/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #import "touchbar.h" #import #include "auth_session.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/sandbox.h" #include "data/data_folder.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "styles/style_media_player.h" #include "ui/empty_userpic.h" namespace { //https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/macos/touch-bar/touch-bar-icons-and-images/ constexpr auto kIdealIconSize = 36; constexpr auto kMaximumIconSize = 44; constexpr auto kPlayPause = 0x002; constexpr auto kPlaylistPrevious = 0x003; constexpr auto kPlaylistNext = 0x004; constexpr auto kClosePlayer = 0x005; constexpr auto kMs = 1000; constexpr auto kSongType = AudioMsgId::Type::Song; constexpr auto kSavedMessagesId = 0; constexpr auto kArchiveId = -1; } // namespace NSImage *qt_mac_create_nsimage(const QPixmap &pm); @interface PinnedDialogButton : NSCustomTouchBarItem { } @property(nonatomic, assign) int number; @property(nonatomic, assign) bool waiting; @property(nonatomic, assign) PeerData * peer; - (id) init:(int)num; - (id) initSavedMessages; - (NSImage *) getPinImage; - (void)buttonActionPin:(NSButton *)sender; - (void)updatePeerData; - (void)updatePinnedDialog; @end // @interface PinnedDialogButton @implementation PinnedDialogButton : NSCustomTouchBarItem auto lifetime = rpl::lifetime(); - (id) init:(int)num { if (num == kSavedMessagesId) { return [self initSavedMessages]; } else if (num == kArchiveId) { return [self initArchive]; } NSString *identifier = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.pinnedDialog%d", customIDMain, num]; self = [super initWithIdentifier:identifier]; if (!self) { return nil; } self.number = num; self.waiting = true; [self updatePeerData]; NSButton *button = [NSButton buttonWithImage:[self getPinImage] target:self action:@selector(buttonActionPin:)]; [button setBordered:NO]; [button sizeToFit]; [button setHidden:(num > Auth().data().pinnedChatsOrder(nullptr).size())]; self.view = button; self.customizationLabel = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Pinned Dialog %d", num]; const auto updateImage = [self]() { NSButton *button = self.view; button.image = [self getPinImage]; }; if (self.peer) { Notify::PeerUpdateViewer( self.peer, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::PhotoChanged ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { self.waiting = true; updateImage(); }, lifetime); } Auth().data().pinnedDialogsOrderUpdated( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { [self updatePinnedDialog]; }, lifetime); base::ObservableViewer( Auth().downloaderTaskFinished() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (self.waiting) { updateImage(); } }, lifetime); return self; } - (void) updatePinnedDialog { [self updatePeerData]; NSButton *button = self.view; button.image = [self getPinImage]; [button setHidden:(self.number > Auth().data().pinnedChatsOrder(nullptr).size())]; } - (id) initSavedMessages { self = [super initWithIdentifier:savedMessages]; if (!self) { return nil; } self.number = kSavedMessagesId; self.waiting = false; NSButton *button = [NSButton buttonWithImage:[self getPinImage] target:self action:@selector(buttonActionPin:)]; [button setBordered:NO]; [button sizeToFit]; self.view = button; self.customizationLabel = @"Saved Messages"; return self; } - (id) initArchive { self = [super initWithIdentifier:archiveFolder]; if (!self) { return nil; } self.number = kArchiveId; self.waiting = false; NSButton *button = [NSButton buttonWithImage:[self getPinImage] target:self action:@selector(buttonActionPin:)]; [button setBordered:NO]; [button sizeToFit]; self.view = button; self.customizationLabel = @"Archive Folder"; return self; } - (void) updatePeerData { const auto &order = Auth().data().pinnedChatsOrder(nullptr); if (self.number > order.size()) { self.peer = nil; return; } const auto pinned = order.at(self.number - 1); if (const auto history = pinned.history()) { self.peer = history->peer; } } - (void) buttonActionPin:(NSButton *)sender { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([=] { App::main()->choosePeer(self.number == kSavedMessagesId || self.number == kArchiveId ? Auth().userPeerId() : self.peer->id, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); }); } - (NSImage *) getPinImage { if (self.number <= kSavedMessagesId) { const int s = kIdealIconSize * cRetinaFactor(); auto *pix = new QPixmap(s, s); Painter paint(pix); paint.fillRect(QRectF(0, 0, s, s), QColor(0, 0, 0, 255)); if (self.number == kArchiveId) { paint.fillRect(QRectF(0, 0, s, s), QColor(0, 0, 0, 255)); if (const auto folder = Auth().data().folderLoaded(Data::Folder::kId)) { folder->paintUserpic(paint, 0, 0, s); } } else { Ui::EmptyUserpic::PaintSavedMessages(paint, 0, 0, s, s); } pix->setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); return [qt_mac_create_nsimage(*pix) autorelease]; } if (!self.peer) { // Random picture. return [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameTouchBarAddTemplate]; } self.waiting = !self.peer->userpicLoaded(); auto pixmap = self.peer->genUserpic(kIdealIconSize); pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); return [qt_mac_create_nsimage(pixmap) autorelease]; } @end @interface TouchBar() @end // @interface TouchBar @implementation TouchBar - (id) init:(NSView *)view { self = [super init]; if (self) { self.view = view; self.touchbarItems = @{ pinnedPanel: [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{ @"type": @"pinned", }], seekBar: [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{ @"type": @"slider", @"name": @"Seek Bar" }], play: [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{ @"type": @"button", @"name": @"Play Button", @"cmd": [NSNumber numberWithInt:kPlayPause], @"image": [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameTouchBarPauseTemplate], @"imageAlt": [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameTouchBarPlayTemplate] }], previousItem: [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{ @"type": @"button", @"name": @"Previous Playlist Item", @"cmd": [NSNumber numberWithInt:kPlaylistPrevious], @"image": [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameTouchBarGoBackTemplate] }], nextItem: [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{ @"type": @"button", @"name": @"Next Playlist Item", @"cmd": [NSNumber numberWithInt:kPlaylistNext], @"image": [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameTouchBarGoForwardTemplate] }], closePlayer: [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{ @"type": @"button", @"name": @"Close Player", @"cmd": [NSNumber numberWithInt:kClosePlayer], @"image": createImageFromStyleIcon(st::iconPlayerClose, NSMakeSize(kIdealIconSize / 3, kIdealIconSize / 3)) }], currentPosition: [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{ @"type": @"text", @"name": @"Current Position" }] }; } [self createTouchBar]; [self setTouchBar:TouchBarType::Main]; Media::Player::instance()->playerWidgetToggled( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool toggled) { if (!toggled) { [self setTouchBar:TouchBarType::Main]; } else { [self setTouchBar:TouchBarType::AudioPlayer]; } }, lifetime); Core::App().passcodeLockChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool locked) { if (locked) { self.touchBarTypeBeforeLock = self.touchBarType; [self setTouchBar:TouchBarType::None]; } else { [self setTouchBar:self.touchBarTypeBeforeLock]; } }, lifetime); return self; } NSImage *createImageFromStyleIcon(const style::icon &icon, NSSize size) { const auto pixmap = icon.instance(QColor(255, 255, 255, 255), 100); NSImage *image = [qt_mac_create_nsimage(QPixmap::fromImage(pixmap)) autorelease]; [image setSize:size]; return image; } - (void) createTouchBar { _touchBarMain = [[NSTouchBar alloc] init]; _touchBarMain.delegate = self; _touchBarMain.defaultItemIdentifiers = @[pinnedPanel]; _touchBarAudioPlayer = [[NSTouchBar alloc] init]; _touchBarAudioPlayer.delegate = self; _touchBarAudioPlayer.customizationIdentifier = customID; _touchBarAudioPlayer.defaultItemIdentifiers = @[play, previousItem, nextItem, seekBar, closePlayer]; _touchBarAudioPlayer.customizationAllowedItemIdentifiers = @[play, previousItem, nextItem, currentPosition, seekBar, closePlayer]; } - (nullable NSTouchBarItem *) touchBar:(NSTouchBar *)touchBar makeItemForIdentifier:(NSTouchBarItemIdentifier)identifier { if ([self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"type"] isEqualToString:@"slider"]) { NSSliderTouchBarItem *item = [[NSSliderTouchBarItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier]; item.slider.minValue = 0.0f; item.slider.maxValue = 1.0f; item.target = self; item.action = @selector(seekbarChanged:); item.customizationLabel = self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"name"]; [self.touchbarItems[identifier] setObject:item.slider forKey:@"view"]; return item; } else if ([self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"type"] isEqualToString:@"button"]) { NSCustomTouchBarItem *item = [[NSCustomTouchBarItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier]; NSImage *image = self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"image"]; NSButton *button = [NSButton buttonWithImage:image target:self action:@selector(buttonAction:)]; item.view = button; item.customizationLabel = self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"name"]; [self.touchbarItems[identifier] setObject:button forKey:@"view"]; return item; } else if ([self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"type"] isEqualToString:@"text"]) { NSCustomTouchBarItem *item = [[NSCustomTouchBarItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier]; NSTextField *text = [NSTextField labelWithString:@"00:00 / 00:00"]; text.alignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter; item.view = text; item.customizationLabel = self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"name"]; [self.touchbarItems[identifier] setObject:text forKey:@"view"]; return item; } else if ([self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"type"] isEqualToString:@"pinned"]) { NSCustomTouchBarItem *item = [[NSCustomTouchBarItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier]; NSMutableArray *pins = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (auto i = kSavedMessagesId; i <= Global::PinnedDialogsCountMax(); i++) { [pins addObject:[[PinnedDialogButton alloc] init:i].view]; } NSStackView *stackView = [NSStackView stackViewWithViews:[pins copy]]; [stackView setSpacing:-15]; item.view = stackView; [self.touchbarItems[identifier] setObject:item.view