/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once #include "ui/twidget.h" #include "ui/effects/panel_animation.h" #include "mtproto/sender.h" #include "auth_session.h" namespace InlineBots { class Result; } // namespace InlineBots namespace Ui { class PlainShadow; class ScrollArea; class SettingsSlider; class FlatLabel; } // namesapce Ui namespace Window { class Controller; } // namespace Window namespace ChatHelpers { enum class SelectorTab { Emoji, Stickers, Gifs, }; class EmojiListWidget; class StickersListWidget; class GifsListWidget; class TabbedSelector : public TWidget, private base::Subscriber { Q_OBJECT public: TabbedSelector(QWidget *parent, gsl::not_null controller); void setRoundRadius(int radius); void refreshStickers(); void stickersInstalled(uint64 setId); void setCurrentPeer(PeerData *peer); void hideFinished(); void showStarted(); void beforeHiding(); void afterShown(); int marginTop() const; int marginBottom() const; bool preventAutoHide() const; bool isSliding() const { return _a_slide.animating(); } void setAfterShownCallback(base::lambda callback) { _afterShownCallback = std::move(callback); } void setBeforeHidingCallback(base::lambda callback) { _beforeHidingCallback = std::move(callback); } // Float player interface. bool wheelEventFromFloatPlayer(QEvent *e); QRect rectForFloatPlayer(); ~TabbedSelector(); class Inner; class InnerFooter; protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override; private slots: void onScroll(); signals: void emojiSelected(EmojiPtr emoji); void stickerSelected(DocumentData *sticker); void photoSelected(PhotoData *photo); void inlineResultSelected(InlineBots::Result *result, UserData *bot); void updateStickers(); void cancelled(); void slideFinished(); void checkForHide(); private: class Tab { public: static constexpr auto kCount = 3; Tab(SelectorTab type, object_ptr widget); object_ptr takeWidget(); void returnWidget(object_ptr widget); SelectorTab type() const { return _type; } gsl::not_null widget() const { return _weak; } gsl::not_null footer() const { return _footer; } void saveScrollTop(); void saveScrollTop(int scrollTop) { _scrollTop = scrollTop; } int getScrollTop() const { return _scrollTop; } private: SelectorTab _type = SelectorTab::Emoji; object_ptr _widget = { nullptr }; QPointer _weak; object_ptr _footer; int _scrollTop = 0; }; void paintSlideFrame(Painter &p, TimeMs ms); void paintContent(Painter &p); void checkRestrictedPeer(); bool isRestrictedView(); QImage grabForAnimation(); void scrollToY(int y); void showAll(); void hideForSliding(); bool hasSectionIcons() const; void setWidgetToScrollArea(); void createTabsSlider(); void switchTab(); gsl::not_null getTab(SelectorTab type) { return &_tabs[static_cast(type)]; } gsl::not_null getTab(SelectorTab type) const { return &_tabs[static_cast(type)]; } gsl::not_null currentTab() { return getTab(_currentTabType); } gsl::not_null currentTab() const { return getTab(_currentTabType); } gsl::not_null emoji() const; gsl::not_null stickers() const; gsl::not_null gifs() const; int _roundRadius = 0; int _footerTop = 0; PeerData *_currentPeer = nullptr; class SlideAnimation; std::unique_ptr _slideAnimation; Animation _a_slide; object_ptr _tabsSlider = { nullptr }; object_ptr _topShadow; object_ptr _bottomShadow; object_ptr _scroll; object_ptr _restrictedLabel = { nullptr }; std::array _tabs; SelectorTab _currentTabType = SelectorTab::Emoji; base::lambda _afterShownCallback; base::lambda _beforeHidingCallback; }; class TabbedSelector::Inner : public TWidget { Q_OBJECT public: Inner(QWidget *parent, gsl::not_null controller); void setVisibleTopBottom(int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) override; int getVisibleTop() const { return _visibleTop; } int getVisibleBottom() const { return _visibleBottom; } virtual void refreshRecent() = 0; virtual void preloadImages() { } void hideFinished(); void panelHideFinished(); virtual void clearSelection() = 0; virtual void afterShown() { } virtual void beforeHiding() { } virtual object_ptr createFooter() = 0; signals: void scrollToY(int y); void disableScroll(bool disabled); void saveConfigDelayed(int delay); protected: gsl::not_null controller() const { return _controller; } virtual int countHeight() = 0; virtual InnerFooter *getFooter() const = 0; virtual void processHideFinished() { } virtual void processPanelHideFinished() { } private: gsl::not_null _controller; int _visibleTop = 0; int _visibleBottom = 0; }; class TabbedSelector::InnerFooter : public TWidget { public: InnerFooter(QWidget *parent); protected: virtual void processHideFinished() { } virtual void processPanelHideFinished() { } friend class Inner; }; } // namespace ChatHelpers