/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "history/history_admin_log_inner.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" #include "history/history_media_types.h" #include "history/history_message.h" #include "history/history_service_layout.h" #include "history/history_admin_log_section.h" #include "history/history_admin_log_filter.h" #include "chat_helpers/message_field.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "boxes/edit_participant_box.h" namespace AdminLog { namespace { // If we require to support more admins we'll have to rewrite this anyway. constexpr auto kMaxChannelAdmins = 200; constexpr auto kScrollDateHideTimeout = 1000; constexpr auto kEventsFirstPage = 20; constexpr auto kEventsPerPage = 50; } // namespace template void InnerWidget::enumerateItems(Method method) { constexpr auto TopToBottom = (direction == EnumItemsDirection::TopToBottom); // No displayed messages in this history. if (_items.empty()) { return; } if (_visibleBottom <= _itemsTop || _itemsTop + _itemsHeight <= _visibleTop) { return; } auto begin = std::rbegin(_items), end = std::rend(_items); auto from = TopToBottom ? std::lower_bound(begin, end, _visibleTop, [this](auto &elem, int top) { return this->itemTop(elem) + elem->height() <= top; }) : std::upper_bound(begin, end, _visibleBottom, [this](int bottom, auto &elem) { return this->itemTop(elem) + elem->height() >= bottom; }); auto wasEnd = (from == end); if (wasEnd) { --from; } if (TopToBottom) { t_assert(itemTop(from->get()) + from->get()->height() > _visibleTop); } else { t_assert(itemTop(from->get()) < _visibleBottom); } while (true) { auto item = from->get(); auto itemtop = itemTop(item); auto itembottom = itemtop + item->height(); // Binary search should've skipped all the items that are above / below the visible area. if (TopToBottom) { t_assert(itembottom > _visibleTop); } else { t_assert(itemtop < _visibleBottom); } if (!method(item, itemtop, itembottom)) { return; } // Skip all the items that are below / above the visible area. if (TopToBottom) { if (itembottom >= _visibleBottom) { return; } } else { if (itemtop <= _visibleTop) { return; } } if (TopToBottom) { if (++from == end) { break; } } else { if (from == begin) { break; } --from; } } } template void InnerWidget::enumerateUserpics(Method method) { // Find and remember the top of an attached messages pack // -1 means we didn't find an attached to next message yet. int lowestAttachedItemTop = -1; auto userpicCallback = [this, &lowestAttachedItemTop, &method](HistoryItem *item, int itemtop, int itembottom) { // Skip all service messages. auto message = item->toHistoryMessage(); if (!message) return true; if (lowestAttachedItemTop < 0 && message->isAttachedToNext()) { lowestAttachedItemTop = itemtop + message->marginTop(); } // Call method on a userpic for all messages that have it and for those who are not showing it // because of their attachment to the next message if they are bottom-most visible. if (message->displayFromPhoto() || (message->hasFromPhoto() && itembottom >= _visibleBottom)) { if (lowestAttachedItemTop < 0) { lowestAttachedItemTop = itemtop + message->marginTop(); } // Attach userpic to the bottom of the visible area with the same margin as the last message. auto userpicMinBottomSkip = st::historyPaddingBottom + st::msgMargin.bottom(); auto userpicBottom = qMin(itembottom - message->marginBottom(), _visibleBottom - userpicMinBottomSkip); // Do not let the userpic go above the attached messages pack top line. userpicBottom = qMax(userpicBottom, lowestAttachedItemTop + st::msgPhotoSize); // Call the template callback function that was passed // and return if it finished everything it needed. if (!method(message, userpicBottom - st::msgPhotoSize)) { return false; } } // Forget the found top of the pack, search for the next one from scratch. if (!message->isAttachedToNext()) { lowestAttachedItemTop = -1; } return true; }; enumerateItems(userpicCallback); } template void InnerWidget::enumerateDates(Method method) { // Find and remember the bottom of an single-day messages pack // -1 means we didn't find a same-day with previous message yet. auto lowestInOneDayItemBottom = -1; auto dateCallback = [this, &lowestInOneDayItemBottom, &method](HistoryItem *item, int itemtop, int itembottom) { if (lowestInOneDayItemBottom < 0 && item->isInOneDayWithPrevious()) { lowestInOneDayItemBottom = itembottom - item->marginBottom(); } // Call method on a date for all messages that have it and for those who are not showing it // because they are in a one day together with the previous message if they are top-most visible. if (item->displayDate() || (!item->isEmpty() && itemtop <= _visibleTop)) { if (lowestInOneDayItemBottom < 0) { lowestInOneDayItemBottom = itembottom - item->marginBottom(); } // Attach date to the top of the visible area with the same margin as it has in service message. auto dateTop = qMax(itemtop, _visibleTop) + st::msgServiceMargin.top(); // Do not let the date go below the single-day messages pack bottom line. auto dateHeight = st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.top(); dateTop = qMin(dateTop, lowestInOneDayItemBottom - dateHeight); // Call the template callback function that was passed // and return if it finished everything it needed. if (!method(item, itemtop, dateTop)) { return false; } } // Forget the found bottom of the pack, search for the next one from scratch. if (!item->isInOneDayWithPrevious()) { lowestInOneDayItemBottom = -1; } return true; }; enumerateItems(dateCallback); } InnerWidget::InnerWidget(QWidget *parent, gsl::not_null controller, gsl::not_null channel) : TWidget(parent) , _controller(controller) , _channel(channel) , _history(App::history(channel)) , _scrollDateCheck([this] { scrollDateCheck(); }) , _emptyText(st::historyAdminLogEmptyWidth - st::historyAdminLogEmptyPadding.left() - st::historyAdminLogEmptyPadding.left()) { setMouseTracking(true); _scrollDateHideTimer.setCallback([this] { scrollDateHideByTimer(); }); subscribe(AuthSession::Current().data().repaintLogEntry(), [this](gsl::not_null historyItem) { if (_history == historyItem->history()) { repaintItem(historyItem); } }); subscribe(AuthSession::Current().data().pendingHistoryResize(), [this] { handlePendingHistoryResize(); }); subscribe(AuthSession::Current().data().queryItemVisibility(), [this](const