forKey:@"view"]; return item; } return nil; } - (void) setTouchBar:(TouchBarType)type { if (self.touchBarType == type) { return; } if (type == TouchBarType::Main) { [self.view setTouchBar:_touchBarMain]; } else if (type == TouchBarType::AudioPlayer) { if (!isCurrentSongExists() || Media::Player::instance()->getActiveType() != kSongType) { return; } [self.view setTouchBar:_touchBarAudioPlayer]; } else if (type == TouchBarType::AudioPlayerForce) { [self.view setTouchBar:_touchBarAudioPlayer]; self.touchBarType = TouchBarType::AudioPlayer; return; } else if (type == TouchBarType::None) { [self.view setTouchBar:nil]; } self.touchBarType = type; } inline bool isCurrentSongExists() { return Media::Player::instance()->current(kSongType).audio() != nullptr; } - (void) handlePropertyChange:(Media::Player::TrackState)property { if (property.id.type() == kSongType) { [self setTouchBar:TouchBarType::AudioPlayerForce]; } else { return; } self.position = property.position < 0 ? 0 : property.position; self.duration = property.length; if (Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(property.state)) { self.position = 0; self.duration = 0; } [self updateTouchBarTimeItems]; NSButton *playButton = self.touchbarItems[play][@"view"]; if (property.state == Media::Player::State::Playing) { playButton.image = self.touchbarItems[play][@"image"]; } else { playButton.image = self.touchbarItems[play][@"imageAlt"]; } [self.touchbarItems[nextItem][@"view"] setEnabled:Media::Player::instance()->nextAvailable(kSongType)]; [self.touchbarItems[previousItem][@"view"] setEnabled:Media::Player::instance()->previousAvailable(kSongType)]; } - (NSString *) formatTime:(int)time { const int seconds = time % 60; const int minutes = (time / 60) % 60; const int hours = time / (60 * 60); NSString *stime = hours > 0 ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d:", hours] : @""; stime = (stime.length > 0 || minutes > 9) ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%02d:", stime, minutes] : [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02d:", minutes]; stime = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%02d", stime, seconds]; return stime; } - (void) removeConstraintForIdentifier:(NSTouchBarItemIdentifier)identifier { NSTextField *field = self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"view"]; [field removeConstraint:self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"constrain"]]; } - (void) applyConstraintFromString:(NSString *)string forIdentifier:(NSTouchBarItemIdentifier)identifier { NSTextField *field = self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"view"]; if (field) { NSString *fString = [[string componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet]] componentsJoinedByString:@"0"]; NSTextField *textField = [NSTextField labelWithString:fString]; NSSize size = [textField frame].size; NSLayoutConstraint *con = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:field attribute:NSLayoutAttributeWidth relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem:nil attribute:NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute multiplier:1.0 constant:(int)ceil(size.width) * 1.2]; [field addConstraint:con]; [self.touchbarItems[identifier] setObject:con forKey:@"constrain"]; } } - (void) updateTouchBarTimeItems { NSSlider *seekSlider = self.touchbarItems[seekBar][@"view"]; NSTextField *curPosItem = self.touchbarItems[currentPosition][@"view"]; if (self.duration <= 0) { seekSlider.enabled = NO; seekSlider.doubleValue = 0; } else { seekSlider.enabled = YES; if (!seekSlider.highlighted) { seekSlider.doubleValue = (self.position / self.duration) * seekSlider.maxValue; } } const auto timeToString = [&](int t) { return [self formatTime:(int)floor(t / kMs)]; }; curPosItem.stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ / %@", timeToString(self.position), timeToString(self.duration)]; [self removeConstraintForIdentifier:currentPosition]; [self applyConstraintFromString:curPosItem.stringValue forIdentifier:currentPosition]; } - (NSString *) getIdentifierFromView:(id)view { NSString *identifier; for (identifier in self.touchbarItems) if([self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"view"] isEqual:view]) break; return identifier; } - (void) buttonAction:(NSButton *)sender { NSString *identifier = [self getIdentifierFromView:sender]; const auto command = [self.touchbarItems[identifier][@"cmd"] intValue]; Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([=] { if (command == kPlayPause) { Media::Player::instance()->playPause(kSongType); } else if (command == kPlaylistPrevious) { Media::Player::instance()->previous(kSongType); } else if (command == kPlaylistNext) { Media::Player::instance()->next(kSongType); } else if (command == kClosePlayer) { App::main()->closeBothPlayers(); } }); } - (void) seekbarChanged:(NSSliderTouchBarItem *)sender { // https://stackoverflow.com/a/45891017 NSEvent *event = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] currentEvent]; bool touchUp = [event touchesMatchingPhase:NSTouchPhaseEnded inView:nil].count > 0; Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([=] { if (touchUp) { Media::Player::instance()->finishSeeking(kSongType, sender.slider.doubleValue); } else { Media::Player::instance()->startSeeking(kSongType); } }); } @end