/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "dialogs/dialogs_entry.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_key.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_indexed_list.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" namespace Dialogs { namespace { auto DialogsPosToTopShift = 0; uint64 DialogPosFromDate(const QDateTime &date) { if (date.isNull()) { return 0; } return (uint64(date.toTime_t()) << 32) | (++DialogsPosToTopShift); } uint64 PinnedDialogPos(int pinnedIndex) { return 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL + pinnedIndex; } } // namespace bool MessageIsLess(not_null a, not_null b) { if (a->date < b->date) { return true; } else if (b->date < a->date) { return false; } const auto apeer = a->history()->peer->bareId(); const auto bpeer = b->history()->peer->bareId(); if (apeer < bpeer) { return true; } else if (bpeer < apeer) { return false; } return a->id < b->id; } Entry::Entry(const Key &key) : lastItemTextCache(st::dialogsTextWidthMin) , _key(key) { } void Entry::cachePinnedIndex(int index) { if (_pinnedIndex != index) { const auto wasPinned = isPinnedDialog(); _pinnedIndex = index; updateChatListSortPosition(); updateChatListEntry(); if (wasPinned != isPinnedDialog()) { changedChatListPinHook(); } } } void Entry::updateChatListSortPosition() { _sortKeyInChatList = isPinnedDialog() ? PinnedDialogPos(_pinnedIndex) : DialogPosFromDate(adjustChatListDate()); if (auto m = App::main()) { if (needUpdateInChatList()) { if (_sortKeyInChatList) { m->createDialog(_key); updateChatListEntry(); } else { removeDialog(); } } } } void Entry::removeDialog() { if (const auto main = App::main()) { main->removeDialog(_key); } } PositionChange Entry::adjustByPosInChatList( Mode list, not_null indexed) { const auto lnk = mainChatListLink(list); const auto movedFrom = lnk->pos(); indexed->adjustByPos(chatListLinks(list)); const auto movedTo = lnk->pos(); return { movedFrom, movedTo }; } void Entry::setChatsListDate(const QDateTime &date) { if (!_lastMessageDate.isNull() && _lastMessageDate >= date) { if (!needUpdateInChatList() || !inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) { return; } } _lastMessageDate = date; updateChatListSortPosition(); } int Entry::posInChatList(Dialogs::Mode list) const { return mainChatListLink(list)->pos(); } not_null Entry::addToChatList( Mode list, not_null indexed) { if (!inChatList(list)) { chatListLinks(list) = indexed->addToEnd(_key); changedInChatListHook(list, true); } return mainChatListLink(list); } void Entry::removeFromChatList( Dialogs::Mode list, not_null indexed) { if (inChatList(list)) { indexed->del(_key); chatListLinks(list).clear(); changedInChatListHook(list, false); } } void Entry::removeChatListEntryByLetter(Mode list, QChar letter) { Expects(letter != 0); if (inChatList(list)) { chatListLinks(list).remove(letter); } } void Entry::addChatListEntryByLetter( Mode list, QChar letter, not_null row) { Expects(letter != 0); if (inChatList(list)) { chatListLinks(list).emplace(letter, row); } } void Entry::updateChatListEntry() const { if (const auto main = App::main()) { if (inChatList(Mode::All)) { main->dlgUpdated( Mode::All, mainChatListLink(Mode::All)); if (inChatList(Mode::Important)) { main->dlgUpdated( Mode::Important, mainChatListLink(Mode::Important)); } } } } } // namespace Dialogs