AuthSessionData::ItemVisibilityQuery &query) { if (_history != query.item->history() || !query.item->isLogEntry() || !isVisible()) { return; } auto top = itemTop(query.item); if (top >= 0 && top + query.item->height() > _visibleTop && top < _visibleBottom) { *query.isVisible = true; } }); updateEmptyText(); requestAdmins(); } void InnerWidget::setVisibleTopBottom(int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) { auto scrolledUp = (visibleTop < _visibleTop); _visibleTop = visibleTop; _visibleBottom = visibleBottom; updateVisibleTopItem(); checkPreloadMore(); if (scrolledUp) { _scrollDateCheck.call(); } else { scrollDateHideByTimer(); } _controller->floatPlayerAreaUpdated().notify(true); } void InnerWidget::updateVisibleTopItem() { if (_visibleBottom == height()) { _visibleTopItem = nullptr; } else { auto begin = std::rbegin(_items), end = std::rend(_items); auto from = std::lower_bound(begin, end, _visibleTop, [this](auto &&elem, int top) { return this->itemTop(elem) + elem->height() <= top; }); if (from != end) { _visibleTopItem = *from; _visibleTopFromItem = _visibleTop - _visibleTopItem->y(); } else { _visibleTopItem = nullptr; _visibleTopFromItem = _visibleTop; } } } bool InnerWidget::displayScrollDate() const { return (_visibleTop <= height() - 2 * (_visibleBottom - _visibleTop)); } void InnerWidget::scrollDateCheck() { if (!_visibleTopItem) { _scrollDateLastItem = nullptr; _scrollDateLastItemTop = 0; scrollDateHide(); } else if (_visibleTopItem != _scrollDateLastItem || _visibleTopFromItem != _scrollDateLastItemTop) { // Show scroll date only if it is not the initial onScroll() event (with empty _scrollDateLastItem). if (_scrollDateLastItem && !_scrollDateShown) { toggleScrollDateShown(); } _scrollDateLastItem = _visibleTopItem; _scrollDateLastItemTop = _visibleTopFromItem; _scrollDateHideTimer.callOnce(kScrollDateHideTimeout); } } void InnerWidget::scrollDateHideByTimer() { _scrollDateHideTimer.cancel(); scrollDateHide(); } void InnerWidget::scrollDateHide() { if (_scrollDateShown) { toggleScrollDateShown(); } } void InnerWidget::toggleScrollDateShown() { _scrollDateShown = !_scrollDateShown; auto from = _scrollDateShown ? 0. : 1.; auto to = _scrollDateShown ? 1. : 0.; _scrollDateOpacity.start([this] { repaintScrollDateCallback(); }, from, to, st::historyDateFadeDuration); } void InnerWidget::repaintScrollDateCallback() { auto updateTop = _visibleTop; auto updateHeight = st::msgServiceMargin.top() + st::msgServicePadding.top() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.bottom(); update(0, updateTop, width(), updateHeight); } void InnerWidget::checkPreloadMore() { if (_visibleTop + PreloadHeightsCount * (_visibleBottom - _visibleTop) > height()) { preloadMore(Direction::Down); } if (_visibleTop < PreloadHeightsCount * (_visibleBottom - _visibleTop)) { preloadMore(Direction::Up); } } void InnerWidget::applyFilter(FilterValue &&value) { if (_filter != value) { _filter = value; clearAndRequestLog(); } } void InnerWidget::applySearch(const QString &query) { auto clearQuery = query.trimmed(); if (_searchQuery != query) { _searchQuery = query; clearAndRequestLog(); } } void InnerWidget::requestAdmins() { request(MTPchannels_GetParticipants(_channel->inputChannel, MTP_channelParticipantsAdmins(), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(kMaxChannelAdmins))).done([this](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_channels_channelParticipants); auto &participants = result.c_channels_channelParticipants(); App::feedUsers(participants.vusers); for (auto &participant : participants.vparticipants.v) { auto getUserId = [&participant] { switch (participant.type()) { case mtpc_channelParticipant: return participant.c_channelParticipant().vuser_id.v; case mtpc_channelParticipantSelf: return participant.c_channelParticipantSelf().vuser_id.v; case mtpc_channelParticipantAdmin: return participant.c_channelParticipantAdmin().vuser_id.v; case mtpc_channelParticipantCreator: return participant.c_channelParticipantCreator().vuser_id.v; case mtpc_channelParticipantBanned: return participant.c_channelParticipantBanned().vuser_id.v; default: Unexpected("Type in AdminLog::Widget::showFilter()"); } }; if (auto user = App::userLoaded(getUserId())) { _admins.push_back(user); auto canEdit = (participant.type() == mtpc_channelParticipantAdmin) && (participant.c_channelParticipantAdmin().is_can_edit()); if (canEdit) { _adminsCanEdit.push_back(user); } } } if (_admins.empty()) { _admins.push_back(App::self()); } if (_showFilterCallback) { showFilter(std::move(_showFilterCallback)); } }).send(); } void InnerWidget::showFilter(base::lambda callback) { if (_admins.empty()) { _showFilterCallback = std::move(callback); } else { Ui::show(Box(_channel, _admins, _filter, std::move(callback))); } } void InnerWidget::clearAndRequestLog() { request(base::take(_preloadUpRequestId)).cancel(); request(base::take(_preloadDownRequestId)).cancel(); _filterChanged = true; _upLoaded = false; _downLoaded = true; updateMinMaxIds(); preloadMore(Direction::Up); } void InnerWidget::updateEmptyText() { auto options = _defaultOptions; options.flags |= TextParseMarkdown; auto hasSearch = !_searchQuery.isEmpty(); auto hasFilter = (_filter.flags != 0) || !_filter.allUsers; auto text = TextWithEntities { lang((hasSearch || hasFilter) ? lng_admin_log_no_results_title : lng_admin_log_no_events_title) }; text.entities.append(EntityInText(EntityInTextBold, 0, text.text.size())); auto description = hasSearch ? lng_admin_log_no_results_search_text(lt_query, TextUtilities::Clean(_searchQuery)) : lang(hasFilter ? lng_admin_log_no_results_text : lng_admin_log_no_events_text); text.text.append(qstr("\n\n") + description); _emptyText.setMarkedText(st::defaultTextStyle, text, options); } QString InnerWidget::tooltipText() const { if (_mouseCursorState == HistoryInDateCursorState && _mouseAction == MouseAction::None) { if (auto item = App::hoveredItem()) { auto dateText = item->date.toString(QLocale::system().dateTimeFormat(QLocale::LongFormat)); return dateText; } } else if (_mouseCursorState == HistoryInForwardedCursorState && _mouseAction == MouseAction::None) { if (auto item = App::hoveredItem()) { if (auto forwarded = item->Get()) { return forwarded->_text.originalText(AllTextSelection, ExpandLinksNone); } } } else if (auto lnk = ClickHandler::getActive()) { return lnk->tooltip(); } return QString(); } QPoint InnerWidget::tooltipPos() const { return _mousePosition; } void InnerWidget::saveState(gsl::not_null memento) { memento->setFilter(std::move(_filter)); memento->setAdmins(std::move(_admins)); memento->setAdminsCanEdit(std::move(_adminsCanEdit)); memento->setSearchQuery(std::move(_searchQuery)); if (!