && !settings.forceSubPath) { return result; } const auto mode = QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot; const auto list = folder.entryInfoList(mode); if (list.isEmpty() && !settings.forceSubPath) { return result; } const auto date = QDate::currentDate(); const auto base = QString(settings.onlySinglePeer() ? "ChatExport_%1_%2_%3" : "DataExport_%1_%2_%3" ).arg(date.day(), 2, 10, QChar('0') ).arg(date.month(), 2, 10, QChar('0') ).arg(date.year()); const auto add = [&](int i) { return base + (i ? " (" + QString::number(i) + ')' : QString()); }; auto index = 0; while (QDir(result + add(index)).exists()) { ++index; } result += add(index) + '/'; return result; } std::unique_ptr CreateWriter(Format format) { switch (format) { case Format::Html: return std::make_unique(); case Format::Text: return std::make_unique(); case Format::Json: return std::make_unique(); } Unexpected("Format in Export::Output::CreateWriter."); } Stats AbstractWriter::produceTestExample( const QString &path, const Environment &environment) { auto result = Stats(); const auto folder = QDir(path).absolutePath(); auto settings = Settings(); settings.format = format(); settings.path = (folder.endsWith('/') ? folder : (folder + '/')) + "ExportExample/"; settings.types = Settings::Type::AllMask; settings.fullChats = Settings::Type::AllMask & ~(Settings::Type::PublicChannels | Settings::Type::PublicGroups); settings.media.types = MediaSettings::Type::AllMask; settings.media.sizeLimit = 1024 * 1024; const auto check = [](Result result) { Assert(result.isSuccess()); }; check(start(settings, environment, &result)); const auto counter = [&] { static auto GlobalCounter = 0; return ++GlobalCounter; }; const auto date = [&] { return time(nullptr) - 86400 + counter(); }; const auto prevdate = [&] { return date() - 86400; }; auto personal = Data::PersonalInfo(); personal.bio = "Nice text about me."; personal.user.info.firstName = "John"; personal.user.info.lastName = "Preston"; personal.user.info.phoneNumber = "447400000000"; personal.user.info.date = date(); personal.user.username = "preston"; personal.user.info.userId = counter(); personal.user.isBot = false; personal.user.isSelf = true; check(writePersonal(personal)); const auto generatePhoto = [&] { static auto index = 0; auto result = Data::Photo(); result.date = date(); result.id = counter(); result.image.width = 512; result.image.height = 512; result.image.file.relativePath = "files/photo_" + QString::number(++index) + ".jpg"; return result; }; auto userpics = Data::UserpicsInfo(); userpics.count = 3; auto userpicsSlice1 = Data::UserpicsSlice(); userpicsSlice1.list.push_back(generatePhoto()); userpicsSlice1.list.push_back(generatePhoto()); auto userpicsSlice2 = Data::UserpicsSlice(); userpicsSlice2.list.push_back(generatePhoto()); check(writeUserpicsStart(userpics)); check(writeUserpicsSlice(userpicsSlice1)); check(writeUserpicsSlice(userpicsSlice2)); check(writeUserpicsEnd()); auto contacts = Data::ContactsList(); auto topUser = Data::TopPeer(); auto user = personal.user; auto peerUser = Data::Peer{ user }; topUser.peer = peerUser; topUser.rating = 0.5; auto topChat = Data::TopPeer(); auto chat = Data::Chat(); chat.id = counter(); chat.title = "Group chat"; auto peerChat = Data::Peer{ chat }; topChat.peer = peerChat; topChat.rating = 0.25; auto topBot = Data::TopPeer(); auto bot = Data::User(); bot.info.date = date(); bot.isBot = true; bot.info.firstName = "Bot"; bot.info.lastName = "Father"; bot.info.userId = counter(); bot.username = "botfather"; auto peerBot = Data::Peer{ bot }; topBot.peer = peerBot; topBot.rating = 0.125; auto peers = std::map(); peers.emplace(peerUser.id(), peerUser); peers.emplace(peerBot.id(), peerBot); peers.emplace(peerChat.id(), peerChat); contacts.correspondents.push_back(topUser); contacts.correspondents.push_back(topChat); contacts.inlineBots.push_back(topBot); contacts.inlineBots.push_back(topBot); contacts.phoneCalls.push_back(topUser); contacts.list.push_back(user.info); contacts.list.push_back(bot.info); check(writeContactsList(contacts)); auto sessions = Data::SessionsList(); auto session = Data::Session(); session.applicationName = "Telegram Desktop"; session.applicationVersion = "1.3.8"; session.country = "GB"; session.created = date(); session.deviceModel = "PC"; session.ip = ""; session.lastActive = date(); session.platform = "Windows"; session.region = "London"; session.systemVersion = "10"; sessions.list.push_back(session); sessions.list.push_back(session); auto webSession = Data::WebSession(); webSession.botUsername = "botfather"; webSession.browser = "Google Chrome"; webSession.created = date(); webSession.domain = "telegram.org"; webSession.ip = ""; webSession.lastActive = date(); webSession.platform = "Windows"; webSession.region = "London, GB"; sessions.webList.push_back(webSession); sessions.webList.push_back(webSession); check(writeSessionsList(sessions)); auto sampleMessage = [&] { auto message = Data::Message(); message.id = counter(); message.date = prevdate(); message.edited = date(); static auto count = 0; if (++count % 3 == 0) { message.forwardedFromId = Data::UserPeerId(user.info.userId); message.forwardedDate = date(); } message.fromId = user.info.userId; message.replyToMsgId = counter(); message.viaBotId = bot.info.userId; message.text.push_back(Data::TextPart{ Data::TextPart::Type::Text, ("Text message " + QString::number(counter())).toUtf8() }); return message; }; auto sliceBot1 = Data::MessagesSlice(); sliceBot1.peers = peers; sliceBot1.list.push_back(sampleMessage()); sliceBot1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = sampleMessage(); message.media.content = generatePhoto(); message.media.ttl = counter(); return message; }()); sliceBot1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = sampleMessage(); auto document = Data::Document(); document.date = prevdate(); document.duration = counter(); auto photo = generatePhoto(); document.file = photo.image.file; document.width = photo.image.width; document.height = photo.image.height; document.id = counter(); message.media.content = document; return message; }()); sliceBot1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = sampleMessage(); auto contact = Data::SharedContact(); contact.info = user.info; message.media.content = contact; return message; }()); auto sliceBot2 = Data::MessagesSlice(); sliceBot2.peers = peers; sliceBot2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = sampleMessage(); auto point = Data::GeoPoint(); point.latitude = 1.5; point.longitude = 2.8; point.valid = true; message.media.content = point; message.media.ttl = counter(); return message; }()); sliceBot2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = sampleMessage(); message.replyToMsgId = sliceBot1.list.back().id; auto venue = Data::Venue(); venue.point.latitude = 1.5; venue.point.longitude = 2.8; venue.point.valid = true; venue.address = "Test address"; venue.title = "Test venue"; message.media.content = venue; return message; }()); sliceBot2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = sampleMessage(); auto game = Data::Game(); game.botId = bot.info.userId; game.title = "Test game"; game.description = "Test game description"; game.id = counter(); game.shortName = "testgame"; message.media.content = game; return message; }()); sliceBot2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = sampleMessage(); auto invoice = Data::Invoice(); invoice.amount = counter(); invoice.currency = "GBP"; invoice.title = "Huge invoice."; invoice.description = "So money."; invoice.receiptMsgId = sliceBot2.list.front().id; message.media.content = invoice; return message; }()); auto serviceMessage = [&] { auto message = Data::Message(); message.id = counter(); message.date = prevdate(); message.fromId = user.info.userId; return message; }; auto sliceChat1 = Data::MessagesSlice(); sliceChat1.peers = peers; sliceChat1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionChatCreate(); action.title = "Test chat"; action.userIds.push_back(user.info.userId); action.userIds.push_back(bot.info.userId); message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionChatEditTitle(); action.title = "New title"; message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionChatEditPhoto(); action.photo = generatePhoto(); message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionChatDeletePhoto(); message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionChatAddUser(); action.userIds.push_back(user.info.userId); action.userIds.push_back(bot.info.userId); message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionChatDeleteUser(); action.userId = bot.info.userId; message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionChatJoinedByLink(); action.inviterId = bot.info.userId; message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionChannelCreate(); action.title = "Channel name"; message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionChatMigrateTo(); action.channelId = chat.id; message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat1.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionChannelMigrateFrom(); action.chatId = chat.id; action.title = "Supergroup now"; message.action.content = action; return message; }()); auto sliceChat2 = Data::MessagesSlice(); sliceChat2.peers = peers; sliceChat2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionPinMessage(); message.replyToMsgId = sliceChat1.list.back().id; message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionHistoryClear(); message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionGameScore(); action.score = counter(); action.gameId = counter(); message.replyToMsgId = sliceChat2.list.back().id; message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionPaymentSent(); action.amount = counter(); action.currency = "GBP"; message.replyToMsgId = sliceChat2.list.front().id; message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionPhoneCall(); action.duration = counter(); action.discardReason = Data::ActionPhoneCall::DiscardReason::Busy; message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionScreenshotTaken(); message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionCustomAction(); action.message = "Custom chat action."; message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionBotAllowed(); action.domain = "telegram.org"; message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionSecureValuesSent(); using Type = Data::ActionSecureValuesSent::Type; action.types.push_back(Type::BankStatement); action.types.push_back(Type::Phone); message.action.content = action; return message; }()); sliceChat2.list.push_back([&] { auto message = serviceMessage(); auto action = Data::ActionContactSignUp(); message.action.content = action; return message; }()); auto dialogs = Data::DialogsInfo(); auto dialogBot = Data::DialogInfo(); dialogBot.messagesCountPerSplit.push_back(sliceBot1.list.size()); dialogBot.messagesCountPerSplit.push_back(sliceBot2.list.size()); dialogBot.type = Data::DialogInfo::Type::Bot; dialogBot.name = peerBot.name(); dialogBot.onlyMyMessages = false; dialogBot.peerId = peerBot.id(); dialogBot.relativePath = "chats/chat_" + QString::number(counter()) + '/'; dialogBot.splits.push_back(0); dialogBot.splits.push_back(1); dialogBot.topMessageDate = sliceBot2.list.back().date; dialogBot.topMessageId = sliceBot2.list.back().id; auto dialogChat = Data::DialogInfo(); dialogChat.messagesCountPerSplit.push_back(sliceChat1.list.size()); dialogChat.messagesCountPerSplit.push_back(sliceChat2.list.size()); dialogChat.type = Data::DialogInfo::Type::PrivateGroup; dialogChat.name = peerChat.name(); dialogChat.onlyMyMessages = true; dialogChat.peerId = peerChat.id(); dialogChat.relativePath = "chats/chat_" + QString::number(counter()) + '/'; dialogChat.splits.push_back(0); dialogChat.splits.push_back(1); dialogChat.topMessageDate = sliceChat2.list.back().date; dialogChat.topMessageId = sliceChat2.list.back().id; dialogs.chats.push_back(dialogBot); dialogs.chats.push_back(dialogChat); check(writeDialogsStart(dialogs)); check(writeDialogStart(dialogBot)); check(writeDialogSlice(sliceBot1)); check(writeDialogSlice(sliceBot2)); check(writeDialogEnd()); check(writeDialogStart(dialogChat)); check(writeDialogSlice(sliceChat1)); check(writeDialogSlice(sliceChat2)); check(writeDialogEnd()); check(writeDialogsEnd()); check(finish()); return result; } } // namespace Output } // namespace Export