_filterChanged) { memento->setItems(std::move(_items), std::move(_itemsByIds), _upLoaded, _downLoaded); memento->setIdManager(std::move(_idManager)); } _upLoaded = _downLoaded = true; // Don't load or handle anything anymore. } void InnerWidget::restoreState(gsl::not_null memento) { _items = memento->takeItems(); _itemsByIds = memento->takeItemsByIds(); _idManager = memento->takeIdManager(); _admins = memento->takeAdmins(); _adminsCanEdit = memento->takeAdminsCanEdit(); _filter = memento->takeFilter(); _searchQuery = memento->takeSearchQuery(); _upLoaded = memento->upLoaded(); _downLoaded = memento->downLoaded(); _filterChanged = false; updateMinMaxIds(); updateSize(); } void InnerWidget::preloadMore(Direction direction) { auto &requestId = (direction == Direction::Up) ? _preloadUpRequestId : _preloadDownRequestId; auto &loadedFlag = (direction == Direction::Up) ? _upLoaded : _downLoaded; if (requestId != 0 || loadedFlag) { return; } auto flags = MTPchannels_GetAdminLog::Flags(0); auto filter = MTP_channelAdminLogEventsFilter(MTP_flags(_filter.flags)); if (_filter.flags != 0) { flags |= MTPchannels_GetAdminLog::Flag::f_events_filter; } auto admins = QVector(0); if (!_filter.allUsers) { if (!_filter.admins.empty()) { admins.reserve(_filter.admins.size()); for (auto &admin : _filter.admins) { admins.push_back(admin->inputUser); } } flags |= MTPchannels_GetAdminLog::Flag::f_admins; } auto maxId = (direction == Direction::Up) ? _minId : 0; auto minId = (direction == Direction::Up) ? 0 : _maxId; auto perPage = _items.empty() ? kEventsFirstPage : kEventsPerPage; requestId = request(MTPchannels_GetAdminLog(MTP_flags(flags), _channel->inputChannel, MTP_string(_searchQuery), filter, MTP_vector(admins), MTP_long(maxId), MTP_long(minId), MTP_int(perPage))).done([this, &requestId, &loadedFlag, direction](const MTPchannels_AdminLogResults &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_channels_adminLogResults); requestId = 0; auto &results = result.c_channels_adminLogResults(); App::feedUsers(results.vusers); App::feedChats(results.vchats); if (!loadedFlag) { addEvents(direction, results.vevents.v); } }).fail([this, &requestId, &loadedFlag](const RPCError &error) { requestId = 0; loadedFlag = true; update(); }).send(); } void InnerWidget::addEvents(Direction direction, const QVector &events) { if (_filterChanged) { clearAfterFilterChange(); } auto up = (direction == Direction::Up); if (events.empty()) { (up ? _upLoaded : _downLoaded) = true; update(); return; } // When loading items up we just add them to the back of the _items vector. // When loading items down we add them to a new vector and copy _items after them. auto newItemsForDownDirection = std::vector(); auto oldItemsCount = _items.size(); auto &addToItems = (direction == Direction::Up) ? _items : newItemsForDownDirection; addToItems.reserve(oldItemsCount + events.size() * 2); for_const (auto &event, events) { t_assert(event.type() == mtpc_channelAdminLogEvent); auto &data = event.c_channelAdminLogEvent(); if (_itemsByIds.find(data.vid.v) != _itemsByIds.cend()) { continue; } auto count = 0; GenerateItems(_history, _idManager, data, [this, id = data.vid.v, &addToItems, &count](HistoryItemOwned item) { _itemsByIds.emplace(id, item.get()); addToItems.push_back(std::move(item)); ++count; }); if (count > 1) { // Reverse the inner order of the added messages, because we load events // from bottom to top but inside one event they go from top to bottom. auto full = addToItems.size(); auto from = full - count; for (auto i = 0, toReverse = count / 2; i != toReverse; ++i) { std::swap(addToItems[from + i], addToItems[full - i - 1]); } } } auto newItemsCount = _items.size() + ((direction == Direction::Up) ? 0 : newItemsForDownDirection.size()); if (newItemsCount != oldItemsCount) { if (direction == Direction::Down) { for (auto &item : _items) { newItemsForDownDirection.push_back(std::move(item)); } _items = std::move(newItemsForDownDirection); } updateMinMaxIds(); itemsAdded(direction, newItemsCount - oldItemsCount); } update(); } void InnerWidget::updateMinMaxIds() { if (_itemsByIds.empty() || _filterChanged) { _maxId = _minId = 0; } else { _maxId = (--_itemsByIds.end())->first; _minId = _itemsByIds.begin()->first; if (_minId == 1) { _upLoaded = true; } } } void InnerWidget::itemsAdded(Direction direction, int addedCount) { Expects(addedCount >= 0); auto checkFrom = (direction == Direction::Up) ? (_items.size() - addedCount) : 1; // Should be ": 0", but zero is skipped anyway. auto checkTo = (direction == Direction::Up) ? (_items.size() + 1) : (addedCount + 1); for (auto i = checkFrom; i != checkTo; ++i) { if (i > 0) { auto item = _items[i - 1].get(); if (i < _items.size()) { auto previous = _items[i].get(); item->setLogEntryDisplayDate(item->date.date() != previous->date.date()); auto attachToPrevious = item->computeIsAttachToPrevious(previous); item->setLogEntryAttachToPrevious(attachToPrevious); previous->setLogEntryAttachToNext(attachToPrevious); } else { item->setLogEntryDisplayDate(true); } } } updateSize(); } void InnerWidget::updateSize() { TWidget::resizeToWidth(width()); restoreScrollPosition(); updateVisibleTopItem(); checkPreloadMore(); } int InnerWidget::resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) { update(); auto newHeight = 0; for (auto &item : base::reversed(_items)) { item->setY(newHeight); newHeight += item->resizeGetHeight(newWidth); } _itemsHeight = newHeight; _itemsTop = (_minHeight > _itemsHeight + st::historyPaddingBottom) ? (_minHeight - _itemsHeight - st::historyPaddingBottom) : 0; return _itemsTop + _itemsHeight + st::historyPaddingBottom; } void InnerWidget::restoreScrollPosition() { auto newVisibleTop = _visibleTopItem ? (itemTop(_visibleTopItem) + _visibleTopFromItem) : ScrollMax; scrollToSignal.notify(newVisibleTop, true); } void InnerWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { if (Ui::skipPaintEvent(this, e)) { return; } Painter p(this); auto ms = getms(); auto clip = e->rect(); if (_items.empty() && _upLoaded && _downLoaded) { paintEmpty(p); } else { auto begin = std::rbegin(_items), end = std::rend(_items); auto from = std::lower_bound(begin, end, clip.top(), [this](auto &elem, int top) { return this->itemTop(elem) + elem->height() <= top; }); auto to = std::lower_bound(begin, end, clip.top() + clip.height(), [this](auto &elem, int bottom) { return this->itemTop(elem) < bottom; }); if (from != end) { auto top = itemTop(from->get()); p.translate(0, top); for (auto i = from; i != to; ++i) { auto selection = (*i == _selectedItem) ? _selectedText : TextSelection(); (*i)->draw(p, clip.translated(0, -top), selection, ms); auto height = (*i)->height(); top += height; p.translate(0, height); } p.translate(0, -top); enumerateUserpics([&p, &clip](gsl::not_null message, int userpicTop) { // stop the enumeration if the userpic is below the painted rect if (userpicTop >= clip.top() + clip.height()) { return false; } // paint the userpic if it intersects the painted rect if (userpicTop + st::msgPhotoSize > clip.top()) { message->from()->paintUserpicLeft(p, st::historyPhotoLeft, userpicTop, message->width(), st::msgPhotoSize); } return true; }); auto dateHeight = st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.top(); auto scrollDateOpacity = _scrollDateOpacity.current(ms, _scrollDateShown ? 1. : 0.); enumerateDates([&p, &clip, scrollDateOpacity, dateHeight/*, lastDate, showFloatingBefore*/](gsl::not_null item, int itemtop, int dateTop) { // stop the enumeration if the date is above the painted rect if (dateTop + dateHeight <= clip.top()) { return false; } bool displayDate = item->displayDate(); bool dateInPlace = displayDate; if (dateInPlace) { int correctDateTop = itemtop + st::msgServiceMargin.top(); dateInPlace = (dateTop < correctDateTop + dateHeight); } //bool noFloatingDate = (item->date.date() == lastDate && displayDate); //if (noFloatingDate) { // if (itemtop < showFloatingBefore) { // noFloatingDate = false; // } //} // paint the date if it intersects the painted rect if (dateTop < clip.top() + clip.height()) { auto opacity = (dateInPlace/* || noFloatingDate*/) ? 1. : scrollDateOpacity; if (opacity > 0.) { p.setOpacity(opacity); int dateY = /*noFloatingDate ? itemtop :*/ (dateTop - st::msgServiceMargin.top()); int width = item->width(); if (auto date = item->Get()) { date->paint(p, dateY, width); } else { HistoryLayout::ServiceMessagePainter::paintDate(p, item->date, dateY, width); } } } return true; }); } } } void InnerWidget::clearAfterFilterChange() { _visibleTopItem = nullptr; _visibleTopFromItem = 0; _scrollDateLastItem = nullptr; _scrollDateLastItemTop = 0; _mouseActionItem = nullptr; _selectedItem = nullptr; _selectedText = TextSelection(); _filterChanged = false; _items.clear(); _itemsByIds.clear(); _idManager = LocalIdManager(); updateEmptyText(); updateSize(); } void InnerWidget::paintEmpty(Painter &p) { style::font font(st::msgServiceFont); auto rectWidth = st::historyAdminLogEmptyWidth; auto innerWidth = rectWidth - st::historyAdminLogEmptyPadding.left() - st::historyAdminLogEmptyPadding.right(); auto rectHeight = st::historyAdminLogEmptyPadding.top() + _emptyText.countHeight(innerWidth) + st::historyAdminLogEmptyPadding.bottom(); auto rect = QRect((width() - rectWidth) / 2, (height() - rectHeight) / 3, rectWidth, rectHeight); HistoryLayout::ServiceMessagePainter::paintBubble(p, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()); p.setPen(st::msgServiceFg); _emptyText.draw(p, rect.x() + st::historyAdminLogEmptyPadding.left(), rect.y() + st::historyAdminLogEmptyPadding.top(), innerWidth, style::al_top); } TextWithEntities InnerWidget::getSelectedText() const { return _selectedItem ? _selectedItem->selectedText(_selectedText) : TextWithEntities(); } void InnerWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape || e->key() == Qt::Key_Back) { cancelledSignal.notify(true); } else if (e == QKeySequence::Copy && _selectedItem != nullptr) { copySelectedText(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_E && e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier)) { setToClipboard(getSelectedText(), QClipboard::FindBuffer); #endif // Q_OS_MAC } else { e->ignore(); } } void InnerWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { mouseActionStart(e->globalPos(), e->button()); if (((_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting && _selectedItem != nullptr) || (_mouseAction == MouseAction::None)) && _mouseSelectType == TextSelectType::Letters && _mouseActionItem) { HistoryStateRequest request; request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol; auto dragState = _mouseActionItem->getState(_dragStartPosition, request); if (dragState.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState) { _mouseTextSymbol = dragState.symbol; _mouseSelectType = TextSelectType::Words; if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::None) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::Selecting; auto selection = TextSelection { dragState.symbol, dragState.symbol }; repaintItem(std::exchange(_selectedItem, _mouseActionItem)); _selectedText = selection; } mouseMoveEvent(e); _trippleClickPoint = e->globalPos(); _trippleClickTimer.callOnce(QApplication::doubleClickInterval()); } } } void InnerWidget::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) { showContextMenu(e); } void InnerWidget::showContextMenu(QContextMenuEvent *e, bool showFromTouch) { if (_menu) { _menu->deleteLater(); _menu = 0; } if (e->reason() == QContextMenuEvent::Mouse) { mouseActionUpdate(e->globalPos()); } // -1 - has selection, but no over, 0 - no selection, 1 - over text auto isUponSelected = 0; auto hasSelected = 0; if (_selectedItem) { isUponSelected = -1; auto selFrom = _selectedText.from; auto selTo = _selectedText.to; hasSelected = (selTo > selFrom) ? 1 : 0; if (App::mousedItem() && App::mousedItem() == App::hoveredItem()) { auto mousePos = mapPointToItem(mapFromGlobal(_mousePosition), App::mousedItem()); HistoryStateRequest request; request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol; auto dragState = App::mousedItem()->getState(mousePos, request); if (dragState.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState && dragState.symbol >= selFrom && dragState.symbol < selTo) { isUponSelected = 1; } } } if (showFromTouch && hasSelected && isUponSelected < hasSelected) { isUponSelected = hasSelected; } _menu = new Ui::PopupMenu(nullptr); _contextMenuLink = ClickHandler::getActive(); auto item = App::hoveredItem() ? App::hoveredItem() : App::hoveredLinkItem(); auto lnkPhoto = dynamic_cast(_contextMenuLink.data()); auto lnkDocument = dynamic_cast(_contextMenuLink.data()); auto lnkPeer = dynamic_cast(_contextMenuLink.data()); auto lnkIsVideo = lnkDocument ? lnkDocument->document()->isVideo() : false; auto lnkIsAudio = lnkDocument ? (lnkDocument->document()->voice() != nullptr) : false; auto lnkIsSong = lnkDocument ? (lnkDocument->document()->song() != nullptr) : false; if (lnkPhoto || lnkDocument) { if (isUponSelected > 0) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_selected), [this] { copySelectedText(); })->setEnabled(true); } if (lnkPhoto) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_save_image), App::LambdaDelayed(st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, this, [this, photo = lnkPhoto->photo()] { savePhotoToFile(photo); }))->setEnabled(true); _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_image), [this, photo = lnkPhoto->photo()] { copyContextImage(photo); })->setEnabled(true); } else { auto document = lnkDocument->document(); if (document->loading()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_cancel_download), [this] { cancelContextDownload(); })->setEnabled(true); } else { if (document->loaded() && document->isGifv()) { if (!cAutoPlayGif()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_open_gif), [this] { openContextGif(); })->setEnabled(true); } } if (!document->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked).isEmpty()) { _menu->addAction(lang((cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld) ? lng_context_show_in_finder : lng_context_show_in_folder), [this] { showContextInFolder(); })->setEnabled(true); } _menu->addAction(lang(lnkIsVideo ? lng_context_save_video : (lnkIsAudio ? lng_context_save_audio : (lnkIsSong ? lng_context_save_audio_file : lng_context_save_file))), App::LambdaDelayed(st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, this, [this, document] { saveDocumentToFile(document); }))->setEnabled(true); } } if (App::hoveredLinkItem()) { App::contextItem(App::hoveredLinkItem()); } } else if (lnkPeer) { // suggest to block if (auto user = lnkPeer->peer()->asUser()) { suggestRestrictUser(user); } } else { // maybe cursor on some text history item? bool canDelete = item && item->canDelete() && (item->id > 0 || !item->serviceMsg()); bool canForward = item && item->canForward(); auto msg = dynamic_cast(item); if (isUponSelected > 0) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_selected), [this] { copySelectedText(); })->setEnabled(true); } else { if (item && !isUponSelected) { auto mediaHasTextForCopy = false; if (auto media = (msg ? msg->getMedia() : nullptr)) { mediaHasTextForCopy = media->hasTextForCopy(); if (media->type() == MediaTypeWebPage && static_cast(media)->attach()) { media = static_cast(media)->attach(); } if (media->type() == MediaTypeSticker) { if (auto document = media->getDocument()) { if (document->sticker() && document->sticker()->set.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetEmpty) { _menu->addAction(lang(document->sticker()->setInstalled() ? lng_context_pack_info : lng_context_pack_add), [this] { showStickerPackInfo(); }); } _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_save_image), App::LambdaDelayed(st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, this, [this, document] { saveDocumentToFile(document); }))->setEnabled(true); } } else if (media->type() == MediaTypeGif && !_contextMenuLink) { if (auto document = media->getDocument()) { if (document->loading()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_cancel_download), [this] { cancelContextDownload(); })->setEnabled(true); } else { if (document->isGifv()) { if (!cAutoPlayGif()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_open_gif), [this] { openContextGif(); })->setEnabled(true); } } if (!document->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked).isEmpty()) { _menu->addAction(lang((cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld) ? lng_context_show_in_finder : lng_context_show_in_folder), [this] { showContextInFolder(); })->setEnabled(true); } _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_save_file), App::LambdaDelayed(st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, this, [this, document] { saveDocumentToFile(document); }))->setEnabled(true); } } } } if (msg && !_contextMenuLink && (!msg->emptyText() || mediaHasTextForCopy)) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_text), [this] { copyContextText(); })->setEnabled(true); } } } auto linkCopyToClipboardText = _contextMenuLink ? _contextMenuLink->copyToClipboardContextItemText() : QString(); if (!linkCopyToClipboardText.isEmpty()) { _menu->addAction(linkCopyToClipboardText, [this] { copyContextUrl(); })->setEnabled(true); } App::contextItem(item); } if (_menu->actions().isEmpty()) { delete base::take(_menu); } else { connect(_menu, &QObject::destroyed, this, [this](QObject *object) { if (_menu == object) { _menu = nullptr; } }); _menu->popup(e->globalPos()); e->accept(); } } void InnerWidget::savePhotoToFile(PhotoData *photo) { if (!photo || !photo->date || !photo->loaded()) return; auto filter = qsl("JPEG Image (*.jpg);;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); FileDialog::GetWritePath(lang(lng_save_photo), filter, filedialogDefaultName(qsl("photo"), qsl(".jpg")), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this, photo](const QString &result) { if (!result.isEmpty()) { photo->full->pix().toImage().save(result, "JPG"); } })); } void InnerWidget::saveDocumentToFile(DocumentData *document) { DocumentSaveClickHandler::doSave(document, true); } void InnerWidget::copyContextImage(PhotoData *photo) { if (!photo || !photo->date || !photo->loaded()) return; QApplication::clipboard()->setPixmap(photo->full->pix()); } void InnerWidget::copySelectedText() { setToClipboard(getSelectedText()); } void InnerWidget::copyContextUrl() { if (_contextMenuLink) { _contextMenuLink->copyToClipboard(); } } void InnerWidget::showStickerPackInfo() { if (!App::contextItem()) return; if (auto media = App::contextItem()->getMedia()) { if (auto doc = media->getDocument()) { if (auto sticker = doc->sticker()) { if (sticker->set.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetEmpty) { App::main()->stickersBox(sticker->set); } } } } } void InnerWidget::cancelContextDownload() { if (auto lnkDocument = dynamic_cast(_contextMenuLink.data())) { lnkDocument->document()->cancel(); } else if (auto item = App::contextItem()) { if (auto media = item->getMedia()) { if (auto doc = media->getDocument()) { doc->cancel(); } } } } void InnerWidget::showContextInFolder() { QString filepath; if (auto lnkDocument = dynamic_cast(_contextMenuLink.data())) { filepath = lnkDocument->document()->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked); } else if (auto item = App::contextItem()) { if (auto media = item->getMedia()) { if (auto doc = media->getDocument()) { filepath = doc->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked); } } } if (!filepath.isEmpty()) { File::ShowInFolder(filepath); } } void InnerWidget::openContextGif() { if (auto item = App::contextItem()) { if (auto media = item->getMedia()) { if (auto document = media->getDocument()) { _controller->window()->showDocument(document, item); } } } } void InnerWidget::copyContextText() { auto item = App::contextItem(); if (!item || (item->getMedia() && item->getMedia()->type() == MediaTypeSticker)) { return; } setToClipboard(item->selectedText(FullSelection)); } void InnerWidget::setToClipboard(const TextWithEntities &forClipboard, QClipboard::Mode mode) { if (auto data = MimeDataFromTextWithEntities(forClipboard)) { QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(data.release(), mode); } } void InnerWidget::suggestRestrictUser(gsl::not_null user) { Expects(_menu != nullptr); if (!_channel->isMegagroup() || !_channel->canBanMembers() || _admins.empty()) { return; } if (base::contains(_admins, user)) { if (!base::contains(_adminsCanEdit, user)) { return; } } _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_restrict_user), [this, user] { auto editRestrictions = [user, this](bool hasAdminRights, const MTPChannelBannedRights ¤tRights) { auto weak = QPointer(this); auto weakBox = std::make_shared>(); auto box = Box(_channel, user, hasAdminRights, currentRights); box->setSaveCallback([user, weak, weakBox](const MTPChannelBannedRights &oldRights, const MTPChannelBannedRights &newRights) { if (weak) { weak->restrictUser(user, oldRights, newRights); } if (*weakBox) { (*weakBox)->closeBox(); } }); *weakBox = Ui::show(std::move(box), KeepOtherLayers); }; if (base::contains(_admins, user)) { editRestrictions(true, MTP_channelBannedRights(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0))); } else { request(MTPchannels_GetParticipant(_channel->inputChannel, user->inputUser)).done([this, editRestrictions](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipant &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_channels_channelParticipant); auto &participant = result.c_channels_channelParticipant(); App::feedUsers(participant.vusers); auto type = participant.vparticipant.type(); if (type == mtpc_channelParticipantBanned) { editRestrictions(false, participant.vparticipant.c_channelParticipantBanned().vbanned_rights); } else { auto hasAdminRights = (type == mtpc_channelParticipantAdmin || type == mtpc_channelParticipantCreator); editRestrictions(hasAdminRights, MTP_channelBannedRights(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0))); } }).fail([this, editRestrictions](const RPCError &error) { editRestrictions(false, MTP_channelBannedRights(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(0))); }).send(); } }); } void InnerWidget::restrictUser(gsl::not_null user, const MTPChannelBannedRights &oldRights, const MTPChannelBannedRights &newRights) { auto weak = QPointer(this); MTP::send(MTPchannels_EditBanned(_channel->inputChannel, user->inputUser, newRights), rpcDone([megagroup = _channel.get(), user, weak, oldRights, newRights](const MTPUpdates &result) { AuthSession::Current().api().applyUpdates(result); megagroup->applyEditBanned(user, oldRights, newRights); if (weak) { weak->restrictUserDone(user, newRights); } })); } void InnerWidget::restrictUserDone(gsl::not_null user, const MTPChannelBannedRights &rights) { Expects(rights.type() == mtpc_channelBannedRights); if (rights.c_channelBannedRights().vflags.v) { _admins.erase(std::remove(_admins.begin(), _admins.end(), user), _admins.end()); _adminsCanEdit.erase(std::remove(_adminsCanEdit.begin(), _adminsCanEdit.end(), user), _adminsCanEdit.end()); } _downLoaded = false; checkPreloadMore(); } void InnerWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_menu) { e->accept(); return; // ignore mouse press, that was hiding context menu } mouseActionStart(e->globalPos(), e->button()); } void InnerWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { auto buttonsPressed = (e->buttons() & (Qt::LeftButton | Qt::MiddleButton)); if (!buttonsPressed && _mouseAction != MouseAction::None) { mouseReleaseEvent(e); } mouseActionUpdate(e->globalPos()); } void InnerWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { mouseActionFinish(e->globalPos(), e->button()); if (!rect().contains(e->pos())) { leaveEvent(e); } } void InnerWidget::enterEventHook(QEvent *e) { mouseActionUpdate(QCursor::pos()); return TWidget::enterEventHook(e); } void InnerWidget::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { if (auto item = App::hoveredItem()) { repaintItem(item); App::hoveredItem(nullptr); } ClickHandler::clearActive(); Ui::Tooltip::Hide(); if (!ClickHandler::getPressed() && _cursor != style::cur_default) { _cursor = style::cur_default; setCursor(_cursor); } return TWidget::leaveEventHook(e); } void InnerWidget::mouseActionStart(const QPoint &screenPos, Qt::MouseButton button) { mouseActionUpdate(screenPos); if (button != Qt::LeftButton) return; ClickHandler::pressed(); if (App::pressedItem() != App::hoveredItem()) { repaintItem(App::pressedItem()); App::pressedItem(App::hoveredItem()); repaintItem(App::pressedItem()); } _mouseAction = MouseAction::None; _mouseActionItem = App::mousedItem(); _dragStartPosition = mapPointToItem(mapFromGlobal(screenPos), _mouseActionItem); _pressWasInactive = _controller->window()->wasInactivePress(); if (_pressWasInactive) _controller->window()->setInactivePress(false); if (ClickHandler::getPressed()) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::PrepareDrag; } if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::None && _mouseActionItem) { HistoryTextState dragState; if (_trippleClickTimer.isActive() && (screenPos - _trippleClickPoint).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance()) { HistoryStateRequest request; request.flags = Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol; dragState = _mouseActionItem->getState(_dragStartPosition, request); if (dragState.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState) { auto selection = TextSelection { dragState.symbol, dragState.symbol }; repaintItem(std::exchange(_selectedItem, _mouseActionItem)); _selectedText = selection; _mouseTextSymbol = dragState.symbol; _mouseAction = MouseAction::Selecting; _mouseSelectType = TextSelectType::Paragraphs; mouseActionUpdate(_mousePosition); _trippleClickTimer.callOnce(QApplication::doubleClickInterval()); } } else if (App::pressedItem()) { HistoryStateRequest request; request.flags = Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol; dragState = _mouseActionItem->getState(_dragStartPosition, request); } if (_mouseSelectType != TextSelectType::Paragraphs) { if (App::pressedItem()) { _mouseTextSymbol = dragState.symbol; auto uponSelected = (dragState.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState); if (uponSelected) { if (!_selectedItem || _selectedItem != _mouseActionItem) { uponSelected = false; } else if (_mouseTextSymbol < _selectedText.from || _mouseTextSymbol >= _selectedText.to) { uponSelected = false; } } if (uponSelected) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::PrepareDrag; // start text drag } else if (!_pressWasInactive) { if (dragState.afterSymbol) ++_mouseTextSymbol; auto selection = TextSelection { _mouseTextSymbol, _mouseTextSymbol }; repaintItem(std::exchange(_selectedItem, _mouseActionItem)); _selectedText = selection; _mouseAction = MouseAction::Selecting; repaintItem(_mouseActionItem); } } } } if (!_mouseActionItem) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::None; } else if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::None) { _mouseActionItem = nullptr; } } void InnerWidget::mouseActionUpdate(const QPoint &screenPos) { _mousePosition = screenPos; updateSelected(); } void InnerWidget::mouseActionCancel() { _mouseActionItem = nullptr; _mouseAction = MouseAction::None; _dragStartPosition = QPoint(0, 0); _wasSelectedText = false; //_widget->noSelectingScroll(); // TODO } void InnerWidget::mouseActionFinish(const QPoint &screenPos, Qt::MouseButton button) { mouseActionUpdate(screenPos); ClickHandlerPtr activated = ClickHandler::unpressed(); if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Dragging) { activated.clear(); } if (App::pressedItem()) { repaintItem(App::pressedItem()); App::pressedItem(nullptr); } _wasSelectedText = false; if (activated) { mouseActionCancel(); App::activateClickHandler(activated, button); return; } if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::PrepareDrag && !_pressWasInactive && button != Qt::RightButton) { repaintItem(base::take(_selectedItem)); } else if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting) { if (_selectedItem && !_pressWasInactive) { if (_selectedText.from == _selectedText.to) { _selectedItem = nullptr; App::wnd()->setInnerFocus(); } } } _mouseAction = MouseAction::None; _mouseActionItem = nullptr; _mouseSelectType = TextSelectType::Letters; //_widget->noSelectingScroll(); // TODO #if defined Q_OS_LINUX32 || defined Q_OS_LINUX64 if (_selectedItem && _selectedText.from != _selectedText.to) { setToClipboard(_selectedItem->selectedText(_selectedText), QClipboard::Selection); } #endif // Q_OS_LINUX32 || Q_OS_LINUX64 } void InnerWidget::updateSelected() { auto mousePosition = mapFromGlobal(_mousePosition); auto point = QPoint(snap(mousePosition.x(), 0, width()), snap(mousePosition.y(), _visibleTop, _visibleBottom)); auto itemPoint = QPoint(); auto begin = std::rbegin(_items), end = std::rend(_items); auto from = (point.y() >= _itemsTop && point.y() < _itemsTop + _itemsHeight) ? std::lower_bound(begin, end, point.y(), [this](auto &elem, int top) { return this->itemTop(elem) + elem->height() <= top; }) : end; auto item = (from != end) ? from->get() : nullptr; if (item) { App::mousedItem(item); itemPoint = mapPointToItem(point, item); if (item->hasPoint(itemPoint)) { if (App::hoveredItem() != item) { repaintItem(App::hoveredItem()); App::hoveredItem(item); repaintItem(App::hoveredItem()); } } else if (App::hoveredItem()) { repaintItem(App::hoveredItem()); App::hoveredItem(nullptr); } } HistoryTextState dragState; ClickHandlerHost *lnkhost = nullptr; auto selectingText = (item == _mouseActionItem && item == App::hoveredItem() && _selectedItem); if (item) { if (item != _mouseActionItem || (itemPoint - _dragStartPosition).manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) { if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::PrepareDrag) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::Dragging; InvokeQueued(this, [this] { performDrag(); }); } } HistoryStateRequest request; if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting) { request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol; } else { selectingText = false; } dragState = item->getState(itemPoint, request); lnkhost = item; if (!dragState.link && itemPoint.x() >= st::historyPhotoLeft && itemPoint.x() < st::historyPhotoLeft + st::msgPhotoSize) { if (auto message = item->toHistoryMessage()) { if (message->hasFromPhoto()) { enumerateUserpics([&dragState, &lnkhost, &point](gsl::not_null message, int userpicTop) -> bool { // stop enumeration if the userpic is below our point if (userpicTop > point.y()) { return false; } // stop enumeration if we've found a userpic under the cursor if (point.y() >= userpicTop && point.y() < userpicTop + st::msgPhotoSize) { dragState.link = message->from()->openLink(); lnkhost = message; return false; } return true; }); } } } } auto lnkChanged = ClickHandler::setActive(dragState.link, lnkhost); if (lnkChanged || dragState.cursor != _mouseCursorState) { Ui::Tooltip::Hide(); } if (dragState.link || dragState.cursor == HistoryInDateCursorState || dragState.cursor == HistoryInForwardedCursorState) { Ui::Tooltip::Show(1000, this); } auto cursor = style::cur_default; if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::None) { _mouseCursorState = dragState.cursor; if (dragState.link) { cursor = style::cur_pointer; } else if (_mouseCursorState == HistoryInTextCursorState) { cursor = style::cur_text; } else if (_mouseCursorState == HistoryInDateCursorState) { // cursor = style::cur_cross; } } else if (item) { if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting) { if (selectingText) { auto second = dragState.symbol; if (dragState.afterSymbol && _mouseSelectType == TextSelectType::Letters) { ++second; } auto selection = TextSelection { qMin(second, _mouseTextSymbol), qMax(second, _mouseTextSymbol) }; if (_mouseSelectType != TextSelectType::Letters) { selection = _mouseActionItem->adjustSelection(selection, _mouseSelectType); } if (_selectedText != selection) { _selectedText = selection; repaintItem(_mouseActionItem); } if (!_wasSelectedText && (selection.from != selection.to)) { _wasSelectedText = true; setFocus(); } } } else if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Dragging) { } if (ClickHandler::getPressed()) { cursor = style::cur_pointer; } else if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting && _selectedItem) { cursor = style::cur_text; } } // Voice message seek support. if (auto pressedItem = App::pressedLinkItem()) { if (!pressedItem->detached()) { if (pressedItem->history() == _history) { auto adjustedPoint = mapPointToItem(point, pressedItem); pressedItem->updatePressed(adjustedPoint); } } } //if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting) { // _widget->checkSelectingScroll(mousePos); //} else { // _widget->noSelectingScroll(); //} // TODO if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::None && (lnkChanged || cursor != _cursor)) { setCursor(_cursor = cursor); } } void InnerWidget::performDrag() { if (_mouseAction != MouseAction::Dragging) return; auto uponSelected = false; //if (_mouseActionItem) { // if (!_selected.isEmpty() && _selected.cbegin().value() == FullSelection) { // uponSelected = _selected.contains(_mouseActionItem); // } else { // HistoryStateRequest request; // request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol; // auto dragState = _mouseActionItem->getState(_dragStartPosition.x(), _dragStartPosition.y(), request); // uponSelected = (dragState.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState); // if (uponSelected) { // if (_selected.isEmpty() || // _selected.cbegin().value() == FullSelection || // _selected.cbegin().key() != _mouseActionItem // ) { // uponSelected = false; // } else { // uint16 selFrom = _selected.cbegin().value().from, selTo = _selected.cbegin().value().to; // if (dragState.symbol < selFrom || dragState.symbol >= selTo) { // uponSelected = false; // } // } // } // } //} //auto pressedHandler = ClickHandler::getPressed(); //if (dynamic_cast(pressedHandler.data())) { // return; //} //TextWithEntities sel; //QList urls; //if (uponSelected) { // sel = getSelectedText(); //} else if (pressedHandler) { // sel = { pressedHandler->dragText(), EntitiesInText() }; // //if (!sel.isEmpty() && sel.at(0) != '/' && sel.at(0) != '@' && sel.at(0) != '#') { // // urls.push_back(QUrl::fromEncoded(sel.toUtf8())); // Google Chrome crashes in Mac OS X O_o // //} //} //if (auto mimeData = mimeDataFromTextWithEntities(sel)) { // updateDragSelection(0, 0, false); // _widget->noSelectingScroll(); // if (!urls.isEmpty()) mimeData->setUrls(urls); // if (uponSelected && !Adaptive::OneColumn()) { // auto selectedState = getSelectionState(); // if (selectedState.count > 0 && selectedState.count == selectedState.canForwardCount) { // mimeData->setData(qsl("application/x-td-forward-selected"), "1"); // } // } // _controller->window()->launchDrag(std::move(mimeData)); // return; //} else { // auto forwardMimeType = QString(); // auto pressedMedia = static_cast(nullptr); // if (auto pressedItem = App::pressedItem()) { // pressedMedia = pressedItem->getMedia(); // if (_mouseCursorState == HistoryInDateCursorState || (pressedMedia && pressedMedia->dragItem())) { // forwardMimeType = qsl("application/x-td-forward-pressed"); // } // } // if (auto pressedLnkItem = App::pressedLinkItem()) { // if ((pressedMedia = pressedLnkItem->getMedia())) { // if (forwardMimeType.isEmpty() && pressedMedia->dragItemByHandler(pressedHandler)) { // forwardMimeType = qsl("application/x-td-forward-pressed-link"); // } // } // } // if (!forwardMimeType.isEmpty()) { // auto mimeData = std::make_unique(); // mimeData->setData(forwardMimeType, "1"); // if (auto document = (pressedMedia ? pressedMedia->getDocument() : nullptr)) { // auto filepath = document->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked); // if (!filepath.isEmpty()) { // QList urls; // urls.push_back(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filepath)); // mimeData->setUrls(urls); // } // } // // This call enters event loop and can destroy any QObject. // _controller->window()->launchDrag(std::move(mimeData)); // return; // } //} // TODO } int InnerWidget::itemTop(gsl::not_null item) const { return _itemsTop + item->y(); } void InnerWidget::repaintItem(const HistoryItem *item) { if (!item) { return; } update(0, itemTop(item), width(), item->height()); } QPoint InnerWidget::mapPointToItem(QPoint point, const HistoryItem *item) const { if (!item) { return QPoint(); } return point - QPoint(0, itemTop(item)); } void InnerWidget::handlePendingHistoryResize() { if (_history->hasPendingResizedItems()) { _history->resizeGetHeight(width()); updateSize(); } } InnerWidget::~InnerWidget() = default; } // namespace AdminLog